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THE FUNERAL MASS WAS SAID IN THE ABBEYS NORTH chapel. Many of the Mon oe clan ha! "een on the# $ay to the $e!!#n% $hen they ece#&e! ne$' of the la# !' '(!!en !e)#'e* an! the# happy +o( ney of cele" at#on ha! t( ne! #nto a )o( nf(l an! 'o)"e p oce''#on #n'tea!. Se&e al H#%hlan! la# !' atten!e! the f(ne al* "(t )any )o e $o(l! ha&e #!!en the !#'tance to pay the# la't e'pect' ha! they ,no$n a"o(t Mon oe' !eath. The #t(al -one !ay afte h#' !eath-ha! to "e h( #e! !(e to the (n('(ally $a ) $eathe an! the ap#!ly !ete #o at#n% con!#t#on of the "o!y. The En%l#'h $e ent $elco)e* tho(%h #t $a' !o("tf(l that any of the "a on' $o(l! ha&e $ante! to '#t an! l#'ten to the p #e't e.tol the &# t(e' of the !ea! )an. He $a'* afte all* a H#%hlan!e * $h#ch #n the# &#e$ )a!e h#) #nfe #o an! not $o thy of the# p aye '. Ba on /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e an! h#' !a(%hte * La!y /a" #elle* $e e the only e.cept#on'. The Mon oe fa)#ly allo$e! the# p e'ence "eca('e the la!y ha! "een ple!%e! to )a y the# la# !. She $a' allo$e! to hea )a'' $#th the)* "(t 'he an! he fathe $e e 'eate! #n the la't o$. Altho(%h the e $a' plenty of oo)* no one $o(l! '#t ne.t to the). /a" #elle !#!nt e.pect 'pec#al con'#!e at#on. She $a' than,f(l that 'he $a' %#&en the chance to p ay fo La# ! Mon oe' 'o(l. He fathe an! othe ' hel! the la# ! #n '(ch h#%h e%a ! an! p a#'e! h#) "eca('e he $a' '(ch a %oo! an! ,#n! )an. Why $o(l! anyone $ant to ha ) h#)0 H#' )( !e !#!nt )a,e any 'en'e. Ro""e y $a'nt the )ot#&e* fo noth#n% ha! "een ta,en f o) h#' "o!y. H#' %ol! #n% an! +e$ele! !# , $e e 't#ll on h#) $hen he $a' fo(n!. Wa' he ,#lle! +('t fo the 'po t of #t0 He )#n! $an!e e!* an! 'he tho(%ht a"o(t L#a) MacH(%h an! the te #"le )en $ho ha! )a!e h#) '(ffe 'o. Ho$ co(l! one )an t eat anothe $#th '(ch !ep a&#ty0 Ma'' en!e! an! Mon oe' "o!y* $ appe! #n $h#te l#nen* $a' ca #e! o(t. /a" #elle ,ept he hea! "o$e! a' the p oce''#on of )o( ne ' f#le! f o) the chapel. She happene! to %lance (p once an! not#ce! that )o't of the) $e e %la #n% at he a' they $al,e! "y. When the la't co(ple* a yo(n% )an $#th an ol!e $o)an* eache! he * they 'toppe!. /a" #elle co(l! feel the $o)an' p#e c#n% eye'* an! 'he a#'e! he hea!. 1/o ho)e. Yo( ha&e no place he e*2 the $o)an h#''e!. He $o !' 'pe$e! o(t l#,e po#'ono(' &eno). The yo(n% )an 3(#c,ly too, the $o)an' 'ho(l!e an! %ently t( ne! he to$a ! the p oce''#on. 14o)e* Mothe * )y (ncle $o(l!nt $ant an%e .2 /a" #elle' face "( ne!. She ha! ne&e hea ! '(ch conte)pt "efo e. A' they 'lo$ly )a!e the# $ay !o$n the a#'le* the )an t( ne! to %#&e /a" #elle a 'y)pathet#c ')#le. He fathe la#! h#' han! on he a ) to ,eep he f o) 'tan!#n% to lea&e. 1Well $a#t (nt#l the Mon oe' a e %one*2 he ca(t#one!. 1That $o)an $a' La# ! Mon oe' '#'te . I th#n, #t $o(l! "e "e't that $e not follo$ the). The e co(l! "e othe #n'(lt'.2 1Why $o(l! they $ant to #n'(lt )e02 'he a',e! #nc e!(lo('ly. 1The Mon oe clan ha' !ec#!e! that yo( a e the ea'on the# la# ! #' !ea!.2 She 'ta e! at h#) a' tho(%h he $a' 'pea,#n% non'en'e. 1They hol! yo( e'pon'#"le fo the# la# !' !eath*2 he fathe e'tate!. She $a' appalle!. 1They th#n, I ,#lle! h#)0 Ho$ co(l! they th#n, '(ch a th#n%02

1Yo( )#'(n!e 'tan!* /a" #elle. They !ont th#n, yo( 'ta""e! h#)* "(t they !o "el#e&e that #f the# la# ! ha! 'taye! ho)e an! ha!nt a% ee! to )a y yo(* he $o(l! 't#ll "e al#&e. Mon oe an! h#' follo$e ' $e e ca)pe! #n a nea "y %len the n#%ht he $a' )( !e e!* an! '#nce he $a' on h#' $ay he e to the a""ey to )a y yo(* they "el#e&e yo( ca('e! h#' !eath.2 1B(t that' #!#c(lo('.2 He patte! he han!. 1Ye'* #t #'. Dont let the# fool#'hne'' "othe yo(.2 She 't a#%htene!. 1I can $#th'tan! the# #n'(lt'. I) not 'o $ea, that I $o(l! fall apa t o&e a c (el $o ! o t$o.2 1Yo( ha&e ten!e feel#n%'* !a(%hte * $hethe yo( $#ll a!)#t #t o not.2 The !oo opene! "eh#n! the)* an! Stephen 'teppe! #n'#!e. 1It' 'afe no$. The Mon oe )o( ne ' ha&e left* an! the "a on $ho $a' $a#t#n% at the !oo ha' et( ne! to h#' ca)p.2 He fathe no!!e!. 1Then $e can %o. 4o)e* /a" #elle. Yo( %(a !' $#ll e'co t yo( "ac, to yo( oo)'.2 1Stephen* $hat "a on $a' at the !oo 02 He fathe an'$e e! he . 15e cy.2 He 'teppe! #nto the a#'le an! )o&e! "ac, 'o /a" #elle co(l! $al, #n f ont of h#). 1I !ont (n!e 'tan! $hy he ca)e fo the $e!!#n%0 He #'nt yo( f #en! o ally* an! I !o("t he ,ne$ La# ! Mon oe*2 'he 'a#!. He fathe '#%he!. 1I 'ho(l! ha&e e.pla#ne! th#' a lon% t#)e a%o. 5e cy 'ay' he $a' 'ent "y the ,#n%' co))an! to $#tne'' the ce e)ony* "(t I) '( e he ha! othe )ot#&e'. I ha! tho(%ht to 'h#el! yo(. Ba on 5e cy an! Ba on 4o'$ol! a e t$o &e y )an#p(lat#&e )en $ho $#ll 'top at noth#n% to %et $hat they $ant. I ha! hope! that once yo( $e e )a #e! they $o(l! %#&e (p the# o"'e''#on.2 He )ot#one! fo Stephen to open the !oo '. 1Wa' I #%ht* Stephen02 he a',e! a' they $al,e! !o$n the 'tep'. 1Wa' 5e cy $a#t#n% fo a chance to 'pea, $#th /a" #elle02 1Aye* Ba on. He $a' l( ,#n% "y the '#!e of the chapel* an! he ha! h#' f #en!' $#th h#). I ha&ent 'een Ba on 4o'$ol! yet.2 14o'$ol! t a&ele! to Scotlan!. I) '( e of that. B(t /o! only ,no$' $hat he' (p to.2 1Why $o(l! e#the one of the) $ant to 'pea, to )e02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1I $#ll e.pla#n $hat nee!' "e tol! late *2 he fathe 'a#!. 1/o no$ an! ha&e yo( 'e &ant' pac, yo( th#n%'. Yo(ll "e %o#n% "ac, to En%lan! to)o o$ )o n#n%. If #t $e e not 'o late #n the !ay* I $o(l! ha&e yo( lea&e no$.2 1B(t a ent yo( %o#n% $#th )e* Fathe 02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1No* I )('t %o to the ,#n% f# 't. He ha' "een tol! of Mon oe' !eath "y no$* an! I $#ll nee! to %et h#' app o&al fo o( et( n to En%lan!. I $#ll catch (p $#th yo( #n a fe$ !ay'.2 1A e 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy the ea'on yo( e 'o an.#o(' to %o ho)e02 'he a',e!. 1Ye'* they a e the ea'on*2 he an'$e e! % #)ly. They ente e! the co))on'* $al,#n% '#!e "y '#!e* $#th Stephen an! Fa('t t a#l#n% "eh#n!. 1I ha&ent tol! yo( $hat I ha&e lea ne! a"o(t the'e t$o an! the# o"'cene co)pet#t#on* "(t #t appea ' that $hate&e one "a on $ant'* the othe )('t al'o ha&e. E&e yth#n% "eco)e' a %a)e to the) to 'ee $ho $#ll $#n an! $ho $#ll lo'e.2 He 'hoo, h#' hea! #n !#'%('t. 1I tho(%ht yo( $o(l! "e #! of the) once yo( )a #e! La# ! Mon oe* an! I cannot tell yo( ho$ 't(nne! I $a' to f#n! that 5e cy ha! a #&e! he e fo the $e!!#n% an! ha! 'et (p ca)p o(t'#!e the a""ey. I e.pect 4o'$ol! $#ll appea at any t#)e.2 1Dea! )en cant )a y*2 Fa('t e)a ,e!. 1Ho$ fo t(#to(' fo the) that La# ! Mon oe $a' )( !e e!.2 Stephen no!!e!. 1T#' )o't con&en#ent* #'nt #t02 Ba on /eoff ey t( ne! to h#). 1I $a' th#n,#n% the 'a)e th#n%.2 1A e yo( '(%%e't#n%62 'he "e%an.

1Yo( ha&e "een 'helte e! f o) the e&#l #n th#' $o l!* an! 'o yo( cannot #)a%#ne $hat )en a e capa"le of. Let )e tell yo( $hat I enco(nte e! $hen I a #&e! at the B(chanan'. La# ! B(chanan an! )any of h#' 'ol!#e ' $e e $#th the# all#e'* the MacH(%h'* 'ea ch#n% fo La# ! MacH(%h' " othe .2 He fathe !#!nt 'pa e the !eta#l' $hen he e.pla#ne! $hat the )on'te ' $ho ha! capt( e! L#a) ha! $ante! to !o. 1I $a' tol! the e $a' "loo! on the ope they "o(n! h#) $#th an! a hole $a' !(% to "( y h#).2 1Do they ,no$ $ho the'e )en $e e* )y lo !02 Stephen a',e!. 1Nay* they !o not. B o!#c, an! La# ! MacH(%h fo(n! one of the) on the % o(n! nea the hole* "(t no one eco%n#7e! h#). He !#!nt $ea the colo ' of any clan to #!ent#fy h#). B o!#c, et( ne! ho)e fo a 'ho t $h#le. I $a' $a#t#n% fo h#).2 1D#! yo( 'ea ch $#th h#)* Fathe 02 1Hea&en' no. He $o(l! ne&e allo$ #t* "(t a' #t t( ne! o(t* MacH(%h' " othe $a' fo(n!. A' I $a' lea&#n% B o!#c,' lan!* o(t of the fo e't ca)e a p #e't $#th +oyf(l ne$'. He a',e! )e to tell La# ! B(chanan that L#a) MacH(%h $a' he e at the a""ey.2 He fathe ')#le!. 1The poo p #e't co(l!nt %et a$ay fa't eno(%h* an! he $o(l!nt an'$e )y 3(e't#on'. I #)a%#ne the MacH(%h clan $#ll "e o&e +oye! to hea that L#a) #' al#&e an! 'afe. Ha' the a""ot )ent#one! anyth#n% a"o(t th#' poo #n+( e! 'o(l "e#n% he e02 /a" #elle ca't a f( t#&e %lance o&e he fathe ' 'ho(l!e at Stephen "efo e an'$e #n%. 1No* the a""ot ha' tol! (' noth#n% of h#).2 1It' +('t a' $ell*2 he fathe 'a#!. 1The le'' of th#' " (tal#ty yo( 'ee* the "ette .2 1I choo'e to "el#e&e that the e #' )o e %oo! than e&#l #n th#' $o l!*2 'he 'a#!. 1Yo( ha&e yo( )othe ' ,#n! hea t* /a" #elle.2 Ba on /eoff ey ,#''e! he l#%htly on the chee, "efo e he left he . 1I )('t )a,e ha'te an! 'pea, to )y 'ol!#e '. The e' )(ch to "e !one "efo e I lea&e* "(t I $#ll )a,e ce ta#n to 'ay fa e$ell to the a""ot.2 A' 'oon a' he fathe ha! t( ne! the co ne * 'he loo,e! at Stephen. 1I feel a' tho(%h I ha&e !ece#&e! )y fathe "y not tell#n% h#) ho$ $e fo(n! L#a).2 1Yo( p otect the "a on "y not tell#n% h#). None of (' co(l! ,no$ the a)#f#cat#on' of ,#ll#n% one )an an! 'a&#n% anothe . They a e "oth 't an%e ' to ('. Yo( fathe 'ho(l! not "e p(t #n the )#!!le* an! that co(l! &e y $ell happen. It #' "e't that $e a e %o#n% ho)e.2 She a% ee!. 1Th#' ha' "een a 'a! +o( ney.2

/ABRIELLE WAS ABOUT TO /O INTO HER ROOM WHEN Fathe /el oy calle! to he . 1M#la!y* a $o !* plea'e02 He an to$a ! he * o"e' flapp#n% a%a#n't h#' an,le'. H#' face $a' " #%ht e!* an! he $a' f o$n#n% #ntently. She !#!nt th#n, 'he co(l! han!le )o e "a! ne$'. B ac#n% he 'elf* 'he $al,e! to$a ! h#). 1Ye'* Fathe 02 1They e he e.2 He $a' pant#n% 'o ap#!ly* he co(l! "a ely %et the $o !' o(t. 1Who' he e02 'he a',e!. 1The MacH(%h la# ! an! the B(chanan la# !. Both ha&e the# $a #o ' $#th the). They e at the top of the h#ll o&e loo,#n% the a""ey.2 1Th#' #' %oo! ne$'* #'nt #t02

1Oh* no* no. I )ean ye'*2 he 't(tte e!. 1They&e co)e fo L#a)* an! that' &e y %oo!.2 1Then yo( 'ho(l! %o an! % eet the)* 'ho(l!nt yo(0 An! ta,e La# ! MacH(%h to h#' " othe 02 1That $ont "e nece''a y*2 /el oy an'$e e!. 1I !ont (n!e 'tan!. Of co( 'e #t' nece''a y. La# ! MacH(%h ha' co)e all th#' $ay* an! he 'ho(l! "e ta,en to 'ee h#' " othe *2 'he #n'#'te!. 1Oh* hell 'ee h#). I) '( e of that*2 /el oy a''e te!. 1B(t the la# ! $ont "e ta,en to h#).2 /a" #elle $a' )o e conf('e! than e&e . 1Then ho$ $#ll he 'ee h#)02 1L#a)' $a#t#n% o(t'#!e the %ate'*2 the p #e't "l( te!. Shoc,e!* /a" #elle 'a#!* 1That poo )an ha'nt "een a"le to #'e f o) h#' "e! '#nce he %ot he e. Ho$ co(l! he po''#"ly %et o(t'#!e the %ate' of the a""ey02 /el oy co(l!nt loo, he #n the eye $hen he an'$e e!. 1Fathe F an,l#n an! I ca #e! h#).2 1An! yo( +('t left h#) the e02 She co(l!nt "el#e&e $hat the p #e't $a' tell#n% he . 1Yo( !ont (n!e 'tan!. La# ! MacH(%h #' a )#%hty $a #o . E&e yone ha' hea ! of h#' a)a7#n% 't en%th6an! h#' a)a7#n% te)pe .2 S(!!enly the '#t(at#on "eca)e clea to he . 1Yo( e af a#! of h#).2 1Only a fool #' (naf a#! of La# ! MacH(%h.2 1B(t +('t a"an!on#n% the poo )an-2 'he "e%an. 14o)e $#th )e*2 /el oy 'a#!. 1I th#n, yo(ll (n!e 'tan! $hen yo( 'ee fo yo( 'elf. Dont $o y. They $ont "e a"le to 'ee yo(. Well cl#)" the $all an! pee, o(t. Ill 'ho$ yo( the $ay.2 The p #e't le! /a" #elle o(t'#!e an! (p the na o$ 'tep' to an open#n% ca &e! o(t of the th#c, 'tone $all. /el oy po#nte! to the h#ll. 14an yo( 'ee the)02 He 'ha ply #n! a$n " eath an'$e e! h#' 3(e't#on. The '#%ht of the $a #o ' ha! en!e e! he 'peechle''* an! 'he co(l! only '())on a 3(#c, no!. She !#!nt ha&e any t o("le locat#n% the la# !'. The t$o )en $e e #n f ont of the# follo$e '* each atop a )a%n#f#cent ho 'e* one "lac,* the othe % ay. Both )en loo,e! a' tho(%h they! "een fa'h#one! "y a %o! of anc#ent t#)e'. She ,ne$ that 8e(' ne&e act(ally e.#'te!* "(t $hen 'he loo,e! at the'e %#ant'* 'he co(l!nt help "(t th#n, that )ay"e6 1The one on the #%ht #' La# ! MacH(%h*2 /el oy 'a#!. Wa' he eal0 She clo'e! he eye'* opene! the) a%a#n* an! he $a' 't#ll the e. 1He' 3(#te6la %e* #'nt he0 They "oth a e act(ally*2 'he 'a#!* %lanc#n% f o) MacH(%h to B(chanan. The p #e't la(%he!. 1They e H#%hlan!e '*2 he 'a#!* a' tho(%h that e.pla#ne! e&e yth#n%. 1They a e not a' c#&#l#7e! a' the e't of ('.2 1They ha&e co)e he e fo one of the# o$n* $h#ch tell' )e they a e capa"le of " othe ly lo&e. They a e h()an* Fathe *2 'he 'a#! $#th a h#nt of !#'app o&al at the p #e't' ne%at#&e +(!%)ent. 1The e' L#a)*2 he $h#'pe e!* e&en tho(%h he '( ely ,ne$ they co(l!nt po''#"ly hea h#). 1Well %et to 'ee the# +oyf(l e(n#on*2 'he 'a#!. 1I' #t $ on% of (' to #nt (!e02 1I !ont "el#e&e 'o. Be'#!e'* theyll ne&e ,no$.2 They $atche! anothe )#n(te o t$o* an! then 'he $h#'pe e!* 1L#a)' ha&#n% t o("le $al,#n%. Do yo( 'ee ho$ he' t y#n% not to l#)p0 He' fa&o #n% h#' #%ht foot* #'nt he0 He' 'lo$#n% !o$n* too. Ho$ $#ll he e&e cl#)" the h#ll02 15 #!e $#ll %et h#) the e.2 1B(t p #!e #' a '#n.2

1Not to a H#%hlan!e .2 /a" #elle 'ta e! at La# ! MacH(%h. H#' e.p e''#on $a' #%#!. The e $a' no t ace of feel#n% #n h#' eye' a' he $atche! h#' " othe 't (%%le to )o&e fo $a !. Ba "a #an* 'he !ec#!e!. MacH(%h $a' a "a "a #an. Ha! he no feel#n%' fo h#' o$n " othe 0 He! co)e th#' fa fo h#). Why $o(l!nt he help h#) no$0 Why $o(l!nt any of the) help poo L#a)0 They $e e all "a "a #an'* 'he !ec#!e!. E&e y la't one of the). L#a) t #e! to 'tan! e ect* "(t $hen he )o&e! h#' foot fo $a ! to ta,e a 'tep* he '$aye! an! 't()"le! "ac,$a !. La# ! MacH(%h #))e!#ately '$(n% !o$n f o) h#' ho 'e an! han!e! the e#n' to La# ! B(chanan. 1My fa#th ha' "een e'to e!*2 'he 'a#!. 1I $a' $ on% to th#n, #ll of the la# !. He' %o#n% to help L#a) afte all.2 /a" #elle ')#le! a' 'he a!!e!* 1T#' " othe ly lo&e.2 She $atche! #n ant#c#pat#on a' the la# ! 't o!e to$a ! the $ea,ene! )an. He !#!nt 'top to 'pea, to h#)9 he !#!nt ')#le at h#)* an! he ce ta#nly !#!nt e)" ace h#). What he !#! !o $a' %#&e h#' " othe the f(ll fo ce of h#' f#'t.

BRODI4: 4OULDNT BELIE;E HE WAS THE ;OI4E OF REASON. He $a' ('(ally the hot<te)pe e! one. B(t not to!ay. To!ay h#' !(ty $a' clea = to ,eep 4ol) f o) !o#n% anyth#n% ec,le''* an! that $a' no ea'y ta',. It ha! ta,en a % eat !eal of tal,#n% fo B o!#c, to con&#nce h#) not to 'to ) #nto the a""ey an! tea #t apa t oo) "y oo) #n o !e to f#n! o(t $hat ha! happene! to h#' " othe . 4ol) ha! "een e'#'tant* "(t )ana%e! to cont ol h#' an%e on the #!e to the a""ey. Then he 'a$ L#a) lean#n% a%a#n't the a""ey %ate* an! he "e%an to "( n $#th f( y. 1/oo! /o!*2 B o!#c, $h#'pe e! $hen he 'a$ L#a). He too, a " eath* e)e)"e e! he ha! to "e the at#onal one* an! a!!e!* 1He' al#&e.2 4ol) !#!nt e'pon!. He co(l! only $atch L#a)' falte #n% atte)pt' to $al, fo one a%on#7#n% )#n(te "efo e he '$(n% !o$n f o) h#' )o(nt an! hea!e! to fetch h#). W#th one "lo$ to h#' +a$* L#a) teete e! an! collap'e! ac o'' h#' " othe ' $a#t#n% 'ho(l!e . Once 4ol) ha! '#t(ate! h#' " othe on the "ac, of a ho 'e* he )ot#one! fo t$o #!e ' to flan, h#' '#!e' an! 'ent the) ahea!. 1So)eone ,no$' $hat happene! to )y " othe * B o!#c,. Whoe&e " o(%ht h#) to the a""ey ha! to ha&e $#tne''e! 'o)eth#n%. The e' no $ay #n hell that L#a) %ot (p an! $al,e! a$ay f o) that f#el!. He ha! to "e ca #e!. Loo, at h#)* B o!#c,.2 The MacH(%h no!!e! to the a""ey an! a!!e!* 1L#a) !#!nt %et the e on h#' o$n. He ha! help.2 1He co(l! ha&e "een left at the %ate.2 1O he co(l! ha&e "een ta,en #n'#!e. If 'o)eone #n the a""ey ,no$' $hat happene!* Ill f#n! h#)* an! Ill )a,e h#) tell )e $hat he ,no$'* no )atte ho$ )(ch fo ce I ha&e to ('e.2 B o!#c, )ot#one! to the tent' 'et (p o(t'#!e the $all'. 1W#th all of the'e people a o(n!* yo( nee! to ('e yo( hea!. Yo( cant +('t fo ce yo( $ay #n'#!e the a""ey. It' 'ac e!* fo /o!' 'a,e. Yo( cant e&en ca y yo( '$o ! o any othe $eapon $#th yo( $hen yo( $al, th o(%h tho'e %ate'.2 4ol) !#!nt app ec#ate "e#n% tol! $hat he co(l! an! co(l! not !o. He %lance! at B o!#c,. 1S#nce $hen !o yo( pay attent#on to (le'0 Ma #a%e ha' )a!e yo( $ea,.2 1My $#fe $o(l! not "e )a #e! to a $ea, )an.2 4ol) '$(n% (p on h#' ho 'e* % a""e! the e#n'* an! 'ta te! "ac, (p the h#ll.

15e hap' 'he' t( ne! yo( #nto a $ea,l#n% "eca('e 'he' $ea,. Mo't $o)en a e.2 The #n'(lt a)('e! B o!#c,. 1Yo( ha&e )et )y $#fe* ha&ent yo(02 4ol) 'h (%%e!. 1Aye* $e&e )et.2 The e $a' a h#nt of a ')#le #n h#' &o#ce $hen he a!!e!* 1She' a 't on% $o)an. A a #ty* that.2 1That' #%ht* 'he #' 't on%* an! t y#n% to anta%on#7e )e $ont $o ,. I) not %o#n% to help yo( $a%e $a on a % o(p of ol! )en.2 1I ha&e no #ntent#on of $a%#n% $a on the p #e't'. I) '#)ply %o#n% to f#n! o(t $hat happene!.2 1Befo e yo( !o anyth#n%* pe hap' yo( 'ho(l! tal, to yo( " othe .2 1That' $he e I) hea!e!.2 1Yo( p o"a"ly 'ho(l!nt ha&e h#t h#) 'o ha !. Ho$ lon% !o yo( th#n, #t $#ll ta,e h#) to $a,e (p02 1So)e $ate on h#' face $#ll " #n% h#) a o(n!.2 A' the col()n of #!e ' 'lo$ly )a!e the# $ay !o$n the othe '#!e of the h#ll* 4ol) 'a#!* 1D#! yo( 'ee $hat $a' !one to h#)02 1I 'a$*2 B o!#c, an'$e e! 3(#etly. It $o(l! "e a lon% t#)e "efo e 4ol) $o(l! "e a"le to let %o of the )e)o y of h#' " othe t y#n% to $al, to$a ! h#). It appea e! that al)o't e&e y #nch of ',#n on h#' " othe ' "ac, an! le%' ha! "een to n o #ppe! off of h#). No* he $o(l! not 'oon fo %et that %o!a$f(l '#%ht. 1Yo( )en 'ho(l! ta,e L#a) to :e&#n D ())on!' cotta%e. H#' $#fe ha' a $ay $#th heal#n%.2 1Nay* they e ta,#n% h#) ho)e. Hell %et the ca e he nee!' the e. I $ant yo( to (n!e 'tan!* afte I&e 3(e't#one! h#)* I) %o#n% #nto the a""ey.2 1I ,no$*2 he epl#e!. 1I) %o#n% $#th yo(.2 1No* yo( e not. I) al ea!y #n yo( !e"t. Tho'e "a'ta !' $o(l! ha&e "( #e! L#a) #f yo( an! yo( )en ha!nt 'ho$n (p $hen yo( !#!. I ne&e $o(l! ha&e %otten to h#) #n t#)e.2 1The !ea! one nea the hole $#th the a o$ #n h#' che't6that $a'nt !one "y one of o( '*2 B o!#c, e)#n!e! h#). 1I 't#ll o$e yo( a t e)en!o(' !e"t.2 B o!#c, ')#le!. 1Aye* yo( !o.2 They ca(%ht (p $#th the othe '. Dylan* B o!#c,' f# 't #n co))an!* t a#le! "eh#n! MacH(%h' 'ol!#e '. He hea ! B o!#c,' 'h #ll $h#'tle an! 'toppe! the p oce''#on. The e $e e a !o7en f o) the MacH(%h clan an! al)o't a' )any B(chanan' '( o(n!#n% L#a). S#nce they $e e 'o clo'e to D(ncan' Bl(ff'* they !ec#!e! to let L#a) e't fo a fe$ )#n(te' "efo e cont#n(#n% on. 4ol)' " othe $a' 't#ll % o%%y f o) the "lo$ he too, to the +a$. He ef('e! a''#'tance a' he !#')o(nte! an! nea ly fell to h#' ,nee'. E&e yone 'a$ that the "otto)' of h#' feet $e e ca,e! $#th "loo!* "(t no one ('he! fo $a ! to help h#). They $a#te! fo h#) to 't a#%hten h#)'elf an! follo$ 4ol) to the flat oc,' o&e loo,#n% the &alley. L#a) t #e! not to $#nce $#th each 'lo$ an! pa#nf(l 'tep. When he f#nally eache! the "l(ff* he ! oppe! to the % o(n! an! leane! h#' 'ho(l!e a%a#n't a ')ooth oc,. 4ol)' % eet#n% to h#' " othe $a' "l(nt. 1Who !#! th#' to yo(02 He 'teppe! #n f ont of L#a) an! fol!e! h#' a )' ac o'' h#' che't a' he $a#te! fo h#) to an'$e . 1If I ,ne$ $ho !#! th#'* I $o(l! ha&e ,#lle! the) "y no$*2 L#a) an'$e e!. It $a' an e)pty "oa't* an! "oth of the) ,ne$ #t. H#' " othe $a'nt #n any con!#t#on to ,#ll anyone. H#' face $a' 'o % ay* 4ol) tho(%ht he )#%ht pa'' o(t a%a#n. B(t L#a)' p #!e $a' at #''(e* an! fo that ea'on 4ol) $ent alon% $#th h#' a o%ant cla#). 1Aye* yo( $o(l! ha&e*2 he a% ee!. 1Tell )e $hat happene!.2

1I !ont e)e)"e )(ch*2 he 'a#!. 1I $a' lea&#n% Mon oe' hol!#n%* hea!#n% fo ho)e ac o'' the flat'* "(t I 'taye! to the ea't "y the $ate . I ,no$ I $a' 't#ll on Mon oe' lan!. Ye'* I) '( e I $a'. So)eth#n% 't (c, )e on the '#!e of )y hea!* an! I th#n, )ay"e I $a' h#t a%a#n #n the "ac,. The "lo$' 't(nne! )e* an! $hen I ca)e to )y 'en'e'* )y han!' an! feet $e e "o(n!. The e $a' a hoo! o&e )y hea!.2 He clo'e! h#' eye' fo a )o)ent* t y#n% to ecla#) h#' )e)o y. 1The e $e e at lea't fo( of the). I ca)e to fo a $h#le* "(t I ha! to let the) th#n, I $a' 't#ll (ncon'c#o('. I hea ! the) tal,#n% "efo e I pa''e! o(t a%a#n. I) ce ta#n the e $e e fo( !#'t#nct &o#ce'6no* $a#t.2 He '#%he! then* h#' f ('t at#on )o(nt#n%. 1The e co(l! ha&e "een )o e.2 He (""e! the "ac, of h#' nec, an! clo'e! h#' eye' a%a#n. 1D#! any of the) 'pea, !# ectly to yo(02 B ae!en* 4ol)' f# 't #n co))an!* a',e! a' he an! 'o)e of the othe ' c# cle!. 1No* I !ont th#n, 'o.2 L#a)' &o#ce % e$ hoa 'e an! )o e !#ff#c(lt to (n!e 'tan! $#th each an'$e he %a&e. 1Why cant I e)e)"e 0 It' !a)ne! # #tat#n%.2 To 4ol)* #t $a' o"&#o(' $hy L#a)' )e)o y $a' 'o 'potty. He! ta,en 'e&e al "lo$' to the hea!. 1Yo( 'a#! yo( hea ! the) tal,#n%. What $e e they 'ay#n%02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1That they hope! to ,#ll a' )any MacH(%h' a' they co(l!.2 1If the e $e e only fo( o 'o capto '* ho$ co(l! they po''#"ly ,#ll 'ea'one! MacH(%h $a #o '02 B o!#c, a',e!. B ae!en han!e! L#a) h#' leathe $ate po(ch. L#a) too, a lon% ! #n,* no!!e! h#' app ec#at#on to the co))an!e * an! then an'$e e!. 1The e $e e )en h#!#n% #n the $oo!'* $a#t#n% to attac,. They! "een tol! to %et a' )any MacH(%h' a' they co(l!. The )o e they ,#lle!* the h#%he the e$a !.2 He too, anothe '$allo$ "efo e cont#n(#n%. 1Anothe one of the) $o #e! that the e eally $e ent t oop' $a#t#n% #n the $oo!' to help the)* an! they $o(l! "e all alone to face 4ol)' $ ath. He $ante! to ,#ll )e an! "e !one $#th #t* "(t the one #n cha %e ,ept tell#n% h#) they ha! to $a#t.2 1Wa#t fo $hat02 4ol) a',e!. 1I !ont ,no$.2 1D#! yo( hea any of the# na)e'02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1If I !#!* I !ont e)e)"e .2 4ol) cont#n(e! to 3(e't#on h#' " othe * hop#n% fo 'o)e cl(e a' to $ho $a' "eh#n! th#' at oc#ty* "(t L#a) $a'nt )(ch help. 1Do yo( e)e)"e "e#n% ta,en to the a""ey02 he a',e!. 1No* "(t I e)e)"e $a,#n% (p the e. I $a' #n a l#ttle oo). T$o p #e't' $e e $#th )e. One $a' a heale * an! the othe $o e h#' 'tole an! p aye! o&e )e. I th#n, he tho(%ht I $a' !y#n%.2 1Who $e e the'e p #e't'02 B ae!en a',e!. 1Fathe F an,l#n $a' the heale . I a',e! h#) ho$ I! %otten the e* an! he 'a#! he !#!nt ,no$.2 1D#! yo( "el#e&e h#)02 4ol) a',e!. 1Ye'* I !#!* afte he e.pla#ne!. He tol! )e that Fathe /el oy ca)e to h#) an! a',e! h#) fo h#' help. /el oy $a' the p #e't p ay#n% o&e )e*2 he a!!e!. 1An! Fathe F an,l#n $a'nt c( #o(' to ,no$ ho$ yo(! %otten the e02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1Aye* he $a' c( #o('. He a',e! )e ho$ I! "een #n+( e!* an! I tol! h#) I co(l!nt e)e)"e . I hea ! h#) a', /el oy the 'a)e 3(e't#on* an! /el oy tol! h#) #t $a' "e't #f he !#!nt ,no$ the !eta#l'.2 1What a"o(t th#' p #e't /el oy0 What !#! he tell yo(02

1He 'a#! he $a' o(t'#!e (nloa!#n% a $a%on of % a#n $hen he happene! to loo, (p* an! the e I $a'.2 1The e yo( $e e0 That' #t0 No one $a' $#th yo(02 4ol) a',e!. 1I a',e! /el oy that &e y 3(e't#on* an! he co(l!nt %#&e )e an e.act an'$e . When I a',e! h#) to e.pla#n $hat he )eant* he 'a#! that he co(l!nt 'ay ye' an! he co(l!nt 'ay no.2 1He 'pea,' #n #!!le'*2 4ol) 'nappe!. L#a) t #e! to 'tan!. B ac#n% h#' han! a%a#n't the oc,* he )a!e #t to h#' ,nee' "efo e fall#n% "ac,. 4( '#n% h#' $ea,ne''* he e'te! anothe )o)ent "efo e t y#n% a%a#n. 1Th#' p #e't /el oy $#ll not 'pea, #n #!!le' to )e*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1He $#ll tell )e $hat I $#'h to ,no$.2 14ol)* yo( nee! to (n!e 'tan!. /el oy 'o(%ht to p otect )e. He $a' conce ne! that $hoe&e ha! #n+( e! )e )#%ht co)e #n'#!e the a""ey-2 1To ,#ll yo(.2 B o!#c, no!!e! a' he f#n#'he! L#a)' tho(%ht. 1Ye'*2 he 'a#!. 1/el oy "el#e&e! that the !e)on'* a' he calle! the )en $ho attac,e! )e* $o(l! not e'pect 'anct(a y. He an! F an,l#n a% ee! to ,eep )y p e'ence 'ec et a' a 'afety )ea'( e (nt#l yo( a #&e!* 4ol)* "(t the e $a' a p o"le). The t$o of the) co(l! not 'tan! %(a ! o&e )e !ay an! n#%ht $#tho(t a#'#n% '('p#c#on* an! ne#the $o(l! "e &e y effect#&e a%a#n't an #nt (!e .2 1An! ho$ $a' th#' p o"le) 'ol&e!02 4ol) a',e!. 1/el oy enl#'te! the help of a fe$ %oo! )en he ,ne$ to p otect )e $h#le I 'lept. He e.pla#ne! to )e that he $ante! )en $ho (n!e 'too! the $ay' of f#%ht#n%.2 15 #e't' $o(l! ha&e no '(ch t a#n#n%*2 B ae!en #nte +ecte!. 1No* they $o(l!nt*2 4ol) a% ee!. He 'toppe! pac#n% #n f ont of h#' " othe . 1Who !#! th#' p #e't f#n! to $atch o&e yo(02 1He a',e! 'ol!#e ' $ho $e e the e fo La# ! Mon oe' $e!!#n%.2 1What clan $e e the'e )en f o)02 B o!#c, a',e!. Befo e L#a) co(l! an'$e * 4ol) a',e!* 1We e the'e )en H#%hlan!e '02 1No* they $e e not* "(t /el oy t ('te! the) co)pletely.2 1Then they ha! to "e H#%hlan!e '*2 B o!#c, ea'one!. All of the $a #o ' l#'ten#n% to the con&e 'at#on #))e!#ately no!!e! the# a% ee)ent. Only H#%hlan!e ' $e e to "e t ('te!* an! e&en then $#th ca(t#on. 1I) tell#n% yo( they $e e not H#%hlan!e '. I !ont ,no$ $he e they ca)e f o)* "(t /el oy )('t ha&e ,no$n the) $ell to t ('t the).2 4ol) ,ne$ he ha! to h( y $#th h#' 3(e't#on'* fo he $ante! to %et a' )(ch #nfo )at#on a' he co(l! f o) h#' $ea y " othe "efo e e.ha('t#on ca(%ht (p $#th h#). L#a) $a' al ea!y ! o$'y. He co(l! "a ely ,eep h#' eye' open* an! he $a' ha&#n% t o("le concent at#n%. 1Ho$ )any $e e the e02 he a',e!. 1Ho$ )any $hat02 L#a) a',e! $ea #ly. 4ol) hel! h#' pat#ence. 1Sol!#e '* L#a). Ho$ )any 'ol!#e ' $atche! o&e yo(02 1Fo( . The e $e e al$ay' t$o e#the #n'#!e the oo) $#th )e o +('t o(t'#!e )y !oo .2 B o!#c, %lance! at 4ol) $hen he a',e!* 1An! the'e )en ca #e! $eapon'02 L#a) act(ally ')#le!. 1No* they !#! not.2 1The 3(e't#on a)('e' yo(02 B o!#c, a',e!* t y#n% to (n!e 'tan! L#a)' eact#on. 1Aye* #t !oe'. When yo( 'ee the'e )en* yo( $#ll (n!e 'tan! $hy. B(t I $#ll a''( e yo( of th#'* La# ! B(chanan. They !o not nee! $eapon'.2 1They a e #n&#nc#"le0 I' that $hat yo( '(%%e't02 B ae!en a',e! a' tho(%h the not#on of '(ch p a#'e of an o(t'#!e ' 't en%th 'ho(l! "e ta,en a' a pe 'onal aff ont to h#' o$n )#%ht. 1No )an #' #n&#nc#"le*2 4ol) 'nappe!. 1What !#! the'e 'ol!#e ' tell yo(* L#a)0 D#! they e.pla#n ho$ yo( ca)e to the a""ey02 1No. They tal,e! to one anothe * "(t they $o(l!nt tal, to )e.2

Both 4ol) an! B o!#c, $a#te! fo L#a) to e.pla#n f( the . When he !#!nt* B o!#c, a',e!* 1Why $o(l!nt they tal, to yo(02 1I !ont th#n, they (n!e 'too! )e*2 he 'a#! f#nally. 1An! I ce ta#nly !#!nt (n!e 'tan! the). They 'po,e a lan%(a%e I&e ne&e hea ! "efo e.2 4ol) $a' "eco)#n% e&en )o e f ('t ate!. 1/el oy )('t ha&e (n!e 'too! the).2 1I) not '( e he !#!. I ne&e hea ! h#) 'pea, to the).2 1Then ho$ !#! he-2 4ol) 'toppe!. It $a' po#ntle'' to cont#n(e 3(e't#on#n% h#' " othe . L#a) nee!e! e't* an! 4ol) hope! that $hen h#' " othe % e$ 't on%e * he $o(l! "e a"le to e)e)"e )o e a"o(t the )en $ho ha! ta,en h#) capt#&e. Be'#!e'* he ea'one!* /el oy $o(l! tell h#) $hat he $ante! to ,no$. He e)o&e! h#' '$o ! an! 'heath an! han!e! "oth to B ae!en. 1Ta,e L#a) ho)e*2 he o !e e!. He $ent to h#' ho 'e to %et h#' "o$ an! a o$' an! %a&e tho'e to B ae!en a' $ell. 1An! 'en! the B(chanan' ho)e.2 W#th a %lance at B o!#c,* he a!!e!* 1All the B(chanan'.2 Befo e 4ol) co(l! a %(e* B o!#c, '$(n% (p onto h#' )o(nt an! 'a#!* 1I a) %o#n% "ac, to the a""ey $#th yo(.2 B ae!en no!!e!. 1Do yo( $ant any of (' to %o #n'#!e the a""ey $#th yo(02 1I !o not.2 4ol)' &o#ce $a' (ny#el!#n%. B ae!en $a' ('e! to h#' la# !' % (ff $ay'. 1Then )ay I '(%%e't that half of o( )en ta,e L#a) ho)e* an! I an! the othe ' $#ll $a#t o(t'#!e the %ate' $#th yo( $eapon'* La# !.2 B o!#c,' co))an!e 'teppe! fo $a ! to 'tan! "e'#!e B ae!en. 1An! '#nce )y La# ! B(chanan #' %o#n% $#th yo(* I '(%%e't that I al'o $a#t $#th o( la# !' $eapon' o(t'#!e the %ate'. The othe B(chanan 'ol!#e ' $#ll 'ee L#a) 'afely ho)e.2 B o!#c, a% ee!. 1It $o(l! "e to o( a!&anta%e to ta,e o( '$o !' 'ho(l! $e ha&e the %oo! fo t(ne to (n #nto the )en $ho to t( e! yo( " othe .2 1I p efe to ('e )y han!'*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1E&en #f othe ' ha&e '$o !'02 4ol) %a&e h#) a ha ! loo,. 1What !o yo( th#n,02 B o!#c, 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1I th#n, yo( e +('t #tch#n% to ,#ll 'o)eone* a ent yo(02 1I a) %o#n% to ,#ll $hoe&e !#! th#' to )y " othe *2 4ol) an'$e e!. Th#' $a'nt a hope o a p o)#'e. It $a' a 'ole)n &o$.

THE 4OM5ETITION BETWEEN BARON 4OSWOLD AND BARON 5e cy ha! t( ne! !ea!ly. O 'o #t 'ee)e!. Each )an $ent to % eat len%th' to f#n! o(t $hat !e&#o(' 'che)e' the othe $a' plott#n%. Sp#e' $e e e&e y$he e. 4e ta#nly not all of Ba on 5e cy' co)pan#on' $e e loyal to h#). One-W#ll#a)* h#' he al! #n fact-$a' 'ec etly #n the e)ploy of Ba on 4o'$ol!. The he al! $a' a $ell<co)pen'ate! #nfo )e $ho co))#tte! to )e)o y e&e y $o ! 'a#! an! e&e y act#on ta,en "y 5e cy an! h#' con'p# ato '* an! epo te! "ac, to 4o'$ol!. When $o ! of La# ! Mon oe' )( !e eache! 5e cy' ca)p* the t a#to o(' he al! left the a""ey on a fal'e e an! an! ('he! to %#&e 4o'$ol! the ne$'. The "a on ha! )a!e ce ta#n that W#ll#a) ,ne$ $he e he $o(l! "e at all t#)e'* an! the #nfo )e $a' the efo e a"le to catch (p $#th h#) +('t a' he 'at !o$n to '(ppe $#th La# ! Mac:enna #n Mac:enna' palat#al % eat hall.

The te #"le ne$' !#!nt %et the eact#on W#ll#a) e.pecte!. Ne#the 4o'$ol! no Mac:enna 'ee)e! the lea't '( p #'e!. 4o'$ol! )e ely 'h (%%e! #n!#ffe ence an! Mac:enna* appa ently +('t a' (naffecte!* loo,e! "o e! a' he eache! fo a ch(n, of "lac, " ea! an! poppe! a $e!%e #nto h#' )o(th. Ba on 5e cy ha! 'ee)e! +('t a' (n#nte e'te! $hen he! hea ! the ne$'. Ha! "oth "a on' e.pecte! th#' to happen0 Ha! they ant#c#pate! Mon oe' !eath* o ha! they '#)ply $#'he! fo #t0 An! $hy $a' La# ! Mac:enna al'o #n!#ffe ent0 One of h#' o$n co(nt y)en ha! "een )( !e e!9 the he al! ha! tho(%ht the e )#%ht ha&e "een at lea't a h#nt of e)o 'e. 4o'$ol! p('he! the cha# "ac, f o) the ta"le an! )ot#one! fo the he al! to follo$ h#) o(t'#!e. When they $e e alone* he o !e e! h#) to et( n to 5e cy' ca)p to ,eep h#' eye' an! ea ' open fo f( the !e&elop)ent'. 1/o no$* $h#le the e #' 't#ll l#%ht to %(#!e yo(. Yo( can )a,e 'o)e of the !#'tance "ac, "efo e !a ,ne'' fall'. Ill a #&e at the a""ey to)o o$.2 The he al! $atche! 4o'$ol! 't (t "ac, #n'#!e an! then 'too! the e a lon% )o)ent 'c atch#n% h#' hea! #n conf('#on. Altho(%h he! $ante! to* he !#!nt !a e a', the "a on the 3(e't#on pla%(#n% h#). Mon oe ha! "een a po$e f(l* an! f o) all acco(nt' a $ell<l#,e!* la# ! $ho $a' 'hoc,#n%ly )( !e e! #n the n#%ht. Why $a'nt anyone '( p #'e!0

BRODI4: WAS IN WHOLEHEARTED A/REEMENT WITH 4OLM. If %#&en the oppo t(n#ty* he* too* $o(l! ,#ll the "a'ta !' $ho ha! attac,e! L#a). The MacH(%h' $e e the B(chanan' all#e'* an! the# ene)#e' $e e* the efo e* the B(chanan' ene)#e' a' $ell. O&e a yea a%o* B o!#c, ha! &ent( e! #nto !an%e o(' En%l#'h te #to y on a )#''#on to help h#' $#fe. The MacH(%h' ha! co)e to the B(chanan' a#! then* an! #t $a' no$ the B(chanan' t( n to ec#p ocate. The MacH(%h $a' a lone * tho(%h. He ef('e! to ac,no$le!%e the "enef#t of ha&#n% anyone othe than h#' o$n clan f#%ht "y h#' '#!e. B o!#c, ('e! to feel the 'a)e $ay* an! #t ha! nea ly ta,en a $a $#th En%lan! to chan%e h#' att#t(!e. He no$ eco%n#7e! the &al(e of the'e t#e'* an! he con'#!e e! not only MacH(%h "(t the Ma#tlan!' an! the S#ncla# '* t$o of the )o't po$e f(l clan' #n the H#%hlan!'* h#' clo'e't all#e'. The'e la# !' ha! al'o "eco)e B o!#c,' %oo! f #en!'. The t$o )en !#! not 'pea, fo )o't of the #!e "ac, to the a""ey. Then* ( %#n% h#' ho 'e alon%'#!e 4ol)'* B o!#c, a',e!* 1Do yo( ,no$ ho$ I )et )y $#fe02 An o!! 3(e't#on* 4ol) tho(%ht. 1She $a' " #n%#n% La# ! Ra)'ey S#ncla# ' " othe ho)e to h#)*2 he epl#e!. 1That' #%ht. The "oy $a' only f#&e o '#. at the t#)e. One of the )en #n the S#ncla# clan tho(%ht he 'ho(l! ha&e "een na)e! la# ! o&e Ra)'ey. He con'p# e! to ta,e o&e the clan* an! he ('e! the "oy to ! a$ Ra)'ey #nto the open $#th the #ntent of ,#ll#n% h#).2 1Why a e yo( " #n%#n% th#' (p no$02 15e hap' L#a) $a' ta,en fo the 'a)e p( po'e. To ! a$ yo( o(t.2 15e hap'* t$#ce no$ #n the pa't )onth )y 'ol!#e ' p otect#n% )y "o !e ha&e "een a)"('he!.2 1D#! yo( lo'e any )en02 MacH(%h $a' #n'(lte! "y the 3(e't#on. 1Of co( 'e not. My $a #o ' a e t a#ne! to e.pect the (ne.pecte!.2

1An! the )en $ho attac,e!02 1Unfo t(nately* none l#&e! lon% eno(%h to tell )e $ho 'ent the)* "(t they $e e not H#%hlan!e '.2 1O(tca't' then0 Loo,#n% to 'teal $hat they co(l!02 He 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1Yo( hea ! $hat L#a) tol! ('. The o !e ' $e e to ,#ll a' )any MacH(%h' a' po''#"le. O(tca't' $o(l! not "e 'o o %an#7e!. They th #&e on chao'* an! l#,e at' they 'teal an! (n.2 1T#' the t (th yo( 'pea,*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1Ra)'ey' " othe $a' "(t a ch#l!* "(t L#a) #' a % o$n )an. He #' nea ly a' ol! a' yo( a e* #' he not02 1F#&e yea ' yo(n%e "(t 't#ll f(ll<% o$n.2 1Then $hy !#!nt he e.pect the (ne.pecte!0 He ha' "een t a#ne! a' $ell a' the othe '.2 1Ill "e a',#n% )y " othe that &e y 3(e't#on a' 'oon a' he eco&e ' h#' $#t'.2 1Whoe&e #' "eh#n! the'e attac,' $ant' to "e #! of all the MacH(%h'* then02 1So #t $o(l! 'ee).2 1F#nney' Flat. That' $hat the'e attac,' a e a"o(t.2 1Aye*2 4ol) an'$e e!. 1Mac:enna' "eh#n! th#'. I) '( e of #t.2 1B(t yo( ha&e no p oof.2 1Mac:enna #' a % ee!y )an. He $ant' the lan! fo h#)'elf* an! I) not %o#n% to let h#) ha&e #t. I co(l! not a"#!e ha&#n% any of the Mac:enna' any clo'e to )y "o !e . The flat' ha&e al$ay' "een o( plant#n% f#el!'* an! al'o a "(ffe "et$een the Mac:enna' an! ('.2 1:#n% >ohn $a' %#fte! the lan! "y o( ,#n% yea ' a%o. He o$n' #t (nt#l the $o)an he ha' cho'en )a #e' La# ! Mon oe. She " #n%' F#nney' Flat a' he !o$ y.2 1I a) a$a e of th#' pact.2 1Ye'* "(t a e yo( a$a e that th#' $o)an #' f o) )y $#fe' fa)#ly. He fathe #' Ba on /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e.2 1Yo( a!)#t to ha&#n% En%l#'h elat#&e'02 1Rel(ctantly* I a!)#t #t. I ha&e "eco)e )o e len#ent #n )y op#n#on'* fo #f yo( $#ll e)e)"e * )y $#fe ('e! to "e En%l#'h.2 1It !oe'nt )atte to )e $hat 'he #'.2 14an yo( a"#!e ha&#n% the Mon oe clan to loo, !o$n on f o) yo( )o(nta#n02 1What a"o(t yo(02 4ol) co(nte e!. 14an yo( a"#!e ha&#n% the) 'o clo'e0 The B(chanan' "o !e F#nney' Flat on the $e't.2 1Aye* "(t $e ha&e a fo e't of t ee' "et$een ('.2 1I ha&e no % (!%e a%a#n't the Mon oe'. A' lon% a' the# la# ! !oe'nt #nte fe e $hen $e plant the f#el!' on the no th en! of the flat* I $ont )#n! h#' p e'ence.2 They! eache! the top of the h#ll a"o&e the a""ey an! co(l! 'ee the c o$! of tent' to the 'o(th. 1Tho'e tent' "elon% to the En%l#'h*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1They cannot all "e he e fo Mon oe' $e!!#n%* (nle'' yo( En%l#'h elat#&e' #n&#te! the).2 1Not th#' n()"e *2 B o!#c, an'$e e!. 1Mon oe $o(l!nt $ant the) he e* e#the . Nay* the e )('t "e anothe cele" at#on at the a""ey.2 Once !o$n the h#ll* they pa''e! off the# ho 'e' to B ae!en an! Dylan. 1Be on %(a !*2 4ol) 'a#! a' they $al,e! to the %ate'. 1I) al$ay' on %(a !*2 B o!#c, a''( e! h#). He p(lle! the ope to #n% the "ell. A )o)ent late * a p #e't opene! the )a''#&e $oo!en !oo . The a""ot* a 'h#ny l#ttle )an* $ho f o) the '#7e of h#' "elly ne&e )#''e! a )eal* )ot#one! the) fo $a !. He ha! al ea!y +()pe! to h#' o$n concl('#on' a' to $hy the t$o $e e the e. 1Yo(&e co)e to offe yo( con!olence'* ha&ent yo(02

Befo e e#the la# ! co(l! e'pon!* the a""ot cont#n(e!* 1Yo( )('t "e te #"ly !#'appo#nte! to ha&e )#''e! the f(ne al )a''* "(t $#th the (n('(ally )#l! $eathe #t $a' nece''a y fo h#' fa)#ly to ta,e h#) ho)e an! p(t h#) #n the % o(n! a' 3(#c,ly a' po''#"le. D#! yo( th#n, yo( )#%ht 'pea, to the fa)#ly0 A p#ty yo( )#''e! the). Shall I 'ho$ yo( to the chapel 'o yo( )#%ht p ay fo h#' 'o(l02 4ol) an! B o!#c, loo,e! at each othe * an! then 4ol) t( ne! to the a""ot. Tho(%h a!! e''#n% a )an of /o!* he !#!nt %(a ! h#' $o !'. 1What #n /o!' na)e a e yo( tal,#n% a"o(t02 The a""ot too, a 3(#c, 'tep "ac, an! patte! h#' che't #n an atte)pt to cal) h#)'elf. He ha! l#&e! a 3(#et* conte)plat#&e l#fe #n the )ona'te y fo yea '* an! the e.c#te)ent an! t( )o#l of the la't fe$ !ay' $a' ta,#n% #t' toll on h#' ne &e'. 1Yo( !ont ,no$0 I +('t a''()e!6#t' La# ! Mon oe*2 he ('he! on $hen he 'a$ the )ean loo, #n La# ! MacH(%h' eye'. 1He' !ea!. I'nt that $hy yo( ca)e he e0 To e.p e'' yo( 'y)pathy02 1Mon oe' !ea!02 B o!#c, $a' 'ta%%e e! "y the p #e't' anno(nce)ent. 1Ho$ !#! he !#e02 4ol) $ante! to ,no$. The a""ot lo$e e! h#' &o#ce $hen he an'$e e!. 1He $a' )( !e e!.2 He pa('e! to )a,e the '#%n of the c o'' "efo e a!!#n%* 1M( !e e! he $a'* an! #n the "lac, of n#%ht.2 1When !#! th#' happen02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1Ho$ $a' he )( !e e!02 4ol) a',e! at the 'a)e t#)e. The loo, #n the la# !' eye' f #%htene! the a""ot. La# ! MacH(%h 'ee)e! the )o e th eaten#n% of the t$o* an% #e a' $ell. The p #e't' &o#ce t e)"le! a' he %a&e h#' an'$e '* "(t he co(l! "a ely ,eep (p $#th the ap#!ly f# e! 3(e't#on' f o) the t$o %#ant'. 4ol) not#ce! that e&e y t#)e he )o&e!* the a""ot fl#nche!. He cla'pe! h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac, a' a '#%n of t ('t* 'o the )ee, a""ot $o(l! ,no$ he )eant h#) no ha ). The a""ot ('he! to e.pla#n. 1He e I $a' th#n,#n% yo( ca)e all th#' $ay to pay yo( la't e'pect'* an! #t' appa ent yo( !#!nt ,no$ a"o(t La# ! Mon oe' t a%#c !eath. No$ I 'ee $hat ha' happene!. I&e )#'(n!e 'too!* ha&ent I0 I) 'o 'o y I % eete! yo( $#th '(ch 'a! ne$' $hen #t #' clea ly e&#!ent yo( ha&e co)e he e fo a )(ch )o e +oyf(l occa'#on* the $e!!#n%.2 1Ho$ can the e "e a $e!!#n% #f the % oo) ha' "een )( !e e!02 B o!#c, a',e!. He $a' "e%#nn#n% to th#n, the a""ot $a' )#''#n% pa t of h#' )#n!. 1La# ! Mon oe #' no lon%e the % oo)6'#nce he' "een )( !e e!*2 he ha't#ly concl(!e!. 1We e not he e a"o(t any $e!!#n%-o any f(ne al fo that )atte *2 4ol) 'a#!. 1We e he e a"o(t )y " othe .2 The a""ot e'pon!e! $#th a 3(#77#cal loo,. 1Yo( " othe 02 4ol) con'#!e e! % a""#n% the )an "y h#' nec, an! 'ha,#n% h#) "(t ,ne$ #t $o(l!nt "e p (!ent to attac, a )an of /o!. F o) the a""ot' "lan, 'ta e* #t $a' appa ent he ,ne$ noth#n% of L#a). The a""ot $a' '$eat#n% p of('ely. He $#pe! h#' $et han!' !o$n the '#!e' of h#' o"e. The la# !' eye' ha! t( ne! a !a , % ay* the colo of a " e$#n% 'to ). 1Th#n%' ha&e "een happen#n% 'o fa't. We e not ('e! to th#' )(ch act#&#ty #n o( )ona'te y. Anothe )atch fo La!y /a" #elle #' +('t no$ "e#n% !ec#!e! (pon. It' chao'.2 He lo$e e! h#' &o#ce to a con'p# ato #al $h#'pe . 1T$o "a on' f o) En%lan! a e no$ #n the % eat hall* each cla#)#n% to "e 'pea,#n% on :#n% >ohn' "ehalf. A c o$! of En%l#'h #' %athe #n% #n the co))on'. I eco))en! that yo( $a#t (p'ta# ' #f yo( !ont $ant to "eco)e #n&ol&e!.2 1What a e the "a on' f#%ht#n% a"o(t02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1We nee! not conce n o( 'el&e' $#th the# petty '3(a""le'*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1Re)e)"e the ea'on $e a e he e.2 He a!! e''e! the a""ot once a%a#n. 1Yo( ha&e a p #e't he e na)e! /el oy. I $#'h to 'pea, to h#) a' 'oon a' po''#"le.2

1May I #n3(# e a' to yo( ea'on fo 'pea,#n% to h#)02 1Yo( )ay not.2 The a""ot $a' ta,en a"ac, "y the "l(nt !en#al. Then he no!!e!* th#n,#n% he (n!e 'too! $hy the la# ! ha! ef('e! to e.pla#n. 1Oh* I 'ee. Yo( $#'h to 'ay yo( confe''#on. I apolo%#7e. I 'ho(l!nt ha&e a',e!. Why !ont yo( %o on (p'ta# '* an! Ill 'en! Fathe /el oy to yo(. I "el#e&e I ,no$ +('t $he e he #'. Hell 'ho$ yo( the $ay to the chapel 'o that yo( )ay #! yo( 'elf of yo( '#n'.2 Yet a%a#n the a""ot ha! +()pe! to the $ on% concl('#on* "(t ne#the la# ! 'et h#) 't a#%ht. 1It 'ho(l!nt ta,e any t#)e at all*2 he e)a ,e!* t( n#n% to lea! the) to the 'tep'. B o!#c, no!!e! h#' hea! to$a ! 4ol). 1W#th h#' n()"e of '#n'* I $o(l!nt co(nt on #t.2 4ol) $a' not a)('e!. He 'ho&e! B o!#c, o(t of h#' $ay. 1I) not he e fo confe''#on. I) he e fo 'o)e an'$e ' a"o(t )y " othe . I +('t $ant to %et th#' o&e an! !one $#th an! %et o(t of he e. 5e hap' I can con&#nce Fathe /el oy to co)e $#th ('. I cant th#n, o " eathe $#th th#' )any En%l#'h '( o(n!#n% )e.2 1I !o("t /el oy $#ll $ant to lea&e $#th ('. B(t yo( can a',*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1A',0 Why $o(l! I a',02 B o!#c, 'h (%%e!. 4ol) $o(l! !o $hat he $ante! e%a !le'' of ho$ B o!#c, felt. Be'#!e'* B o!#c, )ay $ell ha&e !one the 'a)e ha! #t "een h#' o$n " othe . St#ll* ! a%%#n% a p #e't o(t of h#' 'anct(a y fo the 'ole p( po'e of " o$"eat#n% h#) #nto tell#n% $hat he ,ne$ a"o(t L#a)' capto '6an! 'a&#o '6$a' p o"a"ly %o#n% to "lac,en the# "atte e! 'o(l' a l#ttle )o e. The a""ot $a' 'o #ntent on o&e hea #n% the# con&e 'at#on he !#!nt eal#7e he! eache! the top of the $all '( o(n!#n% the co))on'. O(t of " eath* he po#nte!. 1He e $e a e.2 The a""ot t( ne! to %o "ac, !o$n'ta# ' an! fetch /el oy* "(t B o!#c, 'toppe! h#) $#th a 3(e't#on. 1I) c( #o('* A""ot. A e Ba on /eoff ey an! h#' !a(%hte 't#ll he e* o ha&e they 'ta te! "ac, to En%lan!02 1Ba on /eoff ey0 Yo( ,no$ the'e En%l#'h02 B o!#c, '#%he!. 1It #' an e)"a a'')ent to a!)#t they a e elate!6on )y $#fe' '#!e*2 he ha't#ly a!!e!. 1It #' 't#ll an e)"a a'')ent*2 4ol) e)a ,e!. B o!#c, '#lently e)#n!e! h#)'elf that 4ol) $a' h#' ally. 1I&e ne&e )et the !a(%hte *2 he tol! the a""ot. The a""ot epl#e!* 1The "a on ha' left on a +o( ney to )eet $#th h#' ,#n%* an! h#' !a(%hte ha' "een p epa #n% to lea&e fo En%lan!* "(t I "el#e&e 'he $#ll "e !eta#ne!.2 1Why $#ll 'he "e !eta#ne!02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1Yo( !ont (n!e 'tan!*2 the a""ot 'a#!. 1All th#' chao' conce n' the la!y an! $ho) 'he #' to )a y.2 1I' he fathe a$a e of th#'02 B o!#c, $on!e e!. 1No. He left "efo e the t$o "a on' ca)e to%ethe .2 1An! $hen #' Ba on /eoff ey e.pecte! to et( n02 Tho(%h the f(t( e of La!y /a" #elle $a' of no conce n to B o!#c,* he felt a %na$#n% o"l#%at#on. 1I !o("t anyone ha' ha! t#)e to 'en! a )e''en%e to he fathe . It' a' tho(%h the "a on' !el#"e ately $a#te! (nt#l he $a' a$ay f o) the a""ey "efo e 'p #n%#n% th#' )a #a%e on h#' !a(%hte . They e "oth act#n% a' tho(%h th#' #' a )o't ( %ent )atte . F o) $hat I&e hea ! of the# a %()ent* they $ant he )a #e! "efo e he fathe f#n!' o(t an! ca('e' an (p'et.2 Da t#n% a %lance to the left an! then to the #%ht he 'a#!* 1T #c,e y. Aye* #t' t #c,e y #f yo( a', )e. B(t the la!y #' p otecte! "y he %(a !' an! 'he #' 'afe #n o( )ona'te y. No ha ) $#ll co)e to he $h#le 'he #' he e.2

The na?&e "el#ef # #tate! 4ol). The a""ey $a' o&e (n $#th 't an%e '* an! )o't $e e En%l#'h. Ho$ co(l! he "el#e&e the l#,e' of the) $o(l! hono 'anct(a y0 E&en the p #e't /el oy ha! ha! h#' !o("t'* fo he ha! a',e! 'ol!#e ' to %(a ! L#a) $h#le he 'lept. 4ol) $on!e e! $hat th#' +()py a""ot $o(l! th#n, #f he fo(n! o(t that L#a) ha! "een a %(e't he e. 1I' La!y /a" #elle a% eea"le to a ne$ )atch02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1She !oe'nt ,no$ yet. Theyll call fo he 'oon.2 Sha,#n% h#' hea!* the a""ot '#%he!. 1Shell f#n! o(t a"o(t th#' )#'ch#ef $hen 'he an'$e ' the# '())on'.2

BARON 4OSWOLD HAD STORMED INTO THE ABBEY THAT AFTERNOON $#th h#' cote #e of ! one'. He ha! 3(#te an a''e)"la%e of 'ycophant' t a#l#n% "eh#n! h#)* t$enty< th ee #n all. The la %e n()"e $a' !el#"e ate* fo 4o'$ol! hope! to #nt#)#!ate an! o&e $hel) 5e cy. 4o'$ol! felt #nc e!#"ly po$e f(l. He ca #e! a $ #t p ocla#)#n% that he an! he alone 'po,e on the ,#n%' "ehalf. B(t 5e cy $a' ne#the #nt#)#!ate! no o&e $hel)e!. L#,e 4o'$ol!* he* too* ha! h#' 'p#e'* an! altho(%h he !#!nt yet ,no$ a"o(t the ne$ $ #t* 5e cy ha! lea ne! that h#' ene)y $a' %o#n% to t y to ta,e cha %e of F#nney' Flat an! La!y /a" #elle' f(t( e. He "el#e&e! that 4o'$ol! planne! to ('e fo ce to %et $hat he $ante!. 5e cy $a' ea!y fo h#). H#' o$n ho !e of )#n!le'' )#'c eant' follo$e! h#) a' he ('he! #nto the hall to conf ont 4o'$ol!. 5e cy $a'nt a"o(t to "ac, !o$n o "e p('he! a'#!e* an! he $a'nt the lea't conce ne! that he )#%ht not %et $hat he $ante!. He ha! a $ #t '#%ne! "y the ,#n% that he an! he alone co(l! act on >ohn' "ehalf. The ,#n% ha! 'ent h#) to the a""ey to $#tne'' the $e!!#n% "et$een Mon oe an! /a" #elle* "(t no$ that the % oo) $a' o(t of the $ay* 5e cy $a' conf#!ent that he co(l! !ec#!e /a" #elle' f(t( e. Each po$e <h(n% y )an ha! a t #c, o t$o (p h#' 'lee&e. The t$o "a on' )et #n the cente of the &#'#to ' hall. The !oo ' to the co( tya ! ha! "een th o$n open. Th#' $a' not to "e a p #&ate f#%ht. Each $ante! $#tne''e' to hea . 5e cy attac,e! f# 't. Sta""#n% the a# "et$een the) $#th a lon% "ony f#n%e * he 'a#!* 1Dont yo( !a e t y to #nte fe e #n )y !ec#'#on' he e o Ill ha&e yo( th o$n o(t. I 'pea, on :#n% >ohn' "ehalf* an! I a) %o#n% to !ec#!e La!y /a" #elle' f(t( e.2 1He f(t( e $#th yo(02 4o'$ol! 'coffe!. 1An! F#nney' Flat "eco)e' yo( ' a' $ell0 I' that $hat yo( th#n, $#ll happen* yo( fool0 Yo( )o't ce ta#nly $#ll not ha&e he . I $#ll 'ee to that.2 1Yo( ha&e no po$e * 4o'$ol!. I a) %o#n% to e'co t the la!y "ac, to En%lan!. Aye* 'he %oe' $#th )e.2 5e cy !#!nt "othe to a!! the #)po tant fact that he planne! to fo ce he to )a y h#) f# 't. 4o'$ol! too, a 'tep clo'e . 1Yo( no lon%e 'pea, on the ,#n%' "ehalf* fo I ha&e a $ #t '#%ne! "y >ohn %#&#n% )e f(ll po$e he e. I $#ll 'pea, an! act #n h#' 'tea!.2 5e cy $a' o(t a%e!. The &e#n' on h#' fo ehea! "(l%e! $hen he e'pon!e!. 1Nay* I ha&e the $ #t* an! #t $a' t (ly '#%ne! "y :#n% >ohn. Yo( cannot !(pe )e. I ,no$ $hat yo( $ant* an! yo( $#ll not %et he .2 The &e "al 'pa #n% #nc ea'e! (nt#l "oth "a on' $e e cea'ele''ly 'ho(t#n% at each othe . The f#%ht )o&e! o(t!oo ' a' )o e an! )o e of the c( #o(' +o#ne! the c o$!. The !#&#!#n% l#ne "et$een the t$o ca)p' $a' )a ,e! "y a 'tone c o'' #n the )#!!le of the open la$n= 5e cy an! h#' follo$e ' on one '#!e* an! 4o'$ol! an! h#' '(ppo te ' on the othe .

1Wo(l! yo( l#,e to 'ee the $ #t02 4o'$ol! a',e!. 1The ,#n%' 'eal #' the e* an! 'o #' the !ate* 5e cy. If yo( !o not 'tep a'#!e* I $#ll ha&e yo( th o$n o(t.2 5e cy 'no te!. 1When $a' th#' $ #t '#%ne!02 he !e)an!e!* an! "efo e 4o'$ol! co(l! an'$e * he a!!e!* 1I ,no$ $he e yo(&e "een* an! I ,no$ all a"o(t the !a , "a %a#n yo(&e 't (c, $#th the la# !.2 4o'$ol! #%no e! th#' co))ent. He 'nappe! h#' f#n%e ' to$a ! one of h#' '(ppo te '* an! the 'c oll $a' p o)ptly p o!(ce!. He 'natche! #t f o) h#' han!' an! $a&e! #t #n 5e cy' face. 1He e #t #'. :#n% >ohn ha' a''#%ne! po$e to )e.2 4ol) an! B o!#c, e'te! the# a )' on top of a pa apet* $atch#n% an! l#'ten#n% to the !e"acle ta,#n% place "eneath the). 4ol) $a' '#)ply "#!#n% h#' t#)e (nt#l Fathe /el oy a #&e!. The a""ot ha! #n!#cate! to the) that #t $o(l!nt ta,e lon% to locate h#)* "(t o"&#o('ly he! "een )#'ta,en. I)pat#ent to % a" the p #e't an! %et a$ay f o) the'e fo(l En%l#'h "a on'* 4ol) )(tte e!* 1Whe e #' that "la'te! p #e't /el oy02 1S( ely he' on h#' $ay*2 B o!#c, epl#e!. 4ol) 'canne! the c o$! "elo$. He not#ce! the n()"e of o !a#ne! )en #n o"e' an! 'a#!* 1The e a e 'o )any of the). If I ,ne$ $hat /el oy loo,e! l#,e* I! ! a% h#) o(t of he e.2 B o!#c, % #nne!. 1Yo( ,no$ ho$ I )ent#one! yo( cant 'ta t a $a a%a#n't a p #e't0 Well* yo( al'o cannot ! a% one of the) o(t of he e* (nle'' the p #e't #' $#ll#n% to %o* an! I !o("t /el oy $o(l! "e. Yo( an! I62 1Yo( an! I $hat02 1Acco !#n% to )y $#fe* $e ten! to f #%hten people.2 Anothe 'ho(t ! e$ the# attent#on. 1The En%l#'h* they e lo(!* a ent they02 B o!#c, co))ente!. 1It' a p#ty $e !ont ha&e o( "o$' an! a o$'. We co(l! #! the $o l! of a fe$ of the).2 4ol) ')#le!. 1Aye* $e co(l!.2 At that )o)ent 4o'$ol! clappe! h#' han!' fo attent#on an! "ello$e!* 1B #n% La!y /a" #elle to )e. We $#ll 'ettle th#' he e an! no$.2 He t( ne! to the % o(p "eh#n! h#)* %a&e a 3(#c, no!* an! then t( ne! "ac, to face 5e cy. 1I ha&e )a!e )y !ec#'#on. By th#' !ay' en!* 'he $#ll "e )a #e!.2

THE ABBOT FOUND /ABRIELLE STROLLIN/ WITH FATHER /el oy #n the %a !en. She ha! al ea!y e.p e''e! he % at#t(!e to Fathe F an,l#n an! $a' a"o(t to %#&e he than,' to /el oy fo ,eep#n% he conf#!ence $hen the a""ot ('he! #nto the %a !en call#n% to he . 1La!y /a" #elle* the e' a f( o .2 5ant#n% fo " eath f o) the e.e t#on of (nn#n%* he co(l! "a ely " eathe an! 'pea, at the 'a)e t#)e. /a" #elle le! h#) to a 'tone "ench an! '(%%e'te! that he '#t fo a )o)ent. No!!#n%* he ploppe! h#)'elf !o$n an! $hee7e!* 1Ah* that' "ette .2 /el oy cla'pe! h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac,. 1Yo( )ent#one! a f( o 02 1Oh* ye'. Yo( ha&e "een '())one! to the co( tya !. Fathe /el oy* pe hap' yo( 'ho(l! acco)pany he . S(ch f#%ht#n%. Te #"le* +('t te #"le the $ay they e ca y#n% on. An! #n'#!e th#' holy )ona'te y of all place'. Sha)e (pon the# 'o(l'.2 1Who #' f#%ht#n%02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1T$o "a on' f o) En%lan!. One #' na)e! 4o'$ol! I "el#e&e* an! the othe -2

15e cy.2 1Ye'* that' #%ht* )#la!y. Ba on 5e cy.2 1An! the'e t$o "a on' ha&e calle! fo /a" #elle02 /el oy a',e!. 1Ba on 4o'$ol! )a!e the !e)an!.2 /a" #elle $a' #n!#%nant. 1I an'$e to ne#the of the)* an! I ha&e no $#'h to 'ee o 'pea, to the). I) ea!y to lea&e fo ho)e no$* an! I 'ee no ea'on to !elay )y !epa t( e.2 /el oy a% ee! $#th a 3(#c, no!. 1He %(a !' a e e&en no$ " #n%#n% the ho 'e' to the f ont %ate* fo /a" #elle #' plann#n% to lea&e the a""ey )o)enta #ly. He po''e''#on' ha&e al ea!y "een pac,e!.2 The a""ot 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1I !ont th#n, the "a on' $#ll allo$ he to lea&e.2 1The e' )o e to th#' than )eet' the eye* #'nt the e02 /el oy a',e!. He '#%he!. 1The e #'. Each "a on ca #e' a $ #t p ocla#)#n% to "e 'pea,#n% an! act#n% on the ,#n%' "ehalf. 4o'$ol!' $ #t #' )o e c( ent #f yo( "el#e&e the !ate $ #tten !o$n. The ,#n%' 'eal #' on "oth $ #t'* o 'o I&e "een tol!.2 All of a '(!!en the a""ot "o(n!e! to h#' feet. 1Oh* Lo !* I fo %ot. W#th all the co))ot#on an! the 'ho(t#n%* )y e an! co)pletely 'l#ppe! )y )#n!. An! ho$ co(l! #t0 W#th the $o y a"o(t tho'e t$o-Fathe /el oy* I $a' on )y $ay to 'ea ch fo yo( $hen Ba on 4o'$ol! calle! o(t to )e.2 1Why $e e yo( 'ea ch#n% fo )e02 he a',e!. 1I p o)#'e! to 'en! yo( to the top of the $all. Yo( 'ee* the e a e t$o62 He pa('e!. 1T$o0 T$o $hat02 /el oy a',e!. 1La# !'*2 he an'$e e! el(ctantly. 1B(chanan an! MacH(%h. They !#!nt 'ay $hy they nee! to 'pea, to yo(* "(t La# ! MacH(%h )ent#one! 'o)eth#n% a"o(t h#' " othe . Do yo( ,no$ anyth#n% a"o(t th#'02 5an#c an! ! ea! fla'he! ac o'' /el oy' face. 1I&e a fa# #!ea.2 1I $#ll hea yo( e.planat#on late a' the la# !' ha&e "een ,ept $a#t#n% lon% eno(%h. They !ont loo, the pat#ent 'o t.2 He ')#le! a' he a!!e!* 1I al'o hea ! one of the)-I "el#e&e #t $a' MacH(%h* "(t I cant "e ce ta#n-)ent#on 'o)eth#n% a"o(t ta,#n% yo( a$ay $#th h#).2 /el oy '$allo$e! lo(!ly. 1Yo( !#!02 15e hap' one of the) $#ll offe yo( the chance to +o#n h#' clan a' a 'p# #t(al lea!e . I ,no$ yo( $ant to ha&e yo( o$n ch( ch one !ay* #' that not 'o0 An! yo( al'o $#'h to 'a&e a' )any 'o(l' a' po''#"le. I' that not al'o 'o02 /el oy f ant#cally no!!e! a% ee)ent. He !#! $ant h#' o$n ch( ch an! h#' o$n floc,$hat p #e't $o(l!nt0-"(t not a)on% the'e " (tal la# !' an! the# (n (ly clan'. He !#!nt $ant to l#&e the e't of h#' l#fe #n the 'tate of pe pet(al te o . 1I a) content to p ay fo lo't 'o(l' he e* A""ot*2 he 'a#! #n a $h#'pe . 1Do yo( $ant )e to e'co t La!y /a" #elle to face the "a on'* o !o yo( $ant )e to 'pea, to the la# !'02 1I $#ll %o $#th he * an! yo( h( y to the la# !'. Mo e an! )o e of the# clan')en ha&e co)e #n'#!e. The 'oone yo( tal, to the)* the "ette .2 The e $a' no %ett#n% o(t of #t* /el oy ,ne$. 1Be't %et #t!one*2 he 'a#!. He 'a#! h#' %oo!<"ye to /a" #elle one la't t#)e an! left on h#' ! ea!e! )#''#on. /a" #elle $a' %o#n% to cont#n(e to ef('e to )eet $#th the "a on'* "(t 'he a" (ptly chan%e! he )#n!. She !#!nt $ant to p(t the a""ot #n the a$,$a ! po'#t#on of ha&#n% to e.pla#n $hy 'he #%no e! the '())on'. 1Ill 'ee $hat the "a on' $ant* an! then Ill lea&e the a""ey $#th all po''#"le ha'te. A""ot* I $o(l! l#,e to than, yo( once a%a#n fo yo( ho'p#tal#ty an! yo( ,#n!ne'' to )y fathe an! )e. We a e )o't app ec#at#&e.2 She "e%an to $al, a o(n! the a""ot to %o to the co))on'* "(t he "loc,e! he . 1I) %o#n% to e'co t yo(* )#la!y* "(t 'ho(l!nt $e $a#t fo yo( %(a !'0 They $o(l! ce ta#nly $ant to 'tan! "y yo( '#!e $hen yo( 'pea, to the'e "a on'.2

She 'hoo, he hea!. 1My %(a !' a e too "('y to "e "othe e! $#th th#' non'en'e* an! I) ce ta#n the )eet#n% $ont ta,e any t#)e at all.2 He co(l!nt !#''(a!e he . /a" #elle ha! anothe ea'on fo ,eep#n% he %(a !' a$ay f o) the "a on'. He fathe !#!nt t ('t the'e )en* an! ne#the $o(l! 'he. She $a' conce ne! that 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy )#%ht ha&e the# (n!e l#n%' p o&o,e a f#%ht* an! tho(%h he %(a !' $e e $ell<t a#ne!* they co(l! "e o&e $hel)e! "y the 'hee n()"e of )en attac,#n%. She !#! $#'h he fathe $a' "y he '#!e* tho(%h. He ,ne$ $hat the'e )en $e e capa"le of* an! he $o(l! ,no$ $hat to e.pect. She t #e! to th#n, of the $o 't that co(l! happen 'o that 'he $o(l! "e p epa e!* "(t ne&e #n he $#l!e't tho(%ht' co(l! 'he ha&e #)a%#ne! $hat $a' co)#n%.

/ELROY DRA//ED HIS FEET AND 5RAYED HIS WAY U5 THE 'ta# '. When he eache! the la't 'tep an! too, a %oo! loo, a o(n!* h#' ,nee' "(c,le!. He ha! to lean a%a#n't the $all to ,eep f o) t()"l#n% "ac,$a !. /oo! Lo !* the e $e e 'o )any of the)@ An! all $e e $atch#n% h#). H#' &o#ce 'o(n!e! l#,e the '3(ea, of a ('ty !oo h#n%e $hen he calle! o(t* 1D#! 'o)eone $#'h to 'pea, to )e02 T$o H#%hlan!e ' $e e co)#n% h#' $ay. The# lon% 't #!e' 3(#c,ly con'()e! the !#'tance "et$een the). /el oy cl(n% to the $all an! $a#te!. So)eone %a&e h#) a p('h f o) the ea . Sta tle!* the p #e't t( ne!. Anothe H#%hlan!e $a' 'tan!#n% on the 'ta# ' "eh#n! h#). Ho$ ha! the )an %otten the e 'o 3(#c,ly0 1Yo( a e the p #e't /el oy02 a "oo)#n% &o#ce at the top of the 'ta# ' a',e!. He loo,e! (p a%a#n. The t$o %#ant' 'too! '#!e "y '#!e. They $e e of e3(al he#%ht* an! "oth $o e the 'ca ' of the# pa't. /el oy too, a tentat#&e 'tep to$a ! the). 1I a) Fathe /el oy.2 B o!#c, not#ce! the p #e't $a' t$#tch#n% an! ap#!ly lo'#n% the colo #n h#' face. 1We )ean yo( no ha )* p #e't*2 he 'a#! #n an atte)pt to help /el oy %et o&e h#' 'ca e. 1I a) La# ! MacH(%h*2 4ol) 'a#!. /el oy no!!e!. 1Ye'* yo( e'e)"le yo( " othe .2 1An! I a) La# ! B(chanan.2 The p #e't )ana%e! a "#t of a ')#le a' he loo,e! (p at B o!#c,. 1Ye'* I ,no$. Yo( a e the $#l! B(chanan.2 1What !#! yo( call )e02 He $a' too '( p #'e! to "e an% y. 1She call' yo( the $#l! B(chanan.2 B o!#c, a#'e! an eye" o$. 1Who call' )e th#'02 1La!y /a" #elle*2 he an'$e e!. 1Dont yo( ,no$ $ho 'he #'02 He ('he! on* 1She' the !a(%hte of Ba on /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e* an! they a e yo( fa)#ly th o(%h yo( $#fe.2 B o!#c,' plea'ant )oo! $a' (#ne!. He felt a' tho(%h he $a' con'tantly "e#n% e)#n!e! that he ha! En%l#'h elat#&e'. It $a' !a)ne! h()#l#at#n%. 1I ha&e 3(e't#on' to p(t to yo(*2 4ol) 'a#! #)pat#ently. 1Ye'02 1It' )y (n!e 'tan!#n% that yo( ten!e! to )y " othe $hen he $a' " o(%ht he e.2 1No* I !#!nt ten! to h#)* fo I ha&e ne&e lea ne! the $ay' of heal#n%. It $a' Fathe F an,l#n $ho ten!e! to L#a)* "(t I helpe! a' )(ch a' I co(l!. H#' #n+( #e' $e e 'e&e e* an! fo a t#)e* I) a'ha)e! to a!)#t* I !#!nt th#n, he $o(l! '( &#&e.2

4ol) no!!e!. 1Who " o(%ht h#) he e02 1I cannot 'ay.2 4ol) t#lte! h#' hea! an! 'ta e! at /el oy fo 'e&e al 'econ!'. 1Yo( cannot o yo( $#ll not02 he !e)an!e!. 14annot.2 /el oy $a' a"le to loo, !# ectly #nto the la# !' eye' "eca('e he $a' tell#n% the t (th. He couldnt 'ay. He ha! p o)#'e! La!y /a" #elle that he $o(l! hol! he 'ec et* an! he co(l! not " ea, h#' $o ! to he . He !#!nt (n!e 'tan! $hy 'he !#!nt $ant anyone to ,no$ that 'he an! he %(a !' ha! helpe! L#a)* "(t he $o(l! e'pect he $#'he'. The 3(e't#on' cont#n(e!* "(t /el oy ,ne$ that La# ! MacH(%h !#!nt "el#e&e he $a' tell#n% h#) e&e yth#n% "eca('e he ,ept c# cl#n% "ac, to the 'a)e 3(e't#on= Ho$ ha! L#a) %otten to the a""ey0 1D#! anyone el'e 'ee L#a) "e#n% ca #e! #n'#!e02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1No. I !ont "el#e&e 'o* an! I !#! )y "e't to ,eep h#' p e'ence 'ec et.2 1D#! yo( l#ft h#) an! ca y h#) #n* p #e't02 4ol) fol!e! h#' a )' ac o'' h#' che't an! $a#te! fo h#' an'$e . /el oy $a' feel#n% '#c, to h#' 'to)ach. What $a' he %o#n% to !o0 In o !e to p otect the p o)#'e he! )a!e* he $o(l! ha&e to l#e to the la# !. What a )e''. He $#'he! he ha! t#)e to tal, to h#' confe''o * fo he !#!nt ha&e any #!ea $hat ,#n! of '#n he $a' a"o(t to co))#t. Wa' #t a )#l! #nf act#on that $o(l! "e con'#!e e! a &en#al '#n* o $a' #t fa )o e !a)n#n% "eca('e a p #e't $a' tell#n% the l#e0 4o(l! #t "e a )o tal '#n then0 No* '( ely not. /el oy tho(%ht he $o(l! ha&e to !o 'o)eth#n% )(ch )o e 'e #o('* l#,e ,#ll a )an* to )a,e a )o tal 'pot on h#' 'o(l. St#ll* a '#n $a' a '#n. /el oy $a' '#n,#n% #n a 3(a%)# e* an! he 'a$ no $ay o(t. 1What $o(l! yo( 'ay #f I tol! yo( I )#%ht ha&e l#fte! h#) an! ca #e! h#) #n'#!e02 4ol) loo,e! at B o!#c,. 1I' he +e't#n%02 B o!#c, 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1I !ont th#n, 'o.2 /el oy a',e!* 1What #f I $e e to tell yo( I cannot e)e)"e 02 4ol) let the p #e't 'ee h#' annoyance. 1Yo( cannot e)e)"e l#ft#n% a )an $ho $e#%h' at lea't t$#ce a' )(ch a' yo( !o0 Yo( cannot e)e)"e that a)a7#n% feat02 /el oy "o$e! h#' hea!. He %a&e (p t y#n% to "e cle&e . 1I) 'o y* La# !* "(t I cannot tell yo( anyth#n% )o e. I ha&e %#&en )y $o ! to ,eep '#lent* an! I )('t ,eep #t.2 4ol) $a' f( #o('. 1D#! yo( %#&e yo( $o ! to the )en $ho t #e! to ,#ll )y " othe 02 1I !#! not* an! I ha&e no #!ea $ho tho'e te #"le )en a e. I $o(l! not hol! the# 'ec et' (nle'' they ca)e to )e #n confe''#on.2 He ha't#ly p(t h#' han!' (p. 1An! none of the) !#! confe'' to )e. I '$ea to yo( I ,no$ noth#n% a"o(t the). I !ont e&en ,no$ $hat happene! to yo( " othe . I only 'a$ the e'(lt of the p(n#'h)ent they #nfl#cte!.2 B o!#c, $a' !#'t acte! "y the no#'e f o) the co( tya !. A B(chanan $a #o calle! to h#). 1The e' t o("le "elo$.2 One of MacH(%h' )en loo,e! !o$n at the people a''e)"le! "elo$. 1Yo( 'ho(l! 'ee th#'*2 he tol! 4ol). 1Why !o I ca e a"o(t the En%l#'h an! the# t o("le'02 B o!#c, a',e! a' he 't o!e to the pa apet. 1Ba on /eoff ey' !a(%hte #' at the hea t of the t o("le.2

/ABRIELLE LED THE WAY TO THE 4OMMONS. SHE WAS DETERMINED to en! th#' )eet#n% an! "e on he $ay ho)e a' 3(#c,ly a' po''#"le. The a""ot follo$e! a' 'he

h( #e! (p the ')all ,noll pa't the )on,' 'leep#n% 3(a te ' an! a o(n! the ')alle chapel a!+acent to the "a,#n% ho('e. She $a' a"o(t to ente the co))on' th o(%h an a ch$ay $hen 'he not#ce! a $o)an 'tan!#n% #n the 'ha!o$' $atch#n% he . /a" #elle #n't#nct#&ely ')#le! an! no!!e! a % eet#n%* "(t the $o)an !#! not e'pon! #n ,#n!. The e $a' loath#n% #n he e.p e''#on* an! he fe etl#,e eye' %lo$e! $#th hat e!. /a" #elle $a' 'o ta,en a"ac,* 'he a" (ptly 'toppe!. Altho(%h 'he ha! ne&e )et the $o)an "efo e* 'he ha! a fa# #!ea $ho 'he $a'. S(ch a &#le eact#on co(l! only co)e f o) a Mon oe. He fathe ha! tol! he that )o't of the Mon oe clan "la)e! he fo the# la# !' !eath. The #!#c(lo(' #!ea )a!e no 'en'e to he * an! 'he con'#!e e! 'ay#n% 'o)eth#n% to the $o)an an! po#nt#n% o(t that he att#t(!e $a' )o't (n ea'ona"le* "(t "efo e 'he co(l! 'pea,* the 't an%e $o)an p#c,e! (p he ',# t' an! an a$ay. The a""ot ca(%ht (p $#th /a" #elle #n t#)e to 'ee $hat ha! happene!. 1Do yo( ,no$ that $o)an02 1No* I !ont*2 'he epl#e!. 1She 'ee)e! )o't (p'et* !#!nt 'he02 1Aye* 'he !#!. Up'et $#th yo( f o) the loo, 'he $a' $ea #n% on he face.2 /a" #elle no!!e!. 1She )('t "e a Mon oe "eca('e the Mon oe' !#'l#,e )e #nten'ely.2 1Oh* no* La!y /a" #elle* that #'nt 'o.2 1It' not02 'he a',e!* a "#t el#e&e!. The #!ea of an ent# e clan hat#n% he $a' (p'ett#n%. 1The Mon oe' !ont hate )e02 'he a',e! ea%e ly. 1Oh* ye'* they !o. They )o't ce ta#nly !o*2 he an'$e e! )atte <of<factly* 'o(n!#n% al)o't chee f(l. 1B(t yo( 'ee* that $o)an #'nt a Mon oe. I cant ecall he na)e* "(t I e)e)"e "e#n% #nt o!(ce! to he * an! I "el#e&e 'he' elate! to one of the "a on'. W#th all the 't an%e ' I&e )et #n the pa't fe$ !ay'* I cant ,eep all of the) 't a#%ht #n )y hea!. The'e En%l#'h all ten! to loo, al#,e.2 Lo&ely* 'he tho(%ht. The Mon oe' hat e! ha! 'p#lle! all the $ay !o$n to En%lan!. 1I $ont allo$ )y'elf to "e conce ne! a"o(t the# fool#'h op#n#on'.2 The a""ot %e't( e! to$a ! the pa''a%e #nto the co( tya !. 1Sho(l!nt $e cont#n(e on02 1Ye'*2 /a" #elle a% ee!. 1B(t yo( nee!nt co)e $#th )e. I) ce ta#n yo( ha&e )o e #)po tant )atte ' to atten! to* an! I !ont $ant yo( to $a'te anothe )#n(te $o y#n% a"o(t )e. I p efe to face the "a on' alone.2 She 'teppe! th o(%h a 'ho t hall$ay an! fo(n! he 'elf #n the )#!!le of a !o%f#%ht. It $a' !#ff#c(lt fo he to locate the t$o "a on' "eca('e the a ea $a' f#lle! $#th people* e&e yone #n the a''e)"le! c o$! t y#n% to 'ho(t lo(!e than e&e yone el'e. It $a' pan!e)on#(). So)eth#n% ( %ent )('t "e happen#n%* 'he tho(%ht* to p o&o,e '(ch &ehe)ent a %(#n%. She ! e$ "ac, #nto the 'ha!o$'* $a#t#n% fo the no#'e to !#e !o$n. She 'ea che! the c o$! fo the t$o "a on'* an! $hen 'he happene! to loo, (p* he " eath ca(%ht #n he th oat an! 'he nea ly lo't he "alance. L#a)' " othe 'too! loo,#n% !o$n f o) the top of the $all. He no$ appea e! e&en la %e an! )o e )enac#n% than the f# 't t#)e 'he ha! 'een h#) on the h#ll. It $a'nt +('t h#' '#7e that )a!e 4ol) MacH(%h 'o #nt#)#!at#n% "(t h#' #%#! 'tance an! h#' 'tony e.p e''#on. He $a' the )o't fea 'o)e )an 'he ha! e&e 'een. The la# ! ne.t to h#) $a' al'o a !a(nt#n% f#%( e. She eco%n#7e! h#) a' $ell. Th#' $a' the $#l! B(chanan. 4once ne! that 'he $o(l! lo'e $hat co( a%e 'he ha! #f 'he cont#n(e! to 'ta e at the t$o H#%hlan!e '* 'he t( ne! he attent#on "ac, to the f#%ht#n% th on% #n f ont of he . S(!!enly one )an not#ce! he * then anothe an! anothe * an! $#th#n 'econ!' a h('h ha! fallen o&e the c o$!. Ba on 4o'$ol! 'potte! he "efo e 5e cy !#!. He "o$e! lo$ an! hel! o(t h#' han! to "#! he to co)e fo $a !. 1La!y /a" #elle* #t #' 'o %oo! of yo( to +o#n ('. We&e )et "efo e #n :#n% >ohn' co( t. I) '( e yo( e)e)"e )e* !ont yo(02

/a" #elle !#!nt ac,no$le!%e 4o'$ol!' 3(e't#on. She '#)ply loo,e! at h#) an! $a#te! fo h#) to e.pla#n the p( po'e of the )eet#n%. 1I 'pea, on the ,#n%' "ehalf*2 he 'ta))e e!* (nne &e! "y he '#lence. She $al,e! to$a ! h#)* an! the "a on '#lently c( 'e! h#)'elf fo the !e&#l pact he ha! )a!e $#th Mac:enna. What ha! he "een th#n,#n%0 Ho$ co(l! he %#&e he to anothe )an0 S#nce he! la't 'een he * 'he! % o$n e&en )o e "ea(t#f(l. E&e yone e)a#ne! 3(#et a' the la!y )a!e he $ay to the cente of the co( tya !. 4ol) MacH(%h ha! "een $atch#n% the )elee (nfol!#n% "elo$ h#) $#th "oth a)('e)ent an! !#'%('t. What a''e' the En%l#'h $e e* a %(#n% o&e $ho ha! the #%ht to 'pea,. When the 'c ea)#n% '(!!enly '("'#!e!* he $on!e e! $hat co(l! ha&e 3(#ete! the# a"'( ! t# a!e. An! then he 'a$ he . She )o&e! th o(%h the c o$! $#th he hea! hel! h#%h an! he han!' at he '#!e'. Ba on 5e cy " o,e the '#lence. 1My la!y* I can 'ee yo( !ont e)e)"e 4o'$ol!*2 he 'a#!* a 'n#c,e #n h#' &o#ce. 1We ha&e al'o )et "efo e* $hen yo( $e e p e'ente! to :#n% >ohn.2 5e cy ,ne$ "ette than to a', he #f 'he e)e)"e e! )eet#n% h#)* fo he ha! the feel#n% that he $o(l! %et the 'a)e col!* '#lent e'pon'e 'he! %#&en 4o'$ol!. 1An! 4o'$ol! #' )#'ta,en*2 5e cy cont#n(e!. 1He !oe'nt 'pea, on the ,#n%' "ehalf. I !o.2 The 'tate)ent $a' the 'pa , that once a%a#n #%n#te! the f#e y a %()ent. 4o'$ol! $a&e! a !oc()ent #n the a# . 1I ha&e a $ #t '#%ne! "y :#n% >ohn %#&#n% )e h#' po$e to !ec#!e yo( f(t( e. 5e cy' $ #t #' no lon%e &al#!. The !ate )a ,e! "y the ,#n%* late than 5e cy' $o thle'' pape * p o&e' that I a) #n cha %e.2 5e cy $a'nt a"o(t to let the $o)an 'l#p th o(%h h#' f#n%e '. 1A' #' h#' ha"#t* Ba on 4o'$ol! 'pea,' non'en'e. I ha&e al ea!y !ec#!e! that '#nce La# ! Mon oe #' !ea!* yo( $#ll et( n to En%lan! $#th )e. We 'hall let :#n% >ohn !ec#!e yo( f(t( e.2 4o'$ol! t( ne! to 5e cy. 1E&e yone he e ,no$' $hat yo( e plann#n%. Yo( plan to $e! the la!y "efo e yo( lea&e the a""ey* "(t 'he #'nt %o#n% any$he e $#th yo(.2 1I $#ll ha&e he @2 5e cy 'c ea)e!. /a" #elle co(l! ha !ly "el#e&e he ea '. We e they "oth )a!0 They '#c,ene! he . Ho$ !a e they f#%ht o&e he a' tho(%h 'he $e e a p#ece of )eat th o$n to a&eno(' !o%'0 She ,ne$ 'he co(l!nt "e that #)po tant to e#the of the). Nay* #t $a' F#nney' Flat they $e e afte . Both "a on' $ante! the &al(a"le lan!. Se&e al MacH(%h an! B(chanan )en +o#ne! the# la# !' at the $all to o"'e &e the co))ot#on #n the co( tya !* "(t 4ol)' %a7e $a' f#.e! on the $o)an at the cente of the 'to ). He $on!e e! $hat $a' %o#n% on #n'#!e he )#n!. /a" #elle h#! he feel#n%' $ell. He e%al "ea #n% an! he co)po'( e #)p e''e! h#). 4o'$ol! clappe! h#' han!' to e%a#n e&e yone' attent#on. He then t( ne! to the % o(p of )en "eh#n! h#)* %a&e a 3(#c, no!* an! 'a#!* 1Ill 'ettle th#' he e an! no$.2 The c o$! pa te!* an! La# ! O$en Mac:enna 'teppe! fo $a !. He no!!e! to 'e&e al )en a' he pa''e! the). Loo,#n% (p at the top of the $all* he 'a$ MacH(%h an! B(chanan $atch#n% h#)* an! 't#ffene! #n eact#on. 1Loo, $ho +('t c a$le! o(t f o) (n!e h#' oc,*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1It' o( ol! f #en!.2 1The a o%ant '$#ne*2 4ol) 'coffe!. Ba on 5e cy !#! not ,no$ La# ! Mac:enna. 1Who #' th#' )an $ho !a e' to #nte (pt th#' p ocee!#n%02 1I a) La# ! Mac:enna* an! I ha&e a% ee! to )a y La!y /a" #elle an! accept he !o$ y. F o) th#' !ay fo $a !* F#nney' Flat $#ll "e calle! /len Mac:enna.2 4o'$ol! $o e a ')(% loo,. 1Aye* F#nney' Flat $#ll "e yo( '.2 Up a"o&e* 4ol) eacte! $#th a 'ta t. 1The hell #t $#ll.2

B o!#c, 't a#%htene!. 1No* $e cant let that happen.2 He loo,e! at /a" #elle an! $on!e e! $hy 'he ha!nt p ote'te! the "a on' h#%h<han!e! )etho!'. Wa' 'he flatte e! o #n'(lte!0 If 'he $e e anyth#n% l#,e he fathe * 'he $a' a#l#n% #n'#!e* B o!#c, tho(%ht. Mac:enna app oache! /a" #elle $#th a $a ) ')#le. She !#!nt et( n the ')#le. She 'ee)e! to "e loo,#n% th o(%h h#)* an! Mac:enna tho(%ht 'he )('t "e o&e $hel)e! "y all the attent#on 'he $a' ece#&#n%. Afte all* 'he $a' a"o(t to "e )a #e! to a po$e f(l la# !. Aye* fa )o e po$e f(l than poo !ea! Mon oe co(l! ha&e hope! to "e. An! Mac:enna $a' )(ch )o e han!'o)e. Wo)en l#,e! att act#&e )en. 5e hap' he %oo! fo t(ne +('t ha!nt '(n, #n yet. 1La# ! Mac:enna an! La!y /a" #elle $#ll "e )a #e! "efo e th#' !ay en!'*2 4o'$ol! calle! o(t. Anothe 'ho(t f o) "eh#n! the th on% of people #nte (pte! h#' p ocla)at#on. 1Mac:enna* yo( ha&e no #%ht to he . I a) Ha ol! Mon oe* an! I $#ll 'oon "eco)e la# ! of the Mon oe clan. It #' )y !(ty an! )y #%ht to )a y th#' $o)an. My #%ht "y p #)o%en#t( e.2 The th on% 'teppe! a'#!e to let h#) th o(%h. /a" #elle eco%n#7e! the )an. He ha! "een $#th the 'p#tef(l $o)an at the f(ne al. A' Mon oe )a!e h#' $ay to the)* Mac:enna challen%e! h#). 1Yo( a e not the f# 't"o n 'on of La# ! Mon oe. He ha! no 'on'. Yo(* the efo e* cannot cla#) p #)o%en#t( e.2 1I a) h#' " othe ' f# 't"o n 'on*2 he 'ho(te!. 1An! '#nce )y (ncle #' no$ !ecea'e!* I cla#) La!y /a" #elle an! F#nney' Flat fo )y'elf. F o) th#' !ay fo $a !* the lan! $#ll "e calle! /len Mon oe.2 4o'$ol! $a' !ete )#ne! to ta,e cont ol a%a#n. 1Yo( can !e)an! all yo( $ant* "(t yo( a ent %ett#n% he * no a e yo( %ett#n% F#nney' Flat.2 1/len Mac:enna*2 Mac:enna co ecte!. 1A' of to!ay* #t' /len Mac:enna.2 1What !ece#t #' th#'02 5e cy h#''e! at 4o'$ol!. 1What ,#n! of a pact ha&e yo( )a!e $#th th#' )an0 Doe' he ,no$ yo( $ant he fo yo( 'elf02 1Yo( a e a fool* 5e cy* a !a)n fool.2 Ne#the one $a' %o#n% to %et he * 4o'$ol! ha! eal#7e!. He! %#&en (p the po''#"#l#ty of )a y#n% /a" #elle. The ,#n% ha! p(t one o"'tacle afte anothe #n h#' path* an! a' l('tf(l a' 4o'$ol! $a' fo /a" #elle* he $ante! the %ol! e&e y "#t a' )(ch. Aye* he l('te! afte the t ea'( e. An! 'o he ha! )a!e h#' !eal $#th Mac:enna. The la# ! $o(l! %et he an! the lan!* an! #n et( n 4o'$ol! $o(l! ha&e acce'' to he . He $a' con&#nce! 'he ha! ,no$le!%e of St. B#el' t ea'( e* an!* $hethe $#th cha ) o $#th to t( e* he $o(l! %et #t o(t of he . Fo t(nately fo h#)* 5e cy !#!nt e&en ,no$ the t ea'( e e.#'te! an! ne#the !#! Mac:enna o :#n% >ohn. Mac:enna $a' '(ch a % ee!y p#%* he ha!nt 'ho$n any c( #o'#ty $hen 4o'$ol! #n'#'te! that he "e a"le to 'ee /a" #elle $hene&e he $ante!. All the la# ! $a' #nte e'te! #n $a' cont oll#n% F#nney' Flat. 4o'$ol! $a'nt $o #e! that Mac:enna )#%ht not l#&e (p to h#' pa t of the "a %a#n. If nece''a y* 4o'$ol! co(l! '())on eno(%h 'ol!#e ' to !e't oy the ent# e Mac:enna clan. Ha ol! Mon oe $a'nt a"o(t to %o a$ay 3(#etly. He ha! to 'c ea) to "e hea ! o&e the chao' that ha! e (pte!. 1I cla#) the #%ht to )a y the la!y an! "e %#&en /len Mon oe@2 E&e yone #n the c o$! 'ee)e! to ha&e an op#n#on an! !ec#!e! to e.p e'' #t. 4o'$ol! a#'e! h#' han! fo '#lence. The co))an! $a' #%no e!. 1A(#et* e&e yone@ Ba on 4o'$ol! $ant' 3(#et no$ 'o he can "e hea !.2 In an atte)pt to "e helpf(l* Hen y W#ll#'* one of 4o'$ol!' hench)en* 'ho(te! the !e)an! f o) !# ectly "eh#n! 4o'$ol!' "ac,. He a!!e! 'e&e al o"'cene c( 'e' a' $ell $hen the c o$! !#!nt #))e!#ately o"ey. At the 'o(n! of Hen y' &o#ce* 4o'$ol! fl#nche!* then $h# le! a o(n! to %la e at the offen!e .

1Do not 'c ea) #n )y ea *2 he !e)an!e!. Hen y % #tte! h#' teeth. He !#!nt l#,e "e#n% co ecte! #n f ont of an a(!#ence* an! he e'pec#ally !#!nt l#,e !#'appo#nt#n% the "a on. 4o'$ol! $a' h#' l#"e ato . He! l#"e ate! h#) f o) a t #p to the %allo$'* an! Hen y #!ol#7e! h#)* fo the "a on ha! %#&en h#) an #!ent#ty an! )a!e h#) an #)po tant )an. Hen y ,ne$ $hat he $a'. In appea ance he ce ta#nly $a'nt )(ch to loo, at. He $a' a $#!e<nec,e! " (te of a )an $#th a flat face* ')all ea '* an! th#c, l#p'. H#' eye' $e e no "#%%e than t$o "ea!' of pe 'p# at#on. H#' han!' $e e "#% tho(%h. B#% an! 't on%. 5e hap' "eca('e he ,ne$ he $a' 'o (natt act#&e* he $o e a pe pet(al 'nee . He )a!e (p fo h#' (nplea'ant appea ance $#th h#' 'pec#al talent'. He co(l! 'nap a )an' nec, 3(#c,e than he co(l! ! op to h#' ,nee'* an! he $o(l! !o 'o $#tho(t any p o&ocat#on o a )o)ent' e)o 'e. The e $e e only a han!f(l of )en #n the $o l! he fea e!* an! 4o'$ol! $a' one. Hen y ,ne$ that 4o'$ol! ('e! h#) an! h#' coho t'* 4y #l an! Malcol)* to !o h#' (nplea'ant $o ,* "(t they $e e $ell<pa#! an! %#&en e'pect "y the "a on' pee '. Hen y hea ! Malcol) 'n#c,e an! 'ho&e! an el"o$ #n h#' '#!e. S#nce 4o'$ol! $a' 't#ll %la #n% at h#)* Hen y 'a#!* 1I $ont "e yell#n% a%a#n* "(t Ba on*2 he cont#n(e! #n ('h to e!ee) h#)'elf* 1)ay"e #f yo( ('e! fo ce* yo(! %et the) to !o $hat yo( $ante!.2 4o'$ol! $a' e.a'pe ate!. 1We ha! to lea&e o( $eapon' o(t'#!e the %ate'* e)e)"e 0 Oh* to ha&e )y '$o ! no$. I! (n #t th o(%h 5e cy +('t to 'h(t h#) (p.2 1I! "e hono e! to (n h#) th o(%h fo yo(*2 Malcol) "l( te!. The h# el#n% only ca)e to Hen y' 'ho(l!e an! ha! to p('h h#' $ay to the f ont 'o he co(l! "e 'een "y the "a on. 1What #f yo( $e e to " #n% )o e of yo( people #n'#!e the a""ey0 E&en $#tho(t $eapon' they! "e %#&#n% 5e cy a )e''a%e of ho$ po$e f(l yo( a e. Be'#!e'* loo, at tho'e H#%hlan!e ' 't oll#n% #n he e a' #f they o$ne! the place. I lo't co(nt* the e a e 'o )any of the)*2 Hen y 'a#!. 1They a ent #)po tant an! ha&e no #nte e't #n th#' p ocee!#n%. I ce ta#nly ha&e no #nte e't #n the). No$ "oth of yo( "e 3(#et $h#le I f#n#'h th#'. I ha&e no nee! fo )o e of yo( '(%%e't#on'.2 Both Malcol) an! Hen y "o$e! the# hea!'. 1Aye* Ba on.2 5e cy 't a#ne! to hea the con&e 'at#on "et$een 4o'$ol! an! h#' )en* "(t the cla)o of &o#ce' '( o(n!#n% h#) ! o$ne! the) o(t. When 4o'$ol! t( ne! "ac, to h#)* he 'c ea)e!* 1Yo( $#ll not !ec#!e anyth#n%@2 5e cy 'c eeche! l#,e a t appe! "# !* 4o'$ol! tho(%ht. 1I ha&e al ea!y !ec#!e! he f(t( e.2 5e cy' face t( ne! "loo! e!. 1I $ant he an! I $#ll ha&e he .2 /a" #elle ha! ha! eno(%h. She co(l!nt "ea to hea anothe $o ! f o) e#the of the'e ep(l'#&e )en. 1May I ha&e yo( attent#on02 /a" #elle ha! not a#'e! he &o#ce* an! only a fe$ )en 'tan!#n% nea he hea ! $hat 'he 'a#!. One of the) yelle!* 1The la!y #' $ant#n% yo( attent#on* Ba on.2 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy "oth t( ne! to he . Mac:enna 'too! "et$een the). All th ee ')#le! at he l#,e 'ta y<eye! '(#to '. 1Wh#ch "a on !o yo( $#'h to a!! e''02 5e cy cooe!. 1Both.2 E&e yone ea%e ly $a#te! fo he to 'pea,. She $o(l! '( ely choo'e one o&e the othe * an! 4o'$ol! $a' conf#!ent that 'he $o(l! o"ey the ,#n%' $ #t an! a"#!e "y h#' !ec#'#on'. 5e cy hel! the 'a)e &#e$* conf#!ent 'he $o(l! place he f(t( e #n h#' han!'. 1Ye'* La!y /a" #elle02 4o'$ol! 'a#!. 1The e 'ee)' to "e 'o)e conf('#on he e*2 'he "e%an. 1Aye* $#th all the 'ho(t#n% 5e cy' !o#n%*2 4o'$ol! #nte (pte!. 1Let he 'pea,@2 'o)eone f o) the c o$! 'ho(te!.

1All #%ht. All #%ht.2 4o'$ol! no!!e!. 1Yo( $e e 'ay#n%* )#la!y02 1I "el#e&e I can 'ettle th#' !#'p(te. Yo( 'ee* I $#ll not )a y anyone to!ay.2 1B(t I ha&e a% ee! to )a y yo(*2 Mac:enna 'a#!* 'ta%%e e! "y he ef('al. 1Ye'* "(t I ha&e not a% ee! to )a y yo(.2 H#' )o(th ! oppe! open. He $a' a'to(n!e! an! t( ne! to 4o'$ol! fo help. 14an 'he ef('e02 1She cannot*2 he 'nappe!. 1Dont "e !#ff#c(lt* /a" #elle* fo I 'pea, on :#n% >ohn' "ehalf62 /a" #elle $a' $ea y of the# po)po(' !ecla at#on'. 1Ye'* yo(&e )ent#one! that fact 'e&e al t#)e' no$.2 D#! 'he )oc, h#)0 4o'$ol!' eye' na o$e!. He co(l!nt "e ce ta#n. She loo,e! 'o an%el#c* an! the e $a' no "#te to he &o#ce. 1Ba on 4o'$ol! #' )#'ta,en. I 'pea, fo the ,#n%*2 5e cy #n'#'te!. She t( ne! he attent#on to h#). 1So yo( ha&e al'o 'a#! co(ntle'' t#)e'. May I a', "oth of yo( a 3(e't#on0 Whe e $a' )y fathe $h#le all of the'e !ec#'#on' $e e "e#n% )a!e02 No one $o(l! an'$e . 1D#! yo( $a#t fo )y fathe to lea&e to ca y o(t th#' o"'cen#ty02 1O"'cen#ty02 4o'$ol! oa e!. 1Ho$ !a e yo( 'pea, to )e #n '(ch a $ay.2 5e cy $a' +('t a' o(t a%e! "y he att#t(!e* an! Mac:enna loo,e! l#,e he $ante! to 't #,e he * "(t 'he hel! he % o(n! an! "(!%e! not one #nch. Mac:enna con'#!e e! % a""#n% /a" #elle "y he a ) an! fo c#n% he to h#' '#!e* "(t he loo,e! (p an! 'a$ MacH(%h an! B(chanan 't#ll $atch#n%. Be't not to(ch he * he !ec#!e!* fo he ha! no $#'h to )a,e a 'cene. Fo the t#)e "e#n%* he $a' fo ce! to t eat he $#th co( te'y. Late * he p o)#'e! h#)'elf* $hen he ha! /a" #elle alone* he $o(l! 'ho$ he ho$ to "e e'pectf(l. 1La!y /a" #elle* I a) af a#! th#' #'nt yo( !ec#'#on to )a,e*2 5e cy tol! he . 1I a% ee.2 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy %lance! at each othe . 1Yo( a% ee02 4o'$ol! 'a#!. 1Then $hy th#' f(''02 1It #'nt )y !ec#'#on. It' )y fathe '. It' h#' #%ht to !ec#!e )y f(t( e* ce ta#nly not yo( '.2 1A e yo( ef('#n%62 Mac:enna "e%an. Lo !* he $a' a' th#c,hea!e! a' "oth "a on' appea e! to "e. She hel! he 'elf e&en 't a#%hte . 1Let )e )a,e )y po'#t#on clea 'o that the e $#ll "e no )o e conf('#on. My fathe $#ll !ec#!e )y f(t( e.2 Ho$ )any t#)e' $o(l! 'he ha&e to 'ay #t "efo e they "el#e&e! 'he )eant e&e y $o !0 She $a'nt %o#n% to )a y anyone to!ay. 1Yo( $o(l! %o a%a#n't yo( ,#n%' $#'he'02 5e cy !e)an!e!. She loo,e! h#) #n the eye. 1I ,no$ not $hat )y ,#n%' $#'he' a e. He ha' yet to tell )e.2 1I&e +('t tol! yo( that I 'pea, on h#' "ehalf*2 5e cy c #e!. 1Ye'* yo( ha&e* "(t then 'o ha' Ba on 4o'$ol!. Who a) I to "el#e&e0 I th#n, I )('t $a#t fo )y fathe to !ec#!e.2 She "o$e! to the "a on' an! ha! e&e y #ntent#on of lea&#n%* "(t a $o)an' '(!!en 'ho(t 'toppe! he . 1Th#' #' a )oc,e y. A )oc,e y@ She' )a,#n% fool' of all of yo(. Th#' cannot %o on.2 /a" #elle t( ne! to 'ee the $o)an $ho ha! %la e! at he o(t'#!e the co))on' )a,e he $ay to$a ! the). I'la an to 4o'$ol!. He loo,e! ho #f#e! "y the #nt ('#on. 1What a e yo( !o#n%02 he h#''e! (n!e h#' " eath. She co(l!nt loo, at h#). Lo$e #n% he hea!* I'la c #e! o(t* 15 ay fo %#&e )e fo not 'pea,#n% o(t 'oone * "(t I co(l!nt6#t'6#t' 'o ho #"le.2

1Who #' th#' $o)an02 a )an #n 5e cy' % o(p a',e!. 1She' Ba on 4o'$ol!' n#ece*2 5e cy an'$e e!. 1I'la* $hat' co)e o&e yo(02 Appalle! "y he "eha&#o * 4o'$ol! % a""e! I'la' a )* '3(ee7#n% a' ha ! a' he co(l!. What $a' 'he th#n,#n% to )a,e '(ch a 'cene0 1Uncle* I) 'o 'o y to (p'et yo(* "(t the t (th )('t co)e o(t "efo e yo( o Ba on 5e cy !ec#!e he f(t( e. I $#ll not let he h()#l#ate yo(.2 Altho(%h the e $e e no tea ' #n e&#!ence* I'la let o(t a lo(! ! a)at#c 'o". 1It $o(l! "e "la'phe)y fo an hono a"le )an to )a y he .2 1Why0 What a e yo( 'ay#n%02 5e cy !e)an!e!. He 'o(n!e! )o e conf('e! than an% y. 1What "la'phe)y !o yo( 'pea, of02 I'la po#nte! to /a" #elle an! 'c ea)e!* 1She' (nclean. She'6'he' a $ho e@2

THE DAMNIN/ SILEN4E THAT FOLLOWED ISLAS HORRIBLE acc('at#on la'te! only a' lon% a' #t too, fo e&e yone #n the co))on' to ! a$ a !eep* %a'p#n% " eath. Then the c o$! e (pte! #nto "( 't' of an%e an! o(t a%e. W#th#n )#n(te'* '#!e' $e e ta,en* tho'e fo an! tho'e a%a#n't /a" #elle. /a" #elle co(l!nt )o&e. Ho$ co(l! 'he e'pon! to '(ch an a"'( !#ty0 It $a' p epo'te o('. 1Let' hea $hat 'he ha' to 'ay.2 5e cy $a&e! h#' a )' an! !e)an!e! the c o$! 3(#et !o$n. 4o'$ol!' &o#ce 'hoo, $#th f( y. 1Ye'* e&e yone "e '#lent no$. I $o(l! hea $hat I'la ha' to 'ay fo he 'elf.2 H#' n#ece $a' (#n#n% all of h#' ca ef(lly tho(%ht o(t plan'* "(t all eye' $e e on he no$* an! he co(l!nt #%no e he . 1I'la* $hy $o(l! yo( call the La!y /a" #elle '(ch a fo(l na)e02 I'la t#)#!ly %lance! (p an! 'a$ that e&e yone $a' clo'#n% #n on he . 1Beca('e #t' t (e*2 'he an'$e e! #n a )ee, &o#ce. 1Spea, (p*2 5e cy 'a#!. 1Tell (' $hy yo( )a!e th#' o(t a%eo(' cla#).2 I'la a#'e! he &o#ce 'l#%htly an! epeate!* 1Beca('e #t' t (e.2 M( )( ' 'p ea! th o(%h the c o$!. 1Ho$ !o yo( ,no$ th#'02 5e cy !e)an!e!. 1I 'a$ he *2 I'la 'a#!. The )( )( ' % e$ lo(!e . 1/o on*2 4o'$ol! o !e e!. 1Tell (' $hat yo( 'a$.2 It $a' ea'y fo I'la to c y eal tea ' no$. He (ncle ha! '(ch a t#%ht % #p on he a )* he ',#n $a' "( n#n%. 1It $a' the )#!!le of the n#%ht th ee n#%ht' a%o* an! I $a' a$a,ene! "y a no#'e #n the hall. I opene! )y !oo to 'ee $hat #t $a'.2 She po#nte! to /a" #elle. 1She $a' 'nea,#n% a o(n! the co ne . I ,ne$ I 'ho(l!nt* "(t I $a' c( #o(' an! !ec#!e! to follo$ he . I 'taye! $ell "eh#n! he "eca('e I !#!nt $ant he to 'ee )e.2 1Ho$ co(l! yo( 'ee $he e yo( $e e %o#n% #n the !a ,0 D#! the la!y ca y a can!le02 She he'#tate! fo the "a e't of 'econ!' an! then "l( te!* 1The )oon $a' " #%ht. The e $a' no nee! fo a can!le.2 She 't (%%le! to %et a$ay f o) he (ncle* "(t he $o(l!nt elea'e he . In fact* he t#%htene! h#' hol!. 1Whe e !#! La!y /a" #elle lea! yo(02 Mac:enna a',e! the 3(e't#on. 1She 'toppe! #n f ont of a !oo an! tappe! l#%htly. I h#! "eh#n! a p#lla . The !oo opene!* an! afte loo,#n% "oth $ay'* 'he $ent #n'#!e.2

1D#! yo( 'ee $ho opene! the !oo 02 5e cy a',e!. I'la ! oppe! he %a7e to the % o(n! a%a#n. 1It $a' a )an.2 1An! !o yo( ,no$ th#' )an02 he (ncle a',e!. 1No*2 I'la 'a#!* 1"(t I ha! 'een h#) at the "an3(et that n#%ht. I "el#e&e he $a' the en&oy f o) F ance.2 5e cy calle! to h#' follo$e '. 1F#n! h#). B #n% h#) to ('.2 One of the) an'$e e! #))e!#ately. 1He' no lon%e he e. He an! h#' co)pan#on' left ye'te !ay.2 Mac:enna % e$ #)pat#ent. 1If #t $a' !a ,* ho$ co(l! yo( eco%n#7e the )an02 he a',e! I'la. 15e hap' #t $a' he fathe . 5e hap' #t $a'nt a )an at all* "(t a )a#!'e &ant.2 He $a' % a'p#n% fo an e.planat#on. If I'la' acc('at#on' $e e ta,en 'e #o('ly* h#' ent# e 'che)e $o(l! "e !e't oye!. He co(l! feel /len Mac:enna 'l#pp#n% th o(%h h#' f#n%e '. I'la' co( a%e $a' %a#n#n% 't en%th. 1It $a' a )an*2 'he 'tate! e)phat#cally. 5o#nt#n% at /a" #elle a%a#n* 'he 'a#!* 1An! $hat 'he $a' !o#n% )a,e' he (nclean.2 Mac:enna 'canne! the c o$! a' e&e yone eacte! to the 'hoc,#n% ne$'. When he loo,e! (p* he 'a$ MacH(%h an! B(chanan $atch#n% $#th 'co$l' on the# face'. H#' )#n! ace!. Ho$ )(ch ha! they hea !0 Once a%a#n* h#' ep(tat#on an! h#' a(tho #ty $e e at 'ta,e. If he $a' %o#n% to e)e %e f o) th#' '#t(at#on $#th h#' !#%n#ty an! h#' plan #ntact* he ha! to th#n, fa't. He loo,e! at I'la $#th )oc, co)pa''#on $hen he 'a#!* 1I) '( e yo( #ntent#on' a e no"le* "(t pe hap' yo( a e )#'ta,en* )y !ea . I' #t po''#"le that yo( co(l! ha&e conf('e! $hat yo( 'a$ fo 'o)eth#n% #nnocent02 1It $a' no )#'ta,e*2 I'la 'a#! !ef#antly. 1I 'a$ he $hen 'he ca)e o(t of the oo). He ha# $a' !o$n an! he %o$n $a' (nlace!. The )an ca)e to the !oo * an! he $o e no t(n#c o 'h# t.2 /a" #elle $a' 'o 'hoc,e! "y the $o)an' a"'( ! cla#)'* 'he $a' 'peechle''. At th#' la't h#!eo(' alle%at#on* ho$e&e * 'he co(l! e)a#n '#lent no lon%e . 1That' a l#e@2 'he 'ho(te!. 1I !ont ,no$ $hy th#' $o)an #' 'ay#n% the'e th#n%'* "(t noth#n% 'he' tol! yo( #' t (e.2 1It #' t (e@2 I'la 'ho(te! "ac,. 1I 'a$ yo(* an! yo( $e e %#&#n% yo( 'elf to a )an.2 An (p oa '$elle! a)on% the onloo,e '. It too, Mac:enna 'e&e al )#n(te' to %et the) to cal) !o$n 'o that he co(l! "e hea !. 1It appea '*2 he 'a#! to I'la* 1that th#' #' yo( $o ! a%a#n't La!y /a" #elle'.2 Al)o't e&e yone #n the c o$! no!!e! a% ee)ent. Only a fe$ people ,ne$ Ba on 4o'$ol!' n#ece* 'o he $o !' hel! l#ttle c e!ence $#th )o't. S(!!enly* a )an 'tan!#n% "eh#n! La# ! Mac:enna 'po,e (p. 1The $o)an 'pea,' the t (th.2 E&e yone t( ne! to$a ! the &o#ce. A yo(n% )on, $#th h#' hea! co&e e! "y h#' hoo! an! h#' a )' fol!e! #n'#!e the 'lee&e' of h#' o"e 'lo$ly )o&e! fo $a !. 1What a e yo( 'ay#n%02 Mac:enna 3(e't#one!. 1Who #' tell#n% the t (th0 What !o yo( ,no$ of th#'02 Unacc('to)e! to ha&#n% 'o )(ch attent#on pa#! to h#)* the )on, he'#tate! a )o)ent "efo e an'$e #n%* then 'a#!* 1La!y I'la #' "e#n% t (thf(l. I ,no$ th#' "eca('e I* too* 'a$ La!y /a" #elle.2 The c# cle at the 'tone c o'' e.pan!e! 'o that e&e yone co(l! 'ee an! hea the )on,. He too, a tentat#&e 'tep fo $a ! then halte! a' tho(%h he '(!!enly eal#7e! the )a%n#t(!e of h#' act#on'. 1I 'a$ the la!y62 he "e%an. 1/o on*2 5e cy !e)an!e! #)pat#ently.

1I ha! +('t co)e o(t of the chapel at )#!n#%ht afte )y ho( of a!o at#on an! I 'a$ 'o)eone h( y#n% to$a ! the 'leep#n% 3(a te ' $he e a fe$ of the %(e't' $e e 'tay#n%. At f# 't I 'a$ only a !a , f#%( e* "(t a' 'he pa''e! (n!e the can!lel#%ht 'h#n#n% f o) the chapel $#n!o$* I eco%n#7e! La!y /a" #elle.2 He loo,e! o&e at the a'ton#'he! I'la an! 'a#!* 1La!y I'la #' not ly#n%.2 1She' a $ho e@2 'o)eone "eh#n! 5e cy 'ho(te!. 1Unf#t to )a y anyone@2 a )e)"e of the Mon oe clan yelle!. Befo e lon%* !o7en' of an% y &o#ce' +o#ne! to%ethe #n con!e)n#n% he . /a" #elle $a' n()". She felt a' tho(%h 'he! +('t "een th o$n o&e a cl#ff an! the $ol&e' $e e $a#t#n% at the "otto) to tea he apa t. She ha! "een +(!%e! an! !a)ne!. She t #e! to )a,e 'en'e o(t of the #n'an#ty. Ho$ co(l! th#' "e happen#n%0 Ho$ co(l! people "e 'ay#n% '(ch &#le th#n%' a"o(t he 0 I'la ha! to "e !e)ente! to "e )a,#n% '(ch l(!#c o(' acc('at#on'. B(t $hat of the )on,0 Why !#! he a% ee $#th I'la0 What co(l! po''#"ly )a,e h#) conf# ) that /a" #elle ha! !one the'e $#c,e! !ee!'0 L#a). Dea /o!* #t $a' L#a). May"e the )on, ha! 'een he on he $ay to loo, #n on the '#c, )an. B(t 'he $a' ne&e alone $hen 'he left he oo)'. At lea't one %(a ! acco)pan#e! he * "(t #f he ha! 'teppe! ahea! an! the )on, happene! to loo, (p +('t a' 'he $a' $al,#n% pa't* he )#%ht ha&e a''()e! 'he $a' alone. That co(l! "e the only e.planat#on. If 'he t #e! to !efen! he 'elf* t #e! to tell the t (th* no one $o(l! "el#e&e 'he $a' '#)ply &#'#t#n% a '#c, )an an! noth#n% #)p ope ha! happene!. T$o people ha! acc('e! he . An! that $a' eno(%h to p o&e he %(#lt. 1Ha&e yo( noth#n% to 'ay fo yo( 'elf02 4o'$ol! 'ho(te! at /a" #elle. She ef('e! to an'$e . The #ncen'e! c o$! ha! al ea!y pa''e! +(!%)ent. She ha! %#&en he $o ! that 'he $o(l! tell no one a"o(t he pa t #n 'a&#n% L#a)* an! e&en #f 'he ha!nt p o)#'e!* $hat $o(l! the eact#on of the )o" "e #f they ,ne$ that 'he $a' e'pon'#"le fo ,#ll#n% a )an at F#nney' Flat0 Who $o(l! t( n a%a#n't he an! he %(a !' then0 She co(l! ne#the !o no 'ay anyth#n% that $o(l! en! th#' n#%ht)a e. Tea ' floo!e! he eye'* "(t 'he $o(l! not let the) 'p#ll !o$n he chee,'. She $o(l! not e'pon! to the 'l( ' the'e people $e e h( l#n% at he . Ba on 4o'$ol!' an%e to$a ! h#' n#ece '("'#!e!* an! he elea'e! h#' % #p on he a ). I'la' )ot#&e' fo co)#n% fo $a ! $e e no$ clea to h#). She $a' only t y#n% to 'a&e h#) f o) the h()#l#at#on that $o(l! '( ely co)e $hen the t (th a"o(t La!y /a" #elle $a' e&eale!* fo #ne&#ta"ly #t $o(l! "e ,no$n. E&en #f the )on, 'taye! '#lent an! ne&e (tte e! a $o ! a"o(t he '#n* '( ely Ba on Mac:enna $o(l! "e en a%e! $hen he !#'co&e e! h#' ne$ " #!e $a' not a &# %#n. No* I'la )ay not ha&e cho'en the )o't app op #ate t#)e to 'pea, (p* "(t 'he $a' only t y#n% to p otect h#). The t( )o#l o&e /a" #elle' f(t( e ha! '(!!enly 'h#fte!. >('t )o)ent' a%o fo( )en ha! "een &y#n% fo he han!* "(t $#th th#' e&elat#on e&e yth#n% ha! chan%e!. Fo $ho a)on% the) $o(l! 'tep fo $a ! to accept he no$0 Who $o(l! ta,e a ha lot a' a $#fe0

4OSWOLD WAS ENRA/ED. IT WAS TRUE. IT WAS ALL TRUE. /a" #elle $a' a $ho e. She ha! t #c,e! h#). She! t #c,e! the) all #nto "el#e&#n% 'he $a' p( e. He appea ance )a!e #t 'o ea'y fo he to !(pe )en. He an%el#c face an! tho'e eye'* tho'e "e$#tch#n% &#olet eye'6'he $a' 'o "ea(t#f(l. What )an $o(l! e&en con'#!e that 'he )#%ht "e anyth#n% "(t #nnocent0

What a fool he ha! "een to $ant he . Ho$ )any )en ha! 'he %#&en he 'elf to0 It )a!e h#) '#c, to th#n, a"o(t #t. 4o'$ol! loo,e! at 5e cy to 'ee ho$ he $a' ta,#n% the ne$'. A loo, of ho o 'ee)e! f o7en on h#' face. H#' )o(th $a' open a' tho(%h he $e e a"o(t to 'pea,* "(t he (tte e! not one $o !. E&en #f he ha! 'a#! 'o)eth#n%* he $o(l!nt ha&e "een hea ! o&e Mac:enna' oa . The la# ! $a' ant#n% a"o(t h#' %oo! na)e an! the 'ha)e /a" #elle $o(l! ha&e " o(%ht to #t. W#th each 'tate)ent #n h#' t# a!e* he! loo, (p at the $all. D#! he e.pect the H#%hlan!e ' $atch#n% to appla(! h#' ef('al to )a y /a" #elle0 1She ha' no &al(e no$*2 5e cy 'a#! $hen Mac:enna pa('e! to ta,e a " eath. 1:#n% >ohn $ont %#&e he a !o$ y. F#nney' Flat #' no lon%e yo( ' fo the ta,#n%* Mac:enna. The 'a)e %oe' fo yo(* Mon oe.2 1Do yo( th#n, I 't#ll $ant he 02 Mon oe 'pat on the % o(n! #n f ont of /a" #elle. 1The !e&#l ta,e he .2 He t( ne! an! $al,e! a$ay. A' he pa''e! Mac:enna* he 'a#!* 1She' all yo( '* Mac:enna* a' lon% a' yo( !ont )#n! the )oc,#n% "eh#n! yo( "ac,. Yo( hea ! the "a on. Yo( can ha&e the $ho e* "(t yo( $ont "e %ett#n% F#nney' Flat.2 Mac:enna ha! ne&e felt 'o h()#l#ate!. H#' $ ath t( ne! on 4o'$ol!. 1D#! yo( ,no$ 'he $a' a $ho e $hen yo( 't (c, yo( "a %a#n $#th )e0 Yo( !#!* !#!nt yo(02 In!#%nant* 4o'$ol! e'pon!e!* 1I )o't ce ta#nly !#! not. I "el#e&e! he to "e #nnocent* a' e&e yone el'e !#!. I ,ne$ yo( $ante! F#nney' Flat. Yo( $e e al ea!y call#n% the lan! /len Mac:enna "efo e I e&en '(%%e'te! the "a %a#n* an! I $ante!-2 He 'toppe! #n the )#!!le of h#' 'entence "efo e he acc#!entally "l( te! o(t the p o)#'e he! fo ce! Mac:enna to %#&e to 'eal the "a %a#n. Mac:enna !#!nt $ant anyone to ,no$ the pa t#c(la ' of the# a% ee)ent. He p(lle! 4o'$ol! a'#!e an! t( ne! h#' "ac, to the othe '. 1Yo( !e)an!e! that I a% ee to let yo( 'ee he $hene&e yo( $ante!* "(t yo( ef('e! to e.pla#n $hy. Tell )e* $e e yo( one of the )en 'he! al ea!y %#&en he 'elf to0 We e yo( plann#n% to cont#n(e to "e! he 0 Wa' 'he yo( )#'t e''02 W#th each 3(e't#on he po'e!* h#' co)ple.#on t( ne! a !a ,e 'ha!e of p( ple. 4o'$ol! ha! al)o't fo %otten a"o(t the %ol!. /a" #elle' 'hoc,#n% con!(ct ha! p('he! e&e y othe tho(%ht a'#!e. 4o'$ol! !#!nt $ant he any lon%e * "(t he $a' 't#ll !ete )#ne! to %et the t ea'( e. H#' )#n! ace! fo a 'ol(t#on. If he $a' e&e %o#n% to f#n! o(t $he e the t ea'( e $a' h#!!en* he nee!e! acce'' to /a" #elle* "(t #f he too, he "ac, to :#n% >ohn* 'he $o(l! "e lo't to h#). The ,#n% $o(l! p o"a"ly "e 'o f( #o(' he! o !e he* an! #f he $e e #n one of h#' a e fo %#&#n% )oo!'* he $o(l! )o't l#,ely ('e he (nt#l he "eca)e "o e! an! then pa'' he on to h#' fa&o e! (n!e l#n%'. E#the $ay* 4o'$ol! $o(l!nt "e a"le to 'ee he . 5e cy $a'nt a' $o #e!. Wh#le he $o(l! ha&e p efe e! to ha&e /a" #elle #n )a #a%e* he $a' p epa e! to ta,e he a' h#' )#'t e''. H#' o"'e''#on !#! not e3(# e a p("l#c ce e)ony. If /a" #elle $e e "an#'he!* 'he $o(l! "e f ee fo the ta,#n%* an! he co(l! ha&e he $hene&e an! ho$e&e he $ante!. All he ha! to !o $a' $a#t (nt#l 4o'$ol! $a'he! h#' han!' of he . 4o'$ol! ha! !e&#'e! a plan* too* an! ,ne$ e.actly $hat he $o(l! !o. He ha! to act 3(#c,ly "eca('e /a" #elle $a' 't#ll #n a 'tate of 'hoc,. He fea e! that 'he $o(l! eact $#th a &en%eance an! pe hap' e&en t y to e'cape to he fathe fo p otect#on. He co(l!nt let that happen. 1I th#n, #t' a $a'te of )y t#)e to ta,e the $o)an "ac, to En%lan! an! $a#t fo :#n% >ohn to et( n. S#nce I 'pea, on h#' "ehalf* I $#ll !ec#!e he fate th#' &e y )#n(te.2 1Yo( $#ll not ,#ll he *2 5e cy 'ho(te!. I'la' han! fle$ to he che't. 1Why !o yo( ca e $hat happen' to he 02 'he c #e!. 1Yo( cant po''#"ly 't#ll $ant he .2

14ant yo( 'h(t he (p* 4o'$ol!0 No one $ant' to hea anyth#n% )o e f o) he .2 1Be '#lent*2 4o'$ol! o !e e! a' he 'ho&e! I'la a$ay f o) h#). 15e cy' #%ht. Yo(&e 'a#! eno(%h.2 1I )ean $hat I 'ay* 4o'$ol!*2 5e cy $a ne!. 1Yo( cannot ,#ll /a" #elle.2 4o'$ol! 'nee e! at h#' a!&e 'a y. 1No* I $ont ,#ll he . I $ant he to '(ffe fo the e't of he l#fe* ho$e&e 'ho t that )#%ht "e.2 He t( ne! h#' f(ll attent#on to /a" #elle then an! too, a 'tep to$a ! he . The c o$! %a&e h#) a $#!e "e th. 1W#th the po$e "e'to$e! on )e "y :#n% >ohn* I he e"y "an#'h yo(.2 The a''e)"la%e chee e! the p(n#'h)ent. So)e clappe!* othe ' 'ho(te! app o&al. 1/oo! #!!ance.2 1She' %ett#n% $hat 'he !e'e &e'.2 4o'$ol! $a#te! fo e&e yone to 'ettle !o$n "efo e he cont#n(e!. 1Do yo( (n!e 'tan! $hat th#' )ean'* /a" #elle0 F o) th#' )o)ent on* yo( a e an o(tca't. Yo( ha&e no ho)e* no co(nt y* no ,#n%* an! no t#tle. :#n% >ohn an! h#' fa#thf(l '("+ect' no lon%e ac,no$le!%e yo( e.#'tence. Yo( a e noth#n%.2 1Doe' 'he an'$e to the ,#n%02 'o)eone 'ho(te!. 1She !oe' not* fo 'he ha' no ,#n%*2 4o'$ol! an'$e e!. 1What a"o(t Ba on /eoff ey02 5e cy a',e!. 1Dont yo( $on!e $hat hell !o $hen he hea ' h#' !a(%hte ha' "een "an#'he!02 1By the t#)e he f#n!' o(t* #t $#ll "e too late.2 5e cy $a' !e'pe ately t y#n% not to 'ho$ h#' +oy. /a" #elle $o(l! "e fo ce! o(t'#!e the $all'* an! he planne! to follo$ he . Once 'he $a' fa eno(%h a$ay f o) the a""ey an! no one co(l! 'ee he * 5e cy $o(l! ta,e he . He ha! eno(%h )en to a)"('h he %(a !' an! o&e $hel) the). No one $o(l! e&en ,no$ o ca e $hat happene! to he * an! #f 5e cy $ante! to* he co(l! loc, he #n the "o$el' of h#' ca'tle an! ,eep he the e fo a' lon% a' he $#'he!. 4o'$ol! ha! the 'a)e #ntent#on. 1I'la* %o an! tell )y 'e &ant' to p epa e to lea&e*2 he co))an!e! #n a $h#'pe . She no!!e! an! h( #e! to !o h#' "#!!#n%. B(t a' 'he pa''e! the 'co ne! $o)an* 'he 'lo$e! he pace an! t( ne! he hea! 'o that only /a" #elle co(l! $#tne'' he 'ly ')#le.

WHAT MALI4IOUS REASON DID THE WOMAN HA;E TO l#e0 What $a' he p( po'e0 An! $hat a"o(t the )on,0 Why !#! he '("'tant#ate he l#e'0 What !#! he ha&e to %a#n0 B o!#c, !#!nt ha&e any an'$e '. The only fact he ,ne$ to "e t (e $a' that #n le'' than ten )#n(te' t#)e the t$o of the) ha! !e't oye! /a" #elle' l#fe. They ha! !#'% ace! an! !#'hono e! he * 'natche! he f(t( e f o) he * an! 'ha)e! an! h()#l#ate! he fathe . Both Ba on /eoff ey an! h#' !a(%hte $o(l! no !o("t '(ffe :#n% >ohn' !#'plea'( e* fo 'he $a' no lon%e of any &al(e to h#). B o!#c, ,ne$ the e $a' a %oo! chance that the "a on' lan!' $o(l! "e conf#'cate!->ohn $a' noto #o(' fo ta,#n% $hat "elon%e! to othe '* #ncl(!#n% $#&e' an! !a(%hte '-an! $#th h#' t$#'te! )#n! an! h#' (np e!#cta"le te)pe * the e $a' al'o a po''#"#l#ty that he $o(l! ha&e Ba on /eoff ey! to )a,e an e.a)ple of h#). An! /a" #elle0 What $o(l! he !o to he 0 1We e 'ee#n% the En%l#'h #n all the# !ep a&#ty*2 4ol) 'a#! $#th !#'%('t.

1/a" #elle #' #nnocent.2 Fathe /el oy ha! tea ' #n h#' eye'* 'o % eat $a' h#' !#'t e''. 1She' ,#n! an! %entle*2 he #n'#'te!. 1If only yo( ,ne$62 The p #e't 'toppe! #n the n#c, of t#)e. He $a' a"o(t to "l( t o(t that* #f 4ol) an! B o!#c, $e e a$a e of the len%th' /a" #elle ha! %one to to p otect L#a) an! 'a&e h#' l#fe* they $o(l! ,no$ fo a ce ta#nty that 'he $o(l! ne&e !o anyth#n% to !#'% ace he fa)#ly' na)e. 1If $e only ,ne$ $hat02 4ol) a',e!. 1If yo( only ,ne$ he *2 he ha't#ly 'a#!. 1She #' #nnocent of the'e te #"le acc('at#on'.2 4ol) t( ne! to the p #e't. 1We al ea!y ,no$ 'he' #nnocent.2 1Aye* $e !o*2 B o!#c, a% ee!. 1Yo( !o02 B o!#c, '#%he!. 1We !o*2 he epeate!. 1B(t at the )o)ent* that !oe'nt )atte * !oe' #t0 Loo, at the). They ha&e all con!e)ne! he .2 1Ye'* they ha&e.2 /el oy $a' $ #n%#n% h#' han!'. He 'ta e! at /a" #elle a' he $h#'pe e!* 1Te #"le th#n%' $#ll happen to he #f they ta,e he "ac, to En%lan! an! han! he o&e to :#n% >ohn. That leche o(' )an #' capa"le of &#le !ee!'* an! I $#ll tell yo( th#'* $hen he #' f#n#'he! $#th he * hell62 He co(l!nt %o on. /a" #elle' f(t( e $a' too ho #"le to 'pea, of. 1The $o)an $ho acc('e! he 62 B o!#c, "e%an. 1I'la*2 /el oy 'a#!. 1I hea ! the) 'ay he na)e.2 1She l#e'*2 4ol) 'a#!. /el oy a% ee! $#th a no!. 1She $#ll ha&e to an'$e to /o! fo th#'.2 1B(t $hat a"o(t the )on,02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1Why !#! he conf# ) he l#e'02 1I !ont ,no$.2 1Do yo( ,no$ th#' )on,02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1I !o. He' yo(n% an! ea%e to 'e &e* an! I "el#e&e h#) to "e an hone't )an. I cant #)a%#ne $hy he $o(l! 'ay that he ha! 'een /a" #elle. It ha' to "e a )#'ta,e* an! Ill 'ee, h#) o(t an! a', h#) to tell )e e.actly $hat he th#n,' he 'a$.2 1The !a)a%e #' al ea!y !one*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. /el oy' 'ho(l!e ' 'l()pe!. 1Ye' #t #'. They ha&e (#ne! La!y /a" #elle' l#fe. Sha)e to the).2 15 #e't02 1Ye'* La# ! MacH(%h02 1When I lea&e the a""ey* yo( e co)#n% $#th )e.2 /el oy ha! the '(!!en ( %e to th o$ h#)'elf o&e the pa apet. He too, a 'tep "ac,* +(!%e! the !#'tance to the 'tep'* an! then fo(n! a "#t of co( a%e. He $o(l!nt (n. He $o(l! pol#tely !ecl#ne. 1Yo( e #n&#t#n% )e to 'e &e yo( clan62 1If yo( choo'e to th#n, of #t a' an #n&#tat#on* yo( )ay.2 1An! #f I !ecl#ne02 the p #e't %(lpe!. 1Yo( $ont.2 The l()p #n /el oy' th oat )a!e #t !#ff#c(lt fo h#) to 'pea,* an! #t too, e&e y o(nce of 'elf<cont ol he po''e''e! to 'tan! "efo e the MacH(%h. 5 ay#n% that the la# ! ha! #n!ee! co)e to the a""ey to 'ee, a p #e't* an! not* a' /el oy fea e!* to e.act e&en%e fo h#' " othe * he a'pe!* 1I $#ll "e happy to %o $#th yo(.2 B o!#c, la(%he!. 1No$ $ho' tell#n% l#e'0 Yo( face %#&e' yo( a$ay.2 E)"a a''e!* /el oy a!)#tte!* 1I !o ha&e t ep#!at#on* "(t I $#ll !o )y "e't to )#n#'te to the MacH(%h clan.2 1/o an! %athe $hat yo( $#'h to ta,e $#th yo(*2 MacH(%h o !e e!. B o!#c, $a#te! (nt#l the p #e't $a' o(t of '#%ht "efo e 'pea,#n%. 1I&e hea ! #t 'a#! that once a p #e't f#n!' a ho)e $#th any clan* #t' #)po''#"le to %et #! of h#). I&e a feel#n% yo( e %o#n% to "e 't(c, $#th /el oy fo the e't of yo( !ay'.2

Ha! /el oy hea ! B o!#c,' p e!#ct#on* he $o(l!nt ha&e a% ee!. The 'oone he co(l! co)plete h#' !(ty an! "e a$ay f o) the MacH(%h'* the "ette . He !#!nt $#'h to # #tate the la# ! "y ! a%%#n% h#' feet* an! 'o he an all the $ay "ac, to h#' 3(a te ' to pac, h#' holy $ate an! o#l'* h#' 'tole* an! the e't of h#' po''e''#on'. La# ! MacH(%h ha! o !e e! one of h#' yo(n%e 'ol!#e ' to acco)pany the p #e't* an! /el oy tho(%ht the la# ! !#! 'o to )a,e ce ta#n he $o(l!nt t y to (n a$ay. /o! only ,ne$ /el oy $ante! to flee* "(t $#th La!y /a" #elle #n '(ch nee!* he ha! to p(t h#' o$n fea ' a'#!e. All he co(l! th#n, a"o(t $a' f#n!#n% a $ay to help he . He tho(%ht 'he $o(l! "e $o #e! a"o(t he %(a !' $a#t#n% fo he . It $o(l!nt !o fo the) to +o#n #n th#' )on't o(' pe 'ec(t#on. Fo( %(a !' an! one $o)an 'tan!#n% a%a#n't a h(n! e! #ncen'e! )en6no* no. The %(a !' )('t 'tay o(t'#!e the %ate' (nt#l th#' ! ea!f(l ! a)a $a' o&e . Then* /o! $#ll#n%* they co(l! help /a" #elle f#n! 'helte a$ay f o) the'e te #"le people. /el oy hea!e! fo the f ont %ate'. The $a #o "loc,e! h#). 1Yo( e to %o "ac, to La# ! MacH(%h*2 he 'a#! a' he too, the t$o "a%' f#lle! $#th /el oy' th#n%'. 1Ill 'ee that the'e %et t#e! to one of o( 'a!!le'.2 15 ay "e pat#ent $#th )e*2 /el oy epl#e!. 1I )('t %#&e /a" #elle' %(a !' o !e ' to cont#n(e to $a#t. She $o(l! not $ant the) to co)e #n'#!e the a""ey* fo the e #' !an%e he e. It $#ll ta,e "(t a )#n(te.2 The $a #o a% ee! $#th a 3(#c, no!. Stephen 'too! $#th /a" #elle' ho 'e +('t no th of the %ate. He ca)e fo $a ! $hen he 'potte! /el oy $#th the H#%hlan!e . 1/a" #elle $#ll "e +o#n#n% yo( 'oon. Do yo( ha&e he clothe' an! othe nece''a #e' $#th yo(02 Fathe /el oy a',e!. Stephen 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1We ha&e 'o)e of he th#n%'. He )a#!' pac,e! he t (n,'. We plan to catch (p to the) "y late th#' afte noon. Why !o yo( a',02 He hate! to l#e* "(t /el oy e.c('e! the '#n "y tell#n% /o! he $a' only p otect#n% the %(a !' an! /a" #elle f o) a )o" $ant#n% "loo!. 1She $ante! )e to )a,e ce ta#n "eca('e he plan' ha&e chan%e!. She $#ll tell yo( #n +('t a fe$ )#n(te' $hen 'he +o#n' yo(. She "#!' yo( 'tay an! $a#t fo he he e.2 Stephen ha! no ea'on to !o("t the p #e't* fo he ,ne$ that /el oy ha! "eco)e a f #en! to /a" #elle. A' /el oy h( #e! "ac, to the $all* the MacH(%h clan')an acco)pany#n% h#) e)a ,e!* 1Yo( l#e! to that )an. Why02 1To p otect h#) an! the othe '. The la!y $o(l! $ant #t 'o*2 he a!!e!. 1She $o(l!nt $#'h fo the) to t y to #nte fe e #n th#' !e"acle* a' they $o(l! "e 'o ely o(tn()"e e!.2 H#' e'co t cont#n(e! to follo$ /el oy an! $o(l!nt lea&e h#' '#!e (nt#l the p #e't $a' half$ay (p the 'ta# '. /el oy ,ne$ that the )an $a' al'o '('p#c#o(' that he )#%ht !ec#!e to h#!e. When he eache! the top 'tep* he 'toppe! an! $a#te! fo one of the la# !' to "#! h#) to co)e fo $a !. B o!#c, not#ce! h#) an! )ot#one! to h#). /el oy clea e! h#' th oat to %et MacH(%h' attent#on an! 'a#!* 1La# !* I cannot lea&e (nt#l I ,no$ that La!y /a" #elle $#ll "e 'afe f o) the'e )on'te '. W#th yo( pe )#''#on* Ill %o an! 'tan! "y he '#!e.2 Befo e MacH(%h co(l! e'pon!* /el oy 't a#%htene! h#' 'ho(l!e ' an! t( ne! to B o!#c,. 1La# ! B(chanan* /a" #elle' fathe #'nt he e to !efen! he hono * an! yo( a e he only elat#&e. Yo( )('t help he .2 1Do not tell )e )y !(ty* p #e't.2 B o!#c,' &o#ce $a' ha 'h. 1I ,no$ #t $ell.2 1Ye'* of co( 'e yo( !o*2 he 'a#!* no!!#n% &#%o o('ly. D#')#''#n% /el oy* B o!#c, $atche! the c o$! "elo$. They $e e "e#n% $h#ppe! #nto a f en7y "y 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy.

14ol)* Ill ta,e he ho)e $#th )e. I can p otect he the e.2 1:eep#n% he 'afe $ont e'to e he hono *2 4ol) 'a#! % #)ly. B o!#c, a% ee!. 1She !e'e &e' "ette .2 1He fathe 6he #'nt l#,e tho'e "a on'02 1I $o(l!nt allo$ h#) on )y lan! #f he $e e*2 he epl#e!. 1I ,no$ h#) to "e a #%hteo(' )an.2 1Sen! $o ! to h#) that h#' !a(%hte #' 'tay#n% $#th yo(* an! hell co)e an! %et he .2 1It #'nt that '#)ple. Ba on /eoff ey $#ll ha&e to %athe h#' &a''al' an! p epa e fo $a . If the ,#n% conf#'cate' h#' p ope ty-2 1Hell "e po$e le''.2 1Ye'*2 he a% ee!. 1/a" #elle nee!' a 't on% p otecto . She' )y $#fe' co('#n. It' e.pecte! that I $o(l! 'h#el! he * "(t that $o(l!nt p o&e 'he #' #nnocent.2 1What !o yo( ca e $hat othe ' th#n,02 1I !ont ca e*2 he co(nte e!* 1"(t #f /a" #elle $e e )y $#fe* I $o(l! ,#ll any )an $ho $o(l! !a e attac, he hono .2 1A' $o(l! I*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1B(t 'he ha' no h('"an! to !efen! he hono .2 1No* 'he !oe'nt.2 1I th#n, pe hap' yo( 'ho(l! ta,e he ho)e $#th yo(.2 F o$n#n%* 4ol) 'a#!* 1An! $hat $o(l! that acco)pl#'h0 What !#ffe ence $o(l! #t )a,e #f I offe e! he )y p otect#on #n'tea! of yo(0 Yo( e a' 't on% a' I a).2 1I cannot )a y he .2 The 'tate)ent lay "et$een the) fo a lon% )o)ent "efo e 4ol) e'pon!e!. He ,ne$ e.actly $hat B o!#c, $ante!. 1Yo( a', too )(ch of )e.2 1Yo( ha&e a !e"t to epay. I a', $hat yo( can %#&e.2 1Ma #a%e0 No. It' o(t of the 3(e't#on.2 B o!#c, 'h (%%e!. 1It )a,e' 'en'e to )e. If yo( )a y he * e&e yone $#ll ,no$ yo( "el#e&e he to "e #nnocent. Yo( $o(l! not )a y a $ho e. Yo( e e'pecte! an! fea e! "y )o't of the othe clan'. Yo( co(l! e'to e he hono "y %#&#n% he yo( na)e.2 1No. Yo( $#ll ha&e to co)e (p $#th anothe 'ol(t#on*2 4ol) an'$e e! e)phat#cally. B o!#c, $a'nt !ete e!. He ,ne$ 4ol) MacH(%h $o(l! e&ent(ally !o the hono a"le th#n%. 1Do yo( '(%%e't the e )#%ht "e anothe la# ! )o e po$e f(l than yo( $ho ha'nt ta,en a $#fe yet02 1I a) not '(%%e't#n% anyth#n%* B(chanan. Th#' #' yo( p o"le) to 'ol&e* not )#ne.2 1A $#fe fo a " othe . Yo( 'a&e he l#fe a' I helpe! 'a&e yo( " othe .2 4ol)' +a$ $a' clenche! t#%ht. A B(chanan calle! o(t. 1La# !'* La!y /a" #elle #' lea&#n%. They&e opene! the %ate'.2 B o!#c, loo,e! at the co))on' +('t a' a )an 'teppe! fo $a ! an! 'p#t on the % o(n! #n f ont of /a" #elle. 4ol) 'a$ anothe )an p('h#n% h#' $ay th o(%h the th on% a' /a" #elle $a' $al,#n% to$a ! the %ate'. The )an calle! o(t to he * "(t 'he #%no e! h#) an! cont#n(e! on. He % a""e! he a ) then* '$(n% he a o(n!* an! h#t he face $#th h#' f#'t. Ha! he not ha! a f# ) % #p on he * 'he $o(l! ha&e ! oppe! to the % o(n!. 4ol) $a' al ea!y hea!#n% fo the 'ta# ' $#th B o!#c, #%ht "eh#n! h#) a' he calle! o(t to one of h#' )en* 1F#n! o(t $ho he #'.2 All the $a #o '* "oth B(chanan' an! MacH(%h'* (n!e 'too! the co))an!. /el oy !#!nt. He ha!nt 'een $hat happene! "elo$. 1Who #' he tal,#n% a"o(t0 What !oe' he $ant02 the p #e't a',e! one of the )en $ho $a' p('h#n% h#' $ay pa't.

The )an !#!nt 'lo$ h#' !e'cent. 1He $ant' to ,no$ $ho 't (c, La!y /a" #elle.2 1So)eone 't (c, he 0 Oh !ea Lo !*2 /el oy epl#e!. He p#&ote! on the 'tep an! ('he! "eh#n! the othe '. 1B(t $hy !oe' he-2 The la't $a #o to lea&e an'$e e!. 1The MacH(%h $ant' to ,no$ the na)e of the )an he' %o#n% to ,#ll.2

SHE WAS TRA55ED IN A NI/HTMARE. An ho( a%o 'he $a' La!y /a" #elle* !a(%hte of Ba on /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e an! 5 #nce'' /ene&#e&e of St. B#el. She ha! "een lo&e!* happy* an! hopef(l fo he f(t( e. No$ /a" #elle $a' hate!* t eate! l#,e a lepe * an! 'he ha! no f(t( e. It $a' too )(ch to ta,e #n. S( &#&al $a' $hat )atte e! #%ht no$. She ha! to f#n! a 'afe place fo he an! he %(a !'. An! tho(%h 'he !#!nt ha&e a !e't#nat#on #n )#n!* 'he $ante! to %et a' fa a$ay a' po''#"le f o) the he#no(' "a on' an! the# hench)en. Then pe hap' 'he $o(l! "e a"le to )a,e 'en'e o(t of $hat ha! +('t happene!. F# 't* ho$e&e * 'he nee!e! t#)e to cal) !o$n an! 3(#et he ac#n% hea t. She co(l! "a ely " eathe. St an%e ' 'c ea)e! fo(l na)e' at he a' 'he pa''e! the) on the lon%* 'ee)#n%ly en!le'' $al, to the f ont %ate'. The h()#l#at#on an! 'ha)e $e e (n"ea a"le. It too, all of he concent at#on to 'ho$ no e)ot#on. She !#!nt h( y he pace-tho(%h /o! ,no$' 'he $ante! to (n-an! 'he !#!nt allo$ a '#n%le tea to fall* fo to !o e#the $o(l! ha&e %#&en the a"#! c o$! 'at#'fact#on. 5 #!e $a' all 'he ha! left. She $o(l! not let the) ta,e that f o) he . The '#!e of he face th o""e! f o) the h#t 'he! ta,en. She! 'een the f#'t co)#n% an! t #e! to 'tep "ac, f o) he attac,e * a " (te of a )an $#th hat e! ')ea e! all o&e h#' (%ly face* "(t he latche! on to he an! $o(l!nt let he et eat. Fo t(nately* 'he $a' a"le to t$#'t a$ay an! le''en the #)pact. He $a' )o e than t$#ce he '#7e an! $e#%ht. If 'he ha!nt )o&e!* h#' f#'t '( ely $o(l! ha&e " o,en he +a$. 1Dont !a)a%e he *2 4o'$ol! ha! "ello$e! a 'cant 'econ! "efo e the attac,e ' f#'t 'la))e! #nto he face. The "lo$ ha! 't(nne! he * an! 'he ha! 'ta%%e e! "ac, +('t a' a 'tone 't (c, he f o) "eh#n!. She 3(#c,ly #%hte! he 'elf an! ,ept $al,#n%. Anothe 'tone an! then anothe h#t he . Tho(%h !a7e!* 'he 't#ll hea ! the "a on' 'ho(t. Da)a%e he 0 What a l(!#c o(' co))an!. 4o'$ol!* I'la* an! 5e cy ha! al ea!y !e't oye! he ep(tat#on an! attac,e! he cha acte . She ha! "een 't #ppe! of e&e yth#n%. In the eye' of he co(nt y)en* 'he no lon%e e.#'te!* an! 'he "elon%e! no$he e. What !#ffe ence !#! #t )a,e #f they !#'f#%( e! he a' $ell0 The a""ot $a' $a#t#n% fo he at the %ate. He p(lle! #t open* "o$e! h#' hea!* an! $h#'pe e!* 1/o! "e $#th yo(.2 D#! he "el#e&e the l#e'0 The e $e e tea ' #n h#' eye'* "(t 'he co(l!nt tell #f they $e e tea ' of 'y)pathy o 'ha)e. She 'teppe! o(t'#!e* hea ! the h(%e !oo 'h(t "eh#n! he * an! then the ha 'h 'o(n! of the "olt 'l#pp#n% #nto place. Stephen let o(t a 'ho(t $hen he 'a$ he . He leape! f o) h#' ho 'e an! an to he $h#le Fa('t* L(c#en* an! 4h #'t#en all ! e$ the# '$o !' #n p epa at#on fo a f#%ht. She ,ne$ 'he )('t loo, a$f(l. A 'tone ha! c(t he ',#n +('t "elo$ he #%ht eye* an! 'he felt "loo! t #c,l#n% !o$n he chee,. He +a$ $a' 'o e an! p o"a"ly al ea!y "e%#nn#n% to '$ell an! " (#'e.

15 #nce''* $hat happene! to yo(02 Stephen a',e!* appalle!. 1I) all #%ht*2 'he an'$e e!* he &o#ce '( p #'#n%ly 't on%* 1"(t $e )('t lea&e. No$.2 1Yo( e "lee!#n%@2 4h #'t#en' face $a' e! $#th an%e a' he '$(n% to$a ! the clo'e! %ate'. 1Who !#! th#' to yo(0 We $#ll ,#ll h#).2 1No* yo( $#ll not %o "ac, #nto the a""ey*2 'he !e)an!e!. Fa('t p(lle! h#' t(n#c o&e h#' hea! an! !o('e! #t $#th $ate f o) h#' leathe po(ch. Lean#n% !o$n f o) h#' 'a!!le* he han!e! the $et cloth to /a" #elle. 1Doe' #t h( t02 he a',e!. 1No*2 'he a''( e! h#)* 3(#c,ly $#p#n% the "loo! f o) he chee,. 1Ill tell yo( e&e yth#n%* "(t plea'e* $e )('t "e a$ay f o) he e $#th all po''#"le ha'te.2 They hea ! the ( %ency #n he &o#ce an! !#!nt 3(e't#on the co))an!. Stephen l#fte! he onto Ro%(e' "ac,* han!e! he the e#n'* then '$(n% (p on h#' )o(nt. A''()#n% 'he $ante! to catch (p $#th he fathe ' 'taff* he t( ne! 'o(th. 1No*2 'he c #e! o(t. 1We )('t %o no th.2 1Wont yo( fathe -2 L(c#en "e%an. 1Yo( !ont (n!e 'tan!. If the "a on' chan%e the# )#n!' an! !ec#!e to ta,e )e to the ,#n% -the# :#n% >ohn*2 'he co ecte!* 1they $#ll loo, fo (' to the 'o(th. Theyll ne&e f#n! (' h#!!en #n the fo e't.2 1B(t $hy-2 Stephen "e%an. 1No 3(e't#on' no$*2 'he 'a#!. 1When $e a e a$ay f o) he e* I $#ll e.pla#n.2 Stephen no!!e!. 1We %o no th.2 4h #'t#en $a' the la't #n the p oce''#on an! the f# 't to feel the % o(n! 'ha,e "eneath h#). The H#%hlan!e ' app oache! f o) the h#ll "elo$. He calle! to the othe ' #!#n% ahea! of h#). When 'he t( ne! an! 'a$ the app oach#n% ho !e* /a" #elle pan#c,e!* th#n,#n% he ene)#e' $e e #n p( '(#t. B(t a' they ! e$ clo'e * 'he eco%n#7e! the t$o )en lea!#n% the)= B(chanan an! MacH(%h. They loo,e! $#l! an! fe oc#o(' an! p o(!6an! !an%e o('. A )a%n#f#cent '#%ht= l#,e a "olt of l#%htn#n%* "ea(t#f(l to o"'e &e f o) a !#'tance "(t te #fy#n% (p clo'e. The 'o(n! of the po(n!#n% hoo&e' $a' !eafen#n%. 1Let the) pa''*2 'he 'ho(te! to he %(a !'. She %(#!e! Ro%(e to the left to %#&e the cha %#n% H#%hlan!e ' oo)* "(t they !#!nt %o a o(n!. They fanne! o(t. /a" #elle ( %e! Ro%(e #nto a f(ll %allop* yet they %a#ne! on he * '( o(n!#n% he an! he %(a !' an! '$allo$#n% the) #nto the# )#!'t. Enclo'e! #n th#' th#c, c# cle of $a #o '* they olle! o&e one h#ll an! cl#)"e! the ne.t. Anyone loo,#n% o(t f o) the a""ey $o(l! ha&e 'een only the clan')en hea!#n% "ac, to the# ho)e'. /a" #elle an! he %(a !' $e e co)pletely h#!!en f o) &#e$. Wa' that the# #ntent0 She $a' 'o el#e&e! an! than,f(l to "e %ett#n% fa the an! fa the a$ay f o) the "a on'* 'he $a'nt %o#n% to $o y a"o(t the H#%hlan!e ' )ot#&e'. Be'#!e'* 'he! al ea!y 'potte! Fathe /el oy "o(nc#n% alon% on h#' )o(nt. A % #)ace on h#' face* the poo p #e't appea e! to "e han%#n% on to the po))el of h#' 'a!!le fo !ea l#fe. If any of the) )eant to !o ha )* $o(l! they ha&e " o(%ht a p #e't alon% to $#tne'' the# !a , !ee!'0 They &ee e! to the no th$e't. When they eache! the e!%e of F#nney' Flat* a %oo! t$o ho( ' #!e f o) the a""ey* 'he hea ! one of the )en 'ho(t that they $e e on B(chanan lan!. Ro%(e $a' )o e than ea!y to e't* an! /a" #elle $a'nt %o#n% to p('h he ho 'e any fa the $#tho(t a e'p#te. She $a' '( p #'e! the H#%hlan!e ' !#!nt t a)ple he $hen 'he a" (ptly p(lle! (p. They 'toppe! $#th he * "(t "efo e 'he e&en ha! t#)e to !#')o(nt* they $e e on the % o(n!* '( o(n!#n% he . He %(a !' 'too! at attent#on* ea!y fo $hat )#%ht co)e. The# han!' $e e at the# '#!e'* "(t the# 'tance $a'nt ela.e!. They ,ne$ that #f they e&en loo,e! a' tho(%h they $e e %o#n% to each fo the# '$o !'* #t $o(l! "e the# la't ea thly act. The H#%hlan! $a #o ' $o(l! ,#ll

to p otect the# la# !'* +('t a' the %(a !' $o(l! f#%ht to the !eath fo the# p #nce''. A' lon% a' the H#%hlan!e ' !#!nt p e'' #n on the)* they $o(l! 'tan! the# % o(n!. :no$#n% he %(a !' $o(l!nt "ac, !o$n* no )atte ho$ )any )en they $e e (p a%a#n't* /a" #elle $o #e! fo the# l#&e'. She hea ! one of the H#%hlan!e ' %#&e the co))an! to fall "ac,. She hope! #t $a' the $#l! B(chanan 'he! hea !* "(t $hen the 'ol!#e ' pa te!* 'he 'a$ that #t $a'nt he co('#n $ho ha! 'po,en. It $a' the othe la# !* the (thle'' )an $ho ha! % eete! h#' lon%<lo't " othe $#th h#' f#'t. He $a' a' "#% an! fe oc#o('<loo,#n% a' 'he e)e)"e e!* "(t the e $a' 'o)eth#n% el'e '( p #'#n% a"o(t h#). One )#%ht e&en 'ay he $a' act(ally han!'o)e* #f one l#,e! the (%%e!* fla$e!* 'o)e$hat 'ca e! type. She !#!nt. B(t #f the e $a' anyth#n% 'he !#! l#,e a"o(t h#' appea ance* #t $a' the colo of h#' ha# . It $a' "lon!* $#th h#nt of e!. It f a)e! a face 'te n an! #%#!* e)#n!#n% he of a ;#,#n% f o) the 'to #e' of t#)e' pa't. Mo't l#,ely he $a' +('t a' )ean an! "a "a #c. 4ol) MacH(%h 'toppe! $hen he $a' "a ely a foot a$ay f o) Stephen. The t$o )en '#7e! each othe (p* then 4ol) o !e e!* 1/et o(t of )y $ay.2 Stephen )o&e! not an #nch. 4ol) $a' at lea't a hea! talle an! )(ch )o e )('c(la * "(t the %(a ! !#!nt %#&e. He too, o !e ' f o) no one "(t 5 #nce'' /a" #elle. The 'a)e $ent fo h#' fello$ %(a !'. Fa('t an! 4h #'t#en )o&e! to 'tan! $#th Stephen* $h#le L(c#en 'too! $#th h#' "ac, to he '. B o!#c, +o#ne! 4ol) a' /a" #elle 'a#!* 1They )ean (' no ha ).2 A pa t of he act(ally "el#e&e! that to "e t (e* that the H#%hlan!e ' ha! follo$e! the) to help* not h( t. St#ll* afte to!ay' ho o * anyth#n% $a' po''#"le. 1Step a'#!e an! let )e 'pea, to the)*2 'he o !e e!. He %(a !' )o&e! a$ay* ca(t#o('ly ,eep#n% an eye on the H#%hlan!e '. 1What lan%(a%e a e yo( 'pea,#n%02 B o!#c, a',e! the 3(e't#on #n /ael#c. She e'pon!e! #n ,#n!. 1It #' the lan%(a%e of )y )othe ' ho)elan!* St. B#el.2 He co))an! of the# lan%(a%e $a' e.cellent. B o!#c, a''()e! he fathe ha! ta(%ht he . H#' $#fe* /#ll#an* $o(l! !o $ell to ta,e a le''on f o) /a" #elle. H#' )en 't#ll occa'#onally $#nce! $hen 'he 'po,e to the). T( n#n% to 4ol)* he e)a ,e!* 1She #'nt all En%l#'h* +('t half.2 Why B o!#c, tho(%ht that fact $o(l! )atte $a' "eyon! 4ol). Half En%l#'h $a' the 'a)e a' all En%l#'h to h#). 4ol)' e'pon'e $a' a nonco))#ttal 'h (%. B o!#c, 'teppe! to$a ! /a" #elle. When he %(a !' eacte!* he %la e! at the). H#' follo$e ' al'o too, offen'e an! )o&e! fo $a !. 1Eno(%h@2 /a" #elle calle! o(t. She a#'e! he han! an! epeate! the co))an!= 1Eno(%h.2 S#nce 'he! 'po,en /ael#c* #t $a' o"&#o(' to B o!#c, an! 4ol) that 'he ha!nt %#&en the o !e to he %(a !' "(t to the# 'ol!#e '. He a''e t#&ene'' a)('e! B o!#c,* "(t #t # #tate! 4ol). Only afte a '#%nal f o) the# la# !' !#! the )en )o&e "ac,* "(t all #ntently $atche! he p otecto '. /a" #elle tho(%ht pe hap' they $e e $a#t#n% fo an oppo t(n#ty to po(nce. 1Do yo( ,no$ $ho $e a e02 B o!#c, a',e!. She no!!e!. 1Yo( e the $#l!-that #' to 'ay* yo( e )y co('#n* La# ! B(chanan. I&e hea ! 'to #e' a"o(t yo(.2 The co))ent !#!nt e)o&e h#' 'co$l. 1They $e e )o't #)p e''#&e 'to #e' a"o(t yo( c(nn#n% an! yo( 't en%th.2 He cla'pe! h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac,. 1Who tol! yo( the'e 'to #e'02 1My fathe * Ba on /eoff ey.2 1Then the 'to #e' a e t (e. He $o(l! not l#e.2 She ,ne$ 'he $a' %o#n% to ha&e to ac,no$le!%e the othe la# !* an! a 'h#&e of ! ea! ('he! th o(%h he $hen 'he f#nally t( ne! an! )et MacH(%h' p#e c#n% eye'.

1I al'o ,no$ $ho yo( a e.2 H#' e'pon'e $a' a 'l#%htly a#'e! eye" o$. She $a'nt !ete e!. 1Yo( e La# ! MacH(%h* an! yo( ha&e a )o't pec(l#a $ay of % eet#n% yo( " othe .2 4ol) !#!nt (n!e 'tan! he )ean#n%. 1Ho$ !o I % eet h#)02 1W#th yo( f#'t.2 Ah. So 'he! "een $atch#n% L#a) lea&e the a""ey. Fo the " #efe't of 'econ!' /a" #elle 'a$ a h#nt of $a )th #n h#' eye'. It $a' lon% eno(%h fo he to eal#7e he $a'nt a co)plete o% e. Fathe /el oy p('he! h#' $ay th o(%h the clan')en. He "o$e! to /a" #elle an! then t( ne! to a!! e'' 4ol). 1La# ! MacH(%h* the'e a e the %oo! )en $ho p otecte! yo( " othe $h#le he $a' eco&e #n% f o) h#' #n+( #e' at the a""ey. I )ent#one! the) to yo( "efo e* "(t I $ante! to )a,e ce ta#n yo( ha!nt fo %otten.2 The p #e't ha! a l#ttle co( a%e !eep #n'#!e h#) afte all* 4ol) tho(%ht. /el oy !a e! to e)#n! h#) that he o$e! the'e )en h#' % at#t(!e. 4ol) hate! o$#n% anyone anyth#n%. The !e"t al$ay' $e#%he! hea&#ly (nt#l #t $a' epa#!. He !#!nt than, the %(a !'* "(t no!!e! #n ac,no$le!%)ent of $hat they ha! !one. The othe B(chanan' an! MacH(%h'* hea #n% $hat the p #e't ha! 'a#!* al'o ela.e! the# po'#t#on'. 1D#! anyone t y to %et to )y " othe $h#le yo( $e e %(a !#n% h#)02 he a',e! the fo( . /a" #elle 'ta te! to an'$e no* "(t !ec#!e! 'he 'ho(l! let the) 'pea, fo the)'el&e'. 1Stephen* !#! anyone t y to h( t L#a) $h#le yo( o the othe ' $e e p otect#n% h#)02 He he'#tate! "efo e an'$e #n%* then %a&e a 3(#c, no!. 1T$o )en ca)e that f# 't n#%ht.2 1What !#! he 'ay02 B o!#c, a',e! /a" #elle. /a" #elle $a' 'o '( p #'e! "y the %(a !' an'$e 'he #%no e! B o!#c,. 1Why !#!nt yo( tell )e02 1We !#!nt feel #t nece''a y to tell yo(*2 L(c#en 'a#!. 1Yo( a',e! (' to %(a ! h#)* an! that' $hat $e !#!*2 Stephen 'a#!. 1We too, ca e of the )atte *2 Fa('t a!!e!. B o!#c, an! 4ol) ha! $a#te! lon% eno(%h to %et an an'$e . 1Yo( $#ll tell (' $hat they 'a#!*2 4ol) o !e e!. She 3(#c,ly apolo%#7e! an! a',e! Stephen an! the othe ' to 'pea, !# ectly to the la# !'. Stephen t( ne! to 4ol) an! #n /ael#c 'a#!* 1La# ! MacH(%h* t$o )en ca)e fo yo( " othe the f# 't n#%ht $e %(a !e! h#).2 If the la# !' $e e '( p #'e! that /a" #elle' %(a !' $e e al'o p of#c#ent #n the# lan%(a%e* they !#!nt 'ho$ #t. 4ol) fol!e! h#' a )' an! $a#te! fo f( the e.planat#on. 1They $e e ! e''e! a' )on,'* "(t ca #e! ,n#&e' #n the# 'lee&e'*2 L(c#en 'a#!. 1L(c#en an! I $e e on $atch*2 4h #'t#en e.pla#ne!. 1We $a#te! (nt#l $e $e e ce ta#n they )eant to )( !e yo( " othe "efo e $e acte!*2 L(c#en 'a#!. 1An! $hat !#! yo( !o $hen yo( eal#7e! $hat they $e e a"o(t02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1We ,#lle! the)*2 4h #'t#en an'$e e! f an,ly. 4ol) no!!e! app o&al. 1D#! they 'pea,0 D#! yo( hea the# na)e'02 he a',e!. 1D#! they )ent#on $he e they $e e f o) o $ho 'ent the)02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1No*2 L(c#en an'$e e!. 1They 'po,e yo( lan%(a%e* "(t !#ffe ently f o) the $ay yo( 'pea, #t.2 1De'c #"e the'e )en*2 B o!#c, o !e e!. L(c#en tol! of t$o )en $#th lon% ha# an! "ea !' $ho $e e "( ly "(t not e.cept#onally tall. Afte he ha! f#n#'he!* 4h #'t#en a!!e!* 1They $e e o !#na y.2 1No )a ,' on the# ',#n o the# $eapon'*2 L(c#en e.pla#ne!. 1My " othe 'lept th o(%h th#' f#%ht02 4ol) a',e!.

4h #'t#en $a' offen!e! "y the 3(e't#on. 1The e $a' no f#%ht. We !#!nt %#&e the) t#)e to f#%ht ('.2 1A '( p #'e attac, then*2 B o!#c, 'a#!* no!!#n% app o&al. 1No*2 L(c#en 'a#!* 1they 'a$ (' co)#n%.2 4ol) a!)# e! the# conce#t. 1What !#! yo( !o $#th the "o!#e'02 1We co(l!nt lea&e L#a) (np otecte!* 'o $e ,ept the "o!#e' #n the co ne of h#' oo) (nt#l Stephen an! Fa('t a #&e! to el#e&e ('*2 4h #'t#en 'a#!. 1Then* L(c#en an! I ca #e! the "o!#e' o(t'#!e the a""ey an! th e$ the) #n the a&#ne. It $a' 't#ll !a ,9 I) ce ta#n no one 'a$ ('.2 1We to''e! !# t o&e the)* "(t "y no$ the an#)al' ha&e p o"a"ly %otten to the).2 The 3(e't#on' cont#n(e!* "(t /a" #elle $a'nt pay#n% attent#on. She $a' 't#ll eel#n% f o) the ca'(al a!)#''#on that he %(a !' ha! ,#lle! t$o #nt (!e '. Hone't to hea&en* 'he !#!nt th#n, 'he co(l! ta,e any )o e 'hoc,'. She $a' $o n o(t9 all 'he $ante! to !o $a' f#n! a 3(#et 'pot an! '#t fo a fe$ )#n(te'. He $o l! $a' c a'h#n% !o$n a o(n! he * an! 'he nee!e! t#)e to 'o t o(t the ho #f#c e&ent' of the !ay "efo e 'he t #e! to )a,e plan'. Un!e 'tan!#n% the'e ho #f#c e&ent' $o(l! ta,e )(ch* )(ch lon%e . When #t appea e! that the la# !' 3(e't#on' $e e at la't f#n#'he!* 'he calle! to Stephen. 1May I ha&e a $o !02 'he a',e!. /a" #elle le! Stephen a$ay f o) the othe ' 'o 'he $o(l!nt "e o&e hea !* "(t +('t to "e a"'ol(tely ce ta#n* 'he 'po,e the lan%(a%e of St. B#el. 1Why !#!nt yo( tell )e a"o(t the'e attac,e '02 1I) 'o y* 5 #nce''* "(t I felt that #f the# "o!#e' $e e fo(n!* yo( $o(l! "e 'afe ha&#n% no ,no$le!%e of the).2 1D#! yo( eco%n#7e the)0 4o(l! they ha&e "een at F#nney' Flat02 1We all %ot a %oo! loo, at the)* "(t none of (' tho(%ht 'o. Re)e)"e * 5 #nce''* yo( a e the only one $ho 'a$ all of the# face'.2 1The !e'c #pt#on I +('t hea ! L(c#en %#&e the la# !' !#!nt 'o(n! l#,e any of the )en I 'a$. St#ll* I tho(%ht pe hap' they ha! follo$e! (' to the a""ey.2 Stephen 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1That #'nt po''#"le. 4h #'t#en ,ept "ac,t ac,#n% to )a,e ce ta#n $e $e ent "e#n% follo$e!. He $o(l! ha&e 'een the).2 1Then ho$ !#! tho'e )en ,no$ L#a) $a' the e02 1So)eone )('t ha&e 'een h#)* o 'een (' ca y#n% h#) #n'#!e. It' !#ff#c(lt to ,eep 'ec et' #n '(ch a la %e place $#th 'o )any 't an%e ' co)#n% an! %o#n%.2 1Ye'* that #' 'o* "(t he' 'afe no$* #'nt he0 An! that #' all that )atte '.2 1An! yo(* 5 #nce''0 F o) the c(t' an! " (#'e' I 'ee* I )('t a''()e yo( a e not 'afe. W#ll yo( tell )e $hat happene!02 D ea!#n% the ta',* 'he confe''e! to Stephen $hat ha! t an'p# e! #n the co))on'. She co(l!nt loo, at h#) a' 'he epeate! the fo(l na)e' 'he! "een calle!* an! he &o#ce " o,e $hen 'he 'po,e of the )on, $ho ha! conf# )e! I'la' 'to y. Stephen ca)e to the 'a)e concl('#on that 'he ha!* 'ay#n%* 1He )('t ha&e 'een yo( $hen yo( $e e on yo( $ay to loo, #n on L#a).2 Of the fo( %(a !'* Stephen $a' the )o't p a%)at#c* an! #n a c #'#'* the )o't (n (ffle!* "(t he co(l! not conta#n h#' # e. 1It #' o( !(ty to ,eep yo( 'afe* 5 #nce''* an! yo( !el#"e ately ,ept (' #n the !a ,. Ha! $e ,no$n $hat $a' happen#n% #n'#!e the a""ey-2 She #nte (pte!. 1Yo( $o(l! ha&e "een ,#lle! "eca('e yo( an! the othe ' $o(l! ha&e t #e! to !efen! )e. I co(l!nt let that happen.2 F ('t ate!* he an'$e e! 'ha ply. 1It #' o( e'pon'#"#l#ty to !efen! yo(.2 4h #'t#en* L(c#en* an! Fa('t ca)e (nn#n%. Fa('t loo,e! ho #f#e! $hen he 'a#!* 1Stephen* yo( a#'e! yo( &o#ce to 5 #nce'' /a" #elle.2

1When yo( hea $hat 'he ha' +('t tol! )e* yo(ll 'ha e )y an%e . Men !a e! to th o$ 'tone' at he @2 he a#le!. /a" #elle $a' 'a&e! f o) ha&#n% to el#&e the n#%ht)a e once a%a#n $hen an (nhappy La# ! MacH(%h app oache!. 1I ha&e yet to f#n! o(t ho$ )y " othe ca)e to "e at the a""ey. In the t#)e yo( $e e the e* !#! yo( hea anyth#n%02 /a" #elle an'$e e!* 15lea'e ,eep #n )#n!* La# !* &e y fe$ people ,ne$ he $a' #n the )on,' 3(a te '. 5e hap' L#a) $#ll e)e)"e 'o)eth#n%. I '(%%e't yo( a', h#).2 4ol) t( ne! h#' attent#on to he fo( %(a !'. 1My " othe 'a#! he t #e! to tal, to yo(. Why !#!nt any of yo( an'$e 0 L#a) tho(%ht yo( !#!nt (n!e 'tan! h#)* "(t '#nce yo( clea ly (n!e 'tan! /ael#c* I $ant to ,no$ $hy yo( $o(l!nt 'pea, to h#).2 Fa('t loo,e! to Stephen. Rece#&#n% h#' pe )#''#on $#th a 3(#c, no!* he 'a#!* 1We !#!nt $ant to.2

/ABRIELLES /UARDS WERE ARRO/ANT* RUDE* INSULTIN/* "l(nt* an! " (tally hone't. 4ol) co(l!nt help "(t l#,e the). Ha! he not ,no$n "ette * he $o(l! ha&e tho(%ht they $e e "o n an! " e! H#%hlan!e '. An! '#nce he !#!nt con'#!e any of the'e t a#t' fla$'* the e $a' no nee! to 'ho&e h#' f#'t !o$n Fa('t' th oat "eca('e of h#' #n'olent att#t(!e. The e $a' )(ch he $ante! to ,no$ a"o(t the# #n&ol&e)ent $#th L#a)* "(t he !ec#!e! to p(t that )atte a'#!e fo a )o)ent an! concent ate on /a" #elle. The 'oone he e.pla#ne! $hat $a' %o#n% to happen to he * the "ette . He ha! a !e"t to epay* an! "y all that $a' holy* he $o(l! 'ee #t !one. Wh#le the othe ' p epa e! to e'()e the# +o( ney* he $a#te! fo the %(a !' to et( n to the# ho 'e' "efo e he a!! e''e! he . 1/a" #elle.2 1Ye'* La# ! MacH(%h02 1Yo( $#ll $al, $#th )e.2 It $a'nt a e3(e't. It $a' an o !e * %#&en #n a ha 'h &o#ce. 1I $#ll02 He no!!e!. 1Aye* yo( $#ll.2 The la# ! $a' ('e! to %ett#n% h#' $ay. An! $hy not0 /a" #elle tho(%ht. He loo,e! 't on% eno(%h to l#ft a ho 'e an! not " ea, a '$eat. She co(l! 'ee the po$e #n the $ay he )o&e!* #n h#' a o%ant '$a%%e * "(t 'he !#!nt feel th eatene! o f #%htene! "y #t. H#' 't en%th 'o)eho$ )a!e he feel 'ec( e. An! $hat 'en'e !#! that )a,e0 B(t then* to!ay ha! "een one of the $o 't !ay' of he l#fe. Noth#n% )a!e any 'en'e to he . 1Yo( $#ll 'pea, only /ael#c $hen yo( a e $#th )e*2 4ol) o !e e!. She t #e! not to ta,e e.cept#on to h#' "#t#n% co))an!. The la# ! $a' acc('to)e! to h#' clan follo$#n% h#' o !e ' $#tho(t 3(e't#on* "(t ha! he fo %otten 'he $a'nt a MacH(%h0 If he cont#n(e! to "e 'o a" a'#&e* 'he $o(l! e)#n! h#) of that fact. W#tho(t a $o !* 'he $al,e! ac o'' the ')all clea #n% to the 'ha!e of a "an, of t ee'. She felt the 'ol!#e ' eye' on he . She 'toppe! an! t( ne! to face the la# !. Stan!#n% +('t a fe$ feet f o) he * 4ol) %a&e he h#' f(ll attent#on. He t #e! not to eact phy'#cally* "(t that p o&e! to "e #)po''#"le. She $a' "ea(t#f(l= lon%* 'oftly c( l#n% ha# the colo of )#!n#%ht* ',#n a' p( e a' c ea)* eye' 'o &#olet an! e.p e''#&e they 'ee)e! to 'pa ,le* an! that )o(th* !ea /o!* that )o(th co(l! %#&e any )an fanta'#e'. E&en $#th the " (#'e! +a$ an! the "loo!y c(t on he chee,* 'he $a' # e'#'t#"le.

4ol) co(l! not let h#' )#n! !#% e'' l#,e th#'. The la't th#n% he nee!e! $a' a $o)an conf('#n% h#' tho(%ht'. In t#)e* he $a' ce ta#n he $o(l! %et ('e! to he appea ance* "(t he $a'nt a' ce ta#n a"o(t h#' follo$e '. E&en no$ h#' )en $e e %a$,#n%. He t( ne! to '#%nal h#' !#'app o&al* "(t none $o(l! 'pa e h#) a %lance9 they $e e f(lly occ(p#e! $atch#n% he . If they $e e clo'e * he $o(l! 'la) 'o)e hea!' to%ethe -that $o(l! %et the# attent#on. /a" #elle $a#te! pat#ently fo La# ! MacH(%h to 'pea,. The $ay he $a' 'ta #n% 'o #ntently at he )a!e he feel (nea'y. She atte)pte! a ')#le an! 'a#!* 1What #' #t yo( $#'h to 'ay02 He 'a$ no ea'on to ea'e #nto the top#c. 1Yo( a e %o#n% ho)e $#th )e.2 She $a' ce ta#n 'he ha!nt hea ! co ectly. 1I) 'o y. Wo(l! yo( )#n! epeat#n% $hat yo( +('t 'a#!02 1Yo( e %o#n% ho)e $#th )e.2 Totally "e$#l!e e!* 'he a',e!* 1Why02 F o$n#n%* he 'a#!* 1Beca('e I ha&e !ec#!e! 'o.2 1B(t $hy $o(l! yo( $ant to ta,e )e ho)e $#th yo(02 'he a',e! a%a#n. He let o(t a lon%* ! a$n<o(t '#%h. He 'ho(l! ha&e ,no$n #t $o(l!nt "e ea'y. Th#n%' ha&#n% to !o $#th the B(chanan' al$ay' en!e! (p "e#n% co)pl#cate!* an! th#' o"&#o('ly $a'nt %o#n% to "e any !#ffe ent. 1It ha' "een '(%%e'te! "y yo( co('#n62 1The $#l! B(chanan02 1Ye'62 1What e.actly !#! he '(%%e't02 1Stop #nte (pt#n% )e.2 She $a' #))e!#ately cont #te. 1I apolo%#7e* La# !. Yo( anno(nce)ent too, )e "y '( p #'e* an! I-2 She 'toppe!. 1I )a,e no e.c('e'.2 E)"a a'')ent )a!e he chee,' fl('h* an! 4ol) ,ne$ that #f he !#!nt 'top not#c#n% '(ch th#n%'* he $o(l! ne&e %et th o(%h th#'. 4la'p#n% h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac,* he 'co$le! an! t #e! once a%a#n. 1B o!#c, '(%%e'te! that yo( $o(l! "e 'afe l#&#n% $#th )y clan (n!e )y p otect#on.2 She fol!e! he a )' an! $a#te! a fe$ 'econ!' "efo e e'pon!#n%. 1Why $o(l! La# ! B(chanan )a,e any '(%%e't#on' e%a !#n% )y $elfa e02 1Yo( fathe $a'nt at the a""ey* an! "eca('e B o!#c, #' elate!* the !(ty to p otect yo( fell on h#' 'ho(l!e '.2 1B o!#c, #'nt )y %(a !#an. My fathe #'.2 4ol) no!!e!. 1Ye'* that #' 'o*2 he 'a#! #)pat#ently. 1B(t he $a'nt the e* $a' he02 Befo e 'he co(l! an'$e * he a!!e!* 1We $e e.2 1Ye'* I ,no$ yo( $e e. When I $al,e! #nto the co))on'* I loo,e! (p an! I 'a$ yo(* "(t I tho(%ht6that #' to 'ay* I a''()e! yo( $e e lea&#n% +('t then.2 S(!!enly co)pletely attle!* 'he too, a 'tep "ac, an! 'hoo, he hea!. 1Why !#! I th#n, that0 Why !#! I a''()e yo( $e e lea&#n%0 I ne&e e&en loo,e! (p at the $all a%a#n once the 'ho(t#n% 'ta te!.2 F ant#c no$* 'he $h#'pe e!* 1When !#! yo( lea&e02 1Afte yo( !#!.2 She felt '#c,. 1Then yo( $#tne''e!62 She co(l!nt f#n#'h the 3(e't#on. 1Ye'.2 She too, anothe 'tep "ac,. Ha! all the )en $#th the la# !' al'o hea ! an! 'een he h()#l#at#on0 Ye'* of co( 'e they ha!. That $a' $hy they $e e all 'ta #n% at he no$. D#! they th#n, 'he $a' a $ho e0 A >e7e"el0 Why $e ent they 'ho(t#n% o"'cen#t#e' at he l#,e the othe '0 he 'toppe! et eat#n% an! 't a#%htene! he 'ho(l!e '. She !ec#!e! 'he $o(l!nt !efen! he 'elf o p ote't he #nnocence. She $o(l!nt co$e * e#the . If* l#,e the )o" h( l#n% #n'(lt' an! 'tone'* they $ante! to th#n, the $o 't of he * 'o "e #t. She '())one! e&e y la't o(nce of

co( a%e 'he po''e''e!* "(t the e $a' 'o l#ttle left. She $a' once a%a#n o&e $hel)e! $#th 'ha)e fo 'o)eth#n% 'he ha!nt !one. 4ol) 'a$ the 'a!ne'' ente he eye' an! the colo ! a#n f o) he face. He ha! the c a7y ( %e to t y to )a,e he feel "ette . 1Yo( a e a conf('#n% $o)an*2 he )(tte e!. /a" #elle co(l! not a %(e $#th h#' op#n#on* fo he tho(%ht' $h# le! #n e&e y !# ect#on. Why $o(l! th#' )an offe he h#' ho)e0 What co(l! he po''#"ly %a#n f o) th#'0 Noth#n% )a!e 'en'e. She an! he %(a !' ce ta#nly nee!e! a 'afe ha&en $h#le 'he planne! fo the# f(t( e. L#&#n% $#th the MacH(%h' $o(l! "e a 'o(n!* "(t te)po a y 'ol(t#on* p o&#!#n% 'he (n!e 'too! the la# !' ea'on' fo offe #n%. In he p e'ent 'tate of )#n!* 'he !#!nt !a e t ('t anyone to !o the #%ht th#n%. Wa' MacH(%h hono a"le* o !#! he ha&e t$#'te! )ot#&e' of h#' o$n0 1I th#n, yo( )('t "e a %oo! )an an! an hono a"le lea!e -2 'he "e%an. 1Ho$ co(l! yo( po''#"ly ,no$ $hat I a)02 It $a' the open#n% 'he $a' loo,#n% fo . 1I co(l!nt po''#"ly ,no$-2 1Yo( +('t 'a#!-2 1An! '#nce I co(l!nt po''#"ly ,no$* yo( cannot ta,e offen'e to )y !e)an! to (n!e 'tan! yo( t (e )ot#&e'. I a', yo( a%a#n* La# !* BWhy !o yo( $ant )e-2 1I !ont $ant yo(. Want#n% ha' noth#n% to !o $#th th#'. I) pay#n% a !e"t to B o!#c, B(chanan* an! that #' all.2 1Oh.2 She !#!nt ,no$ $hethe to "e el#e&e! o offen!e!. Th#n%' ha! "een happen#n% 'o fa't* 'he ha!nt ha! t#)e to th#n,. 1Yo( !ont $ant6that #' to 'ay* yo( e pay#n% a !e"t02 Ha!nt he +('t 'a#! a' )(ch0 The $o)an $a' the )o't confo(n!#n% c eat( e 4ol) ha! e&e )et. He e)ot#on' ha! %one f o) )o t#f#cat#on to fea an! !e'pa# * an! no$* !a)ne! #f the $o)an !#!nt loo, !#'% (ntle!. He ha! a''()e! 'he $o(l!nt act fa&o a"ly to "e#n% tol! 'he $a' to l#&e $#th h#)* "(t he ha!nt '('pecte! '(ch a "#7a e eact#on. Th#' $a' p o&#n% e&en )o e !#ff#c(lt than he ha! ant#c#pate!. 1Than, yo(* La# !* fo offe #n% yo( ho)e. Ha&e no $o #e'* yo( $ont ha&e to p(t (p $#th the #ncon&en#ence fo )o e than a fe$ !ay'.2 1I) not offe #n% te)po a y lo!%#n%* an! yo( $ont "e lea&#n% #n a fe$ !ay'. Yo( e co)#n% ho)e $#th )e to 'tay.2 One of h#' )en calle! to h#). 4ol) an'$e e! "y p(tt#n% h#' han! (p fo '#lence an! e'pon!#n% to the )an* 1Yo( $#ll $a#t to 'pea, (nt#l I&e f#n#'he! $#th th#'.2 F#n#'he! $#th th#'0 Appa ently* /a" #elle tho(%ht* 'he $a' the 1th#'2 he $a' efe #n% to. 1I than, yo( fo yo( offe of ho'p#tal#ty*2 'he 'a#!* 1"(t I cannot %o $#th yo(.2 Decl#n#n% h#' #n&#tat#on 'ee)e! the lo%#cal th#n% to !o "eca('e 'he ha! +('t co)e (p $#th anothe !e't#nat#on. She an! he %(a !' $o(l! %o ho)e $#th La# ! B(chanan. The B(chanan' co(l! ,eep he +('t a' 'afe a' the MacH(%h'. B(t $hy ha!nt B(chanan offe e!0 4ol) $a'nt ce ta#n ho$ to p ocee!. In t (th* he $a' a'ton#'he! that 'he $o(l! t( n !o$n h#' p otect#on. D#!nt the !aft $o)an eal#7e the !an%e 'he $a' #n0 D#! 'he (n!e 'tan! $hat "e#n% an o(tca't )eant0 He !ec#!e! to enl#%hten he * "(t "efo e he co(l! e.pla#n ho$ p eca #o(' an! "lea, he '#t(at#on $a'* 'he a',e!* 1Why !#!nt La# ! B(chanan offe h#' ho)e an! h#' p otect#on0 I a) elate! to h#).2 4ol) %lance! o&e h#' 'ho(l!e * fo(n! B o!#c, #n the c o$! of )en 't a#n#n% to o&e hea the con&e 'at#on* an! t#lte! h#' hea! to$a ! /a" #elle. F o) the loo, on 4ol)' face* B o!#c, ,ne$ the !#'c(''#on $a'nt %o#n% $ell. He c o''e! the clea #n%* an! $#th h#' %a7e loc,e! on /a" #elle* he a',e!* 1Why #' th#' ta,#n% 'o lon%02

1She' "e#n% !#ff#c(lt*2 4ol) tol! h#). She #))e!#ately p ote'te!. 1I )('t !#'a% ee* La# !. I !ont "el#e&e I) "e#n% #n the lea't "#t !#ff#c(lt.2 1Then $hat' the p o"le)02 B o!#c, a',e! 4ol). 1D#! yo( tell he $hat' %o#n% to happen02 Ah* that' $he e he $ent $ on%. He! tol! he B o!#c,' '(%%e't#on #n'tea! of co))an!#n% he o"e!#ence. 1La# ! MacH(%h ,#n!ly offe e!-2 1I $hat02 he oa e!. 1Yo( ,#n!ly62 'he "e%an a%a#n. When h#' eye' na o$e! an! the c ea'e' #n h#' " o$ !eepene!* 'he (n!e 'too!. U'#n% the $o ! 1,#n!ly2 $a' o"&#o('ly 'o)e 'o t of an #n'(lt. What a 't an%e % o(p of )en the'e H#%hlan!e ' $e e. She $o(l! "e el#e&e! to "e #! of the). She !#!nt !a e ')#le. 1La# ! MacH(%h offe e! )e h#' p otect#on* an! I !ecl#ne!. I pol#tely !ecl#ne!*2 'he 't e''e!. 1She $ant' to ,no$ $hy yo( !#!nt offe he yo( ho)e an! yo( p otect#on* B o!#c,*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1Yo( !#!nt f(lly e.pla#n the plan02 1I ne&e %ot that fa . Th#' $o)an #' p one to #nte (pt#n%.2 1/a" #elle*2 B o!#c, "e%an* ('#n% $hat he "el#e&e! $a' h#' )o't ea'ona"le tone of &o#ce. 1I co(l! offe yo( )y ho)e an! )y p otect#on-an! Ill a!)#t )y $#fe $o(l! "e happy fo yo( co)pany. Yo( $o(l! "e 'afe-2 1I $#ll "e plea'e! to accept yo( offe a' lon% a' yo( (n!e 'tan! that #t $#ll "e only fo a fe$ !ay'. I' that a% eea"le02 She ha!nt %#&en h#) t#)e to tell he that MacH(%h co(l! !o )o e than p otect he 9 he co(l! %#&e he h#' na)e. In'tea!* 'he ha! accepte! an #n&#tat#on he ha!nt e.ten!e!. 1The $o)an' hell<"ent on ef('#n% help*2 4ol) 'a#!. B o!#c, no!!e! a% ee)ent. 4ol) a!! e''e! /a" #elle. 1What happen' #n a fe$ !ay'0 What #' #t yo( plan to !o02 1F# 't* I )('t f#n! )y fathe an! $a n h#) of the !an%e .2 1F#n! h#)0 Yo( !ont ,no$ $he e he #'02 B o!#c, a',e!. She 'hoo, he hea!. 1He $a' %o#n% to :#n% >ohn to %#&e h#' acco(nt of $hat happene! to Mon oe* an! he $a' %o#n% to catch (p $#th )e on )y $ay "ac, to En%lan!.2 1Do yo( th#n, to oa) the lan! (nt#l yo( happen (pon h#)02 4ol) a',e!. 1E&en #f yo( !o f#n! h#)* yo( $o(l!nt "e a"le to follo$ h#) #nto En%lan!. Yo(&e "een e.#le!*2 B o!#c, e)#n!e! he . 1If yo( e ca(%ht* yo(ll "e!* an! #f yo( e capt( e! $#th yo( fathe * hell al'o pay a h#%h p #ce.2 They $e e fo c#n% he to face eal#ty* "(t 'he 't#ll co(l!nt a"#!e the #!ea of anyone ha&#n% to e'c(e he fo 'o)eth#n% 'he ha!nt !one. 1My fathe )('t "e tol! $hat happene!.2 1He' p o"a"ly hea #n% a"o(t #t e&en no$*2 B o!#c, '(%%e'te!. 1O he $#ll hea 'oon. Ba! ne$' t a&el' fa't. Hell al'o hea that $e $e e the e*2 he a!!e! $#th a no! to$a ! 4ol)* 1an! I $o(l! $a%e hell co)e to )e loo,#n% fo yo(.2 Th#' )a!e 'en'e to he . 1Ye'* that #' $hat he $o(l! !o* an! that #' yet anothe ea'on I 'ho(l! %o ho)e $#th yo(.2 B o!#c, '#%he! #n f ('t at#on. He !#!nt ,no$ ho$ to )a,e he (n!e 'tan!. 1Yo( ,no$* #n a !# e* !# e '#t(at#on6$he e the e #' no othe po''#"le 'ol(t#on-none at all-an! #t #' l#fe<th eaten#n%*2 he 't e''e!* 1yo( can co)e to )y ho)e* fo yo( a e )y $#fe' co('#n. Ho$e&e -2

4ol) #nte (pte! h#). 1We&e $a'te! eno(%h t#)e he e* B o!#c,. If yo( !ont tell he * I $#ll.2 F o$n#n%* 'he a',e! 4ol)* 1Tell )e $hat* La# !02 B o!#c, an'$e e!. 1If yo( %o nea yo( fathe * yo(ll p(t h#) #n ha )' $ay. I' that $hat yo( $ant* /a" #elle02 1No* no* of co( 'e not* "(t I62 An! then #t 't (c, he . The eno )#ty of the '#t(at#on f#nally penet ate!. Dea /o!* $hat $a' 'he %o#n% to !o0 No one $a' 'afe $#th he . E&en the B(chanan' an! the MacH(%h' $e e at #',. MacH(%h' f# 't #n co))an!* B ae!en* calle! o(t to h#). 4ol) t( ne! an! 'a$ anothe of h#' 'ol!#e ' tal,#n% to B ae!en* an! "oth $e e 'ta #n% at /a" #elle. Then B o!#c,' co))an!e * Dylan* +o#ne! the# !#'c(''#on. 1What #' #t02 4ol) 'ho(te!. B ae!en e.pla#ne! a' he $al,e! to$a ! h#). 1The En%l#'h.2 He %lance! at /a" #elle "efo e he cont#n(e!. 1Both "a on' a e 'ea ch#n% fo he * an! "oth ha&e ')all a )#e' $#th the).2 B o!#c, a',e!* 1A e they hea!#n% th#' $ay02 1No* La# !*2 he an'$e e!. 1One of the "a on' lea!' h#' )en to the 'o(th* an! the othe #' hea!#n% to$a ! the Mon oe'.2 1E&ent(ally* $hen they cant f#n! /a" #elle* theyll "ac,t ac, an! co)e th#' $ay*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 4ol) a% ee!. He too, B ae!en a'#!e to %#&e h#) o !e ' an! f#nally t( ne! "ac, to he . 1No$ !o yo( (n!e 'tan!02 He a',e! # #ta"ly. Appa ently 'he !#!nt. 1Why $o(l! they "e loo,#n% fo )e0 Yo( $e e the e. Yo( hea ! $hat they calle! )e* an! yo( '( ely hea ! that I $a' con!e)ne! #n :#n% >ohn' na)e. D#!nt they 'ay that #n the# eye' I no lon%e e.#'t02 1Yo( e no$ &(lne a"le*2 B o!#c, e.pla#ne!. 4 ol) $a' %o#n% to ha&e to "e )o e !# ect. 1Any )an $ho #' 't on% eno(%h to f#%ht off the othe ' can ha&e yo( no$. Nee! I "e )o e Ho #f#e!* 'he f ant#cally 'hoo, he hea!. 1S#nce yo( no lon%e an'$e to any ,#n% no "elon% to any co(nt y* yo( ha&e no one to p otect yo( f o) p e!ato '*2 B o!#c, e.pla#ne!* h#' &o#ce )(ch ,#n!e than 4ol)' ha! "een. She "o$e! he hea! $h#le f#%ht#n% the te o #n'#!e. 1Ho$ $#ll I p otect )y fathe an! )y %(a !'0 Theyll ,#ll the).2 She $h#'pe e! he fea '. 1Yo( $o y a"o(t othe ' #n'tea! of yo( 'elf02 B o!#c, a',e!. She !#!nt an'$e . In'tea!* 'he too, a !eep " eath an! loo,e! at the la# !'. 1Yo( )('t lea&e #))e!#ately. Ye'* that' $hat yo( )('t !o.2 He &o#ce $a' 't on% no$* !ete )#ne!. 1All of yo( a e #n !an%e a' lon% a' yo( a e $#th )e. /o. Lea&e )e no$.2 1D#! 'he +('t !#')#'' ('02 4ol) loo,e! #nc e!(lo('. 1Aye* 'he !#!*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1I !ont th#n, 'he ,no$' any "ette .2 Afte a )o)ent' tho(%ht* 4ol) !ec#!e! /a" #elle ha!nt eal#7e! 'he $a' #n'(lt#n% the) "y '(%%e't#n% that they $o(l! (n at the f# 't h#nt of t o("le. Both he an! B o!#c, $elco)e! the oppo t(n#ty to f#%ht $#th the En%l#'h* "(t ne#the $o(l! %#&e #n to the te)ptat#on a' lon% a' /a" #elle $a' #n the# ca e. E.a'pe ate!* 4ol) 'a#!* 1/a" #elle* yo( $#ll not 3(e't#on )y a(tho #ty #n the f(t( e.2 She $a' 'lo$ to catch on. 1In the f(t( e0 What f(t( e02 1Yo( f(t( e a' )y $#fe.2


THERE WAS NO DIS4USSION. MA4HU/H SIM5LY TOLD HER $hat $a' %o#n% to happen an! then $al,e! a$ay. All th#n%' con'#!e e!* /a" #elle tho(%ht 'he han!le! he 'elf 3(#te $ell. She !#!nt 'c ea) o fa#nt $hen the la# ! cal)ly anno(nce! that 'he $o(l! "e 'pen!#n% the e't of he l#fe $#th h#). She )#%ht ha&e pale!* "(t 'he !#! not fa#nt. She too, 'olace #n one ce ta#nty= no $ay #n Hell $o(l! 'he )a y La# ! MacH(%h. She !#!nt l#,e the )an* an! 'he ,ne$ he !#!nt l#,e he . The !e"t he ha! to pay to B o!#c, )('t "e 'ta%%e #n%* fo $hy el'e $o(l! he (#n h#' l#fe "y )a y#n% a $o)an he "a ely ,ne$ an! ha! hea ! '(ch te #"le l#e' a"o(t0 A' fa a' 'he ,ne$* MacH(%h tho(%ht 'he $a' a $ho e. No* )a #a%e $a' o(t of the 3(e't#on. Ho$ te #"le $o(l! #t "e #f* +('t fo a l#ttle $h#le* /a" #elle let MacH(%h th#n, 'he $a' a% eea"le0 Th#' ')all !ecept#on $o(l! %#&e he t#)e to $o , on a plan fo he f(t( e. Afte t$o o th ee !ay'* 'he $o(l! tell h#) the t (th6a' 'he $a' lea&#n%* of co( 'e. She $e#%he! the %oo! a%a#n't the "a!. On the one han!* 'he an! he %(a !' $o(l! "e 'afe f o) the "a on'. They $o(l! ha&e 'helte an! p otect#on. If the "a on' fo(n! o(t $he e 'he $a' 'tay#n%* they $o(l!nt !a e #!e onto MacH(%h lan!* fo they $o(l! '( ely ,no$ they $o(l!nt co)e o(t al#&e. On the othe han!* 'he $o(l! "e l#&#n% $#th6h#). La# ! B(chanan 'ee)e! )o't plea'e! $#th h#' f #en!' !ec#'#on. S)#l#n% an! #n %oo! chee * he )ot#one! to h#' )en that #t $a' no$ t#)e to lea&e. /a" #elle tappe! on h#' 'ho(l!e . She $a' a"o(t to (#n h#' %oo! )oo!. 14o('#n B o!#c,02 H#' ')#le &an#'he!. 1It #'nt nece''a y fo yo( to call )e co('#n.2 1Do yo( ha&e a )o)ent to an'$e a 3(e't#on02 1What #' #t02 he a',e! $a #ly. 1I (n!e 'tan! $hy yo( $o(l! feel e'pon'#"le fo )e* '#nce I) yo( co('#n.2 /a" #elle $on!e e! $hy he % #)ace! at he efe ence to the# elat#on'h#p. D#! he nee! to "e e)#n!e! that he ha! )a #e! a $o)an f o) En%lan!0 D#! he % #)ace e&e y t#)e h#' $#fe 'po,e to h#)0 She !ec#!e! to %et #%ht to the hea t of he 3(e't#on. 1What !e"t #' he pay#n% that he )('t "e e'pon'#"le fo )e0 He !oe'nt e&en ,no$ )e.2 15(t the 3(e't#on to h#)*2 he '(%%e'te!. 1If he $ant' to e.pla#n* he $#ll.2 1An! La# !*2 'he cont#n(e!* 1#f yo( 'ho(l! hea f o) )y fathe * $#ll yo( plea'e tell h#) not to co)e afte )e02 B o!#c, 'ta te! to t( n a$ay* then chan%e! h#' )#n!. 1/a" #elle* MacH(%h $ont let anyth#n% happen to yo(. He p otect' $hat "elon%' to h#).2 That 'a#!* he $ent on h#' $ay* lea&#n% /a" #elle a%ha't. Belon%' to h#)0 She $a' no$ a po''e''#on0 De'p#te the '#n,#n% feel#n% #n the p#t of he 'to)ach* 'he tol! he 'elf to 'tay 't on%. She $o(l! ,eep an open )#n! a"o(t MacH(%h. If 'he !#!nt ! a$ attent#on to he 'elf* )ay"e he $o(l! pay no attent#on to he o he %(a !'* an! #f 'he 'taye! o(t of h#' $ay* pe hap' he $o(l! 'tay a$ay. 1/a" #elle* #t' t#)e to lea&e.2 MacH(%h 'po,e f o) !# ectly "eh#n! he . She nea ly fell #nto h#' a )' $hen 'he $h# le! a o(n!. 1I !#!nt hea yo( app oach*2 'he 'ta))e e!. 1Yo( )o&e l#,e a l#on.2 A)('e!* he a',e!* 1Ha&e yo( e&e 'een a l#on02 1A' a )atte of fact* I ha&e. In St. B#el* )y fathe once 'ho$e! )e t$o l#on'. They $e e 3(#te "ea(t#f(l.2 And fierce* 'he '#lently 3(al#f#e!. Much like you.

/a" #elle follo$e! h#) to the ho 'e'. 1La# !* I $ant yo( to ,no$ that I $#ll not !efen! )y'elf. I !ont ca e #f yo( "el#e&e $hat the "a on' 'a#!.2 1Ye'* yo( !o ca e*2 he epl#e! a' he ,ept $al,#n%. 1We ,no$ the $o)an l#e!.2 He han! fle$ to he hea t* an! 'he 'toppe!. 1Yo( !o02 1Of co( 'e. I ,ne$ 'he $a' ly#n% f o) the "e%#nn#n%.2 Appa ently he $a' f#n#'he! tal,#n% a"o(t #t. Befo e 'he eal#7e! $hat he $a' %o#n% to !o* he p#c,e! he (p an! all "(t to''e! he onto Ro%(e' "ac,. B ae!en han!e! he the e#n'. 1Yo( %(a !' $#ll "e allo$e! to acco)pany yo(*2 4ol) 'a#!. D#! he hone'tly "el#e&e 'he $o(l! %o $#th h#) #f he %(a !' $e e not allo$e! to %o $#th he 0 He ha! al ea!y '$(n% onto h#' ho 'e an! #!!en a$ay "efo e 'he co(l! a',. The othe ' fell #nto fo )at#on "eh#n! h#). R#!#n% ha ! th o(%h the &alley'* the# pace 'lo$e! once they eache! the h#ll'. The #!e ' fo )e! a '#n%le l#ne to cl#)" the na o$* t eache o(' t a#l ahea! of the). Afte )a,#n% one ha o$#n% t( n* 'he !#'co&e e! they $e e on a "l(ff o&e loo,#n% F#nney' Flat. Th#' $a' the 'pot the 'co(n! el' $ho $e e hol!#n% L#a) ha! $atche! a' they $a#te! fo MacH(%h to 'ho$ h#)'elf. She '3(#nte! a%a#n't the '(n to 'ee #f 'he $o(l! "e a"le to eco%n#7e anyone f o) '(ch a !#'tance. I)po''#"le* 'he tho(%ht. Only an ea%le co(l! ha&e 'een L#a)' face. Real#7#n% 'he $a' hol!#n% (p the p oce''#on* 'he cont#n(e! on. Ro%(e falte e! nea the f# 't c e&#ce* an! 'tone' ()"le! !o$n the 'teep cl#ff on the #%ht. /a" #elle loo,e! o&e the '#!e an! c #n%e!. It $a' a 'hee ! op to the "otto) of an a"y''. He ho 'e cont#n(e! to ha&e t o("le f#n!#n% h#' foot#n%. She let h#) %o at h#' o$n pace* "(t 't#ll he 't()"le! t$#ce )o e "efo e the path f#nally $#!ene! an! le&ele!. By then* he hea t $a' ac#n%. When they eache! a % a''y 'lope 'he leane! !o$n an! $h#'pe e! p a#'e to Ro%(e a' 'he patte! h#). When 'he 't a#%htene!* 'he 'a$ MacH(%h $atch#n% he $#th a p(77le! e.p e''#on. An! on they cont#n(e!. The $eathe t( ne! !a)p an! col!* an! /a" #elle felt #t #n he "one'. W#tho(t he hea&y cloa,* 'he $a' 'h#&e #n% #n no t#)e at all. She !#!nt th#n, anyone not#ce! ho$ )#'e a"le 'he $a' (nt#l MacH(%h o !e e! L(c#en to )o&e o(t of h#' $ay 'o he co(l! #!e ne.t to /a" #elle. He %(a ! ha! no cho#ce #n the )atte . MacH(%h' 'tall#on $o(l! ha&e t a)ple! h#) #f he ha!nt )o&e! "ac,. 1Yo( e col!*2 he 'tate!. Wa' #t an acc('at#on0 She co(l!nt tell. 1Ye'* I) col!.2 She a!!e!* 1/la #n% at )e $ont )a,e the 'h#&e ' %o a$ay* La# !. 5e hap'-2 She )#%ht ha&e yelpe!. She co(l!nt "e ce ta#n. It all happene! 'o fa't. One 'econ! he $a' l#'ten#n% to he * an! the ne.t he $a' l#ft#n% he f o) Ro%(e* 'ettl#n% he on h#' lap* an! $ app#n% he #n h#' pla#!. H#' che't $a' l#,e a oc,* a $a ) oc,. So $e e h#' th#%h'. The heat a!#at#n% f o) h#) $a )e! he . E.ha('te!* 'he let he 'elf ela. a%a#n't h#). H#' 'cent $a' plea'ant* l#,e heathe an! the $oo!'. The "a on' $ho ha! co)e fo the $e!!#n% at the a""ey ! enche! the)'el&e' #n pe f()e' an! o#l'* th#n,#n% the hea&y f a% ance' $o(l! co&e the fo(l 'tench of not "ath#n%. /a" #elle fo(n! #t na('eat#n% to "e #n the 'a)e oo) $#th the). MacH(%h $a' noth#n% l#,e the "a on'. She $a' '(!!enly pla%(e! $#th %(#lt. It $a' $ on% to !ece#&e h#)* no )atte $hat he ea'on' $e e. 1I ha&e !ece#&e! yo(*2 'he "l( te!. 1I $#ll only "e 'tay#n% $#th yo( fo t$o o th ee !ay'* La# !* an! I ha&e no #ntent#on of e&e )a y#n% yo(. I $o(l!nt "la)e yo( #f yo( th e$ )e off yo( ho 'e th#' &e y )#n(te. I hope yo( $ont* "(t I $o(l!nt "la)e H#' e'pon'e $a'nt $hat 'he e.pecte!. He p(lle! the pla#! o&e he face an! #%no e! he . L(c#en o!e (p ne.t to the la# !' ho 'e an! $#th a th eaten#n% loo, at 4ol) 'a#!* 15 #nce'' /a" #elle* !o yo( nee! )y help02

She p('he! the pla#! a$ay f o) he face. 1I) $a ) no$* L(c#en. The e #' no ca('e to "e conce ne!.2 She %a&e 4ol) a %lance that $a' c o'' an! ep oachf(l* "(t $hen 'he t( ne! "ac, to$a ! L(c#en* the e $a' a fa#nt ')#le on he l#p'. MacH(%h t#%htene! h#' hol!. The $o)an ha! %one th o(%h Hell to!ay* an! 't#ll 'he co(l! ')#le. If 'he $a' af a#! of $hat to)o o$ $o(l! " #n%* 'he $a'nt lett#n% #t 'ho$. 4ol) ha! lo't h#' t a#n of tho(%ht fo a 'econ! o t$o* "(t he 3(#c,ly e%a#ne! h#' 'te n co)po'( e an! 'a#!* 1I !ont nee! yo( %(a !' pe )#''#on to to(ch yo(.2 1No* yo( !ont*2 'he a% ee!. 1Yo( nee! )#ne.2 He co))ent o"&#o('ly $a'nt $o thy of a e'pon'e* 'he !ec#!e!* (nle'' a % (nt )eant 'o)eth#n%. They o(n!e! anothe h#ll* an! '(!!enly h#' fo t e'' loo)e! ahea! of the). The $atchto$e $a' 'o tall #t 'ee)e! to !#'appea #n a clo(!. A 'tone $all '( o(n!e! h#' hol!#n%* an! a $oo!en ! a$" #!%e c o''e! a $#!e )oat f#lle! $#th $ate * "lac, f o) the #&e 'tone' !eep #n #t' "e!. 4ol) )ot#one! fo he %(a !' to follo$ h#' 'ol!#e ' #n'#!e. It $a' h#' #t(al to "e the la't to c o'' the " #!%e. A' 'oon a' he ha! clea e! the $oo!en plan,'* he '#%nale! "y a#'#n% h#' f#'t* an! the ! a$" #!%e $a' l#fte!. The clan,#n% 'o(n! of )etal 'c ap#n% a%a#n't )etal %a&e /a" #elle the feel#n% of "e#n% 'eale! #n'#!e a !(n%eon. She clo'e! he eye' an! fo ce! the !a , #)a%e f o) he )#n!. Th#' $a' he 'anct(a y* not a p #'on. The '(n $a' 'ett#n% a' they c o''e! the lo$e "a#ley an! 'ta te! (p the #ncl#ne to the ca'tle. The cotta%e' they pa''e! $e e !apple! %ol! "y the '(n* an! the % a'' on the 'lope ahea! of the) too, on a f#e y h(e. 4lan')en 'toppe! the# cho e' an! ca)e o(t'#!e to call to the# la# ! an! to 'ta e at he . 4h#l! en an afte the). So)e of the $o)en ')#le!. That $o(l! 'oon chan%e* 'he tho(%ht* $hen they fo(n! o(t $hat 'he! "een con!e)ne! fo . Hopef(lly* 'he $o(l! "e %one "efo e then. H#' ho)e $a' not #)p e''#&e "y St. B#el' 'tan!a !'* o he fathe '* fo that )atte . The '3(a e 't (ct( e $a'nt la %e* "(t an a!!#t#on $a' "e#n% con't (cte!. Th ee '#!e' $e e "(#lt of 'tone* an! the e)a#n#n% '#!e* )a!e of $oo!* $a' #n the p oce'' of "e#n% e#nfo ce! $#th )a''#&e oc,'. Scaffol!#n% ha! "een e ecte! ne.t to the ,eep $#th a $#nch an! a t ea!)#ll to ha(l the 'tone' (p to the top floo . 1Yo( fo t e'' #' !#ffe ent f o) the one' #n En%lan!.2 1Ho$ #' #t !#ffe ent02 1The ca'tle' #n En%lan! ('(ally ha&e t$o $all'. The o(te $all '( o(n!' the "a#ley* "(t then the e' anothe !efen'#&e $all "et$een the lo$e an! the (ppe "a#ley. So)et#)e' the e #' e&en a ! a$" #!%e to f( the 'epa ate the lo !' ho)e f o) all the othe '.2 1I ha&e no nee! fo t$o $all'.2 1An! yo( ha&e only one $atchto$e *2 'he po#nte! o(t. 1I ha&e nee! fo only one.2 1I hope yo( !ont th#n, I) c #t#c#7#n% yo( ho)e. I $a' +('t po#nt#n% o(t the !#ffe ence'. I) ce ta#n I 'hall "e )o't content he e.2 When he !#!nt a% ee* 'he a''()e! he ha! h#' )#n! on )o e #)po tant )atte '. Fathe /el oy $a&e! to he a' he pa''e!* an! #f he a )' ha!nt "een t appe! #n'#!e MacH(%h' pla#!* 'he $o(l! ha&e $a&e! "ac,. The 'ta"le' $e e half$ay "et$een the lo$e an! the (ppe "a#ley* an! they pa''e! the %a #'on on the $ay to the la# !' co( tya !. The e $a'nt anyone $a#t#n% at h#' !oo to % eet h#). D#! he ha&e othe fa)#ly "e'#!e' L#a)0 She ha!nt tho(%ht to a', that 3(e't#on. She! f#n! o(t 'oon eno(%h* 'he '(ppo'e!. MacH(%h !#')o(nte! $#th he #n h#' a )'. The 'econ! he let %o of he * 'he 'teppe! "ac, to p(t 'o)e !#'tance "et$een the).

1Whe e $#ll )y %(a !' an! I ha&e oo)'0 In'#!e yo( ho)e $#th yo(0 O !o yo( $ant (' to ta,e t$o of the e)pty cotta%e'0 A e the e any e)pty02 Dea /o!* 'he $a' ne &o('. She co(l!nt 'top tal,#n%. 1That #' to 'ay* I! l#,e to e't. I +('t nee! to ,no$ $he e I a) to 'tay.2 Fathe /el oy 'a&e! he f o) cont#n(#n% to a)"le. 15 #nce'' /a" #elle* a e yo( a' t# e! an! h(n% y a' I a)02 She latche! on to h#' a ) a' tho(%h #t $a' he l#fel#ne. 1Ye'* I a)*2 'he 'a#! )(ch )o e enth('#a't#cally than nece''a y. 1I $a' +('t a',#n% the la# ! $he e $e 'ho(l! ta,e o( 'helte fo the n#%ht.2 1Yo(ll 'leep #n'#!e*2 4ol) 'a#! a' 'oon a' he co(l! %et a $o ! #n. B ae!en ('he! ahea! to the tall !oo )a!e of oa, t#)"e ' an! th ('t #t open. /a" #elle than,e! h#) a' 'he $al,e! pa't* "(t 'he ca)e to a 3(#c, 'top on the th e'hol!. It $a' 'o !a , #n'#!e* 'he co(l!nt 'ee he $ay. 4ol) too, he han! an! p(lle! he alon%. The $oo!en floo 'a%%e! (n!e h#' $e#%ht* an! the )en' "oot' )a!e a clatte #n the ca&e no(' 'pace. L#%ht f#lte e! #n th o(%h the open !oo . A' /a" #elle' eye' a!+('te! to the !a ,ne''* 'he )a!e o(t a oo) $#th a lo$ ce#l#n%. The e $a' a la %e 'to e oo) on he #%ht. Shel&e' $e e f#lle! $#th 'ac,' of % a#n an! "a ley* an! the e $e e "a el' of $#ne 'tac,e! h#%h. F o) the n()"e of "a%'* #t loo,e! a' tho(%h the MacH(%h clan co(l! hol! off a '#e%e fo a %oo! '#. )onth'* pe hap' )o e* tho(%h /a" #elle !o("te! the# ene)#e' $o(l! %et all the $ay to the ca'tle $#th the t eache o(' t a#l they $o(l! ha&e to cl#)". An open#n% #n the $all on he left le! to 'ta# '* the 'tep' '( p #'#n%ly $#!e an! !eep. On the 'econ! le&el $a' the % eat hall. It $a' 'pac#o('* an! a f# eplace $#th a h(%e hea th too, (p )(ch of the fa $all. A $elco)#n% f# e $a )e! the oo). The ho('e,eepe -a 'to(t* ol!e $o)an na)e! Ma( na-)a!e the) $elco)e an! "#! the) to e't "y the f# e. Afte %#&#n% #n't (ct#on'* 4ol) left the hall. Stephen an! L(c#en $ent $#th h#) to 'ee to the ho 'e'. Anothe 'et of 'tep' cont#n(e! (p to a th# ! le&el* $h#ch* Ma( na e.pla#ne!* hel! the a )o y. La# ! MacH(%h ha! o !e e! that he %(a !' 'ho(l! 'leep the e an! 'o co(l! Fathe /el oy (nt#l f( the a an%e)ent' co(l! "e )a!e. /a" #elle $a' to "e %#&en the oo) ne.t to #t. /a" #elle $o(l!nt ha&e ca e! #f 'he $a' %#&en a 'tall #n the 'ta"le'. The !ay ha! ca(%ht (p $#th he . T# e! an! h(n% y an! !('ty f o) the +o( ney* a oo) ne.t to the a )o y 'o(n!e! l#,e a "l#''f(l ef(%e. When Ma( na anno(nce! that 'he ha! p epa e! a )eal an! $o(l! 'ho$ the) $he e they co(l! $a'h the# han!' an! face'* /a" #elle than,e! he p of('ely. At '(ppe * Fathe /el oy 'at ne.t to he an! 'ee)e! a%#tate!. 1The e #'nt a chapel he e*2 he $h#'pe e!. 1I !#!nt 'ee one on the #!e (p to the co( tya !* 'o I a',e! the ho('e,eepe * an! 'he tol! )e the e #'nt one. I $o y they )ay all "e heathen'. If that #' the '#t(at#on* I ha&e )y $o , c(t o(t fo )e.2 1It $#ll "e a challen%e* "(t I "el#e&e yo(ll !o $ell he e*2 'he a''( e! h#). He leane! clo'e an! $h#'pe e!* 1I !ont th#n, the la# ! " o(%ht )e he e to loo, afte h#' follo$e ' 'o(l'. I th#n, he' $ant#n% )e to e.pla#n ho$ L#a) ca)e to "e #n the a""ey. He ,no$' I !#!nt tell h#) e&e yth#n% a"o(t h#' " othe .2 1S( ely he $ont coe ce yo(.2 Ma( na #nte (pte! the# !#'c(''#on. 1I' the e 'o)eth#n% $ on% $#th the foo!* )#la!y0 Yo(&e "a ely ta,en a "#te.2 1The foo! #' e.cellent*2 'he 'a#!. 1I) +('t not a' h(n% y a' I tho(%ht.2 1Sleep #' $hat yo( e nee!#n%* #f I )ay "e 'o "ol! to '(%%e't. Wo(l! yo( l#,e )e to 'ho$ yo( to yo( cha)"e 02 /a" #elle no!!e!. Say#n% %oo! n#%ht to Fathe /el oy an! to 4h #'t#en an! Fa('t* 'he follo$e! Ma( na (p'ta# '. L(c#en ca(%ht (p $#th he . He ca #e! he 'atchel* $h#ch hel! t$o chan%e' of clothe' an! the othe e''ent#al' 'he ha! nee!e! fo he t #p "ac, to En%lan!.

1I' the la# !' " othe he e02 he a',e! Ma( na. 1He #' #n!ee!. An! 'leep#n% 'o(n!ly '#nce h#' et( n. O( heale #' $atch#n% o&e h#).2 The f# 't !oo they pa''e! $a' the la# !' cha)"e * Ma( na po#nte! o(t. The oo) /a" #elle $a' a''#%ne! ha! "een ('e! fo 'to a%e. It $a' !a)p an! )('ty. Ma( na ('he! ahea! to l#%ht 'e&e al )o e can!le' an! place! the) on the ta"le ac o'' f o) the "e!. 1I t #e! to a# the oo) fo yo(* "(t #t 'ee)' all I&e !one #' )a,e #t col!e #n he e. Wo(l! yo( l#,e )e to p(ll the tape't y !o$n o&e the $#n!o$02 1Ill ta,e ca e of #t.2 1I&e %ot the "e! ea!y fo yo( an! p(t e.t a "lan,et' on top. The e' $ate to $a'h $#th on the che't "eh#n! the !oo * an! #f yo(ll %#&e )e a fe$ )#nt(e'* Ill 'ee to l#%ht#n% a f# e #n the hea th. My )an* Danal* al ea!y ca #e! (p ! y $oo! an! p(t #t #n the "o..2 1Ill l#%ht the f# e late .2 1B(t )#la!y* 'ho(l! yo( "e !o#n% co))on $o ,02 She ')#le!. 1Of co( 'e I 'ho(l!.2 Ma( na $a' f o$n#n% #ntently. 1It' p o"a"ly not )y place to )ent#on #t* "(t I co(l!nt help "(t not#ce yo(&e %ot "loo! on the "ac, of yo( %o$n (p h#%h "y yo( 'ho(l!e . D#! yo( c(t yo( 'elf02 /a" #elle $on!e e! $hat the $o)an $o(l! 'ay #f 'he tol! he the t (th* that the 'tone' the )o" ha! th o$n at he ha! ca('e! the "lee!#n%. 1I )('t ha&e*2 'he an'$e e!. Ma( na $#pe! he han!' on the cloth 'he ha! t(c,e! #nto he "elt an! $al,e! to$a ! /a" #elle. 1S#nce yo( !ont ha&e a )a#! to a''#'t yo(* Ill "e !o#n% #t. Let )e help yo( %et that %o$n off 'o I can 'ee the !a)a%e.2 The e $a' no tal,#n% he o(t of #t. 1I !ont $ant to "e a "othe *2 /a" #elle p ote'te!. 1I can ta,e ca e of )y'elf.2 1An! ho$ a e yo( %o#n% to !o that02 Ma( na a',e! a' 'he t(%%e! the "l#a(t o&e /a" #elle' hea!. 1Ho$ a e yo( %o#n% to each "eh#n! yo( an! clean yo( c(t02 She 'toppe! a %(#n%. 1Than, yo(* Ma( na.2 When the ho('e,eepe 'a$ /a" #elle' "ac,* 'he cl(c,e! l#,e a )othe hen. 1Yo( poo !ea . Yo( "ac, #' one "#% " (#'e.2 She ('he! to the "a'#n an! !a""e! a clean cloth #nto the $ate . She h( #e! "ac, to /a" #elle. 1Ho$ !#! th#' happen0 D#! yo( ta,e a 'p#ll02 Dec#!#n% that $a' e.actly $hat )('t ha&e happene!* 'he $ent on* 1Of co( 'e yo( !#!. Yo( '#t !o$n an! $a#t $h#le I %o %et 'o)e heal#n% 'al&e to p(t on tho'e c(t'. W ap yo( 'elf #n a "lan,et 'o yo( $ont catch col!. Ill "e #%ht "ac,.2 Lett#n% 'o)eone el'e ta,e ca e of he $a' n#ce* /a" #elle a!)#tte!. It e)#n!e! he of ho)e. Ho)e'#c,ne'' an! $o y fo he fathe '(!!enly o&e $hel)e! he . She 'a#! a 3(#c, p aye to /o! to $atch o&e h#)* an! then* e.ha('te!* 'he 'at on the "e!* clo'e! he eye'* an! $a#te! fo the ho('e,eepe to et( n. It $a' 3(#et at la't* an! '#nce the e $e ent any !#'t act#on'* /a" #elle co(l! eplay #n he )#n! the e&ent' of the !ay. May"e 'he co(l! 'o t the) o(t an! )a,e 'en'e of the). I)po''#"le. It $a' '#)ply #)po''#"le to (n!e 'tan!-a' tho(%h 'he $a' )#''#n% an #)po tant p#ece of a &e y "#7a e p(77le. The "a on' ha! "een 'o 3(#c, to con!e)n he . It co(l!nt all "e a"o(t F#nney' Flat* co(l! #t0 Yet $hat )o e $a' the e that the % ee!y p#%' $o(l! $ant0 Ma( na et( ne! $#th the 'al&e* an! afte 'he! ten!e! to /a" #elle' "ac,* 'he #n'#'te! on $a'h#n% he face a' tho(%h 'he $e e a ch#l!. Da""#n% a "#t of the 'al&e on the c(t (n!e he eye* Ma( na 'a#!* 1Yo( h#t yo( face $hen yo( fell* !#!nt yo(02 /a" #elle no!!e!.

1Doe' #t pa#n yo(02 He &o#ce $a' f#lle! $#th 'y)pathy. 1Not at all*2 /a" #elle #n'#'te!. It !#! h( t* "(t 'he !#!nt $ant the ho('e,eepe to $o y o&e he . O ho&e . 1I' the e anyth#n% )o e I can !o fo yo(02 1No* than, yo(* Ma( na. Yo(&e "een )o't ,#n!.2 The $o)an' "l('h $a' a' " #%ht e! a' he ha# . 1I) only !o#n% $hat I $a' tol! to !o* )#la!y. O( la# ! $ant' yo( to "e co)fo ta"le he e. M#%ht I a', a 3(e't#on that' "een na%%#n% )e02 1Ye'02 1What a) I to call yo(0 I hea ! the 'ol!#e ' $ho ca)e $#th yo( an! the p #e't a!! e'' yo( a' Bp #nce''. A e yo( a p #nce''02 1I ('e! to "e* "(t no lon%e .2 The an'$e !#!nt )a,e a l#c, of 'en'e to the ho('e,eepe * an! 'he f ette! that pe hap' )#la!y ha! 't (c, he hea! #n the fall. 1A e yo( 'ee#n% t$o of )e* )#la!y02 Tho(%h /a" #elle tho(%ht the 3(e't#on $a' o!!* 'he !#!nt la(%h* fo the ho('e,eepe ' e.p e''#on 'ho$e! he conce n. 1No*2 'he a''( e! he . 1>('t one of yo(.2 Ma( na loo,e! el#e&e!. 1Yo( e pla#n $o n o(t* a ent yo(0 Yo( e't $ell* )#la!y.2 The 'econ! the !oo clo'e!* /a" #elle $ent to the $#n!o$ to p(ll the tape't y !o$n. She ('(ally lo&e! col! $eathe * "(t ton#%ht 'he $ante! to "( y he 'elf (n!e the co&e ' an! 'leep. It $a' p#tch "lac, o(t'#!e $#th na y a 'ta #n '#%ht. She co(l! 'ee t#ny %ol!en l#%ht' %lo$#n% f o) the cotta%e' !ott#n% the h#ll'#!e. Fa)#l#e' p epa #n% fo "e!* no !o("t* t# e! f o) the !ay' la"o '* "(t content. She t #e! to p#ct( e the #!eal fa)#ly. The e $o(l! "e ch#l! en* a healthy )othe an! fathe * an! la(%hte . Aye* they $o(l! "e happy an! 'afe. A%a#n* he tho(%ht' ace! "ac, to he fathe . Wa' he 'afe0 Ha! he hea ! $hat the "a on' ha! !one0 Only $hen the ch#ll "eca)e (n"ea a"le !#! 'he p(ll the ! ape an! cl#)" #nto "e!. Too t# e! to l#%ht the f# e* 'he 'n(%%le! (n!e the MacH(%h pla#! an! fell a'leep 'ay#n% he n#%htly p aye '. She a$a,ene! once !( #n% the n#%ht. The oo) $a' $a ). A f# e "la7e! #n the hea th. Ho$ ha! that happene!0 She olle! o&e an! ! #fte! "ac, #nto a !eep 'l()"e . The follo$#n% )o n#n%* Stephen $a' $a#t#n% fo /a" #elle #n the % eat hall. She % eete! h#) an! then a',e! h#) #f he o one of the othe %(a !' ha! co)e #nto he oo) !( #n% the n#%ht. 1La# ! MacH(%h a',e! the ho('e,eepe to loo, #n on yo( "efo e 'he $ent to "e!.2 1Why $o(l! he !o that02 1Appa ently Ma( na $ent #nto % eat !eta#l a"o(t the " (#'e' an! c(t' on yo( "ac,. 5e hap' the la# ! $a' $o #e!.2 1Then Ma( na 'ta te! the f# e02 Stephen 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1She epo te! to the la# ! that yo( oo) $a' nea to f ee7#n%* 'o he $ent #n.2 1He ca)e #nto )y oo)02 She co(l!nt h#!e he 'hoc,. 1Ye'* he !#!*2 he epl#e!. 1He 'ta te! the f# e #n the hea th. Fa('t co(l!nt 'top h#)* an! 'o he $ent $#th h#) an! 'too! $#th h#' "ac, to yo( "e!* "loc,#n% the la# !' &#e$* tho(%h he epo te! that yo( $e e 'o h#!!en (n!e the co&e '* no one co(l! 'ee anyth#n%.2 Stephen 'o(n!e! (nconce ne! a"o(t the )atte . 1Ho$ !#! Fa('t t y to 'top h#)02 'he a',e! a' 'he c o''e! the % eat hall to '#t at the ta"le. 1He tol! )e he %ot #n the la# !' $ay.2 He'#tantly 'he a',e!* 1An! $hat !#! the la# ! !o02

1Acco !#n% to Fa('t* the la# ! %ot h#) o(t of h#' $ay. He !#!nt e.pla#n ho$.2 Stephen' l#p' c( le! 'l#%htly #n an (ncha acte #'t#c % #n. 1Wa )#n% the oo) $a' a tho(%htf(l act*2 'he a!)#tte!. 1B(t #)p ope *2 he 'a#! !#'app o&#n%ly. 1If yo( $#ll e.c('e )e* Ill 'ee to the othe %(a !'. The la# ! $#'he' to 'pea, to yo( afte yo(&e ha! yo( " ea,fa't.2 1Whe e #' he02 1I !ont ,no$* 5 #nce''. He a',e! that yo( $a#t he e.2 An! $a#t 'he !#!* fo o&e an ho( * "efo e the la# ! +o#ne! he . /a" #elle $a' 'tan!#n% $#th Ma( na an! the coo,* a '$eet<te)pe e! $o)an na)e! W#lla* a' the t$o $o)en !#'c(''e! the a!&anta%e' of "o#l#n% a phea'ant o&e oa't#n% #t on a f# e-a '("+ect /a" #elle ,ne$ a"'ol(tely noth#n% a"o(t-$hen 'he hea ! a !oo 'la). A fe$ 'econ!' late * 'he hea ! )en tal,#n% an! then foot'tep' on the 'tone. 1That 'ho(l! "e o( la# !*2 Ma( na 'a#!. 1W#lla an! I $#ll "e a"o(t o( cho e' 'o that yo( t$o can ha&e yo( p #&acy.2 B ae!en an! anothe 'ol!#e acco)pan#e! the# la# !. They "o$e! a' they c o''e! the hall an! cont#n(e! on to the "(tte y. MacH(%h 'too! on the top 'tep o"'e &#n% he . She $a' a fa# '#%ht. He ha# %ently c( le! a o(n! he an%el#c face an! fell #n '#l,y $a&e' ac o'' he 'ho(l!e '. H#' eye' )o&e! !o$n. It $a' #)po''#"le not to not#ce the 'oft c( &e' of he "o!y. He $ante! he * an! the ac,no$le!%)ent !#!nt plea'e h#). /a" #elle $a' a co)pl#cat#on an! a n(#'ance he !#!nt nee! #n h#' l#fe. /a" #elle too, a 'tep to$a ! h#) $hen he ente e! the % eat hall. E&en tho(%h he $a' f o$n#n%-h#' ('(al e.p e''#on* 'he !ec#!e!-'he ')#le! an! "#! h#) %oo! )o n#n%. He $a'nt )(ch fo plea'ant #e'. 1S#t !o$n* /a" #elle* $h#le I tal, to yo( a"o(t yo( f(t( e.2 Why $o(l! he $ant to tal, to he a"o(t he f(t( e0 She ha! e.pla#ne! to h#) that 'he $o(l! "e a %(e't fo only t$o )o e n#%ht'. Ha! he fo %otten0 She p(lle! a cha# o(t f o) the ta"le* 'at !o$n* an! !e)( ely fol!e! he han!' #n he lap. He! 'o(n!e! 'o 'e #o('* 'he "e%an to $o y that he! chan%e! h#' )#n! an! $a'nt %o#n% to let he an! he %(a !' 'tay anothe n#%ht. 4ol) $a'nt foole! "y the 'e ene e.p e''#on 'he! pla'te e! on he face. He co(l! tell 'he $a' ne &o('. He fol!e! han!' $e e t( n#n% $h#te* 'he $a' % #pp#n% the) 'o t#%htly. An! 'he 'at #%#!ly 't a#%ht an! $o(l!nt loo, h#) #n the eye. He 'too! at the hea th $#th h#' a )' fol!e! #n f ont of h#) $h#le he con'#!e e! he . 1Do yo( $#'h to 'ay 'o)eth#n% to )e* La# !02 'he a',e! afte a lon% '#lence. 1Ye'* I !o. /a" #elle* no )atte ho$ I t y to 'top #t* the clan $#ll hea a"o(t yo( '#t(at#on.2 He !#!nt th#n, #t $a' po''#"le* "(t he "ac, 't a#%htene! e&en )o e. He e.pecte! he to 'nap at any 'econ!. 1Dont yo( )ean to 'ay that theyll hea I) a ha lot02 H#' eye' na o$e!. 1Yo( $#ll not 'ay that $o ! a%a#n.2 He $a#te! fo he a% ee)ent "efo e cont#n(#n%. 1The e #' a $ay to 'top the ()o '.2 1Why !o yo( ca e $hat people 'ay a"o(t )e0 Ill only "e he e fo a 'ho t t#)e. Unle'' yo( $o(l! p efe that I lea&e to!ay. I' that #t0 I' that $hat yo( $ant02 1An! yo( $#ll %o to the B(chanan'*2 he 'a#! #n e.a'pe at#on. 1Ye'* "(t only fo one n#%ht o t$o. I) e'te! no$* an! I ha&e al ea!y !ec#!e! (pon a plan fo )y f(t( e.2 1I' that #%ht0 An! $hat )#%ht that plan "e02 1I) %o#n% to St. B#el.2 H#' '#%h $a' lon% an! ! a$n o(t. 1The En%l#'h cont ol St. B#el* !ont they02

1Ye'* "(t #n the )o(nta#n' I co(l!-2 He !#!nt let he f#n#'h. 1An! ho$ a e yo( plann#n% to %et the e0 W#ll yo( '$#) ac o'' the ocean02 1No* of co( 'e not. I tho(%ht-2 1Do yo( e&en ,no$ ho$ to '$#)02 &o#ce. 1Ill %o "y 'h#p.2 1What 'h#p' co))an!e $o(l! allo$ yo( pa''a%e02 he a',e!. 1If ca(%ht* the penalty $o(l! "e h#' !eath6an! yo( ' an! yo( %(a !'*2 he tho(%ht to a!!. 1An! #f yo( $e e a"le to con&#nce 'o)eone to ta,e yo(* ho$ co(l! yo( t ('t h#)0 Ha&e yo( con'#!e e! the po''#"#l#ty that he )#%ht ha&e yo( %(a !' ,#lle!* an! then he an! h#' )en $o(l! 'pen! the &oya%e ta,#n% t( n' $#th yo(02 Not#c#n% ho$ the "loo! ha! ! a#ne! f o) he face* he 'a#!* 1Ha&e I 'hoc,e! yo(0 Men a e capa"le of '(ch "eha&#o . Ha&e yo( fo %otten the loo, #n tho'e "a on' eye' $hen they $atche! yo(0 What !o yo( th#n, they $o(l! ha&e !one #f they! %otten hol! of yo(02 He cont#n(e! to f# e 3(e't#on' at he * !ete )#ne! to )a,e he eal#7e #t $a' a fool' ! ea) to th#n, 'he co(l! l#&e #n peace #n St. B#el. 1The e a e %oo! people $ho $o(l! help )e*2 'he p ote'te!. 1Yo( $o(l! p(t tho'e %oo! people #n +eopa !y0 Yo( $o(l! let the) #', the# l#&e' fo yo(02 1No* I co(l!nt !o that.2 4ol) !e't oye! e&e y a %()ent 'he %a&e* an! $#th#n )#n(te' any hope of lea&#n% $a' %one. 1Yo( e %o#n% to )a y )e* /a" #elle.2 He 'ho(l!e ' ! oppe! an! 'he 'an, "ac, #n he cha# . 1I' the e 'o)eth#n% #n the a# (p he e that #' )a,#n% e&e y )an I )eet tal, of )a #a%e0 In the pa't t$o !ay'* I&e "een tol! that I) to )a y t$o o"'cene "a on'* one Mon oe (p'ta t* an! a !e'p#ca"le la# ! na)e! MacHenley.2 He fla'he! a ')#le. 1The !e'p#ca"le la# ! yo( 'pea, of #' na)e! Mac:enna.2 She 'h (%%e! #n!#ffe ence. 1S#nce I) not e&e %o#n% to 'pea, to the &#le )an a%a#n* I !ont ca e $hat h#' na)e #'.2 1It #' !ec#!e!*2 he anno(nce!. 1Yo( $#ll )a y )e* an! no one $#ll !a e call yo( anyth#n% "(t La!y /a" #elle.2 1Yo( a ent a',#n% )e.2 He loo,e! aff onte!. 1Of co( 'e not. I) tell#n% yo(.2 H#' a(!ac#ty $a' o(t a%eo('. /a" #elle felt the "loo! ('h#n% "ac, to he face* an! #t $a' !#ff#c(lt not to 'ho(t at h#)* tho(%h the ( %e $a' nea ly o&e $hel)#n%. 4ol) co(l! tell 'he $a' f( #o(' $#th h#). He han!' $e e #n f#'t' #n he lap no$* an! he ,ne$ #t $a' only a )atte of t#)e "efo e 'he lo't he te)pe . He $on!e e! #f 'he eal#7e! ho$ ea'y 'he $a' to ea!. 5 o"a"ly not* he !ec#!e!* o el'e 'he $o(l!nt %o to '(ch len%th' to t y to h#!e he feel#n%'. B ae!en #nte (pte!. 1La# !* they e $a#t#n% fo yo(.2 4ol) no!!e!. 1Ill "e the e #n a )#n(te.2 /#&#n% /a" #elle h#' (n!#&#!e! attent#on once a%a#n* he a',e! #)pat#ently* 1A e the e any othe 3(e't#on'02 Wa' he 'e #o('0 Of co( 'e 'he ha! 3(e't#on'. H(n! e!' of the). 1I !ont ha&e a !o$ y*2 'he 'a#!. 1I !ont nee! o $ant a !o$ y.2 1That )a,e' yo( !#ffe ent f o) the othe '. All they $ante! $a' F#nney' Flat.2 1Dont co)pa e )e to tho'e "a'ta !'.2 An%e fla'he! ac o'' h#' face.

She $a'nt #nt#)#!ate!. 1To pay a !e"t to La# ! B(chanan* yo( e $#ll#n% to %#&e (p yo( f(t( e. I !ont (n!e 'tan! $hy yo( $o(l! !o th#'.2 He !#!nt ,no$ $hat )#'concept#on to a!! e'' f# 't. 1Do yo( th#n, F#nney' Flat #' the only ea'on tho'e )en $ante! yo(02 1What )o e co(l! the e "e02 He 3(e't#on* tho(%h na?&e* $a' an #nnocent one. She eally !#!nt ,no$ he o$n appeal* an! the efo e ha! o"&#o('ly ne&e ('e! he "ea(ty to %et he $ay. 1I $ont $a'te t#)e !#'c(''#n% the# t$#'te! )ot#&e'*2 he 'a#!. 1An! yo(0 Yo( $o(l! (#n yo( l#fe-2 1/a" #elle* I $o(l! ne&e allo$ any $o)an to ha&e that ,#n! of po$e o&e )e*2 he 'a#! (ne3(#&ocally. 1No* I !ont '(ppo'e yo( $o(l!.2 1I !ont ,no$ ho$ the "a on' #n En%lan! t eat the# $#&e'* "(t I ha&e a '('p#c#on that )o't )#'('e the).2 1Not )o't*2 'he co(nte e!. 1We !o not )#'t eat o( $o)en he e. I $#ll ne&e h( t yo(* an! yo( $#ll "e $ell< p otecte!.2 She "el#e&e! h#). An! '(!!enly )a #a%e !#!nt 'o(n! 'o te #"le afte all. 5e hap' "eca('e 'he ha! no$he e el'e to %o. 1D#! yo( ha&e a !ate #n )#n! fo th#' )a #a%e02 1Yo( ha&e a cho#ce*2 he 'a#! a' he once a%a#n %lance! to$a ! the ent ance. He $a' "eco)#n% )o e #)pat#ent to %et th#' !#'c(''#on o&e an! !one. 1E.pla#n th#' cho#ce* plea'e.2 1Well )a y no$ o #n '#. )onth'. Ho$e&e * #f $e )a y no$* $e $ont l#&e a' )an an! $#fe (nt#l '#. )onth' ha&e pa''e!.2 Tho o(%hly conf('e!* 'he a',e!* 1Why '#. )onth'02 1So that the clan $#ll ,no$ the only ch#l! yo( ca y #' )#ne.2 He! en!e e! he 'peechle''. When 'he fo(n! he &o#ce a%a#n* 'he 'a#!* 1Yo( tol! )e yo( !#!nt "el#e&e the l#e'-2 He #nte (pte!. 1The '(%%e't#on ca)e f o) B o!#c,. He !oe'nt $ant anyone to 3(e't#on $ho the fathe #' #f yo( $e e to "e $#th ch#l! #%ht afte $e e $e!.2 Appalle! an! e)"a a''e! "y h#' "l(ntne''* 'he co(l! only 'ha,e he hea! $hen he a',e! #f the e $e e any othe 3(e't#on' he nee!e! to an'$e "efo e he too, h#' lea&e. Half$ay to the 'ta# ' he e)e)"e e! the othe )atte he $ante! to tal, to he a"o(t. 1/a" #elle* I allo$e! yo( %(a !' to acco)pany yo( he e 'o that yo( $o(l! ,no$ that yo( a e 'afe. B(t they cannot 'tay.2 She "o(n!e! to he feet. 1They )('t 'tay.2 He $a' a'to(n!e! "y he o(t"( 't. She! "een 'o coope at#&e $hen he e.pla#ne! he f(t( e* "(t no$ 'he $a' "ell#%e ent an! co)"at#&e. 1No* they cannot 'tay*2 he 'a#! 3(#etly. 1It' )y !(ty an! the !(ty of )y 'ol!#e ' to p otect yo( no$ that yo( a e to l#&e he e* an! #t $o(l! "e an #n'(lt fo an o(t'#!e to #nte fe e.2 1Yo( !ont (n!e 'tan!. Yo( )('t-2 1Th#' #'nt open fo !#'c(''#on*2 he 'nappe!. 1Yo( %(a !' $#ll "e han!'o)ely e$a !e! "eca('e they p otecte! )y " othe .2 1Re$a ! the) "y lett#n% the) 'tay he e $#th )e.2 He 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1Sho(t#n% at )e $ont chan%e )y )#n!. I ha&e anothe !(ty that #' fa )o e p e''#n%* "(t $hen I et( n* I $#ll tal, to yo( %(a !'. I) not #n the ha"#t of +('t#fy#n% )y !ec#'#on'* "(t #n th#' #n'tance* I $#ll. Once I&e )a!e )y po'#t#on clea * )y )en $#ll e'co t the) !o$n the )o(nta#n. Yo(ll ha&e (nt#l then to 'ay yo( %oo!<"ye.2

He $al,e! !o$n t$o 'tep'* t( ne! a o(n!* an! co))an!e!* 1I $#ll ha&e yo( ac3(#e'cence.2 She loo,e! at h#) fo 'e&e al 'econ!'* then affecte! a pe fect c( t'y. 1A' yo( 'ay.2 Rel#e&e! that the e ha!nt "een any tea '* 4ol) $a' #n %oo! 'p# #t' $hen he left the hol!#n%. Th ee ho( ' late * (pon h#' et( n* he $a' #nfo )e! that La!y /a" #elle $a' %one.

MA4HU/H 4AU/HT U5 WITH HER NEAR THE BASE OF HIS )o(nta#n. She $a' 't#ll on h#' lan!* tho(%h +('t "a ely. Ha! he et( ne! to h#' hol!#n% an ho( late to hea of he !epa t( e* /a" #elle $o(l! ha&e al ea!y 'ta te! ac o'' F#nney' Flat an! "een a fa# ta %et fo the p e!ato ' $ho $a#te! fo the co&e of n#%htfall to c a$l o(t f o) the# hole'. What #n /o!' na)e $a' the !aft $o)an th#n,#n% to %o o(t #nto the $#l!e ne'' $#th "(t fo( )en fo p otect#on0 D#!nt 'he eal#7e $hat a te)ptat#on 'he $a'0 B(t 'he $a' 'afe* he tol! h#)'elf a' he o!e to$a ! he . Safe f o) e&e yone "(t h#)* he 3(al#f#e!* fo #n h#' p e'ent )oo!* he $a' th#n,#n% ha ! a"o(t th o$#n% he o&e h#' 'ho(l!e an! ca y#n% he "ac, to h#' ,eep. D a%%#n% he "ac, !#!nt 'o(n! all that (nappeal#n%* e#the . /a" #elle hea ! h#' ho 'e th(n!e #n% to$a ! he . She ha! 'toppe! to $ate the ho 'e an! ha! $al,e! fa eno(%h a$ay f o) Ro%(e to ,no$ 'he co(l!nt %et "ac, to he ho 'e "efo e 4ol) ca(%ht (p $#th he . The e $a' no %(e''#n% $hat h#' )oo! )#%ht "e. The )an $a' an% y all #%ht. The f# e #n h#' eye' an! the clenche! +a$ $e e o"&#o(' #n!#cato '. He leape! f o) h#' ho 'e "efo e the an#)al ha! f(lly 'toppe!* an! tho(%h 'he ha! a 't on% !e'# e to "ac, a$ay* 'he 'too! he % o(n! an! hel! he ch#n (p a' he 'to)pe! to$a ! he . He %(a !' nat( ally too, a !efen'#&e po'#t#on to "loc, the la# !* "(t /a" #elle ,ne$ MacH(%h $o(l!nt et eat. She! "een #n h#' co)pany lon% eno(%h to lea n that )(ch a"o(t h#). B(t then he %(a !' $o(l!nt et eat* e#the . It $a' (p to he to 'top the conf ontat#on "efo e #t 'ta te!. 15lea'e )o&e o(t of )y $ay. I $#'h to 'pea, to the la# !.2 Fa('t $a' $o #e!. 15 #nce''*2 he $h#'pe e!* 1#t #' o( !(ty to )a,e ce ta#n he $ont ha ) yo(.2 Stephen* l#,e /a" #elle* $a' a %oo! +(!%e of cha acte * an! he! al ea!y !ete )#ne! $hat the la# ! $a' all a"o(t. He ha! not#ce! the $ay MacH(%h' clan ha! % eete! h#) $hen the la# ! et( ne! ho)e. They $e e %en(#nely happy to 'ee h#)* not af a#!. The# ho)e' $e e 't( !y* the e $a' f# e$oo! o(t'#!e each !oo * an! ch#l! en !#!nt (n a$ay an! h#!e $hen MacH(%h an! h#' 'ol!#e ' ca)e (p the h#ll. MacH(%h p otecte! tho'e he ca e! a"o(t* an! the el#ef Stephen 'a$ #n the la# !' eye' a' he no$ 'potte! /a" #elle tol! the %(a ! that he ca e!* e&en #f +('t a l#ttle* a"o(t he . Stephen p o!!e! h#' f #en!' 'ho(l!e ' an! o !e e!* 1/et o(t of the la# !' $ay. O( p #nce'' #' 'afe $#th h#).2 4ol) pa#! no attent#on to he %(a !'. H#' %a7e $a' loc,e! on /a" #elle* an! he 'toppe! +('t an a )' len%th f o) he . 1I $o(l! ha&e a $o ! $#th yo(* /a" #elle.2 H#' &o#ce ha! a not#cea"le "#te to #t. The la# ! to$e e! o&e he * an! 'he et eate! 'e&e al 'tep' 'o 'he $o(l! not ha&e to c ane he nec, to loo, at h#). 1What #' #t yo( $#'h to 'ay02 1What pa t of o( !#'c(''#on th#' )o n#n% !#!nt yo( (n!e 'tan!0 I $o(l! l#,e to ,no$ 'o that I )ay cla #fy #t fo yo(.2

1D#'c(''#on0 I !ont "el#e&e #t $a' )(ch of a !#'c(''#on. Yo( %a&e o !e '.2 1Wh#ch I e.pecte! yo( to o"ey.2 1Why02 He 3(e't#on 'o(n!e! #)p(!ent* "(t he !#!nt "el#e&e that to "e he #ntent. She eally !#!nt (n!e 'tan!* an! tho(%h #t ha! "een a lon% $h#le '#nce anyone ha! a',e! h#) to e.pla#n h#)'elf* he allo$e! #t. 1Beca('e I ha&e 'a#! 'o.2 1That #'nt a '(ff#c#ent an'$e . Why $o(l! yo( th#n, I 'ho(l! o"ey yo( co))an!'0 I) not a )e)"e of yo( clan.2 He $a' !ete )#ne! not to lo'e h#' pat#ence $#th he . 1Yo( a e to o"ey )y co))an!' "eca('e yo( $#ll 'oon "eco)e )y $#fe an!* the efo e* 'oon "eco)e a MacH(%h.2 He co(l!nt ha&e "een any )o e clea o conc#'e* an! 'he co(l!nt po''#"ly ha&e any )o e 3(e't#on' o a %()ent'* fo the e $a' noth#n% )o e to a %(e a"o(t. 1B(t La# !* I ne&e a% ee! to "eco)e yo( $#fe.2 1Yo( a e a f ('t at#n% an! a%% a&at#n% $o)an*2 he 'nappe!* 1an! I '('pect )o e 't(""o n than all the $o)en he e co)"#ne!.2 H#' #n'(lt' $e e )eant to )a,e he eal#7e that he $a' #n cha %e* not 'he* an! he $a' totally nonpl(''e! "y he e'pon'e. 1Yo( e no p #7e* e#the * La# !. B(t (nl#,e yo(* I !ont feel #t nece''a y to l#'t yo( )any fa(lt'.2 She ha! the %all to ')#le at h#). He !a)ne! nea la(%he!* he $a' 'o 't(nne! "y he #n'olent "eha&#o . The $o)an %a&e a' %oo! a' 'he %ot. He %(e''e! he $a' %o#n% to ha&e to ! a% he "ac, to h#' ,eep afte all. He too, a th eaten#n% 'tep to$a ! he an! 'he !#!nt "ac, a$ay. She loo,e! h#) #%ht #n the eye an! $a#te! to 'ee $hat he $o(l! !o. She !#!nt co$e * an! that plea'e! h#) con'#!e a"ly. He !ec#!e! he $o(l! t y to %a#n he coope at#on one la't t#)e "efo e he e'o te! to ca y#n% he "ac, to h#' ho)e to !o h#' "#!!#n%. 1Wh#le I (n!e 'tan! that not $#'h#n% to )a y )e $a' yo( ea'on fo lea&#n% )y ho)e* I $ant yo( to (n!e 'tan!-2 She #nte (pte!. 1That #'nt $hy I left.2 1Then $hat #n /o!' na)e $a' yo( ea'on02 1Yo( o !e e! )y %(a !' to lea&e* an! I co(l!nt allo$ that to happen. I t #e! to e.pla#n $hy they )('t 'tay $#th )e* "(t yo( !#!nt $ant to l#'ten.2 1An! 'o yo( left.2 1Ye'* I left. What othe cho#ce !#! I ha&e02 'he epl#e!* an! "efo e he co(l! 'ta t #n on he a%a#n* 'he a!!e!* 1An! ye'* I $a' %o#n% to the B(chanan' $#th the #ntent of plea!#n% $#th )y co('#n to elea'e yo( f o) yo( p o)#'e. My hope #' that he $#ll f#n! 'o)eth#n% el'e fo yo( to !o to pay yo( !e"t to h#)* $hate&e that )#%ht "e.2 Spea,#n% to the B(chanan on h#' "ehalf0 Unth#n,a"le6an! appall#n%. 1Yo( $#ll not 'pea, to anyone on )y "ehalf. I' that (n!e 'too!02 She '(ppo'e! 'he! #na!&e tently #n'(lte! h#). She 3(elle! h#' an%e $#th a 3(#c, no!. 1I p o)#'e. In fact* I $ont e&en )ent#on yo(. Ill '#)ply e.pla#n that )y %(a !' $e ent allo$e! to 'tay* an! 'o I left yo( hol!#n%.2 She t( ne! an! $al,e! a$ay f o) h#). He follo$e!. 1Not 'pea,#n% to h#) at all $#ll 'at#'fy )e.2 Then he $a'nt %o#n% to "e 'at#'f#e!* 'he !ec#!e! a' 'he 3(#c,ene! he pace. 1Yo( 'a#! I ef('e! to l#'ten to yo( e.planat#on a' to $hy yo( %(a !' )('t 'tay $#th yo(.2 1Ye'* that #' 'o.2 1Ill hea yo( ea'on' no$*2 he anno(nce!. 1B(t I $#ll tell yo( th#'* /a" #elle. En%l#'h 'ol!#e ' l#&#n% $#th )y )en $#ll not $o ,.2

1They a ent En%l#'h 'ol!#e '* an! they $o(l! "e h#%hly #n'(lte! to hea yo( th#n, they a e. They e f o) St. B#el* an! the e)"le) they $ea o&e the# hea t' '#%n#f#e' that they a e pa t of the oyal %(a !.2 /a" #elle $a' 'o #ntent on )a,#n% the la# ! (n!e 'tan!* 'he !#!nt eal#7e 'he $a' hea!#n% #nto a th#c, $oo!'. 4ol) 'taye! #%ht "eh#n! he * an! t$#ce he eache! o&e he hea! to l#ft a " anch o(t of he $ay. 1My )othe $a' La!y /ene&#e&e* p #nce'' of the oyal ho('e of St. B#el. When 'he )a #e! )y fathe * %(a !' acco)pan#e! he to he ne$ ho)e #n En%lan!* an! only $hen they "eca)e con&#nce! that 'he $a' $ell<p otecte! "y he h('"an! !#! they et( n to the# co(nt y. My )othe tol! )e that at f# 't Fathe $a'nt happy to ha&e the) #n h#' ho)e* "(t #n t#)e he not only accepte! the)* he ca)e to !epen! on the).2 1Ho$ lon% !#! #t ta,e fo he %(a !' to "eco)e con&#nce! that yo( )othe $a' $ell< p otecte!02 She t( ne! a o(n! to an'$e . 1Th ee yea '. They 'taye! th ee yea '.2 4ol) fl#nche!. I #tate! "y h#' e'pon'e* 'he $a' a"o(t to po,e h#) #n h#' che't* "(t tho(%ht "ette of #t an! 'toppe! he 'elf #n t#)e-tho(%h he ha! to $on!e $hy 'he $a' po#nt#n% he f#n%e at h#). She p(t he han! "eh#n! he "ac,. 1My fathe $a' 'o y to 'ee the) %o.2 1I th#n, pe hap' yo( e.a%%e ate.2 1Fathe t ('te! the)*2 'he #n'#'te!. 1Yo( 'a#! that the %(a !' et( ne! to St. B#el afte th ee yea ' $#th yo( )othe * yet no$ the e a e fo( %(a !' $#th yo(.2 1A )onth afte I $a' "o n* fo( %(a !' a #&e! at Well#n%'h# e. They ha! "een 'ent "y )y (ncle* $ho $a' 't#ll the ,#n%. The# !(ty $a' clea . They $e e to p otect )e. O&e t#)e the %(a !' ha&e chan%e!. Stephen ha' "een $#th )e the lon%e't. Then L(c#en ca)e. 4h #'t#en an! Fa('t a #&e! a fe$ yea ' late .2 1Who 'ent the)0 En%lan! ha' (le! the# co(nt y fo )any yea ' no$.2 1The people of St. B#el. The En%l#'h )ay occ(py the# lan!* "(t the people a e 't#ll &e y loyal to )y )othe ' fa)#ly.2 1Stephen ha' calle! yo( )othe La!y /ene&#e&e* "(t yo( a e calle! 5 #nce'' /a" #elle. Wa' 'he not al'o a p #nce''02 1In St. B#el a p #nce'' #'nt a!! e''e! a' '(ch. I 'ho(l! "e calle! La!y /a" #elle. When I $a' a ch#l!* the %(a !' calle! )e L#ttle 5 #nce''. The na)e ha' 'taye! $#th )e. It !oe'nt )atte no$* !oe' #t02 1No* #t !oe'nt*2 he a% ee! "efo e )o&#n% on to anothe 3(e't#on. 1Why !#! #t ta,e fo( %(a !' to loo, afte one l#ttle %# l02 1One %(a ! $o(l! ha&e "een eno(%h*2 'he 'a#!. 1Tho(%h )y fathe $o(l! !#'a% ee. He #n'#'t' that I l#,e! to %et #nto )#'ch#ef* an! #t too, all fo( of the) to $atch o&e )e. I $a'nt $#llf(l*2 'he #n'#'te!. 1I $a' +('t c( #o('.2 She $a#te! fo h#) to co))ent* an! $hen he e)a#ne! '#lent* 'he cont#n(e!. 1Fathe ne&e $o #e! a"o(t )e a' lon% a' )y %(a !' $e e $#th )e. They 'a&e! )y l#fe too )any t#)e' to co(nt.2 /a" #elle only +('t then eal#7e! 'he ha! no #!ea $he e 'he $a'. The fo e't $a' clo'#n% #n on he . 1What happen' #f I ef('e to let the) 'tay0 What $#ll they !o02 4ol) a',e!. 1Stay any$ay. They&e ta,en an oath* an! they a e hono <"o(n!.2 1E&en #f 'tay#n% )ean' the# !eath02 1E&en then*2 'he $h#'pe e!. 1B(t they $o(l! !#e $#th hono * an! $hoe&e ,#ll' the) $o(l! ha&e no hono at all.2

Hell* he $a' %o#n% to "e 't(c, $#th the). 1They can 'tay* "(t they !a)n $ell "ette not ta,e th ee yea ' to f#%( e o(t I can p otect yo(.2 /a" #elle $a' o&e +oye!. 4ol) MacH(%h $a' a %oo! an! ea'ona"le )an. 1Then I 'hall )a y yo(* La# !* #n '#. )onth' t#)e. Yo( ha&e )y $o !.2 She leane! (p on t#ptoe' to 'eal he p o)#'e $#th a ,#''. He l#p' "a ely " ('he! o&e h#'* "(t h#' '( p #'e $a' e&#!ent #n h#' e.p e''#on. 1It #'nt app op #ate to ,#'' l#,e th#'02 'he a',e!. She co(l! feel he face "( n#n%. She ha! acte! #)p(l'#&ely an! ha! o"&#o('ly o&e 'teppe! the "o(n!' of p op #ety. She 'ho(l! ha&e )a!e a c( t'y to 'eal he p o)#'e. 1It #' app op #ate*2 he 'a#! 3(#etly. 1B(t I p efe to ,#'' l#,e th#'.2 He !#!nt % a" he o $ ap he #n h#' a )'. Nay* he '#)ply lo$e e! h#' hea! an! ,#''e! he 'en'ele''. H#' )o(th co&e e! he ' co)pletely. H#' $a ) l#p' pa te! an! $hen 'he #)#tate! h#) an! pa te! he l#p'* he !eepene! the ,#''. H#' ton%(e 't o,e! he '* 'en!#n% 'h#&e ' th o(%h he . It $a' 'hoc,#n% an! th #ll#n% at the 'a)e t#)e. An! '#nf(lly a o('#n%. One ,#'' $a' all #t $a'* yet $hen he l#fte! h#' hea!* he hea t $a' th(n!e #n% #n he ea ' an! he le%' $e e t e)"l#n% 'o* 'he $a' af a#! 'he $a' %o#n% to fall on he face. She ha! ne&e "een ,#''e! l#,e th#' "efo e. /a" #elle t #e! to ea! h#' eye'. E&#!ently* the ,#'' !#!nt ha&e the 'a)e effect on h#). She lo$e e! he hea!. 1It #' a %oo! th#n% that $e a e alone. It #'nt 'ee)ly to ,#'' a' $e +('t !#! $#tho(t "e#n% )a #e!. It' p o"a"ly a '#n.2 She !#!nt 'o(n! too $o #e! a"o(t #t* he not#ce!. 1We e 'oon to "e )a #e!* 'o #t #'nt a '#n* an! $e a ent alone.2 W#tho(t t( n#n% a o(n!* he calle!* 1Stephen02 1Ye'* La# !02 1Ho$ )any 'ol!#e ' a e $atch#n% ('02 1I co(nt 'e&en.2 4ol) $a' !#'appo#nte!. He e.pecte! the #ence! %(a ! to "e )o e o"'e &ant. 1Nay. The e a e e#%ht.2 Stephen 'teppe! fo $a !. 1The e $e e e#%ht $atch#n%. Se&en no$.2 1What happene! to the e#%hth02 The e $a' 'at#'fact#on #n Stephen' &o#ce $hen he an'$e e!. 14h #'t#en happene! to h#). Yo( 'ol!#e $ante! to follo$ o( p #nce'' too clo'ely. 4h #'t#en !#!nt th#n, he 'ho(l!* 'o he 'toppe! h#). He !#!nt ,#ll h#)*2 he a!!e!. 1He +('t p(t h#) to 'leep.2 4ol) )(tte e! 'o)eth#n% (n!e h#' " eath an! 't o!e "ac, to the ho 'e'. /a" #elle $o(l! ha&e ha! to (n to ,eep (p $#th h#). When he not#ce! 'he $a'nt "eh#n! h#)* he $a#te! fo he * then too, hol! of he han! an! p(lle! he alon%* fo c#n% he to ,eep (p. 1La# !* #f yo( ,ne$ yo( )en $e e $atch#n%* $hy !#! yo( ,#'' )e 'o62 1So $hat02 1So(n!ly.2 1It #' )y #%ht*2 he an'$e e!. 1An! /a" #elle* '#nce $e a e to "e )a #e!* yo( )ay call )e 4ol).2 He !#!nt loo, "ac, at he a' he cont#n(e!* 1An! anothe th#n%* $hen $e et( n to )y ho)e* yo( $#ll not e&e a %(e $#th )e a%a#n. Yo( an! I ha&e co)e to an a% ee)ent e%a !#n% yo( %(a !'* "(t that #' all I $#ll conce!e. I cannot 'pen! )y !ay' cha'#n% afte a 't(""o n $#fe. I ha&e )o e #)po tant !(t#e' to 'ee to.2 1I a) ne&e to a %(e o !#'a% ee $#th yo(02 That 'o(n!e! %oo! to h#). He no!!e!. 1I $#ll ha&e yo( a% ee)ent no$* /a" #elle.2 She "o$e! he hea!. 1A' yo( 'ay.2


TO SARAH TOBIAS* /OSSI5 WAS AS ADDI4TI;E AS SWEET BUTTER "#'c(#t'. She c a&e! #t. She lo&e! "e#n% the f# 't to 'p ea! the late't ()o ' an! !#!nt ca e #f the 'to #e' 'he epeate! $e e t (e o fal'e. The tell#n% $a' all that )atte e! to he . By the t#)e 'he eache! the en! of he tale'* Sa ah felt '(ch a ('h that he face $a' fl('he!* the pal)' of he han!' $e e '$eat#n%* an! he " eath ca)e #n 'ho t %a'p'. /o''#p* 'he ha! !#'co&e e!* $a' e&e y "#t a' %oo! a' 'e.. So)et#)e' e&en "ette . Sa ah a ely 'p ea! 'to #e' a"o(t anyone' %oo! $o ,' o %oo! fo t(ne. What $a' the po#nt0 The e $a' noth#n% e.c#t#n% a"o(t that. S#n $a' al$ay' )(ch )o e f(lf#ll#n%* an! $hen the '#n $a' one of l('t* #t "eca)e t#t#llat#n% a' $ell. One e&en#n% !( #n% '(ppe he " othe N#all happene! to )ent#on $hat he ha! hea ! a"o(t the #nc#!ent at A "ane A""ey. Sa ah ate t$o "#'c(#t' l#'ten#n% to the tale* then %o""le! !o$n th ee )o e $h#le 'he $h#ttle! e&e y po''#"le !eta#l o(t of h#). When N#all ha! f#n#'he! elat#n% $hat he ha! hea !* Sa ah $a' !#77y $#th e.c#te)ent an! 't(ff#n% the la't "#'c(#t #nto he )o(th. Befo e noon the follo$#n% !ay e&e yone #n the D(n"a clan ,ne$ a"o(t /a" #elle. Then Sa ah* %#!!y $#th po$e * " anche! o(t. Afte "a,#n% a !o("le "atch of he '$eet "#'c(#t'* 'he too, the) to he 'econ! co('#n H#l!a* $ho $a' )a #e! to a Bo'$ell. She !#!nt lea&e the Bo'$ell hol!#n% (nt#l 'he ha! )a!e ce ta#n e&e yone #n the clan ,ne$ a"o(t the #nfa)o(' #nc#!ent. Be'#!e' 'p ea!#n% &#c#o(' %o''#p* Sa ah' othe $ea,ne'' $a' that 'he l#,e! to e)"ell#'h. Afte tell#n% the 'to y th# ty o fo ty t#)e'* 'he no lon%e felt the 'a)e ('h. He hea t !#!nt ace* an! he pal)' !#!nt '$eat. The %o''#p ha! "eco)e ol! ne$'* an! 'o 'he "e%an to a!! a fe$ e.t a l#ttle l#e' of he o$n. Noth#n% o(t a%eo('* of co( 'e. >('t eno(%h to 'p#ce (p the tell#n%. What ha ) $a' the e #n that0 T$o $ee,' late the l#e' ha! 'p ea! to the MacH(%h clan. /a" #elle felt the !#ffe ence #n the at)o'phe e. Wo)en $ho ('(ally ')#le! a' they $al,e! pa't no$ a&o#!e! loo,#n% at he . They t( ne! the# hea!' an! 'c( #e! a$ay. Befo e anyone tol! he * 'he ,ne$ that they ha! hea ! the ho #"le l#e'. An! f o) the $ay they $e e "eha&#n%* 'he al'o ,ne$ they "el#e&e! the) to "e t (e. 4ol) et( ne! ho)e f o) a lon% !ay of h(nt#n% to f#n! B ae!en $a#t#n% fo h#) #n f ont of the 'ta"le'. The loo, on h#' co))an!e ' face tol! 4ol) the ne$' $a'nt %oo!. H#' f# 't tho(%ht $a' fo /a" #elle. Ha! 'o)eth#n% happene! to he 0 He ha!nt e&en !#')o(nte! $hen he a',e!* 1I' /a" #elle all #%ht02 B ae!en ,ne$ h#' la# ! !#!nt eal#7e ho$ tell#n% the 3(e't#on $a'. 1She' f#ne. No ha ) ha' co)e to he .2 4ol)' 'econ! 3(e't#on $a' +('t a' e&eal#n%. 1What' 'he !one no$02 1Noth#n% that I ,no$ of*2 he a''( e! h#). 4ol) '$(n% !o$n f o) h#' ho 'e an! to''e! the e#n' to the 'ta"le)a'te a' he a!! e''e! B ae!en. 1She ha'nt t #e! to lea&e a%a#n02 B ae!en ')#le!. 1No* at lea't not to!ay* any$ay.2 He loo,e! to the ',y "efo e a!!#n%* 1The '(n' 't#ll o(t* tho(%h. She 't#ll ha' t#)e.2 /a" #elle $a' ha&#n% t o("le a!+('t#n% to he ne$ ho)e. E&e y !ay #t $a' 'o)eth#n% ne$. In the pa't $ee, 'he! t #e! to lea&e the hol!#n% t$#ce* an! t$#ce 4ol) ha! ha! to " #n% he "ac,. She! #n'#'te! 'he $a'nt (nn#n% a$ay. He f# 't e.c('e $a' that 'he $ante! to %o #!#n% ac o'' F#nney' Flat. The 'econ! e.c('e $a' that 'he $ante! to !o a 1'pot2 of h(nt#n%* $hate&e that )eant. 1La!y /a" #elle +('t nee!' t#)e to (n!e 'tan! the (le' $e l#&e "y he e*2 B ae!en 'a#!* t y#n% to !efen! he . 4ol) 'coffe! at the not#on. 1She ,no$' the (le'. She +('t !oe'nt pay any attent#on to the)* $h#ch #' $hy t$#ce no$ I&e ha! to 'top $hat I $a' !o#n% to cha'e afte he .2

1May I po#nt o(t that I offe e! to %o afte he * a' !#! 'e&e al othe 'ol!#e '.2 1She' )y e'pon'#"#l#ty an! the efo e )y p o"le). I $ont fo#'t he on anyone el'e.2 B ae!en ,ne$ that $a'nt the ea'on. Altho(%h /a" #elle ha! only "een $#th the) fo( teen !ay'* 4ol) ha! al ea!y "eco)e 3(#te po''e''#&e of he . He !#!nt l#,e anyone el'e nea he . He "a ely tole ate! he %(a !'. A' fa a' he $a' conce ne!* they $e e ('ele''. They only an'$e e! to /a" #elle an! only o"eye! he co))an!'. 4ol) "el#e&e! he! p(t (p $#th the# "eha&#o lon% eno(%h* e&en tho(%h he % (!%#n%ly ha! to a!)#t they !#! %(a ! he $ell. 1None of (' con'#!e La!y /a" #elle a p o"le). The )en a e #nfat(ate! $#th he * an! the $o)en l#,e he a' $ell* fo 'he ha' a ,#n! $o ! an! a ')#le fo e&e yone 'he )eet'.2 1Doe' 'he !#'t act the )en f o) the# !(t#e'02 1She !oe'*2 he a!)#tte!. 1Tho(%h not !el#"e ately. Ha&e yo( ha! a chance* 4ol)* to not#ce ho$ p etty 'he #'02 E.a'pe ate!* he an'$e e!* 1Of co( 'e I ha&e.2 1The )en ha&e al'o not#ce!. They l#,e loo,#n% at he .2 He 't#ffene!. 1Then Ill !o("le the# !(t#e'. If they t a#n f o) '(n (p to '(n !o$n* they $ont ha&e t#)e to 'ta e at he .2 1Yo( 'pea, l#,e a +ealo(' )an.2 F o) the !a , loo, 4ol) 'hot h#)* B ae!en eal#7e! he 'ho(l!nt ha&e 'po,en the tho(%ht o(t lo(!. 1I a) yo( f #en! fo )any yea '*2 B ae!en e)#n!e! h#). 1I !ont )ean to #le yo(* only to 'pea, t (thf(lly. Wo ! ha' 'p ea! that yo( a e %o#n% to )a y he * "(t #f I co(l! '(%%e't* I th#n, yo( 'ho(l! )a,e the anno(nce)ent to the ent# e clan 'oon.2 1I) a "('y )an*2 he "a ,e!. 4ol) ,ne$ #t $a' a poo e.c('e. He 'ho(l! ha&e tol! h#' follo$e ' of h#' #ntent#on to ta,e /a" #elle fo h#' $#fe the !ay he ha! " o(%ht he ho)e $#th h#)* "(t #n'tea! he ha! 'pent the la't t$o $ee,' t y#n% to 'tay a$ay f o) he * tell#n% h#)'elf that he ha! othe !(t#e' that $e e fa )o e #)po tant. He co(l! ha&e )a!e t#)e fo he . 4ol) $a'nt one to a&o#! (nplea'ant ta','. He ha! a !e"t han%#n% o&e h#' hea!* an! #t $o(l! "e pa#! a' 'oon a' he )a #e! he . An! '#nce he hate! "e#n% #n !e"t to anyone* he 'ho(l! ha&e "een ea%e to $e! he . Why* then* $a'nt he0 Th#' )o n#n% he f#nally a!)#tte! the t (th= /a" #elle $a' a !an%e o(' $o)an. He !#!nt l#,e the $ay 'he )a!e h#) feel* t( n#n% h#' )#n! (p'#!e !o$n. It 'ta te! $#th a ,#''. The !a)ne! ,#'' ha! a$a,ene! e)ot#on' he tho(%ht $e e lon% !ea!. The $ay 'he ')#le! at h#) only )a!e #t $o 'e. She $o(l! t( n h#) #nto a "e'otte! fool #f he let he * an! no $ay #n hell $a' he e&e %o#n% to let anothe $o)an )a,e h#) &(lne a"le. 1I hope yo( $#ll )a,e the anno(nce)ent 'oon* La# !.2 4ol) e'pon!e! 'ha ply. 1What #' #t yo( ha&e to epo t02 A' he a',e! the 3(e't#on* he not#ce! t$o ho 'e' tethe e! to a t ee " anch* an! f o) the )a ,#n%' on the# h#n!3(a te ' he ,ne$ $ho they "elon%e! to. 1What #n th(n!e a e the Bo'$ell' !o#n% he e02 1Sp ea!#n% l#e'.2 1What 'ay yo(02 1The l#e' a"o(t La!y /a" #elle ha&e eache! o( clan* an! t$o )en f o) the Bo'$ell clan a e e'pon'#"le. :#nnon Bo'$ell cla#)e! that he nee!e! to 'pea, to h#' co('#n Re"ecca* $ho a' yo( ,no$ #' )a #e! to one of o( 'ol!#e '. He tol! the %(a !' )ann#n% the to$e that the )atte $a' ( %ent* yet $hen he $a' allo$e! ent ance* he !#!nt "othe to %o to he cotta%e. It 'ee)' "oth he an! h#' f #en! E!$a ! $e e !ete )#ne! to 'ee La!y /a" #elle.2 F( #o('* 4ol) !e)an!e!* 1D#! they 'ee he 02 1No* they !#! not*2 he a''( e! h#). 4ol) ela.e!. 1Then they +('t )#%ht %et o(t of he e al#&e.2

B ae!en cont#n(e! $#th h#' epo t. 1I $a' #n the $e't f#el! t a#n#n% the yo(n%e 'ol!#e ' $hen one of La!y /a" #elle' %(a !' ca)e to )e an! tol! )e the e $a' a p o"le).2 1Wh#ch %(a !02 1L(c#en.2 1At lea't one of the) #' lea n#n% to follo$ the cha#n of co))an!*2 he 'a#! ! #ly. 1What !#! he tell yo(02 1He a',e! )e #f $e $e e all#e' $#th the Bo'$ell'* an! $hen I a',e! h#) $hy he $ante! to ,no$* he e.pla#ne! that he $a' a"o(t to ,#ll t$o of the).2 1D#! yo( let h#)02 1No* "(t I '$ea to yo(* La# !* $hen I hea ! $hat they $e e 'ay#n% a"o(t La!y /a" #elle* I $ante! to. I $a'a"o(t to th o$ the) o(t $hen yo( et( ne!.2 1Whe e' /a" #elle no$02 1In the % eat hall.2 1F#n! the Bo'$ell'*2 he o !e e!* 1an! " #n% the) to )e. I $ant the) to tell )e $hat they&e "een 'ay#n% a"o(t /a" #elle.2 Afte %#&#n% the co))an!* 4ol) cont#n(e! on. He $a' #n a h( y to %et to /a" #elle "efo e 'he hea ! a"o(t the Bo'$ell'. /a" #elle ha! "een th o(%h eno(%h hea tache. She !#!nt nee! any )o e. Da)n #t all* th#' $a' h#' fa(lt. He 'ho(l! al ea!y ha&e )a #e! he . That $a' the only '( e $ay to 'top th#' 'lan!e . No one $o(l! !a e 'ay a $o ! a%a#n't h#' $#fe6(nle''* of co( 'e* he ha! a !eath $#'h. A' he app oache! the co( tya !* 4ol) 'potte! /a" #elle. He "ac, $a' to h#) an! 'he $a' tal,#n% to 'o)eone. A fe$ 'tep' fa the * 4ol) 'a$ the Bo'$ell' fac#n% he . He c( 'e! a' he 3(#c,ene! h#' 'tep. The yo(n% )en 'ee)e! 'o #ntent on $hat they $e e tell#n% he * they !#!nt not#ce h#). No !#! they hea L(c#en an! Fa('t co)#n% (p "eh#n! the). The %(a !' $e e (nn#n% to$a ! the t$o )en* "(t 'toppe! $hen /a" #elle a#'e! he han! 'l#%htly to '#%nal the). The act#on $a' not#ce! "y :#nnon. He too, a 'tep to$a ! he an! a',e!* 1What a e yo( !o#n%02 She ')#le! a' 'he an'$e e!. 1Sa&#n% yo( l#fe.2 E!$a ! $a' 'lo$ to catch on* "(t :#nnon $a' )o e a't(te. He $h# le! a o(n! an! ca)e face<to<face $#th L(c#en. In'tantly he t( ne! "ac, to /a" #elle an! $#th a 'ha,y &o#ce 'a#!* 1I $a' only tell#n% yo( $hat e&e yone el'e $a' 'ay#n% a"o(t yo(. I tho(%ht yo( $o(l! $ant to ,no$. They cant ,#ll (' fo that* can they02 1They cant* "(t I can*2 'a#! 4ol). Ha! he not "een 'o an% y* he p o"a"ly $o(l! ha&e tho(%ht the# eact#on to h#' &o#ce co)#cal. They +e ,e! "ac, an! "()pe! #nto each othe loo,#n% fo a $ay to e'cape. /a" #elle fea e! 4ol) )#%ht act(ally ca y th o(%h on h#' th eat an! ,#ll the Bo'$ell'* an! 'he !#!nt $ant that to happen. :#nnon an! E!$a ! $e e 't(p#! yo(n% )en $#th noth#n% "ette to !o $#th the# t#)e than to co)e all th#' $ay +('t to 'ee he eact#on to the# 'to #e'* "(t they 'ho(l! not ha&e to !#e "eca('e of the# #%no ance. They 'ho(l! ha&e to !o 'o)e '3(# )#n%* tho(%h. 1La# !* I) 'o happy yo( e ho)e*2 'he 'a#! e&e 'o '$eetly. 14o)e an! l#'ten to the 'to #e' the Bo'$ell' a e tell#n% )e. Yo( e ce ta#n to "e a)('e!.2 :#nnon' face loo,e! l#,e #t ha! "een 'co che! "y the '(n* $h#le E!$a !' appea e! to ha&e lo't all colo . He e'e)"le! a co p'e. T$a' the t (th* he ')elle! l#,e one* too. 1I !o("t Ill "e a)('e!*2 4ol) 'a#!. He th e$ h#' a ) a o(n! he * p(lle! he to h#' '#!e* an! ,#''e! he $h#le the Bo'$ell' $atche! $#th $#!e eye' an! %ap#n% )o(th'. Then he t( ne! an! %a&e the) h#' f(ll attent#on. 1I $#ll hea $hat yo( ha&e 'a#! to La!y /a" #elle* 'oon to "e )y $#fe.2

1Soon to "e62 :#nnon '$allo$e! ha !. 1Yo( $#fe02 E!$a ! 'a#!. 1We !#!nt ,no$. We ne&e $o(l! ha&e62 1Yo( $o(l! not ha&e 'lan!e e! La!y /a" #elle0 I' that $hat yo( )ean to 'ay02 4ol) a',e!. He $a' 'o f( #o(' he co(l! "a ely ,eep f o) 't an%l#n% the fool'. He $a' #na!&e tently '3(ee7#n% /a" #elle #n'tea!* an! only $hen 'he p#nche! h#) !#! he eal#7e $hat he $a' !o#n% an! loo'en h#' % #p. 1We $ante! to 'ee $hat 'he loo,e! l#,e. We ha! hea ! 'he "e$#tche' )en an! $e $ante! to 'ee fo o( 'el&e'*2 :#nnon e.pla#ne!. 1We $e e only epeat#n% the 'to #e' $e hea !*2 E!$a ! 'a#!* h#' &o#ce 'o h#%h<p#tche! #t nea e! a 'c eech. L(c#en an! Fa('t )o&e! clo'e to :#nnon an! E!$a !* $ho '( ely felt the) " eath#n% !o$n the# nec,'. Both %(a !' $e e $atch#n% 4ol)* hop#n% that he $o(l! %#&e the '#%nal to !#'po'e of the pe't'. /a" #elle felt the Bo'$ell' ha! "een '(ff#c#ently p(n#'he!. 1:#nnon an! E!$a ! ha&e "oth con&#nce! )e that I a) an a)a7#n% $o)an. It 'ee)' that I ha&e %#&en "# th to fo( ch#l! en* o(t of $e!loc, of co( 'e* an! all #n the 'pan of one yea *2 'he e.pla#ne!. 1An! $#th fo( !#ffe ent )en.2 She la(%he! "efo e a!!#n%* 1I )('t "e &e y affect#onate.2 1The 'to #e' a e fal'ehoo!'*2 :#nnon 'ta))e e!. 1We eal#7e that no$. Dont $e* E!$a !02 H#' f #en! no!!e! &#%o o('ly. 1We !o. Ye'* $e !o.2 1If $e a e allo$e! to lea&e* $e p o)#'e ne&e to 'ay anothe $o ! a"o(t La!y /a" #elle. E.cept p a#'e*2 he ha'tene! to a!!. 1We $#ll p a#'e he . That' $hat $ell !o.2 1L(c#en* Fa('t* 'tep "ac,. /a" #elle* %o #n'#!e*2 4ol) o !e e!. /a" #elle $ante! to a', h#) $hat he $a' %o#n% to !o* "(t ,ne$ #t $o(l! "e #)p ope to 3(e't#on h#) #n f ont of o(t'#!e '. He $a'nt %o#n% to ,#ll the)* $a' he0 She too, he t#)e $al,#n% a$ay. The Bo'$ell' ha! 'a#! te #"le th#n%'* e&en epeat#n% $o !' 'he ,ne$ ha! to "e fo(l "eca('e of the# lee ' an! !a , la(%hte . She 'ho(l!nt feel 'o y fo the)* "(t 'he !#!. 4ol) not#ce! 'he $a' ! a%%#n% he feet an! !ec#!e! he $o(l! ha&e to ha&e a $o ! $#th he a"o(t he o"e!#ence. When he %a&e an o !e * he e.pecte! #t to "e follo$e! #))e!#ately. An! 3(#c,ly. She o"&#o('ly !#!nt ,no$ that. She $a' half En%l#'h* he e)#n!e! h#)'elf* an! pe hap' that $a' $hy 'he $a' 'o hea!'t on%. He t( ne! h#' attent#on to the Bo'$ell'* 'ha,#n% #n the# "oot'. 1When yo( $a,e (p* yo( $#ll %o to yo( la# !* an! yo( $#ll tell h#) $hat happene! he e to!ay. I $#ll ,no$ #f yo( !ont tell h#) e&e y $o ! yo( 'a#! to La!y /a" #elle. Yo( $#ll al'o tell h#) that the only ea'on I let yo( l#&e $a' "eca('e yo( )a!e )y f(t( e $#fe la(%h.2 E!$a ! no!!e!. 1Well tell o( la# ! e&e y $o !*2 he &o$e!. :#nnon 'c atche! h#' ch#n. 1La# !* !#! yo( 'ay $hen $e $a,e (p0 A e $e to 'tay-2 He ne&e f#n#'he! h#' 3(e't#on. 4ol) )o&e! 'o fa't* ne#the :#nnon no E!$a ! ha! t#)e to eact. One 'econ! they $e e 'tan!#n%* an! the ne.t they $e e c ()ple! on the % o(n!. L(c#en no!!e! app o&al $h#le Fa('t % #nne!. 4ol) 'ta e! !o$n at the Bo'$ell' a' he o !e e!* 1T#e the) to the# ho 'e' an! %et the) the hell off )y lan!.2 Wal,#n% to$a ! the fo %e a fe$ )#n(te' late * 4ol) $a' 't#ll f( #o('. Ho$ !a e the Bo'$ell'* o anyone fo that )atte * 'ay 'lan!e o(' th#n%' a"o(t /a" #elle0 Anyone $ho )et he ,ne$ 'he $a' an #nnocent* '$eet* ,#n! $o)an. He 'ho(l! ha&e ,#lle! the)* he !ec#!e!. /a" #elle )ay ha&e "een (p'et* "(t #t ce ta#nly $o(l! ha&e l#%htene! h#' )oo!. He 'toppe! a" (ptly. When ha! that happene!0 When ha! he feel#n%' "eco)e #)po tant to h#)0

4ol) t #e! to p(t /a" #elle o(t of h#' tho(%ht'. He ha! $o , to !o. He eache! the fo %e an! 'pent an ho( $#th the ')#th !#'c(''#n% )o!#f#cat#on' he $ante! )a!e to the '$o ! "la!e' an! then $al,e! (p to the c e't o&e loo,#n% the f#el! $he e the )en $e e 'pa #n%. The yo(n%e $a #o ' $e e t a#n#n%. They hel! 'h#el!'* "(t none of the) $e e ('#n% the) p ope ly. A fe$ $e e act(ally ('#n% the) a' $eapon' $h#le the# '$o !' h(n% #!ly at the# '#!e'. They 'ho(l!nt "e t a#n#n% $#th any $eapon yet* 4ol) concl(!e!. They $e e too #ence!. B ae!en $a' "ello$#n% at the)* "(t $a'nt %ett#n% the e'(lt' he $ante!. When one of the yo(n%e one' )a!e the )#'ta,e of % #nn#n%* B ae!en p o)ptly ,noc,e! h#) to the % o(n!. Why $a' #t that the #ence! $e e the )o't a o%ant0 On a "attlef#el! they $o(l! "e a h#n! ance* an! the 'ea'one! $a #o ' $o(l! ha&e to p otect the) a' $ell a' f#%ht the ene)y. The !#'t act#on co(l! p o&e !ea!ly. Stephen an! 4h #'t#en $al,e! o&e to 'tan! "e'#!e 4ol). 1L(c#en tol! (' $hat happene! to the )en f o) the Bo'$ell clan*2 Stephen 'a#!. 4ol) !#!nt ac,no$le!%e the co))ent. Then 4h #'t#en 'a#!* 1Why !#!nt yo( ,#ll the)0 I $o(l! ha&e.2 1O( p #nce'' $o(l! ha&e "een (nhappy #f they $e e ,#lle!*2 Stephen e.pla#ne!. 1I th#n, that #' $hy they e 't#ll al#&e.2 The th ee e)a#ne! 3(#et a' they $atche! the e.e c#'e' on the f#el!. One yo(n% 'ol!#e ! oppe! h#' '$o !. 1Fo the lo&e of /o!*2 4ol) )(tte e!. 1I 'ho(l! let the) ,#ll each othe an! "e !one $#th the).2 1They 'ho(l! f# 't lea n to f#%ht $#th the# "a e han!'. They 'ho(l!nt "e f#%ht#n% $#th $eapon'.2 4h #'t#en &o#ce! the c #t#c#'). 4ol) no!!e!. Weapon' co(l! "eco)e c (tche'* an! #f !#'a )e!* the $a #o $o(l! "e po$e le'' a%a#n't h#' ene)y (nle'' he po''e''e! othe ',#ll'. What #n /o!' na)e $a' B ae!en th#n,#n% to let the) ('e '$o !'0 By !ay' en! the e $o(l! "e 'e&e e! l#)"' e&e y$he e. The e $e e o&e a h(n! e! clan')en on the f#el! no$* an! that n()"e !#!nt #ncl(!e the (n',#lle! "e%#nne '. B ae!en co(l!nt "e #n f#&e place' at the 'a)e t#)e* an! 4ol) eal#7e! he nee!e! to !ele%ate )o e e'pon'#"#l#ty to othe $o thy* 'ea'one! $a #o '. No one $o(l! $ant to ta,e on the "e%#nne '. 4ol) 'ta te! "ac, !o$n the h#ll $hen an (ne.pecte! 'ol(t#on p e'ente! #t'elf. 1Stephen* I th#n, #t' t#)e fo yo( an! the othe %(a !' to ea n yo( ,eep he e.2 1What !#! yo( ha&e #n )#n!02 1I&e yet to 'ee yo( ',#ll on the f#el!. To)o o$ yo( $#ll 'pa $#th 'o)e of )y $a #o '. If I th#n, yo( e (p to the !(ty* yo( $#ll help t a#n the yo(n% one'.2 4ol) !#!nt ha&e to loo, at 4h #'t#en to ,no$ he $a' ')#l#n%. 4o)e )o n#n% he $o(l! ,noc, 'o)e of that a o%ance o(t of h#).

/ABRIELLE HAD BEEN IN A FINE MOOD UNTIL SHE STE55ED o(t'#!e to %et a "#t of f e'h a# an! )et the Bo'$ell'. :#nnon an! E!$a ! ha! ta,en !el#%ht #n 'ha #n% the 'to #e' they! hea ! a"o(t he . The tale' $e e 'o o(t a%eo(' 'he co(l!nt help "(t la(%h. The h()o of the '#t(at#on el(!e! he no$. Ho$ co(l! anyone %et +oy f o) 'ay#n% te #"le th#n%' a"o(t anothe pe 'on0 The e $a' no e.c('e fo '(ch c (elty. She pon!e e! the

'a! fact a' 'he cl#)"e! the 'ta# ' an! ente e! the % eat hall. He f a)e of )#n! ha! t( ne! 3(#te %loo)y. Tho(%h #t $a'nt lo%#cal* 'he !ec#!e! to place the "la)e fo he )#'e y on 4ol). She ha! "een l#&#n% $#th the MacH(%h' fo t$o $ee,'* an! #f the# la# ! ha! "othe e! to tell h#' clan that he $a' plann#n% to )a y he * $o ! $o(l! ha&e 'p ea! to the othe clan' "y no$* an! the Bo'$ell' $o(l!nt ha&e !a e! to ta(nt he . B(t he ha!nt tol! anyone* ha! he0 The e $a' only one concl('#on 'he co(l! ! a$ f o) h#' '#lence. He !#!nt $ant to )a y he * an! he $a' 'o ! ea!#n% #t* he co(l!nt " #n% h#)'elf to 'ay the $o !'. He !#!nt e&en l#,e "e#n% #n the 'a)e oo) $#th he . A'#!e f o) lect( #n% he e&e y no$ an! then a"o(t 'o)eth#n% he felt 'he! !one $ on%* he ha!nt ha! a !ecent con&e 'at#on $#th he . On one of he )any $al,' $#th Fathe /el oy 'he ha! !#'c(''e! he conce n a"o(t 4ol). The p #e't '(%%e'te! that 'he t y to "e )o e (n!e 'tan!#n%. 4ol)' e'pon'#"#l#t#e' a' la# ! of h#' clan $e e '#7a"le. 1I !o eal#7e h#' clan co)e' f# 't*2 'he tol! h#)* 1an! I a) an o(t'#!e .2 1They $#ll co)e to lo&e yo(*2 he a''( e! he . She $a'nt a' ce ta#n. 5at#ence $a'nt one of he &# t(e'. She !ec#!e! 'he $o(l! %#&e 4ol) one )o e $ee, to )a,e a fo )al anno(nce)ent. 1One $ee,. Then Ill lea&e th#' place an! %o $he e he $#ll ne&e f#n! )e.2 ;o#c#n% he tho(%ht' )a!e he feel "ette an! )o e #n cont ol. She 't a#%htene! he 'ho(l!e ' an! $al,e! ac o'' the hall to the "ench $he e 'he! left he nee!le$o ,. 1D#! yo( 'ay 'o)eth#n%02 L#a) MacH(%h a',e! the 3(e't#on. /a" #elle $a' 'o '( p #'e! an! plea'e! to 'ee h#)* 'he !#!nt )#n! that he ha! hea ! he )()"l#n% to he 'elf. 1/oo! !ay to yo(* L#a)*2 'he calle! o(t. 4ol)' " othe ha! "een 'p a$le! #n one of t$o tall cha# ' flan,#n% the f# eplace. He 'too! a' 'he c o''e! the oo). 1La!y /a" #elle. 5lea'e* co)e an! '#t $#th )e.2 She too, the cha# on the othe '#!e of the hea th an! not#ce! that L#a) !#!nt % #)ace $hen he 'at !o$n. The c(t' on the "ac,' of h#' le%' ha! o"&#o('ly heale!. The e $e e a fe$ $o(n!' 't#ll &#'#"le +('t "elo$ h#' ,nee'* "(t 'he !#!nt th#n, he $o(l! ca y the )a ,' the e't of h#' l#fe. The !eep c(t' on h#' "ac,* ho$e&e * $o(l! '( ely lea&e 'ca '. L(c,y fo L#a)* h#' face ha! "een (nto(che!. He act(ally loo,e! 3(#te f#t. 1Fathe /el oy ha' tol! )e all a"o(t yo(*2 he 'a#!* ')#l#n%. 1Ho$ #' #t that I ha&e "een he e t$o $ee,'* an! th#' #' the f# 't I&e 'een yo(02 1I !#!nt $ant to 'ee anyone (nt#l I $a' 't on%e . I&e "een (p an! a"o(t.2 1A e yo( feel#n% "ette 02 He conce n 'ee)e! %en(#ne to h#). 1Ye'*2 he a''( e! he . He 't(!#e! he face fo 'e&e al 'econ!' an! then a',e!* 1An! ho$ #' #t that yo( 'ee) 'o fa)#l#a to )e0 I ,no$ $e ha&e ne&e )et* fo I $o(l! e)e)"e '(ch a "ea(t#f(l $o)an. 5e hap' I ! ea)e! of yo(. The %(a !' $ho t a&ele! $#th yo( $atche! o&e )e $h#le I 'lept. I )('t than, yo( fo allo$#n% the) to !o 'o.2 1They !#!nt nee! )y pe )#''#on* an! they a e the one' $ho 'ho(l! hea yo( % at#t(!e.2 1Ye'* yo( e #%ht*2 he a% ee!. He then epeate! $hat the p #e't ha! tol! h#) a"o(t the oyal %(a ! an! $a' c( #o(' to hea )o e. He $a' al'o #nte e'te! #n hea #n% a"o(t St. B#el* an! /a" #elle $a' happy to an'$e h#' 3(e't#on'. She l#,e! h#). Unl#,e h#' " othe * L#a) $a' ea'y to tal, to an! 3(#te cha )#n%. Wo)en )('t floc, to h#)* 'he tho(%ht* "eca('e of h#' ea'y ')#le an! h#' %oo! loo,'. He al'o ha! a o%(#'h 'en'e of h()o . He )a!e he la(%h tell#n% 'to #e' a"o(t p an,' he an! 4ol) p(lle! $hen they $e e "oy'. Spen!#n% the afte noon $#th L#a) $a' the )o't plea'ant t#)e 'he!

ha! '#nce a #&#n% at the MacH(%h hol!#n%. Be't of all* L#a) ne&e )ent#one! the ea'on 'he $a' the e* an! fo that 'he $a' )o't than,f(l. /ABRIELLE WAS A44USTOMED to eat#n% he )eal' alone. That e&en#n% "oth 4ol) an! L#a) +o#ne! he . 4ol)* '#tt#n% at the hea! of the ta"le* an! L#a)* '#tt#n% at the oppo'#te en!* 'too! $hen 'he ente e! the hall $#th Fathe /el oy t a#l#n% "eh#n!. L#a) "ec,one! to he $h#le 4ol)* 'tone<face! a' al$ay'* '#)ply $a#te! fo he to '#t !o$n. She )a!e a cho#ce $#tho(t %#&#n% #t )(ch tho(%ht. She ')#le! at L#a) a' 'he $al,e! to 4ol) an! too, the 'eat a!+acent to h#). Fathe /el oy %lance! #n "oth !# ect#on' "efo e ta,#n% a cha# ne.t to L#a). The oo) $a' 3(#et (nt#l Ma( na ca #e! #n t enche ' fa'h#one! f o) !ay<ol! " ea! an! f#lle! $#th he #n%* 'alt co!* )(tton* an! 'alt "eef. La't to "e place! on the ta"le $e e fat loa&e' of f e'h " o$n " ea!. St#ll hot f o) the o&en* the " ea!' a o)a f#lle! the hall. Dete )#ne! to en%a%e 4ol) #n con&e 'at#on* 'he a',e!* 1La# !* ho$ !#! yo( h(nt#n% %o to!ay02 1A' e.pecte!.2 She $a#te! fo h#) to ela"o ate* "(t he !#!nt 'ee) #ncl#ne!. She too, the $e!%e of " ea! Fathe /el oy offe e! he an! to e off a p#ece a' 'he t #e! to th#n, of 'o)eth#n% el'e to tal, a"o(t. The )en ate the# )eal #n '#lence* $h#le* occ(p#e! #n tho(%ht* 'he cont#n(e! to tea the " ea! #nto 'h e!'. F#nally* /a" #elle 'po,e. 1What a e yo( plan' fo to)o o$02 1Why !o yo( a',02 1I $a' "(t c( #o('.2 Fathe /el oy "e%an to tell an a)('#n% 'to y* an! /a" #elle loo,e! !o$n at the ta"le. She! to n the " ea! #nto a )#ll#on c ()"' an! )a!e a )e''. Th#n,#n% no one ha! not#ce!* 'he 'coope! (p the c ()"' an! ! oppe! han!f(l' onto the t enche . Once the p #e't ha! f#n#'he! h#' 'to y* 'he t( ne! to 4ol) an! a',e!* 1I' the $eathe (n('(ally )#l! th#' t#)e of yea 02 1No.2 /a" #elle $a' f ('t ate!. Noth#n% $a' $o ,#n%. S( ely the e $a' a top#c that $o(l! %et h#' attent#on. She )o&e! on to a 3(e't#on a"o(t the ne$ a!!#t#on "e#n% "(#lt. L#a) $a' tal,#n% 3(#etly to the p #e't* "(t he hea ! $hat 'he a',e! an! leane! fo $a ! to an'$e . /a" #elle '#%he! an! eache! fo anothe $e!%e of " ea!* "(t 4ol) 'toppe! he "y p(tt#n% h#' han! on top of he '. H#' &o#ce $a' $h#'pe 'oft. 1Why a e yo( 'o ne &o(' $#th )e ton#%ht02 Tonight0 She $a' always ne &o(' $hen 'he $a' $#th h#). B(t $hy0 The e $a' no ea'on fo th#' feel#n%* (nle''* of co( 'e* #t $a' a p( ely phy'#cal eact#on* $h#ch !#!nt )a,e any 'en'e at all. Of the t$o " othe '* L#a) $a' the %oo!<loo,#n% one. He $a' the co)plete oppo'#te #n appea ance an! te)pe a)ent f o) h#' " othe * an! yet #t $a' 4ol) 'he $a' att acte! to. The e ha! to "e 'o)eth#n% $ on% $#th he * 'he !ec#!e!* to p efe '(ch a fla$e! an! (!e )an. 1/a" #elle* an'$e )e.2 1Sho(l! I %#&e yo( one<$o ! an'$e ' l#,e yo(&e "een %#&#n% )e0 I ha&e "een t y#n% to ha&e a !ecent con&e 'at#on $#th yo(.2 L#a) #nte (pte! the). 14ol)* !#! yo( f#n! o(t anyth#n% a"o(t Mon oe02 1The e a e ()o ' "(t noth#n% of '("'tance yet.2 L#a) loo,e! f o) the p #e't to /a" #elle a' he e.pla#ne!. 1La# ! Mon oe $a' )( !e e!.2

1We ,no$*2 Fathe /el oy 'a#!. 1La!y /a" #elle $a' '(ppo'e! to )a y the la# !.2 1That' #%ht* 'he $a'. I hea ! a"o(t the )a #a%e "efo e I left the Mon oe hol!#n%* not lon% "efo e I $a' a)"('he!.2 1May I a', $hy yo( $e e the e02 /el oy 'a#!. L#a) ')#le!. 1I $a' )eet#n% 'o)eone.2 1Who02 /el oy p o!!e!. 1>('t 'o)eone.2 The p #e't $a' a"o(t to a', anothe 3(e't#on* "(t L#a) 'toppe! h#) $hen he 'a#!* 1A $o)an* Fathe . I $a' )eet#n% a $o)an. I $ont %#&e yo( he na)e.2 /el oy "l('he!. 1If only the e $a' a chapel* yo( co(l! %o to confe''#on.2 L#a) 'h (%%e!. 1D#! yo( hea that the Mon oe' a e f#%ht#n% o&e $ho $#ll "e the ne.t la# !0 B ae!en "el#e&e' the e $#ll "e $a a)on% the).2 Fo the ne.t ten )#n(te' the " othe ' !e"ate! $ho 'ho(l! ta,e o&e lea!e 'h#p of the clan. 1Do yo( th#n, they $#ll e&e f#n! o(t $ho ,#lle! the la# !02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1We $ont e't (nt#l $e f#n! the c(lp #t*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1We02 Fathe /el oy #n3(# e!. 1La# !' B(chanan* S#ncla# * Ma#tlan!* an! MacH(%h*2 he an'$e e!. 1They ha&e al ea!y co)e to%ethe to 'ha e #nfo )at#on.2 /a" #elle hope! the e $o(l! "e +('t#ce fo La# ! Mon oe. 1No )an 'ho(l! !#e f o) a ,n#fe #n h#' "ac,*2 'he 'a#!. 1It #' a co$a !ly act*2 4ol) a% ee!. She 'ta e! at h#' han! e't#n% on top of he '. It $a' t$#ce the '#7e of he ' an! $a )* $on!e f(lly $a ). Ho$ co(l! a '#)ple to(ch plea'e he 'o0 Wa' 'he 'o 'ta &e! fo affect#on that h#' nea ne'' $o(l! e&o,e '(ch a eact#on0 He p o"a"ly $a'nt e&en a$a e of $hat he $a' !o#n%. D#'%('te! $#th he 'elf* 'he t( ne! a$ay f o) h#) an! l#'tene! to Fathe y /el oy tell#n% a"o(t l#fe at the a""ey. At e&e y oppo t(n#ty* /el oy $o(l! )a,e a co))ent o t$o a"o(t the "enef#t' of ha&#n% a chapel fo the clan. He %a&e 'e&e al e.a)ple'* th#n,#n% he $a' "e#n% '("tle. 1A chapel $o(l! p o&#!e a holy an! p ope place to hea L#a)' confe''#on an! to a"'ol&e h#) of any '#n' he )ay ha&e co))#tte! $#th the Mon oe $o)an*2 he a''( e! 4ol). 1An! yo(* La# !*2 he cont#n(e!* 1I co(l! hea yo( confe''#on anyt#)e yo( $#'he!6e&en t$#ce a !ay #f nece''a y.2 /a" #elle "( 't #nto la(%hte . 1Fathe * I th#n, pe hap' yo( 'ho(l! +('t a', o( la# ! to "(#l! yo( a chapel.2 1Our la# !02 L#a) a',e!. She l#fte! he 'ho(l!e ' an! loo,e! at 4ol). 1It $o(l! 'ee) that yo( a e Fathe /el oy' la# ! no$6an! )#ne a' $ell. I' that not 'o02 H#' e.p e''#on $a' #n'c (ta"le $hen he an'$e e!. 1It #' 'o.2 L#a) f o$ne!. 1A) I )#''#n% 'o)eth#n% he e0 Why #' #t 'o02 he a',e!. 1An! a e yo( th#n,#n% a"o(t "(#l!#n% the p #e't a ch( ch02 15e hap'*2 he allo$e!. 1The e a e 'o(l' #n nee! of 'a&#n% he e*2 /el oy 'a#! $#th a po#nte! loo, at L#a). 1B(#l!#n% a ch( ch $#ll 'a&e o( 'o(l'02 4ol) a',e!* % #nn#n%. 1It $o(l! "e a 'tep #n the #%ht !# ect#on. Yo( clan $o(l! ha&e to "e enco( a%e! to %o #n'#!e* %et !o$n on the# ,nee'* an! p ay /o!' fo %#&ene'' fo the# pa't '#n'.2 Wa%%#n% h#' f#n%e at L#a)* he a!!e!* 1An! )ean #t6$#th a '#nce e hea t. Afte $hat happene! to yo(* I $o(l! th#n, yo( $o(l! $ant to "e #n /o!' %oo! % ace'.2 In the "l#n, of an eye the con&e 'at#on t( ne! 'e #o('. 14ol)* Fathe ha' not "een a"le to tell )e ho$ I %ot f o) F#nney' Flat to the a""ey.2 1Yo( co(l! ha&e $al,e!*2 /el oy '(%%e'te!.

1No* I co(l! not.2 /el oy '#%he!. 1I ha&e al ea!y e.pla#ne! that I cannot tell yo(.2 1B(t yo( ,no$* !ont yo(02 4ol) a',e!. 1Ha&e yo( fo(n! the )en $ho h( t L#a)02 /a" #elle a',e! #n a ('h. 1Yo( $o(l! ,no$ #f I ha!.2 1B(t yo( $ont %#&e (p 'ea ch#n%* $#ll yo(02 'he a',e!. 1No* I $ont.2 1Yo(&e 't#ll to an'$e )y 3(e't#on* Fathe *2 L#a) 'a#!. 1Yo( !o ,no$ ho$ I %ot to the a""ey* !ont yo(0 We e yo( pe chance nea F#nney' Flat $hen I $a' the e02 1Yo( cannot th#n, th#' !ea p #e't ha! anyth#n% to !o $#th-2 4ol) '3(ee7e! he han!. 1No* $e !ont th#n, he $a' #n&ol&e!. It' o( hope that he )#%ht ha&e 'een the )en $ho t #e! to ,#ll L#a).2 1I $a' at the a""ey "efo e L#a) ca)e to ('*2 /el oy 'a#!. 1I ,no$ yo( e hol!#n% 'o)eth#n% "ac,* an! I $ant to ,no$ $hat #t #'*2 4ol) !e)an!e!. /a" #elle' )#n! ace!. She ha! hope! to ha&e a p #&ate )o)ent $#th 4ol) to tell h#) that 'he $a' the one $ho 'hot L#a)' attac,e an! that he %(a !' ha! ca #e! h#) to A "ane A""ey* "(t no$ he $a' fo c#n% the #''(e. 1I )('t tell yo(-2 'he "e%an. He 'hot he a !a(nt#n% loo, that 'toppe! he f o) cont#n(#n%. 1I) tal,#n% to the p #e't* /a" #elle. It' t#)e fo the t (th.2 Fathe /el oy 'ee)e! to 'h #n, #n h#' cha# * eco#l#n% f o) the la# !' an%e . 1Well* Fathe * $hat #' #t0 A e yo( %o#n% to tell ('* o !o $e ha&e to e'o t to )o e fo cef(l )ea'( e'02 L#a) a',e!. /a" #elle "olte! to he feet* (p'ett#n% he cha# #n he ha'te. 1I cannot "el#e&e yo( $o(l! a', Fathe /el oy to tell yo( $hat he cannot.2 14annot0 O $#ll not02 L#a) a',e!. 14annot*2 'he 'nappe!* %la #n% at h#). 1I $#ll not allo$ yo( to "(lly Fathe /el oy. He' a )an of the cloth. He ha' e.pla#ne! )o e than once that he cannot tell yo(. Lea&e h#) alone* o yo( $#ll ha&e to an'$e to )e.2 Befo e anyone co(l! e'pon! to he o(t"( 't* B ae!en appea e! at the 'ta# ' an! calle! o(t. 1They e ea!y* La# !.2 4ol) eache! !o$n an! p#c,e! (p /a" #elle' cha# an! )o&e! #t to the '#!e. 14o)e $#th )e* /a" #elle*2 he o !e e! a' he too, he han! an! p(lle! he "eh#n! h#). He !#!nt e.pla#n $he e he $a' lea!#n% he * "(t 'he $a' happy to o"l#%e. A )o)ent alone $#th h#) $o(l! %#&e he the oppo t(n#ty to e.pla#n $hat ha! happene! at F#nney' Flat. They $e e half$ay to the ent ance $hen 4ol) calle! o&e h#' 'ho(l!e * 1L#a)* I) )a y#n% /a" #elle.2 L#a) $a' 't(nne!. 1Yo( e %ett#n% )a #e!02 /a" #elle' eact#on $a' )o e #nten'e. 1Yo( !#!nt e&en tell yo( " othe 0 I&e "een he e t$o $ee,'* an! yo( co(l!nt )a,e t#)e-2 He $a' all "(t ! a%%#n% he to$a ! the 'tep' no$. 1I ha&e 'een )y " othe a' often a' yo( ha&e #n the pa't t$o $ee,'.2 1That #'nt an accepta"le e.c('e*2 'he )(tte e!. E.a'pe ate!* he p(lle! he alon% !o$n the 'ta# '. 1I !ont )a,e e.c('e'.2 A 'ol!#e 'too! at the !oo . When he 'a$ the) co)#n%* he "o$e! to /a" #elle an! p(lle! the !oo open. She tho(%ht h#' act#on )o't pec(l#a . He 'ho(l! ha&e 'ho$n !efe ence to h#' la# !* not he . A "la't of col! a# " ('he! o&e he face. 4ol) let %o of he an! $al,e! o(t'#!e. He 'toppe! on the top 'tep an! "ec,one! he to co)e to h#).

The %ol!en l#%ht of '(n'et 'p#lle! o&e a 'ea of face' $atch#n% he . The co( tya ! $a' f#lle! $#th h#' clan* an! )o e of the) co&e e! the h#ll' "eyon!. /a" #elle $a' 'o 'hoc,e!* 'he co(l! "a ely ,eep he $#t' a"o(t he . The e 'ee)e! to "e a tho('an! )en an! $o)en 'ta #n% at he . She t #e! to catch he " eath. No one $a' ')#l#n%. She not#ce! that #%ht a$ay. Oh* no* ha! the Bo'$ell' %otten to all of the'e people0 She p('he! the ho #! tho(%ht a'#!e. B(t $hy !#! they all loo, 'o 'o)"e 0 S#nce they $e e c o$!e! to%ethe * 'he co(l!nt 'ee #f they $e e hol!#n% anyth#n% #n the# han!'. She )o&e! clo'e to 4ol). He a ) " ('he! h#'. She loo,e! (p an! $h#'pe e!* 1A) I a"o(t to "e 'tone! a%a#n02 1Fo the lo&e of62 He 'toppe!. He co(l!nt "e an% y $#th he . Of co( 'e 'he $o(l! e.pect the $o 't. He ha!nt tol! he $hat $a' %o#n% to happen* an! /o! ,no$'* afte $hat 'he! "een th o(%h #n the la't fe$ $ee,'* $hy $o(l!nt 'he "e f #%htene!0 1Do yo( th#n, I $o(l! let anyone ha ) yo(0 Yo( "elon% to )e no$* /a" #elle.2 4ol) t( ne! to h#' follo$e '* a#'e! one han! h#%h #nto the a# * an! 'a#!* 1Afte )(ch !el#"e at#on* La!y /a" #elle ha' f#nally a% ee! to "eco)e )y $#fe. I a) fo t(nate to )a y '(ch a pa''#onate an! 'p# #te!* "ea(t#f(l an! #nnocent la!y. Yo( $#ll $elco)e he an! hono he a' yo( hono )e.2 The c o$! e (pte! #nto chee ' an! 'ho(t'. All of the) $e e ')#l#n% no$. 4ol) p(lle! he #nto h#' a )'* t#lte! he ch#n (p* an! ,#''e! he . She $a' o&e $hel)e!. He only ,#''e! he lon% eno(%h fo he to $ant )o e* an! $hen he l#fte! h#' hea!* 'he t e)"le!. The no#'e '$# le! a o(n! he * an! the e $a' "(t one tho(%ht #n he )#n!= the e $e ent any 'tone'.

4OLM HADNT /I;EN HER ANY WARNIN/. HAD /ABRIELLE ,no$n he $a' %o#n% to call h#' clan to%ethe to )a,e h#' anno(nce)ent* 'he $o(l! ha&e chan%e! he %o$n an! " ('he! he ha# . She !#!nt e&en ha&e t#)e to p#nch he chee,' to %#&e the) colo . The !oo opene!* an! the e they all $e e* 'ta #n% at he . An a'ton#'he! L#a) ha! follo$e! the) o(t'#!e an! 'too! on 4ol)' #%ht a' he 'po,e to the clan. L#a) 'ee)e! plea'e! "y $hat he calle! 1 e)a ,a"le ne$'.2 Once the chee #n% ha! !#e! !o$n an! the c o$! ha! !#'pe 'e!* he 'lappe! h#' " othe on the 'ho(l!e an! h(%%e! /a" #elle. 1I tho(%ht /a" #elle $a' o( %(e't "eca('e of the help he %(a !' %a&e )e at the a""ey* "(t #t appea ' the e' )(ch )o e to th#' &#'#t.2 He la(%he! an! %a&e 4ol) a 'ho&e a' they hea!e! "ac, #n'#!e. 1Yo(&e "een hol!#n% o(t on )e* " othe . >('t ho$ lon% did I 'leep0 E&#!ently I&e "een )#''#n% a % eat !eal. I )('t hea the !eta#l'.2 1Ill e.pla#n anothe t#)e*2 4ol) 'a#!. L#a) too, /a" #elle' han! an! $#th a $#n, 'a#!* 1A e yo( '( e yo(&e cho'en the #%ht MacH(%h* /a" #elle0 4ol) can "e a "ea to l#&e $#th* yo( ,no$. 5e hap' yo( 'ho(l! econ'#!e .2 4ol) an'$e e!. 1The e #' noth#n% to econ'#!e * L#a). /a" #elle #' 3(#te happy.2 He t( ne! to he . 1A ent yo(* /a" #elle02 1Why6I62 Ho$ co(l! 'he an'$e h#)0 Happy0 W#th all that ha! occ( e! #n the pa't t$o $ee,'* tho(%ht' of happ#ne'' ha! not ente e! he )#n!. L#a) 'a&e! he f o) co)#n% (p $#th an an'$e . 1Nee! I pe'te La!y /a" #elle fo !eta#l'02 1No* yo( nee! not*2 4ol) epl#e! f# )ly.

/a" #elle $a' el#e&e! $hen L#a) "#! the) %oo! n#%ht an! $ent (p'ta# '. She !#!nt $ant to an'$e any 3(e't#on'. The e $a' a )o e p e''#n% )atte on he )#n!. The t#)e ha! co)e fo he to face 4ol) $#th the t (th. She nee!e! to "e alone $#th h#). He hea t 'ta te! po(n!#n%. 14ol)62 1Yo( loo, e.ha('te!* /a" #elle. /et 'o)e e't.2 D#')#''#n% he * he hea!e! fo the !oo . She follo$e! h#). 1May I ha&e a $o ! $#th yo(0 The e #' 'o)eth#n% I )('t tell yo(.2 14an #t $a#t02 He p(lle! a to ch f o) #t' $all " ac,et to ta,e o(t'#!e. The !oo '$(n% open an! B ae!en an! Stephen ente e!. She hope! they $o(l! pa'' th o(%h* "(t ne#the !#!. They $a#te! to 'pea, to 4ol). He $a' a "('y )an $#th )any e'pon'#"#l#t#e' an! "( !en'* 'he e)#n!e! he 'elf. 1I $ante! to6that #' to 'ay6I '(ppo'e I co(l! $a#t (nt#l to)o o$. 5e hap' ea ly #n the )o n#n%02 'he a',e!. 4ol) no!!e!* an! /a" #elle* feel#n% $ea, $#th el#ef "eca('e 'he $o(l!nt ha&e to tell h#) ton#%ht* h( #e! (p the 'tep'. Fathe /el oy $a' $a#t#n% to offe h#' con% at(lat#on'* "(t 'he !#!nt %#&e h#) the chance. She )ot#one! fo h#) to co)e clo'e an! then $h#'pe e!* 1I) 'o 'o y I ha&ent tol! 4ol) yet. I ha&e t$#ce t #e! to e.pla#n that I an! )y %(a !' " o(%ht L#a) to the a""ey* "(t "oth t#)e' $e ha&e "een #nte (pte!. I th#n, #t "e't #f I tell h#) #n p #&ate. Yo( ha! to '(ffe h#' an%e * an! L#a)'* too* "eca('e of the p o)#'e I fo ce! on yo(.2 1The lon%e yo( $a#t* the ha !e the tell#n%.2 1Ye'* I ,no$* "(t I !o ! ea! #t.2 1La# ! MacH(%h $#ll "e plea'e! to ,no$ that yo( fo(n! h#' " othe an! 'o(%ht help fo h#).2 1The e #' )o e to the tell#n% than yo( ,no$* "(t ha&e no $o #e'. By to)o o$ n#%ht* 4ol) $#ll ,no$ e&e yth#n%.2 1A' $#ll I02 1Ye'.2 She ha! hope! to tell h#) #n confe''#on* "(t #f 'he !#!* 'he $o(l! ha&e to 'ay 'he $a' 'o y fo ta,#n% a )an' l#fe* an! /o! $o(l! ,no$ 'he $a'nt '#nce e. That )an ha! eally nee!e! ,#ll#n%. MAURNA WAS THRILLED that /a" #elle $a' %o#n% to )a y the# la# ! an! tol! he 'o 'e&e al t#)e' $h#le 'e &#n% " ea,fa't. 1No one "el#e&e! that fool#'hne'' the Bo'$ell "oy' $e e 'po(t#n%* an! $e $e e #%ht not to pay the) any )#n! '#nce o( la# ! #' )a,#n% yo( h#' $#fe. He !ecla e! yo( #nnocent* )#la!y* "(t $e al ea!y ,ne$ #t. D#!nt $e* W#lla02 'he calle! o&e he 'ho(l!e . The coo, pee,e! o(t f o) the "(tte y. 1We !#!. We '( ely !#!.2 1I than, yo( "oth fo yo( fa#th #n )e.2 /a" #elle 'ta e! !o$n at a "o$l of $hat appea e! to "e a th#c, % ay pa'te. 1No la!y a' holy a' yo( a e $o(l! co))#t '(ch te #"le '#n'* an! "e'#!e'* o( la# ! $o(l!nt "e )a y#n% yo( #f tho'e '#n' $e e t (e6$h#ch they a ent*2 'he ha'tene! to a!!. W#lla " o(%ht o(t " ea! an! p(t #t ne.t to the pa'te. 1Yo( eat (p no$. Yo( co(l! 'tan! to p(t 'o)e fat on tho'e "one'.2 /a" #elle !#!nt $ant to h( t the coo,' feel#n%'* "(t 'he ha! to a', $hat the pa'te $a' "efo e 'he p(t any of #t #n he )o(th. It $o(l! "e )o e h( tf(l* 'he tho(%ht* #f 'he 'ta te! %a%%#n%. 1What !o yo( call th#'* W#lla02 'he a',e!. 1B ea,fa't.2

Ma( na " ('he! 'o)e c ()"' f o) the ta"le onto he open han!. 1Yo( ta,e yo( " ea!* an! yo( !a" #t #n the )('h.2 1M('h02 1It' %oo! fo yo(* )#la!y*2 W#lla #n'#'te!. 1It' )a!e $#th coo,e! oat' an! 'o)e of )y 'pec#al 'p#ce'.2 1Well lea&e yo( alone 'o yo( can eat $h#le #t' $a )*2 Ma( na 'a#!. /a" #elle el(ctantly p#c,e! (p he 'poon an! !#ppe! #t #nto the th#c, %oo. 1Ma( na* co(l! yo( e.pla#n $hat yo( )eant $hen yo( 'a#! no one $a' a' holy-2 1A' yo( a e.2 1Why $o(l! yo( th#n, I $a' holy02 1Not +('t )e* )#la!y. E&e yone th#n,' #t.2 1I th#n, #t*2 W#lla 'a#!. 1I) '(ppo'#n% #t' "eca('e yo( 'pen! 'o )(ch of yo( t#)e $al,#n% $#th Fathe /el oy. Yo( e p ay#n% $#th h#)* a ent yo(02 She la(%he!. 1/oo!ne''* no. Fathe ha' "een athe lonely* an! that #' $hy I&e "een $al,#n% $#th h#)* "(t $e e "oth %ett#n% acc('to)e! to o( ne$ '( o(n!#n%' an! feel#n% )o e co)fo ta"le no$. E&e yone #' 'o f #en!ly.2 The t$o $o)en "ea)e! at he p a#'e fo the# clan. 1Yo( " ea,fa't #' %ett#n% col! on yo(*2 W#lla $a ne!. 1I tho(%ht I )#%ht $a#t fo o( la# !.2 1He' "een (p an! %one 3(#te 'o)e t#)e no$.2 When the $o)en left he alone to eat the )('h* /a" #elle fo ce! he 'elf to t y #t an! $a' '( p #'e! that #t $a'nt &#le. In fact* #t !#!nt ha&e )(ch ta'te at all. She f#n#'he! 3(#c,ly an! then $ent loo,#n% fo 4ol). The )an )('t %et (p at the c ac, of !a$n* 'he tho(%ht. Fa('t ca(%ht (p $#th he a' 'he $a' hea!#n% to the 'ta"le'. 1Whe e a e yo( %o#n%* 5 #nce''02 1I) loo,#n% fo 4ol).2 1He' #n the f#el!' $#th h#' 'ol!#e '. Wo(l! yo( l#,e to '#t on the h#ll an! $atch the 'pa #n%02 he a',e! ea%e ly. Fa('t o"&#o('ly $ante! to $atch* an! '#nce 'he co(l!nt tal, to 4ol) (nt#l late * 'he !ec#!e! to acco))o!ate he %(a !. 1Lea! the $ay* Fa('t.2 1I th#n, yo( $#ll en+oy $atch#n%* 5 #nce''. I ,no$ I $#ll.2 1I !ont (n!e 'tan! yo( enth('#a'). Yo(&e 'een )y fathe ' )en t a#n#n% nea ly e&e y !ay at Well#n%'h# e.2 1They !#! t a#n al)o't e&e y !ay* an! fo %oo! ea'on* fo they* l#,e all %oo! &a''al'* )('t ,eep the# ',#ll' 'ha pene!.2 1I ,no$ that* #n En%lan!* a ,n#%ht' p #)a y !(ty #' to p otect h#' l#e%e lo !. I th#n, #t )('t "e the 'a)e he e.2 1No* #t' !#ffe ent. I th#n, a' lon% a' they $#n* )o't "a on' !ont ca e ho$ )any )en !#e f#%ht#n% fo the)* "(t MacH(%h $o(l! ta,e #t a' a pe 'onal aff ont #f he lo't one )an o t$enty.2 She l#fte! he ',# t' an! 3(#c,ene! he 'tep to ,eep (p $#th h#). 1Do yo( th#n, yo( $#ll lea n ne$ techn#3(e' "y $atch#n% to!ay02 15e hap'* "(t that #'nt the ea'on fo )y ea%e ne''. Yo( $#ll (n!e 'tan! 'oon eno(%h. Well '#t h#%h on the h#ll "et$een the t$o f#el!' $he e $ell ha&e a %oo! &#e$.2 Fa('t le! he (p a $o n path $#n!#n% th o(%h the t ee'9 #t $a' a 'teep #ncl#ne. When 'he eache! the #!%e* a pano a)#c &#e$ of the f#el!' opene! (p "elo$ he .

The e $e e t$o f#el!' al)o't of e3(al !#)en'#on an! 'epa ate! "y )o(n!e! 'tac,' of hay. On one '#!e the a che ' p act#ce! acc( acy. The# ta %et' $e e 'o fa a$ay #t $a' !#ff#c(lt to 'ee the cente . Ne.t to the) )en $e e th o$#n% a.e' at ta %et'. A' fa a' 'he $a' f o) the f#el!* /a" #elle co(l! 't#ll hea the $h#'tle of the hea&y $eapon' 'l#c#n% th o(%h the a# . On the othe f#el!* )en 'pa e! $#th '$o !' an! 'h#el!'. 4# cl#n% the) $e e o$' of clan')en* yo(n% an! ol!* $a#t#n% fo the# chance to !e)on't ate the# ',#ll'. The e $e e at lea't a h(n! e! )en on the f#el!* yet 'he ea'#ly 'potte! 4ol). He $a' "y fa the )o't #)p e''#&e $a #o the e. He 'too! at the fa en! of the c# cle* a )' ac o'' h#' che't an! feet " ace! apa t. E&en f o) he &anta%e po#nt* /a" #elle 'a$ h#' 'co$l* #n!#cat#n% he !#!nt l#,e $hat he $a' 'ee#n%. She 'ta e! #n fa'c#nat#on. H#' " on7e! ',#n %l#'tene! $#th '$eat* an! the "(l%#n% )('cle' #n h#' (ppe a )' an! le%' e.(!e! a$ po$e . Wh#le 'he ,ne$ #t $a' #n!ecent fo he to not#ce '(ch th#n%'* 'he co(l!nt )a,e he 'elf loo, a$ay. 1Wo(l! yo( l#,e )e to fetch a "lan,et fo yo( to '#t on0 O !o yo( th#n, yo( $#ll not $ant to 'tay that lon%02 Fa('t a',e!. 1I !ont nee! a "lan,et*2 'he epl#e!* '#tt#n% !o$n. She t(c,e! he le%' (n!e he an! a!+('te! he ',# t9 all the $h#le he &#olet "l(e eye' $e e f#.e! on 4ol). 1Do yo( 'ee Stephen0 He 'tan!' ne.t to the la# !.2 Fa('t po#nte! h#) o(t. 1I 'ee h#). What' he !o#n%02 1He' $atch#n% L(c#en 'pa .2 She 'ea che! the f#el! an! locate! he %(a !. 1An! $hy #' L(c#en 'pa #n%02 1The la# ! #n&#te! h#) to*2 Fa('t an'$e e!. 1If he th#n,' $e a e capa"le* he $#ll ha&e (' t a#n the "e%#nne '. H#' 'ea'one! $a #o ' f#n! #t all "eneath the)* tho(%h of co( 'e they $o(l! !o $hate&e the# la# ! o !e e! the) to. Stephen 'ay' the la# ! $ant' (' to ea n o( ,eep* an! $e a e happy to o"l#%e.2 /a" #elle $atche! L(c#en. He %(a !' )o&e)ent' $e e fl(#! an! % acef(l. He hel! h#' o$n a%a#n't the MacH(%h 'ol!#e $#tho(t 'ee)#n% to e.e t )(ch effo t. Ne#the %a#ne! an a!&anta%e. 1Stephen "e'te! all the othe ' $#th "o$ an! a o$. The la# ! $o(l!nt %#&e h#) t#)e to fetch h#' o$n* 'o he ha! to ('e B ae!en'. I th#n, yo( co(l! "e't the) all* too* 5 #nce''.2 She la(%he!. 1Yo( fa#th #n )e #' )#'place!. Tell )e th#'* Fa('t* $hat !#! the la# ! an! h#' co))an!e th#n, of Stephen !efeat#n% the# 'ol!#e '02 1They $e e #)p e''e! $#th h#' ',#ll. B ae!en an! Stephen a ent a!&e 'a #e'. They e'pect each othe ' a"#l#ty an! ha&e* #n fact* "eco)e f #en!' of a 'o t. The la# ! ha' place! Stephen #n cha %e of t a#n#n% the yo(n% one' $#th "o$ an! a o$ (n!e B ae!en' $atchf(l eye.2 1What a"o(t yo(02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1I $#ll 'pa to)o o$.2 1Yo( nee!nt '#t he e $#th )e. Yo( $#ll ,no$ I) 'afe. Yo( can 'ee )e f o) e#the f#el!.2 1The !#'tance #' too % eat.2 1If I can 'ee 4ol)' f o$n* yo(ll ce ta#nly "e a"le to 'ee )e.2 1To)o o$ $#ll "e 'oon eno(%h to ta,e )y t( n. Be'#!e'* 4h #'t#en $#ll "e f#%ht#n% 'oon* an! I !ont $ant to )#'' that. L(c#en' al)o't f#n#'he!*2 he a!!e! $#th a no! to$a ! the %(a !. 1I th#n, he' %o#n% to let the MacH(%h 'ol!#e "e't h#) th#' !ay.2 1Why $o(l! yo( th#n, that02 1He 'ho(l! ha&e f#n#'he! h#) "y no$. He' hol!#n% "ac, "eca('e the )an he f#%ht' #' ol!e "y at lea't f#fteen o )o e yea '. L(c#en $ont h()#l#ate h#) #n f ont of h#' la# !. It' $hat I $o(l! !o.2

Ne.t to the co)"atant'* Stephen ha! )a!e the 'a)e o"'e &at#on. He 'teppe! "ac, an! 'po,e to B ae!en. A fe$ )#n(te' late * 4ol) 'toppe! the )atch. Ne$ opponent' )o&e! fo $a ! to ta,e the# place' on the f#el!. 1L(c#en* co)e he e*2 4ol) co))an!e!. The %(a ! an to h#). 1Ye'* La# !02 1Stephen ha' '(%%e'te! that yo( !#!nt p(t yo( f(ll 't en%th #n yo( f#%ht. I' that t (e02 1It #'.2 4ol) e.pecte! to hea an e.c('e an! $a' '( p #'e! "y h#' hone'ty. 1/#&e )e yo( ea'on.2 1He #' )y el!e "y )any yea '. I !#!nt $ant to e)"a a'' h#).2 1That #' the )o't #!#c(lo(' ea'on I&e yet to hea . A) I to a''()e that #f an ol! )an $e e to attac, /a" #elle* yo( $o(l! "e con'#!e ate of h#' a%e a' yo( t y to p otect he 02 1No* I $o(l! ,#ll h#) #f he t #e! to ha ) )y p #nce''* no )atte $hat h#' a%e.2 1Yo( #n'(lt )y clan')en $hen yo( !o not %#&e yo( "e't. To)o o$ I $#ll 'ee that yo( !o.2 4ol) %a&e the co))an!* an! the '$o !' an! 'h#el!' $e e p(t a'#!e. The e $o(l! "e han!<to<han! co)"at no$. / o(p' of #ence! $a #o ' too, the f#el!. Each )an' %oal $a' to p#n the othe to the % o(n!. 4(nn#n% a' $ell a' a$ 't en%th $e e e3(# e!* an! 'e&e al t#)e' !( #n% the challen%e' 4ol) #nte &ene! to 'ho$ the co)"atant' the# )#'ta,e'. 4h #'t#en +o#ne! Stephen to $atch. 1They !ont f#%ht l#,e ('.2 4ol) hea ! h#' e)a , an! calle! to h#). 1Sho$ )e the !#ffe ence.2 1I) 'o y* La# !* "(t I )('t !ecl#ne.2 He 'o(n!e! !#'hea tene! $hen he a!!e!* 1I cannot f#%ht yo(.2 A'to(n!e! "y the %(a !' ef('al* 4ol) a',e!* 1Why #' #t yo( th#n, yo( ha&e a cho#ce02 Stephen 'teppe! fo $a ! to e.pla#n. 1No$ that yo( a e "et othe! to )a y o( p #nce'' /a" #elle* none of he %(a ! can f#%ht yo(.2 4h #'t#en no!!e!. 1We )('t p otect yo( no$ +('t a' $e p otect o( p #nce''.2 B ae!en too, offen'e. 1The la# !' $a #o ' p otect h#).2 Stephen no!!e!. 1Ye'* an! $e p otect the )an $ho $#ll )a y 5 #nce'' /a" #elle.2 4h #'t#en %lance! (p at the c e't of the h#ll $he e /a" #elle $a' '#tt#n%. 1Be'#!e'* 'he $o(l! not l#,e to 'ee (' 'pa #n% $#th yo(. She #' "e%#nn#n% to ha&e affect#on fo yo(.2 4ol) loo,e! (p an! 'a$ /a" #elle $atch#n%. She $a' "e%#nn#n% to ca e fo h#)0 Not l#,ely. The %(a ! $a' $ on%. A $o)an $ho ca e! a"o(t a )an !#!nt (n h#) #n c# cle' an! #%no e h#' e&e y co))an!. He p('he! h#' tho(%ht' a'#!e. 1If yo( cannot f#%ht )e* 4h #'t#en* then yo( $#ll f#%ht 'o)eone el'e.2 He )ot#one! to one of h#' clan')en. A th#c,<nec,e! $a #o #))e!#ately 'teppe! fo $a !. 1E$en* tell 4h #'t#en ho$ ol! yo( a e.2 1La# !02 4ol) epeate! the co))an!. E$en* tho(%h p(77le! "y the o!! o !e * 3(#c,ly o"eye!. He an! 4h #'t#en $e e only )onth' apa t #n a%e. 1I t ('t E$en #'nt too ol! fo yo( to f#%ht*2 4ol) 'a#! 'a !on#cally. The t$o )en $ent to oppo'#te '#!e' of the f#el!. B ae!en %a&e the '#%nal* an! E$en* hea! !o$n* cha %e!. 4h #'t#en )et h#) #n the cente * an! "efo e the MacH(%h 'ol!#e co(l! %et #n a p(nch* 4h #'t#en 'p(n on one foot an! ('e! the flat of h#' othe foot to 'la) h#) to the % o(n!. 4h #'t#en $a#te! 'e&e al 'econ!' to 'ee #f E$en $a' %o#n% to %et (p. When he !#!nt* the %(a ! $al,e! o&e to h#) an! offe e! h#) h#' han!. E$en p('he! h#' han! a'#!e* 'too!* an! 'hoo, h#' hea! to clea #t. He cha %e! a%a#n. An! a%a#n. It $a' pa#nf(l to $atch* an! # #tat#n%

a' hell fo 4ol). Afte E$en ha! "een ,noc,e! to the % o(n! fo a fo( th t#)e* 4ol) 't o!e onto the f#el!* ha(le! the "atte e! )an to h#' feet $#th one han!* an! %a&e h#) a %oo! 'ho&e. 1Fo( t#)e' 4h #'ten ha' flattene! yo( the &e y 'a)e $ay. Ha&ent yo( f#%( e! o(t that yo( nee! to co)e (p $#th anothe $ay to attac,02 E$en f o$ne!. 1I ,ne$ he $a' %o#n% to ,#c, )e $#th h#' foot a%a#n* "(t I tho(%ht I co(l! "e 3(#c,e .2 4ol) 'ho&e! h#) a%a#n. 1O"&#o('ly yo( $e e not 3(#c,e * $e e yo(02 1No* I $a'nt.2 1Why !#!nt yo( t y to "loc, the attac,02 4ol) 'ho$e! h#) ho$ #t co(l! "e !one* "(t E$en $a' a 'lo$ lea ne * an! t$#ce )o e 4h #'t#en ,noc,e! h#) !o$n ('#n% the 'a)e )etho!. Th ee othe 'ol!#e ' )et E$en' fate. Then the )o e #ence! clan')en challen%e! 4h #'t#en. The 'econ! )an not only "loc,e! h#' attac,* "(t he lan!e! a %oo! p(nch to the %(a !' )#!!le. 4h #'t#en fell to the % o(n!. The ne.t t#)e 4h #'t#en chan%e! h#' )ane(&e an! felle! th#' $o th#e opponent. 4ol) o !e e! 4h #'t#en to t y "oth techn#3(e' on h#) 'o that he co(l! 'ho$ h#' 'ol!#e ' ho$ to "loc, the attac, an! %a#n the a!&anta%e. The la# ! $a' )(ch 3(#c,e than 4h #'t#en. The th# ! t#)e 4ol) 'ent the %(a ! fly#n% "ac,$a !* 4h #'t#en lan!e! on h#' 'to)ach* olle! o&e * an! 'at (p. Bloo! t #c,le! f o) the co ne of h#' )o(th. He $#pe! #t a$ay* loo,e! (p at 4ol)* an! "e%an to la(%h. 1A%a#n* La# !02 he a',e! a' #n one )ot#on he %a#ne! h#' feet. 1Th#' #'nt a %a)e* 4h #'t#en*2 he 'nappe!. 1To)o o$ yo( $#ll help t a#n the yo(n%e 'ol!#e '.2 He po#nte! a f#n%e at h#) an! a!!e!* 1Befo e then* I '(%%e't yo( #! yo( 'elf of yo( a o%ance. In "attle* the'e )en $ont %et 'econ! chance'. It' yo( !(ty to teach the) ho$ to '( &#&e. When they e ea!y* B ae!en an! I $#ll teach the) ho$ to $#n.2

AFTER THE TRAININ/ SESSION* 4OLM WENT TO THE LA:E an! $a'he! the '$eat f o) h#' "o!y* then hea!e! to$a ! the % eat hall. He $a' $al,#n% pa't the 'ta"le' +('t a' /a" #elle le! he ho 'e o(t of a 'tall. The 'tee! $a' al ea!y 'a!!le!. He 'toppe! o(t'#!e the %ate an! $atche! he . She " ('he! a loo'e 't an! of ha# f o) he face a' 'he clo'e! the %ate "eh#n! Ro%(e. 1Whe e !o yo( th#n, yo( e %o#n%02 4ol) a',e!. Sta tle!* /a" #elle %lance! #n h#' !# ect#on. 1/oo! !ay to yo(* 4ol).2 If 'he $a' t y#n% to %et h#) to $a'te h#' t#)e on plea'ant #e'* 'he $a' #n fo a !#'appo#nt)ent. 1I a',e! yo( a 3(e't#on.2 1I) %o#n% #!#n%. Ro%(e nee!' to 't etch h#' le%'.2 1An! $he e e.actly a e yo( plann#n% to #!e02 1He e an! the e.2 1Ac o'' F#nney' Flat pe chance02 It 'ee)e! he co(l! ea! he )#n!. 1Ye'. I tho(%ht I $o(l! pay La# ! B(chanan a &#'#t. I $o(l! l#,e to )eet h#' $#fe. I a) elate! to he * #f yo(ll e)e)"e .2 1No.2 1No* yo( !ont e)e)"e 02 1No* yo( e not to lea&e th#' hol!#n%. Yo( can #!e #n the h#ll' he e* "(t yo( $#ll not lea&e the )o(nta#n.2 4la'p#n% h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac,* he 'a#!* 1I $#ll ha&e yo( $o !.2

She "o$e! he hea!. 1A' yo( 'ay.2 4ol) t( ne! a$ay f o) the 'ta"le' an! 'ta te! to$a ! the co( tya !* then 'toppe!. He t( ne! an! loo,e! at h#' "et othe!. She 'too! ne.t to the ho 'e* hol!#n% Ro%(e' e#n' an! $a#t#n% fo 4ol) to $al, a$ay. He ,ne$ e.actly $hat 'he $a' !o#n%. Once he $a' o(t of '#%ht* 'he $o(l! hea! to F#nney' Flat. 1Oh no* /a" #elle. Yo( e not p(ll#n% that on )e a%a#n.2 1E.c('e )e02 He $al,e! "ac, to he . 1Dont play the #nnocent $#th )e. I ,no$ that Ba' yo( 'ay )ean' that yo( e %o#n% to !o $hate&e yo( !a)n $ell $ant to !o. Yo( $#ll no$ %#&e )e yo( p o)#'e. Yo( $#ll 'ay BI %#&e yo( )y $o !* an! yo( $#ll )ean #t.2 /a" #elle $a' not a"o(t to let h#) #nt#)#!ate he . He $a'nt the only one $ho ha! 'o)eth#n% to "e c o'' a"o(t. She too, a "ol! 'tep to$a ! h#). 1Yo( $e e '(ppo'e! to 'et a'#!e a )o)ent of yo( t#)e th#' )o n#n%* fo I ha&e 'o)eth#n% #)po tant to tell yo(* "(t $hen I ca)e !o$n'ta# '* yo( $e e %one. D#! yo( $a#t at all02 He 'teppe! #n he !# ect#on. 1I co(l!nt 'pen! half )y )o n#n% $a#t#n% fo yo( to $a,e (p. /et (p ea l#e * an! Ill l#'ten to $hat yo( ha&e to 'ay.2 St(""o nly* 'he )o&e! fo $a !. 1Yo( a e an a%% a&at#n% )an.2 1An! yo( ha&e yet to %#&e )e yo( p o)#'e.2 1I p o)#'e*2 'he 'a#! $#th a h#nt of !ef#ance. They $e e no$ 'o clo'e 'he felt h#' $a ) " eath. 1I $ant yo( p o)#'e to 'et a'#!e 'o)e t#)e ton#%ht*2 'he 'a#!. 1I )('t 'pea, to yo( #n p #&ate.2 1Tell )e no$.2 1Th#' #'nt p #&ate.2 He p(t h#' han!' on he 'ho(l!e ' an! p(lle! he to$a ! h#). 1I !ont ,no$ ho$ I $#ll e&e %et alon% $#th '(ch a 't(""o n $o)an.2 H#' )o(th " ('he! he ' $hen 'he $h#'pe e!* 1I !ont e#the .2 He )eant to %#&e he only a " #ef ,#''* "(t once h#' )o(th co&e e! he '* h#' #ntent#on' chan%e!. He l#p' $e e 'o 'oft an! $a ). At h#' #n'#'tence* 'he opene! he )o(th fo h#)* an! the ,#'' !eepene! a' he $ appe! h#' a )' a o(n! he an! p e''e! he t#%htly a%a#n't h#). Fo /a" #elle* the $o l! cea'e! to e.#'t. The e $a' only 4ol)' )a%#cal to(ch. She et( ne! h#' ,#'' $#th a pa''#on 'he ha!nt ,no$n 'he po''e''e!. He ca)e to h#' 'en'e' "efo e 'he !#! an! a" (ptly en!e! the ,#''. He too, a !eep 'h(!!e #n% " eath. She $a' 'o !a7e! 'he !#!nt eal#7e 'he $a' cl#n%#n% to h#) (nt#l he %ently p(lle! a$ay. 4ol) ha! to p(t 'o)e !#'tance "et$een the) "efo e he %a&e #n to te)ptat#on an! ,#''e! he a%a#n. He ,ne$ e.actly $he e that $o(l! lea!* an! he $a'nt a"o(t to !#'hono /a" #elle an! ta,e he to h#' "e! "efo e the# )a #a%e* "(t 'he $a'nt )a,#n% #t ea'y fo h#) to $al, a$ay. No $o)an ha! e&e affecte! h#) 'o !eeply. He % a""e! he ho 'e' e#n'* p(ll#n% Ro%(e clo'e to l#ft /a" #elle onto the 'a!!le. W#th a 'lap on the ho 'e' h#n!3(a te '* 4ol) 'ent he on he $ay.

4OSWOLDS SEAR4H FOR /ABRIELLE BE/AN THE MOMENT 'he $a' "an#'he!. He 'pent 'e&e al !ay' can&a''#n% the a ea a o(n! the a""ey* "(t 'he $a' no$he e to "e fo(n!.

H#' 'p#e' tol! h#) that 5e cy $a' al'o #n p( '(#t* "(t #t $a'nt lon% "efo e he %a&e (p. No '( p #'e the e* 4o'$ol! tho(%ht. 5e cy $a'* an! al$ay' $o(l! "e* a 3(#tte . He ha!* no !o("t* et( ne! to :#n% >ohn to $h#ne a"o(t ho$ (n+('tly he! "een t eate!. 4o'$ol! $a' not that ea'#ly !#'co( a%e!. Th#n,#n% that /a" #elle ha! no alte nat#&e "(t to %o ho)e* he hea!e! 'o(th* 'pee!#n% #n the !# ect#on he 'e &ant' ha! ta,en. He #nte cepte! the# ca a&an nea the En%l#'h "o !e $he e they ha! )a!e ca)p fo the n#%ht. Afte ho( ' of th eat' an! "(lly#n%* 4o'$ol! $a' f#nally con&#nce! they ,ne$ noth#n%. He allo$e! the f #%htene! "an! of t a&ele ' to cont#n(e on the# +o( ney* "(t not "efo e he conf#'cate! /a" #elle' t (n,'* cla#)#n% that they 'ho(l! "e hel! at A "ane A""ey (nt#l '(ch t#)e that /a" #elle $o(l! co)e to fetch the). F ('t ate! "(t not !ete e!* he et( ne! to the H#%hlan!'. /a" #elle $a' h#!#n% 'o)e$he e #n th#' (nc#&#l#7e!* %o!fo 'a,en lan!* an! Ba on 4o'$ol! $o(l! f#n! he . In the $ee, that follo$e!* he 'pent )o't of h#' t#)e $atch#n% an! l#'ten#n%. The ()o ' $e e )any* an! $#th each 'c ap of #nfo )at#on 4o'$ol! "eca)e )o e con&#nce! that /a" #elle ha! e)a#ne! #n the H#%hlan!'. One ()o pe '#'te!. 4o'$ol! hea ! th# !han! that /a" #elle ha! "een ta,en #n "y the MacH(%h clan* "(t he $a' (n'( e ho$ to )a,e ce ta#n the #nfo )at#on $a' co ect. The H#%hlan!e ' $e e a clo'e<,n#t % o(p* an! 4o'$ol! ,ne$ that #f he 'ent o(t #n3(# #e' on he $he ea"o(t'* $o ! $o(l! each La# ! MacH(%h #n no t#)e at all* an! the la# ! $o(l! h#!e /a" #elle a$ay $he e no one co(l! f#n! he . The #', $a' too % eat. The "a on ha! 'pent a %oo! !eal of t#)e co)#n% (p $#th a plan to l( e /a" #elle #nto the open. He $a' ea!y fo h#' ne.t 'tep= &e #fy#n% that /a" #elle $a' #n!ee! $#th the MacH(%h'. Fo th#'* he calle! on La# ! Mac:enna. The la# ! ,ne$ )en $ho $o(l! not "e eco%n#7e! #n th#' pa t of the H#%hlan!' an! $ho $o(l! !o anyth#n% fo )oney. Once Mac:enna' )en $e e %athe e! #n f ont of h#)* 4o'$ol! e.pla#ne! $hat he $ante! !one. 1The plan #' '#)ple*2 he tol! the )en. 1Yo( $#ll ca y /a" #elle' th#n%' to the MacH(%h hol!#n%. Yo( $#ll #n'#'t on 'ee#n% /a" #elle "efo e han!#n% the) o&e . E.pla#n that yo( )('t "e ce ta#n 'he ece#&e' the).2 1B(t $hat #f they $ont let (' 'ee he 02 one of the )en a',e!. 1Tell the) the o !e ca)e f o) the a""ot. That he t (n,' ha! "een et( ne! to the a""ey an! that he ha! "een hol!#n% the) #n 'afe,eep#n% (nt#l he ,ne$ $he e 'he $a'.2 1What !o $e !o $hen $e&e 'een he 02 1Yo( !o noth#n%*2 4o'$ol! 't e''e!. 1Lea&e he th#n%' $#th he * et( n to )e* an! ece#&e yo( pay)ent.2 15ay)ent of %ol! an! $o)en02 1Ye'.2 1What #f 'he a#nt the e02 anothe a',e!. 1Then yo( $#ll " #n% he th#n%' "ac, to )e.2 1W#ll $e 't#ll %et pa#! #n co#n an! $o)en02 4o'$ol! a''( e! the) that they $o(l!* an! 'ent the) on the# $ay. He !#!nt ant#c#pate any p o"le)'. H#' plan $a' fla$le''. Noth#n% co(l! %o $ on%.

TWO MORE DAYS 5ASSED WITHOUT THE 5ROMISED MEETIN/* an! /a" #elle 't#ll ha!nt ha! an oppo t(n#ty to 'pea, to 4ol) #n p #&ate. No )atte ho$ ea ly 'he %ot (p #n

the )o n#n%* he $a' al ea!y %one. An! $hen he ca)e #n late at n#%ht* he too, h#' )eal' alone* then !#'appea e!. She $a' "e%#nn#n% to th#n, he ne&e $ent to "e!* "(t he !#!nt loo, a' #f he lac,e! 'leep -(nle'' 'he con'#!e e! h#' )oo! an #n!#cato . In the " #ef enco(nte ' they! ha! #n pa''#n%* he! e#the #%no e! he o ha! % ()"le! a"o(t 'o)eth#n% 'he ha! !one to !#'plea'e h#). She ha! con&#nce! he 'elf that he $a' !el#"e ately a&o#!#n% he * "(t then Ma( na chan%e! he )#n!. The ho('e,eepe $a' #n a chatty )oo! a' 'he '$ept the hall on that th# ! )o n#n%. 1The la# ! ha' not ha! a )#n(te' peace '#nce L#a) $a' ta,en*2 'he 'a#!* 'ha,#n% he hea!. 1He 'ay' he $ont e't (nt#l he f#n!' the )en e'pon'#"le. He' le! )en o(t e&e y !ay loo,#n% fo anyone $ho ,no$' 'o)eth#n%.2 Ma( na )o&e! a 'tool a'#!e a' 'he cont#n(e!. 1An! then $o ! ca)e th ee !ay' a%o that th#e&e' ha! 'tolen cattle f o) Sea)(' MacAl#'te ' &alley* 'o the la# ! an! h#' )en ha&e "een o(t 'ea ch#n% fo tho'e c(lp #t' a' $ell. He !#!nt f#n! the) (nt#l ye'te !ay6an! #f tho'e $o #e' a ent eno(%h* he a #&e! ho)e la't n#%ht to f#n! a $a " e$#n% "et$een Hec,e t* the ')#th* an! E!$#n* the "(tche . Tho'e t$o a e al$ay' at o!!' a"o(t 'o)eth#n%62 She chatte e! on an! on a"o(t &a #o(' #nc#!ent' #n&ol&#n% the la# !* an! /a" #elle l#'tene! pat#ently. She $a' t e)en!o('ly el#e&e! to !#'co&e that 'he $a' not the ea'on he $a' a"'ent* "(t 'he $a' al'o an.#o(' to f#n! a t#)e to tal, to h#). /a" #elle $a' "eco)#n% !e'pe ate to (n"( !en he con'c#ence. She felt 'o alone. The e $a' no one 'he co(l! conf#!e #n o 'ha e he p o"le)' $#th. Mo't n#%ht' 'he $o(l! ha&e '(ppe $#th L#a)* an! 'pen! the e&en#n% play#n% a ta"le %a)e. H#' fa&o #te $a' Fo. an! /ee'e* an! he $o(l! ('h to %et the "oa ! an! pe%' the )#n(te the t enche ' ha! "een clea e! a$ay. /a" #elle en+oye! h#' co)pany* "(t the# con&e 'at#on ne&e t( ne! to 'e #o(' )atte '. She co(l!nt tell h#) a"o(t he ole #n h#' e'c(e. 4ol) $a' the la# !* the )an $ho ha! ta,en he #n* the )an $ho $o(l! )a y he . She 'ho(l! f# 't tell h#) he 'ta tl#n% ne$'. She !#!nt $ant to "( !en Fathe /el oy $#th he $o #e'. The e $a'nt anyth#n% he co(l! !o a"o(t #t any$ay* e.cept $o y $#th he * an! $hat $o(l! that acco)pl#'h0 She ha! not 'pent )(ch t#)e $#th the p #e't the'e la't fe$ !ay'. No$ that he $a' t ('te! "y the clan* he $a' #n&#te! #nto the# ho)e' to eat $#th the fa)#l#e' an! to "le'' the# ch#l! en. He $a' ,ept &e y "('y an! 'ee)e! to th #&e on the ne$ !e)an!' on h#' t#)e. No co(l! 'he tal, $#th he %(a !'. It $o(l!nt "e p ope to po( he hea t o(t to the). She $o(l! ne&e "( !en the) $#th he p o"le)'. She f ette! #n '#lence. He )a#n conce n $a' fo he fathe . Wa' he 'afe0 O ha! the ,#n% al ea!y #)p #'one! h#)0 Oh /o!* 'he p aye!* plea'e ,eep h#) f o) ha ). Ha! Ba on /eoff ey ha! t#)e to %athe h#' &a''al'* an! #f he !#!* $o(l! they f#%ht a%a#n't the ,#n%' fa&o e! "a on' an! the# a )#e'0 B o!#c, ha! '(%%e'te! that once he fathe hea ! that /a" #elle $a' 't#ll #n the H#%hlan!'* he $o(l! ('h to the B(chanan'. B(t 'he ha! hea ! noth#n% f o) the). If he fathe $a' 'afe* $hy ha!nt he 'ent $o !0 /a" #elle co(l!nt $a#t any lon%e . To)o o$ 'he $o(l! %o to the B(chanan'. B o!#c, ,ne$ he fathe * an! he )#%ht offe 'o)e '(%%e't#on' to help f#n! h#). She !#!nt $o y that 4ol) $o(l! !eny he pe )#''#on to lea&e the hol!#n% "eca('e 'he $a'nt %o#n% to a', h#). /a" #elle 't olle! to$a ! the f#el!' a' 'he fo )(late! he plan. 4hee ' co)#n% f o) the h#ll ! e$ he attent#on. She loo,e! to #t' c e't. Se&e al people-'o)e ol!* 'o)e yo(n%-$e e %athe e! (n!e the t ee $he e 'he ha! ecently 'at $#th Fa('t* $atch#n% 4ol) an! h#' 'ol!#e ' e.e c#'e'.

A %# l (nn#n% to +o#n he f #en!' pa('e! lon% eno(%h to c( t'y to /a" #elle* then !a'he! a$ay a' he f #en! calle! to he . 1L#a) #' "ac, #n t a#n#n% to!ay*2 'he anno(nce!. 1He' feel#n% e&e 'o )(ch "ette .2 An! he $a' loo,#n% e&e 'o )(ch "ette to the %# l'* too* /a" #elle tho(%ht. E&ent(ally L#a) $o(l! 'ettle !o$n* an! /o! help the $o)an he cho'e fo h#' $#fe. Mo't ce ta#nly 'he $o(l! ha&e he han!' f(ll $#th h#' )#'ch#ef. /a" #elle h( #e! !o$n the h#ll. He 'to)ach % ()"le!* e)#n!#n% he that #t $a' the noon ho( . Ma( na ha! 'e &e! he that pa'te fo " ea,fa't a%a#n* an! /a" #elle ha! "een (na"le to )a,e he 'elf eat )o e than t$o "#te'. W#lla ha! ( %e! /a" #elle to eat #t all* cla#)#n% #t $o(l! 't#c, to he #"'. Why /a" #elle $o(l! $ant that to happen $a' "eyon! he . She tho(%ht the &e y #!ea !#'%('t#n%. She ha! al)o't eache! the co( tya ! $hen a $o)an app oache! f o) "eh#n! an! tappe! he on he 'ho(l!e . 1La!y /a" #elle02 /a" #elle t( ne!. 1Ye'02 The e $a' a t#)e $hen 'he $o(l! ha&e ha! a ea!y ')#le* "(t no lon%e . She ha! '#nce lea ne! ca(t#on an! $a' no$ $a y )eet#n% anyone ne$. 1I ha&ent ha! a chance to )eet yo(*2 the p etty $o)an 'a#!. 1My na)e #' F#ona* an! I co)e f o) the D(n"a clan. My fathe #' La# ! D(n"a . I $a' ecently )a #e!. De&#n* )y h('"an!* #' one of La# ! MacH(%h' )o't t ('te! clan')en.2 1It #' )y plea'( e to )eet yo(.2 /a" #elle $a' pol#te "(t tentat#&e $#th he e'pon'e. F#ona !#!nt ')#le. She $a' a hea ty $o)an* $#th a (!!y co)ple.#on* f ec,le'* an! % een eye' the colo of ne$ % a''. He lon%* e!* c( ly ha# $a'* $#tho(t a !o("t* he "e't feat( e. He eye' 'lante! !o$n at the co ne '* %#&#n% he a loo, of o&e $hel)#n% 'a!ne''. 1By no$ I) '( e yo( ,no$ $ho )y '#'te #'.2 1No* I !ont "el#e&e 'o. I' 'he al'o )a #e! to a MacH(%h02 F#ona acte! '( p #'e!* tho(%h /a" #elle co(l! 'ee th o(%h he p eten'e. 1What #' #t yo( $#'h to 'ay to )e02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1My '#'te >oan #' "et othe! to La# ! MacH(%h.2 Ha! the $o)an $ante! to 'hoc, /a" #elle* 'he! acco)pl#'he! he %oal. B(t /a" #elle eco&e e! 3(#c,ly. 1Be '( e to %#&e yo( '#'te )y con% at(lat#on'.2 F#ona' eye' $#!ene!. 1Ye'6I $#ll.2 A' /a" #elle $al,e! a$ay* F#ona calle! o(t to he * 1Yo(ll "e a"le to )eet he yo( 'elf 'oon. >oan $#ll "e he e #n a fe$ !ay'.2 /a" #elle p eten!e! not to hea . She 'a$ L(c#en $a#t#n% fo he #n the co( tya ! an! ('he! to$a ! h#). 15 #nce''* yo( face #' " #%ht e!* "(t #t #'nt $a ) eno(%h to!ay fo the '(n to "( n yo(.2 1The $#n! )a,e' )y face e!*2 'he e.pla#ne!* '( p #'e! at ho$ cal) 'he 'o(n!e!. In'#!e 'he $a' 'eeth#n%. 1Do yo( happen to ,no$ $he e La# ! MacH(%h #'02 I wish to kill him* 'he '#lently a!!e!. 1No* I !ont. Wo(l! yo( l#,e )e to f#n! h#) fo yo(02 She 'hoo, he hea!. 1No* Ill let h#) l#&e a l#ttle lon%e .2 She !#!nt eal#7e 'he ha! 'po,en the tho(%ht o(t lo(! (nt#l L(c#en a',e! he to epeat #t. 1Ill f#n! h#) late *2 'he 'a#!. Then Ill kill him. 1D#! yo( $ant to %o #!#n% th#' afte noon02 1No* I th#n, Ill 'tay #n'#!e an! f#n#'h )y nee!le$o ,. It' ela.#n% an! %#&e' )e 'o)eth#n% ('ef(l to !o.2 1If yo( !ont nee! )e* Ill %o help Fa('t. He' )a,#n% a o$' an! fa'h#on#n% the) l#,e the MacH(%h'. The# ' a e 'o )(ch 't on%e an! th#nne * $h#ch allo$' fo )o e !#'tance an! 'pee!. Yo(ll ha&e to t y one* 5 #nce''. Yo( e '( e to "e #)p e''e!.2 1The e #' that )(ch !#ffe ence02

1Let )e %et one of )#ne an! one of the# ' to 'ho$ yo(.2 A 'ho t t#)e late L(c#en ca)e #nto the hall ca y#n% t$o a o$'. He place! the) on the ta"le. /a" #elle ha! +('t f#n#'he! eat#n% a $e!%e of coa 'e " o$n " ea! $#th honey. She p('he! he t enche a'#!e an! too, the MacH(%h a o$ #n he han!' to feel the $e#%ht. 1The 'haft #' th#nne * "(t 'ee)' to "e 't on%. The fletch#n%' a e 't an%e to )e.2 Ma( na hea ! he )#'t e''' co))ent. She h( #e! to the ta"le to clea a$ay the foo!* an! lean#n% o&e /a" #elle' 'ho(l!e 'a#!* 1Loo,' to "e f o) a %oo'e to )e.2 The# attent#on $a' ! a$n to the 'ta# '* a' 4ol) an! L#a) ente e! the hall to%ethe . /a" #elle place! the a o$ on the ta"le an! t( ne! to the " othe '. 1The e #' %oo! ne$'*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1Yo( clothe' an! )(ch )o e $#ll a #&e 'ho tly. The e #' 3(#te a p oce''#on of )en ca y#n% the %oo!'. S( ely they cant all "e %a )ent'* can they02 /a" #elle $a' p(77le! an! !# ecte! he 3(e't#on' to 4ol). 1Ho$ #' that po''#"le0 The 'taff too, )y po''e''#on' "ac, to Well#n%'h# e. Ho$ can they "e he e no$02 1They ca)e f o) the a""ey*2 he e.pla#ne!. 1D#! )y fathe 'en! the) "ac,0 I' the e $o ! f o) h#)02 He face l#t (p $#th e.c#te)ent o&e the po''#"#l#ty. 4ol) hate! to !#'appo#nt he . 1No* the e #' no $o ! f o) yo( fathe .2 He eye' 3(#c,ly f#lle! $#th tea '. 1I ha! hope!62 L#a) el"o$e! 4ol) an! t#lte! h#' hea! to$a ! /a" #elle. 14o)e he e* /a" #elle*2 4ol) co))an!e!. She "l#n,e! he tea ' a$ay* 't a#%htene! he 'ho(l!e '* an! c o''e! the oo) to face h#). 1Ye'02 15e hap' yo( $#ll hea 'o)eth#n% f o) yo( fathe to)o o$*2 L#a) '(%%e'te! $hen 4ol) 'taye! '#lent. 15e hap'*2 'he 'a#! 'oftly. And perhaps the sun will turn black tomorrow, too * 'he tho(%ht. 4ol) t#lte! he ch#n (p. 1B o!#c, an! I a e "oth t y#n% to f#n! o(t $he e he #'. I ,no$ #t #' !#ff#c(lt* "(t yo( )('t "e pat#ent.2 1He co(l! 't#ll "e at Well#n%'h# e.2 He no!!e!. 1I ha&e 'ent a )e''en%e #nto En%lan!.2 1Yo( ha&e02 She $a' 'o '( p #'e! "y h#' tho(%htf(lne''* 'he !#!nt ,no$ $hat to 'ay o th#n, a"o(t h#). Ha! 'he "een $ on% to +(!%e h#) 'o ha 'hly0 May"e he $a'nt '(ch an o% e afte all. Then 'he e)e)"e e! >oan. When /a" #elle' tea <f#lle! eye' '3(#nte! #nto a f o$n* 4ol) $a' pe ple.e!. No$ $hat $a' $ on%0 He $o(l! ne&e (n!e 'tan! he . He ha! tho(%ht 'he $o(l! "e happy to hea that he $a' t y#n% to f#n! he fathe . Aye* 'he 'ho(l! "e !a)ne! plea'e!. She ce ta#nly 'ho(l!nt "e loo,#n% l#,e 'he $ante! to 't an%le h#). /a" #elle !ec#!e! that no$ $a'nt the t#)e to tal, to h#) a"o(t >oan. She $o(l! nee! p #&acy fo that !#'c(''#on a' $ell. 14ol)* !o yo( e)e)"e I a',e! fo a )o)ent alone $#th yo(02 1I e)e)"e .2 1I) %o#n% to nee! a lot )o e t#)e.2 L#a) no!!e! to L(c#en* then $ent to the ta"le an! po( e! h#)'elf a %o"let of $ate . He not#ce! the a o$'. 1What a e tho'e !o#n% he e02 L(c#en an'$e e!. 1I $ante! to 'ho$ the !#ffe ence' "et$een the t$o. 5 #nce''* #f yo( !ont )#n!* I $#ll %o help Fa('t no$.2 He loyal %(a ! "o$e! to he an! left the hall. 4ol) p#c,e! (p "oth a o$'. 1Who !o the'e "elon% to02 he a',e!. 1What colo #' the )a ,#n% on the fletch#n%02 'he a',e!. He t( ne! an a o$ o&e #n h#' han! e.a)#n#n% #t.

Th#n,#n% he !#!nt (n!e 'tan! $hat 'he )eant* 'he $al,e! o&e to h#)* leane! #nto h#' '#!e* an! po#nte! to the colo #n the cente of each feathe . 1Saff on. See0 Saff on #' L(c#en' colo .2 1Why !#! he )a , #t02 L#a) a',e!. 1So that he $o(l! ,no$ #t "elon%e! to h#). When $e p act#ce* 'o)et#)e' o( a o$' a e 'o clo'e to%ethe on the ta %et* the only $ay to ,no$ $ho #' !ea! cente #' "y the colo .2 1Yo( ('e a "o$02 4ol) a',e!. 1Ye'* I !o. I !ont al$ay' p act#ce $#th )y %(a !'* +('t 'o)et#)e'. If yo(ll e.c('e )e* I! l#,e to %o (p'ta# ' an! f#n! )y nee!le$o ,. I 'ee) to ha&e )#'place! #t.2 She $a' half$ay ac o'' the floo $hen 4ol) o !e e! he to 'top. 1What colo !oe' Fa('t )a , h#' a o$' $#th02 1Re!.2 14h #'t#en02 1/ een.2 1An! Stephen02 15( ple.2 1An! yo( '02 he a',e!. 1Bl(e. I )a , )#ne "l(e.2 4ol) 'too! $atch#n% the 'ta# ' fo a lon% )#n(te afte 'he ha! left. Then he $ent to the 'tone )antel an! p#c,e! (p the " o,en a o$ he! p(lle! f o) the !ea! )an at F#nney' Flat. The )a ,#n% $a' "l(e.

4OLM HELD THE 5ROOF IN HIS HANDS* AND YET HE STILL co(l!nt "el#e&e #t. Wa' #t po''#"le0 Ha! /a" #elle "een at F#nney' Flat* an! ha! 'he $#tne''e! the at oc#ty0 H#' '$eet an! %entle /a" #elle ha! ta,en one of he a o$'* notche! #t to he "o$* an! 'hot the "a'ta ! #n che't. No* 'he co(l!nt ha&e !one #t. She !#!nt ha&e the 'to)ach fo ,#ll#n%. Yet the p oof $a' #n h#' han!'. 14ol)* $hat' the )atte $#th yo(02 L#a) a',e!. 1Yo(&e "een 'ta #n% at that " o,en a o$ fo a %oo! lon% $h#le.2 H#' )#n! ac#n%* he !#!nt an'$e h#' " othe . He e)e)"e e! ho$ /a" #elle ha! +()pe! to he feet to !efen! the p #e't $hen he! "een p o!!e! to tell the) ho$ L#a) ha! %otten to the a""ey. She $a' the e6an! 'o $e e he %(a !'. Ha! Stephen o one of the othe ' ('e! one of he a o$' to )a,e the ,#ll0 Aye* that' $hat )('t ha&e happene!. /a" #elle !#!nt ha&e the )ettle to ta,e a l#fe. 4ol) calle! to Ma( na* a',#n% he to tell /a" #elle he $ante! to 'pea, to he . The ho('e,eepe 'a$ the loo, #n he la# !' eye' an! h( #e! to !o h#' "#!!#n%. So)eth#n% ha! #le! h#' te)pe * an! 'he hope! to hea&en La!y /a" #elle $a'nt the ca('e. The %enteel la!y $o(l! "e )o't (p'et #f the la# ! a#'e! h#' &o#ce to he . Ma( na tappe! on /a" #elle' !oo . 1The la# !' $a#t#n% to tal, to yo(.2 The ho('e,eepe opene! the !oo an! pee,e! #n. /a" #elle 'at on the "e! $#th he nee!le$o , #n he lap. 1M#la!y* I th#n, the e' 'o)e t o("le " e$#n%. The la# !' (nhappy a"o(t 'o)eth#n%. I $o(l!nt )a,e h#) $a#t on yo(.2

Ma( na cont#n(e! to $h#'pe a!&#ce a' 'he follo$e! he )#'t e'' !o$n the 'ta# '. 1If he 'ho(t'* !ont yo( pay any )#n!. He $ont h( t yo(.2 1Ha' he e&e 'ho(te! at yo(* Ma( na02 1No* he ha'nt* "(t the e' al$ay' the $o y that he )#%ht. I! p o"a"ly fa#nt !ea! a$ay.2 /a" #elle tho(%ht the ho('e,eepe ' conce n fo he $a' '$eet. 1Dont $o y. I $ont fa#nt.2 1E&en 'o* yo( )#%ht $ant to '#t !o$n $h#le he tell' yo( $hat' "othe #n% h#)* +('t #n ca'e yo( %et l#%hthea!e!. I !ont $ant yo( "()p#n% yo( hea! fall#n% !o$n. 4o( 'e o( la# ! #' 3(#c,. Hell p o"a"ly catch yo(.2 Ma( na !#!nt follo$ /a" #elle #nto the hall. 1May"e #t' not a"o(t yo(* )#la!y. May"e he' !#'plea'e! a"o(t 'o)eth#n% el'e.2 4ol) $a' tal,#n% to h#' " othe $hen /a" #elle $al,e! #n. L#a) 'too! an! ')#le! at he * an! 'he co(l! 'ee ho$ t# e! he $a'. /ett#n% "ac, h#' 't en%th $a' an a !(o(' ta',. She then t( ne! he attent#on to 4ol). He $a'nt ')#l#n%. 1D#! yo( $#'h to 'pea, to )e02 'he a',e!. 14o)e clo'e . I ha&e 'o)eth#n% to 'ho$ yo(.2 He hel! (p the " o,en a o$. He e.pecte! an #))e!#ate eact#on* "(t 'he loo,e! only )#l!ly c( #o('. 1Do yo( eco%n#7e th#'* /a" #elle02 She )o&e! clo'e * 'a$ the )a ,#n%'* an! 'a#!* 1It' one of )y a o$'.2 1It' " o,en.2 1I can 'ee that #t #'*2 'he a% ee!. 1Whe e !#! yo( f#n! #t0 I ha&ent h(nte! $#th )y "o$ an! a o$' '#nce I ca)e he e.2 1I fo(n! #t at F#nney' Flat.2 1At F#nney'62 He eye' $#!ene!* an! 'he too, a 'tep "ac,. 1At F#nney' Flat* yo( 'ay. Ho$ !#! #t %et the e I $on!e .2 1I tho(%ht pe hap' yo( co(l! tell )e. Wo(l! yo( l#,e to ,no$ e.actly $he e an! $hen I fo(n! #t02 She al ea!y ,ne$. 1It' " o,en* 4ol). Yo( )#%ht a' $ell th o$ #t a$ay.2 L#a) leane! "ac, a%a#n't the ta"le* !e'pe ately t y#n% to follo$ the ten'e con&e 'at#on. 1W#ll one of yo( tell )e $hat' %o#n% on02 he !e)an!e!. 1Th#' #' the a o$ I p(lle! o(t of the !ea! )an at F#nney' Flat* L#a). He $a' on the % o(n! "y the hole the "a'ta !' ha! !(% fo yo(.2 1A e yo( 'ay#n%62 /a" #elle %lance! at L#a) an! 'a#!* 1It' )y a o$. That #' $hat 4ol) #' 'ay#n%.2 1Yo( $#ll no$ an'$e )y 3(e't#on' $#tho(t he'#tat#on*2 4ol) o !e e!. 1We e yo( at F#nney' Flat02 1Ye'.2 1When I $a' the e02 L#a) 'o(n!e! l#,e he $a' cho,#n%. I)pat#ence )a!e he &o#ce 'ha p. 1Fo /o!' 'a,e* L#a)* t y to ,eep (p. Ye'* I $a' the e $hen yo( $e e.2 1Wh#ch one of yo( %(a !' ,#lle! the "a'ta ! $#th yo( a o$02 1None of the) !#!. I ,#lle! h#).2 Hea #n% a lo(! %a'p* /a" #elle 'a$ Ma( na an! W#lla pee,#n% o(t f o) the "(tte y. She leane! a o(n! 4ol) an! calle! o(t* 1The )an eally !#! nee! ,#ll#n%.2 W#lla' hea! $a' "o""#n% (p an! !o$n* an! Ma( na' )o(th $a' %ap#n% open. 4ol) th ea!e! h#' f#n%e ' th o(%h h#' ha# #n a%#tat#on. 1All th#' $h#le I&e "een t y#n% to f#n! o(t6$hy #n /o!' na)e !#!nt yo( tell62 He 'hoo, h#' hea! #n a f(t#le atte)pt to clea #t an! 'a#!* 1We e yo( e&e %o#n% to tell )e02 1I ha&e "een t y#n%. I&e a',e! yo( o&e an! o&e a%a#n fo a )o)ent of yo( t#)e.2

1The e #' a !#ffe ence "et$een '$eetly a',#n% )e fo t#)e an! tell#n% )e the )atte $a' of the (t)o't #)po tance.2 She po,e! h#) #n h#' che't. 1Ho$ $a' I to ,no$ $h#ch )a%#cal $o !' I 'ho(l! ('e to %et yo( attent#on02 She $a' a$a e that 'he 'o(n!e! l#,e a 'h e$. Ma( na ha! $o #e! ho$ /a" #elle $o(l! eact #f the la# ! 'ho(te! at he * an! no$ 'he $a' a#'#n% he &o#ce to h#). Stephen too, th#' )o't #noppo t(ne t#)e to ente the hall. 15 #nce''* #' the e a p o"le)02 She !#!nt an'$e . 4ol) !#!. 1Da)n #%ht* the e #'.2 /a" #elle t( ne! to Stephen. 1He ,no$'*2 'he 'a#! on a '#%h. 1Ah.2 He %(a ! loo,e! at 4ol) a' he a',e! he * 1D#! yo( tell h#)02 1He f#%( e! #t o(t. It $a' )y a o$* Stephen. We fo %ot to e)o&e #t.2 1The a o$. Of co( 'e. I ne&e tho(%ht a"o(t the )a ,#n%'. I cannot "el#e&e I $a' 'o ca ele''.2 1Yo( $e e "('y ca y#n% L#a) f o) the f#el!. Do not fa(lt yo( 'elf. 4ol) $a' "o(n! to f#n! o(t e&ent(ally* an! I ha! al ea!y !ec#!e! #t $a' t#)e fo )e to tell h#) the t (th.2 4ol) eye! "oth of the) ',ept#cally. 1An! +('t $hy !#! yo( ,eep th#' a 'ec et02 Stephen an'$e e!. 1We !#!nt ,no$ $ho the )en $e e o $he e they ca)e f o)* an! the efo e $e !#!nt ,no$ $hat the epe c(''#on' $o(l! "e once the "o!y $a' fo(n!.2 1Yo( $e e conce ne! a"o(t the a)#f#cat#on' "eca('e yo( ,#lle! the )an02 4ol) a',e! Stephen. 1No* "eca('e I ,#lle! the )an*2 /a" #elle an'$e e!. 1I' th#' t (e02 he a',e! Stephen. 1Ye'*2 he 'a#!. H#' p #!e $a' e&#!ent $hen he a!!e!* 15 #nce'' /a" #elle #' )o e acc( ate $#th he "o$ than $e a e. The e $a' no t#)e to $a'te o con'#!e con'e3(ence'. The co$a ! ha! a#'e! h#' '$o ! an! f(lly #nten!e! to c(t L#a) #n half. She 'toppe! h#).2 No!!#n%* Stephen 'a#!* 1It $a' a clean* 3(#c, ,#ll.2 /a" #elle $atche! 4ol)' face #ntently a' he )(lle! o&e $hat they $e e tell#n% h#). What )('t he "e th#n,#n% of he no$0 S#nce he! )et he * 'he ha! %one f o) a $ho e to a col!<"loo!e! ,#lle . What lo&ely $o !' to !e'c #"e the $o)an he $a' to )a y. She al)o't felt 'o y fo h#). 4ol) p(t h#' han!' on /a" #elle' 'ho(l!e ' an! fo ce! he to 'tan! #n f ont of h#). 1Yo( $#ll e.pla#n e&e yth#n% that happene!. An! $hen yo( a e f#n#'he!* Stephen $#ll %#&e )e h#' acco(nt#n%.2 /a" #elle $a' el#e&e! to f#nally %et #t all o(t #n the open. She 3(#c,ly eco(nte! $hat 'he co(l! e)e)"e * "e%#nn#n% $#th he %oal to 'ee F#nney' Flat. 1A' $e app oache! the clea #n%* $e hea ! &o#ce'* 'o $e h#! an! !#!nt )a,e o( 'el&e' ,no$n.2 1D#! yo( 'ee any face'02 1Not at f# 't. They $o e o"e' $#th hoo!'. B(t a co(ple of the) p(lle! the hoo!' "ac,* an! $e !#! 'ee the).2 1An! $hat a"o(t na)e'02 1Ye'* they $e e a %(#n% $#th one anothe * an! they ('e! the# %#&en na)e'* "(t $e !#!nt hea any na)e' of clan' o fa)#l#e'. The lea!e ' na)e $a' /o !on. He' the )an I ,#lle!.2 1What $e e they a %(#n% a"o(t02 /a" #elle %lance! 'y)pathet#cally at 4ol)' " othe "efo e an'$e #n%. 1They $ante! L#a) to $a,e (p 'o he $o(l! ,no$ he $a' "e#n% "( #e! al#&e* an! they a %(e! o&e ho$ they $o(l! p(t h#) #n the % a&e.2 1B(t they $e ent %o#n% to "( y h#) (nt#l they 'a$ yo( on the #!%e* La# !*2 Stephen #nte +ecte!.

4ol) cla'pe! h#' han!' "eh#n! h#' "ac, an! pace! to the hea th. Deep #n tho(%ht* he 'ta e! at the f# e. 1D#! they 'ay $hy they nee!e! to 'ee )e the e02 1Ye'* La# !*2 Stephen an'$e e!. 1L#a) $a' the "a#t. They $e e ('#n% h#) to %et to yo(.2

4OLM ;OWED HE WOULD FIND THE BASTARDS. HE DIDNT ca e ho$ lon% #t too,-one yea * ten* o a l#fet#)e-he $o(l! ,eep h(nt#n% (nt#l he ha! ,#lle! e&e y la't one of the). An! "efo e they !#e!* they $o(l! tell h#) the na)e of the )an $ho %a&e the) the# o !e '* fo '( ely '(ch a !el#"e ate attac, "y 't an%e ' $a' )a'te )#n!e! "y 'o)eone $#th 'o)eth#n% to %a#n. By all that $a' holy* the e $o(l! "e +('t#ce. A' #t t( ne! o(t* #t !#!nt ta,e a l#fet#)e o e&en a yea . >('t one afte noon. An! 4ol) !#!nt ha&e to h(nt the) !o$n. They ca)e to h#). AFTER STE5HEN AND /ABRIELLE ha! epo te! $hat they ha! hea ! at F#nney' Flat* L#a) pace! "ac, an! fo th &ent#n% h#' f( y. 1Yo( hea ! $hat Stephen 'a#!. They 'po,e o( lan%(a%e* "(t the# accent $a' !#ffe ent* )o e %(tt( al. They )('t ha&e co)e f o) the lo$lan!' o the "o !e . I 'ay $e call to%ethe all of o( )en an! o( all#e' an! tea apa t e&e y #nch of lan! f o) he e to the "o !e (nt#l $e f#n! the). B( y )e al#&e0 4(t )e #n half0 Son of a $ho e@2 L#a)' an%e an! h#' #)pat#ence fo ep #'al 'p#lle! o(t #n e&e y $o !. A )' fol!e!* 4ol) 'too! 3(#etly #n f ont of the hea th. He allo$e! h#' " othe to &o#ce h#' a%e (nt#l L#a) "e%an !e'c #"#n% ho$ he tho(%ht each of h#' attac,e ' 'ho(l! !#e. 1/a" #elle !oe'nt nee! to hea th#'* L#a).2 1Theyll '(ffe . I '$ea to /o!* theyll 'c ea) fo )e cy*2 he &o$e!. Spent no$ f o) h#' t# a!e* L#a) ! oppe! #nto a cha# . 1Yo( ,no$ $ell f#n! the)*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1Ye'*2 L#a) an'$e e!. 1I ,no$.2 W#th te)pe ' at la't (n!e cont ol* the t$o " othe ' "e%an to fo )(late plan'. S#nce 4ol) $a' occ(p#e! $#th Stephen an! L#a)* /a" #elle tho(%ht th#' )#%ht "e the pe fect t#)e fo he to 'l#p a$ay. T$#ce 'he ha! t #e! to lea&e the hall* an! t$#ce 4ol) ha! p(lle! he "ac,. He f#nally ancho e! he to h#' '#!e "y p(tt#n% h#' a ) a o(n! he . She $a'nt %o#n% any$he e (nt#l he allo$e! #t. 5oo Fathe /el oy 't olle! #nto the hall 'ee,#n% h#' noon )eal an! $a' #))e!#ately 'toppe! an! 3(e't#one! at len%th. The p #e't loo,e! el#e&e! that the t (th $a' o(t at la't* then loo,e! appalle! $hen he fo(n! o(t /a" #elle ha! ta,en a )an' l#fe. /a" #elle felt $o n th#n* "(t 'he $a' al'o el#e&e! that #t $a' all f#nally o(t #n the open. Tell#n% 4ol) the t (th ha! "een e.ha('t#n% $o ,. She leane! a%a#n't h#) an! ela.e!. The te #"le "( !en ha! "een l#fte! an! %#&en to h#). She !#!nt !o("t that he $o(l! f#n! the )en $ho h( t L#a) an! $a' than,f(l he ha! 'toppe! h#' " othe f o) !e'c #"#n% the % (e'o)e )anne #n $h#ch they $o(l! !#e. When 4ol) let Stephen et( n to the f#el! an! Fathe /el oy $a' allo$e! to %o to the ,#tchen' #n 'ea ch of foo!* /a" #elle $a' f#nally alone $#th h#)* "(t not fo lon%. He let %o of he . 1/a" #elle-2 he "e%an. Ma( na #nte (pte!. 1Be%%#n% yo( pa !on* La# !* "(t they e he e. If yo( !ont ha&e t#)e no$* I co(l! 'tan! the) #n the co ne an! let the) '3(# ) (nt#l yo( e ea!y to p(n#'h the).2

Follo$#n% on Ma( na' heel' $a' anothe 'e &ant. 1The $#nch #' " o,en* an! the )en cant %et the "#% 'tone' (p to the top. They e th#n,#n% yo( 'ho(l! loo, at #t.2 4ol) no!!e!. 1Ill "e the e #n +('t a )#n(te* E))ett.2 /a" #elle co(l! ha&e ta,en he lea&e then* "(t 'he 'taye! $he e 'he $a' an! $atche! a' Ma( na half ! a%%e!* half p('he! t$o l#ttle "oy' #nto the hall. Both ha! the# hea!' !o$n. 4ol) !#')#''e! Ma( na an! o !e e! the "oy' to tell h#) $hat they ha! !one. He to$e e! o&e the)* an! /a" #elle co(l! only #)a%#ne $hat they )('t "e th#n,#n% $hen they loo,e! (p at '(ch a %#ant. Ne#the 'ee)e! af a#!* tho(%h* a' each t #e! to o(ttal, the othe . 4ol) a#'e! h#' han!. 1One at a t#)e. Ethan* yo( $#ll %o f# 't* an! To)* yo( $#ll 'top 'ta #n% at La!y /a" #elle an! pay attent#on to )e.2 1Ye'* La# !* "(t #' 'he yo( la!y02 To) a',e!. 1Ye' 'he #'* no$ "e '#lent $h#le I hea $hat Ethan ha' to 'ay.2 1Ye'* La# !* "(t a e yo( %o#n% to )a y $#th he 02 Ethan a',e!. 4ol) 'ho$e! e)a ,a"le pat#ence. H#' e.p e''#on $a' 'te n* "(t the "oy' felt co)fo ta"le $#th h#) o they $o(l!nt ha&e a',e! 'o )any 3(e't#on'. /a" #elle tho(%ht they $e e the )o't a!o a"le "oy'. They co(l!nt ha&e "een )o e than f#&e yea ' ol!* an! tho(%h they $e ent #!ent#cal* #t $a' appa ent they $e e t$#n'. Both ha! f ec,le' an! "#% " o$n eye' $#th a "#t of the !e&#l #n the). Th ee t#)e' 4ol) ha! to e)#n! the) $hy they $e e the e* an! f#nally Ethan tol! h#' 'to y. 1See* La# !* $hat $e !#! $a'62 he "e%an. Tho'e $e e the only $o !' /a" #elle (n!e 'too!. To) ,ept #nte (pt#n% an! co ect#n%* an! the 'to y "eca)e 'o con&ol(te! that "y the t#)e they f#n#'he!* 'he !#!nt ha&e the fa#nte't #!ea $hat the# t an'% e''#on $a'. Then To)* a "#t )o e p ecoc#o(' than Ethan* felt he 'ho(l! ha&e a t( n. H#' e.planat#on $a' +('t a' non'en'#cal. The "oy' $e e #n con'tant )ot#on* oc,#n% "ac, an! fo th an! '#!e to '#!e* el"o$#n% each othe an! pee,#n% at he . Appa ently 4ol) (n!e 'too! $hat they ha! tol! h#). 1Yo( $#ll not %o #nto the ,#tchen' (nle'' yo( a e #n&#te!.2 1Ye'* La# !* "(t co(l! $e %o #n'#!e $hen $e $ant to play $#th the cat02 1No* yo( )ay not.2 1Ye'* La# !*2 Ethan 'a#!. 1B(t co(l! $e )ay"e loo, #n'#!e 'o)et#)e'02 1Yo( )ay %o #nto the ,#tchen only $hen yo( a e #n&#te! "y W#lla. Do yo( (n!e 'tan!02 1Ye'* La# !*2 To) 'a#!. 1B(t co(l! $e-2 1No* yo( co(l! not. No$ yo( $#ll %o to W#lla an! yo( $#ll apolo%#7e to he .2 The "oy' no!!e! the# hea!'. 1Ye'* La# !*2 they ec#te! #n (n#'on. 1An! then yo( $#ll %o to yo( a(nt an! apolo%#7e to he .2 1Ye'* La# !* "(t $e !#!nt 'p#ll he flo( .2 1Yo( $#ll apolo%#7e fo %ett#n% #nto )#'ch#ef.2 1Ye'* La# !* "(t co(l! $e-2 1Eno(%h* To).2 H#' tone $a' !el#"e ately ha 'he * an! he %ot +('t the eact#on he $ante!. The# eye' $#!ene!* an! they no!!e! a%a#n. L#a) co(%he! to co&e h#' la(%hte . 4ol) 'a#!* 1I !ont $ant to hea any a %()ent'. I $#ll !ec#!e $hat yo( p(n#'h)ent $#ll "e. 4o)e "ac, to )e to)o o$* an! I $#ll tell yo( $hat yo( )('t !o.2 The "oy' an to$a ! the "(tte y an! then )a!e a !eto( to the ta"le* $he e L#a) $a' '#tt#n%. 1L#a)* a e yo( "ette no$02 Ethan a',e!. 1Ye'* I a) "ette .2

14an $e 'ee yo( "ac,02 To) a',e!. 1Whe e yo( %ot h( t02 1No* yo( cannot.2 1Ye'* L#a)* "(t co(l! $e 'ee-2 L#a) ')#le! at the "oy' an! to('le! the# ha# . 1Yo( ha&e !one 'o)eth#n% &e y %oo! to!ay.2 The "oy' "ea)e! at the (ne.pecte! p a#'e. 1We ha&e02 Ethan a',e! #n a'ton#'h)ent. 1Ye'* yo( ha&e*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1What !#! $e !o02 To) $on!e e!. 1Yo( ha&e 'ho$n )e that the e #' 't#ll #nnocence #n the $o l!*2 L#a) e.pla#ne!. 1No$ lea&e "efo e the la# ! !ec#!e' $hat yo( p(n#'h)ent #'.2 A' 'oon a' they $e e o(t of '#%ht* he 'a#!* 1They l#%hten )y )oo!.2 1They !o not 'ee) o&e ly cont #te*2 /a" #elle e)a ,e!. 1That' "eca('e they a ent*2 4ol) an'$e e!. 1What p(n#'h)ent $#ll yo( %#&e the)02 L#a) a',e!. 1I) open to '(%%e't#on'. So fa they&e "een "anne! f o) the 'ta"le'* the f#el!'* the h#ll' "eyon!* the a )o y* an! no$ the ,#tchen'.2 1Whe e #' the# fathe 02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1/one.2 She a''()e! that )eant the )an ha! !#e! an! !#!nt a', fo f( the e.planat#on. 1Be%%#n% yo( #n!(l%ence* La# !* "(t a"o(t that $#nch62 E))ett* $ho ha! "een $a#t#n% pat#ently #n the co ne * 'a#!. 1I) co)#n%*2 4ol) an'$e e!. L#a) p('he! h#)'elf (p f o) the cha# an! $al,e! o&e to /a" #elle. 4ol) $a' hea!#n% fo the 'ta# '* "(t 'toppe! col! $hen L#a) p(lle! /a" #elle #nto h#' a )' an! h(%%e! he . /a" #elle $a' 'o 'ta tle! 'he 't#ffene! fo a fe$ 'econ!'. 1What !o yo( th#n, yo( e !o#n%02 4ol) !e)an!e!. 1Sho$#n% La!y /a" #elle )y app ec#at#on.2 4ol) felt a ('h of po''e''#&ene''. No )an ha! the #%ht to to(ch $hat "elon%e! to h#)* not e&en h#' " othe . 1Let %o of he .2 L#a) #%no e! h#). He ,#''e! /a" #elle' fo ehea!* leane! !o$n clo'e to he ea * an! $h#'pe e!* 1Than, yo(.2 >('t a' 4ol) $a' a"o(t to #p L#a) a$ay f o) /a" #elle* h#' " othe let %o an! $al,e! o(t of the hall. At f# 't* /a" #elle $a' ta,en "y '( p #'e "y L#a)' '(!!en %e't( e* "(t a' he left* 'he eal#7e! that 'ho$#n% h#' % at#t(!e $a' act(ally a '$eet* tho(%htf(l th#n% to !o. He ha! "een 3(#te %entle $hen he p(lle! he to h#). 4ol) $a' fa f o) %entle $hen he % a""e! he an! $ appe! h#' a )' a o(n! he . He 'ta te! to 'ay 'o)eth#n%* then chan%e! h#' )#n! an! ,#''e! he #n'tea!. H#' )o(th too, a"'ol(te po''e''#on #n a ,#'' )eant to )elt any e'#'tance 'he )#%ht ha&e ha!. Each ,#'' $a' )o e $on!e f(l than the one "efo e* "(t $hat happene! afte e)a#ne! the 'a)e. 4ol) $al,e! a$ay $#tho(t 'pa #n% he a "ac,$a ! %lance* lea&#n% he !a7e!. /a" #elle 'ta e! afte h#) a' he !#'appea e! f o) &#e$. She !#!nt th#n, 'he $a' e&e %o#n% to (n!e 'tan! h#). W#th the $e#%ht of a hea&y "( !en l#fte! f o) he 'ho(l!e ' an! )o't of the afte noon 't#ll ahea! of he * 'he !ec#!e! to %et 'o)e f e'h a# an! $al,e! to the 'ta"le to %#&e Ro%(e a '$eet t eat. Then 'he $ent #n 'ea ch of Fa('t an! L(c#en. She fo(n! the) '#tt#n% on a ,noll "eh#n! the ,eep* $o ,#n% on the# a o$'. L(c#en $a' ('#n% a a% to o#l the 'haft of an a o$ $h#le Fa('t attache! the fletch#n% to anothe a o$. She 'at ne.t to Fa('t an! helpe! $#th the

feathe '. The t$o )en 'po,e #n the# nat#&e ton%(e* an! 'he l#'tene! $h#le Fa('t tol! L(c#en that 4ol) no$ ,ne$ that they! "een at F#nney' Flat. Afte a plea'ant ho( ha! pa''e!* /a" #elle a',e! the t$o %(a !' #f they $o(l! #!e $#th he o(t'#!e the hol!#n%. L(c#en $ante! to ,eep $o ,#n%* 'o Fa('t 'a!!le! t$o ho 'e' fo the). /a" #elle co(l! tell Ro%(e $a' ea%e to (n. A' 'oon a' they $e e pa't the fo t e'' $all* 'he t( ne! no th* %a&e h#) h#' hea!* an! let h#) ace to the top of the f# 't h#ll* then 'he 'lo$e! h#' %a#t a' 'he o!e "e'#!e Fa('t #nto the open co(nt y'#!e. 1Sho(l! $e hea! "ac,02 Fa('t a',e! afte a fe$ )#n(te' pa''e!. 1The ca a&an $#th yo( t (n,' 'ho(l! "e he e 'oon. I $on!e #f the a""ot e)e)"e e! to 'en! the 'tat(e of St. B#el. Fathe /el oy $#ll $ant to p(t #t #n f ont of the chapel.2 1The chapel that !oe'nt e.#'t yet*2 'he 'a#!. 1It can 'tay #n the 'to a%e oo) (nt#l one #' "(#lt.2 1May"e 'o)e!ay yo( fathe $#ll 'en! the la %e 'tat(e of o( 'a#nt* the one that 'too! #n the co( tya ! o(t'#!e yo( )othe ' oo). It $a' a %#ft f o) yo( % an!fathe "efo e 'he left St. B#el.2 A fleet#n% loo, of 'a!ne'' pa''e! o&e h#' eye' $hen he a!!e!* 1The e 'ho(l! "e 'no$ #n the )o(nta#n' of St. B#el "y no$.2 /a" #elle co(l! 'ee that the %(a ! $a' "eco)#n% no'tal%#c an! pe hap' a l#ttle ho)e'#c,* an! 'he felt a pan% of %(#lt fo p(ll#n% h#) e&en fa the f o) h#' ho)elan!. 1Yo( $#ll et( n 'oon* I th#n,*2 'he 'a#!. He ')#le!. 1That #' $hat Stephen 'ay'* "(t yo( )('t "e )a #e! "efo e $e lea&e62 1An! yo( )('t ,no$ that I $#ll "e 'afe.2 1We al ea!y ha&e fa#th that yo( la# ! $ont let any ha ) co)e to yo(.2 1Soon then yo( $#ll "e co)pla#n#n% a"o(t the "#tte col! an! 'no$.2 He no!!e!. 1Soon.2 They o!e !o$n the h#ll' an! cont#n(e! on to the #!%e o&e loo,#n% F#nney' Flat. /a" #elle ,ne$ the 'ent #e' $o(l!nt allo$ he to %o fa the . She 'lo$e! the pace to acco))o!ate the c( &e #n the t a#l. They o(n!e! a h#ll to $he e the path 't a#%htene!* an! /a" #elle '(!!enly p(lle! ha ! on the e#n'. A p oce''#on $a' hea!#n% #n the# !# ect#on. Th ee na o$ ca t' la!en $#th t (n,' an! "(n!le' le! "y a half !o7en )en on ho 'e' $e e le'' than a 'tone' th o$ a$ay. 1Oh /o!*2 'he $h#'pe e!. Befo e Fa('t co(l! a', $hat $a' $ on%* 'he +e ,e! on the e#n' to t( n Ro%(e a o(n! an! %oa!e! h#) #nto a %allop. Fa('t ace! to ,eep (p. When they $e e al)o't "ac, to the hol!#n%* he calle! to he * 15 #nce''* $hat #' $ on%02 1Tho'e )en6they e he e. I cannot "el#e&e )y eye'. 4all the othe '. H( y* Fa('t.2 When they eache! the 'ta"le'* /a" #elle +()pe! !o$n an! han!e! Ro%(e' e#n' o&e to a 'ta"le "oy. Ha! 'he ha! he $#t' a"o(t he * 'he $o(l! ha&e #!!en to the co( tya !* "(t 'he an #n'tea!. A(e't#on' ace!th o(%h he hea!. She ha! to "e '( e. We e the'e the 'a)e )en0 An! #f they $e e* $hat $e e they !o#n% at the MacH(%h hol!#n%0 Th#' !#!nt )a,e 'en'e. /a" #elle ha! to "e ce ta#n "efo e 'he con!e)ne! the). Fa('t ha!nt eco%n#7e! the) "eca('e he ha! 'taye! $#th the ho 'e' #n the fo e't* "(t the othe ' ha! %one $#th he to the clea #n% at F#nney' Flat. They ha! 'een 'o)e of the )en* "(t not a' clea ly a' 'he ha!. If only 'he co(l! hea the) 'pea,* then 'he co(l! ,no$ fo ce ta#n. She $o(l! eco%n#7e the# &o#ce'. Fa('t calle! the othe %(a !' $#th t$o lon% p#e c#n% $h#'tle'. Stephen $a' #n't (ct#n% the yo(n% MacH(%h $a #o ' an! ha! +('t notche! an a o$ to h#' "o$ $hen he hea ! the $h#'tle'. W#tho(t a $o ! of e.planat#on* he ! oppe! the "o$ an! a o$ an! an.

4h #'t#en $a' +('t a"o(t to 'ho$ a 'ol!#e ho$ to ('e le&e a%e a%a#n't an opponent #n han!<to<han! co)"at. When he hea ! the $h#'tle* he to''e! the yo(n% )an to the % o(n! an! leape! o&e h#) on h#' $ay to$a ! the 'o(n!. L(c#en an! Fa('t $e e $#th /a" #elle "y the t#)e Stephen an! 4h #'t#en a #&e!. W#th he %(a !' '( o(n!#n% he * 'he tol! $hat 'he ha! 'een. Stephen a% ee! that 'he )('t "e ce ta#n "efo e 'he tol! the la# !. 1They $o(l! "e fool' to co)e he e*2 L(c#en 'a#!. 1That #' e.actly $hat I $a' th#n,#n%*2 'he 'a#!. 1B(t 5 #nce''* $hy $o(l! they "e af a#! to co)e he e0 They !ont ,no$ $e 'a$ the)*2 4h #'t#en po#nte! o(t. 1D#! any of yo( 'ee the# face' clea ly02 'he a',e!. 1I !#!nt 'ee the). I 'taye! $#th the ho 'e'*2 Fa('t 'a#!. 1I !#!nt 'ee all of the)*2 Stephen epl#e!. 1I e)e)"e )o&#n% "eh#n! yo( 'o yo( co(l! ha&e a clea 'hot $#th yo( a o$. The hoo!' of the# cape' 't#ll co&e e! the).2 1I !ont ,no$ #f I $o(l! e)e)"e $hat they loo,e! l#,e*2 L(c#en a!)#tte!. 1The p #nce'' 'a$ all of the)* an! 'he $#ll e)e)"e *2 4h #'t#en 'a#!. 1T ('t yo( 'elf*2 he tol! /a" #elle. 1When I hea the# &o#ce'* I $#ll "e ce ta#n.2 The 'o(n! of the ho 'e' hoo&e' on the ! a$" #!%e ! e$ the# attent#on. The ca a&an ha! a #&e!. Sent #e' 'toppe! the) at the %ate. Only the ho 'e' p(ll#n% the ca t' $e e allo$e! to c o''* an! the )en #!#n% the# o$n )o(nt' $e e o !e e! to lea&e the) o(t'#!e the $all' an! $al, the e't of the $ay. The )en on foot $al,e! ahea! of the ca t' an! )a!e the# $ay (p the #ncl#ne to$a ! /a" #elle an! he %(a !'. The clo'e they ca)e* the fa'te /a" #elle' hea t ace!. When they $e e clo'e eno(%h fo he to 'ee the# face' clea ly* fea % #ppe! he . Una$a e that they $e e $al,#n% to the# !oo)* the )en la(%he! an! tal,e! to one anothe . /a" #elle hea ! the# &o#ce'* "(t 'he al ea!y ,ne$= they $e e #n!ee! the 'a)e )en. Stephen !#!nt ta,e h#' eye' off the) a' he a',e!* 15 #nce''02 1Ye'* no$ I) ce ta#n*2 'he $h#'pe e!. The %(a !' )o&e! p otect#&ely clo'e to he . 1Fa('t* %o an! f#n! the la# !.2 1That "e he 02 one of the )en a',e!. 1They tol! (' 'he' %ot "lac, ha# an! #' fa# to loo, at*2 anothe 'a#!. 1If tho'e )en $o(l! )o&e a$ay f o) he * I co(l! %et a %oo! loo,.2 1We cant %#&e o&e the t (n,' (nt#l $e ,no$ fo '( e #t' he .2 One )an ! oppe! h#' &o#ce to a $h#'pe . 1Let' %et th#' o&e $#th 3(#c,. I a#nt 'tay#n a o(n! to )eet the la# !.2 4ol) ha! "een $o ,#n% $#th the 'tone)a'on' on the $#nch at the '#!e of the ,eep. He o(n!e! the co ne $#th a f aye! ope #n h#' han!' +('t a' Fa('t calle! to h#). The &#'#to ' fo )e! a l#ne #n f ont of the f# 't ca t. The talle't 'teppe! fo $a ! an! $#th an a# of #)po tance anno(nce!* 1We " (n% the La!y /a" #elle' t (n,'. Well lea&e the) #f yo( $#ll tell (' #f that $o)an "e he .2 He po#nte! to /a" #elle. No one an'$e e! h#). 4ol) $al,e! o&e to /a" #elle. 1What' th#'02 he a',e!. H#' nea ne'' %a&e he 't en%th* "(t 'he co(l!nt 'top he han! f o) t e)"l#n% $hen 'he to(che! h#' a ). 1I $o(l! l#,e yo( to )eet the )en $ho ha&e " o(%ht )y th#n%' to )e.2 She too, a 'tep fo $a !* "(t Stephen 'toppe! he f o) ta,#n% anothe . 1I a) La!y /a" #elle.2 The 'po,e')an eye! MacH(%h ne &o('ly a' he 'a#! to /a" #elle* 1Then the'e "e yo( t (n,'.2 1Ye'* they a e.2 1We " (n% the) f o) the a""ey.2

/a" #elle t( ne! to 4ol). 1The'e )en $#ll "e of #nte e't to yo(.2 4ol) loo,e! the) o&e . 1Why #' that02 he a',e!. W#th he "ac, to the #nf#!el'* 'he $h#'pe e!* 1They l#,e to !#% hole'.2

1YOURE 4ERTAIN OF THIS* /ABRIELLE02 4OLM AS:ED. 1Ye'.2 /a" #elle co(l!nt tell $hat 4ol) $a' th#n,#n%. She $h#'pe e!* 1Do yo( $ant )e to %#&e yo( the# na)e'0 I e)e)"e all of the).2 He !#!nt loo, at he $hen he an'$e e!* 1That $ont "e nece''a y. /o #n'#!e* /a" #elle* an! 'tay the e.2 H#' cont ol a)a7e! he . She ,ne$ a%e ha! to "e '( %#n% th o(%h h#' &e#n'* "(t he $a'nt lett#n% anyth#n% 'ho$. W#tho(t "e#n% a',e!* 4h #'t#en an #n 'ea ch of B ae!en* feel#n% the la# !' co))an!e 'ho(l! ,no$ $hat $a' %o#n% on. A' L(c#en an! Fa('t $e e e'co t#n% he #n'#!e* /a" #elle loo,e! "ac, o&e he 'ho(l!e . 4ol) $al,e! to$a ! the con!e)ne! )en. W#th te o <'t #c,en eye'* they et eate! an! 'c a)"le! a o(n! the ca t'* only to f#n! !o7en' of a )e! MacH(%h $a #o ' co)#n% (p the h#ll "eh#n! the). The !oo clo'e! "eh#n! he * an! 'he cl#)"e! the 'tep' to the % eat hall. She !#!nt hea any 'o(n!' co)#n% f o) o(t'#!e-#t $a' !ea!ly 3(#et-an! ne#the %(a ! $o(l! allo$ he to loo, o(t the $#n!o$. One ho( pa''e!* then anothe an! anothe . An! 't#ll not a 'o(n! f o) o(t'#!e. De'p#te L(c#en' an! Fa('t' atte)pt' to !#&e t he attent#on* /a" #elle' app ehen'#on % e$. A' the '(n $a' 'ett#n%* Stephen ca)e #nto the hall. He $a' alone. 15 #nce''* yo( t (n,' ha&e "een place! #n the 'to a%e oo).2 1Than, yo(. To)o o$ $#ll "e 'oon eno(%h to %o th o(%h the). Do yo( happen to ,no$ #f 4ol) $#ll "e co)#n% 'oon02 1The la# ! ha' left the hol!#n%. I !o("t hell "e "ac, ton#%ht.2 1M#la!y* yo( '(ppe ' on the ta"le $a#t#n% fo yo(*2 Ma( na anno(nce!. 1I tho(%ht I $o(l! $a#t fo the la# ! an! h#' " othe 62 1They ha&e "oth left the hol!#n%*2 Stephen 'a#!. 1>('t the t$o of the)02 1No.2 He $o(l! 'ay noth#n% )o e. /a" #elle lea ne! )o e f o) Ma( na than f o) any of he %(a !'. 1A fa# n()"e of o( clan')en $ent $#th o( la# !. An! the 't an%e ' $ho " o(%ht yo( th#n%' $ent $#th the)* too. F o) the loo,' of th#n%'* I !ont th#n, they $ante! to %o* "(t yo( cant 'ay no to the la# !* can yo(02 It $a' appa ent that Ma( na !#!nt ,no$ $ho the'e 't an%e ' $e e o $hat they ha! !one* an! /a" #elle $a'nt a"o(t to tell he . She $ent to "e! ea ly that n#%ht* "(t 'leep !#!nt co)e (nt#l the ea ly<)o n#n% ho( '. 4ol) !#!nt et( n to the ,eep fo f#&e lon% !ay' an! n#%ht'. An! $hen at la't he ca)e* he !#!nt )a,e a "#% anno(nce)ent of h#' a #&al. /a" #elle ca)e !o$n the 'ta# ' one )o n#n% an! the e he $a'* 'tan!#n% #n f ont of the hea th. She $a' 'o '( p #'e! to 'ee h#)* 'he nea ly t #ppe! on the la't 'tep. She ne &o('ly ')oothe! he %o$n an! a!+('te! the " a#!e! "elt e't#n% on he h#p'. Ha! 'he ,no$n he $a' "ac,* 'he $o(l! ha&e ta,en )o e t#)e an! ca e

$#th he appea ance. She $o(l! ha&e $o n he e)e al! % een %o$n* not th#' fa!e! "l(e one* an! 'he $o(l! ha&e "o(n! he ha# (p $#th a p etty #""on. She $o(l!nt ha&e let #t han% !o$n a o(n! he 'ho(l!e '. She ,ne$ 'he loo,e! ! a"* "(t #t $a' act(ally h#' fa(lt* 'he !ec#!e!* "eca('e he ha!nt %#&en he any $a n#n%. 1Yo( e ho)e*2 'he 'a#!. 4ol) t( ne! an! h#' f#e ce eye' h(n% #ly too, he #n. Da)n* "(t he ha! )#''e! he . He )#''e! he ')#le'* he f o$n* he la(%hte * an! )o't of all he )#''e! ,#''#n% he . He $a'nt )(ch fo honeye! $o !'. 1Yo( 'leep yo( )o n#n%' a$ay* /a" #elle.2 1Yo( cannot e&en 'ay hello to )e "efo e yo( "e%#n to c #t#c#7e02 1A e yo( #ll02 1She' not 'leep#n% at n#%ht* La# !.2 Ma( na )a!e the anno(nce)ent a' 'he ca #e! a p#tche to the ta"le. She place! #t ne.t to fo( %o"let'* "o$e! to he la# !* an! a!!e!* 1So)e n#%ht' 'he !oe'nt %o (p'ta# ' (nt#l the $ee ho( ' of the )o n#n%.2 1Ho$ !o yo( ,no$ $hen I %o (p'ta# '02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1/a ett tol! Da&#!* an! he tol! A#t,en* $ho tol! )y )an* $ho tol! )e.2 1B(t ho$ $o(l! /a ett ,no$02 1He ,ne$ "eca('e Ne&#n tol! h#). Do yo( $ant to ,no$ ho$ Ne&#n ,ne$02 Dea /o!* no* 'he !#!nt. She ha! a feel#n% th#' l#tany co(l! %o on all )o n#n%. 1/a" #elle* co)e he e*2 4ol) o !e e!. She c o''e! the hall to 'tan! #n f ont of h#). She leane! (p on t#ptoe' an! ,#''e! h#) f(ll on the )o(th. It $a' 3(#c,* "(t 't#ll a ,#''. She 'teppe! "ac,* loo,e! (p at h#)* an! 'a#!* 1Welco)e ho)e* La# !.2 An! that* 'he "el#e&e!* $a' a p ope % eet#n%. She fol!e! he han!' an! $a#te! fo h#) to !o the 'a)e. 1Why a ent yo( 'leep#n% at n#%ht02 he a',e!. I%no #n% the 3(e't#on* 'he a',e!* 1A e yo( happy to "e ho)e0 An! #f yo( a e* yo( 'ho(l! tell )e 'o. It #' the co( teo(' th#n% to !o.2 1Ye'* I a) happy to "e ho)e* yo( !aft $o)an. No$ an'$e )y 3(e't#on.2 S#nce he! "een ')#l#n% at he $hen he calle! he !aft* 'he !#!nt ta,e offen'e. 1I !ont ,no$.2 14o(l! yo( "e $o #e! a"o(t 'o)eth#n%02 14o(l! I "e $o y#n%0 What co(l! I ha&e to $o y a"o(t0 4o(l! #t "e that I fea fo )y fathe '#nce I ha&e no not#on of $he e he )#%ht "e0 O )#%ht #t "e that )y f(t( e h('"an! lea&e' an! !oe'nt et( n fo !ay' on en!0 4o(l! I "e $o #e! that 'o)eth#n% )#%ht ha&e happene! to h#)02 1Yo( $o(l! $o y a"o(t )e02 She +a""e! h#) #n the che't. 1An! yo( call )e !aft02 She too, a !eep " eath "efo e cont#n(#n%. 1Ye'* I $a' $o #e! a"o(t yo(* "(t yo( $e e la't on )y l#'t of $o #e'.2 1Yo( l#e* /a" #elle* an! not at all $ell.2 1I ,no$ yo( !ont $ant to )a y )e*2 'he "e%an* 1"(t-2 1I $#ll )a y yo(*2 a &o#ce f o) the ent ance calle!. L#a) 't o!e #nto the hall. 1No* yo( $#ll not )a y )e* L#a)*2 'he 'a#! #n e.a'pe at#on. 1An! I a) t y#n% to ha&e a p #&ate con&e 'at#on $#th 4ol). 5lea'e lea&e.2 4ol) p(t h#' a ) a o(n! /a" #elle an! p(lle! he clo'e. 1La!y /a" #elle ha' a% ee! to )a y )e.2 1Ye'* I ,no$ 'he ha'* "(t yo( !ont $ant he * an! I !o*2 'a#! L#a). 1She !#!nt 'a&e yo( l#fe* 'he 'a&e! )#ne* an! I a) fo e&e #n he !e"t.2 4ol) $a' %ett#n% an% y. 1Do yo( th#n, I $o(l! %#&e he (p to yo( o to any othe )an02

1Then yo( !o $ant he 02 L#a) eto te!. 1Da)n #%ht* I !o@2 L#a) no!!e!* an! $#th the )o't 'at#'f#e! % #n he 'a#!* 1Yo( )#%ht $ant to tell he 'o.2 /a" #elle an! 4ol) hea ! h#) la(%h#n% a' he !e'cen!e! the 'ta# '. 4ol) t( ne! he #n h#' a )' an! loo,e! #nto he eye'. 1I $#ll ne&e let yo( %o* /a" #elle.2 She !#!nt ,no$ $hat to 'ay* $h#ch $a' p o"a"ly +('t a' $ell* "eca('e he !#!nt %#&e he t#)e to !o )o e than open he )o(th. H#' )o(th co&e e! he '* an! h#' ton%(e th ('t #n'#!e* !e)an!#n% a e'pon'e. She $ appe! he a )' a o(n! h#' nec, an! )o&e! e'tle''ly a%a#n't h#) a' h#' )o(th 'lante! o&e he ' a%a#n an! a%a#n. The# ,#'' "eca)e ca nal. She a o('e! h#) a' no othe $o)an co(l!* an! 4ol) ,ne$ #f he !#!nt 'top no$* he $o(l! lo'e all cont ol. When he en!e! the ,#''* /a" #elle' hea t $a' po(n!#n%. She co(l! "a ely catch he " eath. She $a' +e ,e! f o) he !a7e "y a )an' &o#ce. 1La# !* "e%%#n% yo( pa !on* "(t the e a e )o e p o"le)' $#th the $#nch.2 The 'tone)a'on $a' 'tan!#n% !# ectly "eh#n! he . 4ol) $a&e! the )an a$ay. 1/a" #elle* I not#ce! yo( ha&ent a',e! )e $hat happene! $hen I left he e.2 1Wo(l! yo( tell )e #f I a',e!02 1No.2 1Then #t #' %oo! that I !ont a',. I !ont th#n, I $ant to hea $hat happene! to tho'e )en. I )#%ht ha&e n#%ht)a e'.2 1Re't ea'y*2 he 'a#!. 1I !#! not ha&e the) "( #e! al#&e.2 1That #' e.actly $hat I $a' $o #e! a"o(t. Yo( ,no$ )y tho(%ht' a' $ell a' I !o. L#a) $a' 'o !#'t a(%ht* an! he th eatene! to !o '(ch te #"le th#n%'.2 She '#%he!. 1B(t yo( !#! not "( y the) al#&e.2 She t#lte! he hea! an! 't(!#e! h#' face fo 'e&e al 'econ!' then !a e! to a',* 1What !#! happen to the)0 D#! yo( let the) et( n ho)e02 1No.2 She ,ne$ not to p o! h#)* fea #n% he $o(l! tell he e.actly $hat the p(n#'h)ent ha! "een. 4ol) $a'nt the fo %#&#n% 'o t* no $a' L#a). 1We e yo( a"le to f#n! o(t $ho 'ent the) afte L#a)02 Befo e he co(l! an'$e * t$o )o e clan')en ca)e #nto the hall* "e%%#n% h#' attent#on. 4ol) #%no e! the)* "(t /a" #elle co(l!nt. 1Yo( clan )a,e' )any !e)an!' on yo( t#)e.2 1Ye'* they !o.2 1Yo(! "e't %o.2 He no!!e!. 1Ye'* I! "e't %o.2 He % a""e! he han! a' he $al,e! pa't he an! p(lle! he alon%. 1Sa!!le )y ho 'e*2 he o !e e! one of the )en $a#t#n%. To anothe * he 'a#!* 1I $#ll not l#'ten to any p o"le)' (nt#l th#' afte noon. Ma,e that clea to tho'e $a#t#n%.2 /a" #elle 'teppe! o(t of the $ay to let a clan')an ca y#n% a "a% of % a#n o&e h#' 'ho(l!e ente the open !oo of the 'to a%e oo). He no!!e! h#' % eet#n% to he an! t( ne! to 4ol). 1Wo(l! yo( l#,e )e to help ca y La!y /a" #elle' clothe' (p'ta# '02 4ol) loo,e! #nto the oo) an! 'a$ the t (n,' 'tac,e! on the floo . 1Yo( ca y fa too )any po''e''#on'*2 he c #t#c#7e!. /a" #elle la(%he!. 1Doe' e&e yone th#n, the'e t (n,' a e f#lle! $#th %o$n'02 The yo(n% )an no!!e!. 1The En%l#'h ha&e nee! fo )o e than $e !o.2 1An! the MacH(%h' ha&e nee! to )a,e +(!%)ent' $#tho(t ,no$#n% the fact'*2 'he co(nte e!. 1If yo( ha&e a )o)ent* I $o(l! l#,e yo( to open one of )y t (n,'.2 1Fo $hat p( po'e02 4ol) a',e!. 1Open one an! 'ee fo yo( 'elf.2 She ha! capt( e! h#' c( #o'#ty. 1Wh#ch one $o(l! yo( l#,e )e to open02 1Yo( choo'e.2

4ol) p(lle! one t (n, !o$n f o) the 'tac, an! $a' '( p #'e! "y the $e#%ht. 1Danen* % a" one en!*2 he o !e e!. 1En%l#'h clothe' $e#%h )o e than a t (n, f#lle! $#th 'tone*2 Danen % (nte!. 14lothe' !ont $e#%h th#' )(ch* e&en En%l#'h clothe'.2 The e $e e fo( latche'. 4ol) (nloc,e! each one* then l#fte! the l#!. Ba%' 't(ffe! f(ll $e e pac,e! #n'#!e. /a" #elle '(%%e'te! he ('e h#' !a%%e to p#e ce the cloth* an! $hen he !#!* % a#n' of 'alt 'p#lle! o(t. He $a' a'to(n!e!. 1Yo( " #n% 'alt.2 1Ye'. Salt $a' one of )y %#ft' to La# ! Mon oe* an! no$ #t' yo( '.2 1Salt #' )o e &al(a"le than the )o't p ec#o(' +e$el'*2 Danen 'ta))e e!. H#' % een eye' $e e " #%ht $#th e.c#te)ent. 1An! )(ch nee!e!. I'nt that t (e* La# !02 4ol) a% ee! $#th a no!. 1A e all the'e t (n,' f#lle! $#th 'alt02 1All "(t one. Yo( a e plea'e!02 1I a). If anyone ha! ,no$n $hat $a' #n'#!e the'e t (n,'* they ne&e $o(l! ha&e %otten he e.2 He latche! the loc,' an! $al,e! o(t'#!e. A 'ta"le "oy le! 4ol)' ho 'e ac o'' the co( tya !. The ',#tt#'h an#)al ha! t #e! to ea (p t$#ce "efo e 4ol) cal)e! h#). The Blac,* a' he $a' calle!* $a' a )a%n#f#cent an#)al. He $a' t$#ce the '#7e of Ro%(e* "(t /a" #elle !o("te! h#' !#'po'#t#on $a' half a' '$eet. 4ol) l#fte! he onto The Blac,* then '$(n% (p "eh#n! he an! too, the e#n'. 1Whe e a e $e %o#n%02 'he a',e!. A $o)an ca y#n% a "a',et h( #e! to$a ! the). 1La# !* #f yo( ha&e a )#n(te* I nee! "(t a $o ! a"o(t-2 1It $#ll ha&e to $a#t.2 He $ appe! h#' a ) a o(n! /a" #elle' $a#'t an! hel! he t#%ht a%a#n't h#) a' he n(!%e! the %#ant ho 'e fo $a !. /a" #elle co(l!nt #)a%#ne $hat ha! co)e o&e 4ol). He $a'nt (nn#n% f o) he to ta,e ca e of the !e)an!' of h#' clan. Nay* he 'ee)e! no$ to "e (nn#n% f o) h#' clan to "e $#th he . Once they! clea e! the )oat* 4ol) %a&e The Blac, a ,#c, an! ace! #nto the $#n!. They !#!nt 'top (nt#l they eache! a c e't o&e loo,#n% a "ea(t#f(l %len $#th a " oo, )ean!e #n% th o(%h #t. He !#')o(nte! an! l#fte! he to the % o(n!. H#' han!' l#n%e e! on he $a#'t "efo e he )o&e! a$ay. 14o)e '#t $#th )e. We nee! to tal,*2 4ol) 'a#!. H#' tone $o #e! he . 1I' #t "a! ne$' yo( ha&e0 I' that $hy yo( $ante! )e alone* 'o I $o(l!nt !#'% ace yo( "y $eep#n% #n f ont of yo( clan02 1Yo( co(l! not !#'% ace )e.2 She 'at !o$n "y a t ee an! a!+('te! he ',# t' to co&e he an,le'. 1I ha&e lea ne! to e.pect the $o 't.2 He ,nelt on one ,nee #n f ont of he an! c(ppe! he ch#n #n the pal) of h#' han!. 1I " o(%ht yo( he e 'o that $e $o(l! not "e #nte (pte! $h#ch* a' yo( '( ely ha&e not#ce!* happen' 3(#te f e3(ently #n )y hol!#n%.2 1It happen' "eca('e yo( !ont !ele%ate. Yo( 'ho(l!* yo( ,no$. If yo( $o(l! %#&e B ae!en an! the othe '* #ncl(!#n% yo( " othe * )o e e'pon'#"#l#ty* yo( not only $o(l! ta,e 'o)e of the "( !en off yo( 'ho(l!e '* "(t yo( al'o $o(l! 'ho$ the) yo( ha&e t ('t #n the). Yo( a ent the only one $ho can )a,e a %oo! !ec#'#on.2 1I !#! not " #n% yo( he e to ha&e yo( lect( e )e.2 1B(t yo( $#ll con'#!e $hat I ha&e 'a#!02

He 'at !o$n ne.t to he an! leane! "ac, a%a#n't the t ee. 1I $#ll*2 he 'a#!* 't etch#n% h#' lon% le%' o(t #n f ont of h#)* then c o''#n% one foot o&e the othe . He loo,e! ela.e!* 'he tho(%ht* "(t then 'o !#! l#on' "efo e they po(nce!. 1If #t $e e %oo! ne$'* yo( $o(l! ha&e tol! )e "y no$.2 1It' ne#the %oo! no "a!. He e #' $hat I ,no$. The )en $ho " o(%ht yo( t (n,' $o(l! ne&e ha&e co)e to )y ho)e #f they ha! ,no$n anyone ha! 'een the) at F#nney' Flat. I ha! the oppo t(n#ty to 3(e't#on the) at len%th.2 She !#!nt a', h#) to e.pla#n $hat he )eant "y oppo t(n#ty. 1An! they an'$e e! yo( 3(e't#on'02 D#! 'he po''#"ly th#n, he ha! %#&en the) a cho#ce0 Of co( 'e they ha! an'$e e! h#' 3(e't#on'. He )a!e #t all "(t #)po''#"le fo the) to ef('e. 1They all #n'#'te! that they ne&e ,ne$ the na)e of the )an $ho h# e! the). Only the# lea!e ,ne$.2 1/o !on. He $a' the# lea!e * an! I ,#lle! h#).2 She patte! h#' ,nee a' tho(%h to con'ole h#). 1I) 'o y.2 1So y a"o(t $hat02 1So y yo( $ont e&e f#n! o(t $ho 'ent the) afte L#a).2 1Mac:enna 'ent the).2 1B(t ho$62 1I $#ll e.pla#n* an! yo( $#ll hol! yo( 3(e't#on' (nt#l I) f#n#'he!.2 He $a#te! fo he no! an! then 'a#!* 1Ba on 4o'$ol! ha! yo( t (n,' ta,en to the a""ey. Al)o't #))e!#ately afte yo( left the a""ey* he an! h#' 'ol!#e ' "e%an the# 'ea ch fo yo(. So !#! the othe one.2 15e cy02 E&en h#' na)e epelle! he * an! 'he 'h#&e e! $#th !#'!a#n. 1The t$o of the) a e !e)on'.2 1F o) $hat I (n!e 'tan!* they ha&e "oth "een cha'#n% ()o '* t y#n% to f#n! yo(. 4o'$ol! hea ! that yo( )#%ht "e l#&#n% $#th )y clan* an! he nee!e! to f#n! o(t fo ce ta#n "efo e he acte!. What "ette $ay than to 'en! yo( t (n,' $#th )en $ho $o(l! epo t "ac, to h#).2 1The a""ot !#!nt 'en! the)02 1At 4o'$ol!' ( %#n%* he !#!. B(t I) '( e the a""ot tho(%ht he $a' !o#n% a ,#n!ne''. The p o"le) $a' f#n!#n% )en to ta,e the). 4o'$ol! co(l!nt 'en! En%l#'h)en. They ne&e $o(l! ha&e %otten th#' fa * an! #f "y chance an! l(c, they !#!* they $o(l! ne&e ha&e )a!e #t "ac, to epo t to h#).2 1B(t ho$ !#! he62 She eal#7e! 'he $a' once a%a#n #nte (pt#n% an! 'toppe!. 1The )en /o !on h# e! !#!nt ,no$ Mac:enna $a' pay#n% the)* "(t Mac:enna ,ne$ $ho they $e e. /o !on %a&e h#) the# na)e'.2 1Ho$ !#! yo( %et th#' #nfo )at#on02 1It' a)a7#n% $hat a )an $#ll e)e)"e $hen p e''( e! to !o 'o. The one na)e! Ha)#'h tol! )e he hea ! 4o'$ol! an! Mac:enna ha! co)e to 'o)e 'o t of an a an%e)ent. He calle! #t a pact. 4o'$ol! ,ne$ :#n% >ohn $o(l!nt %#&e yo( to h#)* an! 'o he p o)#'e! yo( to Mac:enna. He $o(l! %et F#nney' Flat* an! #n et( n 4o'$ol! $o(l! "e a"le to 'ee yo( $hene&e he $ante!. It' )y (n!e 'tan!#n% they #nten!e! to 'ha e yo(.2 /a" #elle felt #ll. 1I !#! not th#n, the'e )en co(l! '#c,en )e any )o e than they al ea!y ha&e* "(t no$ yo( tell )e they )eant to 'ha e )e0 A' they $o(l! a $#fe0 Oh* )y /o!62 She t #e! to %et (p* "(t 4ol) %ently p(lle! he !o$n "e'#!e h#). 1Anothe one of the o(tca't' a!)#tte! he o&e hea ! 4o'$ol! $h#'pe #n% to one of h#' conf#!ant'. Ye'* 4o'$ol! $ante! yo( #n h#' "e!* /a" #elle* "(t he al'o $ante! #nfo )at#on he "el#e&e' yo( h#!e.2 4ol) tho(%ht #t pec(l#a that /a" #elle !#!nt a', h#) #f he ha! any #!ea $hat ,#n! of #nfo )at#on 4o'$ol! tho(%ht 'he )#%ht ha&e. 1Yo( ,no$ $hat he $ant'* !ont yo(02 he a',e!.

1Ye'.2 1/a" #elle02 She e'te! a%a#n't h#' '#!e. 1He $ant' the t ea'( e of St. B#el.2 She tol! h#) the le%en! a' #t ha! "een tol! to he co(ntle'' t#)e'. 1It #' 'a#! that St. B#el' :#n% / en#e !#! not 'en! all the %ol! to the pope* "(t h#! #t a$ay. It #' al'o "el#e&e! that the t ea'( e #' 'o &a't* $hoe&e f#n!' #t $#ll ha&e the po$e to (le the $o l!. No one ha' e&e fo(n! #t* "(t #t )a,e' an #nte e't#n% 'to y.2 1So $hy !oe' 4o'$ol! "el#e&e #t e.#'t'02 1I !ont ,no$.2 1An! $hy !oe' he th#n, yo( ,no$ $he e the t ea'( e #'02 1The e a e 'o)e $ho "el#e&e that the 'ec et $a' pa''e! !o$n f o) the ,#n% to h#' !a(%hte * an! 'he #n t( n pa''e! #t !o$n to he !a(%hte 62 1D#! yo( )othe e&e tal, a"o(t th#' t ea'( e02 1She tol! )e all the 'to #e'. She tho(%ht that % ee! #' $hy 'o)e "el#e&e th#' le%en!a y t ea'( e e.#'t'.2 1What a"o(t the people of St. B#el02 he a',e!. 1Do they "el#e&e the )yth02 1So)e !o* othe ' !ont. They ha&e fe$ nee!'. They ha&e eno(%h foo! to eat $#th f#'h#n% an! h(nt#n%* an! eno(%h $oo! to heat the# ho)e'. They l#&e a '#)ple "(t #ch l#fe.2 1In othe $o !'* they $o(l!nt $ant the %ol!.2 He ha! $ appe! h#' a ) a o(n! he $a#'t* an! 'he 't o,e! #t $#th he f#n%e t#p' $h#le 'he tho(%ht a"o(t he )othe ' ho)elan!. He to(ch $a' a' l#%ht a' a feathe * "(t ha! a po$e f(l effect on h#). 1No$ #t #' )y t( n to a', yo( 3(e't#on'* 4ol). Yo( 'a#! that 4o'$ol! nee!e! to "e ce ta#n I $a' l#&#n% $#th yo( clan "efo e he acte!. What !oe' that )ean0 What !o yo( th#n, he #nten!' to !o02 He 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1I ha&e yet to f#n! o(t $hat #' #n h#' t$#'te! )#n!* "(t I $#ll* /a" #elle.2 1In the na)e of :#n% >ohn* he "an#'he! )e* e)e)"e 0 An! 5e cy $a' (n#te! $#th 4o'$ol! #n con!e)n#n% )e. Yet yo( 'ay* a' 'oon a' they left the a""ey* they "e%an to 'ea ch fo )e02 He f#n%e ' t ace! the 'ca on h#' han!. 1Ho$ !#! yo( ,no$ I $a' #nnocent0 Yo( 'a#! yo( ,ne$ that I'la ha! l#e!.2 1The )oon. She 'a#! the )oon $a' " #%ht an! that 'he $a' a"le to 'ee yo(* "(t #t a#ne! that n#%ht* /a" #elle. The e $a' no )oon. I ,no$ "eca('e I $a' 'ea ch#n% fo L#a)* an! #t $a' too !a , to cont#n(e. I ha! to $a#t (nt#l )o n#n% l#%ht.2 1I !ont th#n, the )on, l#e!. I "el#e&e he 'a$ )e $hen I $ent to loo, #n on L#a).2 1That #' $hat I th#n, a' $ell.2 1A e yo( "et othe! to anothe $o)an02 She "l( te! the 3(e't#on "efo e 'he lo't he co( a%e. 1La!y >oan0 D#! yo( p o)#'e to )a y he 02 1I $a' %o#n% to )a y he .2 1When02 1Th ee yea ' pa't.2 1What happene!02 1He fathe !ec#!e! anothe all#ance $o(l! )a,e h#) 't on%e * 'o 'he $a' )a #e! to La# ! D(n"a . L#,e Mon oe* he $a' an ol!e )an.2 1She' co)#n% he e* #'nt 'he02 1I ha! not hea ! th#'* "(t 'he $#ll "e $elco)e!. He '#'te #' )a #e! to one of )y )en.2 The 3(e't#on 'he )o't $ante! h#) to an'$e 'he co(l!nt a',. D#! he lo&e >oan0 An! #f /a" #elle a',e!* $o(l! he tell he the t (th0 1What $#ll yo( !o a"o(t Mac:enna02 1:#ll h#).2

1Then yo( $#ll %o to $a a%a#n't the Mac:enna clan02 'he a',e!* an! "efo e he co(l! an'$e * 'he a!!e!* 1What #f 4o'$ol! a!!' h#' a )y to Mac:enna'02 1Yo( $#ll not $o y a"o(t 4o'$ol! o 5e cy*2 he epl#e!. 1They ha&e no po$e o&e yo(.2 If that $e e t (e* $hy then $a' 'he 'o af a#!0

:#n% >ohn $a' !e)an!#n% an acco(nt#n%* an! Ba on 4o'$ol! $a' f#t to "e t#e!. He ha! "een o !e e! to )eet $#th >ohn at Ne$ell' ca'tle* $he e the ,#n% $a' ta,#n% h#' le#'( e afte a fa#le! ca)pa#%n a%a#n't the Wel'h. A la %e n()"e of >ohn' "a on' $e e 'o #ncen'e! "y the# ,#n%' attac,' that they th eatene! to #'e (p a%a#n't h#). 4o'$ol! e.pecte! >ohn to "e #n one of h#' "lac, )oo!'. 5e cy ha! al'o "een '())one! to Ne$ell' ca'tle to %#&e h#' &e '#on of $hat ha! ta,en place at A "ane A""ey* an! 4o'$ol! co(l! only #)a%#ne the l#e' h#' ene)y $o(l! tell. 4o'$ol! allo$e! I'la to acco)pany h#). He ha! % o$n acc('to)e! to tal,#n% to he a"o(t h#' $o #e' $#tho(t conce n that 'he $o(l! epeat anyth#n% he 'a#!. He 'tat#on #n l#fe $a' 'olely !epen!ent (pon h#' %oo! % ace'* an! 'he $o(l! !o noth#n% to +eopa !#7e #t. She too, %oo! ca e of h#). She 'a$ to h#' e&e y co)fo t an! )a!e ce ta#n the 'e &ant' an h#' ho)e to h#' l#,#n%. 4o'$ol! ne&e $al,e! #nto a ch#lle! oo) o p#c,e! (p an e)pty %o"let. She ,ne$ $hat foo!' he l#,e! an! $hat foo!' he a&o#!e!. 4o'$ol! al'o ,ne$ that e&ent(ally he $o(l! ha&e to ta,e a $#fe 'o that he $o(l! ha&e he# '* "(t e&en then he planne! to ,eep I'la a o(n! to cont#n(e to !o h#' "#!!#n%. She ha! "eco)e e&en )o e 'ol#c#to(' '#nce he! allo$e! he to %o $#th h#) to A "ane A""ey* an! no$ 'he co(l! "a ely h#!e he e.c#te)ent. He ,ne$ $hy. She ha! hea ! that 5e cy $o(l! "e the e $#th the ,#n%. Oh* $hat a fool 'he $a' to th#n, 'he $o(l! e&e ha&e a f(t( e $#th 4o'$ol!' ene)y. Bac, at A "ane A""ey $hen I'la ha! acc('e! /a" #elle of $ho #'h "eha&#o * at f# 't 4o'$ol! $a' annoye! at the 'pectacle* "(t then he eal#7e! #t )#%ht "e ('e! to h#' a!&anta%e. 1A e yo( ea%e to 'ee Ba on 5e cy a%a#n02 he a',e! he on the t #p to Ne$ell' ca'tle. 1It #' t (e that I a).2 1I'la* he !oe'nt e&en 'pea, to yo(.2 1Ye'* he !oe'*2 'he #n'#'te!. 1Upon occa'#on.2 1Yo( $a'te yo( t#)e lon%#n% fo h#).2 She h#! he ')#le. 1The e #' tal, that he $#ll 'oon "e )a #e!.2 4o'$ol! 'h (%%e! #n!#ffe ence. 1Then he )('t ha&e %#&en (p on La!y /a" #elle. It' a"o(t t#)e. He co(l! ne&e ha&e he .2 1I th#n, he $ant' anothe no$*2 'he 'a#!. He a#'e! an eye" o$. 1Ho$ $o(l! yo( ,no$ th#'02 1/o''#p*2 'he 'a#! ha't#ly. 1Ha&e yo( hea ! f o) the )en yo( tol! )e yo( 'ent on an e an!0 Yo( 'ee)e! to "e $o #e! $hen they !#!nt et( n #))e!#ately.2 4o'$ol! ha! tol! I'la he ha! h# e! )en to ta,e ca e of a )atte fo h#)* "(t he ha!nt tol! he $hat the e an! $a'. 1No* I ha&e not hea ! a $o !. It ha' "een lon% eno(%h fo the) to et( n to )e. It #' a' tho(%h they* l#,e )y (n!e l#n%* Malcol)* ha&e &an#'he! #nto th#n a# .2 I'la ,ne$ Malcol) $a' af a#! of 4o'$ol!. She ha! 'een the "#%* (%ly )an at 4o'$ol!' '#!e an! ,ne$ that he $o(l! ,#ll #f that $a' $hat he (ncle o !e e!. I'la ha! hea ! that

Malcol) ha! 't (c, La!y /a" #elle $#th h#' f#'t. She $a' only 'o y Malcol) ha!nt !#'f#%( e! /a" #elle. I'la ha!nt any %(#lt o&e the pa#n he l#e ha! ca('e!. 1When !#! yo( la't 'ee Malcol)02 'he a',e!* t y#n% to 'o(n! conce ne!. 1We $e e 'ea ch#n% the h#ll' to the $e't of the a""ey. One )#n(te he $a' #!#n% "e'#!e )e* an! the ne.t t#)e I loo,e!* he $a' %one.2 1What $e e yo( 'ea ch#n% fo * Uncle02 1Ne&e yo( )#n!. Ah* $e ha&e f#nally a #&e!. Yo( $#ll "e a' 3(#et a' a )o('e #f yo( a e #n the p e'ence of :#n% >ohn. It #' al ea!y %o#n% on '(n'et. I !o("t I $#ll ha&e )y a(!#ence $#th h#) (nt#l to)o o$.2 4o'$ol! $a' &e y )(ch )#'ta,en. The ,#n% $ante! to 'pea, to the "a on the )#n(te he a #&e!. 4o'$ol! $a' not e&en allo$e! t#)e to $a'h the !('t f o) h#' han!'. I'la follo$e! he (ncle to the )a#n hall* "(t 'too! +('t #n'#!e the !oo . She 'too! 'o clo'e to the c( ta#n' that* ha! 'he $ante! to* 'he co(l! ha&e h#!!en he 'elf "eh#n! the) $#tho(t e&en "e#n% not#ce!. The hall $a' th ee t#)e' the '#7e of 4o'$ol!' hall. It "oa'te! t$o f# eplace'* one on each en!. The ,#n% 'at "eh#n! a lon% ta"le co&e e! "y a $h#te cloth that $a' 'o lon% the he) to(che! the floo . H#' H#%hne'' $o e 'ca let o"e'* #!ent#cal to the colo of the $#ne he 'p#lle! on the $h#te cloth $hen he 'la))e! the %o"let !o$n an! 'too!. >ohn $a' not a han!'o)e )an. He $a' of a&e a%e '#7e $#th a p ot (!#n% 'to)ach* "(t to I'la he appea e! a to$e #n% %#ant. She "el#e&e! h#) to "e a' po$e f(l a' /o!* fo he co(l! !e't oy an ent# e co(nt y $#th one co))an!. >ohn ha! al ea!y p o&en to the $o l! that he !#! not fea the pope. In fact* he p of#te! f o) h#' o$n "y conf#'cat#n% ch( ch e&en(e'. It $a' 'a#! that :#n% >ohn co(l! 'teal the p( #ty f o) a 'a#nt. The !a#' >ohn 'too! on )a!e h#) appea )(ch talle than 4o'$ol!* $ho "o$e! an! then ,nelt "efo e h#). >ohn ha! +('t %#&en the "a on pe )#''#on to 'tan! $hen the !oo ' opene! an! Ba on 5e cy 't (tte! #n. A $o)an a"o(t I'la' a%e follo$e!. D e''e! #n f#ne cloth#n%* 'he $o e 'pa ,l#n% +e$el' a o(n! he nec, an! #n he ha# . She !#! not loo, to "e elate! to 5e cy* "(t then I'la !#!nt loo, anyth#n% l#,e he (ncle. 5e hap' the $o)an $a' a co('#n o e&en* l#,e I'la* a n#ece. The $o)an $a' fa too a o%ant* tho(%h. She !#!nt h#!e #n the 'ha!o$' "(t ,nelt ne.t to 5e cy an! $a#te! (nt#l >ohn )ot#one! "oth of the) to 'tan!. >ohn 'po,e to 5e cy f# 't. 1I 'ee yo( ha&e co)e to yo( 'en'e' an! hee!e! )y co))an!*2 he 'a#!* no!!#n% at the $o)an 'tan!#n% ne.t to the "a on. 1La!y Beat #ce* %o an! )a,e yo( 'elf co)fo ta"le #n yo( cha)"e '.2 5e cy clappe! h#' han!'* an! t$o 'e &ant' #))e!#ately appea e! to 'ho$ the la!y the $ay. Once the ele%ant $o)an $a' o(t of '#%ht* >ohn !#'ca !e! h#' )anne '. 1Do yo( ,no$ the t o("le yo( ha&e ca('e! )e02 1I !#! $hat yo( $o(l! ha&e $ante! )e to !o*2 5e cy 'a#!. 1/#&e )e yo( acco(nt#n% no$*2 the ,#n% co))an!e!* 1an! I $#ll !ec#!e #f $hat yo( !#! $a' #%ht o $ on%.2 5e cy 3(#c,ly eco(nte! $hat ha! happene! at the a""ey. 1No one $a' )o e '( p #'e! than I to lea n that La!y /a" #elle ha! acte! a' a co))on $ho e. I ,ne$ that yo( $o(l! $ant to p(n#'h he * an! I $ante! to " #n% he to yo( 'o that yo( co(l! !ec#!e he fate.2 1No$ #t #' yo( t( n* 4o'$ol!.2 The "a on e.pla#ne! $hat ha! happene! afte Mon oe' )( !e $a' !#'co&e e!* an! $hen he $a' f#n#'he! ec#t#n% h#' &e '#on of the e&ent'* he 'a#!* 1I !#! not th#n, yo( $o(l! $ant to $a'te yo( t#)e $#th a $ho e. I ,ne$ $hat )('t "e !one.2 1An! $hat $a' that* p ay tell02

1I "an#'he! he . In yo( na)e* I too, e&e yth#n% a$ay f o) he . She no lon%e ha' a ,#n% o a co(nt y o a fa)#ly to call he o$n. She ha' "een ca't o(t #nto the $#l!'. I "el#e&e he p(n#'h)ent to "e $o 'e than a 3(#c, Wo(l!nt yo( a% ee* )y lo !02 >ohn (""e! h#' ch#n. 1I !o a% ee*2 he 'a#! at la't. 1I f#n! #t !#ff#c(lt to "el#e&e that Ba on /eoff ey' "ea(t#f(l !a(%hte $o(l! (#n he 'elf. I $#ll lay '#e%e to Well#n%'h# e an! ,#ll he fathe * fo he !#! not !o h#' !(ty an! p otect he #nnocence. She ha' no &al(e to )e no$.2 He p#c,e! (p h#' %o"let an! too, a lon% '$allo$. W#ne ! #ppe! #nto h#' "ea !* an! he ('e! the "ac, of h#' a ) to $#pe h#' ch#n. 15e hap' yo(* too* 4o'$ol!* a e no$ o&e yo( #nfat(at#on $#th /a" #elle0 5e cy ha' )o&e! on* an! I '(%%e't yo( !o the 'a)e.2 4o'$ol! t( ne! to 5e cy. 1What !o yo( ha&e to ')# , a"o(t02 1I a) to )a y La!y Beat #ce #n t$o )onth' t#)e. She " #n%' a han!'o)e !o$ y to o( $e!!#n%. Mo't han!'o)e.2 I'la co&e e! he )o(th to 'top he 'elf f o) 'c ea)#n%. No* #t co(l!nt "e t (e. 5e cy $a' to )a y he . He ha! p o)#'e!. When 4o'$ol! left the hall $#th :#n% >ohn* I'la !#!nt follo$. F o7en #n the 'ha!o$'* 'he 'ta e! at 5e cy* $ho ha! e)a#ne! "eh#n!. 5e cy ha! 'een I'la co$e #n% "y the $#n!o$ an! !ec#!e! to %et h#' tal, $#th he o&e an! !one $#th no$. He nee!e! to )a,e ce ta#n 'he $o(l!nt ca('e h#) any p o"le)'. An! #f he )('t th eaten he * he $o(l!. He $al,e! to the !a#'* eache! (p* an! po( e! h#)'elf a %o"let of the ,#n%' $#ne. He !#!nt "othe to t( n a o(n! $hen he 'a#!* 1I'la* co)e o(t of the 'ha!o$' 'o that $e )ay tal,.2 He le%' $e e 't#ff a' 't#c,' a' 'he c o''e! the hall. 1Who #' La!y Beat #ce02 'he !e)an!e!. 1She #' )y f(t( e $#fe. Yo( hea ! the con&e 'at#on. I $#ll "e )a #e! to he 'oon.2 1B(t yo( !ont lo&e he . Yo( lo&e )e. Yo( 'a#! yo( !#!* an! yo( p o)#'e! to )a y )e.2 1Lo$e yo( &o#ce*2 he 'nappe!. He co(l! 'ee 'he $a' lo'#n% cont ol. 1Do yo( $ant :#n% >ohn to hea yo(0 Yo( co(l! "e loc,e! a$ay #n p #'on fo the e't of yo( )#'e a"le !ay' "eca('e of $hat yo( ha&e !one.2 1What I ha&e !one02 'he 'c ea)e!. He 'lappe! he ac o'' the face. 1I tol! yo( to "e 3(#et@ An! yo( ,no$ %oo! an! $ell $hat yo( !#!. Yo( !e't oye! La!y /a" #elle' l#fe $#th yo( l#e'. Yo( $e e he acc('e .2 I'la co&e e! he chee, $#th he han!* tho(%h 'he $a' n()" to the pa#n. 1Yo( tol! )e $hat to 'ay* an! yo( p o)#'e! that #f I !#! e.actly $hat yo( #n't (cte! )e to !o* yo( $o(l! then )a y )e.2 1I $o(l! ne&e )a y yo(. Yo( ep(l'e )e* I'la. Yo( a e 4o'$ol!' n#ece.2 She "e%an to 'o". 1B(t yo( p o)#'e!62 She % a""e! h#' 'lee&e* "(t he p('he! he "ac,. 1/et a$ay f o) )e.2 1I l#e! fo yo(.2 1Ye'* yo( !#!*2 he a!)#tte!. 1B(t no one $#ll e&e ,no$ the t (th no$* $#ll they02 1Why0 Why !#! yo( ha&e )e !o #t0 Why !#! yo( $ant to !e't oy La!y /a" #elle02 1I ,ne$ I co(l!nt ha&e he * an! I $ante! to )a,e '( e 4o'$ol! co(l!nt ha&e he * e#the . Then !o yo( ,no$ $hat I planne! to !o0 I $a' %o#n% to f#n! he an! ta,e he to )y ho)e. I! ('e he e&e y n#%ht. 5#ct( e #t* I'la. I $o(l! to(ch he * ca e'' he * $o 'h#p he 62 She t #e! to h#t h#)* "(t he la(%he! a' he fen!e! off he attac,. 1What a pathet#c c eat( e yo( a e6an! 'o %(ll#"le. I ,ne$ 4o'$ol! $o(l! co)e (p $#th a '( p #'e* an! he !#!nt !#'appo#nt )e. He a #&e! $#th a " an!<ne$ $ #t '#%ne! "y the ,#n%. B(t I $a' p epa e!. I ha! yo(. Aye* yo( $e e my l#ttle '( p #'e #f all el'e fa#le!. An! yo( ca)e fo th at )y '#%nal +('t a' I ha! #n't (cte! yo(. If I co(l!nt ha&e /a" #elle #n )a #a%e* I $o(l! %et he anothe $ay.2

1I $#ll tell e&e yone $hat yo( !#!*2 'he th eatene!. He !e&a'tat#on ha! t( ne! to a%e. 1Dont yo( )ean $hat you !#!0 If yo( tell anyone yo( !e't oye! La!y /a" #elle $#th yo( l#e'* yo( $#ll "e con!e)ne!. 1I tol! yo( that I )#%ht nee! yo( to l#e 'o that I co(l! %et F#nney' Flat an! "a te #t a$ay fo %ol!* an! yo( an! I co(l! l#&e a #ch* happy l#fe to%ethe . Ho$ 't(p#! yo( a e. D#! yo( not th#n, that :#n% >ohn $o(l! ta,e the lan! "ac,0 Ah* I can 'ee f o) yo( eye' that yo( ha! not tho(%ht #t. B(t then I !#!nt e.pect yo( $o(l!. Yo( $e e fool eno(%h to th#n, I co(l! lo&e yo(. Why not "el#e&e e&e yth#n% el'e I tol! yo(02 1If yo( $ant /a" #elle 'o )(ch* $hy a e yo( )a y#n% th#' Beat #ce $o)an02 I'la 'o""e!. 1She ha' $ealth*2 5e cy a!)#tte!. 1She $#ll "e &e y ('ef(l to )e. An! 'o)e!ay Ill e'()e )y 'ea ch fo /a" #elle. I !ont %#&e (p ea'#ly. Yo( (ncle 'ho(l! ,no$ that.2 1I $#ll tell :#n% >ohn that yo( )a!e )e l#e.2 He 'no te!. 1He $ont "el#e&e yo(.2 1A e yo( 'o ce ta#n I $ont "el#e&e he * 5e cy02 T he "a on ! oppe! h#' %o"let* 'o 'hoc,e! $a' he to 'ee H#' H#%hne'' 'tan!#n% #n the !oo $ay. 1Yo( )#'(n!e 'tan! o( con&e 'at#on*2 5e cy 'ta))e e!. 1What !#! yo( hea * an! I $#ll e.pla#n-2 1S#lence@2 the ,#n% 'ho(te!. He )ot#one! to t$o %(a !'. 1Ma,e ce ta#n Ba on 5e cy 'tay' 3(#et $h#le I 'pea, to th#' $o)an.2 I'la $a' te #f#e!* "(t he f( y at 5e cy o&e o!e he !e'# e to 'a&e he 'elf. He hea! $a' "o$e!* "(t o(t of the co ne of he eye 'he $atche! the ,#n% a' he cl#)"e! th ee 'tep' an! 'at #n h#' oyal cha# . 1/et to yo( ,nee' #n f ont of )e an! tell )e a"o(t th#' l#e*2 he o !e e! he . She th e$ he 'elf to the floo an! confe''e! e&e yth#n%* "e%%#n% fo )e cy at the en!. >ohn $a' 'eeth#n%. He calle! 4o'$ol! "ac, #nto the hall an! )a!e I'la epeat he 'to y. I'la co(l!nt loo, at he (ncle* 'o % eat $a' he 'ha)e an! he fea . 1/et he o(t of )y '#%ht*2 the ,#n% o !e e!* an! a' h#' 'ol!#e ' $e e 'to )#n% to$a ! he * I'la c #e! o(t* 1Ha&e )e cy* plea'e. What #' to "eco)e of )e0 Whe e $#ll I %o02 >ohn )ot#one! to the %(a !' to $a#t. He eye! I'la col!ly. 1D#! yo( e&e $o y $hat $o(l! happen to La!y /a" #elle0 D#! yo( $on!e $he e 'he $o(l! %o02 I'la po#nte! to 5e cy. 1He )a!e )e l#e.2 She $a' ! a%%e! o(t of the hall* 'c ea)#n% an! c y#n%. When the !oo clo'e! "eh#n! he * >ohn con'#!e e! h#' "a on'. Ne#the 4o'$ol! no 5e cy 'a#! a $o !. They $a#te! to hea $hat the# ,#n% $o(l! !ec#!e. 4o'$ol! $o #e! the ,#n% $o(l! "la)e h#) fo I'la' con!(ct* an! 5e cy $o #e! h#' lan!' $o(l! "e conf#'cate!. 1S( ely "oth of yo( a e a$a e of the t o("le I face the'e !ay'. The no"le' ha&e "een elea'e! f o) the# oath' to )e "eca('e of )y The e #' (n e't an! tal, of con'p# acy. I )('t "e on %(a ! !ay an! n#%ht. No$ one of )y )o't po$e f(l "a on'* /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e* $#ll plot a%a#n't )e "eca('e of yo(* 4o'$ol!* #n )y na)e "an#'he! h#' !a(%hte . At th#' )o)ent /eoff ey '( ely #' %athe #n% h#' fo ce'.2 1:#ll h#) an! "e !one $#th the $o y*2 5e cy '(%%e'te!. 1Yo( fool. /eoff ey ha' )any #nfl(ent#al f #en!' $ho $#ll "e a' o(t a%e! a' he #'. They $#ll +o#n h#) #n f#%ht#n% )e. Wo(l! yo( ha&e )e ,#ll the) all0 An! $#ll yo( an! 4o'$ol! pay the# ta. to )e02 1Yo( ,no$ $e cannot*2 5e cy 'a#!. 1I ha&e ene)#e' $ho a#! 5h#ll#p of F ance. He $o(l! ha&e )y c o$n. I !ont nee! )o e p o"le)'. Whe e #' La!y /a" #elle no$0 I' 'he 't#ll al#&e02 1I "el#e&e 'he #' l#&#n% $#th a clan h#%h (p no th. They a e a p #)#t#&e % o(p.2

1Do yo( ,no$ #f any )an ha' cla#)e! he fo h#' o$n02 1No* "(t $hat $o(l! #t )atte 0 Yo( co(l! fo ce he to co)e "ac, to En%lan!*2 4o'$ol! 'a#!. >ohn 'hoo, h#' hea!. 1Yo( ha&e ta,en )y po$e o&e he a$ay* yo( fool. When yo( anno(nce! that 'he ha' no co(nt y* yo( al'o anno(nce! that 'he !oe' not an'$e to )e.2 1B(t yo( co(l! 't#ll fo ce he -2 1A(#et.2 >ohn con'#!e e! the p o"le) fo 'e&e al )#n(te' "efo e co)#n% to a !ec#'#on. 1I )('t f# 't )a,e peace $#th Ba on /eoff ey "efo e he %athe ' all#e' a%a#n't )e. I $#ll 'en! $o ! to h#) that I ha&e fo(n! o(t the t (th a"o(t h#' #nnocent !a(%hte . /a" #elle $#ll "e %#&en F#nney' Flat. If 'he #'nt )a #e!* I $#ll f#n! a '(#ta"le h('"an! fo he .2 1An! #f 'he #'02 4o'$ol! a',e!. 1Then F#nney' Flat $#ll "e )y $e!!#n% %#ft to he .2 1La# ! Mac:enna $o(l! ta,e he fo h#' $#fe no$ that 'he ha' "een p o&en #nnocent*2 4o'$ol! 'a#!. The ,#n% 'too!. 1I "el#e&e yo( !#! not ha&e a pa t #n th#' t eache y of l#e'* 4o'$ol!. Yo( $#ll cont#n(e to "e )y h()"le 'e &ant. A' fo 5e cy* I th#n, yo( 'ho(l! ha&e t#)e to con'#!e yo( t an'% e''#on'. He )ot#one! to h#' %(a !'. 1Ta,e h#) a$ay.2 A' 5e cy $a' "e#n% e'co te! o(t of the hall* 4o'$ol! 'teppe! #n f ont of h#). 5e cy %lo$e e! at h#' ene)y. 1Th#' #'nt o&e *2 he h#''e!. 4o'$ol! ')# ,e!. 1I th#n, #t #'.2 In a $h#'pe * he a!!e!* 1An! I $#n.2

4OLM WAS HEADIN/ OUTSIDE TO /I;E ORDERS TO HIS )en a' /a" #elle $a' co)#n% !o$n the 'ta# '. 1/oo! )o n#n%*2 'he calle! o(t. 1It' %o#n% to "e a f#ne !ay to!ay* #'nt #t02 He 'toppe! an! $a#te! fo he to each h#). She $a' a "onny '#%ht to "e '( e. He %o$n $a' a oyal "l(e* an! tho(%h he $o(l! ha&e p efe e! he to $ea h#' colo '* 'he 't#ll loo,e! "ea(t#f(l. Ha! they al ea!y "een )a #e!* he ,ne$ e.actly $hat he $o(l! !o at th#' &e y )o)ent. He $o(l! p#c, he (p* ca y he "ac, to h#' "e!* an! ta,e h#' t#)e e)o&#n% he clothe'. The e $a' no $ay he $a' %o#n% to )a,e #t f#&e )o e )onth' $#tho(t "e!!#n% he * an! he !ec#!e! that a' 'oon a' he et( ne! ho)e* he $o(l! o !e the p #e't to "le'' the# (n#on. When 4ol) f# 't too, he #n* B o!#c, ha! '(%%e'te! that 4ol) !elay the )a #a%e* $a n#n% that #f /a" #elle %ot p e%nant #))e!#ately afte the $e!!#n%* 'o)e )#%ht "el#e&e the "a"e $a' f o) anothe )an. 4ol) ha! anothe 'ol(t#on. He $o(l! ,no$ the "a"e $a' h#' an! ,#ll any )an $ho '(%%e'te! othe $#'e. He tho(%ht a"o(t tell#n% he no$ that he $o(l! )a y he a' 'oon a' he et( ne!* then chan%e! h#' )#n!. He! e.pla#n $h#le the p #e't p epa e! fo the ce e)ony. 1L#a) #' #n cha %e $h#le I a) a$ay* an! #f yo( ha&e any p o"le)'* %o to h#). He $#ll ,no$ $hat to !o*2 he tol! he . 1May I a', $he e yo( a e %o#n%02 /a" #elle 'a#!. The 3(e't#on p(77le! h#). He ha! al ea!y )a!e h#' #ntent#on' clea to he . Ha! 'he fo %otten 'o 'oon0 1To $a * /a" #elle.2 She nea ly fell o&e . 1Now0 Yo( e %o#n% to $a now02

1Why !o yo( act 'o '( p #'e!0 I tol! yo( $hat I $a' %o#n% to !o.2 She % a""e! h#' a ) an! hel! t#%ht 'o that he $o(l!nt %et a$ay f o) he (nt#l he ha! p ope ly e.pla#ne!. 1Yo( 'a#! yo( $e e %o#n% to ,#ll Mac:enna.2 1Ah* 'o yo( !o e)e)"e . No$ let %o of )e 'o that I )ay-2 1Yo( cant +('t %o to $a * 4ol).2 /a" #elle co(l!nt "el#e&e $hat 'he $a' hea #n%. Ha! he %otten (p th#' )o n#n%* eaten h#' " ea,fa't* calle! h#' )en to a )'* an! no$ tho(%ht he $o(l! #!e #nto "attle0 1Yo( a e not p epa e!.2 1Ho$ a) I not p epa e!02 Ha! he ne&e %one to $a "efo e0 Wa' that $hy he !#!nt ,no$ $hat he $a' '(ppo'e! to !o0 1Yo( ha&ent !ecla e! $a f# 't*2 'he #n't (cte!. 1Then yo( )('t 'pen! $ee,'* #f not )onth'* on p epa at#on. The e a e $eapon' to "e )a!e an! pac,e! #n a $a%on* foo! to pac, a' $ell to '('ta#n yo( )en !( #n% "attle* an! all othe nece''a y e3(#p)ent )('t "e ca ef(lly place! #n $a%on' an! ta,en alon% fo yo( co)fo t'.2 He conta#ne! h#' la(%hte an! a',e!* 1E.pla#n the'e nece''a y co)fo t' to )e.2 She tho(%ht a"o(t $hat the no"le' too, $#th the) $hen they $ent to $a . 1Yo( $#ll nee! a 't on% tent 'o that yo( $#ll "e 'helte e! f o) the a#n* an! a (% to place #n'#!e the tent 'o that yo( $#ll not ha&e to 'tep "a efoot on the ha ! % o(n! $hen yo( %et o(t of yo( "e!.2 1An! !o I ta,e )y "e! $#th )e02 1So)e $o(l!.2 1What a"o(t $#ne0 Ho$ )any "a el' 'ho(l! I ta,e $#th )e02 1A' )any a' yo( th#n, yo( $#ll nee!*2 'he 'a#!. 1The e a e (le'* 4ol)* e&en fo yo( to follo$. In a c#&#l#7e! $a -2 1Wa #' ne&e c#&#l#7e!* an! yo( ha&e +('t !e'c #"e! to )e ho$ the En%l#'h p epa e fo $a . By no$ yo( 'ho(l! ha&e not#ce! that I a) not En%l#'h.2 1Yo( 't#ll )('t p epa e.2 1I ha&e )y '$o !* )y "o$* an! a 'o(n! ho 'e. I ha&e no nee! fo )o e.2 1Then I $#ll p ay that yo( f#n#'h yo( $a "efo e yo( %et h(n% y o th# 'ty.2 She t #e! to $al, a$ay* "(t he % a""e! he an! ,#''e! he 'o(n!ly. 1W#ll yo( co)e "ac, to )e02 'he a',e!. 1I $#ll.2 An! then he $a' %one.

4OLM AND HIS SOLDIERS ha! "een %one f o) the hol!#n% fo fo( !ay' an! n#%ht' $hen La!y >oan D(n"a a #&e! to pay he '#'te a &#'#t. /a" #elle $a' )o't c( #o(' to )eet the $o)an 4ol) ha! #nten!e! to )a y. She )a!e (p he )#n! that* no )atte ho$ p etty >oan $a' o ho$ '$eet he !#'po'#t#on* 'he $o(l! not "e +ealo(' of he . 4ol) o"&#o('ly ca e! a"o(t the $o)an* o he $o(l!nt ha&e a% ee! to )a y he . He )#%ht e&en ha&e lo&e! he . B(t /a" #elle $o(l! not "e +ealo('. 4ol) !#!nt lo&e /a" #elle. He ha! '#)ply "een t appe! "y a 't(p#! !e"t. He ne&e $o(l! ha&e %#&en he a 'econ! %lance othe $#'e. D#! >oan lo&e 4ol)0 Ho$ co(l! 'he not0 He $a' a han!'o)e* &# #le* 't on% )an-a p otecto . An! #f >oan lo&e! h#)* 'o $hat0 /a" #elle 't#ll $o(l!nt "e +ealo('. 5e hap' 'he an! >oan co(l! e&en "eco)e f #en!'. It $o(l! "e n#ce to ha&e a $o)an $#th $ho) to tal, of )atte ' that )en $o(l! ha&e no #nte e't #n. An! 'he an! >oan !#! ha&e one th#n% #n co))on= 4ol). Ye'* they +('t )#%ht "eco)e f #en!'.

B(t that $a' not to happen. Afte 'pen!#n% f#&e )#n(te' $#th the $o)an* /a" #elle ,ne$ they $o(l! ne&e "e f #en!'. The ea'on $a' '#)ple= La!y >oan $a' a "#tch* an! a )ean one at that. F#ona #nt o!(ce! he '#'te . >oan $a' )(ch talle an! th#nne than /a" #elle. She !#!nt 'ee) to ha&e )any c( &e'. She $a' )o e 'tat(e'3(e. He ha# $a' 'o lon% #t to(che! he $a#'t* an! the colo $a' a' pale a' he co)ple.#on. Lon% la'he' fanne! ac o'' he a7( e eye'. She $a' p etty* an! 'he ,ne$ #t. >oan ,ept '$eep#n% he ha# o&e he 'ho(l!e $#th the "ac, of he han! #n a ! a)at#c %e't( e )eant to ! a$ attent#on to he c( l'. 1Th#' #' La!y /a" #elle* >oan*2 F#ona 'a#!. 1I e.pla#ne! to he that yo( an! La# ! MacH(%h $e e to )a y an! then Fathe fo )e! an all#ance $#th La# ! D(n"a an! fo ce! yo( to )a y h#).2 >oan 'ta e! at /a" #elle a' 'he a',e! he '#'te * 1D#! yo( al'o e.pla#n that )y h('"an! #' !ea!* an! I a) no$ f ee to )a y 4ol)0 An! !#! yo( e.pla#n that I f(lly #nten! to !o 'o02 La!y >oan !#!nt %et 3(#te the eact#on 'he e.pecte!. /a" #elle $a' 'o '( p #'e! "y $hat 'he! 'a#!* 'he "( 't #nto la(%hte . 1Stop la(%h#n%*2 >oan !e)an!e!. 1I ha&ent 'a#! anyth#n% a)('#n%.2 1I $o(l! offe yo( )y con!olence' on the lo'' of yo( h('"an!* "(t yo( 'ee) to ha&e %otten pa't )o( n#n% h#).2 >oan $a%%e! a f#n%e at /a" #elle. 1I&e hea ! all a"o(t yo(.2 1It' o!! that I ha&ent hea ! anyth#n% a"o(t yo(.2 1May"e that' "eca('e Im not a $ho e.2 /a" #elle 'h (%%e!* an! that act#on f( the #nc#te! >oan' an%e . 14ol) $ont )a y a $ho e* an! that' $hat yo( a e.2 /a" #elle ,ne$ that >oan $ante! he to !efen! he 'elf* "(t 'he $a'nt %o#n% to acco))o!ate he . 1En+oy yo( &#'#t*2 'he 'a#! an! then $al,e! a$ay. That n#%ht* a' /a" #elle $a' p(ll#n% the co&e ' "ac,* 'he tho(%ht a"o(t >oan an! $hat 'he ha! 'a#!. One !ay* afte 'he $a' )a #e! to 4ol)* 'he $o(l! tell h#) 'he ha! 'a&e! h#) f o) a fate $o 'e than !eath. Aye* 'he! 'a&e! h#) f o) >oan.

THE WAR WASNT 4I;ILI8ED. IT WAS BLOODY AND HARD<FOU/HT. MacH(%h )a!e no p eten'e of a '( p #'e attac,. He ha! )a!e '( e that Mac:enna ,ne$ he $a' co)#n% "y 'en!#n% $o ! to '( o(n!#n% clan' that he $a' ea!y to a&en%e h#' " othe . When the ne$' eache! the Mac:enna hol!#n%* the la# ! all#e! h#' 'ol!#e ' to "attle* "(t he ha!nt ha! t#)e to call h#' all#e'. He '$o e that the MacH(%h' $o(l! ne&e 'tep foot on Mac:enna lan!. Mac:enna $o(l! )eet the ene)y hea!<on an! )a,e the f# 't 't #,e. Mac:enna ne&e &a #e! h#' 't ate%y* "el#e&#n% $hat ha! $o ,e! #n the pa't $o(l! $o , a%a#n. He $o(l! 't #,e an! et eat* a%a#n an! a%a#n* $#th $a&e afte $a&e of a''a(lt'. Altho(%h h#' )en $e ent a' $ell<t a#ne!* they $e e t$#ce #n n()"e * an! he co(l! )o&e f e'h t oop' #n afte each $a&e. He ha! anothe a!&anta%e a' $ell= h#' a che '. A' the MacH(%h' po( e! !o$n the )o(nta#n an! c o''e! the flat'* the e $o(l! "e no place to h#!e. E&en #f they )ana%e! to each the "o !e of the flat'* h#' a che ' $o(l! "e $a#t#n% to f#n#'h the) off. 4ol) co(nte! on Mac:enna' 't(p#!#ty.

It ne&e occ( e! to La# ! Mac:enna that the MacH(%h' co(l! c o'' the flat' #n the !a ,. E&en fool' $o(l! ne&e t y to #!e ac o'' $hat they co(l! not 'ee. W#tho(t l#%ht* the# ho 'e' co(l! 't()"le an! falte . B(t the MacH(%h' !#!nt #!e the# ho 'e'* they '#lently le! the) ac o''. By )o n#n% l#%ht they ha! )a!e a $#!e c# cle an! $e e #n po'#t#on "eh#n! the# ene)y. They a!&ance!* fo c#n% the Mac:enna' to en%a%e #n "attle o (n. Mo't of the) an. Once they fl('he! the Mac:enna' #nto the open* they fo(%ht $#th the# '$o !' an! $#th the# f#'t'. The "attle $a' 3(#c,ly $on* fo the Mac:enna' fo(%ht l#,e the co$a !' they $e e. One e&en t #e! to ('e anothe a' a 'h#el! a%a#n't MacH(%h' '$o !. 4ol) ,#lle! the) "oth $#th one ha ! th ('t* h#' "la!e c(tt#n% th o(%h t$o "o!#e' +('t "elo$ the# hea t'. 4ol) $a' al$ay' the f# 't to %o #nto "attle. He le! h#' )en. Mac:enna $a' al$ay' the la't* f#%ht#n% only $hen the e $a' l#ttle act(al !an%e of %ett#n% ,#lle!. Bo!#e' co&e e! the f#el! l#,e ('he'. E&e y !ea! Mac:enna $a' t( ne! o&e #n 'ea ch of the la# !. B(t he $a' not to "e fo(n!. 4ol) 'too! #n the )#!!le of the ca na%e* h#' '$o ! ! #pp#n% Mac:enna "loo!* en a%e! that Mac:enna ha! 'l#ppe! a$ay. 1F#n! h#)@2 he oa e!. The Mac:enna ,eep $a' "loc,e! off. The h(nt cont#n(e!. 4ol) fo(n! h#' ene)y th ee lon% !ay' late * h#!#n% l#,e a co$a ! #n a % otto nea the "l(ff o&e loo,#n% Loch /o noch. W#th '$o !' ! a$n* t$o of Mac:enna' 'ol!#e ' 'too! %(a ! #n f ont of the# la# !. B ae!en leape! f o) h#' ho 'e an! an to 4ol)' '#!e. 1Stan! "ac,*2 4ol) o !e e!. H#' eye' loc,e! on Mac:enna a' the t$o Mac:enna 'ol!#e ' an fo the# l#&e'. / a'p#n% h#' '$o ! #n "oth han!'* 4ol) a#'e! h#' a )' h#%h o&e h#' hea!. The la't #)a%e O$en Mac:enna 'a$ $a' a loo)#n% 'ha!o$. The la't 'o(n! he hea ! $a' the )('#c of the '$o !.

/ABRIELLE STOOD AT THE WINDOW IN HER 4HAMBER an! $atche! a % o(p of "oy' f#%ht#n% $#th $oo!en '$o !'. She hea ! one of the) yell that #t $a' h#' t( n to play La# ! MacH(%h* an! 'he 'oon lea ne! that )eant he %ot to $#n. The e $e e al$ay' t$o $#nne ' on the# p eten! "attlef#el!* 4ol) an! L#a). She $on!e e! #f the la# ! an! h#' " othe ,ne$ ho$ )(ch they $e e a!)# e! "y the# clan. The )#'ch#ef<)a,e '* Ethan an! To)* 'too! on the '#!el#ne' "e%%#n% to "e allo$e! to +o#n #n* "(t the ol!e "oy' ,ept p('h#n% the) "ac, an! #%no #n% the). She $a' '( p #'e! the l#ttle one' %a&e (p 'o ea'#ly. They p(t the# hea!' to%ethe * %#%%le! lo(!ly* an! then too, off (nn#n% a o(n! the '#!e of the ca'tle. They ha! al ea!y )o&e! on to the# ne.t a!&ent( e. Hea #n% the ch#l! en' la(%hte l#%htene! /a" #elle' )oo!. She ha! "een 'o )elancholy '#nce 4ol) left* an! he ha! "een %one '(ch a lon% t#)e. Wa' he 'afe0 5lea'e /o!* ,eep h#) 'afe. She ,ne$ $hat e&#l Mac:enna $a' capa"le of* fo the e $a' p oof that he ha! plotte! L#a)' to t( e an! )( !e . In the la't fe$ !ay' 'he ha! hea ! n()e o(' 'to #e' a"o(t La# ! Mac:enna* an! each one pa#nte! a p#ct( e of a ty ant $ho ('e! othe ' to ca y o(t h#' 'a!#'t#c plan'. H#' loyalty to h#' clan $ent only a' fa a' the "enef#t he ece#&e! pe 'onally. If h#' follo$e ' !#'plea'e! h#)* they $e e e.pelle!* o $o 'e* ,#lle!. He e&en ('e! $o)en an! ch#l! en a' 'h#el!' a%a#n't ho't#le ne#%h"o #n% clan'. Ho('#n% the) nea the fo t e'' $all'* he )a!e '( e any la# ! $ho !a e! attac, the Mac:enna hol!#n% ,ne$ they $e e f# 't ,#ll#n% the'e !ete ent'.

A' /a" #elle l#'tene! to each ho en!o(' tale* 'he tho(%ht "ac, to the )an 'he ha! )et at A "ane A""ey. La# ! Mac:enna' %ene o'#ty to the )on,' ha! no !o("t "een pa t of h#' 'che)e. The a""ot ha! "een !ece#&e!* an! 'o ha! 'he. At h#' #nt o!(ct#on* /a" #elle ha! tho(%ht the )an a)#a"le an! att act#&e* an! no$ that 'he ,ne$ the t (th* 'he a!)on#'he! he 'elf fo )a,#n% +(!%)ent' "a'e! on appea ance. She ha! "een $ on% a"o(t h#)* an! 'he ha! "een $ on% a"o(t 4ol) a' $ell. Ha! 'he only loo,e! at 4ol)' o(%h e.te #o * 'he $o(l! ne&e ha&e 'een the hea t of the )an. She t #e! not to th#n, a"o(t Mac:enna an! $hat )('t "e happen#n%* "(t late at n#%ht $hen 'he $a' h(!!le! (n!e the co&e '* 'leep $o(l! el(!e he * an! he #)a%#nat#on $o(l! (n a)pant. All 'o t' of ho #"le #)a%e' $o(l! co)e #nto he )#n!. She $o(l! #)a%#ne 4ol) ly#n% #n+( e!* all alone* $#th no one to help h#). The po''#"#l#ty that he )#%ht !#e $a' too (n"ea a"le to con'#!e . H#' clan nee!e! h#). Sho&#n% one $o y f o) he )#n!* #t 'ettle! on anothe . Why ha!nt 'he hea ! f o) he fathe 0 The e ha! "een eno(%h t#)e fo h#) to ha&e %otten $o ! to he o to the B(chanan'. The lon%e 'he $a#te! to hea * the )o e con&#nce! 'he "eca)e that Well#n%'h# e $a' (n!e '#e%e an! that :#n% >ohn' 'ol!#e ' ha! ta,en h#) capt#&e. /a" #elle ,ne$ he fathe $o(l! ne&e '( en!e . So )any $e e '(ffe #n% no$6an! all "eca('e of a l#e. /a" #elle hope! that one !ay 'he $o(l! ,no$ $hy the $o)an ha! 'a#! '(ch he#no(' th#n%' a"o(t he . Ho$ co(l! 'he 'o "l#thely !e't oy 'o)eone 'he !#!nt ,no$0 Whe e $a' he con'c#ence0 Ha! I'la felt any e)o 'e0 O ha! 'he* l#,e 'o )any othe '* !#'co&e e! a $ay to +('t#fy he e&#l !ee!'0 /a" #elle !#!nt ha&e any an'$e '. She ,ne$ only that fea co(l! pa aly7e he #f 'he allo$e! #t. She nee!e! to ,eep "('y. If 'he $o ,e! ha ! eno(%h an! )o&e! fa't eno(%h* the e $o(l! "e no t#)e to $o y. No$* a' 'he 't a#%htene! (p he cha)"e * 'he 'a#! anothe p aye that /o! $o(l! $atch o&e he fathe an! 4ol). Feel#n% a ch#ll #n the a# * 'he $ent to the $#n!o$ to lo$e the tape't y. Befo e the hea&y fa" #c fell #nto place* 'he %lance! once a%a#n at the "oy' play#n% "elo$. So)eth#n% ca(%ht he eye an! 'he 3(#c,ly p('he! the c( ta#n "ac,. 1Oh* !ea Lo !.2 She p#c,e! (p he ',# t'* th e$ the !oo open* an! an a' fa't a' 'he co(l!. She nea ly " o,e he nec, fly#n% !o$n the 'ta# '. L#a) $a' #n the hall $hen he hea ! he 'ho(t. He ,#c,e! a cha# o(t of h#' $ay a' he ca)e (nn#n%. 1/a" #elle* $hat' $ on%02 He ca(%ht he a' 'he t #e! to (n pa't h#). 1Ethan6To)6$#th '$o !'*2 'he %a'pe!. 1Ye'* I 'a$ the "oy' play#n% o(t'#!e* "(t $hat-2 1Real '$o !'*2 'he 'ta))e e!. 1They&e %ot eal-2 She !#!nt ha&e to cont#n(e. L#a) (n!e 'too! $hat 'he $a' t y#n% to tell h#). He $a' )(ch fa'te than 'he $a' an! ha! al ea!y &an#'he! !o$n the 'econ! 'et of 'ta# '. /a" #elle p('he! a cl()p of ha# o(t of he eye' an! too, a !eep " eath* then p#c,e! (p he ',# t' a%a#n an! cha'e! afte h#). The e $e ent any "loo!<c( !l#n% 'c ea)'* $h#ch $a' a %oo! #n!#cat#on the "oy' ha!nt c(t the)'el&e'. St#ll* 'he $ante! to )a,e ce ta#n they $e e all #%ht. By the t#)e 'he eache! the f# 't floo * 'he ha! p#c,e! (p a %oo! a)o(nt of 'pee!. The !oo $a' +('t clo'#n% a' 'he an o(t'#!e. It 't (c, he on the h#p* ,noc,#n% he off "alance an! 'en!#n% he 'p#nn#n% !o$n the 'tep' #nto the co( tya !. She )#%ht ha&e "een a"le to 'a&e he 'elf f o) fall#n% on he face #f he le%' ha!nt %otten ca(%ht (p #n he %o$n. She t #ppe! o&e he o$n feet an! once a%a#n $ent fly#n% th o(%h the a# * tho(%h th#' t#)e 'he $a' '( e to lan! on he hea!.

4ol) 'a&e! he f o) " ea,#n% he nec,. He ha! To) $ appe! f# )ly #n one a ) $hen he 'a$ he . To''#n% the "oy to 4h #'t#en* he % a""e! fo /a" #elle an! 'he lan!e! a%a#n't h#' che't $#th a th(!. /a" #elle (tte e! an (nla!yl#,e e.plet#&e 'he hope! no one hea !* loo,e! (p* an! only then eal#7e! 'he $a' #n 4ol)' a )'. She $a' 'o happy to 'ee h#)* 'he ,#''e! h#). He ha!nt 'ha&e!* an! 'he felt the " #'tle' of h#' "ea ! a%a#n't he chee,. He '3(ee7e! he +('t eno(%h to let he ,no$ he $a' happy to 'ee he * too. At lea't that #' $hat 'he $ante! to "el#e&e. She 'teppe! "ac,. 1Yo( a e $ell02 1Ye'.2 1An! the "attle02 1F#n#'he!.2 1An! the o(tco)e02 1A' e.pecte!.2 She ,ne$ he $a'nt %o#n% to tell he anyth#n% )o e* an! tho(%h 'he tho(%ht he co(l! ha&e "een a l#ttle le'' (!e a"o(t #t* 'he $a' too happy to 'ee h#) to let #t # #tate he . L#a) $al,e! pa't the) $#th Ethan t(c,e! (n!e h#' a ). The "oy $a' yell#n% fo L#a) to p(t h#) !o$n 'o that he co(l! %et h#' '$o !. W#th To) #n to$* 4h #'t#en follo$e! the) #n'#!e. The ch#l! chatte e! a$ay an! !#!nt 'ee) to )#n! that the %(a ! pa#! no attent#on. Fo a )o)ent /a" #elle an! 4ol) $e e alone. 1I ha&e )#''e! yo(*2 'he 'a#!. She hope! he $o(l! tell he that he ha! al'o )#''e! he * "(t he only %a&e he a 3(#c, no!. An! then he " o,e he hea t. 1/a" #elle* I ,no$ I tol! yo( I $o(l! )a y yo( #n '#. )onth' t#)e62 he "e%an. 1Ye'* an! a )onth al)o't ha' al ea!y pa''e!.2 1It !oe'nt )atte ho$ lon% #t' "een. I can no lon%e ,eep )y p o)#'e.2 W#lla 'toppe! h#) f o) 'ay#n% )o e. 1La# !* "e%%#n% a )#n(te of yo( t#)e62 'he calle! a' 'he app oache!* $#p#n% he han!' on he ap on. 1Tho'e l#ttle #)p' ha&e "een at #t a%a#n. They&e %otten #nto the pen' #n the "ac, an! te o #7e! )y poo hen'* an! no$ they $ont lay the# e%%'. I '$ea I 'a$ one of the) h#!e $hen Ethan an! To) an pa't. I) af a#! yo( e %o#n% to ha&e to "an the) f o) the ya !.2 1All #%ht* W#lla. Ill ta,e ca e of #t*2 he an'$e e!. O(t of the co ne of h#' eye* he 'a$ othe ' co)#n%-the 'tone)a'on hol!#n% yet anothe 'h e!!e! ope #n h#' han!'* the ')#th $#th the ne$ '$o ! "la!e ea!y to "e #n'pecte!* the yo(n% 'ol!#e -all $#th #))e!#ate p o"le)' to "e 'ol&e!. He an'$e e! 'e&e al 3(e't#on' an! then )ot#one! to e&e yone el'e to $a#t 'o that he co(l! f#n#'h e.pla#n#n% to /a" #elle $hat he planne! to !o. She $a' no$he e #n '#%ht. 1What the6/a" #elle@2 he 'ho(te!. 1Be%%#n% yo( #n!(l%ence* La# !* "(t I th#n, yo( la!y #' )a,#n% he $ay to the 'ta"le'*2 the 'ol!#e 'a#!. 1I 'a$ he %(a !' follo$#n%*2 anothe &ol(ntee e!. 1Ah* hell.2 She $a' at #t a%a#n. The $o)an $a' fo e&e t y#n% to lea&e h#). 4all#n% fo B ae!en to ta,e o&e an! an'$e the e)a#n#n% 3(e't#on'* 4ol) hea!e! fo the 'ta"le'. /a" #elle ha! !#'appea e! "efo e he f#n#'he! h#' 'tate)ent* an! the efo e 'he !#! not (n!e 'tan! $hat he ha! "een t y#n% to tell he -that the e $o(l! "e no )a #a%e #n f#&e )onth' "eca('e he co(l! not $a#t f#&e )onth' to "e! he * an! that the la't )onth ha! "een to t( e an! he co(l!nt cont#n(e th#' $ay. He co(l!nt "e #n the 'a)e oo) $#th he $#tho(t th#n,#n% a"o(t $hat he $ante! to !o to he . It $a' %ett#n% #!#c(lo('. She $o(l! $al, (p the 'ta# '9 he $o(l! $al, !o$n. She $al,e! #nto a oo)9 he $al,e! o(t. She ha! no #!ea the po$e 'he hel! o&e h#)* an! 'o he ha! !one e&e yth#n% he co(l! to 'tay a$ay f o) he .

S#nce 'he $a' 'o #nnocent* 'he co(l!nt po''#"ly ,no$ ho$ he to(ch affecte! h#). B(t afte they $e e )a #e!* he $o(l! ta,e h#' t#)e 'ho$#n% he ho$ c a7e! 'he co(l! )a,e h#). He ca(%ht (p $#th he a' 'he $a' open#n% Ro%(e' 'tall. He eache! a o(n! he an! ,#c,e! the %ate 'h(t* then o !e e! he %(a !' to lea&e. W#tho(t 3(e't#on#n%* they f#le! o(t'#!e an! $a#te! at the 'ta"le !oo '. 4ol) $a'nt %entle a' he fo ce! he to t( n a o(n! an! face h#). The e $e e tea ' #n he eye'. 1Yo( a e not lea&#n%*2 he tol! he . 1A' yo( 'ay.2 1No* yo( a e not lea&#n% )e.2 1B(t 4ol)-2 1Yo( a e not lea&#n% )e.2 H#' &o#ce 'hoo, $#th e)ot#on. She p('he! a%a#n't h#' che't* "(t 'he co(l!nt "(!%e h#). 1I cannot 'tay he e*2 'he c #e! o(t. 1I cant. I $ont "e a"le to 'top cha'#n% yo( an! ,#''#n% yo( an! !e)an!#n% yo( attent#on. I ,no$ yo( th#n, yo( can ,eep a&o#!#n% )e* "(t yo( cant* 4ol). I can "e elentle'' $hen #t' 'o)eth#n% I $ant.2 She too, a " eath an! $h#'pe e!* 1An! I $ant yo(.2 An! the e #t $a'* o(t #n the open fo h#) to accept o e+ect. She loo,e! (p at h#). He! %one co)pletely 't#ll. She $a'nt e&en '( e #f he $a' 't#ll " eath#n%. She ,ne$ 'he! 'hoc,e! h#) "y po( #n% he hea t o(t to h#). It $a' (n'ee)ly fo a la!y to a!)#t 'he felt pa''#on* "(t #t $a' too late to ta,e the $o !' "ac,* an! /a" #elle $o(l!nt ha&e $ante! to any$ay. 1Yo( 'ay yo( cannot )a y )e* an! I $#ll accept yo( !ec#'#on*2 'he 'a#!. 1B(t #f I 'taye!* #t $o(l!nt )atte #f $e $e e )a #e! o not. I $o(l! 't#ll cha'e yo(* an! e&ent(ally I $o(l! $ea yo( !o$n. Yo( co(l! not %et a$ay f o) )e.2 He 't o,e! the '#!e of he face $#th the "ac, of h#' han! a' he 't (%%le! to f#n! the $o !' to %#&e he . 1The e a e t#)e' I !ont ,no$ $hat to th#n, of yo(. Yo( con'tantly a'to(n! )e. Yo( 'a&e )y " othe ' l#fe* an! a', noth#n% #n et( n. I offe yo( )a #a%e* an! yo( $o y that I $#ll (#n )y l#fe. Yo( ha&e "een ! a%%e! th o(%h Hell* an! yo( 'ho$ only ,#n!ne''. No$ yo( th#n, I e+ect yo(* an! yo( open yo( hea t to )e. I !ont ,no$ ho$ th#' )# acle ca)e to pa''* "(t I cannot #)a%#ne l#&#n% the e't of )y l#fe $#tho(t yo(. I $ant yo(* /a" #elle* an! I $#ll not $a#t f#&e )onth' to ha&e yo(. We $#ll )a y no$.2

THE WEDDIN/ WOULD TA:E 5LA4E IN TWO WEE:S. IT WAS AS lon% a' 4ol) $a' $#ll#n% to $a#t* an! he "el#e&e! fo( teen !ay' $a' )o e than eno(%h t#)e to p epa e fo the cele" at#on. Ma( na an! W#lla $e e f ant#c. E&e yth#n% nee!e! to "e pe fect fo the# la# ! an! h#' " #!e. Ma( na too, cha %e of the $o)en $ho $o(l! %#&e the ,eep a p ope 'c (""#n% $h#le W#lla an! he helpe ' "e%an )a,#n% the# 'pec#al ec#pe'. The e $o(l! "e phea'ant* f(lly ! e''e! an! t #))e!9 't(ffe! p#%'9 p(llet'* of co( 'e-fo( !o7en $o(l! !o n#cely-)eat p#e'9 an! "e y ta t'. Honey $o(l! "e )#.e! #n al)o't e&e y '$eet !e''e t. The "e't $#ne $o(l! "e 'e &e!. 1Yo(ll "e a &#'#on* )#la!y* float#n% !o$n the 'ta# ' #n yo( f#ne y*2 Ma( na 'a#!. 1Fathe /el oy $#ll hea yo( 'ay yo( &o$' o(t'#!e #n the co( tya !. The e $#ll "e p etty flo$e ' to %a n#'h yo( ha# an! )o e flo$e ' $#ll "e 't e$n #n a c# cle a o(n! yo( an! o( la# !* an! the p #e't a' $ell. Fathe tho(%ht the ce e)ony 'ho(l! ta,e place at A "ane A""ey. A' he e.pla#ne!* yo( a e a p #nce'' of St. B#el an! 'ho(l! ha&e a oyal $e!!#n%* "(t o( la# !

$o(l!nt hea of #t. He #'nt e.pla#n#n% $hy* "(t W#lla an! I th#n, #t' "eca('e he ,no$' h#' clan $o(l! $ant to +o#n #n the cele" at#on.2 1It $#ll "e a % an! !ay*2 W#lla p e!#cte!* 1an! he e "efo e yo( ,no$ #t.2 The "e't<la#! plan' ha! a $ay of chan%#n%.

/ABRIELLE RE4EI;ED >OYOUS NEWS f o) he fathe . La# ! B(chanan ca)e to the MacH(%h hol!#n% to tell he that he ha! ece#&e! a )e''a%e f o) Ba on /eoff ey. 1Yo( fathe #' $ell. He ha' not "een ha )e! "y the ,#n%* no ha&e h#' e'tate' "een 'e#7e!. He ,no$' that yo( a e l#&#n% $#th the MacH(%h clan* an! he $ant' yo( to ,no$ that he $#ll "e he e 'oon to 'ee yo(* an! to e.pla#n $hat happene! $#th the ,#n%. 1The e #' )o e ne$'*2 he a!!e!* loo,#n% at 4ol). 1Yo( fathe "el#e&e' yo( $#ll "e %o#n% ho)e $#th h#).2 1He ,no$' I ha&e "een "anne!. Why $o(l! )y fathe th#n, I co(l! %o #nto En%lan! $#th h#)02 'he 'a#!. B o!#c, ha! no an'$e . Not an ho( late * $h#le 4ol) an! B o!#c, !#'c(''e! the t o("le the ne$ Mon oe la# ! $a' 't# #n% (p* one of the MacH(%h 'ol!#e ' on !(ty at the ! a$" #!%e ca)e to the %ate of the co( tya ! to anno(nce that an en&oy f o) :#n% >ohn $a' a',#n% pe )#''#on to 'pea, to La!y /a" #elle. 1The e a e a "#'hop an! th ee othe holy )en* alon% $#th a fe$ 'e &ant'* t a&el#n% $#th the en&oy*2 he 'a#!. 1They #n'#'t that yo( $#ll $ant to hea $hat they ha&e to 'ay. They " o(%ht a 'c oll $#th the) an! a %#ft fo La!y /a" #elle.2 1An! 'ol!#e '02 4ol) a',e!. 1D#! the en&oy " #n% the ,#n%' 'ol!#e ' a' $ell02 1He !#!* La# !. T$el&e #n all. They ha&e al ea!y place! the# $eapon' on the % o(n! to 'ho$ the# %oo! #ntent#on'.2 4ol) 'coffe!. 1The En%l#'h !ont ha&e %oo! #ntent#on'.2 4ol) $a' %o#n% to ef('e to let any of the) c o'' h#' ! a$" #!%e* "(t B o!#c, ( %e! h#) to econ'#!e . 1A ent yo( c( #o(' to ,no$ $hat they ha&e to 'ay0 An! #f yo( !ont l#,e $hat yo( hea * yo( co(l! al$ay'-2 He 'toppe! $hen he eal#7e! /a" #elle $a' l#'ten#n%. 4ol) %a&e h#' o !e = the 'ol!#e ' $o(l! e)a#n o(t'#!e* "(t the othe ' co(l! co)e fo $a !. The 'ho(t to lo$e the " #!%e echoe! !o$n to the %(a !'. 1/a" #elle* %o #n'#!e*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1A' yo( 'ay.2 She $ante! to 'tay. She $a' a' c( #o(' a' B o!#c, to f#n! o(t $hat the en&oy ha! to 'ay* "(t 'he $o(l! not oppo'e 4ol) #n f ont of h#' ally an! f #en!. Be'#!e'* 'he ,ne$ p ote't#n% $o(l!nt !o any %oo!. Once 4ol) ha! h#' +a$ 'et* noth#n% co(l! chan%e h#' )#n!. Altho(%h no co))an! $a' %#&en* MacH(%h' "e%an to l#ne (p on e#the '#!e of the $o n path f o) the ! a$" #!%e to the co( tya !. Mo't $e e a )e! an! ea!y fo any o(tco)e. /a" #elle tho(%ht they $e e "e#n% o&e ly ca(t#o('. What ha ) co(l! one en&oy* 'o)e holy )en* an! a han!f(l of 'e &ant' ca('e0 None of the p #e't' o 'e &ant' $o(l! "e a )e!* an! the en&oy $o(l! not !a e to ca y a '$o !. To !o 'o $o(l! "e a % a&e #n'(lt to the la# !. Stephen appea e! at /a" #elle' 'ho(l!e an! e.pla#ne! $hat $a' happen#n% a' they )a!e the# $ay #nto the ca'tle. 1It #' "el#e&e! that the p oce''#on #' co)#n% fo yo(* 5 #nce''* $#th the #ntent of ta,#n% yo( a$ay. The clan ,no$' the e a e En%l#'h 'ol!#e ' $a#t#n% o(t'#!e the $all'* an! $o ! ha' 'p ea! that the en&oy " #n%' ne$' to yo(. He co(l! "e ca y#n% an o !e fo yo( to et( n to En%lan!.2 He no!!e! to$a ! the )en 'tan!#n% on e#the '#!e of the path.

1The MacH(%h' a e lett#n% #t "e ,no$n that they $#ll not let yo( "e ta,en a$ay f o) the) $#tho(t a f#%ht.2 1The'e )en ca)e he e (na )e!* an! a e fe$ at that*2 'he 'a#!. 1B(t they $#ll epo t "ac, to the 'ol!#e ' $a#t#n% o(t'#!e the $all'* an! tho'e 'ol!#e ' $#ll tell :#n% >ohn $hat ha' happene! he e to!ay.2 1The e ha' "een 'o )(ch !ece#t of late. Ho$ can $e e&en "e ce ta#n the en&oy co)e' f o) :#n% >ohn02 1We )('t a''()e that he !oe' an! "e p epa e!*2 Stephen an'$e e! % a&ely. >('t a' he eache! fo the !oo * L#a) p(lle! #t open an! ca)e o(t'#!e. He no!!e! to /a" #elle* 'teppe! a'#!e 'o that 'he co(l! pa''* then c o''e! the co( tya ! to ta,e h#' place "e'#!e h#' " othe . They $e e a fea 'o)e '#%ht. 4ol) 'too! #n the )#!!le of the $a #o '. L#a) an! B ae!en $e e on h#' left* B o!#c, to h#' #%ht. 4h #'t#en an! L(c#en +o#ne! the l#ne ne.t to B ae!en. Fa('t $ent to the oppo'#te '#!e to 'tan! "e'#!e B o!#c,. 1/o an! ta,e yo( place $#th the othe '*2 'he 'a#! to Stephen. 1I $#ll 'tay #n'#!e an! ca('e yo( no $o y.2 Stephen "o$e! h#' hea! an! t( ne! to !o a' 'he a',e!. The !oo ha! +('t clo'e! "eh#n! he $hen #t $a' fl(n% open a%a#n a' Fathe /el oy an #n'#!e* loo,#n% l#,e a pac, of $#l! !o%' $a' on h#' heel'. 1The "#'hop ha' co)e*2 he tol! he * 1an! I) not ea!y to ece#&e h#)@2 He ('he! ahea! of he to the 'tep'. Then* e)e)"e #n% co( te'y* /el oy 'toppe! '(!!enly an! let he %o #n f ont of h#). B(t a' 'oon a' they eache! the 'econ! le&el* he c(t a o(n! he an! ace! (p the ne.t fl#%ht. He !#!nt ha&e t#)e to chan%e h#' o"e'* "(t $ante! to at lea't $#pe the !('t off an! $a'h h#' han!' an! face. /a" #elle pace! #n the hall $h#le 'he $a#te! fo 'o)eone to co)e an! tell he the ne$'. 5ant#n% f o) h#' ha'te* Fathe /el oy +o#ne! he a )o)ent late . 1I) to 'tay $#th yo( (nt#l I a) calle! o(t'#!e. O( la# ! $#ll not allo$ fel#c#tat#on' (nt#l the en&oy ha' e.pla#ne! the p( po'e of h#' &#'#t.2 1I $o(l! 'tan! "y the $#n!o$ 'o that I $o(l! 'ee $hat #' happen#n%*2 'a#! /a" #elle* 1"(t tho'e o(t'#!e $o(l! al'o 'ee )e. It $o(l! "e (n'ee)ly.2 1Aye* #t $o(l!*2 the holy )an a% ee!. 1An! #t $o(l! "e $ on% to t y to o&e hea $hat #' "e#n% 'a#!* "(t #f yo( $e e to 'tan! 'l#%htly clo'e to the $#n!o$* yo( co(l!nt help "(t hea 'o)e of the con&e 'at#on. I !o not 'ee any $ on% #f yo( $e e to +('t happen to $al, to$a ! the $#n!o$62 /el oy no!!e!. 1No* no* of co( 'e #t $o(l!nt "e $ on%* an! I a) ce ta#nly #n nee! of f e'h a# .2 The p #e't po'#t#one! h#)'elf at the e!%e of the $#n!o$ $#th the hope he $o(l!nt "e not#ce!. 1I) +('t #n t#)e to 'ee the p oce''#on*2 he epo te!. 1The e #' po)p an! 'plen!o . The "#'hop #' ! e''e! #n h#' #ch f#ne y* #!#n% a !oc#le ho 'e. He' not a yo(n% )an* "(t he' not 'o ol!* e#the .2 1An! the en&oy02 1Wal,#n% he #'* $#th a 'c oll t(c,e! (n!e h#' a ). H#' clothe' a e (n e)a ,a"le* an! I )('t 'ay he 'ee)' the +#tte y 'o t* fo he ,eep' !a t#n% 3(#c, loo,' to h#' left an! #%ht. I th#n, the poo fello$ "el#e&e' he $#ll "e po(nce! on any )#n(te.2 /el oy ch(c,le! a' he a!!e!* 1An! $ell he co(l!. I e)e)"e '(ch a feel#n% )y'elf.2 1What of the othe '02 'he a',e!. 1It #' 3(#te a p oce''#on. F# 't co)e' the "#'hop* then the en&oy* then* one at a t#)e* the )on,'* an! la't the 'e &ant'. I eco%n#7e a fe$ face'. They a e #n!ee! f o) the a""ey.2

/a" #elle ,ept e!%#n% clo'e to /el oy* hop#n% 'he co(l! 'nea, a pee,. The p #e't 'hooe! he "ac,. 1The "#'hop can 'ee 't a#%ht th o(%h th#' $#n!o$* La!y /a" #elle. Do not let h#) 'ee yo(.2 1Then tell )e $hat #' happen#n% no$.2 1The "#'hop #' 't#ll atop h#' ho 'e* "(t he ha' 'toppe!. A 'e &ant #' co)#n% fo $a ! to ta,e the e#n' an! a#! the "#'hop.2 /el oy )a!e the '#%n of the c o'' an! fol!e! h#' han!' a' tho(%h #n p aye . Then he e.pla#ne!. 1The "#'hop !ec#!e! to %#&e h#' "le''#n%. If he ha! hope! the la# !' $o(l! "o$ to h#)* he $a' )#'ta,en. None of the) ha&e )o&e!.2 The "#'hop !#!nt 'ee) offen!e! that 4ol) an! the othe ' !#!nt ! op to the# ,nee'. The 'e &ant 'too! "y h#' '#!e an! hel! the e#n'* "(t the "#'hop !#!nt !#')o(nt. The en&oy ca)e fo $a !. A''()#n% the $a #o 'tan!#n% #n the cente of the 'tone<face! )en to "e La# ! MacH(%h* he a!! e''e! h#). 1H#' H#%hne''* :#n% >ohn of En%lan!* 'en!' $o ! to La!y /a" #elle. She #' he e02 1She #'*2 4ol) an'$e e!* 1"(t yo( $#ll %#&e )e the ,#n%' )e''a%e* an! I $#ll then !ec#!e #f yo( can 'pea, to he .2 The en&oy $a' 3(#c, to a% ee. He clea e! h#' th oat* 't a#%htene! h#' 'ho(l!e '* an! too, a 'tep fo $a !. He then "e%an h#' ehea 'e! 'peech a' a he al! $o(l! !o* #n a lo(! "oo)#n% &o#ce 'o that )any $o(l! hea . 1The e ha' "een a te #"le #n+('t#ce !one to La!y /a" #elle. She ha' "een $ on%ly &#l#f#e! an! pe 'ec(te!. H#' H#%hne'' no$ ,no$' an! ha' a"'ol(te p oof that the la!y #' #nnocent. The ,#n% $ant' #t ,no$n that Ba on /eoff ey of Well#n%'h# e $#ll "e la(!e! an! #chly e'pecte! fo h#' &#%#lance o&e h#' !a(%hte * an! La!y /a" #elle* a t ea'( e to En%lan!* $#ll f o) th#' !ay fo $a ! "e calle! 5 #nce'' /a" #elle of St. B#el an! f #en! to En%lan!' ,#n%.2 The en&oy pa('e! to a$a#t a e'pon'e. It $a' not lon% #n co)#n%. 1E&e y )an he e ,no$' La!y /a" #elle #' #nnocent. We !o not nee! yo( ,#n% to tell (' 'o*2 4ol) 'a#!. 1:#n% >ohn $#ll "e plea'e! to hea that yo( an! othe ' ha&e 'een th o(%h the t eache o(' l#e' tol! an! $ on%ly "el#e&e! "y )any. He $#'he' to p o&e h#' '#nce #ty.2 1An! ho$ $#ll he !o that02 4ol) a',e!. The en&oy hel! o(t the 'c oll 'o all co(l! 'ee the 'eal $a' (n" o,en. 1To p o&e '#nce #ty*2 he epeate!* 1an! #n hope' of fo %#&ene'' fo th#' % #e&o(' #n+('t#ce* H#' Royal H#%hne'' he e"y confe ' the lan! ,no$n a' F#nney' Flat to 5 #nce'' /a" #elle. He ha' '#%ne! h#' na)e an! aff#.e! h#' oyal 'eal a' h#' 'ole)n p o)#'e that the lan! $#ll ne&e "elon% to En%lan! a%a#n. He al'o ha' ha! #t $ #tten that /o! )ay 't #,e h#) #f he !oe' not ,eep h#' $o !.2 The en&oy too, anothe 'tep fo $a ! an! $#th "oth han!' hel! o(t the 'c oll. 4ol) too, #t an! han!e! #t to L#a). 1Why !o the'e p #e't' t a&el $#th yo(02 he a',e!. 1Fo p otect#on* La# ! MacH(%h*2 he an'$e e!. 1It $a' hope!6'#nce ely hope!6that yo( $o(l! hea the )e''a%e f o) )y ,#n% an! not ha ) the )e''en%e .2 4ol) %lance! at B o!#c, "efo e 'pea,#n% to the en&oy a%a#n. 1Holy )en $o(l! not 'a&e yo( f o) )y f#'t #f I $e e !#'plea'e! $#th yo( )e''a%e.2 The en&oy '$allo$e! lo(!ly* an! the "#'hop* hea #n% $hat the la# ! ha! +('t 'a#!* %a&e yet anothe "le''#n%. 1An! a e yo( !#'plea'e!* La# !02 the en&oy a',e!. 1No* I a) not* an! I !o not ,#ll )e''en%e '* e&en $hen the ne$' #' not to )y l#,#n%. Yo( a e $elco)e he e a' lon% a' #t ta,e' yo( to ef e'h yo( 'el&e'. The othe '* too.2 The en&oy $a' $ea, $#th el#ef. 1I than, yo(* La# !* "(t the e #' )o e of the apolo%y to %#&e* an! )o e nee!' 'a#! a"o(t the %#ft. H#' H#%hne'' $#'he' to hea 5 #nce'' /a" #elle ha' fo %#&en h#). She )('t 'ay the $o !' to )e 'o that I )ay 'ay the) to )y ,#n%.2

1My clan $#ll al'o hea th#' apolo%y f o) yo( ,#n%.2 He '#%nale! to B ae!en* $ho 'ho(te! the co))an!. W#th#n )#n(te' )en* $o)en* an! ch#l! en '( o(n!e! the co( tya ! an! 'too! '#lent* $atch#n%. 1/o an! %et yo( p #nce''*2 4ol) o !e e! he %(a !'. The !oo $a' th o$n open an! hel! "y t$o of the )en $ho ha! "een 'tan!#n% %(a !. A )o)ent pa''e! an! then anothe a' all eye' $atche! the ent ance. An! then /a" #elle 'teppe! o(t #nto the l#%ht. An a#! 'o(n!e! a he al!' t ()pet a' the en&oy 'a#!* 1Ha#l to 5 #nce'' /a" #elle.2 He then ! oppe! to h#' ,nee' an! "o$e! h#' hea!. The &#'#to ' f o) the a""ey al'o fell to the# ,nee' to 'ho$ the# e'pect. Sta tle!* /a" #elle loo,e! at 4ol)* (nce ta#n of $hat to !o. It $a' not app op #ate fo the'e )en to ,neel. 4ol) $a'nt %#&#n% he any help. He '#)ply 'ta e! at he an! $a#te! fo he to co)e to h#). She !#!nt !#'appo#nt h#). L#a) )o&e! "ac, 'o that 'he co(l! 'tan! "e'#!e 4ol). 1Yo( )('t %#&e the) pe )#''#on to 'tan!*2 Stephen #n't (cte! #n a $h#'pe . He chee,' fl('he! $#th e)"a a'')ent. 1Yo( )ay 'tan!.2 She '( p #'e! e&e yone then $hen 'he %a&e the en&oy #n't (ct#on'. 1Yo( "o$ to La# ! MacH(%h* fo yo( a e on h#' lan! "y h#' %oo! % ace'* "(t yo( !o not ,neel to )e. If the la# ! $ant' yo( on yo( ,nee'* he $#ll tell yo( 'o.2 A )( )( of app o&al ca)e f o) the MacH(%h'. 4ol) %a&e the en&oy pe )#''#on to 'pea,* an! the en&oy epeate! h#' p epa e! 'peech. The chee ' $e e !eafen#n% $hen he f#n#'he!. He $a#te! (nt#l the no#'e ha! !#e! !o$n an! then a',e!* 1May I tell H#' Royal H#%hne'' that yo( fo %#&e h#)02 /a" #elle $a' a"o(t to an'$e the en&oy an! tell h#) ye'* 'he !#! fo %#&e the ,#n%* "(t 'o)eth#n% hel! he "ac,. Wa' th#' anothe t #c,0 1I $#ll con'#!e #t. Yo( $#ll ha&e yo( an'$e "efo e yo( lea&e he e.2 The en&oy loo,e! 'hoc,e! that 'he !#!nt #))e!#ately a% ee* "(t "o$e! to he $#'he'. 1I $#ll a$a#t yo( an'$e .2 L#a) too, /a" #elle' han!. 1Yo( ha&e al$ay' ha! the acceptance an! e'pect of th#' clan* "(t no$ yo( ha&e the# lo&e.2 4ol) ,noc,e! h#' han! a$ay. 1Yo( $#ll %#&e yo( lo&e to anothe an! lea&e /a" #elle alone.2 L#a) la(%he!. He $#n,e! at /a" #elle an! 'a#!* 1A' yo( 'ay* La# !.2 1La# !* $e )('t cele" ate*2 B ae!en 'a#!* 1fo no$ $e ha&e a p #nce'' an! F#nney' Flat.2 4ol) a% ee! "(t !#!nt $ant any of the o(t'#!e ' to co)e #nto h#' ho)e* not e&en the "#'hop. W#th the $eathe plea'ant an! no a#n clo(! #n '#%ht* he calle! fo ta"le' an! "enche' to "e ca #e! o(t'#!e an! a "a el of ale to "e " o(%ht f o) the "(tte y. The "#'hop $a' f#nally e)o&e! f o) h#' ho 'e* an! he an! h#' )on,' $e e %#&en place' at the ta"le. St#ll '('p#c#o(' of the# En%l#'h &#'#to '* the MacH(%h' $e e et#cent to "e $elco)#n% to the en&oy an! h#' )en. /a" #elle $a' e&en )o e $a y than the MacH(%h'. She ,ept an eye on the en&oy a' he )a!e h#' $ay th o(%h the %athe #n% c o$!. D#'t acte!* 'he "a ely pa#! attent#on to the con&e 'at#on ne.t to he (nt#l 'he hea ! 4ol) p a#'e Fathe /el oy. W#th each $o ! he 'a#!* the p #e't 'ee)e! to % o$ talle . 15e hap' 'oon* La# !* yo( $#ll $#'h to "(#l! Fathe /el oy a chapel*2 /a" #elle '(%%e'te!. 15e hap'*2 he epl#e!. 1The 'tat(e of St. B#el the a""ot ha' ,ept 'afe fo yo( #' 'oon to co)e he e*2 the "#'hop 'a#!. 15e hap' yo( $#ll na)e yo( chapel afte the 'a#nt. I ha&e not hea ! of h#)*2 he a!)#tte!* 1"(t 'o )any $e e 'a#nte! "efo e )y t#)e. Wo(l! yo( ,no$ ho$ )any )# acle' he ha' pe fo )e!02

/a" #elle !#!nt ha&e the fa#nte't #!ea. Fathe /el oy 'a$ he he'#tat#on an! 'a#!* 1St. B#el $a' a %oo! an! holy )an. I) ce ta#n the oyal %(a !' co(l! tell (' the n()"e of )# acle'.2 When the "#'hop left to %et ef e'h)ent* 'he $h#'pe e! to /el oy* 1I a) a'ha)e! that I ha&e fo %otten 'o )(ch a"o(t St. B#el. I* too* $#ll 'ee, #n't (ct#on f o) )y %(a !'.2 Fathe /el oy 'potte! Ma( na ca y#n% o(t a t ay of foo!. 1Ye'* ye'*2 he 'a#!* !#')#''#n% the tal, of 'a#nt'. 1The )eal #' ea!y.2 /a" #elle loo,e! a o(n! #n a'ton#'h)ent a' MacH(%h $o)en ca #e! h(%e t enche ' f#lle! $#th )eat p#e' an! " ea! an! %a)e "# !'. One of the $o)en c o''e! to the co( tya ! $#th yet anothe t ay. E&e yone $a' " #n%#n% foo! to 'ha e. She loo,e! a o(n! fo 4ol)* "(t he ha! !#'appea e!. A' 'he 'et o(t to f#n! h#) he $ay th o(%h the %athe #n% th on% $a' #nte (pte! "y $ell<$#'he ' $ho $ante! to con% at(late he . She $a' patte! on he "ac,* he a )'* an! once on he hea! "y a o"('t $o)an. When 'he f#nally ha! th ea!e! he $ay to the '#!e of the ca'tle* 'he loo,e! fo a 3(#et 'pot. She nee!e! t#)e to th#n,. So)eth#n% #n the "ac, of he )#n! %na$e! at he . Altho(%h the en&oy' anno(nce)ent $a' %oo! ne$'* 'o)eth#n% $a'nt #%ht. What that $a' 'he !#!nt ,no$. 4ol) fo(n! he '#tt#n% on a 'tone. 1/a" #elle* $hat a e yo( !o#n%02 15on!e #n%.2 He p(lle! he #nto h#' a )'* ,#''e! he * an! then t #e! to %et he to %o "ac, to the cele" at#on. 1I th#n, the e )ay "e t #c,e y "y :#n% >ohn* "(t I !ont ,no$ $hat #t )#%ht "e*2 'he tol! h#). 1I $#ll ea! the 'c oll ca ef(lly* an! #f yo( l#,e* I $#ll a', L#a) an! B o!#c, to ea! #t a' $ell*2 he a''( e! he . 1Yo( a e #%ht not to t ('t.2 A' 4ol) $ent to f#n! B o!#c, an! L#a)* an! hea! #n'#!e* /a" #elle et( ne! to the fea't. Ma( na fo ce! he to '#t an! ta'te 'o)e of the offe #n%'. S#nce 'he ha! p epa e! one of the )eat p#e'* 'he #n'#'te! that /a" #elle "e %#&en a %oo! help#n%. 4on&e 'at#on $h# le! a o(n! he . The e $a' )(ch e.c#te)ent a"o(t the MacH(%h' o$n#n% F#nney' Flat. They co(l! t #ple the# c op' e&en #f they let 'o)e of the % o(n! l#e fallo$. The# +oyf(l enth('#a') )a!e he ')#le. B(t 't#ll 'he ,ept a ',ept#cal eye on the en&oy. Why $o(l! the ,#n% %#&e he F#nney' Flat0 An! ho$ $e e h#' lap!o%'* the "a on'* #n&ol&e!0 Fo '( ely they $e e. Aye* #f the e $a' t #c,e y* they $e e "eh#n! #t. The ,#n% calle! the lan! h#' %#ft. The f# 't t#)e 'he! hea ! of F#nney' Flat* #t $a' to "e he !o$ y. B(t no$0 What co(l! the ea'on "e0 4e ta#nly not the ,#n%' %ene o'#ty. He !#!nt ,no$ the )ean#n% of the $o !. He $ante! he fo %#&ene''. The e #t $a'. S(!!enly 'he ,ne$ e.actly $hat $a' #n the ,#n%' )#n!. She 'lappe! the top of the ta"le ca('#n% 3(#te a 'ta tle* then +()pe! to he feet an! 'to )e! o&e to the en&oy. The cele" at#n% c o$! )#%ht not ha&e not#ce! /a" #elle' "eha&#o * "(t all of the) 'a$ he %(a !' ac#n% to he . By the t#)e 'he eache! the en&oy* 4h #'t#en $a' 'tan!#n% "e'#!e he . 1Stan!*2 'he o !e e! the en&oy. The la(%hte !#e! !o$n an! a h('h fell o&e the people 1Yo( $#ll an'$e )y 3(e't#on'*2 'he !e)an!e!. 1Do yo( %o !# ectly "ac, to :#n% >ohn02 1No* I f# 't %o to the a""ey*2 the en&oy an'$e e!* %lanc#n% a o(n! at the 'ta tle! face' 'ta #n% at h#). 1I $#ll 'tay the n#%ht the e an! then cont#n(e on )y +o( ney.2 1A e the e "a on' al'o $a#t#n% to hea $hat ne$' yo( " #n%02 1Ye'* 5 #nce''* I) ce ta#n the e a e.2 15e hap' tho'e "a on' a e 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy02

1I !o not ,no$ all $ho an.#o('ly $a#t to hea that yo( ha&e fo %#&en :#n% >ohn.2 F o$n#n%* he a!!e!* 1An! that #' $hy I $a#t a' $ell.2 The c o$! e!%e! clo'e . /a" #elle 'a$ >oan $atch#n% he an! the "#'hop 'tan!#n% "e'#!e he . 1I ,no$ $hat the ,#n% an! h#' "a on' a e a"o(t*2 'he 'a#!* he &o#ce #'#n% $#th he an%e . 1If I accept the ,#n%' apolo%y* I a) al'o accept#n% h#' (le. I' that not t (e0 I a) no lon%e f ee of h#).2 The en&oy loo,e! at h#' 'hoe' $hen he 'po,e. 1I cannot l#e* an! 'o I $#ll tell yo( that F#nney' Flat $#ll "e a !o$ y fo yo( to " #n% to the )an the ,#n% $#ll choo'e fo yo( to )a y.2 1B(t #f I !ont accept h#' apolo%y* then F#nney' Flat et( n' to the ,#n%02 1I a) not ce ta#n* "(t the e $o(l! "e the po''#"#l#ty.2 If a " ea! c ()" $e e to ! op to the % o(n!* #t $o(l! ha&e )a!e )o e no#'e than the clan. 1D#! the ,#n% not con'#!e that I )#%ht al ea!y "e )a #e!02 1He !#!* an! #f yo( $e e* then F#nney' Flat $o(l! "elon% to yo( h('"an!* an! the ,#n% $o(l! not #nte fe e.2 /a" #elle loo,e! a o(n! he an! a#'e! he &o#ce to p ocla#). 1I a) )a #e! th#' !ay.2 The en&oy too, $hat 'he 'a#! a' t (e an! a',e!* 1To La# ! MacH(%h02 1Ye'*2 'he an'$e e!. 1F#nney' Flat "elon%' to h#).2 1Yo( a e not )a #e! th#' !ay@2 >oan 'ho(te!. 1Yo( cannot !ece#&e ('. Yo( "ol!ly tell a l#e #n f ont of the "#'hop. Yo( $#ll "( n #n hell fo '(ch an offen'e.2 Incen'e!* /a" #elle " ('he! pa't the en&oy. 1I am )a #e! th#' !ay.2 >oan "ac,e! a$ay a' /a" #elle ca)e clo'e . The an%e 'he 'a$ #n /a" #elle' eye' f #%htene! he * an! 'he fea e! 'he $o(l! 't #,e he . 1I a) )a #e! th#' !ay* an! F#nney' Flat "elon%' to La# ! MacH(%h*2 'he epeate!. A ()"le of a% ee)ent olle! th o(%h the c o$!* % o$#n% lo(!e an! lo(!e (nt#l the 'o(n! $a' !eafen#n%. Once the no#'e ha! !#e! !o$n* /a" #elle 'po,e a%a#n. 1Wo(l! yo( l#,e p oof0 All of yo( $a#t he e* an! I $#ll %et #t fo yo(.2 1We ,no$ yo( a e )a #e! th#' !ay an! F#nney' Flat "elon%' to o( la# !*2 a )an calle! o(t. 1Aye*2 anothe calle! an! anothe . /a" #elle 'toppe! #n f ont of the en&oy. 1B(t yo(* I th#n,* e3(# e p oof.2 The en&oy no!!e!. 1I )('t "e a"le to tell :#n% >ohn $#th a ce ta#nty that yo( a e )a #e!.2 He co(l! feel the heat of the c o$!' an%e an! calle! o(t* 1An! F#nney' Flat $#ll "e La# ! MacH(%h'.2 4h #'t#en an ahea! of /a" #elle an! hel! the !oo fo he . 1I' the p oof #n'#!e02 he a',e!* % #nn#n%. 1Ye'*2 'he an'$e e!. Follo$e! "y he %(a !'* /a" #elle an (p the 'ta# '* pa('e! to )a,e he 'elf p e'enta"le "y ')ooth#n% he "l#a(t an! p('h#n% a 't an! of ha# "eh#n! he ea . 1A e yo( ea!y to "e )a #e! th#' !ay0 Stephen a',e!. She no!!e!. In the hall* 4ol) ha! +('t f#n#'he! ea!#n% the 'c oll. He $a' han!#n% #t to B o!#c, $h#le L#a) an! Fathe /el oy* %o"let' #n han!* $a#te! the# t( n. /a" #elle too, a !eep " eath an! ente e! the hall. 14ol)* )ay I ha&e a )o)ent of yo( t#)e02


/ABRIELLE WAS INDEED MARRIED THIS DAY. The ce e)ony $a' pe fo )e! #n f ont of the hea th #n the % eat hall. The e $a'nt any po)p o 'plen!o "ef#tt#n% a p #nce'' f o) St. B#el an! a po$e f(l la# ! f o) the H#%hlan!'. It $a' !one 3(#c,ly an! 3(#etly. E&en tho(%h #t $a' nea ly #)po''#"le fo anyone to 'ee #nto the hall f o) o(t'#!e* /a" #elle #n'#'te! that the tape't #e' "e p(lle! !o$n to co&e the $#n!o$' that face! the co( tya ! "elo$ an! tho'e that o&e loo,e! the "ac, %a !en an! the la,e "eyon!. She $a'nt ta,#n% any chance' that the en&oy o the "#'hop o that ho #! $o)an* >oan* )#%ht 'ee $hat $a' happen#n%. S#nce B o!#c, $a' he only elat#&e #n atten!ance* #t "eca)e h#' !(ty to %#&e he to 4ol) an! % ant pe )#''#on fo the )a #a%e to ta,e place $hen a',e! to !o 'o "y Fathe /el oy. L#a) an! /a" #elle' oyal %(a !' $e e $#tne''e'. /a" #elle !#!nt th#n, 'he $a' ne &o('* "(t appa ently 'he $a'* fo $hen 'he $a' tol! to place he han! #n 4ol)'* 'he t e)"le! a' tho(%h 'he ha! +('t '(ffe e! a te #"le f #%ht. The p #e't "e%an h#' p aye * an! the #)pact of $hat 'he $a' !o#n% '(!!enly o&e $hel)e! he . He ,nee' $ent $ea, an! 'he co(l! "a ely " eathe. A &#'e $a' c ('h#n% he che't. She $a' "eco)#n% 4ol)' $#fe* no$ an! fo e&e . In a !a7e* 'he $atche! a' 4ol) place! a len%th of h#' pla#! o&e the# +o#ne! han!'. He t#lte! he face (p an! loo,e! #nto he eye' a' he 'po,e h#' &o$'* an! fo the l#fe of he * 'he co(l!nt co)p ehen! a $o ! he 'a#!. She ha! fo %otten any /ael#c 'he e&e ,ne$. Then #t $a' he t( n. She $h#'pe e! he &o$' #n he )othe ' lan%(a%e. Fathe /el oy 'toppe! he an! a',e! he to 'ta t o&e . 1I !ont (n!e 'tan! $hat yo( e 'ay#n%* 5 #nce'' /a" #elle*2 he e.pla#ne!. Ne#the !#! 'he. She ,ne$ 'he ha! p o)#'e! 4ol) 'o)eth#n%. She +('t co(l!nt e)e)"e $hat #t $a'. Ha! 'he 'a#! that 'he $o(l! lo&e an! che #'h h#)0 O ha! 'he tho(%ht that 'he 'ho(l!0 An! ha! 'he tol! h#) that 'he $o(l! "e fa#thf(l an! t (e0 She hope! 'he ha!* "(t 'he co(l!nt "e ce ta#n. Fo all 'he ,ne$* 'he ha! p o)#'e! to clean h#' 'ta"le' fo the e't of he !ay'. Be$#l!e e!* 'he loo,e! at the p #e't. He !#!nt ha&e an appalle! loo, on h#' face* $h#ch 'he too, a' a %oo! '#%n. No$ an! fo e&e * (nt#l !eath !o they pa t. The p aye ' $e e f#n#'he!* an! the "le''#n% $a' %#&en. She $a' a' 't#ff a' a "oa ! a' 4ol) %athe e! he #nto h#' a )'* "(t once he lo$e e! h#' hea! an! ,#''e! he * 'he ca)e al#&e a%a#n. H#' $a )th 'toppe! he t e)"l#n%* an! the ten!e ne'' #n h#' ,#'' )elte! he fea '. 1Yo( a e no$ )an an! $#fe.2 Fathe /el oy $a' "ea)#n% h#' app o&al a' he )a!e the anno(nce)ent. 4on% at(lat#on' $e ent 'ho(te! "(t %#&en #n h('he! &o#ce'. The %(a !' each )a!e a lo$ "o$ to the# p #nce'' an! he ne$ h('"an! an! then* at /a" #elle' #n'#'tence* $ent !o$n to the co( tya ! to +o#n the clan' cele" at#on. 4ol) allo$e! L#a) to ,#'' /a" #elle' han!* "(t that $a' all he $o(l! pe )#t* an! B o!#c, 'natche! he a$ay f o) 4ol) lon% eno(%h to h(% he . 1We )('t toa't th#' )a #a%e*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1What a lo&ely '(%%e't#on*2 'he "l( te! o(t. 1Anothe t#)e pe hap'02 She % a""e! the p #e't' a ) an! p(lle! h#) to$a ! the 'ta# ' a' 'he %a&e h#) #n't (ct#on' on $hat he 'ho(l! 'ay to the en&oy. 1Yo( $#ll plea'e tell the en&oy that ye'* yo( !#! )a y ('* "(t yo( $ont-2 4ol) 'toppe! he . Th o$#n% h#' a ) a o(n! he an! ancho #n% he to h#' '#!e* he 'a#!* 1I $#ll ta,e ca e of th#' )atte . The e #' no nee! to ('h.2 She !#!nt a% ee. She ha! tol! the en&oy that 'he $o(l! " #n% h#) p oof of he )a #a%e. S( ely he $o(l! "e '('p#c#o(' #f 'he )a!e h#) $a#t lon%.

She "o$e! he hea!. 1A' yo( 'ay.2 L#a) "( 't #nto la(%hte * an! $hen B o!#c, a',e! $hat $a' 'o a)('#n%* L#a) $a' happy to e.pla#n. 1To /a" #elle* Ba' yo( 'ay )ean' that 'he !oe'nt a% ee an! $#ll !o the co)plete oppo'#te. She th#n,' to placate 4ol) $#th tho'e $o !'* "(t $e ha&e all ca(%ht on to he eal )ean#n%.2 B o!#c, no!!e!. 1BYe' )ean' Bno* an! Bno )ean' Bye'02 He po(n!e! 4ol) on the 'ho(l!e . 1At lea't 'he t #e! to placate yo(. My $#fe !oe'nt pay any attent#on to $hat I 'ay.2 B o!#c, !#!nt 'ee) to "e "othe e! "y h#' $#fe' $#llf(lne''. In fact* he loo,e! plea'e! "y #t. 1La# ! MacH(%h* !o yo( $ant )e to %o o(t'#!e an! ha&e a $o ! $#th the en&oy02 /el oy a',e!. 1Yo( $#ll 'tay he e*2 4ol) o !e e!. 1B(t $hen I !o face h#)* $#ll yo( tell )e $hat I a) to 'ay02 1Yo( $#ll tell the t (th*2 4ol) 'a#!* 1"(t yo( $ont )ent#on $hen the ce e)ony too, place.2 The la# !' f o$n 't#ll ha! the po$e to )a,e /el oy 'ha,e #n h#' "oot'. He t #e! not to let #t 'ho$ a' he $a#te! fo h#' ne.t #n't (ct#on. L#a) #n'#'te! (pon a toa't. He an to the "(tte y an! et( ne! $#th a +(% of $#ne. 5o( #n% each of the) a f(ll %o"let* he $#'he! the co(ple a lon% an! happy l#fe. 1An! a' yo( 'ay* /a" #elle* to a pe fect )a #a%e*2 he tea'e!. /a" #elle $a' p(77le!. A pe fect )a #a%e0 Ha! 'he 'a#! 'o)eth#n% a"o(t the# )a #a%e "e#n% pe fect0 14ol)* !#! I p o)#'e that $hen I 'po,e )y &o$'02 'he a',e!. 1If I !#!* I a) &e y 'o y. O( )a #a%e $#ll not "e pe fect* an! I cannot p o)#'e the e $#ll "e no t o("le. Loo, at the !ecept#on I ha&e ca('e! on th#' o( $e!!#n% !ay. I !#!nt l#e to the en&oy* "(t I !#! )#'lea! h#). An! I co (pte! yo( clan a' $ell* fo I )a!e the) co)pl#c#t #n )y !ecept#on. Do yo( not $on!e $hat I $#ll !o to)o o$02 Ha! 'he e.pecte! 4ol) to "e 'y)pathet#c to he !#'t e''* 'he $a' )#'ta,en. He tho(%ht he %(#lt a)('#n%. 1Dece#t0 T o("le0 Yo( ha&e al ea!y "eco)e a MacH(%h*2 he la(%he!. He ,#''e! he a%a#n an! then % e$ 'e #o('. 1Yo( $#ll tell )e no$ $hat $e!!#n% %#ft' yo( $ant f o) )e. On th#' yo( $e!!#n% !ay* I $#ll ef('e yo( noth#n%.2 She !#!nt ha&e to th#n, a"o(t #t lon%. 1I $o(l! l#,e yo( to "(#l! Fathe /el oy h#' chapel an! ple!%e to ha&e #t f#n#'he! "y th#' t#)e ne.t yea . He $#ll nee! #t to ha&e a f#ne alta an! 't( !y "enche'.2 /el oy $a' o&e $hel)e! "y he tho(%htf(lne'' an! %ene o'#ty. 4ol) !#!nt 'ee) at all '( p #'e!. 1It $#ll "e !one. What el'e $o(l! yo( l#,e02 A%a#n the e $a' no he'#tat#on. 1T a!#t#on #' #)po tant to )e*2 'he 'a#!. 1An! 'o I $o(l! l#,e yo( to %#&e )e the 'a)e %#ft )y fathe %a&e )y )othe .2 He $a#te! fo he to tell h#) $hat #t $a'* "(t 'he !#!nt 'ay anothe $o !. 1When a) I to ,no$ $hat th#' %#ft #'02 he ( %e!. 1E&ent(ally.2 The en&oy $a' $a#t#n% $#th the "#'hop fo /a" #elle to et( n. H#' face $h#tene! $hen he 'a$ 4ol) 't #!#n% to$a ! h#). 1La!y MacH(%h ha' tol! )e yo( e3(# e p oof that 'he #' )y $#fe. She !#! tell yo( $e $e e )a #e!* !#! 'he not02 1Ye'* La# !6that #'* La# !* anothe !#! '(%%e't the po''#"#l#ty that pe hap'-2 1Do yo( ,no$ ho$ fo t(nate yo( a e to 't#ll "e 'tan!#n%0 Yo( 'ho(l! "e !ea!* fo yo( ha&e #n'#n(ate! that )y $#fe l#e! to yo(. I' that 'o02

1No* no* I !#!nt th#n, 'o. Anothe !#! pe hap' th#n, that-2 1My $#fe !oe' not l#e.2 H#' &o#ce ha! t( ne! !ea!ly. 1Ye'* La# !. She 'pea,' only the t (th.2 /a" #elle )o&e! clo'e to 4ol). She 'ta e! at the en&oy an! no one el'e. She !#!nt ,no$ #f >oan $a' 't#ll #n the c o$! $atch#n%* "(t 'he hope! 'he ha! left an! $o(l!nt ca('e any )o e t o("le. Fathe /el oy 'teppe! fo $a !. 1I ,no$ fo a fact that La# ! MacH(%h an! La!y MacH(%h a e )a #e!. I a) the p #e't $ho a!)#n#'te e! the holy 'ac a)ent. I hea ! the) 'pea, the# &o$' to each othe * an! I "le''e! the# (n#on.2 W#th a ! a)at#c %e't( e to the ',y* he 'a#!* 1May a "olt of l#%htn#n% 't #,e )e !o$n th#' &e y 'econ! #f I a) ly#n%.2 He a#'e! h#' eye' to hea&en an! $a#te!* then no!!#n% 'a#!* 1/o! ,no$' I a) tell#n% the t (th* an! 'o 'ho(l! yo(.2 The "#'hop $ante! to %et "ac, to the a""ey "efo e n#%htfall 'o he co(l! 'leep #n h#' o$n "e! #n'tea! of the ha ! % o(n!. 1I $#ll te't#fy that Fathe /el oy 'pea,' the t (th. Th#' #''(e 'ho(l! no$ "e 'ettle! to e&e yone' 'at#'fact#on.2 The en&oy $a' con&#nce!. 1I a) 'at#'f#e!. Beca('e of th#' )a #a%e* yo( no$ ha&e F#nney' Flat* La# ! MacH(%h.2 1O( la# ! al'o ha' the t ea'( e of St. B#el*2 /el oy 'a#!* ')#l#n% $#th el#ef at /a" #elle. The p #e't !#! not th#n, he nee!e! to e.pla#n h#' )ean#n%. E&e yone $ho loo,e! at /a" #elle co(l! 'ee $hat a t ea'( e 'he $a'. /a" #elle "l('he! at the p #e't' co)pl#)ent. 1I th#n, not* Fathe . My h('"an! $#ll ha&e to "e content $#th the lan!* fo he $#ll not %et a t ea'( e.2 1A' 'oon a' po''#"le*2 'a#! the en&oy* 1I $#ll ha&e he al!' 'ent to each clan to anno(nce that 5 #nce'' /a" #elle ha' "een p o&en #nnocent of the acc('at#on' )a!e a%a#n't he * that yo( )a #a%e #' &al#!* an! that F#nney' Flat #' no$ yo( '.2 1Yo( ha&e the po$e to p ocla#) th#'02 /el oy a',e!. 1I !o.2 A fe$ )#n(te' late the en&oy an! the "#'hop too, the# lea&e* an! /a" #elle $a' ne&e 'o happy to 'ee anyone %o. No$ 'he co(l! ela.. O 'o 'he tho(%ht. One $o y left* an! anothe a #&e!. Th#' $a' he $e!!#n% n#%ht. The MacH(%h clan $a' 'lo$ to !#'pe 'e. They ha! )(ch to cele" ate. The# la# ! ha! et( ne! &#cto #o(' o&e the# ene)#e'* the Mac:enna'9 the# hol!#n%' no$ #ncl(!e! F#nney' Flat9 an! the# "elo&e! la# ! ha! ta,en a $#fe. A' Fathe /el oy e)#n!e! the)* they $e e t (ly "le''e!. W#th !(', app oach#n%* the fe't#&#t#e' "e%an to !#e !o$n. The ta"le' an! "enche' $e e et( ne! to the ca'tle* an! the people )a!e the# $ay to the# cotta%e' $ea y* "(t happy. L#a) an! 4ol) $al,e! $#th B o!#c, to the 'ta"le'* a' #t $a' t#)e that B o!#c, hea!e! ho)e a' $ell. 1Yo( a e not th o(%h $#th the Mac:enna'*2 B o!#c, $a ne!. 1Fo e&e y one yo( ha&e ,#lle!* anothe $#ll 'tep fo $a !. They )(lt#ply l#,e at'. Theyll 'oon ha&e a ne$ la# !* an! I $a%e he $#ll "e a' )(ch a "a'ta ! a' O$en $a'. I hope he !#! not !#e $ell.2 1No* he !#! not*2 4ol) 'a#! 3(#etly. 1Yo( a e o( ally* B o!#c,*2 L#a) e)#n!e! h#). 1They $#ll co)e afte yo(* too.2 1I loo, fo $a ! to #t*2 he 'a#!. The 'ta"le "oy lea! B o!#c,' ho 'e to h#). 1Yo( !e"t #' pa#!*2 he tol! 4ol)* 1"(t no$ I th#n, yo( o$e anothe one.2 1What $o(l! that !e"t "e02 1I %a&e yo( /a" #elle.2 1Yo( fo ce! he on )e*2 4ol) 'a#! ! #ly. 1An! I a) % atef(l.2 1The e #' an ea'y $ay to epay )e.2

1What )#%ht that "e02 1/#&e one of yo( !a(%hte ' to one of )y 'on' #n )a #a%e.2 1The ch( ch $#ll not allo$ #t*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1Yo( a e elate! to /a" #elle.2 1Only "y )a #a%e. My $#fe' (ncle #' not a "loo! elat#&e. The a an%e! (n#on $o(l! "e &al#!* an! yo( !a(%hte $o(l! co)e to )y 'on $#th a fat !o$ y.2 4ol) la(%he!. 1Let )e %(e''. F#nney' Flat.2 1Aye* F#nney' Flat.2 1Yo( plan #' cont#n%ent (pon )y $#fe %#&#n% )e !a(%hte ' an! yo( $#fe %#&#n% yo( 'on'.2 1It $#ll co)e to pa''*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1Tho(%h I $#ll "e ahea! of yo(* fo )y /#ll#an #' al ea!y $#th ch#l!* an! yo( cant "e! /a" #elle fo $hat0 F#&e )onth'02 1I ha! tho(%ht to $a#t that lon%* "(t-2 1Tho(%ht to0 What of he ep(tat#on02 1Wo ! $#ll 'p ea! of he #nnocence* an! #f the En%l#'h)an $a' tell#n% the t (th* a p ocla)at#on $#ll "e )a!e.2 1An! yo( th#n, that $#ll happen 3(#c,ly02 B o!#c, a',e!. 14ol)* yo( !#! %#&e he '#. )onth'.2 Re'#%ne!ly* 4ol) an'$e e!* 1If that #' $hat /a" #elle $ant'* I $#ll ac3(#e'ce.2 B o!#c, an! L#a) la(%he!. 1Yo( th#n, yo( can la't that lon%0 She #' nea ly a' p etty a' )y $#fe*2 B o!#c, 'a#!. 1Of co( 'e I can $a#t. I ha&e )o e !#'c#pl#ne than e#the of yo(.2 4ol) hea!e! "ac, to the ca'tle. L#a) an! B o!#c, $atche! h#) $al, a$ay. 1What !o yo( th#n,02 B o!#c, a',e!. 1My " othe #' 't on%<$#lle! an! !#'c#pl#ne!. I! %#&e h#) at lea't one n#%ht "efo e he chan%e' h#' )#n!.2 1I! %#&e h#) one ho( .2

THE WAIT WAS A/ONI8IN/. IT SEEMED TO /ABRIELLE THAT half the n#%ht ha! al ea!y pa''e! '#nce 'he ha! "athe! an! $a'he! he ha# . The t(" ha! "een e)o&e! f o) he oo)* the co&e ' on he "e! ha! "een t( ne! "ac,* an! t$o )o e lo%' ha! "een a!!e! to the f# e. E&e y )#n(te felt l#,e an ho( * "(t he ha# $a' 't#ll ! #pp#n% $et 'o 'he ,ne$ #t co(l!nt ha&e "een all that lon% '#nce 'he ha! $a'he! #t. St#ll* #t 'ee)e! an ete n#ty. /a" #elle $o e he $h#te 'leep#n% %o$n-a f#ne %o''a)e fa" #c a!o ne! $#th %ol! an! '#l&e th ea!' 'e$n #nto the nec,l#ne. She ha! $ante! to $ea he "l(e %o$n* "(t the e $e e too )any $ #n,le' #n #t f o) the pac,#n%. She ')oothe! a c ea'e f o) the %o$n an! 'at #n f ont of the hea th to " ('h he ha# "y the f# e. The oo) $a' $a ) an! co7y* an! afte '(ch a lon% an! f ant#c !ay* 'he 'ho(l! ha&e "een e.ha('te!. B(t 'he $a'nt. She $a' $#!e a$a,e an! #n a nea pan#c. Whe e $a' he0 He ha! 'a#! he co(l!nt $a#t to ha&e he . T (e* the $e!!#n% ha! happene! 'oone than he ha! e.pecte!* "(t they $e e )a #e! no$. He ha!nt chan%e! h#' )#n!* ha! he0 E&e y 'o(n! )a!e he 'to)ach fl(tte #n ant#c#pat#on an! fea . A' 'he cont#n(e! " ('h#n% he ha# * 'he t #e! to th#n, a"o(t le'' $o #'o)e th#n%'. The $eathe ha! "een n#ce to!ay* an! the )eat p#e 'he ate fo !#nne $a' 3(#te fla&o f(l.

What $a' ta,#n% h#) 'o lon%0 We e the !e)an!' of the clan 'o )(ch )o e #)po tant than he * e&en no$ on th#'* the# $e!!#n% n#%ht0 Oh* ho$ 'he $ante! to %et th#' o&e an! !one $#th. She ha! "een tol! eno(%h a"o(t the phy'#cal act "et$een a )an an! a $o)an to "e "oth c( #o(' an! f #%htene!. She !ec#!e! to co)pa e #t to he !#'locate! f#n%e . When 'he $a' n#ne yea ' ol!* /a" #elle ha! fallen f o) a 'tone $all 'he! "een cl#)"#n%. He l#ttle f#n%e )a!e an o!! popp#n% 'o(n! an! $a' "ent #n a "#7a e !# ect#on. It h( t l#,e #t ha! "een 't(n% "y a ne't of ho net'* "(t he fathe ha! ,no$n +('t $hat to !o. Wh#le Stephen hel! he 't#ll* he fathe poppe! the f#n%e "ac, #nto place* an! the h( t #))e!#ately $ent a$ay. She ha! ,no$n $hat $a' %o#n% to happen an! ha! ! ea!e! #t* "(t once #t $a' f#n#'he!* 'he !#!nt ha&e to $o y a"o(t #t any lon%e . A' fa a' 'he $a' conce ne!* the )a #a%e act $a' )(ch l#,e that= ! ea!* pa#n* fo %otten. When he a ) "e%an to ache* 'he p(t he " ('h !o$n. The c( l $a' "ac, #n he ha# * an! the lon% 't an!' $e e +('t a l#ttle !a)p no$. She 'ta e! at the floo an! t #e! to concent ate on 'o)eth#n% plea'ant. So)e of the $ate f o) he "ath ha! 'p#lle! o&e the t(". She ha! helpe! )op #t (p* "(t the e $e e 't#ll !a)p 'pot' on the floo . She 'ta e! at the) a' they 'lo$ly fa!e! a$ay. Ha! 4ol) fo %otten he 0 Th#n, only plea'ant tho(%ht'* 'he e)#n!e! he 'elf. The e $a' a"'ol(tely no nee! to %et $o ,e! (p. 4ol) ha! "een plea'e! $#th he %#ft of 'alt* an! '( p #'e!. /a" #elle '(!!enly eal#7e! 'he ha! fo %otten to tell h#) that )o e $o(l! "e co)#n%* an! "y ne.t yea he $o(l! ha&e )o e than eno(%h to la't h#' clan a %oo! lon% t#)e. He! ha&e e.t a* too* that co(l! "e "a te e! fo 'ee! o anyth#n% el'e the clan nee!e!. Wa' 'he 'o (n#)po tant to h#)0 /a" #elle felt he 'elf "eco)#n% e)ot#onal. May"e 4ol) $a' only "e#n% ,#n! $hen he! tol! he he $ante! he . An! 'he ha! +('t th o$n he 'elf at h#). B(t no* he $o(l!nt ha&e !one that* 'he !ec#!e!. 4ol) $a' "l(nt an! " (tally hone't. He $o(l!nt l#e +('t to "e ,#n!. He !#!nt ta,e )(ch t#)e to th#n, a"o(t a $o)an' feel#n%'. She !o("te! he! e&e %#&en the) a tho(%ht. Tea ' ca)e #nto he eye'* an! 'he ,ne$ that #f 'he !#!nt !o 'o)eth#n% a"o(t the)* 'he $o(l! 'oon " ea, !o$n. /a" #elle a ely c #e!* "(t $hen 'he !#!* #t too, a lon% t#)e fo he to 'top. She $o(l! ! a% o(t e&e y la't pa#n an! hea tache 'he ha! e&e en!( e! an! $eep o&e each one. S#nce lea&#n% Well#n%'h# e* he l#'t of hea tache' ha! % o$n con'#!e a"ly* an! 'he e't#)ate! 'he $o(l! ha&e to c y fo a %oo! $ee, to %et th o(%h the) all. 4oncent at#n% on plea'ant )atte ' $a'nt $o ,#n%. She nee!e! to %et an% y. Ho$ !a e 4ol) t eat he th#' $ay. She '#%he! then "eca('e #t $a'nt $o ,#n%. The )an ha! %#&en he h#' na)e an! h#' p otect#on* an! he ha! a',e! fo noth#n% #n et( n. No* 'he co(l!nt '())on (p )(ch an%e at all. / ante!* #t $a' (!e of h#) to )a,e he $a#t* "(t not c (el. She )o&e! on to the ,#n%' en&oy. He ha! p(t he th o(%h 5( %ato y $#th h#' 'c oll an! h#' '('p#c#on. St#ll* he $a' only !o#n% :#n% >ohn' "#!!#n%* an!* #n t (th* he $a' an affa"le fello$. She co(l!nt "la)e the )e''en%e o !e'p#'e h#) fo epeat#n% the $o !' he ha! "een %#&en. >oan. What a 'h e$ that $o)an $a'@ She ha! '(ch a conte)pt(o(' loo, on he face $hen 'he ha! challen%e! /a" #elle. D#! 'he th#n, that all 'he ha! to !o $a' anno(nce that 'he $a' %o#n% to )a y 4ol)* an! #t $o(l! co)e to pa''0 Ha! 'he e.pecte! /a" #elle to $#lt #n f ont of he 0 O co$e 0 Ho$ !a e 'he@ Aye* 'he $a' a 'h e$ an! a hatef(l t o("le)a,e a' $ell.

The e $e ent any tea ' #n /a" #elle' eye' no$. If >oan $e e to $al, #nto he oo) th#' )#n(te* /a" #elle +('t )#%ht p#c, (p he " ('h an! p())el he $#th #t. 5#ct( #n% th#' )a!e /a" #elle ')#le. The e. She $a' feel#n% e&e 'o )(ch "ette . Foot'tep' 'o(n!e! #n the hall. 4ol). Oh /o!* he $a' f#nally co)#n% to he . She +()pe! (p* then 'at !o$n* an! +()pe! (p a%a#n. Sho(l! 'he 'tan! "y the f# e* o 'ho(l! 'he '#t on the '#!e of the "e!0 D#! he e.pect he to "e (n!e the co&e '0 She !ec#!e! to $a#t "y the hea th. She al'o !ec#!e! that #t $a' #)po tant fo he to e)e)"e to " eathe. She $a' %ett#n% !#77y hol!#n% he " eath. D ea!6pa#n6fo %otten. 4ol) ,noc,e! on the !oo * $a#te! a 'econ!* then opene! #t an! $al,e! #n'#!e. He $ent co)pletely 't#ll $hen he 'a$ he . She $a' a &#'#on. The 'oft l#%ht f o) the e)"e ' "eh#n! he ha! t( ne! he %o$n t an'l(cent. He co(l! 'ee the pe fect 'hape of he "o!y. E&e y c( &e $a' ca't #n a %ol!en h(e= he f(ll " ea't'* he na o$ $a#'t* he 'hapely h#p'* he lon% le%'. She $a' pe fect#on* an! )o e ent#c#n% to h#) than #f 'he ha! "een 'tan!#n% the e $ea #n% noth#n% at all. He $a'nt %o#n% to "e lea&#n% he th#' n#%ht o any othe . /a" #elle' han!' $e e at he '#!e'* an! 'he 'ta e! #nto h#' eye'. She ,ne$ th#' )an. Why $a' 'he 'o af a#!0 He $o(l! ne&e h( t he . D ea! ! #fte! a$ay. Aye* 'he ,ne$ h#) $ell. A $#!th of 4ol)' pla#! $a' th o$n o&e h#' "a e che't. In th#' l#%ht an! #n th#' ')all cha)"e he 'ee)e! 'o )(ch talle an! )o e )('c(la . She not#ce! e&e yth#n% a"o(t h#). H#' ha# $a' $et* an! the e $e e 't#ll ! op' of $ate on h#' che't #n!#cat#n% he ha! %one to the la,e to $a'h* a' !#! )any of the othe clan')en. The colo of h#' eye'6the f# ) l#ne of h#' +a$6h#' $#!e 'ho(l!e '6 She $ante! th#' )an. She 'teppe! to$a ! h#). 1:no$ yo( ho$ han!'o)e yo( a e02 'he $h#'pe e! 'oftly. H#' eply $a' a'py. 1I !o not th#n, a"o(t '(ch th#n%'. When yo( ,no$ )e "ette 62 She too, anothe 'tep to$a ! h#)* eye' loc,e! on h#'. He co(l!nt e)e)"e $hat he $a' 'ay#n%. She " o(%ht the l#%ht 'cent of flo$e ' $#th he a' 'he )o&e! clo'e * an! all he co(l! th#n, of $a' to(ch#n% he . She a o('e! h#) a' no othe $o)an co(l!. 1I ,no$ yo(* 4ol).2 W#th he f#n%e t#p' 'he t ace! the 'ca that "e%an at the t#p of h#' 'ho(l!e an! follo$e! #t !o$n h#' a ). 1Yo( "o!y tell' yo( h#'to y.2 He !#! not )o&e a' 'he 'lo$ly c# cle! h#)* to(ch#n%* ca e''#n%. 1Yo( a e a $a #o *2 'he $h#'pe e! a' he f#n%e ' " ('he! ac o'' h#' 'ho(l!e '. H#' )('cle' fle.e! an! h#' ',#n felt $a ) to he to(ch. 1Yo( a e a p otecto .2 She %ently 't o,e! the '#!e of h#' nec,* an! $hen 'he $a' a%a#n 'tan!#n% #n f ont of h#) an! +('t a " eath a$ay* 'he $h#'pe e! a%a#n* 1I ,no$ yo(.2 4ol)' eye' !#! not lea&e he ' a' he 'lo$ly e)o&e! he %o$n. He chee,' "eca)e fl('he!* "(t 'he !#!nt 'hy a$ay f o) h#) o 'h#el! he "o!y. He p(lle! he #nto h#' a )' an! ,#''e! he f#e cely. He "o!y $a' 'o $on!e f(lly 'oft* he ',#n '#l,y an! $a ). H#' l#p' %ently " ('he! ac o'' he ' an! then he $ante! )o e. He )a!e lo&e to he $#th h#' ,#''e' (nt#l pa''#on en%(lfe! h#). He ca #e! he to the "e!. She $a'nt %#&en t#)e to p(ll the co&e ' o&e he 'elf. He 3(#c,ly e)o&e! h#' pla#! an! co&e e! he $#th h#' "o!y. She %a'pe! $hen h#' "a e ',#n p e''e! #nt#)ately a%a#n't he '.

4ol) $ante! to ,no$ e&e y #nch of he . He l#n%e e! o&e he )o(th* then ,#''e! the '#!e of he nec,* #nhale! the '$eet 'cent. He felt he hea t "eat#n% (n!e h#'* an! $hen he ,#''e! the "a'e of he nec,* 'he t e)"le!. He lo$e e! h#' hea! to ca e'' he " ea't' an! ,#'' the &alley "et$een. H#' han!' 'l#! !o$n he "ac,* the c( &e of he 'p#ne. /a" #elle lo&e! the feel of h#) a%a#n't he . She $ appe! he a )' a o(n! h#' nec, a' the# ,#''e' % e$ )o e !e)an!#n%. W#th each to(ch* 4ol)' nee! #nc ea'e!. H#' f#n%e ' 'l#ppe! "et$een he th#%h'. He felt he ten'e #n eact#on* "(t he $o(l! not "e !en#e!. She "e%an to )o&e e'tle''ly a%a#n't h#). The $ay he $a' 't o,#n% he $a' ! #&#n% /a" #elle $#l!. He )a!e he $ant )o e. He $o(l!nt let he !eny h#) a' he )o&e! lo$e an! lo$e to ,#'' e&e y pa t of he . The '$eet to )ent 'oon "eca)e (n"ea a"le. He na#l' a,e! h#' 'ho(l!e ' a' 'he !e)an!e! elea'e. He $#l! e'pon'e )a!e 4ol) "( n to ha&e he * an! h#' o$n e't a#nt &an#'he!. He o(%hly p('he! he le%' apa t an!* ,neel#n% "et$een he th#%h'* he th ('t #n'#!e he . She c #e! o(t #n pa#n an! a che! a%a#n't h#)* "(t he 'oothe! he $#th '$eet $o !' an! to(che'. The pa#n $a' 'oon fo %otten* an! a' he )o&e! #n'#!e he * 'lo$ly at f# 't* he h#p' p('he! a%a#n't h#'* an! 'he )oane! $#th plea'( e. H#' th ('t' "eca)e )o e po$e f(l* le'' cont olle!. An! '(!!enly 'he felt a ('h of ec'ta'y. She 'c ea)e! h#' na)e a' 'he cl#)a.e!* an! 'he '3(ee7e! h#) t#%ht a' he fo(n! h#' o$n elea'e an! po( e! h#' 'ee! #nto he . Fo lon% )o)ent' ne#the of the) )o&e!* the# ha 'h " eath#n% the only 'o(n!. /a" #elle tho(%ht he hea t $o(l! e.plo!e. Lo&#n% 4ol) $a' the )o't te #fy#n%ly $on!e f(l #ence 'he ha! e&e ha!. She ,ne$ 'he ha! plea'e! h#). Tho(%h he !#!nt %#&e he the $o !'* h#' to(ch $a' eno(%h. When at la't he fo(n! the 't en%th* he olle! to h#' '#!e an! %athe e! he #nto h#' a )'. He ,#''e! the top of he hea! an! lay "ac,. She e'te! he chee, on h#' 'ho(l!e an! p(t he han! o&e h#' hea t. She lo&e! th#' )an.

/ABRIELLE HAD NOT :NOWN SU4H ECAUISITE 5LEASURE $a' po''#"le. 4ontent to 'tay #n h#' a )'* he han! 't#ll e'te! on h#' che't o&e h#' hea t a' 'he 'ta e! ac o'' the oo) at the !y#n% e)"e '. She tho(%ht he $a' a'leep an! t #e! to p(ll the co&e ' (p* "(t 4ol) t#%htene! h#' hol! on he . She 'n(%%le! clo'e * '#%he!* an! clo'e! he eye'. 14ol)02 He ya$ne!. 1Ye'02 1Why !#! yo( h#t L#a)0 Do yo( e)e)"e h#tt#n% h#)02 e)e)"e . He co(l!nt $al, any fa the * an! he $o(l! ha&e felt !#'% ace! #f he $e e ca #e!.2 1:noc,#n% yo( poo " othe 'en'ele'' $a' an act of ,#n!ne'' then.2 1Yo( co(l! th#n, 'o.2 He )#n! floate! f o) one tho(%ht to anothe . She $a' 3(#et fo 'e&e al )#n(te' an! then a',e!* 1D#! yo( lo&e >oan $hen yo( $e e "et othe! to he 02 1No.2 He o"&#o('ly !#!nt feel any f( the e.planat#on $a' nece''a y. Anothe )#n(te pa''e! an! then 'he $h#'pe e!* 1Mo e 'alt #' co)#n%. I fo %ot to tell yo(* "(t yo( $#ll ha&e eno(%h to f#ll yo( 'to e oo) $hen the la't t (n,' a e " o(%ht.2 1It #' a %oo! %#ft*2 he 'a#!. 1Salt ha' )o e &al(e than %ol! he e.2

She +()pe! to anothe 3(e't#on al)o't #))e!#ately. 1Tho'e t$o )en $ho $e e ca(%ht 'nea,#n% #nto the a""ey to ,#ll L#a)6$e e they al'o 'ent "y Mac:enna02 1Ye'. E&#!ently they $e e ne$ ec (#t'. Mac:enna appea ' to ha&e h# e! e&e y !e%ene ate cha acte he ca)e ac o''.2 1I a) not 'o y )y %(a !' ,#lle! the).2 He ')#le! #n the !a ,ne''. She 'o(n!e! f#e ce. 1/o to 'leep* /a" #elle. Yo( nee! yo( e't.2 1W#ll yo( tell )e $hat happene! to the )en $ho "eat L#a)02 1No.2 1>('t one la't 3(e't#on* #f yo( plea'e. My )othe ' 'tat(e of St. B#el $#ll "e )o&e! f o) the co( tya ! at Well#n%'h# e an! " o(%ht he e. It' a t a!#t#on. W#ll yo( )#n!0 It' 3(#te la %e.2 1I $#ll not )#n! (nle'' yo( plan to p(t a 'tat(e #n o( "e!. No$ 'leep.2 1Sho(l!nt I ,#'' yo( %oo! n#%ht02 'he tea'e!. 1Do yo( eal#7e ho$ yo( te)pt )e0 Yo( a e ten!e no$. Yo( 'ho(l! 'leep.2 E&en a' he $a' tell#n% he $hat 'he 'ho(l! !o* he $a' oll#n% he onto he "ac, an! ,#''#n% the '#!e of he nec,. He $a' not %entle $#th he th#' 'econ! t#)e. Al ea!y !#'co&e #n% $hat 'he l#,e!* h#' lo&e)a,#n% $a' le'' e't a#ne!. She $ appe! he le%' a o(n! h#) a' he ! o&e !eep #n'#!e he . He % oane!* an! $hen he "e%an to )o&e h#' h#p'* 'he c #e! o(t #n "l#''f(l apt( e. She fo(n! f(lf#ll)ent f# 't an! h#' elea'e follo$e!. It $a' e&en "ette th#' 'econ! t#)e. E.ha('te! an! 'ate!* 'he clo'e! he eye'. 4ol) l#fte! (p on h#' el"o$' an! loo,e! !o$n at he . 1No$ yo( $#ll 'leep*2 he co))an!e!. He olle! onto h#' '#!e an! p(lle! he (p a%a#n't h#) 'o that he "ac, $a' p e''e! a%a#n't h#' che't. She $a' of a )#n! to o"ey.

E;ER SIN4E THE RE;ELATIONS AT NEWELL 4ASTLE* 4OSWOLDS l#fe ha! "een )#'e a"le. The "a on $a' '#c, an! t# e! of p eten!#n% h()#l#ty $#th the ,#n%* "(t he ,ne$ he $a' on 'ha,y % o(n!. >ohn $a' 't#ll f( #o(' that 4o'$ol! an! the othe ' ha! "el#e&e! I'la* that ly#n% "#tch. When 4o'$ol! !a e! to po#nt o(t that #t $a' 5e cy $ho ha! !(pe! I'la #nto tell#n% the l#e' a"o(t La!y /a" #elle* the ,#n% e)#n!e! h#) that I'la $a' 4o'$ol!' o$n n#ece* an! he $a' the efo e e'pon'#"le fo he act#on'. Be'#!e'* >ohn ha! al ea!y ta,en h#' !#'plea'( e o(t on 5e cy. The 'co(n! el ha! "een 't #ppe! of h#' t#tle an! h#' ')all e'tate an! $a' 'ent to a !(n%eon $he e he co(l! pon!e h#' t an'% e''#on'. An! +('t to )a,e '( e that I'la lea ne! he le''on a' $ell* the ,#n% tho(%ht #t app op #ate that 'he acco)pany 5e cy. 5e hap' the t$o of the) $o(l! th#n, "ette of con'p# #n% a%a#n't the ,#n%' $#'he' #f they $e e fo ce! to 'pen! all the# t#)e to%ethe . 4o'$ol! ,ne$ #t $a' #)pe at#&e to %et >ohn to fo %#&e h#). The ,#n% ha! a te #"le te)pe an! $o(l! a''( e!ly "la)e 4o'$ol! fo any t o("le that )#%ht follo$. He !#! e&e yth#n% #n h#' po$e to plea'e the ,#n%. 4o'$ol! follo$e! >ohn $he e&e he $ent an! $a' at h#' "ec, an! call !ay an! n#%ht. He $o(l! ha&e olle! o&e l#,e a !o% #f he! "een tol! to. A' a e'(lt of the'e e.ha('t#n% effo t'* >ohn $a' 'often#n% h#' att#t(!e. He l#,e! ha&#n% a conf#!ant he co(l! e%ale $#th 'to #e' a"o(t the "a on' $#&e' he ha! 'lept $#th. A' h()#l#at#n% a' #t $a' to % o&el* 4o'$ol!' ne$fo(n! clo'ene'' to the ,#n% ce ta#nly ha! #t' "enef#t'. He $a' p e'ent $hen a )e''en%e a #&e! to %#&e the ,#n% the %oo! ne$'.

The ()o ha! "een &e #f#e!= La!y /a" #elle ha! "een fo(n!. She ha! "een ta,en #n "y the MacH(%h clan an! $a' l#&#n% a)on% the H#%hlan!e ' #n the# )o(nta#n 't on%hol!. >ohn $a' elate!. No$ he co(l! 'et a"o(t )a,#n% a)en!' $#th the la!y an! pe hap' hea! off 'o)e of the an#)o'#ty f o) Ba on /eoff ey an! the othe "a on'. Befo e >ohn !#'patche! h#' en&oy to the MacH(%h hol!#n% to )a,e h#' anno(nce)ent to /a" #elle* he calle! the )an to h#) to %#&e 'pec#f#c #n't (ct#on'. 4o'$ol! 'too! "y an! l#'tene!. The ,#n% #nfo )e! 4o'$ol! that he ha! cho'en th#' pa t#c(la he al! "eca('e he ha! a fla$le'' )e)o y an! co(l! epeat any )e''a%e to the e.act $o !. Afte e.p e''#n% h#' a!)# at#on fo the ,#n%' %oo! +(!%)ent* 4o'$ol! e)#n!e! h#) that he ha! +('t et( ne! f o) that pa t of the H#%hlan!'. 5e hap' he co(l! offe 'o)e a!&#ce. 1The $ay to the MacH(%h clan #' !an%e o('. The H#%hlan!e ' a e 'o)et#)e' ho't#le to o(t'#!e '*2 4o'$ol! 'a#!. 1May I '(%%e't that yo( he al! 'top at A "ane A""ey an! %et an e'co t to acco)pany h#) the e't of the $ay0 The )on,' $#ll "e acco))o!at#n% #f the e #' a e$a !.2 He 'a$ that the ,#n% $a' an%e e! at th#' '(%%e't#on an! 4o'$ol! ha't#ly a!!e!* 1An! I* to 'ho$ )y %oo!$#ll* 'hall "e happy to '(pply $hate&e yo( feel #' nee!e!.2 1Yo( $#ll '(pply )e $#th !o("le yo( ta.* 4o'$ol!* an! then I $#ll "e appea'e!*2 the ,#n% 'a#!. 1/#&e the )on,' $hate&e yo( $ant. I !ont ca e a"o(t the)* "(t I !o $ant )y he al! to ha&e 'afe pa''a%e.2 4o'$ol! f#lle! a ca t $#th a !o7en ca',' of the f#ne't $#ne he co(l! "(y an! 'ent #t to the a""ey ahea! of the en&oy. He then e3(e'te! that the ,#n% allo$ h#) to et( n to h#' ho)e to %et an acco(nt#n% of the c op that ha! +('t "een ha &e'te!. The ,#n% %a&e h#' app o&al. A' 3(#c,ly a' po''#"le* 4o'$ol! %athe e! h#' )en an! hea!e! to A "ane A""ey. Ha&#n% 'electe! only $ell<t a#ne! 'ol!#e ' to acco)pany h#)* he $a' '( o(n!e! "y a ')all "(t capa"le a )y. He $a'nt a"o(t to ta,e any chance'. Men f e3(ently !#'appea e! #n the $#l!' of the H#%hlan!' an! $e e ne&e 'een a%a#n. 4o'$ol! $a' 't#ll $a#t#n% to hea f o) the )en he ha! 'ent to &e #fy /a" #elle' $he ea"o(t'. He ha! '('p#c#on' that they ha! 'tolen the t (n,' fo the)'el&e' an! ha!nt %one to the MacH(%h hol!#n% at all.

THE MON:S of A "ane A""ey ha! +('t 'ettle! #n fo the# e&en#n% p aye ' $hen a lo(! po(n!#n% no#'e at the f ont %ate #nte (pte! the). The a""ot h( #e!ly %en(flecte! #n the chapel an! ('he! ac o'' the co( tya ! to the %ate* # #tate! "y the #ncon&en#ence. It $a' too 'oon fo the )on,' $ho ha! t a&ele! to the MacH(%h hol!#n% to "e et( n#n%. The# +o( ney ho)e $o(l! ta,e lon%e than ('(al "eca('e of the "#'hop. He ha! "een &#'#t#n% the a""ey $hen the en&oy f o) En%lan! a #&e!* an! hea #n% a"o(t the )e''a%e that $a' "e#n% !el#&e e! to La!y /a" #elle* the "#'hop ha! #n'#'te! on acco)pany#n% the % o(p* e.pla#n#n% that he 'el!o) ha! the oppo t(n#ty to "e p e'ent $hen %oo! ne$' a #&e! f o) the En%l#'h ,#n%. The )on,' $e e to ta,e an alte nate o(te ho)e to !epo'#t the "#'hop at h#' e'#!ence* $h#ch a!!e! an a!!#t#onal t$o ho( ' to the# +o( ney. It $a' #)po''#"le fo the) to ha&e t a&ele! 'o '$#ftly that they $o(l! ha&e a #&e! al ea!y. The a""ot 'l#! the "olt "ac, an! opene! the %ate a c ac,. See#n% $ho #t $a'* he '$(n% the %ate $#!e. 1What " #n%' yo( "ac, to A "ane A""ey02 he a',e! #n '( p #'e. Ba on 4o'$ol! $al,e! pa't the a""ot an! ente e! the co( tya !* follo$e! "y one of h#' '("o !#nate'* 4y #l. He t( ne! to h#) an! %a&e o !e ' that h#' t oop' $e e to )a,e ca)p o(t'#!e the )ona'te y $all'. Only then !#! 4o'$ol! a!! e'' the pe ple.e! a""ot. 1I co)e on "ehalf of :#n% >ohn*2 he anno(nce!. 1Fo $hat p( po'e02 the a""ot a',e!.

4o'$ol! ha! h#' e.planat#on ea!y. 1The ,#n% ha' 'ent one of h#' he al!' a' an en&oy to !el#&e a )e''a%e to the MacH(%h hol!#n%. I ha&e ece#&e! $o ! f o) t a&ele ' that the e #' % eat t( )o#l #n the H#%hlan!'*2 he l#e!* 1an! fea #n% fo the en&oy' l#fe* an! ,no$#n% ho$ #)po tant h#' )#''#on #' to the ,#n%* I ha&e ta,en #t (pon )y'elf to %athe )y a )y to a''( e the ,#n%' en&oy 'afe pa''a%e.2 4o'$ol! !#! not eal#7e the t (th of h#' 'tate)ent a"o(t t( )o#l* fo he ha! yet to hea of Mac:enna' !e)#'e. The a""ot 'ho$e! the "a on #nto the hall. 1I a) ce ta#n the en&oy $#ll et( n 'afely* Ba on* "(t yo( a e $elco)e to $a#t he e an! 'ee fo yo( 'elf. I $#ll ha&e the coo, " #n% yo( foo! an! ! #n,. If the e #' anyth#n% el'e I can !o to )a,e yo( co)fo ta"le* I a) yo( h()"le 'e &ant.2 The a""ot h( #e! off to )a,e a an%e)ent' fo the (ne.pecte! %(e't. When the t a&el<$ea y % o(p et( ne! to the a""ey afte n#%htfall* 4o'$ol! $a' $a#t#n% to % eet the). The en&oy $a' '( p #'e! to 'ee the "a on. 1D#! the ,#n% 'en! yo( he e $#th f( the #n't (ct#on' fo )e02 he a',e!. 1No*2 4o'$ol! an'$e e!. He p(lle! a cha# f o) the ta"le an! offe e! #t to the en&oy. 1The ,#n% el#e' on yo( an! ,no$' a' I !o ho$ #)po tant yo( !(t#e' a e. Yo( 'afety #' #)po tant to h#)6an! '#nce the e #' noth#n% I ca e a"o(t )o e than the ,#n%' content)ent* I felt #t )y o"l#%at#on to 'ee to yo( $ell<"e#n%.2 W#th an #n% at#at#n% ')#le* he po#nte! to the cha# . 1S#t $#th )e an! $e $#ll ! #n, 'o)e $#ne an! eat 'o)e chee'e* an! yo( can tell )e all a"o(t yo( a!&ent( e. A e theMacH(%h' a' 'a&a%e an! #ll<te)pe e! a' I ha&e hea !0 An! $hat of La!y /a" #elle0 I' 'he a' "ea(t#f(l a' I e)e)"e 02 The en&oy $a' flatte e! "y the "a on' attent#on an! ea%e to 'ha e h#' #ence. Afte a 'econ! %o"let of $#ne* he $a' co)pletely ela.e! an! the $o !' flo$e! f eely. 1Do yo( $ant )e to tell yo( $o ! fo $o ! $hat each 'a#!02 1No* no* not at all*2 4o'$ol! 'a#!. 1Sa&e yo( epo t fo the ,#n%. I) only #nte e'te! to ,no$ $hat tho'e people a e l#,e.2 1I $#ll not "e %#&#n% the ,#n% each $o ! I hea !. He only $ant' to ,no$ #f La!y /a" #elle accepte! h#' fo %#&ene'' an! h#' offe of F#nney' Flat.2 He too, a %(lp of $#ne $h#le 4o'$ol! $a#te! #)pat#ently. 1No$ to an'$e yo( 3(e't#on* #t #' t (e. La!y MacH(%h #' a "ea(ty*2 he 'a#!. 1She 'ee)' content a' $ell. He ne$ clan $a' happy to hea that F#nney' Flat no$ "elon%' to the# la# !. They a e-2 4o'$ol! #nte (pte!. 1La!y MacH(%h0 Yo( )ean to 'ay La!y /a" #elle02 1She #' La!y MacH(%h no$* fo 'he #' )a #e! to La# ! MacH(%h. I )('t tell yo(* I $a' 3(a,#n% #n )y "oot' $hen he t( ne! h#' %a7e on )e. He #' a f#e ce $a #o .2 The en&oy accepte! )o e $#ne an! cont#n(e! to tal, a"o(t h#' #)p e''#on' of the MacH(%h la# !. He !#!nt not#ce 4o'$ol!' !#'t e''. Wh#le he chatte! a)#ca"ly a"o(t the $e!!e! co(ple* 4o'$ol! 'ta e! 't a#%ht ahea!* % #pp#n% h#' %o"let 'o t#%htly the #) "e%an to "en! f o) the p e''( e. H#' th oat "( ne! $#th the "#le #'#n% f o) h#' 'to)ach. It too, all h#' cont ol not to 'c ea) h#' f( y. Too late. It $a' too late. /a" #elle ha! once a%a#n el(!e! h#' % a'p. Wa' the t ea'( e lo't to h#) a' $ell0 Whene&e the en&oy pa('e!* 4o'$ol! no!!e! enco( a%e)ent an! ef#lle! h#' %o"let. Afte 'o )(ch $#ne* the en&oy' $o !' "e%an to 'l( * an! h#' eyel#!' % e$ hea&y. 1I a) 'leepy*2 he 'a#! an! 'ta te! to #'e. 4o'$ol! h( #e!ly offe e! h#) )o e chee'e an! " ea!. 1Yo( $#ll 'leep "ette on a f(ll 'to)ach*2 he 'a#!* ')#l#n% " oa!ly $hen the en&oy eache! fo the foo!.

1What othe ne$' !#! yo( hea 02 4o'$ol! a',e!. 1The MacH(%h' a e '(ch a c( #o(' % o(p of people. I f#n! the) fa'c#nat#n%*2 he a!!e! 'o that the en&oy $o(l! not !#'ce n a !eepe )ot#&e. By )o n#n%* he !o("te! the ! (n,en )an $o(l! e)e)"e anyth#n% he! 'a#!. 1Wh#le I $a' $a#t#n% fo La!y MacH(%h to co)e "ac, o(t'#!e* I ate a &a #ety of #nte e't#n% foo!'. The e $a' a '$eet" ea! I )(ch en+oye!62 4o'$ol! let h#) a)"le* hop#n% he $o(l! hea 'o)eth#n% of #nte e't. 1They $e e cele" at#n%*2 the en&oy 'a#!* ya$n#n%. A p#ece of chee'e $a' 't(c, "et$een h#' teeth* an! 4o'$ol! loo,e! a$ay. The ! (n,a !' "eha&#o $a' "eco)#n% )o e an! )o e !#'%('t#n%. 14ele" at#n% $hat02 he a',e!* (na"le to ,eep the # #tat#on o(t of h#' &o#ce. 1F#nney'62 He 'ee)e! to ha&e lo't h#' t a#n of tho(%ht. 1They $e e cele" at#n% the ne$' that F#nney' Flat #' no$ the# '02 4o'$ol! p o!!e!. 1Ye'* ye'. It "elon%' to the).2 1Wa' the e )ent#on of anyth#n% el'e the# la# ! $o(l! ece#&e02 The en&oy "l#n,e! 'e&e al t#)e'* t y#n% to foc('. 1What02 1/ol!*2 4o'$ol! )(tte e!. 1Wa' the e )ent#on of %ol!02 The en&oy 'c atche! h#' ch#n. 1No* no %ol!.2 De'pa# $a' ! o$n#n% 4o'$ol!* an! he 'l()pe! #nto the cha# an! "( #e! h#' face #n h#' han!. 1Lo't*2 he $h#'pe e!. He tho(%ht the en&oy ha! fallen a'leep* "(t he $a' )#'ta,en. 1T ea'( e.2 1What 'ay yo(02 4o'$ol! a',e! 'ha ply. 1St. B#el. The e #' t ea'( e.2 1They ,no$ a"o(t the t ea'( e02 he !e)an!e!. He 'hoo, the en&oy to %et h#) ale t eno(%h to cont#n(e. 1The p #e't6he 'a#! they $#ll %et the t ea'( e62 he )()"le!. 4o'$ol! leane! clo'e to the )an 'o that he co(l! hea each $o !. 1D#! anyone 'ay $he e th#' t ea'( e #'02 1No6La!y MacH(%h6La!y MacH(%h 'a#!62 4o'$ol! % a""e! the )an' 'ho(l!e '. 1What !#! La!y MacH(%h 'ay a"o(t the t ea'( e02 The )an' hea! olle! to the '#!e. 1She 'a#! the la# ! %et' the lan!6"(t he $#ll not ha&e the t ea'( e.2 4o'$ol! ! oppe! the )an' 'ho(l!e ' an! 'too! "ac,. 5e hap' #t $a' not too late afte all.

4OLM WAS A 5OSSESSI;E MAN. HE :E5T A WAT4HFUL EYE on /a" #elle an! fo(n! that he !#!nt l#,e any )an 'tan!#n% too clo'e to he o 'ta #n% o&e ly lon%. In the !ay' '#nce the# )a #a%e* he ha!nt ela.e! h#' %(a !. One e&en#n% afte '(ppe * L#a) an! 4ol) $e e alone #n the % eat hall. Wh#le W#lla an! Ma( na clea e! the ta"le* L#a) !ec#!e! to " #n% (p h#' " othe ' #nten'e $atchf(lne''. 14o)e an! 'tan! "y the f# e* 4ol)* 'o that I )ay 'pea, to yo( #n p #&ate.2 L#a) ,nelt on one ,nee an! to''e! a fat lo% #nto the f# e* then p(lle! a cha# clo'e to the heat an! 'at !o$n. 4ol) leane! a%a#n't the hea th an! $a#te! to hea $hat h#' " othe ha! to 'ay. 1Do yo( ha&e ea'on to !#'t ('t /a" #elle02 L#a) a',e!.

The 3(e't#on offen!e! 4ol)* "(t he ,ne$ L#a) $a'nt t y#n% to #n'(lt h#) o /a" #elle. 1Of co( 'e not*2 he )(tte e!. L#a) no!!e!. 1Yo( a e #%ht to t ('t he . She $o(l! ne&e "e (nt (e to yo(. I 'ee $he e he hea t "elon%'.2 1An! $he e )#%ht that "e02 H#' " othe la(%he!. 1Yo( cannot "e that "l#n!. Yo( ,no$ 'he lo&e' yo(.2 4ol) !#!nt ac,no$le!%e L#a)' $o !'. Lo&e $a' fo $o)en to tal, a"o(t* not $a #o '. 1Why !#! yo( a', )e #f I !#'t ('te! he $hen yo( al ea!y hel! the an'$e 02 1Beca('e of the $ay yo( act. Yo( "eha&e l#,e a +ealo(' )an.2 1I a) not +ealo('. I %(a ! $hat #' )#ne. /a" #elle !e'e &e' a' )(ch p otect#on a' any othe )e)"e of )y clan.2 1She #' yo( $#fe* 4ol).2 1An! I $#ll %(a ! he $ell.2 /a" #elle ca(%ht the# attent#on $hen 'he appea e! on the 'ta# '. She 'teppe! to the '#!e an! $a#te! $h#le t$o of 4ol)' )en ca #e! (p he t (n,. 1/a" #elle* $hy a e yo( ta,#n% 'alt to yo( oo)02 A' the )en pa''e! he 'he tol! the)* 15(t #t ac o'' the hea th #n )y cha)"e * plea'e.2 1Ill 'ho$ the) $he e #t 'ho(l! %o*2 Ma( na calle! o(t a' 'he h( #e! to help. 1B(t )#la!y* $hy #' #t yo( $ant a t (n, of 'alt #n yo( oo)02 1It #'nt 'alt*2 'he e.pla#ne! to Ma( na. An! then to 4ol) an! L#a) 'he 'a#!* 1If yo(ll e)e)"e * 4ol)* I tol! yo( that all "(t one of the t (n,' $e e f#lle! $#th 'alt. It too, fo e&e to f#n! the #%ht t (n,* an! a' l(c, $o(l! ha&e #t* #t $a' on the "otto) of the 'tac,.2 1Yo( $#ll $ea the MacH(%h colo '. Yo( ha&e no nee! of En%l#'h clothe'*2 he an'$e e!. 1I )ay not nee! the)* "(t I) 't#ll %o#n% to ,eep the). The e a e othe th#n%' #n the t (n, a' $ell* e)#n!e ' an! )e)o #e' of Well#n%'h# e an! St. B#el.2 1/oo! /o!* /a" #elle* yo(&e %ot eno(%h e)#n!e ' of St. B#el*2 L#a) 'a#!. 14ol)* !#! yo( 'ee the '#7e of the 'tat(e the a""ot 'ent0 It' #n the 'to a%e oo) (nt#l yo( "(#l! /el oy a chapel. Then #t $#ll %o #n'#!e the ch( ch.2 1No* L#a)*2 /a" #elle 'a#!. 1It !oe'nt %o #n'#!e. It 'tay' o(t'#!e "y the !oo 'o that all $#ll 'ee #t a' they %o #n. It #' t a!#t#on.2 1None of the 'tat(e' #n St. B#el a e #n'#!e ch( che'02 1Of co( 'e not. We p ay to /o!* not to 'tat(e'.2 L#a) ha! 'too! $hen 'he ente e! the oo)* "(t once 'he $a' 'eate!* he et( ne! to h#' cha# . 1I' #t t (e that anothe 'tat(e #' co)#n% f o) yo( fathe 02 1Ye'. It "elon%e! to )y )othe * an! no$ that I a) )a #e! #t $#ll co)e to )e. It' t a!#t#on.2 1Any othe ' on the# $ay he e02 4ol) ! a$le!. 1>('t a !o7en o 'o*2 'he tea'e!. She $a' la(%h#n% at the# eact#on $hen he %(a !' e3(e'te! to 'pea, to he . She too, one loo, at he fa#thf(l %(a !' 'e #o(' face' an! ,ne$ #))e!#ately $hat they $e e %o#n% to tell he = they $e e %o#n% ho)e. /a" #elle too, a !eep " eath an! !e'pe ately t #e! to hol! "ac, the tea '. It $o(l! "e $ on% fo he to c y. She %lance! at 4ol) an! co(l! tell f o) h#' e.p e''#on that the %(a !' ha! al ea!y 'po,en to h#). She 'lo$ly $al,e! o&e to the) an! fol!e! he han!' a' tho(%h #n p aye . 1Yo( e %o#n% ho)e.2 She loo,e! at Stephen a' 'he )a!e the 'tate)ent. 1It #' t#)e* 5 #nce''. We a e no$ con&#nce! that yo( la# ! $#ll ,eep yo( 'afe.2

She too, h#' han! #n he ' an! 'a#!* 1Yo( ha&e "een )y t (e't f #en!* Stephen. I !o not ,no$ ho$ I $#ll e&e %o on $#tho(t yo(.2 He "o$e! to he an! 'teppe! "ac,. /a" #elle cla'pe! L(c#en' han! ne.t. 1We ha&e ha! )any )#'a!&ent( e' to%ethe * ha&e $e not0 I th#n, yo( $#ll "e happy to "e #! of )e.2 1Nay* I $#ll not* 5 #nce''. I $#ll )#'' yo(* "(t I $#ll al$ay' ca y yo( #n )y hea t.2 Fa('t $a' ne.t #n l#ne. She too, h#' han! an! 'a#!* 14an yo( "el#e&e #t* Fa('t0 Yo( $#ll 'oon 'ee St. B#el' )o(nta#n'.2 1I 'hall )#'' yo(* 5 #nce''.2 4h #'t#en $a' la't. She to(che! h#' han! an! 'a#!* 1Yo( ha&e 'a&e! )e f o) !eath too )any t#)e' to co(nt. I o$e yo( )y l#fe* 4h #'t#en* an! I $#ll )#'' yo(.2 1Yo( $#ll not ha&e to )#'' )e lon%* 5 #nce''. I $#ll "e "ac,. I $#ll ,no$ $hen #t #' t#)e.2 They "o$e! lo$ an! too, the# lea&e. A '#n%le tea t #c,le! !o$n he chee,. W#tho(t a $o !* /a" #elle left the hall an! $ent (p to he oo). 4ol) ,ne$ 'he nee!e! to "e alone. He $a#te! a' lon% a' he co(l!* an! then he $ent to he cha)"e . She $a' c( le! (p on the "e!* $eep#n%. He %athe e! he #n h#' a )' an! co)fo te! he the only $ay he ,ne$. He let he c y.

FATHER /ELROY HEL5ED HER DEAL WITH HER LOSS BY )a,#n% he feel %(#lty. 1Of co( 'e yo( )#'' yo( %(a !'. They&e "een l#,e ol!e " othe ' to yo( all the'e yea '* "(t yo(&e %ot to th#n, a"o(t the) f#n!#n% the# o$n path. St. B#el #' the# ho)e* an! yo( 'ho(l! ha&e +oy #n yo( hea t that they can no$ et( n to the# l#&e' the e.2 /a" #elle ,ne$ the holy )an $a' #%ht* "(t #t $a' 't#ll !#ff#c(lt fo he to f#n! +oy $hen 'he )#''e! the) 'o )(ch. Fo t(nately* 'he $a' ,ept "('y an! ha! l#ttle t#)e to )ope. The clan )a!e #t ea'y fo he to 'ettle #nto the# $ay of l#fe. /a" #elle ha! $on the) o&e $hen they hea ! that 'he ha! ,#lle! a )an to ,eep L#a) 'afe. She ea ne! the# lo&e an! e'pect $hen 'he )a #e! the# la# ! an! %a&e h#) F#nney' Flat. Stan!#n% (p to La!y >oan an! p(tt#n% he #n he place 'ho$e! the) that 'he ha! a te)pe * $h#ch they con'#!e e! a f#ne t a#t. E&e yone too, t( n' #n't (ct#n% he . Ma( na an! W#lla helpe! he lea n ho$ to "e )#'t e'' #n he ho)e. It $a' (p to /a" #elle to !ec#!e the )en( fo each )eal* $hen the ('he' nee!e! to "e chan%e! an! the "e!!#n% a# e! o(t* an! a tho('an! othe th#n%' that )a!e the ca'tle (n ')oothly. Ne#the the ho('e,eepe no the coo, e&e 'a#! 1no2 to he o ca)e #%ht o(t an! tol! he 'he $a' $ on% a"o(t anyth#n%. They ha! a )o e '("tle $ay to let he ,no$ $hen they felt 'he! )a!e a )#'ta,e. 1We 'hall ha&e )eat p#e' fo !#nne ton#%ht*2 /a" #elle tol! W#lla. The coo, 'hoo, he hea! e&e 'o 'l#%htly. /a" #elle t #e! a%a#n. 1We $#ll ha&e ch#c,en02 Anothe 3(#c, 'ha,e of the hea! follo$e! that o !e . /a" #elle '#%he!. 1M(tton then.2 A no! of app o&al. 1Ye'* La!y MacH(%h. M(tton #t $#ll "e.2 The 'tonec(tte an! the can!le)a,e #n't (cte! he #n the %o#n%' on $#th the &a #o(' clan'. They felt #t $a' #)pe at#&e that the# )#'t e'' (n!e 'tan! all the fe(!'. /a" #elle $a'nt e&en '( e $he e all the clan' l#&e!. 1Why #' #t #)po tant fo )e to ,no$ a"o(t the fe(!'02 'he a',e!. The can!le)a,e loo,e! a'ton#'he! that 'he $o(l! a', '(ch a 3(e't#on. He an'$e e! $#th one of h#' o$n. 1If yo( !ont ,no$ $ho' f#%ht#n%* ho$ $#ll yo( ,no$ $ho to 'pea, to an! $ho to c( 'e02

She !#!nt ha&e a ea!y an'$e fo h#). That e&en#n% a' 'he p epa e! fo "e!* 'he a',e! 4ol) a"o(t the clan'. 1The e a e 'o )any of the) #n the H#%hlan!'* I cannot ,eep the) 't a#%ht.2 1To)o o$ I $#ll ! a$ yo( a )ap an! 'ho$ yo( $he e each clan l#&e'.2 1W#ll yo( ! a$ th#' )ap "efo e o afte yo( ta,e )e to the B(chanan'02 She 'teppe! o(t of the l#%ht $h#le 'he e)o&e! he (n!e %a )ent' an! p(t on he n#%ht%o$n. He 'hyne'' a)('e! 4ol). He $a' al ea!y #n "e!. He lay on h#' '#!e an!* lean#n% on h#' el"o$* p oppe! h#' hea! (p an! la7#ly $atche! he . /a" #elle )o&e! "ac, to the f# e to $a ) he 'elf $h#le 'he " ('he! the tan%le' f o) he ha# . 1Why !o yo( p(t that %o$n on02 4ol) a',e!. 1I) only %o#n% to ta,e #t off a' 'oon a' yo( co)e to "e!.2 She p(t the " ('h !o$n an! t( ne! to h#). 1I )('t pay a &#'#t to the B(chanan'. W#ll yo( ta,e )e to)o o$02 1No.2 1La!y /#ll#an #' )y !ea e't co('#n.2 1Yo(&e ne&e e&en )et the $o)an.2 1She #' 't#ll !ea to )e.2 1I ha&e !(t#e' to)o o$. I cannot.2 14o(l! 'o)eone el'e ta,e )e to the B(chanan'02 1No.2 1The !ay afte to)o o$02 1No. 4o)e to "e!.2 She 'ta e! at h#) a lon% )#n(te. 1No.2 He !#!nt 'ee) fa7e! "y he ef('al. She $a' !#'appo#nte!* fo 'he hope! to )a,e h#) an% y. She $o(l! ha&e 'to )e! o(t of the oo)* "(t 'he !#!nt ha&e any$he e to %o. Be'#!e'* 'he co(l!nt 'to ) any$he e (nle'' 'he %ot ! e''e!. /a" #elle !ec#!e! the e $a' too )(ch effo t e3(# e! +('t to # #tate h#). It only too, a fe$ )o e 'econ!' fo he to a!)#t to he 'elf that 'he $a' %o#n% to ha&e to %et #nto "e! o 'he $o(l! f ee7e to !eath. She c o''e! the oo) to the '#!e of the "e!. 1>('t 'o yo( (n!e 'tan!. I) not co)#n% to yo(. I) co)#n% to "e!.2 She 'ta te! to cl#)" o&e h#) to he '#!e of the "e!* "(t $#th one )o&e)ent he p(lle! he %o$n o&e he hea! an! 'he lan!e! ha ! on h#' che't. He p('he! he le%' !o$n* t app#n% the) $#th h#'* an! then olle! o&e 'o that 'he $a' p#nne! "eneath h#). He n#""le! he nec, a' he 'a#!* 1>('t 'o yo( (n!e 'tan!. I) %o#n% to )a,e lo&e to yo(.2 He ha! the la't $o !.

/ABRIELLE WAS WAL:IN/ to the la,e $#th B ae!en' $#fe* L#ly* $ho $a' la %e $#th the# f# 't ch#l!. She $a'nt 'o )(ch t#)#! a' 'hy* an! 'he 'po,e #n a &o#ce "a ely a"o&e a $h#'pe . She $a' a '$eet<te)pe e! $o)an* an! /a" #elle en+oye! he co)pan#on'h#p. 1I' th#' the la,e the )en '$#) #n02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1On the fa '#!e $he e $e cant 'ee the). They $o(l!nt )#n!*2 L#ly 'a#!* 1"(t they ,no$ $e $o(l!.2 1I'nt #t a "ea(t#f(l !ay0 The a# #' 'o c #'p.2 /a" #elle 't etche! he a )' o(t an! let the '(n $a ) he face. 1Wa#t (nt#l yo( 'ee the la,e. It' clea $ate *2 L#ly 'a#!. 1F ee7#n% to the to(ch* tho(%h. E&en #n the '())e )onth' the $ate ne&e $a )'. >('t !an%l#n% yo( feet #n #t $#ll ca('e yo( teeth to chatte . I !o not ,no$ ho$ the )en 'tan! #t.2

1Than, yo( fo $a n#n% )e. I $#ll "e ce ta#n ne&e to te't #t.2 /a" #elle 'at (n!e a t ee en+oy#n% th#' peacef(l t#)e of !ay. The noon )eal $a' f#n#'he!* "(t the e $e e 't#ll a fe$ ho( ' "efo e '(ppe . L#ly tal,e! a"o(t the p epa at#on' 'he $a' )a,#n% fo the "a"y* an! /a" #elle $a' a"o(t to a', he a 3(e't#on $hen Ethan an! To) ca)e cha %#n% th o(%h the t ee'. To) $a' cha'#n% Ethan. 1They 'ho(l! not "e he e alone*2 L#ly 'a#!. /a" #elle a% ee!. She calle! to the "oy'. Ethan $a' t y#n% to o(t (n To)* "(t he co(l!nt chan%e !# ect#on #n t#)e. She $atche! h#) t #p o&e h#' o$n feet an! p opel h#)'elf #nto the $ate . L#ly 'ho(te! fo help a' /a" #elle ,#c,e! off he 'hoe' an! an #n afte the ch#l!. The $ate $a' 'o col! 'he fea e! he hea t $o(l! 'top. W#th To) on the "an, $a#l#n%* 'he f#'he! Ethan to the '( face an! ca #e! h#) to ! y lan! 'p(tte #n% an! co(%h#n%. 1It' col!*2 he tol! To) $hen he co(l! %et h#' " eath. 1La!y /a" #elle* co(l! I t y-2 To) "e%an. She ,ne$ $he e he $a' hea!#n%. 1No* yo( )ay not t y the $ate . Both of yo(* co)e $#th )e.2 L#ly $ appe! he 'ha$l a o(n! Ethan. 1Yo(ll "e 'nee7#n% ton#%ht*2 'he p e!#cte!. /a" #elle' teeth chatte e!. 1Sno$ #'nt a' col! a' that $ate *2 'he 'a#!. L#ly no!!e!. 1The "oy' a(nt l#&e' +('t t$o cotta%e' a$ay f o) )#ne. I $#ll 'ee the) ho)e. Yo( 'ho(l! %o chan%e yo( clothe' "efo e yo( 'ta t 'nee7#n%.2 Fo t(nately* ne#the 4ol) no L#a) $e e #n'#!e the ca'tle* an! 'he $a' a"le to %et to he oo) $#tho(t "e#n% not#ce!. Unfo t(nately* l#ttle Ethan an! To) tol! e&e yone they 'a$ a"o(t La!y MacH(%h +()p#n% #nto the $ate . By the t#)e /a" #elle ha! chan%e! he clothe' an! $a )e! he 'elf "y the f# e* the ent# e clan ,ne$ 'he! %one '$#))#n% #n the la,e. W#lla an! Ma( na po(n!e! on he !oo . 1A e yo( $ant#n% )o e "lan,et'* )#la!y02 1I) f#ne*2 'he a''( e! the). 1B(t I !o $ant !# ect#on' to the t$#n' ho)e. I $o(l! l#,e to tal, to the# a(nt.2 W#lla 'ho$e! he the $ay. When the !oo $a' an'$e e!* /a" #elle (n!e 'too! $hy the "oy' $e e allo$e! to (n $#l!. The a(nt $a' 3(#te el!e ly an! loo,e! #n nee! of a yea lon% nap. /a" #elle $a' #n&#te! #n'#!e. Ethan $a' loo,#n% no $o 'e fo $ea . Both he an! To) 'at at the ta"le eat#n% $hat appea e! to "e the 'a)e &#le pa'te W#lla $a' al$ay' t y#n% to %et /a" #elle to eat. The "oy' 'ee)e! to l#,e #t* tho(%h. 1Theyll "e 'tay#n% #n'#!e (nt#l to)o o$*2 the a(nt p o)#'e!. 1Ethan* e)e)"e yo( )anne '. Than, La!y MacH(%h fo 'a&#n% yo( f o) !eath. Apolo%#7e to he fo he t o("le.2 The apolo%y $a' %#&en an! accepte!. The a(nt ('he e! /a" #elle o(t'#!e an! clo'e! the !oo 'o the "oy' $o(l!nt hea . 1I) 'o y* )#la!y. Ethan an! To) a e %oo! "oy'. I&e ha! the) '#nce the# pa ent' !#e!. It ha'nt "een ea'y. I&e t #e! )y "e't* an! e&e yone #n the clan ha' helpe! o(t* "(t they nee! )o e than I can %#&e the).2 /a" #elle too, the ol! $o)an' han! #n he '. 1Ill 'pea, to the la# !*2 'he p o)#'e!. 1I) '( e hell th#n, of 'o)eth#n%.2 On he et( n to the ca'tle* /a" #elle felt pan%' of %(#lt. Afte he co)pla#nt' to 4ol) a"o(t ta,#n% on too )(ch e'pon'#"#l#ty an! ne&e !ele%at#n%* he e 'he $a' %#&#n% h#) yet anothe p o"le) to 'ol&e. She $a' $a#t#n% at the ta"le $hen 4ol) an! L#a) $al,e! #nto the % eat hall. F o) 4ol)' f o$n an! L#a)' % #n* 'he a''()e! they ha! al ea!y hea ! a"o(t the #nc#!ent at the la,e. 1D#! yo( en+oy yo( '$#)02 L#a) a',e!.

She $a'nt #n the )oo! fo )e #)ent. /la #n% at 4ol)* 'he 'a#!* 1D#! yo( fo %et to "an the) f o) the la,e02 1I tho(%ht I ha!*2 he 'a#!. 1A e yo( all #%ht02 H#' conce n cal)e! he !o$n. 1That "oy nea ly ! o$ne!. So)eth#n% ha' to "e !one.2 She $ent to h#) an! ,#''e! h#' chee,. 1Yo( $#ll ta,e the) #n han!0 They $#ll not l#&e to "e '#. #f yo( !ont.2 W#lla ca #e! '(ppe to the ta"le. /a" #elle ha! al ea!y eaten* "(t 'he 'at "y 4ol) $h#le he an! L#a) ate. 1Do yo( ,no$ that afte I f#'he! Ethan o(t* To) $ante! to ta,e a t( n02 L#a) cho,e! on the ! #n, of $ate he ha! +('t ta,en. /a" #elle $a#te! (nt#l he 'toppe! co(%h#n% an! then a',e! h#) ho$ ol! he tho(%ht the a(nt $a'. 1I !ont )ean to "e (n,#n!* "(t 'he loo,e! to "e at lea't e#%hty*2 'he 'a#!. 1Act(ally* 'he' a"o(t yo( a%e*2 L#a) 'a#!. 1That' $hat th ee yea ' $#th tho'e "oy' $#ll !o.2 She 'co$le! at h#). 1That' not a)('#n%.2 /a" #elle t( ne! "ac, to 4ol). 1She lo&e' tho'e "oy'* "(t they e too )(ch fo he . They ha&e too )any people tell#n% the) $hat to !o* an! 'o they !ont l#'ten to anyone.2 4ol) no!!e!. 1Ill tal, to the $o)an.2 /a" #elle $a' content ,no$#n% he $o(l! !o $hat $a' nece''a y. T$o !ay' late /a" #elle $al,e! #nto the % eat hall ca y#n% a "a',et of he "' an! 'a$ Ethan an! To) (nn#n% (p the 'ta# '. Ma( na* 'tan!#n% on the "otto) 'tep* $atche! $#th app ehen'#on. 1Whe e a e they %o#n%02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1To yo( cha)"e *2 Ma( na an'$e e!. So)e$hat ala )e!* /a" #elle $a' ca(t#o(' to a',* 1An! $hy #' that02 1All of yo( th#n%' ha&e "een )o&e! to the la# !' cha)"e . The "oy' $#ll "e l#&#n% he e.2 Ma( na t( ne! to$a ! /a" #elle $#th a ')#le that 'ho$e! 'he $a' e'#%ne! "(t al'o a l#ttle f ant#c. 1What a"o(t the# a(nt02 /a" #elle 'a#!. 1She $#ll 'tay #n he cotta%e. She #' 3(#te happy a"o(t th#' an! 'a#! #t #' "e't fo the "oy'. They $#ll 'ee he often.2 /a" #elle $a' a"o(t to a', ho$ the "oy' felt a"o(t the# ne$ l#&#n% a an%e)ent'* "(t 'he hea ! '3(eal' of la(%hte f o) (p'ta# '. She ha! he an'$e .

IT WAS A /LORIOUS DAY. 4OLM HAD SUR5RISED /ABRIELLE AND ta,en he #!#n%. They )a!e the# $ay to the 'pot o&e loo,#n% the "ea(t#f(l %len an! 'lo$e! the# ho 'e' to an ea'y $al,. 4ol) ha! ne&e "efo e left h#' !(t#e' to 'pen! #!le t#)e $#th he * an! /a" #elle $a' !eeply '('p#c#o(' of h#' )ot#&e'. 1I ha&e no othe )ot#&e* /a" #elle*2 he tol! he . 1I ,ne$ yo( $ante! to #!e Ro%(e* an! 'o I !ec#!e! to acco))o!ate yo(.2 1Fa('t $o(l! ('(ally #!e $#th )e62 He eye' $#!ene! #n '( p #'e. 1Yo( a e "e#n% thoughtful@2 1Do yo( $ant to 'pen! o( t#)e tal,#n% a"o(t $hy $e a e #!#n% to%ethe * o $o(l! yo( p efe to act(ally #!e02 It $a' lo&ely ha&#n% he h('"an! all to he 'elf* "(t the t#)e 'l#ppe! a$ay too 3(#c,ly.

He tal,e! to he a"o(t Ethan an! To). 1They $#ll "e %#&en cho e' that they can han!le* an! they )ay play $hen the cho e' a e co)plete!.2 1Who $#ll %#&e the) the'e cho e' an! 'ee that they a e co)plete!02 He n(!%e! h#' ho 'e clo'e 'o that he $a' "e'#!e he . Reach#n% o&e * he p(lle! he to h#). 1The )#'t e'' of )y ho)e.2 He ,#''e! he "efo e 'he co(l! a %(e. When he l#fte! h#' hea!* he 'a#!* 1Yo( !#! '(%%e't that I !ele%ate.2 1Ye'* "(t-2 1It' t#)e that $e %et "ac,*2 he 'a#!. He! 'o(n!e! el(ctant* 'he tho(%ht* an! that plea'e! he . 5e hap' he l#,e! 'pen!#n% t#)e alone $#th he a' )(ch a' 'he !#! $#th h#). They $e e nea #n% the ! a$" #!%e $hen a 'ol!#e #nte cepte! the). 1La# !* the e #' a )e''en%e $ho 'ay' he co)e' f o) yo( $#fe' fathe .2 1My fathe 02 /a" #elle c #e! o(t. 4ol) eache! o&e an! % a""e! he e#n' 'o that 'he co(l!nt %o ac#n% off $#tho(t h#). 1Whe e #' th#' )e''en%e 02 1At the "a'e of o( )o(nta#n. The %(a !' ,no$ not to let h#) co)e fa the $#tho(t f# 't %a#n#n% yo( pe )#''#on.2 1Ha&e h#) 'tay the e. I $#ll %o to h#) to hea th#' )e''a%e.2 1Aye* La# !*2 he epl#e!. 1/a" #elle* yo( $#ll $a#t #n'#!e.2 1I $o(l! p efe to %o $#th yo(* h('"an!.2 1Yo( $#ll %o #n'#!e.2 She $a' th o(%h "e#n% !#plo)at#c. 15e hap' I 'ho(l! e.pla#n a !#ffe ent $ay. I) %o#n% $#th yo(. Befo e yo( !eny )e a%a#n* I $#ll )ent#on that I ,no$ )y fathe ' 'e &ant'* an! I co(l! tell yo( #f th#' )e''en%e #' f o) Well#n%'h# e o not. Be'#!e'*2 'he ('he! on "efo e he co(l! #nte (pt* 1I $#ll 't#ll "e on yo( lan!. Yo(&e let )e #!e to the o&e loo, $#th )y %(a !' )any t#)e'.2 It $a' a 'o(n! a %()ent* an! he !ec#!e! to chan%e h#' )#n!. She 'taye! "eh#n! h#) an! 'lo$e! $hen 'he eache! the 'ha p t( n #n the t a#l +('t a"o&e the !#&#!#n% l#ne "et$een F#nney' Flat an! the )o(nta#n. 14ol)* $hat #f he " #n%' "a! ne$'02 1Then $e $#ll hea #t to%ethe .2 She !#!nt ha&e t#)e to f et o&e that po''#"#l#ty* fo once 'he ha! o(n!e! the t#%ht "en! #n the t a#l* 'he co(l! 'ee the )e''en%e . 1It' N#%el@2 'he e.cla#)e!. 1He #' one of )y fathe ' )o't loyal 'e &ant'* an! I ha&e ,no$n h#) fo yea '.2 /a" #elle n(!%e! Ro%(e to %o fa'te a' 'he calle! o(t a % eet#n% to he fathe ' 'te$a !. N#%el !#!nt $a#t fo he to !#')o(nt* #))e!#ately han!#n% he the 'c oll #n h#' han!'. She ,ne$ the )#''#&e to "e %en(#ne "eca('e #t "o e he fathe ' 'eal. She $a' 'o e.c#te! 'he co(l! "a ely conta#n he 'elf a' 'he ea! #t. 1My fathe co)e' to 'ee )e6'ee ('*2 'he co ecte!* 1an! $#ll "e he e "y the en! of the $ee,. Th#' #' $on!e f(l ne$'* an! I than, yo(* N#%el* fo " #n%#n% #t to )e.2 She loo,e! (p at 4ol). 1He $#ll $#'h to ef e'h h#)'elf. May I offe h#) yo( ho'p#tal#ty02 1Yo( )ay.2 He )ot#one! to one of h#' %(a !'. 1Ta,e h#) to the ,#tchen'.2 A' 'oon a' N#%el $a' o(t of '#%ht* 'he opene! the )e''a%e an! ea! #t to 4ol). 1Da(%hte * I 'hall a #&e at yo( ne$ ho)e "y $ee,' en! to 'ee fo )y'elf that yo( a e 'afe an! $ell ca e! fo . I ha&e "een tol! that yo( a e )a #e! an! that yo( a e content. I 'hall +(!%e fo )y'elf once I ha&e )et yo( h('"an! an! loo,e! #nto yo( eye'.

1When I $a' tol! $hat yo( ha! en!( e! at the a""ey* I $a' en a%e!. I f ant#cally 'ea che! fo yo(. Wo ! ca)e f o) La# ! B(chanan that yo( $e e 'afe an! p otecte!. My el#ef $a' % eat* Da(%hte * "(t )y a%e e)a#ne!. I calle! (p )y &a''al' to p epa e fo $a . Othe "a on' +o#ne! )e. The ,#n% ha' t #e! to )a,e #%ht the $ on% 4o'$ol! an! 5e cy ha&e !one* "(t I $#ll not e't (nt#l "oth ha&e pa#! fo the# '#n'.2 The e $e e tea ' of +oy #n /a" #elle' eye' $hen 'he loo,e! at 4ol). 1My fathe #' co)#n%. Th#' #' happy ne$'.2 4ol) l#fte! he onto Ro%(e' "ac,. 1If #t )a,e' yo( ')#le l#,e that* then ye'* #t #' happy ne$'.2 He han!e! he the e#n' an! '$(n% onto h#' )o(nt. 1Oh* $a#t*2 /a" #elle 'a#!* (n oll#n% the 'c oll a%a#n. 1The e' )o e to ea!.2 She 't(!#e! the pape . 1What #' #t02 he a',e!. 1I $#ll 'ee yo( 'oon*2 'he ea!. 1An! plea'e ta,e )y !a(%hte to &#'#t he !ea e't co('#n at the B(chanan' $#th all po''#"le ha'te.2 She !#!nt t( n "ac, to 'ee h#' eact#on a' 'he o!e a$ay f o) h#). 4ol) follo$e!* h#' la(%h echo#n% ac o'' the &alley.

ON MONDAY B ae!en o!e $#th /a" #elle to the "otto) of the )o(nta#n to 'ee #f he fathe ha! 'ta te! ac o'' F#nney' Flat. 1D#!nt the )e''en%e %#&e yo( the ne$' +('t ye'te !ay02 he a',e!. 1Ye'* he !#!* B ae!en.2 1An! !#!nt yo( fathe 'ay he $o(l! "e he e at the en! of the $ee,02 1Ye'* he !#!* "(t )y fathe often )#'+(!%e' the t#)e #t ta,e' to t a&el. He co(l! "e #!#n% &e y fa't*2 'he e.pla#ne!. B ae!en co(l! 'ee he e.c#te)ent. He !#!nt $ant to !#'#ll('#on he $#th p act#cal#ty* an! 'o he 'a#! noth#n% )o e a"o(t the )atte a' they )a!e the t #p !o$n the )o(nta#n. T(e'!ay )o n#n% 4ol) left to atten! a )eet#n%. La# ! Ra)'ey S#ncla# ha! calle! on all the la# !' to %athe at h#' hol!#n% to !#'c('' the ecent e&ent' #n the H#%hlan!'. The e ha! "een )(ch (n e't a)on% the clan' '#nce the )( !e of La# ! Mon oe an! the ho't#l#ty p o&o,e! "y La# ! Mac:enna. The Mon oe' $e e no$ (n!e %o#n% a po$e 't (%%le "et$een t$o of the la# !' nephe$'* an! the Mac:enna' $e e left $#th no lea!e at all. Befo e th#n%' %ot o(t of han!* the la# !' $o(l! )eet at th#' '())#t an! !ec#!e on a co))on co( 'e of act#on. 4ol) co(l! not 'ay ho$ lon% he $o(l! "e a$ay* "(t he a''( e! /a" #elle that he $o(l! et( n #n plenty of t#)e to )eet he fathe . 1Why )('t I al$ay' ha&e an e'co t to loo, at the flat'02 'he a',e!. 1I) 'tay#n% on o( lan!. I) pe fectly 'afe.2 1Yo(ll "e pe fectly 'afe $#th an e'co t.2 T(e'!ay afte noon 'he na%%e! M#chael #nto #!#n% $#th he . She ca)e "ac, t$o ho( ' late . We!ne'!ay 'he coe ce! >a)e'. She et( ne! #n one ho( . Th( '!ay 5h#l#p e'co te! he . It $a' a#n#n%* an! 'he !#!nt %et "ac, fo th ee ho( '. F #!ay M#chael o!e $#th he a%a#n. She !#!nt co)e "ac, at all.

/ABRIELLE HAD ;ANISHED. It happene! at the 'ha p t( n nea the "a'e of the )o(nta#n. M#chael $a' #!#n% ahea! of he * an! fo no )o e than f#fteen o t$enty 'econ!' /a" #elle $a' alone. B(t that $a' all the t#)e they nee!e!. M#chael tho(%ht 'he $a' #%ht "eh#n! h#). He co(l! hea Ro%(e' hoo&e' cl#pp#n% o&e the 'tone'. He ,ne$ h#' )#'t e'' ha! 'lo$e! the ho 'e a' $a' he ha"#t +('t "efo e 'he eache! the t( n. On one '#!e $a' a ! op $#th loo'e oc,'. Ro%(e co(l! lo'e h#' foot#n% #f he 'teppe! too clo'e. On the othe $a' a cl#ff. Tho ny 'c (" t ee' % e$ f o) #t at pe pen!#c(la an%le'* l#,e c oo,e! tentacle' each#n% o&e the path. The th#c,et $a' 'o !en'e #t )(ffle! 'o(n!. /a" #elle an! the %(a ! ha! "een chatt#n% a)#ca"ly. 1I th#n, the la# ! #' %o#n% to $#!en th#' t a#l*2 he tol! he * 1'o yo( $ont ha&e to $o y a"o(t yo( ho 'e 'l#pp#n%.2 E.pect#n% a eply* he ca'(ally %lance! o&e h#' 'ho(l!e . Ro%(e $a' 't#ll "eh#n! h#)* "(t /a" #elle $a' %one. He 'ho(te! to he an! leape! f o) h#' )o(nt. 1La!y MacH(%h02 No an'$e . Th#n,#n% 'he ha! fallen* he 'ho(te! a%a#n a' he an "ac, to the t( n. 1A e yo( h( t0 La!y MacH(%h* $he e a e yo(02 An! 't#ll the e $a' no an'$e . M#chael "ello$e! to the 'ent y on the fa #!%e. 1D#! yo( 'ee he 0 O( )#'t e''62 The 'ol!#e co(l!nt hea h#)* "(t the t$o 'ent #e' pat oll#n% on the h#ll "eh#n! h#) !#! hea an! 'o(n!e! the ala ). The 'ho(t#n% 'poo,e! Ro%(e* an! the ',#tt#'h an#)al t( ne! an! "olte! (p the h#ll. F ant#c* M#chael 'l#! !o$n the ! op a $ay' to 'ee #f h#' )#'t e'' ha! ta,en a t()"le. She $a'nt the e. 4l#)"#n% "ac, (p* he then ('e! h#' '$o ! to hac, 'o)e of the " ('h a$ay* cl#n%#n% to the hope that h#' )#'t e'' ha! 'o)eho$ %otten 't(c, #n the tho n' an! $o(l! 'oon "e call#n% to h#) fo help. 1She' not he e. She' not he e*2 he 'c ea)e!* pan#c )a,#n% h#' &o#ce c ac,. W#th#n )#n(te' the a ea $a' '$a )#n% $#th MacH(%h 'ol!#e '* all 'ea ch#n% fo /a" #elle. L#a) an! B ae!en* t t ac,e '* each too, a 'ect#on of the t a#l to loo, fo footp #nt'. M#chael ha! t a)ple! )o't of the t a#l an! c(t th o(%h a % eat !eal of the " ('h* 'o the e $a' l#ttle e&#!ence of $he e an! ho$ 'o)eone ha! %otten to /a" #elle. L#a) $al,e! fa the !o$n the 'lope $he e the t a#l le&ele!. He &ee e! off the "eaten path to the left $he e the % o(n! $a' )o e !# t than oc,. He $al,e! a %oo! !#'tance. When he loo,e! "ac,* he co(l! no lon%e 'ee the t a#l. 1B ae!en@2 he "ello$e!. B ae!en* $ho ha! "een 'ea ch#n% the othe '#!e of the ! op* ca)e (nn#n%. 1I! 'ay at lea't f#fteen )en*2 L#a) e't#)ate!. He loo,e! !o$n at the 'oft % o(n! that ha! "een t a)ple! "y footp #nt' an! ho 'ep #nt'. 1I th#n, )o e*2 B ae!en 'a#!. L#a) $al,e! "ac,. Footp #nt' an%le! off to$a ! the th#c,et that eache! all the $ay to the cl#ff. 1It loo,' l#,e a co(ple of the) 'pl#t off he e.2 B ae!en follo$e! h#) a' he t ace! the " o,en an! c(t " anche'. When they eache! the cl#ff o&e loo,#n% the t( n #n the path* L#a) 'toppe!. 1Th#' #' $he e they h#!*2 he 'a#!. 1They $e e $a#t#n% fo he to pa'' "eneath the).2 1Loo,*2 B ae!en 'a#! a' he eache! !o$n an! p(lle! 'o)eth#n% f o) a tho ny t$#%. He a#'e! a 'h e! of % een fa" #c #n h#' f#n%e t#p'. 1La!y /a" #elle $a' $ea #n% a % een ! e'' to!ay.2 He loo,e! "lea,ly at L#a). 1Ill o %an#7e the )en to 'ea ch fo the'e "a'ta !'. Yo( ta,e t$o 'ol!#e ' an! #!e ha ! to La# ! S#ncla# ' hol!#n% to %#&e 4ol) th#' % #) ne$'.2 L#a) no!!e!. It $a' a !(ty he ! ea!e! )o e than !eath.

/ABRIELLE AWO:E WITH A 5OUNDIN/ HEADA4HE. SHE opene! he eye' an! t #e! to (n!e 'tan! $hat $a' happen#n% to he . She loo,e! a o(n! a oo) that $a' (nfa)#l#a * a' $a' the "e! 'he e'te! on. The ce#l#n% $a' lo$* clo'e eno(%h fo he to to(ch #f 'he 'at (p. She $a' #n 'o)e 'o t of loft. The ')ell #n the a# $a' )('ty an! 'tale. Whate&e th#' "(#l!#n% $a'* #t ha! not "een ('e! #n a %oo! lon% $h#le. St#c,' of 't a$ po,e! he "ac,* an! the co&e 'o)eone ha! th o$n on he $a' o(%h a%a#n't he face. She felt a 't#n% on he chee, an! eache! (p to to(ch #t. When 'he lo$e e! he han!* the e $a' a t ace of "loo! on he f#n%e '. She then 'a$ the 'c atche' on he a ). The fo% 'lo$ly clea e! f o) he )#n!. Ro%(e. She ha! "een #!#n% Ro%(e. An! the e $a' an an#)al. No* no. She thought the no#'e 'he hea ! $a' an an#)al fo a%#n% fo foo!. The e $a' a ('tl#n% 'o(n!. Then ca)e a "l#n!#n% pa#n. Belo$* a !oo '3(ea,e! open* an! 'he hea ! the 'h(ffle of people f#l#n% #n'#!e. /a" #elle $a' '(!!enly $#!e a$a,e. She $ante! to c a$l to the e!%e of the loft an! loo, o&e * "(t $a' af a#! 'he $o(l! "e 'een o hea !. She co(l!nt tell ho$ )any $e e (n!e neath he (nt#l 'he hea ! the# &o#ce'. 1Yo( "ette hope 'he $a,e' (p* Leo!* ca('e #f 'he !ont* he' %o#n to ,#ll yo( an! "( y yo( on top of he . I a#nt ne&e 'een anyone act l#,e that. D#! yo( 'ee the c a7e! %lea) #n h#' eye'0 It $a' l#,e the !e&#l $a' 'ta #n o(t at )e.2 1I only !#! $hat I $a' tol! to !o*2 Leo! p ote'te!. 1Yo( hea ! $hat he 'a#!. 5(t he !o$n 3(#c, "efo e 'he can 'c ea) an! then han! he off to yo( 'o yo( can ca y he * an! that' $hat I !#!* :enny. I p(t he !o$n. I !ont ca e ho$ )a! he %et'* $e %ot 't(c, !o#n all the $o ,. Wh#le the e't of the) a e $a#t#n off to the ea't* $e e c a$l#n (p the '#!e of the cl#ff* t y#n not to )a,e a 'o(n! $h#le $e p('h th o(%h that th#c,et. Wa#t#n on o( "ell#e' fo ho( ' an! ho( ' $#tho(t )o&#n at all. The ',#n' to n off )y han!' an! a )' f o) the tho n'. My le%' a e c a)p#n* too. He 'ho(l!nt "e yell#n at )e o yo( ca('e $e !#! the $o ,.2 1I ,no$ $e !#!* "(t yo( 'ho(l!nt ha&e ('e! yo( 'l#n% to %et he .2 1It' $hat I ('e to %et )y "# !'.2 1A $o)an a#nt the 'a)e a' a "# !* Leo!. Be'#!e'* yo( " ea, yo( "# !' nec,'.2 1It' the only $ay I ,no$ to ,#ll the) an! ,eep the fat on the) fo coo,#n.2 1Yo( co(l! ha&e " o,en he nec,.2 1I ('e! a ')all 'tone 'o I $o(l!nt.2 1I '( e hope 'he $a,e' (p. Doe' )y face loo, "loo!y02 1It !oe'. We 'ho(l!&e ha! )o e help*2 he $h#ne!. 1We ha! An! e$ #%ht "eh#n! ('.2 1What %oo! $a' he0 He' 'o ')all an! 'c a$ny* he loo,' l#,e he' ten* an! he cant l#ft anyth#n% hea&#e than a "(c,et. He 'ho(l! ha&e 'ent anothe )an $#th ('* not a "oy.2 1H#' loo,' a e !ece#&#n%. He' nea a' ol! a' $e a e. He +('t loo,' yo(n% an! p(ny* "(t I hea he' ,#lle! )o e than h#' 'ha e* an! I) )ean#n people* not "# !'. He ('e' h#' ,n#fe on the). St oll' (p loo,#n 'o #nnocent an! "a)@ #n 'l#!e' h#' "la!e.2 1D#! yo( e&e 'ee h#) !o #t02 1No* "(t I hea ! othe ' tal,#n a"o(t #t. I! (n fa't #f An! e$ co)e' ')#l#n at )e. Yo( "e't %o on (p the la!!e no$ an! 'ee #f 'he' " eath#n.2 /a" #elle hea ! the 'o(n! of the la!!e "e#n% ! a%%e! ac o'' the floo . The top 'la))e! a%a#n't the loft. 1I !ont th#n, th#' can hol! )e*2 Leo! "al,e!. 1/et that ,#!. Ma,e h#) !o #t.2 1I tol! yo(. An! e$ a#nt no ,#!* an! #f he %oe' (p* hell !#!!le $#th he "efo e he co)e' !o$n.2

/a" #elle clo'e! he eye'* t y#n% to 't#ll he po(n!#n% hea t. She hea ! "oot' on the (n%' of the la!!e * an! 'he lay pe fectly 't#ll a' the )an ca)e nea he . He ')elle! fo(l. He "()pe! h#' hea! on the 'lope! ce#l#n%. The 't a$ )att e'' 'h#fte! $hen he leane! o&e he . He p(t h#' han! on he che't* an! $h#le 'he p eten!e! to "e (ncon'c#o('* h#' f#n%e ' )o&e! ac o'' he " ea't'. She $ante! to ,#ll h#). He +e ,e! h#' han! a$ay $hen :enny yelle! at h#). 1I' 'he " eath#n% o not02 1She #'* "(t 'he' 't#ll 'leep#n.2 He 'hoo, he . 1She $ont open he eye'.2 1Then %et !o$n he e. I hea h#) co)#n.2 Leo! )(tte e! a c( 'e a' he cl#)"e! !o$n. 1Lea&e the la!!e $he e #t #'. Hell $ant to 'ee he .2 The !oo opene! a%a#n* an! the pe 'on they $e e $a#t#n% fo ente e!. She !#!nt nee! to 'ee h#' face to ,no$ $ho he $a'. A' 'oon a' he opene! h#' )o(th* 'he ,ne$= Ba on 4o'$ol!. /a" #elle $ent f o) 't(nne! !#'"el#ef to a%e #n le'' than a hea t"eat. Why $a' 4o'$ol! he e0 What !#! he $ant f o) he no$0 B(t the e $a' no t#)e to t y an! (n!e 'tan! h#' )ot#&e'. In'tea!* 'he nee!e! to f#n! a $ay to e'cape. 1Yo( e ce ta#n 'he 'leep'02 4o'$ol! !e)an!e!* an! "efo e Leo! o :enny co(l! an'$e * he 'a#!* 1Ho$ lon% ha&e yo( "een he e0 We e yo( tal,#n%0 D#! yo( 'ay anyth#n% 'he )#%ht ha&e hea !02 1We +('t ca)e #n'#!e* !#!nt $e* :enny02 Leo! 'a#!. 1We !#!nt ha&e t#)e to tal,. I $al,e! #n* %ot the la!!e * an! cl#)"e! to 'ee #f 'he $a' " eath#n an! #f he eye' $e e open.2 1She' al#&e*2 :enny 'a#!. 1B(t 'he a#nt a$a,e.2 1B #n% he !o$n he e*2 4o'$ol! o !e e!. 1B(t 'he a#nt a$a,e yet*2 :enny e)#n!e!. /a" #elle hea ! a 'c(ffle* then 1I) %ett#n he . I) %ett#n he fo yo(.2 The )an cl#)"e! #nto the loft a%a#n an! l#fte! /a" #elle off the "e!. He ca #e! he to the e!%e an! ! oppe! he l#)p "o!y #nto $a#t#n% a )'. 15(ll the cha# o(t an! p(t he the e. Leo!* %et ope an! t#e he .2 /a" #elle cont#n(e! to fe#%n 'leep $h#le 'he $a' p('he! an! p o!!e!. He hea! h(n% !o$n* an! he ha# co&e e! he face. She ,ne$ 4o'$ol! 'too! o&e he . She felt h#' "ea!y eye' on he * hea ! h#' pant#n%* an! " eathe! #n h#' '#c,en#n%ly '$eet pe f()e! o#l'. Leo! $ appe! a ope a o(n! he $a#'t an! p(lle! the en!' t#%ht "eh#n! the cha# . Then he $o(n! anothe ope a o(n! he $ #'t' an! t#e! #t #n a !o("le ,not. 1She' %oo! an! t#e!*2 he 'a#!. He 'o(n!e! p o(! of h#' han!#$o ,. 1She cant %et loo'e.2 She felt the ,not' "et$een he f#n%e ' an! tho(%ht #t )#%ht "e a t #c,. S( ely he ,ne$ that 'he $o(l! "e a"le to (n!o the ,not'. Wa' he t y#n% to p o&e 'he $a' a$a,e0 O $a' he that 't(p#!0 She ha! he an'$e $hen he $al,e! a$ay. 1/et )e a c(p of $ate *2 4o'$ol! co))an!e!. When he ha! the $ate #n h#' han!* he 'a#!* 1/et o(t. Both of yo(.2 :enny 'n#c,e e!. 1He' $ant#n% to "e alone $#th he .2 1What' he %o#n% to !o $#th he t#e! to the cha# 02 1/et o(t an! 'tay o(t (nt#l I call yo(@2 4o'$ol! 'ho(te!. A' 'oon a' the !oo clo'e! "eh#n! the )en* 4o'$ol! % a""e! /a" #elle' ha# an! +e ,e! he hea! "ac,. He th e$ the $ate #n he face. She )oane! an! 'lo$ly opene! he eye'. H#' ho #"le face $a' #n f ont of he '. 1Wa,e (p* /a" #elle. Wa,e (p.2 He !el#"e ately h( t he * ('#n% the heel of h#' han! a%a#n't he fo ehea! to 'ho&e he hea! a%a#n't the "ac, of the cha# . Then #n cont a!#ct#on he ,nelt !o$n #n f ont of he an! &e y %ently " ('he! he ha# a$ay f o) he face* 't o,#n% he chee, $#th the "ac,' of h#' f#n%e '. H#' to(ch ep(l'e! he .

He ! a%%e! a cha# o&e an! 'at !o$n fac#n% he . B ac#n% h#' han!' on h#' ,nee'* he 't(!#e! he c( #o('ly. 1I )ean yo( no ha )* /a" #elle.2 She !#!nt e'pon!. She 'a$ the )an#acal loo, #n h#' eye'. 1I $ant to a', yo( a 3(e't#on. That' all*2 he 'a#! plea'antly. 1When yo( ha&e %#&en )e a 'at#'facto y an'$e * yo( )ay %o ho)e. >('t one 3(e't#on an! one an'$e . Yo( $#ll coope ate* $ont yo(02 She !#!nt an'$e . He t#lte! h#' hea! an! 't(!#e! he * $a#t#n%. Then '(!!enly he la'he! o(t an! 'lappe! he $#th the "ac, of h#' han!. 1A e yo( ea!y to hea )y 3(e't#on02 She ef('e! to an'$e . He 't (c, he a%a#n. 1Whe e #' the %ol!02 Befo e 'he ha! t#)e to eact* he 'a#!* 1I $ant the t ea'( e of St. B#el. Whe e #' #t02 She " ace! he 'elf fo anothe attac, an! 'a#!* 1The e #' no t ea'( e.2 He !#!nt h#t he . 1Ye'* the e #'. I $ent to St. B#el an! "eca)e a "el#e&e . The ,#n% !#! not 'en! all the %ol! to the pope. He h#! #t.2 1If that #' t (e* he too, the 'ec et to h#' % a&e.2 4o'$ol! $a%%e! h#' f#n%e at he . 1No* no. The 'ec et ha' "een pa''e! !o$n. Yo( )othe ,ne$* !#!nt 'he0 An! 'he tol! yo(.2 1No* 'he co(l!nt tell )e* "eca('e the e #' no t ea'( e.2 1The p #e't conf# )e! #t. That' #%ht. The en&oy epo te! that $hen the p #e't " o(%ht #t (p* yo( 'a#! yo( $o(l!nt %#&e #t to the MacH(%h'. So yo( !o ,no$ $he e #t #'.2 1No* he !#! not )ean %ol!.2 He 't (c, he a%a#n* c(tt#n% the co ne of he l#p. 1I !ont th#n, yo( f(lly % a'p )y '#t(at#on* /a" #elle. The t ea'( e $#ll f ee )e f o) the ,#n%. I ha&e "een h#' pa$n fo the la't t#)e. E&en #f I co(l! %et a$ay f o) h#)* I $o(l! ha&e no all#e'. The The "a on' 'ee )e a' the oyal lac,ey no$. If the "a on' e"el* they $#ll ta,e )e !o$n $#th the ,#n%. So yo( 'ee* I ha&e noth#n% to lo'e.2 She tho(%ht he $ante! he to feel 'o y fo h#). He $a' !e)ente!. 1I tho(%ht #t $o(l! "e 'o ea'y. I $o(l! a', fo yo( han! an! I $o(l! ha&e yo(. I ha! hea ! the tale' a"o(t h#!!en t ea'( e* "(t I !#!nt "el#e&e the) (nt#l the ,#n% 'ent )e to St. B#el to )a,e ce ta#n h#' 'te$a ! $a'nt cheat#n% h#). I loo,e! at that )a%n#f#cent palace an! 'a$ fo )y'elf 'e&e al %ol! co#n'. I $a' tol! they $e e ,ept a' e)#n!e '* "(t that the e't $a' 'ent to the pope.2 / #nn#n%* he tappe! h#' hea! $#th h#' f#n%e '. 1B(t no one co(l! 'ay ho$ )(ch $a' the e to "e%#n $#th. The )o e people I a',e!* the )o e I $a' con&#nce! that the ,#n% 'a&e! )o't of #t fo h#)'elf. An! then I )et an ol! )an $ho ha! 'een #t6the %ol!6'tac,' an! 'tac,' of #t. An! #t +('t !#'appea e!. Whe e !#! #t %o* /a" #elle02 1/ ee! ha' )a!e yo( (n ea'ona"le. I 'pea, the t (th. The e #' no %ol!*2 'he 'a#!. He '#%he! ! a)at#cally. 1Ye'* the e #'. Afte all I&e !one6ye'* the e #'.2 1I cannot tell yo(* fo I !o not ,no$ $he e #t #'.2 1Then yo( a!)#t that #t e.#'t'.2 He acte! a' tho(%h he ha! +('t t #c,e! he #nto a confe''#on. She 'hoo, he hea!. 1No.2 He 'at "ac,* c o''e! one le% o&e the othe an! "e%an to la7#ly '$#n% h#' foot "ac, an! fo th. A lon% )#n(te pa''e! #n '#lence. Then he fea t( ne! to te o . 1Do yo( lo&e yo( fathe 02 he a',e!. She %a&e a 'ha p c y. 1Whe e #' he0 What ha&e yo( !one02 1What ha&e I !one0 Noth#n% yet. Yo( fathe !oe'nt t a&el $#th )any )en to p otect h#) f o) a)"('h. He )a!e #t ea'y fo )e. I ha&e $atche! h#) )a,e h#' $ay to$a ! the

MacH(%h hol!#n%. I ,ne$ e.actly $he e to attac,. Dont $o y. He' 't#ll al#&e* tho(%h h#' con!#t#on #' !ete #o at#n%. Tell )e $he e the %ol! #' an! I $#ll let h#) l#&e.2 When 'he !#!nt #))e!#ately an'$e h#)* 4o'$ol! 'a#!* 1Do yo( th#n, I )#%ht "e ly#n%0 Ho$ !#! I ,no$ Ba on /eoff ey $a' on h#' $ay he e0 It $#ll "e ea'y eno(%h to %et p oof. I $#ll 'en! 'o)e of )y )en to h#). If they c(t off h#' han! an! " #n% #t to yo(* yo( $#ll 'ee fo yo( 'elf the #n% $#th h#' 'eal 't#ll on h#' f#n%e .2 1No@2 'he 'c ea)e!. 1Yo( $o(l! not !a e ,#ll a "a on.2 1I $o(l!nt0 Why $o(l!nt I0 I&e al ea!y ,#lle! a la# !.2 1Mon oe0 Yo( ,#lle! La# ! Mon oe02 He 'h (%%e!. 1I co(l!nt let h#) ha&e yo(. I nee!e! to "e a"le to tal, to yo( a"o(t the %ol!. Mac:enna !#!nt ca e $hat I !#! $#th yo( a' lon% a' he %ot F#nney' Flat. Of co( 'e* he ,ne$ noth#n% a"o(t the t ea'( e. I !o("t he $o(l! ha&e "een 'o a% eea"le then. He p o&e! ('ele'' to )e al#&e* "(t no$ that he #' !ea!* he ha' "een helpf(l* fo $e '#t #n'#!e a c ofte ' cotta%e t(c,e! a$ay on h#' lan!. H#' clan #' #n '(ch !#'a ay* they ha&e no #!ea $e e he e.2 1My h('"an! $#ll co)e fo )e.2 1He $#ll ha&e to f#n! yo( f# 't* an! I )a!e ce ta#n )y )en $ent #n e&e y !# ect#on to co&e the# t ac,'. A e yo( $#ll#n% to lo'e yo( fathe an! yo( h('"an!02 1No.2 1Then tell )e $he e the %ol! #' an! "e 3(#c, a"o(t #t. We cannot '#t he e fo !ay' on en!. Yo( h('"an! $o(l! #n!ee! f#n! (' then* an! I $o(l! ha&e to ,#ll h#).2 1I $#ll tell yo(.2 H#' %a'p 'o(n!e! l#,e a 'na l. 1Ye'* ye'* tell )e.2 1It' #n Well#n%'h# e*2 'he l#e!. 1An! $ell<h#!!en.2 He la(%he!. 1/ol! at Well#n%'h# e an! yo( fathe -2 1Mothe co(l! not tell h#). I a) the only one $ho ,no$'. It "elon%' to the oyal fa)#ly of St. B#el.2 1Yo( $#ll ha&e to tell )e e.actly $he e #t #'* fo Well#n%'h# e #' nea ly the '#7e of a ')all co(nt y. I' #t h#!!en #n the ca'tle02 1No* #t' "( #e!.2 1Whe e02 he !e)an!e!. A $#l! e.p e''#on conto te! h#' face* 'o % eat $a' h#' o"'e''#on. 1I )('t 'ho$ yo(. It' the only $ay. A' yo( 'a#!* the e'tate #' &a't.2 1Then $e $#ll %o to Well#n%'h# e.2 1If )y h('"an! f#n!' o(t* he $#ll follo$ ('* an! I $#ll not let yo( ,#ll h#). Yo( )('t 'en! h#) #n the oppo'#te !# ect#on.2 1Ho$ $#ll I 'en! $o !02 1My h('"an! can ea! an! $ #te.2 1B(t ho$-2 1I co(l! $ #te a )e''a%e tell#n% h#) that I e'cape! an! no$ a) 'afe $#th )y fathe . I $o(l! a', h#) to co)e fo )e.2 1The Mac:enna'*2 he 'a#!* no!!#n%. 1Yo( $#ll tell yo( h('"an! they a e the one' $ho too, yo(.2 By the t#)e 4o'$ol! f#n#'he! tell#n% he $hat to 'ay* he "el#e&e! the #!ea fo the )e''a%e $a' h#'. He calle! to Leo! to f#n! 'o)eth#n% to $ #te $#th* an! #t too, an ho( "efo e the )an et( ne! $#th #n, an! a p#ece of pa ch)ent. /a" #elle $ ote e.actly $hat ha! "een !ec#!e!* "(t "efo e 'he '#%ne! he na)e* 'he loo,e! (p at 4o'$ol!. 1I !o not $ant the )e''en%e ,#lle! "efo e he ha' a chance to %#&e )y h('"an! the )e''a%e. I' the e a "oy yo( co(l! 'en!0 Not 'o yo(n% that he co(l!nt #!e an! not 'o ol! he $o(l! "e tho(%ht a )an. My h('"an! $o(l! not ,#ll a "oy.2 1Ye'*2 4o'$ol! 'a#!. 1I $#ll %et a "oy to ta,e the pa ch)ent. No$* f#n#'h. It #' % o$#n% !a ,* "(t at the f# 't )o n#n% l#%ht $e $#ll "e %one.2

Wh#le 4o'$ol! pace! a"o(t the cotta%e* /a" #elle a!!e! he f#nal $o !' to the )e''a%e= 15lea'e co)e 3(#c,ly an! I $#ll fo e&e !o a' yo( 'ay.2

BY THE TIME L#a) %ot to the S#ncla# hol!#n%* 4ol) $a' on h#' $ay ho)e* ha&#n% ta,en anothe o(te. L#a) t( ne! a o(n! an! hea!e! "ac,* th#' t#)e on the no the n oa!. He ca(%ht (p $#th 4ol) a' he $a' a"o(t to c o'' F#nney' Flat. 4ol) 'a$ h#) co)#n%. A 'en'e of ! ea! % #ppe! h#). 1/a" #elle*2 L#a) 'ho(te!* 1'he #' %one@ She' "een ta,en.2 1Who0 Who too, he 02 1I !ont ,no$*2 he 'a#!. 1May"e "y the t#)e yo( each B ae!en he $#ll ,no$ 'o)eth#n%.2 4ol)' a%e co(l! not "e conta#ne!. It "l( e! h#' tho(%ht'. 1If any ha ) co)e' to he 62 1Do not th#n, #t*2 L#a) o !e e!. B(t that $a' all 4ol) co(l! th#n, a"o(t on the f ant#c #!e ho)e. He co(l! not lo'e he . N#%ht ha! fallen a' he o!e (p the t a#l to h#' hol!#n%. He p aye! that 'he ha! "een fo(n! an! $a' $a#t#n% to % eet h#). He $o(l! tell he then-'ho(t #t to the ',y-that he lo&e! he . She 'ho(l! ha&e hea ! the $o !' "efo e. It co(l! not "e too late. At the #!%e one of h#' 'ent #e' 'ho(te! to h#). 1The e6co)#n% ac o'' the flat. One #!e .2 4ol) an! L#a) t( ne! to 'ee a 'ha!o$ app oach#n%. In the f(ll )oon* they co(l! )a,e o(t the f#%( e of a )an on ho 'e"ac,. They o!e to )eet h#)* each#n% h#) "efo e he ha! t#)e to !#')o(nt. 1I " #n% a )e''a%e fo the la# !*2 the )an 'a#!* h#' &o#ce t e)"l#n%. He p(t h#' han! #n h#' 'h# t an! p(lle! o(t the 'c olle! pa ch)ent. 1Who a e yo(02 L#a) a',e!. 1My na)e #' An! e$.2 1Who a',e! yo( to " #n% th#' to the la# !02 1He $a' a Mac:enna. I a) f o) the D(n"a clan. I $a' on )y $ay ho)e f o) h(nt#n% $hen the )an 'toppe! an! a',e! )e to " #n% th#' to yo(. He 'a#! #t $a' )o't ( %ent. I !o not ,no$ $hat #t 'ay'* fo I cannot ea!.2 4ol) % a""e! the )e''a%e f o) h#) an! ea!. He han!e! #t to L#a) an! po#nte! to the la't $o !'. 1A' yo( 'ay2 $a' (n!e l#ne!. He #ppe! the )an f o) the 'a!!le an! hel! h#) "y the nec,. H#' &o#ce $a' !ea!ly $hen he 'a#!* 1What )y $#fe tell' )e #' that e&e yth#n% I ha&e +('t ea! #' a l#e. An! that )ean' yo( a e ly#n%* too.2 1I a) +('t the )e''en-2 4ol) c(t off h#' a# * '3(ee7#n% h#' nec,. He !#!nt let (p (nt#l An! e$' eye' $e e "(l%#n% o(t of the# 'oc,et'. In only )#n(te'* An! e$ ha! tol! h#) e&e yth#n% he $ante! to ,no$. 4ol) %a&e L#a) the o !e . 1T#e h#) to h#' ho 'e an! " #n% h#). If he l#e' a%a#n* he $#ll p ay fo !eath.2

ANDREW LED THEM to the cotta%e. 4ol) ,ne$ /a" #elle $a' #n'#!e. He ha! to "e ca(t#o('. The l#%ht f o) a '#n%le can!le %lo$e! th o(%h the $#n!o$ an! he co(l! ')ell ')o,e f o) the ch#)ney. 4o'$ol!' 'ol!#e ' $e e "e!!e! !o$n fo the n#%ht a o(n! a ca)pf# e 'o(th of the cotta%e* $he e the % a'' $a' 'oft. The# f# e "( ne! lo$.

B ae!en )a!e h#' $ay th o(%h the !a , to co(nt the n()"e an! then et( ne! to 4ol). Slo$ly the MacH(%h 'ol!#e ' c# cle! (nt#l the )en an! the cotta%e $e e '( o(n!e!. When they $e e #n po'#t#on* they )o&e! fo $a !. 4ol) c ept (p "eh#n! the %(a ! #n f ont of the !oo an! ,#lle! h#) "efo e he co(l! )a,e a 'o(n!. He lo$e e! the )an to the % o(n!* then te'te! the !oo . It $a' "olte! a%a#n't h#). He a#'e! h#' han! to %#&e the '#%nal* an! then he ,#c,e! the !oo open an! cha %e! #n'#!e. 4o'$ol! ha! "een 'leep#n% #n a cha# an! "olte! to h#' feet at the 'o(n! of the !oo c a'h#n% #n. He f()"le! at h#' "elt fo h#' !a%%e * "(t #t $a' too late. He ,ne$ he $a' %o#n% to !#e. Leo! ha! "een '#tt#n% on the e!%e of the loft $#th h#' le%' !an%l#n% !o$n a' /a" #elle 'at on the 't a$ )att e'' "eh#n! h#). 1:#ll he @2 4o'$ol! 'ho(te!. The $o !' $e ent o(t of h#' )o(th "efo e /a" #elle* ('#n% e&e y o(nce of 't en%th 'he ha!* th ('t he $hole "o!y at Leo!' "ac, an! 'ent h#) fly#n% hea!f# 't to the floo . He lan!e! on h#' face* h#' nec, " o,en. 4ol) )a!e the ,#ll 3(#c,ly. He c(t 4o'$ol!' th oat an! to''e! the "loo!y "la!e to the floo . He 'ho(te! fo h#' $#fe an! an to the la!!e to each fo he . She fell a%a#n't h#) 'o""#n%. 1I ,ne$ yo( $o(l! co)e.2 He hel! he t#%ht an! t #e! to cal) h#' hea t. 1I $o(l! not lo'e yo(* /a" #elle.2 She p(lle! "ac,. 14ol)* )y fathe *2 'he c #e!. 14o'$ol!' a )y $#ll ,#ll h#). They ha&e62 4ol) 'toppe! he . 1Yo( fathe #' $#th the B(chanan' th#' n#%ht.2 1Yo( a e ce ta#n02 'he a',e! #nc e!(lo('ly. 1Ye'* B o!#c, $a' #nfo )e! at the '())#t that yo( fathe ha! a #&e!. He $a' too $ea y to co)e any fa the . Yo( $#ll 'ee h#) to)o o$.2 He l#fte! he #nto h#' a )'. She la#! he hea! on h#' 'ho(l!e . 1Ta,e )e ho)e.2

/ABRIELLES FATHER DIDNT TA:E TO 4OLM RI/HT AWAY. No !#! 4ol) pa t#c(la ly l#,e the "a on. They $e e pol#te* "(t $a y of each othe . He fathe 'oftene! h#' att#t(!e $hen he 'a$ ho$ 4ol) t eate! /a" #elle. It $a' clea to h#) that the la# ! lo&e! he an! $o(l! che #'h he . 4ol) 'oftene! h#' att#t(!e to$a ! the "a on $hen he 'a$ ho$ )(ch he lo&e! h#' !a(%hte an! ho$ 'he lo&e! h#). W#lla )a!e a 'pec#al !#nne of oa'te! phea'ant an! 'o )any othe !#'he' that /a" #elle lo't co(nt. Each t#)e W#lla ca #e! a platte to the ta"le* 'he ')#le! at /a" #elle. L#a) 't olle! #n an! $a' #nt o!(ce! to the "a on. He 'a#!* 1D#! /a" #elle tell yo( ho$ 'he 'a&e! )y l#fe02 1I )('t hea th#' 'to y*2 the "a on 'a#!. 1M#la!y* #f I co(l! "o o$ yo( fo a )o)ent02 Ma( na #nte (pte!. /a" #elle e.c('e! he 'elf an! follo$e! Ma( na (p the 'ta# '. 1I let Ma y %o ho)e ea ly ton#%ht*2 Ma( na 'a#!. 1She' a %oo! help $#th the'e t$o "oy'* an! I than, yo( fo a!!#n% he to yo( ho('ehol!. I tho(%ht the t$#n' $e e !o$n fo the n#%ht. I ca)e (p to loo, #n on the) an! ca(%ht the) co)#n% o(t of the la# !' cha)"e .2 Stan!#n% at the top of the 'ta# '* Ethan an! To) $a#te! $#th the# hea!' !o$n.

1I) 'o y* )#la!y*2 Ethan 'a#!. 1Me* too*2 To) 'a#!. 1Tell yo( )#'t e'' $hat yo( !#!*2 Ma( na 'a#!. She $a' t y#n% to "e 'te n* "(t /a" #elle hea ! the ten!e ne'' #n he &o#ce. She ,ne$ the "oy' co(l!* too. 1We +('t $ante! to loo, #n the t (n,*2 To) 'a#! $#tho(t l#ft#n% h#' eye'. 1My t (n,02 /a" #elle a',e!. 1Why $o(l! yo( $ant to loo, #n the e02 Ethan l#fte! h#' 'ho(l!e '. 1I !ont ,no$* "(t $e !#!.2 To) no!!e!. 1I fo(n! a 'tat(e #n the e.2 1I fo(n! one* too*2 Ethan a!)#tte!. 1B(t I !#!nt " ea, )#ne. Yo( " o,e yo( '.2 1Boy'* the 'tat(e' !ont "elon% to e#the of yo(*2 Ma( na 'a#!. To) too, /a" #elle' han!. 1Ethan' 'o y.2 1Ill lea&e the) to yo(* La!y /a" #elle* $h#le I %o to yo( oo) an! 'ee to the !a)a%e.2 1Ill ta,e ca e of #t* Ma( na. Yo( )ay %o !o$n'ta# '.2 /a" #elle too, the t$#n' #nto the# oo) an! t(c,e! the) #nto "e!. She tal,e! to the) a"o(t e'pect#n% p #&acy an! )a!e the) p o)#'e not to %o #nto the# la# !' oo) a%a#n $#tho(t pe )#''#on. Then 'he ,#''e! the) %oo! n#%ht an! clo'e! the !oo . On the $ay !o$n the co #!o * 'he tho(%ht to a', 4ol) to pe )anently e)o&e the l#! f o) the t (n,. If the "oy' $e e to cl#)" #n #t an! the hea&y l#! $e e to clo'e* they co(l! "e 'e #o('ly h( t. A f# e $a )e! the cha)"e . The t (n, l#! $a' p oppe! open a%a#n't the $all* an! one 'tat(e of St. B#el lay half #n an! half o(t* han%#n% !an%e o('ly on the e!%e. The othe $a' on the floo an! )#''#n% a hea!. She p#c,e! (p "oth p#ece' an! )o&e! clo'e to the f# e to 'ee #f the 'tone co(l! "e epa# e!. Hol!#n% the "o!y at an an%le* 'he not#ce! 'o)eth#n% that ca(%ht the l#%ht. She t#ppe! the 'tat(e an! e.a)#ne! #t )o e clo'ely. She f o7e. /ol!. The co e of the 'tone p#ece ha! "een hollo$e! o(t an! f#lle! $#th %ol!. She co(l!nt "el#e&e $hat 'he $a' 'ee#n%. She loo,e! a%a#n. The %ol! $a' the e. /a" #elle ha! to '#t !o$n. She $ent to the "e! an! p(t the p#ece' #n he lap. The )yth $a'nt a )yth0 :#n% / en#e ha! eally h#!!en %ol!0 She $a' !()"fo(n!e!. Then 'he tho(%ht* #f the %ol! $a' #n one 'tat(e* co(l! #t "e #n anothe 0 She ha! to f#n! o(t. She %ently place! the " o,en p#ece' on the "e! an! an to the t (n, to %et the othe one. She $#nce! a' 'he "an%e! #t a%a#n't the 'tone hea th. It too, th ee t #e' "efo e the hea! " o,e off. 1So y* St. B#el*2 'he $h#'pe e!. An! the e #t $a'. /ol!. The 'econ! 'tat(e $a' f#lle! $#th %ol!* too. She ha! to '#t !o$n a%a#n. It $a' all too )(ch to ta,e #n. The 'tat(e #n the 'to e oo) ha! to "e f#lle! $#th %ol! a' $ell. The e $a' no nee! to " ea, #t. Anothe 'tat(e $a' co)#n% f o) Well#n%'h# e. The 'tat(e he )othe " o(%ht $#th he $hen 'he )a #e!. D#! he )othe ,no$ the 'ec et of St. B#el0 One tho(%ht le! to anothe an! anothe * an! 'oon he )#n! $a' 'p#nn#n%. Wa' the %#ant 'tat(e o&e loo,#n% the ha "o #n St. B#el f#lle! $#th %ol!0 She "e%an to la(%h. Of co( 'e #t $a'. Oh* $hat a cle&e )an :#n% / en#e ha! "een. She 'at on the "e! a lon% t#)e a' 'he tho(%ht a"o(t the 'to y he )othe ha! helpe! he )e)o #7e. Once (pon a t#)e #n the yea of6The h#nt' $e e the e* "(t ha! he )othe f#%( e! #t o(t0 An! #f 'he ha!* !#! 'he tell he h('"an!0 /a" #elle !#!nt ,no$ ho$ lon% 'he 'at #n a !a7e. She p(t the " o,en p#ece' "ac, #n the t (n, an! clo'e! #t. When 'he et( ne! to the hall* he fathe appea e! to "e )o e ela.e!. 4ol) loo,e! el#e&e! to 'ee he . He ,#''e! he 3(#c,ly* an! 'a#!* 1I $#ll lea&e yo( to tal, $#th yo( fathe .2 In a lo$e &o#ce he a!!e!* 14o)e to "e! 'oon.2

L#a) al'o too, h#' lea&e 'o that 'he an! he fathe co(l! ha&e a p #&ate con&e 'at#on. /a" #elle 'at clo'e to h#) #n f ont of the f# e. Befo e he co(l! a',* 'he "l( te!* 1I lo&e h#)* Fathe .2 He no!!e!. 1I can 'ee that yo( !o.2 She 'pent the ne.t ten )#n(te' tell#n% h#) a"o(t 4ol)' )any &# t(e'. 1Do yo( th#n, yo( $#ll e&e )a y a%a#n* Fathe 0 I $o(l! "e plea'e! #f yo( !#!. I !o not l#,e to th#n, of yo( "e#n% lonely.2 15e hap'.2 1If yo( a ent too $ea y* I ha&e 3(e't#on' to a', yo(6a"o(t St. B#el.2

/ABRIELLE LAY "e'#!e he h('"an! an! $h#'pe e! '$eet $o !' to h#). They ha! +('t )a!e lo&e* an! 'he $a' 't#ll " eathle''. They ha! 'po,en " #efly a"o(t 4o'$ol!* "(t no$ #n the !a ,ne'' 'he tol! h#) ho$ f #%htene! 'he ha! "een. 1I $a' af a#! I $o(l! not 'ee yo( a%a#n.2 1I co(l! not "ea to lo'e yo(*2 he $h#'pe e!. H#' &o#ce 'hoo,. 1I $#ll 'ay th#' no$. I lo&e yo(* /a" #elle.2 Tea ' $elle! (p #n he eye'. 1Yo( lo&e )e*2 'he $h#'pe e!. She leane! (p an! ,#''e! h#' ch#n. 1Yo( ha&e +('t %#&en )e the %#ft )y fathe %a&e to )y )othe .2 1Lo&e $a' h#' %#ft02 1It $a'. An! #t $a' a lon% t#)e co)#n%* I th#n,. Fo )y )othe any$ay. She !#! not l#,e Fathe )(ch $hen they $e e $e!. He too, he f o) he ho)e #n St. B#el. I tho(%ht #t $o(l! ta,e yo( )(ch lon%e to %#&e )e the $o !'. Yo( $e e fo e&e lea&#n% )e.2 He la(%he!. 1I $#ll a!)#t th#' only once. Yo( $o #e! )e. Yo( ha! th#' po$e o&e )e. I $o(l! lo'e )y tho(%ht' $hen I $a' $#th yo(. B(t no )o e $#ll I lea&e yo(. L#a) an! B ae!en $#ll "e %#&en )(ch )o e e'pon'#"#l#ty 'o I $#ll ha&e t#)e $#th yo(.2 They 'taye! 3(#et fo a fe$ )#n(te'* an! then 'he $h#'pe e!* 1Do yo( l#,e )y fathe 02 1I !o not ,no$ h#) $ell eno(%h to l#,e h#). He #' a % (ff )an. He $a' not plea'e! to 'ee the 'c atche' on yo( a )' an! face* "(t $hen he hea ! 4o'$ol! $a' e'pon'#"le* he co(l! no lon%e "la)e )e.2 1The "oy' %ot #nto )y t (n, to!ay.2 He la(%he!. 1They ca)e #n he e62 1They $e e c( #o('. Yo( $#ll ha&e to e)o&e the l#!. I fea one of the) $#ll %et t appe! #n'#!e.2 1Well %o to the B(chanan' #n a fe$ !ay' t#)e 'o that yo( )ay )eet yo( !ea e't co('#n*2 he tea'e!. 1I th#n, pe hap' $e $#ll ta,e Ethan an! To) $#th (' an! fo %et to " #n% the) ho)e.2 1Yo( $#ll not lea&e the). They a e content he e. Ethan " o,e one of )y 'tat(e'.2 He ya$ne!. 1He !#!02 1It $a' f#lle! $#th %ol!.2 1It $a' $hat02 1/ol!*2 'he $h#'pe e!. 1The 'tat(e $a' f#lle! $#th #t. I " o,e anothe one +('t to 'ee* an! the e $a' %ol! #n'#!e #t a' $ell.2 H#' eact#on $a' )(ch l#,e he '. He $a' a'to(n!e!. 1The e eally #' a t ea'( e.2 /a" #elle epeate! the 'to y he )othe ha! ta(%ht he . When 'he $a' f#n#'he!* 'he 'a#!* 1No$ that I ,no$ the e #' %ol! #n'#!e each 'tat(e* I eal#7e ho$ cle&e :#n% / en#e $a'. The 4 ('a!e ' $e e %o#n% to ,#ll h#' loyal '("+ect' "eca('e he )a!e the) pay a toll to pa'' o&e h#' )o(nta#n'. They "el#e&e! the co(nt y $a' f#lle! $#th heathen'* 'o $hat !#! the ,#n% !o0 He !e!#cate! the co(nt y to a 'a#nt an! chan%e! #t' na)e* then 'ent a to,en a)o(nt of the

%ol! to the pope. The 4 ('a!e ' $o(l!nt !a e ha ) any of h#' people. An attac, on the) $o(l! "e an attac, on the pope.2 1Why $o(l! the ,#n% ,eep the %ol! h#!!en all that t#)e02 1My )othe tol! )y fathe that the ,#n% $a' a $#'e )an. He ,ne$ that % eat $ealth can al'o p o&o,e % eat % ee!. H#' co(nt y)en $e e content.2 1An! % ee! $o(l! co (pt the# $ay of l#fe.2 1Ye'.2 4ol) ')#le!. 1Aye* he $a' cle&e to ('e h#' fa&o #te 'a#nt to help 'a&e h#' co(nt y.2 1The e #' )o e to tell. I a',e! )y fathe * an! he tol! )e )y '('p#c#on' $e e t (e.2 She 't etche! (p to $h#'pe #n h#' ea . 1The e #' no St. B#el.2 A lon% '#lence follo$e!* an! then 4ol) 'a#!* 1He )a!e (p the 'a#nt62 1He 'a&e! h#' people the only $ay he ,ne$ ho$*2 'he !efen!e!. 1I $on!e * tho(%h* $hat the ch( ch lea!e ' $o(l! th#n, #f they ,ne$. I cannot tell the).2 1No* yo( cannot.2 1:#n% >ohn (le' St. B#el no$* an! he $#ll not %et the t ea'( e. I $#ll ,eep #t 'afe* an! one !ay )y !a(%hte ' an! 'on' $#ll hea the 'to y* an! #t $#ll "eco)e the# !(ty to p otect #t.2 4ol) la(%he! a%a#n. 1No $on!e the 'tat(e' a e ne&e place! #n'#!e the ch( che'.2 1It #' t a!#t#on.2 1Sta te! "y a ,#n% $ho ,ne$ #t $o(l! "e "la'phe)o('.2 1I $#ll let o( ch#l! en an! the# ch#l! en $o y a"o(t the ch( ch.2 1B(t yo( )('t pa'' the 'ec et on*2 he 'a#! a' he %ently p('he! he onto he "ac,. 1An! I $#ll !o )y pa t* lo&e* to )a,e ce ta#n yo( ha&e 'on' an! !a(%hte '.2


>ULIE /ARWOOD #' the a(tho of n()e o(' Ne$ Yo , T#)e' "e't'elle '* #ncl(!#n% Shadow ance, Slow !urn, Murder "ist, #ill$oy, Mercy, %eartbreaker, &ansom * an! 'ome the Spring. The e a e )o e than th# ty<t$o )#ll#on cop#e' of he "oo,' #n p #nt.

(entle )arrior &ebellious esire %onors Splendour T he "ions "ady The !ride (uardian Angel The (ift The *ri+e The Secret 'astles Sa,ing (race *rince 'harming -or the &oses The )edding The 'layborne !rides 'ome the Spring &ansom %eartbreaker Mercy #ill$oy Murder "ist Slow !urn Shadow ance

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