Newsletter March 08

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“Terminal illness is not the enemy – being inhuman is”

ISSUE 1: 2008
On 22nd October, 2007, the Eldoret
New Year Greetings Hospice held its Annual General
Meeting. It was well attended, and the
The Year 2008 dawned on us, meek and following were elected to the board.
dreary, yet bold with the sound of
gunshots, as shrieks of innocent, many 1. Mrs. Roseline Odede - Chair
rent the air, and poison laden arrows 2. Mr. George Kuria - Vice chair
whizzed by. For many hope was
shattered and lost. As calm slowly 3. Mrs. Daksha Lodhia - Secretary
sneaks in, we belatedly wish our 4. Mr. T. K. Kimani - Treasurer
supporters, beneficiaries and friends a 5. Mr. H. Ranauta -
joyous, prosperous and successful 2008. (Immediate past chairman)
Do not despair, or give up hope, for 6. Mr. T.S. Matharu
every cloud has a silver lining. Let us all 7. Mr. Mahmoud Jama
reach out to those who have suffered 8. Dr. Z. Gaya
loss, and those less fortunate than us. 9. Dr. Omar Ali
Let us share love and compassion. Let 10. Dr. Nathan Buziba
us comfort and offer solace. Let us 11. Mr. S.K. Chemelil
make 2008, a truly remarkable and 12. Mrs. Josephine Sandhu
memorable year, for being able to 13. Mrs. Lucy Kamau
overcome adversity and to work 14. Rev.Fr. Rop
together, for the common good of all. 15. Mr. H. Plahe


Board Chair.
The Eldoret Hospice Christmas cocktails
were held at the Eldoret Hospice lawns
on 21st December, 2007.

It was lots of fun, and all who missed which supports palliative care activities
must make a date to be there next year. in Kenya.
World hospice and palliative care day;
This was observed on 7th October 2007. SERVICES OFFERED
There was a good turnout by students The Eldoret Hospice is a charity that
from Moi University and 64 Seconday offers Palliative Care to the terminally
School. They were introduced to the ill. The Hospice relies on money from
basics of Palliative Care, and have donors, well wishers and money raised
embraced the idea. Free breast from fund raising activities to maintain
screening was also carried out. to services. The services offered at the
Hospice include:-
Breast cancer Month October • Out patient services
The month of October has been set aside • Pain relief therapy
by the Kenya Breast Cancer Health • Hospital visitation
Association for conducting activities that
• Home based care
are geared towards breast health. Eldoret
Hospice participated by visiting Moi • Bereavement Counselling
University’s Main and Chepkoilel • Counseling
campuses to create awareness. The • Education to the community
turnout was large, and the students were • Day Care (every last Tuesday of
very excited by the entire session. the month)
• Hiring out of equipment such as
Both institutions praised our bedpans, wheelchairs, walking
participation in the events. frames, commodes, crutches
This is done at an affordable fee.
Volunteers Needed:-
Kenya Hospice and Palliative Care  Counselors
Association.  Physiotherapist
Eldoret Hospice is affiliated to Kenya
 Nurses
Hospices and |Palliative Care
 Consultants
Association, (KEHPCA). It was
registered in November 2005 and  Drivers
officially launched on 21st September,
2007 at the 2nd APCA Conference in Donations Needed:-
Nairobi. The main objective is to scale  Drugs
up Palliative Care services in Kenya.  Stationary
Eldoret Hospice is represented on the  Fuel
KEHPCA board by Paul Asige.  Cars
Hospice Care Kenya  Cash

Eldoret hospice is affiliated to Hospice

Care Kenya a UK based organization
Further information may be obtained from the hospice


In the year 2008, we intend to step up our fund raising activities, and call on those with
any ideas and/or support thereto to share them with us to enable us achieve the overall

Most of the hospice patients cannot afford to pay for the services. The patient’s base has
expanded, and it is imperative that the Hospice expands its services to effectively serve
the community. The current staff base of 5 Nurses is not sufficient. We are therefore
calling volunteers and donors to support hospice activities.

Giving Real comfort and quality life to the end

It was on Wednesday 20th February 2008 when Mzee Joab Wafula was referred to us from
Moi Teaching & Refferal Hospital by Mr. Komen after a diagnosis of Cancer of
Oesophagus and stomach was made and it was found necessary for him to be at Hospice
for Palliative Care.

Joab was accompanied by his wife, daughter and a good neighbour, who had stood with
the family for the duration of the illness. He was in general good condition and he
expressed himself well concerning his condition.

He was well until October, 2007 when he started complaining of difficulty in swallowing
solid foods and at the same time he had abdominal pains and vomiting after any feeds, at
this juncture, he sought medical attention from a health centre in Turbo but the clinical
officer referred him to Moi Teaching & Refferal Hospital for more investigations. Am
thus concluding his diagnosis. Gastrotomy was made for insertion of celestine tube but it
failed because the turmor or the chronic growth was so extensive.

On arrival at the Hospice he was in severe pain and the first action was to give him syrup
morphine 10 mgs immediately, which relieved him so well.

After the initial visits, the relatives made two more visits to hospice to replenish his drugs
and it was in the last visit, we fixed a home visit day for him, which was to be 14 th of
March, 2008. As a routine we call our patients a day before a visit, and it was at this time
that we learned that Mr. Wafula had succumbed to the illness on 13th March 2008, that
was three days before the visit and the burial concided with our visit so we planned to
attend the burial at his home in Jua Kali to give moral support to the family.

We arrived as they were covering the grave because it had rained heavily that afternoon
and driving was a problem. The family members were happy to see us and didn’t mind
our late arrival because it was a surprise. After they had buried and laid the wreaths, final
prayer was said and we were ushered in the house. They narrated to us that Joab had
expressed so much gratitude for the services we offered him and he died pain free and a
happy man. We were introduced to the extended members of the families who gave
wonderful remarks on hospices service as they had witnessed Mzee was happy and
comfortable on his last days.

We made a real difference and gave real comfort. May Joab rest in peace.

By Mrs Mungai.
Palliative Care Nurse

Jan Fe Mar Apr Ma June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
b y
New 16 15 11 7 15 20 13 11 13 12 6 11 150
Re-visits 12 19 27 29 33 23 20 24 44 39 13 30 313
Hospital 8 6 6 6 4 5 5 7 6 6 3 3 65
No. of pts 148 99 12 144 101 105 95 103 107 102 73 83 1172
seen in
Home 7 12 12 13 12 7 4 11 6 5 8 5 102
No. of 7 15 12 13 12 7 8 9 6 5 8 5 107
pts. Seen
at home
Total 198 16 70 212 177 167 145 165 182 169 111 137 1785

Sarah Wabuge, attended Health Professionals Training at Nairobi Hospice in April.

Paul Asige was awarded Higher Diploma in Palliative Care Studies from Oxford Brookes

Jane Achieng and Josephine Nthenya attended a one week training course at Nairobi
Hospice sponsored by KEPHCA, for non medical palliative care providers, and are
already proving very useful in supporting delivery of palliative care at the Hospice.


We are grateful and thankful to KEPHCA on behalf of the board for allowing us to attend
was of paramount importance into my life as I got a job with Hospice on 22 Jan 08 and
didn’t know much about Hospice but it was a coincidence that the following week were
to attend a course on Palliative care which enlightened me more on what Hospice is all
about and how to handle the terminal ill patients. Am able to express myself easily to
whoever needs the palliative care, hence made me enjoy my work at large in Hospice to
date. Am still willing to attend more training to improve our Hospice and more so to add
life into the patient’s days and not just days into their life. We will receive you all with


By Jane

Would you like to be a friend of hospice? If so, kindly fill in this

form and remit it to us with your donation, remember every shilling
is for a good cause. Receipts will be issued for every donation.

1/ We………………………………………………………………………………
wish to be a friend of Hospice. Please find enclosed a cheque of kshs……………
being my / our donation.

All cheques payable to Eldoret Hospice.


We thank you for your continued support and friendship over years, and wish to
remind you that membership for the year 2008 is due, and encourage you to once again
renew your membership. The board has as a New Year special offer, allowing payment
for life membership to be made in installments over a period of one year. Do not miss
this once in a life time offer.

If you wish to become a member please fill in the form below.

I / We …………………………………………………………………………
Wish to become ………………………………………………….member(s) of
Eldoret Hospice.

Individual Kshs. 500/= per annum

Junior Friend Kshs. 200/= per annum

Life membership Kshs10,000/= per annum

All cheques payable to Eldoret hospice

P.o Box 1944,

Tel. 053-2062049


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