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3.1Broad Classes of Urban Goods Movement Demand Following consideration are required for the forecast of urban goods movement. (1). Location of terminal and transfer points. (2). Land use pattern (3). Potential technological innovations in goods movement. (4). Changing patterns of Urban development and structure. (5). Labour practice within industry. (6). Governmental, social and economic consideration.

The classifications of urban goods based on spatial pattern of demand are broadly grouped as follows. 1. Goods movement between the urban areas and external locations. 2. Inter industry goods movements within an urban area. 3. Household based goods movements within an urban area.

Terminology: Unit: A unit receives certain type of commodity as input and dispatches other types of commodity as output. A manufacturing plant: It receives the input of raw materials and semi furnished products and dispatches semi-finished and finished products for other destinations. House hold: A house hold receives food and other consumer products and dispatch garbage for disposal. Freight terminals: It receives goods that are either consolidated into large consignment for external locations are goods that must be separated into smaller consignments for distribution within the area.

External commodity Movements:

The commodity movements to from the external locations are termed as external commodity movements. It is of two types:

(a) Direct consignments: The major portions of direct consignments are made by trucks. (b) Consignment via a freight terminal: Consignment via freight terminals involves pickup and delivery components by truck.

Truck Trip Generations: Destination of urban truck trips is oriented towards the city centre about 80% of truck trips being attracted to zones within 6-10 miles of the central business district.

Movement by the two axle trucks have been observed to account for 70-90% of the total truck movements in urban areas. The individual consignment carried by these trucks tends to be small and account for only 20-30% of total tonnage of freight moved by trucks in urban areas. Urban trucks movement tends to peak just prior to the morning person trip peak period and again in the mid-afternoon period. 3.1.1CLASSIFICATION OF URBAN GOODS MOVEMENT

Urban Goods Movement



Direct Consignment

Freight Terminal Consignment

Inter industry Consignments

Household Based Consignment

Pickup and Delivery Consignment

Spatial pattern of Goods movements by Commodity type and Consignment size Figure 3.1: Classification of Urban Goods Movement

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