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Context Sales management is an essential part of marketing for converting all policies into results. It also integrates cost and people considerations into the practice of Marketing. Hence it is necessary to appreciate both the hard and soft aspects of this function. Objectives At the end of the course the student will be able to define the basic concepts and perspectives of sales management. appreciate the nuances of the actual selling process. Content Outline Part I Personal Selling: a. Theories of Selling b. Planning c. Prospecting d. Pre-Presentation Planning e. Presentation f. Handling Objections g. Closing the Sale The above topics should be augmented by an appreciation of "Benefit Selling". Sell-A-Product: Field Assignment a. Selection of a consumer durable product (a group of two students per product) b. Observation of the actual sales process of the product in the field. c. Attempt to sell the product in the field and receive feedback from the manufacturer OR work along with actual sales teams of existing companies to understand the style, discipline and controls of selling. d. The group to attempt selling the same product in the classroom. (to be video taped)

Part II Managing the Sales Department: a. Product Market Grids c. Territory Allocation e. Reporting g. Training i. Job Profile k. Category wise sales dynamics 1

b. Sale Force Size Decisions d. Route Planning f. Recruitment h. Performance Appraisals j. Credit Control Systems. l. Analyse competition

m. Pricing and Margin Controls

n. Market Intelligence

Sell-A-Product: Written Assignment On the field experience and will cover Company Information, Product Information, Competition and a Sales Plan covering: a. Sales Force Size b. Territory Allocations c. Route Planning d. Suggested Personal Selling Strategies e. Training Requirements f. Reporting Systems Evaluation: written examination and assignments will be conducted separately for Part I and Part II Recommended Books Text Books 1. Still, R. Cundiff, E. W. Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies & Cases. New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.2005, PP. xvi, 638 2. Forsyth, P. Sales Management. Oxford. Express Execl 2002, PP.112 3. Dalrymple, D.J. Cron, W.L. Sales Management :Concepts And Cases. New York John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1998. PP. XIV, 1,619 4. Johnston, M.W. Marshall, G.W. Sales Force Management. New Delhi. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2006, PP. xvii, 491 5. Cron, W.L. Decarlo, T.E. Dalrymple's Sales Management. New Delhi. Wiley & Sons.2009,Pp.Xx, 542 6. Ingram, T.N. Laforge, R.W. Sales Management: Analysis And Decision Making. New Delhi. Segment Books.2009,Pp.Xxiii, 398 7.Lancaster, Geoffrey. Jobber, David. Selling & Sales Management .New Delhi. Macmillan India Limited.1997,Pp.Xiii,333 8. Alexander, M. Mazze, E.M. Sales Management: Theory & Practice. New York. Pitman Publishing Company.1965,Pp.X,550 References 1. Silva, J. Sales Power: The Silva Mind Method for Sales Professionals. London. Piatkus.1992, PP.252 2. Dibbs, O Pereira, P. Promoting Sales. Bombay Jaico Publishing House,1988, PP.248 3. Futrell, C.M.Sales Management: Teamwork, Leadership, and Technology. Australia.Thomson South Western.2003, PP. XXIV, 568 4. Heiman, S.E. Sanchez , D. New Strategic Selling: The, Unique Sales System Proven Successful By The World's Best Companies. New Delhi .Kogan Page India Pvt. Ltd. 2004, PP.X, 258 5. Schiffman, S. Beat Sales Burnout :aximize Sales, Minimize Stress. New Delhi. Viva Books Private Ltd. 2006, PP.211 6. Robertson, K. Stop, Ask, and Listen: Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers Into BuyersCanada. John Wiley & Sons.2004, PP.250 7. Richardson, Linda. Sales Coaching: Making The Great Leap From Sales Manager To Sales 2

Coach. New Delhi.Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.2004, PP.XI.176 8. Lobo, F.L. Strategies And Techniques For Successful Selling:The Sales Mission. New Delhi Global Business Press .2003, PP.350 9. Coker, D.M. Del Gaiza, E.R. High Performance Sales Organizations: Creating Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace .New York.Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.2003, PP.450 10. Davis, J. Magic Numbers For Sales Management: Key Measures To Evaluate Sales Success. New Delhi. Wiley India (P) Ltd.2007,Pp.X,290 11.Beer, M. Many Arts of Sales Management. London. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company Limited.1981,Pp.196 12. Harvard Business School Press. Making the Sale: Straight Talk From the World's Top Business Leaders Harvard Business School Press.Boston.LES50NS,2008,PP.98

ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION Context Growth and expansion of markets coupled with rising competition and media explosion have brought in sharp focus the cost-effectiveness of advertising and promotion. Innovations in this field also merit a serious consideration. The study of this subject is necessary to dispel commonly held notions of glamour of this field. Objectives At the end of the course the student will be able to 1) describe the entire process of converting marketing requirements through ideas into communication forms 2) define the framework for making different choices concerned with advertising and promotion. Content Outline 1) Promotion Techniques and advertising and publicity, sales promotion, major advertising decisions, expenditure decisions, Type of media research and selection, types of advertisement, product , market and corporate orientation, copy illustration and message design. 2) Phasing of advertisiments, frequency determination, advertising agencies, organisation setup, selection of agencies, research in advertising decision, effectiveness studies. 3) Phasing of advertisements, the advertising brief, frequency determination, advertising agencies, organisation setup, selection of agencies, research in advertising decision, effectiveness studies 4) Publicity - Types - Public relations 5) Sales Promotion - POP - Exhibitions - Event Management 6) Designing total communication mix - advertising campaigns - media planning -budgeting practical exercise. 7) Online Media Digital Marketing Advertising on social networking sites

Recommended Books Text Books 1. Batra, R. Myers, J.G. Advertising Management. New Delhi. Prentice Hall Of India.2001, Pp. Xiii, 754 2. Mohan, M. Advertising Management. New Delhi. Tata Mcgraw Hill,1999, Pp. Xi, 418 3. Wells, W. Etc; Advertising Principles And Practice. New Delhi. Pearson Education Asia.2003, Pp. Xxxii, 599 4. Clow, K E Baack, D. Integrated Advertising Promotion & Marketing Communications; 4

New Delhi. Prentice Hall Of India.2002, Pp. Xxvi, 638 1. Sharma, S. Advertising: Planning And Implementation. New Delhi. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. 2006, PP. xviii, 478 2. Duncan, T. Principles of Advertising & IMC. New Delhi. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2005, PP. xxii, 733 3. Elliott, R. Percy, L. Strategic Advertising Management. Oxford. .Oxford. Brookes University 2009, PP. viii, 424 4. Burnett, J. Advertising: Principles and Practice. New Delhi. Pearson Education Asia. 2003, PP. xxxii, 599 5. Gilligan, C. Crowther, G. Advertising Management. New Delhi .Heritage Publishers.1991,Pp. 215 Reference Books 1. Bovee, C. Thill, J. Advertising Excellence. New York. Mcgraw Hill, 1995, PP. xxxvi,561,75 2. Ries, A L. Ries, L. Fall Of Advertising & The Rise of PR. New York. Harper collins Publishers..2005, PP. xxi, 295 3. Mooij, M.D. Global Marketing and Advertising : Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2005, PP. xvi, 269 4. Halve, A.B. Planning For Power Advertising: A User's Manual For Students And Practitioners. Response Books (A Division of Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.) New Delhi. 2005, PP. 260 5. Kestin, J. Pick Me: Breaking Into Advertising And Staying There. New Jersey John Wiley & Sons..2005, PP. xxiv, 216 6. Gupta, D. Handbook of Advertising Media and Public Relations. New Delhi. Mittal Publications. 2005, PP. x, 674 7. Tellis, Gerard J. Effective Advertising: Understanding When, How, And Why Advertising Works. ) New Delhi .Response Books (Sage Division) 2004, PP.201 8. Sutheland, M. Sylvester, A K. Advertising And The Mind Of The Consumer: What Works, What Doesn't, And Why. Australia. Allen & Unwin 2004, PP.550 9. Mazzarella, W. Shovelling Smoke: Advertising and Globalization In Contemporary India. New Delhi. Oxford University Press . 2004, PP.250 10. Tiwari, S. (Un) Common Sense of Advertising: Getting The Basics Right. New Delhi. Response Books (A Division of Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.).2003, PP.550 11. Mishra, M.N. Sales Promotion And Advertising Management. Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House.1994,Pp.354 12. Ramu, S.S. New Dimensions In Advertising Management. Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House.1991,Pp.142


Context: Marketing information is a crucial plank on which all Marketing decisions are based. This course deals with the tools and techniques for gathering marketing information, interpreting it and drawing action conclusions from it. Objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to 1) define the scope of marketing research and describe varieties of it. 2) use the tools and techniques of marketing research in common situations 3) Through assignments, appreciate the pitfalls in the application of the techniques Content: Part I 1) Scope of Marketing Information in support of Marketing Decisions: Product, Customer, Competitor, Marketing Mix elements. Importance, scope and limitations of Marketing Research (MR). 2) MR Methodology Outline; Importance of problem formulation; Problem definition 3) Types of Research - Quantitative and Qualitative; Design of Research - Descriptive, Exploratory, Causal. 4) Types of Information, Sources of Information, Methods of collecting information. 5) Scales - Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio 6) Research Instrument Design: Structured, Semi-structured, Open-ended; Form: Questionnaire, Interview, Observation, Case Study Part II 7) Sampling Decisions and Techniques; Fundamentals of Sampling Distribution; Sample Size Estimation 8) Data Collection (Field Work) - Practices and Problems 9) Data Analysis: Quantitative - Summary Statistics, Correlation and Regression; Data reduction techniques; Multi-Dimensional Scaling; Qualitative - Content Analysis, Perceptual Mapping. 10) Findings and Conclusions; Report Writing and Presentation. 11) Cost of Information - Scheduling and Costing MR Proposals. Evaluation: written examination and assignments will be conducted separately for Part I and Part II

Recommended Books Text Books 1. Tull, D. S. Hawkins, D. Marketing Research: Measurement and Methods New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.1997, Pp. 863 2. Beri, G. C. Marketing Research. New Delhi. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.1993, Pp. X, 454 3. Seymour, D.T. Marketing Research - Qualitative Methods for The Marketing Professional. New Delhi. S.Chand & Co.1995, Pp. Xii, 234 4. Green, P. Tull, D S. Research for Marketing Decisions. New Delhi. Prentice-Hall Of India Private Limited. 1986, Pp.673 5. Nargundkar,R. Marketing Research: Text And Cases. New Delhi.Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2004, Pp. Xxv, 494 6. Kumar, V. International Marketing Research. New Delhi. Wiley & Sons. 2009, Pp. Xvii, 776 7. Sarwate, D M. Market Research . Pune .Everest Publishing House.2010. Pp. 315 8. Sarwate, D.M. Practical Guide Book To Market Research Text And Cases With Indian Sources Of Information. Pune .Everest Publishing House. 1998, Pp.283 9.Hague, P. Hague, N. Market Research In Practice: A Guide To The Basics. London. Kogan Page. 2006, Pp. 224 10. Forsyth, P.Birn, R. Market Research. Oxford. Express Exec.2002,Pp.118 Reference Books 1. Callingham, M. Market Intelligence: How And Why Organizations Use Market Research. London. Kogan Page. 2004, Pp. Viii, 223 2. Hague, P. Jackson, P.Market Research: A Guide To Planning Methodology & Evaluation. Pune. Everest Publishing House.1991, Pp.224 3. Sharma, R.D. Designing And Managing Of Market Research. Deep & Deep Publications. New Delhi. 1991, Pp. Vii,151 4. Callingham, M. Market Intelligence :How And Why Organizations Use Market Research London. Kogan Page.2004,Pp.Viii, 223 5. Goulding, C. Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide For Management, Business And Market Researchers. London. Sage Publications.2002,Pp.Viii, 186 6. Kulkarni, M.V. Practical Solutions To Market Research. Pune. Anmol Prakashan.1998,Pp.1,75 7. Birn, Robin J. Effective Use Of Market Research: How To Drive And Focus Better Business Decisions. New Delhi. Kogan Page.2004,Pp.Xiv,226 8. Kaden, R.J. Guerrilla Marketing Research: Marketing Research Techniques That Can Help Any Business Make More Money. New Delhi. Kogan Page India Pvt. Ltd.2006,Pp.Xiv, 232

BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING (Modular course) Context: Business organisations buy vast quantities of raw materials, equipment and services. In value terms, purchases by business organisations far exceed those by individual consumers. The Business buying process is becoming increasingly complex owing to competition and the advent of professional buyers. Objectives: To describe various business buying situations in the Indian context To describe the relevance and developments in the area of Relationship Marketing Content Outline: 1. Organizational Buying Behaviour 2. Market Segmentation in Organisational markets 3. Product Decisions 4. Management of New Industrial Products 5. Pricing 6. Communication for Industrial Markets 7. Industrial Selling: The Indian Ground Realities 8. Relationship Marketing 9. Channel Partnership 10. Customer Relationship Management Recommended Books Text Books 1. Havaldar, K.K. Industrial Marketing: Text and Cases. New Delhi. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2005, PP. xxviii, 379 2. Anderson, J.C. Narus, J.A. Business Market Management: Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value New Delhi. Pearson Education Asia. 2003, PP. xx, 460 3. Vitale, R.P. Giglierano, J.J. Business To Business Marketing: Analysis & Practice In A Dynamic Environment. Australia.. Thomson South Western.2002, PP. XXIII, 534 4. Hutt, M.D. Speh, T.W. Business Marketing Management: A Strategic View of Industrial and Organizational Markets. Fort worth The Dryden Press 1998, PP. xxx, 658 5. Brennan, R. Canning, L. Business To Business Marketing. New Delhi. Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.2007,Pp.Xix, 359 Reference Books 1. Bly, R.W. Business to Business Direct Marketing: Proven Direct Response Methods To Generate More Leads And Sales. NTC Business Books Illinois 1998, PP. xii,403 2. Pauli, Gunter. Capra, F. Steering Business towards Sustainability. New Delhi. Response Books (A Division of Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.) 1996, PP. xv,191 3. Webster, F.E. Wind, Y. Organizational Buying Behavior: Foundation of Marketing Series. New Delhi. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. 1976, PP. 132 4. Winkler, J. Pricing for Result. Oxford. Heinemann Professional Publishing. 1983, Pp. 280 8

Legal & Commercial Aspects of Marketing

(MARKETING LAW) Context: Our legal system has a pervasive impact on marketing activities. Marketing decisions need to be carefully evaluated as regards their legal consequences before they are implemented. Failure to do this may lead to damaging and disastrous results for the organization. Objectives: At the end of the course students should be able to describe laws related to decisions in the 4 Ps of Marketing viz. product, price, place and promotion; and also explain their implications. Content outline: Sale of Goods Act - Conditions and warranties, Implied Conditions, Rules Relating to Hire- Purchase Sales Contract o Terms of Delivery o Terms of Payment o Arbitration Restraint of Trade Knock Out Agreement Trade Combination Solus or Exclusive Dealing Agreements Restraints upon Employees Legal aspects of Delivering Goods for Carriage and Warehousing Rights to do any Trade or Business o Fundamental o Legal o Restrictions Law Relating to Services Marketing - Concept of Service, Deficiency in Service Legal Aspects of Restrictive Trade Practices o Tie-in Sales or Full Line Forcing o Price Fixing o Predatory Pricing o Exclusive Dealing o Territorial Restriction o Refuse to Deal Legal Aspects of Unfair Trade Practices and some aspects of Advertisement o False and Misleading Representation o Bait Advertising and Bargain Price o Offering Gifts and Prizes and Conducting Promotional Contests o Withholding Information about Final Results of scheme o Hoarding and Destruction of Goods o Spurious Goods Competition Law Introduction, Meaning o Anti-competitive agreement 9

o o o o o o o

Anti-competitive agreement : Competition within India & Effects Doctrine Anti-competitive agreement : Horizontal Anti-competitive agreement : Fixing prices Anti-competitive agreement : Vertical Agreements Anti-competitive agreement : Limiting and Controlling Production & Investment Acquisition, Merger & Amalgamation Anti-competitive agreement & WTO

Recommended Books Text Books 1. Kapoor, N.D. Elements of Mercantile Law. . New Delhi. Sultan Chand & Sons.2003, PP. 2. Gulshan, S.S. Business Law. New Delhi. Excel Books. 2005, PP. 3. Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sale of Goods Act, 1930. New Delhi. Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 2001, PP. 4. Pathak, A. Legal Aspects of Business. New Delhi .Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.2005, PP. 5. Sople, V.V. Legal Aspects of Marketing In India. New Delhi. New Age International Publishers & Distributors. 2004, PP. Reference Books 1. Venkateshwaran, K.S. Mass Media Laws & Regulations In India. Singapore. Asian Mass Communication & Research Centre. 1993, PP. 2. Bangia, R.K. Sanskriti Bangia Jawa. A Handbook Of Consumer Protection Laws & Procedure ( Including The Competition Act, 2002.Faridabad.Allahabad Law Agency.2007,Pp.Xlvii, 430 3. Kumar, V. First Lessons in Business & Corporate Laws (With Referencer Of Case Laws. Mumbai. Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd.2007,Pp.Xxiii, 764 4. Gulshan, S.S. Kapoor, G.K. Business Law Including Company Law. New Delhi. New Age International Publishers & Distributors.2006,Pp.708


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