Historia Społeczna 28.11.2013

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AFRICAN AMERICANS NORTH: o Almost 2,000 African American soldiers served in t e !

!nion Arm"# o Alt o$% t e" &roved t emselves as re&$ta'le soldiers, t e" (ere still discriminated in terms of &a"ment or assi%ned la'or (or)s# SO!TH: o Slave la'or $sed to s$&&ort t e Confederate Arm" Minin%, infrastr$ct$re, medical roles o *+,- Confederate Con%ress &assed le%islation to enlist com&anies of 'lac) soldiers# .la"ed an im&ortant role# Some even s$%%est t at if t e Confederate Arm" $sed African Americans as readil" as t e !nion, t e o$tcome of t e (ar ma" ave 'een different# NO/: o T ro$% o$t t e "ears t e &osition of African Americans as c an%ed# For man" "ears 0 racial se%re%ation in t e arm", t ere (ere se&arate com&anies for 'lac) soldiers even d$rin% //2# *12+, .resident Harr" Tr$man si%ned E3ec$tive Order inte%ratin% t e militar" and mandatin% e4$alit" of treatment and o&&ort$nit"# It also made ille%al, &er militar" la(, to ma)e a racist remar)#

/OMEN 2 t"&es of (omen involved in s$&&ortin% t e armies d$rin% t e Civil /ar: o /omen ( o sta"ed at ome s$&&osed to &rovide for t eir families on t eir o(n# t e" or%ani5ed 6A7IES8 AI7 SOCIETIES in order to s$&&l" t e troo&s (it food, clot es, mone", etc# Cleaned and 'anda%ed (o$nds, fed soldiers and assisted s$r%eons d$rin% o&erations# Hel& so si%nificant t at t e" earned a nic)name F6ORENCE NI9HTIN9A6ES :from t e name of a ;ritis social reformer ( o fo$nded modern n$rsin%<# One of t e most famo$s: C6ARA ;ARTON, in *++* fo$nded t e American Red Cross# T e" %at ered information '" sed$cin% soldiers at social events# T e" also sm$%%led s$&&lies $nderneat t eir s)irt#

o T o$sands of (omen ( o vol$nteered as N!RSES#

o ;ot armies $sed (omen as S.IES#

o Alt o$% for'idden, over 200 of (omen served as SECRET SO67IERS 7is%$ised t emselves as men and ado&ted masc$line names =ennie Hod%ers ( o fo$% t as Al'ert Cas ier# S e fo$% t t e entire Civil /ar (it o$t 'ein% discovered and ended $& livin% o$t t e rest of er life as a man#

NO/ o *1>1 t e enlistment 4$alification 'ecame t e same for 'ot se3es, '$t (omen (ere &ro i'ited from t e direct com'at roles# o =an$ar", 20*? 0 'an on (omen servin% in com'at removed# T is &olic" %ives (omen t e official reco%nition for t eir sacrifices in recent (ars#

CHI67REN THEN o N$m'ers of "o$n% &eo&le (ere involved in all as&ect of t e Civil /ar# o Stated t at as man" as 20@ of Civil /ar soldiers (ere "o$n%er t an *+# o Alt o$% t e enlistment of t ose $nder *+ (as &ro i'ited, t e r$les (ere often 'ent and t o$sands &artici&ated in t e conflict as m$sicians, messen%ers, and often as f$ll" fled%ed soldiers# o T ose ( o sta"ed at ome ad to el& to r$n famil" farms and '$sinesses# NO/ o /estern societies &ro i'it minors to serve in t e arm" ;!TA o T ere are still estimated to 'e 2-0,000 c ild soldiers in t e ot er &arts of t e (orld# o T ere are man" or%ani5ations and actions t at tr" to im&rove t e (ellB'ein% of c ildren in sit$ations of conflict#
SO!RCES: C/omen in t e Civil /ar#D 20*?# The History Channel website. Nov 22, 2013. http://www.history.com/topics/women-in-the-civil-war. Ri% t and, =ess# The Women Who o!"ht in the Civil War.# 2011. The $mithsonian %a"a&ine website. Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((#smit sonianma%#comE istor"Barc aeolo%"ET eB/omenB/ oB Fo$% tBinBt eBCivilB/ar# tml# Freeman, Elsie, /"nell ;$rro$% s Sc amel, and =ean /est# FT e Fi% t for E4$al Ri% ts: A Recr$itin% .oster for ;lac) Soldiers in t e Civil /ar#F $ocial '(!cation -,, 2 :Fe'r$ar" *112<: **+B*20# GRevised and $&dated in *111 '" ;$d%e /eidman#H CAfricanBAmerican Soldiers in t e Civil /ar#D 20*?# The History Channel website. Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((# istor"#comEto&icsEafricanBamericanBsoldiersBinBt eBcivilB(ar#

For instance, in =$ne 20*?, t e !N set a %oal to ave no c ild soldiers an"( ere in t e (orld '" 20*,#

CIids in t e Civil /ar#D )merican '*perience website# Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((#&'s#or%E(%' Eamericane3&erienceEfeat$resE%eneralBarticleE%rantB)idsE# CFlorence Ni% tin%ale#D 20*?# +ritannica website# Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((#'ritannica#comEE;c ec)edEto&icE2*-020EFlorenceBNi% tin%ale# C/omen in t e Militar"#D 20*?# ,or-ol. /aily ,ews website# Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EEnorfol)dail"ne(s#comEinteractiveEonlinee3trasE(omenBinBt eBmilitar"EarticleJa2*c?--aB d+22B**e2B+>e?B00*a2'cf,+>+# tml# CC ild Soldiers#D 20*?# War Chil( website# Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((#(arc ild#or%#$)Eiss$esEc ildB soldiers# CAfrican Americans in t e !#S# Arm"D 20*?# 0.$ )rmy website# Nov 22, 20*?# tt&:EE(((#arm"#milEafricanamericansEtimeline# tml#

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