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Dresden Files RPG Supernatural Powers: Stat Description

Category Creature Features Page Power 162 Addictive Saliva Cost -1 Description (combat) Fists attack places temporary aspect or mental stress on target (noncombat) saliva has Deceit +2 against target's Discipline to addict free tag on addiction once per scene never take stress consequences from drowning ignore water-based borders breath attack counts as thrown Weapon +2 Fists get +2 physical stress (stacks with Strength bonus) successful Fists attack places Poisoned aspect on target aspect = victim rolls Endurance against Fists to resist poison each turn +4 to Stealth attempts to remain hidden +2 Alertness or Investigation when noticing details Endurance maxed at Mediocre; physical stress dealt maxed at 1 +1 to Athletics for dodging; Might is -2 to -4 +1 to beast-related sense rolls extra skill trapping for beast-related skill instinctual understanding or communication with chosen beasts +2 physical stress track, +1 to attacks to hit you automatic border of 1 as appropriate +2 to Might to lift or break things, +1 to Athletics movement rolls +2 on Intimidation rolls Stealth automatically Mediocre, and limited to 1 shift on Stealth rolls physical consequences permanent cannot die unless special means used +1 Intimidation, -1 on social skills except Deceit new physical conseuqence adds +1 Intimidation, -1 on social skills +1 Alertness when near pack; find pack with Investigation communicate single words/concepts with pack within zone when pack member spots ambush, all members spot ambush treat any surface as having handholds detect something undetectable with mystical or physical sense attempt to use sense without penalty under impossible conditions choose three thematically related supernatural senses up to a dozen thematically related supernatural senses fly using Atheltics checks pass through certain borders, and travel upwards in zone Discipline or Deceit to cast small illusion to hide something Discipline or Deceit to oppose efforts to see through illusion +2 on Discipline or Deceit to cast small illusion to hide something forego +2 to cast illusion on whole zone; create object out of ectoplasm +2 to oppose efforts to see through illusion able to cast Summer Court-sponsored magic able to cast Winter Court-sponsored magic regain 1 or 2 points of refresh for power(s) in item item may have qualities independent of its supernatural nature item is unbreakable; spend fate point to attempt loan of item spend a Fate point to ignore opponent's defensive abilities must be used with selfless purpose in mind and heart holy item; sword that provides +1 to Weapon skill perception skills not penalized by darkness +2 to Stealth rolls in shadow see spirits or ghosts; use Contacts with spirits spirits get +2 when trying to locate you speak with spirits wihtout Thaumaturgy hex technology at will, must roll + 2 Discipline not to affect tech +1 bonus to social skills in magical community recover from any consequence over time lifespan significantly extended

162 162 162

Aquatic Breath Weapon Claws Venomous Diminutive Size

-1 -2 -1 -2 -1



Echoes of the Beast



Hulking Size



Living Dead



Pack Instincts


165 165

Spider Walk Supernatural Sense Strange Senses Broad Senses Wings Glamours Greater Glamours

-1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -4

165 Faerie Magic 166 166

Items of Power

166 167 167

Seelie Magic Unseelie Magic Item of Power

-4* -4* *


Sword of the Cross


Minor Abilities

169 169

Cloak of Shadows Ghost Speaker

-1 -1

169 169 170

Mana Static Marked by Power Wizard's Constitution

-1 -1 0

* cost varies Based on Supernatural Powers table, Dresden Files RPG , Volume 1: Your Story , p. 160-161 1 of 3

Dresden Files RPG Supernatural Powers: Stat Description

Category Nevernever Powers Page Power 170 Demense 170 171 171 Spirit Form Poltergeist Swift Transition No Mortal Home Worldwalker Cost -1 -3 -2 -2 +1 -2 Description have domain in Nevernever Discipline places aspects on domain or physically attacks intruders incorporeal; able to pass through walls; most borders are 0 manipulate objects when incorporeal; use Conviction instead of Might transition to the Nevernever at any time unless restrained by magic require Discipline rolls to reamain in the mortal wold use Investigation or Lore to find openings to Nevernever once per scene, open hole to Nevernever +2 to Lore or Survival in Nevernever, can use Lore instead of Survival place aspects on world, -2 to convince others of predictions use Discipline to deal mental stress and consequences on helpless spend a day to create Renfield (psychic thrall with fanatic strength) +2 stress on psychic attacks; spend 3 days to create Greater Renfield +2 stress with successful Domination attacks with Insubstantial power (Gaseous or Spirit Form) can possess victim pay refresh to use Intimidation or Deceit to incite emotion by touch pay additional refresh to incite additional emotions target opponents up to one zone away make this a mental attack, success gets +2 stress gain additional +2 stress on successful Lasting Emotion attacks use Investigation on object's past with Good or better roll +1 to Lore when used as arcane Investigation or Alertness sense magic potential in others; use Sight to open third eye able to use soulgaze (p. 226) if you have The Sight, you can take Soulgaze for free able take form of beast; shift skills to reflect beast form +1 on any skill roll in keeping with Demon's agenda must roll Discipline as against an attack when this happens +2 to social skill rolls; mask easily removed and restored use Deceit or Stealth to commit small actions under mask transform into a gaseous form; gain effects of Wings and Insubstantial powers; cannot attack or block withold powers in human form to regain refresh if it's rare to take supernatural form, gain 2 points instead of 1 look human until you use your powers clone powers, stunts, or skills with mimic refresh take form, voice, and appearance of others; Deceit +4 to fool others pre-pay refresh (-2 charge) to buy powers to be changed at will change form to change abilities take on new form as supplemental action +4 Deceit or Stealth to defend disguise; shuffle skills for each form +4 to initiative rolls; +1 Athletics; move 1 zone without penalty difficulty factors reduced by 2 when moving for Stealth; +2 to sprints always go first in initiative; +2 Athletics; move 2 zones without penalty difficulty factors reduced by 4 when moving for Stealth; +4 to sprints always go first in initiative; +3 Athletics; move 3 zones without penalty no one gets a bonus to spot you when you're using Stealth; +6 to sprints use Evocation (p. 249); know spells from 3 elements gain Conviction or Discipline bonus for specialization element gain 2 Focus Item slots or 1 Focus, 2 Enchanted Item slots use Thaumaturgy (p. 261); specialize to gain control or complexity bonus gain 2 Focus Item slots or 1 Focus, 2 Enchanted Item slots use Evocation (p. 249) for 1 element gain 2 Focus Item slots or 1 Focus, 2 Enchanted Item slots use Thaumaturgy (p. 261) for one specific application gain 2 Focus Item slots or 1 Focus, 2 Enchanted Item slots

Psychic Abilities

172 172

Cassandra's Tears Domination Master Dominator Possession

0 -2 -2 -3 -1 -1* -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -3 +1 +1 0 * -2 * -4 -2 -4 -4 -3


173 174 174 Shapeshifting 174 175 175 175 176 176 176 177 177 177 Speed 178 178 178 Spellcraft 180

Incite Emotion Additional Emotion At Range Lasting Emotion Potent Emotion Psychometry The Sight Soulgaze Application of the Sight Beast Change Demonic Co-Pilot Flesh Mask Gaseous Form Human Form Rare or Involuntary Change Human Guise Mimic Abilities Mimic Form Modular Abilities True Shapeshifting Inhuman Speed Supernatural Speed Mythic Speed Evocation

181 181 181

Thaumaturgy Channeling Ritual

-3 -2 -2

* cost varies Based on Supernatural Powers table, Dresden Files RPG , Volume 1: Your Story , p. 160-161 2 of 3

Dresden Files RPG Supernatural Powers: Stat Description

Category Spellcraft, Cont. Page Power 182 Lawbreaker Cost -1 -2 -1 Description +1 bonus when casting magic that breaks a Law increase bonus by one for each set of Laws broken, max is +3 after breaking a Law 3 or more times, get +2 bonus add new element to Evocation OR gain 2 specialization bonuses for Evocation or Thaumaturgy OR gain 2 Focus Item slots or 4 Enchanted Item slots gain acccess to magic abilities or additional magic abilities +3 to Might for lifting or breaking; +1 Might for grappling 2 stress hit as supplemental action during grapple +2 physical stress for phsyical (Fists, thrown Weapon) attacks Might always provides +1 to modify another skill +6 to Might for lifting or breaking; +2 Might for grappling 3 stress hit as supplemental action during grapple +4 physical stress for phsyical (Fists, thrown Weapon) attacks Might always provides +2 to modify another skill +12 to Might for lifting or breaking; +3 Might for grappling 4 stress hit as supplemental action during grapple +6 physical stress for phsyical (Fists, thrown Weapon) attacks Might always provides +3 to modify another skill reduce the cost of power by the degree of limitation placed on it recover from any physical consequence over time physical consequences treated as 1 lower for recovery skip a night of sleep with no ill effects once per scene, clear mild consequence as supplemental action Armor: 1 against all phsyical stress; +2 boxes of phsyical stress recover from any physical consequence over time physical consequences treated as 2 lower for recovery skip a week of sleep with no ill effects twice per scene, clear mild consequence as supplemental action Armor: 2 against all physical stress; +4 boxes of physical stress out of combat, recover all physical consequences before next scene you do not need to sleep three times per scene, clear mild consequence as supplemental action Armor: 3 against all phsyical stress; +6 boxes of phsyical stress no stress from physical attacks aside from Catch can stack benefits of Catch from other Toughness abilities give +2 benefit to threshold if Convinction higher than base threshold spend a Fate point to use Conviction instead of another skill semi-conscious awareness of where you're needed touch has +1 stress for creatures offensive to your faith touch might serve as Catch for some supernatural creatures spend a Fate point to receive Divine guidance while under guidance, Conviction acts as bonus after required severe or extreme consequence, make Conviction attack with attack that draws blood, gain +1 to future attacks on target in grapple, inflict +1 stress on target once per scene, if you inflict enough stress to kill, gain free recovery scene feed off of others' emotions with Deceit or Intimidation attack during subsequent exchanges, +1 to attempts to continue feeding once per scene, if you inflict enough stress to kill, gain free recovery scene use additional stress track called "hunger" related to chosen feeding taking hunger stress causes tattoos to gain visibility visible tattoos give you +1 to defensive Discipline gain 2 boxes to hunger stress track gain +1 to Lore for supernatural identification, +2 for Red Court




183 183

Sponsored Magic Inhuman Strength

* -2


Supernatural Strength



Mythic Strength



185 185

The Catch Inhuman Recovery

* -2

185 186

Inhuman Toughness Supernatural Recovery

-2 -4

186 186

Supernatural Toughness Mythic Recovery

-4 -6

186 186 True Faith 187 187 188 188

Mythic Toughness Physical Immunity Bless This House Guide My Hand Holy Touch Riteousness

-6 -8 -1 -1 -1 -2



Blood Drinker



Emotional Vampire


190 190

Feeding Dependency Tattoos of St. Giles

+1 -2

* cost varies Based on Supernatural Powers table, Dresden Files RPG , Volume 1: Your Story , p. 160-161 3 of 3

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