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STRANGERS ON A TRAIN by Patricia Highsmith WORKSHEET 1. a) Read the introduction and find more information about the writer.

b) What type of stories and characters is she interested in? What type of book is this? In what ways is it different from other books of the same type? 2. Describe the main characters in the novel !runo "he seems to be a bad man# but is he mad as well?) $uy "his life slowly separatin% into two parts) Describe the other characters 'iriam (nne "her feelin%s throu%hout the story) !runo)s parents $erard Describe !runo)s plan ,ind the lies that $uy be%ins to tell and who he tells them If !runo is mad does this mean he is not responsible for his actions?. "/erhaps he is not really bad). 01plain the reasons for your opinions.


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2. a) Write down the steps !runo took to find 'iriam and kill her. b) Describe the impression 'iriam caused on !runo. 3. 4. a) Describe the steps $uy followed to kill !runo)s father. b) Describe his feelin%s a) Describe the detective)s suspicious and the steps he follows to try and solve the mystery. Does he solve the mystery in the end?

15. Describe !runo)s and $uy)s mistakes.

11. Differences between the book and the film.

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