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CHAPTER 1 called Seas. And God saw that
1 In the beginning God creat- it was good.
ed the heavens and the earth. 11 And God said, "Let the
2 The earth was without form earth put forth vegetation,
and void, and darkness was plants yielding seed, and fruit
upon the face of the deep; trees bearing fruit in which is
and the Spirit of God was their seed, each according to
moving over the face of the its kind, upon the earth." And
waters. it was so.
3 And God said, "Let there be 12 The earth brought forth
light"; and there was light. vegetation, plants yielding
4 And God saw that the light seed according to their own
was good; and God separated kinds, and trees bearing fruit
the light from the darkness. in which is their seed, each
5 God called the light Day, according to its kind. And God
and the darkness he called saw that it was good.
Night. And there was evening 13 And there was evening
and there was morning, one and there was morning, a
day. third day.
6 And God said, "Let there be 14 And God said, "Let there
a firmament in the midst of be lights in the firmament of
the waters, and let it separate the heavens to separate the
the waters from the waters." day from the night; and let
7 And God made the firma- them be for signs and for sea-
ment and separated the wa- sons and for days and years,
ters which were under the fir- 15 and let them be lights in
mament from the waters the firmament of the heavens
which were above the firma- to give light upon the earth."
ment. And it was so. And it was so.
8 And God called the firma- 16 And God made the two
ment Heaven. And there was great lights, the greater light
evening and there was morn- to rule the day, and the lesser
ing, a second day. light to rule the night; he
9 And God said, "Let the wa- made the stars also.
ters under the heavens be 17 And God set them in the
gathered together into one firmament of the heavens to
place, and let the dry land ap- give light upon the earth,
pear." And it was so. 18 to rule over the day and
10 God called the dry land over the night, and to sepa-
Earth, and the waters that rate the light from the dark-
were gathered together he ness. And God saw that it was


good. creeps upon the earth."

19 And there was evening 27 So God created man in his
and there was morning, a own image, in the image of
fourth day. God he created him; male and
20 And God said, "Let the wa- female he created them.
ters bring forth swarms of liv- 28 And God blessed them,
ing creatures, and let birds fly and God said to them, "Be
above the earth across the fir- fruitful and multiply, and fill
mament of the heavens." the earth and subdue it; and
21 So God created the great have dominion over the fish of
sea monsters and every living the sea and over the birds of
creature that moves, with the air and over every living
which the waters swarm, ac- thing that moves upon the
cording to their kinds, and ev- earth."
ery winged bird according to 29 And God said, "Behold, I
its kind. And God saw that it have given you every plant
was good. yielding seed which is upon
22 And God blessed them, the face of all the earth, and
saying, "Be fruitful and multi- every tree with seed in its
ply and fill the waters in the fruit; you shall have them for
seas, and let birds multiply on food.
the earth." 30 And to every beast of the
23 And there was evening earth, and to every bird of the
and there was morning, a fifth air, and to everything that
day. creeps on the earth, every-
24 And God said, "Let the thing that has the breath of
earth bring forth living crea- life, I have given every green
tures according to their kinds: plant for food." And it was so.
cattle and creeping things and 31 And God saw everything
beasts of the earth according that he had made, and behold,
to their kinds." And it was so. it was very good. And there
25 And God made the beasts was evening and there was
of the earth according to their morning, a sixth day.
kinds and the cattle according
to their kinds, and everything CHAPTER 2
that creeps upon the ground 1 Thus the heavens and the
according to its kind. And God earth were finished, and all
saw that it was good. the host of them.
26 Then God said, "Let us 2 And on the seventh day
make man in our image, after God finished his work which
our likeness; and let them he had done, and he rested on
have dominion over the fish of the seventh day from all his
the sea, and over the birds of work which he had done.
the air, and over the cattle, 3 So God blessed the seventh
and over all the earth, and day and hallowed it, because
over every creeping thing that on it God rested from all his


work which he had done in 13 The name of the second

creation. river is Gihon; it is the one
4 These are the generations which flows around the whole
of the heavens and the earth land of Cush.
when they were created. In 14 And the name of the third
the day that the LORD God river is Tigris, which flows
made the earth and the heav- east of Assyria. And the fourth
ens, river is the Euphrates.
5 when no plant of the field 15 The LORD God took the
was yet in the earth and no man and put him in the gar-
herb of the field had yet den of Eden to till it and keep
sprung up — for the LORD God it.
had not caused it to rain upon 16 And the LORD God com-
the earth, and there was no manded the man, saying, "You
man to till the ground; may freely eat of every tree of
6 but a mist went up from the the garden;
earth and watered the whole 17 but of the tree of the
face of the ground — knowledge of good and evil
7 then the LORD God formed you shall not eat, for in the
man of dust from the ground, day that you eat of it you
and breathed into his nostrils shall die."
the breath of life; and man be- 18 Then the LORD God said,
came a living being. "It is not good that the man
8 And the LORD God planted should be alone; I will make
a garden in Eden, in the east; him a helper fit for him."
and there he put the man 19 So out of the ground the
whom he had formed. LORD God formed every beast
9 And out of the ground the of the field and every bird of
LORD God made to grow every the air, and brought them to
tree that is pleasant to the the man to see what he would
sight and good for food, the call them; and whatever the
tree of life also in the midst of man called every living crea-
the garden, and the tree of ture, that was its name.
the knowledge of good and 20 The man gave names to
evil. all cattle, and to the birds of
10 A river flowed out of Eden the air, and to every beast of
to water the garden, and there the field; but for the man
it divided and became four there was not found a helper
rivers. fit for him.
11 The name of the first is 21 So the LORD God caused a
Pishon; it is the one which deep sleep to fall upon the
flows around the whole land of man, and while he slept took
Havilah, where there is gold; one of his ribs and closed up
12 and the gold of that land its place with flesh;
is good; bdellium and onyx 22 and the rib which the
stone are there. LORD God had taken from the


man he made into a woman to her husband, and he ate.

and brought her to the man. 7 Then the eyes of both were
23 Then the man said, "This opened, and they knew that
at last is bone of my bones they were naked; and they
and flesh of my flesh; she sewed fig leaves together and
shall be called Woman, be- made themselves aprons.
cause she was taken out of 8 And they heard the sound
Man." of the LORD God walking in
24 Therefore a man leaves the garden in the cool of the
his father and his mother and day, and the man and his wife
cleaves to his wife, and they hid themselves from the pres-
become one flesh. ence of the LORD God among
25 And the man and his wife the trees of the garden.
were both naked, and were 9 But the LORD God called to
not ashamed. the man, and said to him,
"Where are you?"
CHAPTER 3 10 And he said, "I heard the
1 Now the serpent was more sound of thee in the garden,
subtle than any other wild and I was afraid, because I
creature that the LORD God was naked; and I hid myself."
had made. He said to the 11 He said, "Who told you
woman, "Did God say, `You that you were naked? Have
shall not eat of any tree of the you eaten of the tree of which
garden'?" I commanded you not to eat?"
2 And the woman said to the 12 The man said, "The wom-
serpent, "We may eat of the an whom thou gavest to be
fruit of the trees of the gar- with me, she gave me fruit of
den; the tree, and I ate."
3 but God said, `You shall not 13 Then the LORD God said
eat of the fruit of the tree to the woman, "What is this
which is in the midst of the that you have done?" The
garden, neither shall you woman said, "The serpent be-
touch it, lest you die.'" guiled me, and I ate."
4 But the serpent said to the 14 The LORD God said to the
woman, "You will not die. serpent, "Because you have
5 For God knows that when done this, cursed are you
you eat of it your eyes will be above all cattle, and above all
opened, and you will be like wild animals; upon your belly
God, knowing good and evil." you shall go, and dust you
6 So when the woman saw shall eat all the days of your
that the tree was good for life.
food, and that it was a delight 15 I will put enmity between
to the eyes, and that the tree you and the woman, and be-
was to be desired to make one tween your seed and her
wise, she took of its fruit and seed; he shall bruise your
ate; and she also gave some head, and you shall bruise his


heel." and at the east of the garden

16 To the woman he said, "I of Eden he placed the cheru-
will greatly multiply your pain bim, and a flaming sword
in childbearing; in pain you which turned every way, to
shall bring forth children, yet guard the way to the tree of
your desire shall be for your life.
husband, and he shall rule
over you." CHAPTER 4
17 And to Adam he said, "Be- 1 Now Adam knew Eve his
cause you have listened to the wife, and she conceived and
voice of your wife, and have bore Cain, saying, "I have got-
eaten of the tree of which I ten a man with the help of the
commanded you, `You shall LORD."
not eat of it,' cursed is the 2 And again, she bore his
ground because of you; in toil brother Abel. Now Abel was a
you shall eat of it all the days keeper of sheep, and Cain a
of your life; tiller of the ground.
18 thorns and thistles it shall 3 In the course of time Cain
bring forth to you; and you brought to the LORD an offer-
shall eat the plants of the ing of the fruit of the ground,
field. 4 and Abel brought of the
19 In the sweat of your face firstlings of his flock and of
you shall eat bread till you re- their fat portions. And the
turn to the ground, for out of LORD had regard for Abel and
it you were taken; you are his offering,
dust, and to dust you shall re- 5 but for Cain and his offer-
turn." ing he had no regard. So Cain
20 The man called his wife's was very angry, and his coun-
name Eve, because she was tenance fell.
the mother of all living. 6 The LORD said to Cain,
21 And the LORD God made "Why are you angry, and why
for Adam and for his wife gar- has your countenance fallen?
ments of skins, and clothed 7 If you do well, will you not
them. be accepted? And if you do
22 Then the LORD God said, not do well, sin is couching at
"Behold, the man has become the door; its desire is for you,
like one of us, knowing good but you must master it."
and evil; and now, lest he put 8 Cain said to Abel his broth-
forth his hand and take also of er, "Let us go out to the field."
the tree of life, and eat, and And when they were in the
live for ever" — field, Cain rose up against his
23 therefore the LORD God brother Abel, and killed him.
sent him forth from the gar- 9 Then the LORD said to Cain,
den of Eden, to till the ground "Where is Abel your brother?"
from which he was taken. He said, "I do not know; am I
24 He drove out the man; my brother's keeper?"


10 And the LORD said, "What Lamech.

have you done? The voice of 19 And Lamech took two
your brother's blood is crying wives; the name of the one
to me from the ground. was Adah, and the name of
11 And now you are cursed the other Zillah.
from the ground, which has 20 Adah bore Jabal; he was
opened its mouth to receive the father of those who dwell
your brother's blood from your in tents and have cattle.
hand. 21 His brother's name was
12 When you till the ground, Jubal; he was the father of all
it shall no longer yield to you those who play the lyre and
its strength; you shall be a pipe.
fugitive and a wanderer on 22 Zillah bore Tubal-cain; he
the earth." was the forger of all instru-
13 Cain said to the LORD, ments of bronze and iron. The
"My punishment is greater sister of Tubal-cain was
than I can bear. Na'amah.
14 Behold, thou hast driven 23 Lamech said to his wives:
me this day away from the "Adah and Zillah, hear my
ground; and from thy face I voice; you wives of Lamech,
shall be hidden; and I shall be hearken to what I say: I have
a fugitive and a wanderer on slain a man for wounding me,
the earth, and whoever finds a young man for striking me.
me will slay me." 24 If Cain is avenged seven-
15 Then the LORD said to fold, truly Lamech seventy-
him, "Not so! If any one slays sevenfold."
Cain, vengeance shall be tak- 25 And Adam knew his wife
en on him sevenfold." And the again, and she bore a son and
LORD put a mark on Cain, lest called his name Seth, for she
any who came upon him said, "God has appointed for
should kill him. me another child instead of
16 Then Cain went away from Abel, for Cain slew him."
the presence of the LORD, and 26 To Seth also a son was
dwelt in the land of Nod, east born, and he called his name
of Eden. Enosh. At that time men be-
17 Cain knew his wife, and gan to call upon the name of
she conceived and bore the LORD.
Enoch; and he built a city, and
called the name of the city af- CHAPTER 5
ter the name of his son, 1 This is the book of the gen-
Enoch. erations of Adam. When God
18 To Enoch was born Irad; created man, he made him in
and Irad was the father of Me- the likeness of God.
hu'ja-el, and Me-hu'ja-el the 2 Male and female he created
father of Me-thu'sha-el, and them, and he blessed them
Me-thu'sha-el the father of and named them Man when


they were created. came the father of Jared.

3 When Adam had lived a 16 Ma-hal'alel lived after the
hundred and thirty years, he birth of Jared eight hundred
became the father of a son in and thirty years, and had oth-
his own likeness, after his im- er sons and daughters.
age, and named him Seth. 17 Thus all the days of Ma-
4 The days of Adam after he hal'alel were eight hundred
became the father of Seth and ninety-five years; and he
were eight hundred years; and died.
he had other sons and daugh- 18 When Jared had lived a
ters. hundred and sixty-two years
5 Thus all the days that Adam he became the father of
lived were nine hundred and Enoch.
thirty years; and he died. 19 Jared lived after the birth
6 When Seth had lived a hun- of Enoch eight hundred years,
dred and five years, he be- and had other sons and
came the father of Enosh. daughters.
7 Seth lived after the birth of 20 Thus all the days of Jared
Enosh eight hundred and sev- were nine hundred and sixty-
en years, and had other sons two years; and he died.
and daughters. 21 When Enoch had lived six-
8 Thus all the days of Seth ty-five years, he became the
were nine hundred and twelve father of Methu'selah.
years; and he died. 22 Enoch walked with God af-
9 When Enosh had lived nine- ter the birth of Methu'selah
ty years, he became the fa- three hundred years, and had
ther of Kenan. other sons and daughters.
10 Enosh lived after the birth 23 Thus all the days of Enoch
of Kenan eight hundred and were three hundred and sixty-
fifteen years, and had other five years.
sons and daughters. 24 Enoch walked with God;
11 Thus all the days of Enosh and he was not, for God took
were nine hundred and five him.
years; and he died. 25 When Methu'selah had
12 When Kenan had lived lived a hundred and eighty-
seventy years, he became the seven years, he became the
father of Ma-hal'alel. father of Lamech.
13 Kenan lived after the birth 26 Methu'selah lived after
of Ma-hal'alel eight hundred the birth of Lamech seven
and forty years, and had other hundred and eighty-two years,
sons and daughters. and had other sons and
14 Thus all the days of Kenan daughters.
were nine hundred and ten 27 Thus all the days of
years; and he died. Methu'selah were nine hun-
15 When Ma-hal'alel had dred and sixty-nine years; and
lived sixty-five years, he be- he died.


28 When Lamech had lived a wickedness of man was great

hundred and eighty-two years, in the earth, and that every
he became the father of a imagination of the thoughts of
son, his heart was only evil contin-
29 and called his name Noah, ually.
saying, "Out of the ground 6 And the LORD was sorry
which the LORD has cursed that he had made man on the
this one shall bring us relief earth, and it grieved him to
from our work and from the his heart.
toil of our hands." 7 So the LORD said, "I will
30 Lamech lived after the blot out man whom I have cre-
birth of Noah five hundred and ated from the face of the
ninety-five years, and had ground, man and beast and
other sons and daughters. creeping things and birds of
31 Thus all the days of the air, for I am sorry that I
Lamech were seven hundred have made them."
and seventy-seven years; and 8 But Noah found favor in the
he died. eyes of the LORD.
32 After Noah was five hun- 9 These are the generations
dred years old, Noah became of Noah. Noah was a righteous
the father of Shem, Ham, and man, blameless in his genera-
Japheth. tion; Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah had three sons,
CHAPTER 6 Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
1 When men began to multi- 11 Now the earth was corrupt
ply on the face of the ground, in God's sight, and the earth
and daughters were born to was filled with violence.
them, 12 And God saw the earth,
2 the sons of God saw that and behold, it was corrupt; for
the daughters of men were all flesh had corrupted their
fair; and they took to wife way upon the earth.
such of them as they chose. 13 And God said to Noah, "I
3 Then the LORD said, "My have determined to make an
spirit shall not abide in man end of all flesh; for the earth
for ever, for he is flesh, but is filled with violence through
his days shall be a hundred them; behold, I will destroy
and twenty years." them with the earth.
4 The Nephilim were on the 14 Make yourself an ark of
earth in those days, and also gopher wood; make rooms in
afterward, when the sons of the ark, and cover it inside
God came in to the daughters and out with pitch.
of men, and they bore chil- 15 This is how you are to
dren to them. These were the make it: the length of the ark
mighty men that were of old, three hundred cubits, its
the men of renown. breadth fifty cubits, and its
5 The LORD saw that the height thirty cubits.


16 Make a roof for the ark, and his mate; and a pair of
and finish it to a cubit above; the animals that are not
and set the door of the ark in clean, the male and his mate;
its side; make it with lower, 3 and seven pairs of the birds
second, and third decks. of the air also, male and fe-
17 For behold, I will bring a male, to keep their kind alive
flood of waters upon the upon the face of all the earth.
earth, to destroy all flesh in 4 For in seven days I will
which is the breath of life send rain upon the earth forty
from under heaven; every- days and forty nights; and ev-
thing that is on the earth shall ery living thing that I have
die. made I will blot out from the
18 But I will establish my face of the ground."
covenant with you; and you 5 And Noah did all that the
shall come into the ark, you, LORD had commanded him.
your sons, your wife, and your 6 Noah was six hundred years
sons' wives with you. old when the flood of waters
19 And of every living thing came upon the earth.
of all flesh, you shall bring 7 And Noah and his sons and
two of every sort into the ark, his wife and his sons' wives
to keep them alive with you; with him went into the ark, to
they shall be male and fe- escape the waters of the
male. flood.
20 Of the birds according to 8 Of clean animals, and of
their kinds, and of the animals animals that are not clean,
according to their kinds, of ev- and of birds, and of every-
ery creeping thing of the thing that creeps on the
ground according to its kind, ground,
two of every sort shall come 9 two and two, male and fe-
in to you, to keep them alive. male, went into the ark with
21 Also take with you every Noah, as God had commanded
sort of food that is eaten, and Noah.
store it up; and it shall serve 10 And after seven days the
as food for you and for them." waters of the flood came upon
22 Noah did this; he did all the earth.
that God commanded him. 11 In the six hundredth year
of Noah's life, in the second
CHAPTER 7 month, on the seventeenth
1 Then the LORD said to day of the month, on that day
Noah, "Go into the ark, you all the fountains of the great
and all your household, for I deep burst forth, and the win-
have seen that you are right- dows of the heavens were
eous before me in this genera- opened.
tion. 12 And rain fell upon the
2 Take with you seven pairs earth forty days and forty
of all clean animals, the male nights.


13 On the very same day in whose nostrils was the

Noah and his sons, Shem and breath of life died.
Ham and Japheth, and Noah's 23 He blotted out every living
wife and the three wives of his thing that was upon the face
sons with them entered the of the ground, man and ani-
ark, mals and creeping things and
14 they and every beast ac- birds of the air; they were
cording to its kind, and all the blotted out from the earth.
cattle according to their kinds, Only Noah was left, and those
and every creeping thing that that were with him in the ark.
creeps on the earth according 24 And the waters prevailed
to its kind, and every bird ac- upon the earth a hundred and
cording to its kind, every bird fifty days.
of every sort.
15 They went into the ark CHAPTER 8
with Noah, two and two of all 1 But God remembered Noah
flesh in which there was the and all the beasts and all the
breath of life. cattle that were with him in
16 And they that entered, the ark. And God made a wind
male and female of all flesh, blow over the earth, and the
went in as God had command- waters subsided;
ed him; and the LORD shut 2 the fountains of the deep
him in. and the windows of the heav-
17 The flood continued forty ens were closed, the rain from
days upon the earth; and the the heavens was restrained,
waters increased, and bore up 3 and the waters receded
the ark, and it rose high from the earth continually. At
above the earth. the end of a hundred and fifty
18 The waters prevailed and days the waters had abated;
increased greatly upon the 4 and in the seventh month,
earth; and the ark floated on on the seventeenth day of the
the face of the waters. month, the ark came to rest
19 And the waters prevailed upon the mountains of Ar'arat.
so mightily upon the earth 5 And the waters continued
that all the high mountains to abate until the tenth
under the whole heaven were month; in the tenth month, on
covered; the first day of the month, the
20 the waters prevailed tops of the mountains were
above the mountains, cover- seen.
ing them fifteen cubits deep. 6 At the end of forty days
21 And all flesh died that Noah opened the window of
moved upon the earth, birds, the ark which he had made,
cattle, beasts, all swarming 7 and sent forth a raven; and
creatures that swarm upon the it went to and fro until the wa-
earth, and every man; ters were dried up from the
22 everything on the dry land earth.


8 Then he sent forth a dove they may breed abundantly on

from him, to see if the waters the earth, and be fruitful and
had subsided from the face of multiply upon the earth."
the ground; 18 So Noah went forth, and
9 but the dove found no his sons and his wife and his
place to set her foot, and she sons' wives with him.
returned to him to the ark, for 19 And every beast, every
the waters were still on the creeping thing, and every
face of the whole earth. So he bird, everything that moves
put forth his hand and took upon the earth, went forth by
her and brought her into the families out of the ark.
ark with him. 20 Then Noah built an altar
10 He waited another seven to the LORD, and took of ev-
days, and again he sent forth ery clean animal and of every
the dove out of the ark; clean bird, and offered burnt
11 and the dove came back offerings on the altar.
to him in the evening, and lo, 21 And when the LORD
in her mouth a freshly plucked smelled the pleasing odor, the
olive leaf; so Noah knew that LORD said in his heart, "I will
the waters had subsided from never again curse the ground
the earth. because of man, for the imagi-
12 Then he waited another nation of man's heart is evil
seven days, and sent forth the from his youth; neither will I
dove; and she did not return ever again destroy every liv-
to him any more. ing creature as I have done.
13 In the six hundred and 22 While the earth remains,
first year, in the first month, seedtime and harvest, cold
the first day of the month, the and heat, summer and winter,
waters were dried from off the day and night, shall not
earth; and Noah removed the cease."
covering of the ark, and
looked, and behold, the face CHAPTER 9
of the ground was dry. 1 And God blessed Noah and
14 In the second month, on his sons, and said to them,
the twenty-seventh day of the "Be fruitful and multiply, and
month, the earth was dry. fill the earth.
15 Then God said to Noah, 2 The fear of you and the
16 "Go forth from the ark, dread of you shall be upon ev-
you and your wife, and your ery beast of the earth, and
sons and your sons' wives upon every bird of the air,
with you. upon everything that creeps
17 Bring forth with you every on the ground and all the fish
living thing that is with you of of the sea; into your hand
all flesh — birds and animals they are delivered.
and every creeping thing that 3 Every moving thing that
creeps on the earth — that lives shall be food for you;


and as I gave you the green in the clouds,

plants, I give you everything. 15 I will remember my
4 Only you shall not eat flesh covenant which is between me
with its life, that is, its blood. and you and every living crea-
5 For your lifeblood I will ture of all flesh; and the wa-
surely require a reckoning; of ters shall never again become
every beast I will require it a flood to destroy all flesh.
and of man; of every man's 16 When the bow is in the
brother I will require the life clouds, I will look upon it and
of man. remember the everlasting
6 Whoever sheds the blood of covenant between God and
man, by man shall his blood every living creature of all
be shed; for God made man in flesh that is upon the earth."
his own image. 17 God said to Noah, "This is
7 And you, be fruitful and the sign of the covenant which
multiply, bring forth abun- I have established between
dantly on the earth and multi- me and all flesh that is upon
ply in it." the earth."
8 Then God said to Noah and 18 The sons of Noah who
to his sons with him, went forth from the ark were
9 "Behold, I establish my Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham
covenant with you and your was the father of Canaan.
descendants after you, 19 These three were the sons
10 and with every living crea- of Noah; and from these the
ture that is with you, the whole earth was peopled.
birds, the cattle, and every 20 Noah was the first tiller of
beast of the earth with you, as the soil. He planted a vine-
many as came out of the ark. yard;
11 I establish my covenant 21 and he drank of the wine,
with you, that never again and became drunk, and lay
shall all flesh be cut off by the uncovered in his tent.
waters of a flood, and never 22 And Ham, the father of
again shall there be a flood to Canaan, saw the nakedness of
destroy the earth." his father, and told his two
12 And God said, "This is the brothers outside.
sign of the covenant which I 23 Then Shem and Japheth
make between me and you took a garment, laid it upon
and every living creature that both their shoulders, and
is with you, for all future gen- walked backward and covered
erations: the nakedness of their father;
13 I set my bow in the cloud, their faces were turned away,
and it shall be a sign of the and they did not see their fa-
covenant between me and the ther's nakedness.
earth. 24 When Noah awoke from
14 When I bring clouds over his wine and knew what his
the earth and the bow is seen youngest son had done to


him, fore the LORD; therefore it is

25 he said, "Cursed be said, "Like Nimrod a mighty
Canaan; a slave of slaves shall hunter before the LORD."
he be to his brothers." 10 The beginning of his king-
26 He also said, "Blessed by dom was Ba'bel, Erech, and
the LORD my God be Shem; Accad, all of them in the land
and let Canaan be his slave." of Shinar.
27 God enlarge Japheth, and 11 From that land he went
let him dwell in the tents of into Assyria, and built
Shem; and let Canaan be his Nin'eveh, Reho'both-Ir, Calah,
slave." and
28 After the flood Noah lived 12 Resen between Nin'eveh
three hundred and fifty years. and Calah; that is the great
29 All the days of Noah were city.
nine hundred and fifty years; 13 Egypt became the father
and he died. of Ludim, An'amim, Leha'bim,
CHAPTER 10 14 Pathru'sim, Caslu'him
1 These are the generations (whence came the Philistines),
of the sons of Noah, Shem, and Caph'torim.
Ham, and Japheth; sons were 15 Canaan became the father
born to them after the flood. of Sidon his first-born, and
2 The sons of Japheth: Heth,
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, 16 and the Jeb'usites, the
Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. Amorites, the Gir'gashites,
3 The sons of Gomer: Ash'ke- 17 the Hivites, the Arkites,
naz, Riphath, and Togar'mah. the Sinites,
4 The sons of Javan: Eli'shah, 18 the Ar'vadites, the
Tarshish, Kittim, and Do'dan- Zem'arites, and the Ha'math-
im. ites. Afterward the families of
5 From these the coastland the Canaanites spread abroad.
peoples spread. These are the 19 And the territory of the
sons of Japheth in their lands, Canaanites extended from
each with his own language, Sidon, in the direction of Ger-
by their families, in their na- ar, as far as Gaza, and in the
tions. direction of Sodom, Go-
6 The sons of Ham: Cush, mor'rah, Admah, and Ze-
Egypt, Put, and Canaan. boi'im, as far as Lasha.
7 The sons of Cush: Seba, 20 These are the sons of
Hav'ilah, Sabtah, Ra'amah, Ham, by their families, their
and Sab'teca. The sons of languages, their lands, and
Ra'amah: Sheba and Dedan. their nations.
8 Cush became the father of 21 To Shem also, the father
Nimrod; he was the first on of all the children of Eber, the
earth to be a mighty man. elder brother of Japheth, chil-
9 He was a mighty hunter be- dren were born.


22 The sons of Shem: Elam, And they had brick for stone,
Asshur, Arpach'shad, Lud, and and bitumen for mortar.
Aram. 4 Then they said, "Come, let
23 The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, us build ourselves a city, and
Gether, and Mash. a tower with its top in the
24 Arpach'shad became the heavens, and let us make a
father of Shelah; and Shelah name for ourselves, lest we be
became the father of Eber. scattered abroad upon the
25 To Eber were born two face of the whole earth."
sons: the name of the one was 5 And the LORD came down
Peleg, for in his days the earth to see the city and the tower,
was divided, and his brother's which the sons of men had
name was Joktan. built.
26 Joktan became the father 6 And the LORD said, "Be-
of Almo'dad, Sheleph, Haz- hold, they are one people, and
arma'veth, Jerah, they have all one language;
27 Hador'am, Uzal, Diklah, and this is only the beginning
28 Obal, Abim'a-el, Sheba, of what they will do; and noth-
29 Ophir, Hav'ilah, and Jobab; ing that they propose to do
all these were the sons of Jok- will now be impossible for
tan. them.
30 The territory in which they 7 Come, let us go down, and
lived extended from Mesha in there confuse their language,
the direction of Sephar to the that they may not understand
hill country of the east. one another's speech."
31 These are the sons of 8 So the LORD scattered
Shem, by their families, their them abroad from there over
languages, their lands, and the face of all the earth, and
their nations. they left off building the city.
32 These are the families of 9 Therefore its name was
the sons of Noah, according to called Ba'bel, because there
their genealogies, in their na- the LORD confused the lan-
tions; and from these the na- guage of all the earth; and
tions spread abroad on the from there the LORD scattered
earth after the flood. them abroad over the face of
all the earth.
CHAPTER 11 10 These are the descen-
1 Now the whole earth had dants of Shem. When Shem
one language and few words. was a hundred years old, he
2 And as men migrated from became the father of
the east, they found a plain in Arpach'shad two years after
the land of Shinar and settled the flood;
there. 11 and Shem lived after the
3 And they said to one anoth- birth of Arpach'shad five hun-
er, "Come, let us make bricks, dred years, and had other
and burn them thoroughly." sons and daughters.


12 When Arpach'shad had birth of Terah a hundred and

lived thirty-five years, he be- nineteen years, and had other
came the father of Shelah; sons and daughters.
13 and Arpach'shad lived af- 26 When Terah had lived sev-
ter the birth of Shelah four enty years, he became the fa-
hundred and three years, and ther of Abram, Nahor, and Ha-
had other sons and daughters. ran.
14 When Shelah had lived 27 Now these are the descen-
thirty years, he became the dants of Terah. Terah was the
father of Eber; father of Abram, Nahor, and
15 and Shelah lived after the Haran; and Haran was the fa-
birth of Eber four hundred and ther of Lot.
three years, and had other 28 Haran died before his fa-
sons and daughters. ther Terah in the land of his
16 When Eber had lived thir- birth, in Ur of the Chalde'ans.
ty-four years, he became the 29 And Abram and Nahor
father of Peleg; took wives; the name of
17 and Eber lived after the Abram's wife was Sar'ai, and
birth of Peleg four hundred the name of Nahor's wife,
and thirty years, and had oth- Milcah, the daughter of Haran
er sons and daughters. the father of Milcah and Iscah.
18 When Peleg had lived thir- 30 Now Sar'ai was barren;
ty years, he became the fa- she had no child.
ther of Re'u; 31 Terah took Abram his son
19 and Peleg lived after the and Lot the son of Haran, his
birth of Re'u two hundred and grandson, and Sar'ai his
nine years, and had other daughter-in-law, his son
sons and daughters. Abram's wife, and they went
20 When Re'u had lived thir- forth together from Ur of the
ty-two years, he became the Chalde'ans to go into the land
father of Serug; of Canaan; but when they
21 and Re'u lived after the came to Haran, they settled
birth of Serug two hundred there.
and seven years, and had oth- 32 The days of Terah were
er sons and daughters. two hundred and five years;
22 When Serug had lived thir- and Terah died in Haran.
ty years, he became the fa-
ther of Nahor; CHAPTER 12
23 and Serug lived after the 1 Now the LORD said to
birth of Nahor two hundred Abram, "Go from your country
years, and had other sons and and your kindred and your fa-
daughters. ther's house to the land that I
24 When Nahor had lived will show you.
twenty-nine years, he became 2 And I will make of you a
the father of Terah; great nation, and I will bless
25 and Nahor lived after the you, and make your name


great, so that you will be a land.

blessing. 11 When he was about to en-
3 I will bless those who bless ter Egypt, he said to Sar'ai his
you, and him who curses you I wife, "I know that you are a
will curse; and by you all the woman beautiful to behold;
families of the earth shall 12 and when the Egyptians
bless themselves." see you, they will say, `This is
4 So Abram went, as the his wife'; then they will kill
LORD had told him; and Lot me, but they will let you live.
went with him. Abram was 13 Say you are my sister,
seventy-five years old when that it may go well with me
he departed from Haran. because of you, and that my
5 And Abram took Sar'ai his life may be spared on your ac-
wife, and Lot his brother's count."
son, and all their possessions 14 When Abram entered
which they had gathered, and Egypt the Egyptians saw that
the persons that they had got- the woman was very beautiful.
ten in Haran; and they set 15 And when the princes of
forth to go to the land of Pharaoh saw her, they praised
Canaan. When they had come her to Pharaoh. And the wom-
to the land of Canaan, an was taken into Pharaoh's
6 Abram passed through the house.
land to the place at Shechem, 16 And for her sake he dealt
to the oak of Moreh. At that well with Abram; and he had
time the Canaanites were in sheep, oxen, he-asses,
the land. menservants, maidservants,
7 Then the LORD appeared to she-asses, and camels.
Abram, and said, "To your de- 17 But the LORD afflicted
scendants I will give this Pharaoh and his house with
land." So he built there an al- great plagues because of
tar to the LORD, who had ap- Sar'ai, Abram's wife.
peared to him. 18 So Pharaoh called Abram,
8 Thence he removed to the and said, "What is this you
mountain on the east of have done to me? Why did you
Bethel, and pitched his tent, not tell me that she was your
with Bethel on the west and Ai wife?
on the east; and there he built 19 Why did you say, `She is
an altar to the LORD and my sister,' so that I took her
called on the name of the for my wife? Now then, here is
LORD. your wife, take her, and be
9 And Abram journeyed on, gone."
still going toward the Negeb. 20 And Pharaoh gave men or-
10 Now there was a famine in ders concerning him; and they
the land. So Abram went down set him on the way, with his
to Egypt to sojourn there, for wife and all that he had.
the famine was severe in the


CHAPTER 13 like the land of Egypt, in the

1 So Abram went up from direction of Zo'ar; this was be-
Egypt, he and his wife, and all fore the LORD destroyed
that he had, and Lot with him, Sodom and Gomor'rah.
into the Negeb. 11 So Lot chose for himself
2 Now Abram was very rich in all the Jordan valley, and Lot
cattle, in silver, and in gold. journeyed east; thus they sep-
3 And he journeyed on from arated from each other.
the Negeb as far as Bethel, to 12 Abram dwelt in the land of
the place where his tent had Canaan, while Lot dwelt
been at the beginning, be- among the cities of the valley
tween Bethel and Ai, and moved his tent as far as
4 to the place where he had Sodom.
made an altar at the first; and 13 Now the men of Sodom
there Abram called on the were wicked, great sinners
name of the LORD. against the LORD.
5 And Lot, who went with 14 The LORD said to Abram,
Abram, also had flocks and after Lot had separated from
herds and tents, him, "Lift up your eyes, and
6 so that the land could not look from the place where you
support both of them dwelling are, northward and southward
together; for their possessions and eastward and westward;
were so great that they could 15 for all the land which you
not dwell together, see I will give to you and to
7 and there was strife be- your descendants for ever.
tween the herdsmen of 16 I will make your descen-
Abram's cattle and the herds- dants as the dust of the earth;
men of Lot's cattle. At that so that if one can count the
time the Canaanites and the dust of the earth, your de-
Per'izzites dwelt in the land. scendants also can be count-
8 Then Abram said to Lot, ed.
"Let there be no strife be- 17 Arise, walk through the
tween you and me, and be- length and the breadth of the
tween your herdsmen and my land, for I will give it to you."
herdsmen; for we are kins- 18 So Abram moved his tent,
men. and came and dwelt by the
9 Is not the whole land before oaks of Mamre, which are at
you? Separate yourself from Hebron; and there he built an
me. If you take the left hand, altar to the LORD.
then I will go to the right; or if
you take the right hand, then I CHAPTER 14
will go to the left." 1 In the days of Am'raphel
10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, king of Shinar, Ar'ioch king of
and saw that the Jordan valley Ella'sar, Ched-or-lao'mer king
was well watered everywhere of Elam, and Tidal king of
like the garden of the LORD, Goi'im,


2 these kings made war with them, and the rest fled to the
Bera king of Sodom, Birsha mountain.
king of Gomor'rah, Shinab 11 So the enemy took all the
king of Admah, Sheme'ber goods of Sodom and Go-
king of Zeboi'im, and the king mor'rah, and all their provi-
of Bela (that is, Zo'ar). sions, and went their way;
3 And all these joined forces 12 they also took Lot, the son
in the Valley of Siddim (that of Abram's brother, who dwelt
is, the Salt Sea). in Sodom, and his goods, and
4 Twelve years they had departed.
served Ched-or-lao'mer, but in 13 Then one who had es-
the thirteenth year they re- caped came, and told Abram
belled. the Hebrew, who was living by
5 In the fourteenth year the oaks of Mamre the Amor-
Ched-or-lao'mer and the kings ite, brother of Eshcol and of
who were with him came and Aner; these were allies of
subdued the Reph'aim in Abram.
Ash'teroth-karna'im, the Zuz- 14 When Abram heard that
im in Ham, the Emim in his kinsman had been taken
Sha'veh-kiriatha'im, captive, he led forth his
6 and the Horites in their trained men, born in his
Mount Se'ir as far as El-paran house, three hundred and
on the border of the wilder- eighteen of them, and went in
ness; pursuit as far as Dan.
7 then they turned back and 15 And he divided his forces
came to Enmish'pat (that is, against them by night, he and
Kadesh), and subdued all the his servants, and routed them
country of the Amal'ekites, and pursued them to Hobah,
and also the Amorites who north of Damascus.
dwelt in Haz'azon-ta'mar. 16 Then he brought back all
8 Then the king of Sodom, the goods, and also brought
the king of Gomor'rah, the back his kinsman Lot with his
king of Admah, the king of Ze- goods, and the women and
boi'im, and the king of Bela the people.
(that is, Zo'ar) went out, and 17 After his return from the
they joined battle in the Val- defeat of Ched-or-lao'mer and
ley of Siddim the kings who were with him,
9 with Ched-or-lao'mer king the king of Sodom went out to
of Elam, Tidal king of Goi'im, meet him at the Valley of
Am'raphel king of Shinar, and Shaveh (that is, the King's
Ar'ioch king of Ella'sar, four Valley).
kings against five. 18 And Mel-chiz'edek king of
10 Now the Valley of Siddim Salem brought out bread and
was full of bitumen pits; and wine; he was priest of God
as the kings of Sodom and Go- Most High.
mor'rah fled, some fell into 19 And he blessed him and


said, "Blessed be Abram by and said, "Look toward heav-

God Most High, maker of en, and number the stars, if
heaven and earth; you are able to number them."
20 and blessed be God Most Then he said to him, "So shall
High, who has delivered your your descendants be."
enemies into your hand!" 6 And he believed the LORD;
21 And the king of Sodom and he reckoned it to him as
said to Abram, "Give me the righteousness.
persons, but take the goods 7 And he said to him, "I am
for yourself." the LORD who brought you
22 But Abram said to the king from Ur of the Chalde'ans, to
of Sodom, "I have sworn to give you this land to possess."
the LORD God Most High, mak- 8 But he said, "O Lord GOD,
er of heaven and earth, how am I to know that I shall
23 that I would not take a possess it?"
thread or a sandal-thong or 9 He said to him, "Bring me a
anything that is yours, lest heifer three years old, a she-
you should say, `I have made goat three years old, a ram
Abram rich.' three years old, a turtledove,
24 I will take nothing but and a young pigeon."
what the young men have eat- 10 And he brought him all
en, and the share of the men these, cut them in two, and
who went with me; let Aner, laid each half over against the
Eshcol, and Mamre take their other; but he did not cut the
share." birds in two.
11 And when birds of prey
CHAPTER 15 came down upon the carcass-
1 After these things the word es, Abram drove them away.
of the LORD came to Abram in 12 As the sun was going
a vision, "Fear not, Abram, I down, a deep sleep fell on
am your shield; your reward Abram; and lo, a dread and
shall be very great." great darkness fell upon him.
2 But Abram said, "O Lord 13 Then the LORD said to
GOD, what wilt thou give me, Abram, "Know of a surety that
for I continue childless, and your descendants will be so-
the heir of my house is Elie'z- journers in a land that is not
er of Damascus?" theirs, and will be slaves
3 And Abram said, "Behold, there, and they will be op-
thou hast given me no off- pressed for four hundred
spring; and a slave born in my years;
house will be my heir." 14 but I will bring judgment
4 And behold, the word of the on the nation which they
LORD came to him, "This man serve, and afterward they
shall not be your heir; your shall come out with great pos-
own son shall be your heir." sessions.
5 And he brought him outside 15 As for yourself, you shall


go to your fathers in peace; and she conceived; and when

you shall be buried in a good she saw that she had con-
old age. ceived, she looked with con-
16 And they shall come back tempt on her mistress.
here in the fourth generation; 5 And Sar'ai said to Abram,
for the iniquity of the Amor- "May the wrong done to me be
ites is not yet complete." on you! I gave my maid to
17 When the sun had gone your embrace, and when she
down and it was dark, behold, saw that she had conceived,
a smoking fire pot and a flam- she looked on me with con-
ing torch passed between tempt. May the LORD judge
these pieces. between you and me!"
18 On that day the LORD 6 But Abram said to Sar'ai,
made a covenant with Abram, "Behold, your maid is in your
saying, "To your descendants I power; do to her as you
give this land, from the river please." Then Sar'ai dealt
of Egypt to the great river, the harshly with her, and she fled
river Euphra'tes, from her.
19 the land of the Ken'ites, 7 The angel of the LORD
the Ken'izzites, the Kad'- found her by a spring of water
monites, in the wilderness, the spring
20 the Hittites, the on the way to Shur.
Per'izzites, the Reph'aim, 8 And he said, "Hagar, maid
21 the Amorites, the Canaan- of Sar'ai, where have you
ites, the Gir'gashites and the come from and where are you
Jeb'usites." going?" She said, "I am fleeing
from my mistress Sar'ai."
CHAPTER 16 9 The angel of the LORD said
1 Now Sar'ai, Abram's wife, to her, "Return to your mis-
bore him no children. She had tress, and submit to her."
an Egyptian maid whose name 10 The angel of the LORD
was Hagar; also said to her, "I will so
2 and Sar'ai said to Abram, greatly multiply your descen-
"Behold now, the LORD has dants that they cannot be
prevented me from bearing numbered for multitude."
children; go in to my maid; it 11 And the angel of the LORD
may be that I shall obtain chil- said to her, "Behold, you are
dren by her." And Abram hear- with child, and shall bear a
kened to the voice of Sar'ai. son; you shall call his name
3 So, after Abram had dwelt Ish'mael; because the LORD
ten years in the land of has given heed to your afflic-
Canaan, Sar'ai, Abram's wife, tion.
took Hagar the Egyptian, her 12 He shall be a wild ass of a
maid, and gave her to Abram man, his hand against every
her husband as a wife. man and every man's hand
4 And he went in to Hagar, against him; and he shall


dwell over against all his kins- and your descendants after
men." you throughout their genera-
13 So she called the name of tions for an everlasting
the LORD who spoke to her, covenant, to be God to you
"Thou art a God of seeing"; for and to your descendants after
she said, "Have I really seen you.
God and remained alive after 8 And I will give to you, and
seeing him?" to your descendants after you,
14 Therefore the well was the land of your sojournings,
called Beer-la'hai-roi; it lies all the land of Canaan, for an
between Kadesh and Bered. everlasting possession; and I
15 And Hagar bore Abram a will be their God."
son; and Abram called the 9 And God said to Abraham,
name of his son, whom Hagar "As for you, you shall keep my
bore, Ish'mael. covenant, you and your de-
16 Abram was eighty-six scendants after you through-
years old when Hagar bore out their generations.
Ish'mael to Abram. 10 This is my covenant,
which you shall keep, between
CHAPTER 17 me and you and your descen-
1 When Abram was ninety- dants after you: Every male
nine years old the LORD ap- among you shall be circum-
peared to Abram, and said to cised.
him, "I am God Almighty; walk 11 You shall be circumcised
before me, and be blameless. in the flesh of your foreskins,
2 And I will make my and it shall be a sign of the
covenant between me and covenant between me and
you, and will multiply you ex- you.
ceedingly." 12 He that is eight days old
3 Then Abram fell on his face; among you shall be circum-
and God said to him, cised; every male throughout
4 "Behold, my covenant is your generations, whether
with you, and you shall be the born in your house, or bought
father of a multitude of na- with your money from any for-
tions. eigner who is not of your off-
5 No longer shall your name spring,
be Abram, but your name 13 both he that is born in
shall be Abraham; for I have your house and he that is
made you the father of a mul- bought with your money, shall
titude of nations. be circumcised. So shall my
6 I will make you exceedingly covenant be in your flesh an
fruitful; and I will make na- everlasting covenant.
tions of you, and kings shall 14 Any uncircumcised male
come forth from you. who is not circumcised in the
7 And I will establish my flesh of his foreskin shall be
covenant between me and you cut off from his people; he has


broken my covenant." male among the men of Abra-

15 And God said to Abraham, ham's house, and he circum-
"As for Sar'ai your wife, you cised the flesh of their fore-
shall not call her name Sar'ai, skins that very day, as God
but Sarah shall be her name. had said to him.
16 I will bless her, and more- 24 Abraham was ninety-nine
over I will give you a son by years old when he was circum-
her; I will bless her, and she cised in the flesh of his fore-
shall be a mother of nations; skin.
kings of peoples shall come 25 And Ish'mael his son was
from her." thirteen years old when he
17 Then Abraham fell on his was circumcised in the flesh
face and laughed, and said to of his foreskin.
himself, "Shall a child be born 26 That very day Abraham
to a man who is a hundred and his son Ish'mael were cir-
years old? Shall Sarah, who is cumcised;
ninety years old, bear a 27 and all the men of his
child?" house, those born in the
18 And Abraham said to God, house and those bought with
"O that Ish'mael might live in money from a foreigner, were
thy sight!" circumcised with him.
19 God said, "No, but Sarah
your wife shall bear you a son, CHAPTER 18
and you shall call his name 1 And the LORD appeared to
Isaac. I will establish my him by the oaks of Mamre, as
covenant with him as an ever- he sat at the door of his tent
lasting covenant for his de- in the heat of the day.
scendants after him. 2 He lifted up his eyes and
20 As for Ish'mael, I have looked, and behold, three men
heard you; behold, I will bless stood in front of him. When he
him and make him fruitful and saw them, he ran from the
multiply him exceedingly; he tent door to meet them, and
shall be the father of twelve bowed himself to the earth,
princes, and I will make him a 3 and said, "My lord, if I have
great nation. found favor in your sight, do
21 But I will establish my not pass by your servant.
covenant with Isaac, whom 4 Let a little water be
Sarah shall bear to you at this brought, and wash your feet,
season next year." and rest yourselves under the
22 When he had finished talk- tree,
ing with him, God went up 5 while I fetch a morsel of
from Abraham. bread, that you may refresh
23 Then Abraham took Ish'- yourselves, and after that you
mael his son and all the may pass on — since you have
slaves born in his house or come to your servant." So
bought with his money, every they said, "Do as you have


said." did laugh."

6 And Abraham hastened into 16 Then the men set out from
the tent to Sarah, and said, there, and they looked toward
"Make ready quickly three Sodom; and Abraham went
measures of fine meal, knead with them to set them on their
it, and make cakes." way.
7 And Abraham ran to the 17 The LORD said, "Shall I
herd, and took a calf, tender hide from Abraham what I am
and good, and gave it to the about to do,
servant, who hastened to pre- 18 seeing that Abraham shall
pare it. become a great and mighty
8 Then he took curds, and nation, and all the nations of
milk, and the calf which he the earth shall bless them-
had prepared, and set it be- selves by him?
fore them; and he stood by 19 No, for I have chosen him,
them under the tree while that he may charge his chil-
they ate. dren and his household after
9 They said to him, "Where is him to keep the way of the
Sarah your wife?" And he said, LORD by doing righteousness
"She is in the tent." and justice; so that the LORD
10 The LORD said, "I will may bring to Abraham what
surely return to you in the he has promised him."
spring, and Sarah your wife 20 Then the LORD said, "Be-
shall have a son." And Sarah cause the outcry against
was listening at the tent door Sodom and Gomor'rah is great
behind him. and their sin is very grave,
11 Now Abraham and Sarah 21 I will go down to see
were old, advanced in age; it whether they have done alto-
had ceased to be with Sarah gether according to the outcry
after the manner of women. which has come to me; and if
12 So Sarah laughed to her- not, I will know."
self, saying, "After I have 22 So the men turned from
grown old, and my husband is there, and went toward
old, shall I have pleasure?" Sodom; but Abraham still
13 The LORD said to Abra- stood before the LORD.
ham, "Why did Sarah laugh, 23 Then Abraham drew near,
and say, `Shall I indeed bear a and said, "Wilt thou indeed
child, now that I am old?' destroy the righteous with the
14 Is anything too hard for wicked?
the LORD? At the appointed 24 Suppose there are fifty
time I will return to you, in the righteous within the city; wilt
spring, and Sarah shall have a thou then destroy the place
son." and not spare it for the fifty
15 But Sarah denied, saying, righteous who are in it?
"I did not laugh"; for she was 25 Far be it from thee to do
afraid. He said, "No, but you such a thing, to slay the right-


eous with the wicked, so that place.

the righteous fare as the
wicked! Far be that from thee! CHAPTER 19
Shall not the Judge of all the 1 The two angels came to
earth do right?" Sodom in the evening; and Lot
26 And the LORD said, "If I was sitting in the gate of
find at Sodom fifty righteous Sodom. When Lot saw them,
in the city, I will spare the he rose to meet them, and
whole place for their sake." bowed himself with his face to
27 Abraham answered, "Be- the earth,
hold, I have taken upon myself 2 and said, "My lords, turn
to speak to the Lord, I who am aside, I pray you, to your ser-
but dust and ashes. vant's house and spend the
28 Suppose five of the fifty night, and wash your feet;
righteous are lacking? Wilt then you may rise up early
thou destroy the whole city and go on your way." They
for lack of five?" And he said, said, "No; we will spend the
"I will not destroy it if I find night in the street."
forty-five there." 3 But he urged them strong-
29 Again he spoke to him, ly; so they turned aside to him
and said, "Suppose forty are and entered his house; and he
found there." He answered, made them a feast, and baked
"For the sake of forty I will not unleavened bread, and they
do it." ate.
30 Then he said, "Oh let not 4 But before they lay down,
the Lord be angry, and I will the men of the city, the men
speak. Suppose thirty are of Sodom, both young and old,
found there." He answered, "I all the people to the last man,
will not do it, if I find thirty surrounded the house;
there." 5 and they called to Lot,
31 He said, "Behold, I have "Where are the men who came
taken upon myself to speak to to you tonight? Bring them out
the Lord. Suppose twenty are to us, that we may know
found there." He answered, them."
"For the sake of twenty I will 6 Lot went out of the door to
not destroy it." the men, shut the door after
32 Then he said, "Oh let not him,
the Lord be angry, and I will 7 and said, "I beg you, my
speak again but this once. brothers, do not act so
Suppose ten are found there." wickedly.
He answered, "For the sake of 8 Behold, I have two daugh-
ten I will not destroy it." ters who have not known man;
33 And the LORD went his let me bring them out to you,
way, when he had finished and do to them as you please;
speaking to Abraham; and only do nothing to these men,
Abraham returned to his for they have come under the


shelter of my roof." and his two daughters by the

9 But they said, "Stand hand, the LORD being merciful
back!" And they said, "This to him, and they brought him
fellow came to sojourn, and he forth and set him outside the
would play the judge! Now we city.
will deal worse with you than 17 And when they had
with them." Then they pressed brought them forth, they said,
hard against the man Lot, and "Flee for your life; do not look
drew near to break the door. back or stop anywhere in the
10 But the men put forth valley; flee to the hills, lest
their hands and brought Lot you be consumed."
into the house to them, and 18 And Lot said to them, "Oh,
shut the door. no, my lords;
11 And they struck with 19 behold, your servant has
blindness the men who were found favor in your sight, and
at the door of the house, both you have shown me great
small and great, so that they kindness in saving my life; but
wearied themselves groping I cannot flee to the hills, lest
for the door. the disaster overtake me, and
12 Then the men said to Lot, I die.
"Have you any one else here? 20 Behold, yonder city is
Sons-in-law, sons, daughters, near enough to flee to, and it
or any one you have in the is a little one. Let me escape
city, bring them out of the there — is it not a little one?
place; — and my life will be saved!"
13 for we are about to de- 21 He said to him, "Behold, I
stroy this place, because the grant you this favor also, that
outcry against its people has I will not overthrow the city of
become great before the which you have spoken.
LORD, and the LORD has sent 22 Make haste, escape there;
us to destroy it." for I can do nothing till you ar-
14 So Lot went out and said rive there." Therefore the
to his sons-in-law, who were name of the city was called
to marry his daughters, "Up, Zo'ar.
get out of this place; for the 23 The sun had risen on the
LORD is about to destroy the earth when Lot came to Zo'ar.
city." But he seemed to his 24 Then the LORD rained on
sons-in-law to be jesting. Sodom and Gomor'rah brim-
15 When morning dawned, stone and fire from the LORD
the angels urged Lot, saying, out of heaven;
"Arise, take your wife and 25 and he overthrew those
your two daughters who are cities, and all the valley, and
here, lest you be consumed in all the inhabitants of the
the punishment of the city." cities, and what grew on the
16 But he lingered; so the ground.
men seized him and his wife 26 But Lot's wife behind him


looked back, and she became you go in and lie with him,
a pillar of salt. that we may preserve off-
27 And Abraham went early spring through our father."
in the morning to the place 35 So they made their father
where he had stood before the drink wine that night also; and
LORD; the younger arose, and lay
28 and he looked down to- with him; and he did not know
ward Sodom and Gomor'rah when she lay down or when
and toward all the land of the she arose.
valley, and beheld, and lo, the 36 Thus both the daughters
smoke of the land went up like of Lot were with child by their
the smoke of a furnace. father.
29 So it was that, when God 37 The first-born bore a son,
destroyed the cities of the val- and called his name Moab; he
ley, God remembered Abra- is the father of the Moabites
ham, and sent Lot out of the to this day.
midst of the overthrow, when 38 The younger also bore a
he overthrew the cities in son, and called his name Ben-
which Lot dwelt. ammi; he is the father of the
30 Now Lot went up out of Ammonites to this day.
Zo'ar, and dwelt in the hills
with his two daughters, for he CHAPTER 20
was afraid to dwell in Zo'ar; 1 From there Abraham jour-
so he dwelt in a cave with his neyed toward the territory of
two daughters. the Negeb, and dwelt between
31 And the first-born said to Kadesh and Shur; and he so-
the younger, "Our father is journed in Gerar.
old, and there is not a man on 2 And Abraham said of Sarah
earth to come in to us after his wife, "She is my sister."
the manner of all the earth. And Abim'elech king of Gerar
32 Come, let us make our fa- sent and took Sarah.
ther drink wine, and we will lie 3 But God came to Abim'-
with him, that we may pre- elech in a dream by night, and
serve offspring through our fa- said to him, "Behold, you are
ther." a dead man, because of the
33 So they made their father woman whom you have taken;
drink wine that night; and the for she is a man's wife."
first-born went in, and lay 4 Now Abim'elech had not ap-
with her father; he did not proached her; so he said,
know when she lay down or "Lord, wilt thou slay an inno-
when she arose. cent people?
34 And on the next day, the 5 Did he not himself say to
first-born said to the younger, me, `She is my sister'? And
"Behold, I lay last night with she herself said, `He is my
my father; let us make him brother.' In the integrity of my
drink wine tonight also; then heart and the innocence of my


hands I have done this." the kindness you must do me:

6 Then God said to him in the at every place to which we
dream, "Yes, I know that you come, say of me, He is my
have done this in the integrity brother.'"
of your heart, and it was I who 14 Then Abim'elech took
kept you from sinning against sheep and oxen, and male and
me; therefore I did not let you female slaves, and gave them
touch her. to Abraham, and restored
7 Now then restore the man's Sarah his wife to him.
wife; for he is a prophet, and 15 And Abim'elech said, "Be-
he will pray for you, and you hold, my land is before you;
shall live. But if you do not re- dwell where it pleases you."
store her, know that you shall 16 To Sarah he said, "Behold,
surely die, you, and all that I have given your brother a
are yours." thousand pieces of silver; it is
8 So Abim'elech rose early in your vindication in the eyes of
the morning, and called all his all who are with you; and be-
servants, and told them all fore every one you are right-
these things; and the men ed."
were very much afraid. 17 Then Abraham prayed to
9 Then Abim'elech called God; and God healed Abim'-
Abraham, and said to him, elech, and also healed his wife
"What have you done to us? and female slaves so that they
And how have I sinned against bore children.
you, that you have brought on 18 For the LORD had closed
me and my kingdom a great all the wombs of the house of
sin? You have done to me Abim'elech because of Sarah,
things that ought not to be Abraham's wife.
10 And Abim'elech said to CHAPTER 21
Abraham, "What were you 1 The LORD visited Sarah as
thinking of, that you did this he had said, and the LORD did
thing?" to Sarah as he had promised.
11 Abraham said, "I did it be- 2 And Sarah conceived, and
cause I thought, There is no bore Abraham a son in his old
fear of God at all in this place, age at the time of which God
and they will kill me because had spoken to him.
of my wife. 3 Abraham called the name
12 Besides she is indeed my of his son who was born to
sister, the daughter of my fa- him, whom Sarah bore him,
ther but not the daughter of Isaac.
my mother; and she became 4 And Abraham circumcised
my wife. his son Isaac when he was
13 And when God caused me eight days old, as God had
to wander from my father's commanded him.
house, I said to her, `This is 5 Abraham was a hundred


years old when his son Isaac 15 When the water in the
was born to him. skin was gone, she cast the
6 And Sarah said, "God has child under one of the bushes.
made laughter for me; every 16 Then she went, and sat
one who hears will laugh over down over against him a good
me." way off, about the distance of
7 And she said, "Who would a bowshot; for she said, "Let
have said to Abraham that me not look upon the death of
Sarah would suckle children? the child." And as she sat over
Yet I have borne him a son in against him, the child lifted up
his old age." his voice and wept.
8 And the child grew, and 17 And God heard the voice
was weaned; and Abraham of the lad; and the angel of
made a great feast on the day God called to Hagar from
that Isaac was weaned. heaven, and said to her,
9 But Sarah saw the son of "What troubles you, Hagar?
Hagar the Egyptian, whom she Fear not; for God has heard
had borne to Abraham, play- the voice of the lad where he
ing with her son Isaac. is.
10 So she said to Abraham, 18 Arise, lift up the lad, and
"Cast out this slave woman hold him fast with your hand;
with her son; for the son of for I will make him a great na-
this slave woman shall not be tion."
heir with my son Isaac." 19 Then God opened her
11 And the thing was very eyes, and she saw a well of
displeasing to Abraham on ac- water; and she went, and
count of his son. filled the skin with water, and
12 But God said to Abraham, gave the lad a drink.
"Be not displeased because of 20 And God was with the lad,
the lad and because of your and he grew up; he lived in
slave woman; whatever Sarah the wilderness, and became
says to you, do as she tells an expert with the bow.
you, for through Isaac shall 21 He lived in the wilderness
your descendants be named. of Paran; and his mother took
13 And I will make a nation of a wife for him from the land of
the son of the slave woman Egypt.
also, because he is your off- 22 At that time Abim'elech
spring." and Phicol the commander of
14 So Abraham rose early in his army said to Abraham,
the morning, and took bread "God is with you in all that
and a skin of water, and gave you do;
it to Hagar, putting it on her 23 now therefore swear to
shoulder, along with the child, me here by God that you will
and sent her away. And she not deal falsely with me or
departed, and wandered in the with my offspring or with my
wilderness of Beer-sheba. posterity, but as I have dealt


loyally with you, you will deal

with me and with the land CHAPTER 22
where you have sojourned." 1 After these things God test-
24 And Abraham said, "I will ed Abraham, and said to him,
swear." "Abraham!" And he said,
25 When Abraham com- "Here am I."
plained to Abim'elech about a 2 He said, "Take your son,
well of water which Abim'- your only son Isaac, whom you
elech's servants had seized, love, and go to the land of
26 Abim'elech said, "I do not Mori'ah, and offer him there
know who has done this thing; as a burnt offering upon one
you did not tell me, and I have of the mountains of which I
not heard of it until today." shall tell you."
27 So Abraham took sheep 3 So Abraham rose early in
and oxen and gave them to the morning, saddled his ass,
Abim'elech, and the two men and took two of his young
made a covenant. men with him, and his son
28 Abraham set seven ewe Isaac; and he cut the wood for
lambs of the flock apart. the burnt offering, and arose
29 And Abim'elech said to and went to the place of which
Abraham, "What is the mean- God had told him.
ing of these seven ewe lambs 4 On the third day Abraham
which you have set apart?" lifted up his eyes and saw the
30 He said, "These seven ewe place afar off.
lambs you will take from my 5 Then Abraham said to his
hand, that you may be a wit- young men, "Stay here with
ness for me that I dug this the ass; I and the lad will go
well." yonder and worship, and come
31 Therefore that place was again to you."
called Beer-sheba; because 6 And Abraham took the
there both of them swore an wood of the burnt offering,
oath. and laid it on Isaac his son;
32 So they made a covenant and he took in his hand the
at Beer-sheba. Then Abim'- fire and the knife. So they
elech and Phicol the comman- went both of them together.
der of his army rose up and 7 And Isaac said to his father
returned to the land of the Abraham, "My father!" And he
Philistines. said, "Here am I, my son." He
33 Abraham planted a said, "Behold, the fire and the
tamarisk tree in Beer-sheba, wood; but where is the lamb
and called there on the name for a burnt offering?"
of the LORD, the Everlasting 8 Abraham said, "God will
God. provide himself the lamb for a
34 And Abraham sojourned burnt offering, my son." So
many days in the land of the they went both of them to-
Philistines. gether.


9 When they came to the is on the seashore. And your

place of which God had told descendants shall possess the
him, Abraham built an altar gate of their enemies,
there, and laid the wood in or- 18 and by your descendants
der, and bound Isaac his son, shall all the nations of the
and laid him on the altar, earth bless themselves, be-
upon the wood. cause you have obeyed my
10 Then Abraham put forth voice."
his hand, and took the knife to 19 So Abraham returned to
slay his son. his young men, and they
11 But the angel of the LORD arose and went together to
called to him from heaven, Beer-sheba; and Abraham
and said, "Abraham, dwelt at Beer-sheba.
Abraham!" And he said, "Here 20 Now after these things it
am I." was told Abraham, "Behold,
12 He said, "Do not lay your Milcah also has borne children
hand on the lad or do any- to your brother Nahor:
thing to him; for now I know 21 Uz the first-born, Buz his
that you fear God, seeing you brother, Kemu'el the father of
have not withheld your son, Aram,
your only son, from me." 22 Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jid-
13 And Abraham lifted up his laph, and Bethu'el."
eyes and looked, and behold, 23 Bethu'el became the fa-
behind him was a ram, caught ther of Rebekah. These eight
in a thicket by his horns; and Milcah bore to Nahor, Abra-
Abraham went and took the ham's brother.
ram, and offered it up as a 24 Moreover, his concubine,
burnt offering instead of his whose name was Reumah,
son. bore Tebah, Gaham, Tahash,
14 So Abraham called the and Ma'acah.
name of that place The LORD
will provide; as it is said to CHAPTER 23
this day, "On the mount of the 1 Sarah lived a hundred and
LORD it shall be provided." twenty-seven years; these
15 And the angel of the LORD were the years of the life of
called to Abraham a second Sarah.
time from heaven, 2 And Sarah died at Kir'iath-
16 and said, "By myself I ar'ba (that is, Hebron) in the
have sworn, says the LORD, land of Canaan; and Abraham
because you have done this, went in to mourn for Sarah
and have not withheld your and to weep for her.
son, your only son, 3 And Abraham rose up from
17 I will indeed bless you, before his dead, and said to
and I will multiply your de- the Hittites,
scendants as the stars of 4 "I am a stranger and a so-
heaven and as the sand which journer among you; give me


property among you for a field; accept it from me, that I

burying place, that I may bury may bury my dead there."
my dead out of my sight." 14 Ephron answered Abra-
5 The Hittites answered Abra- ham,
ham, 15 "My lord, listen to me; a
6 "Hear us, my lord; you are piece of land worth four hun-
a mighty prince among us. dred shekels of silver, what is
Bury your dead in the choicest that between you and me?
of our sepulchres; none of us Bury your dead."
will withhold from you his 16 Abraham agreed with
sepulchre, or hinder you from Ephron; and Abraham weighed
burying your dead." out for Ephron the silver which
7 Abraham rose and bowed to he had named in the hearing
the Hittites, the people of the of the Hittites, four hundred
land. shekels of silver, according to
8 And he said to them, "If you the weights current among the
are willing that I should bury merchants.
my dead out of my sight, hear 17 So the field of Ephron in
me, and entreat for me Ephron Mach-pe'lah, which was to the
the son of Zohar, east of Mamre, the field with
9 that he may give me the the cave which was in it and
cave of Mach-pe'lah, which he all the trees that were in the
owns; it is at the end of his field, throughout its whole
field. For the full price let him area, was made over
give it to me in your presence 18 to Abraham as a posses-
as a possession for a burying sion in the presence of the
place." Hittites, before all who went
10 Now Ephron was sitting in at the gate of his city.
among the Hittites; and 19 After this, Abraham buried
Ephron the Hittite answered Sarah his wife in the cave of
Abraham in the hearing of the the field of Mach-pe'lah east
Hittites, of all who went in at of Mamre (that is, Hebron) in
the gate of his city, the land of Canaan.
11 "No, my lord, hear me; I 20 The field and the cave
give you the field, and I give that is in it were made over to
you the cave that is in it; in Abraham as a possession for a
the presence of the sons of burying place by the Hittites.
my people I give it to you;
bury your dead." CHAPTER 24
12 Then Abraham bowed 1 Now Abraham was old, well
down before the people of the advanced in years; and the
land. LORD had blessed Abraham in
13 And he said to Ephron in all things.
the hearing of the people of 2 And Abraham said to his
the land, "But if you will, hear servant, the oldest of his
me; I will give the price of the house, who had charge of all


that he had, "Put your hand 11 And he made the camels

under my thigh, kneel down outside the city by
3 and I will make you swear the well of water at the time
by the LORD, the God of heav- of evening, the time when
en and of the earth, that you women go out to draw water.
will not take a wife for my son 12 And he said, "O LORD,
from the daughters of the God of my master Abraham,
Canaanites, among whom I grant me success today, I
dwell, pray thee, and show steadfast
4 but will go to my country love to my master Abraham.
and to my kindred, and take a 13 Behold, I am standing by
wife for my son Isaac." the spring of water, and the
5 The servant said to him, daughters of the men of the
"Perhaps the woman may not city are coming out to draw
be willing to follow me to this water.
land; must I then take your 14 Let the maiden to whom I
son back to the land from shall say, `Pray let down your
which you came?" jar that I may drink,' and who
6 Abraham said to him, "See shall say, `Drink, and I will
to it that you do not take my water your camels' — let her
son back there. be the one whom thou hast
7 The LORD, the God of heav- appointed for thy servant
en, who took me from my fa- Isaac. By this I shall know that
ther's house and from the land thou hast shown steadfast
of my birth, and who spoke to love to my master."
me and swore to me, `To your 15 Before he had done speak-
descendants I will give this ing, behold, Rebekah, who was
land,' he will send his angel born to Bethu'el the son of
before you, and you shall take Milcah, the wife of Nahor,
a wife for my son from there. Abraham's brother, came out
8 But if the woman is not will- with her water jar upon her
ing to follow you, then you will shoulder.
be free from this oath of mine; 16 The maiden was very fair
only you must not take my son to look upon, a virgin, whom
back there." no man had known. She went
9 So the servant put his hand down to the spring, and filled
under the thigh of Abraham her jar, and came up.
his master, and swore to him 17 Then the servant ran to
concerning this matter. meet her, and said, "Pray give
10 Then the servant took ten me a little water to drink from
of his master's camels and de- your jar."
parted, taking all sorts of 18 She said, "Drink, my lord";
choice gifts from his master; and she quickly let down her
and he arose, and went to jar upon her hand, and gave
Mesopota'mia, to the city of him a drink.
Nahor. 19 When she had finished


giving him a drink, she said, "I the spring.

will draw for your camels also, 30 When he saw the ring, and
until they have done drink- the bracelets on his sister's
ing." arms, and when he heard the
20 So she quickly emptied words of Rebekah his sister,
her jar into the trough and ran "Thus the man spoke to me,"
again to the well to draw, and he went to the man; and be-
she drew for all his camels. hold, he was standing by the
21 The man gazed at her in camels at the spring.
silence to learn whether the 31 He said, "Come in, O
LORD had prospered his jour- blessed of the LORD; why do
ney or not. you stand outside? For I have
22 When the camels had prepared the house and a
done drinking, the man took a place for the camels."
gold ring weighing a half 32 So the man came into the
shekel, and two bracelets for house; and Laban ungirded
her arms weighing ten gold the camels, and gave him
shekels, straw and provender for the
23 and said, "Tell me whose camels, and water to wash his
daughter you are. Is there feet and the feet of the men
room in your father's house who were with him.
for us to lodge in?" 33 Then food was set before
24 She said to him, "I am the him to eat; but he said, "I will
daughter of Bethu'el the son not eat until I have told my er-
of Milcah, whom she bore to rand." He said, "Speak on."
Nahor." 34 So he said, "I am Abra-
25 She added, "We have both ham's servant.
straw and provender enough, 35 The LORD has greatly
and room to lodge in." blessed my master, and he
26 The man bowed his head has become great; he has giv-
and worshiped the LORD, en him flocks and herds, silver
27 and said, "Blessed be the and gold, menservants and
LORD, the God of my master maidservants, camels and ass-
Abraham, who has not forsak- es.
en his steadfast love and his 36 And Sarah my master's
faithfulness toward my mas- wife bore a son to my master
ter. As for me, the LORD has when she was old; and to him
led me in the way to the he has given all that he has.
house of my master's kins- 37 My master made me
men." swear, saying, `You shall not
28 Then the maiden ran and take a wife for my son from
told her mother's household the daughters of the Canaan-
about these things. ites, in whose land I dwell;
29 Rebekah had a brother 38 but you shall go to my fa-
whose name was Laban; and ther's house and to my kin-
Laban ran out to the man, to dred, and take a wife for my


son.' 47 Then I asked her, `Whose

39 I said to my master, `Per- daughter are you?' She said,
haps the woman will not fol- The daughter of Bethu'el, Na-
low me.' hor's son, whom Milcah bore
40 But he said to me, `The to him.' So I put the ring on
LORD, before whom I walk, her nose, and the bracelets on
will send his angel with you her arms.
and prosper your way; and 48 Then I bowed my head
you shall take a wife for my and worshiped the LORD, and
son from my kindred and from blessed the LORD, the God of
my father's house; my master Abraham, who had
41 then you will be free from led me by the right way to
my oath, when you come to take the daughter of my mas-
my kindred; and if they will ter's kinsman for his son.
not give her to you, you will 49 Now then, if you will deal
be free from my oath.' loyally and truly with my mas-
42 "I came today to the ter, tell me; and if not, tell
spring, and said, `O LORD, the me; that I may turn to the
God of my master Abraham, if right hand or to the left."
now thou wilt prosper the way 50 Then Laban and Bethu'el
which I go, answered, "The thing comes
43 behold, I am standing by from the LORD; we cannot
the spring of water; let the speak to you bad or good.
young woman who comes out 51 Behold, Rebekah is before
to draw, to whom I shall say, you, take her and go, and let
"Pray give me a little water her be the wife of your mas-
from your jar to drink," ter's son, as the LORD has
44 and who will say to me, spoken."
"Drink, and I will draw for your 52 When Abraham's servant
camels also," let her be the heard their words, he bowed
woman whom the LORD has himself to the earth before
appointed for my master's the LORD.
son.' 53 And the servant brought
45 "Before I had done speak- forth jewelry of silver and of
ing in my heart, behold, Re- gold, and raiment, and gave
bekah came out with her wa- them to Rebekah; he also
ter jar on her shoulder; and gave to her brother and to her
she went down to the spring, mother costly ornaments.
and drew. I said to her, `Pray 54 And he and the men who
let me drink.' were with him ate and drank,
46 She quickly let down her and they spent the night
jar from her shoulder, and there. When they arose in the
said, `Drink, and I will give morning, he said, "Send me
your camels drink also.' So I back to my master."
drank, and she gave the 55 Her brother and her moth-
camels drink also. er said, "Let the maiden re-


main with us a while, at least and covered herself.

ten days; after that she may 66 And the servant told Isaac
go." all the things that he had
56 But he said to them, "Do done.
not delay me, since the LORD 67 Then Isaac brought her
has prospered my way; let me into the tent, and took Re-
go that I may go to my mas- bekah, and she became his
ter." wife; and he loved her. So
57 They said, "We will call Isaac was comforted after his
the maiden, and ask her." mother's death.
58 And they called Rebekah,
and said to her, "Will you go CHAPTER 25
with this man?" She said, "I 1 Abraham took another wife,
will go." whose name was Ketu'rah.
59 So they sent away Re- 2 She bore him Zimran, Jok-
bekah their sister and her shan, Medan, Mid'ian, Ishbak,
nurse, and Abraham's servant and Shuah.
and his men. 3 Jokshan was the father of
60 And they blessed Re- Sheba and Dedan. The sons of
bekah, and said to her, "Our Dedan were Asshu'rim,
sister, be the mother of thou- Letu'shim, and Le-um'mim.
sands of ten thousands; and 4 The sons of Mid'ian were
may your descendants pos- Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abi'da,
sess the gate of those who and Elda'ah. All these were
hate them!" the children of Ketu'rah.
61 Then Rebekah and her 5 Abraham gave all he had to
maids arose, and rode upon Isaac.
the camels and followed the 6 But to the sons of his con-
man; thus the servant took cubines Abraham gave gifts,
Rebekah, and went his way. and while he was still living he
62 Now Isaac had come from sent them away from his son
Beer-la'hai-roi, and was Isaac, eastward to the east
dwelling in the Negeb. country.
63 And Isaac went out to 7 These are the days of the
meditate in the field in the years of Abraham's life, a hun-
evening; and he lifted up his dred and seventy-five years.
eyes and looked, and behold, 8 Abraham breathed his last
there were camels coming. and died in a good old age, an
64 And Rebekah lifted up her old man and full of years, and
eyes, and when she saw Isaac, was gathered to his people.
she alighted from the camel, 9 Isaac and Ish'mael his sons
65 and said to the servant, buried him in the cave of
"Who is the man yonder, walk- Mach-pe'lah, in the field of
ing in the field to meet us?" Ephron the son of Zohar the
The servant said, "It is my Hittite, east of Mamre,
master." So she took her veil 10 the field which Abraham


purchased from the Hittites. dan-aram, the sister of Laban

There Abraham was buried, the Aramean.
with Sarah his wife. 21 And Isaac prayed to the
11 After the death of Abra- LORD for his wife, because
ham God blessed Isaac his she was barren; and the LORD
son. And Isaac dwelt at Beer- granted his prayer, and Re-
la'hai-roi. bekah his wife conceived.
12 These are the descen- 22 The children struggled to-
dants of Ish'mael, Abraham's gether within her; and she
son, whom Hagar the Egyp- said, "If it is thus, why do I
tian, Sarah's maid, bore to live?" So she went to inquire
Abraham. of the LORD.
13 These are the names of 23 And the LORD said to her,
the sons of Ish'mael, named in "Two nations are in your
the order of their birth: womb, and two peoples, born
Neba'ioth, the first-born of of you, shall be divided; the
Ish'mael; and Kedar, Adbeel, one shall be stronger than the
Mibsam, other, the elder shall serve
14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, the younger."
15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, 24 When her days to be de-
Naphish, and Ked'emah. livered were fulfilled, behold,
16 These are the sons of Ish'- there were twins in her womb.
mael and these are their 25 The first came forth red,
names, by their villages and all his body like a hairy man-
by their encampments, twelve tle; so they called his name
princes according to their Esau.
tribes. 26 Afterward his brother
17 (These are the years of came forth, and his hand had
the life of Ish'mael, a hundred taken hold of Esau's heel; so
and thirty-seven years; he his name was called Jacob.
breathed his last and died, Isaac was sixty years old
and was gathered to his kin- when she bore them.
dred.) 27 When the boys grew up,
18 They dwelt from Hav'ilah Esau was a skilful hunter, a
to Shur, which is opposite man of the field, while Jacob
Egypt in the direction of As- was a quiet man, dwelling in
syria; he settled over against tents.
all his people. 28 Isaac loved Esau, because
19 These are the descen- he ate of his game; but Re-
dants of Isaac, Abraham's son: bekah loved Jacob.
Abraham was the father of 29 Once when Jacob was boil-
Isaac, ing pottage, Esau came in
20 and Isaac was forty years from the field, and he was
old when he took to wife Re- famished.
bekah, the daughter of 30 And Esau said to Jacob,
Bethu'el the Aramean of Pad- "Let me eat some of that red


pottage, for I am famished!" 6 So Isaac dwelt in Gerar.

(Therefore his name was 7 When the men of the place
called Edom.) asked him about his wife, he
31 Jacob said, "First sell me said, "She is my sister"; for he
your birthright." feared to say, "My wife,"
32 Esau said, "I am about to thinking, "lest the men of the
die; of what use is a birthright place should kill me for the
to me?" sake of Rebekah"; because
33 Jacob said, "Swear to me she was fair to look upon.
first." So he swore to him, and 8 When he had been there a
sold his birthright to Jacob. long time, Abim'elech king of
34 Then Jacob gave Esau the Philistines looked out of a
bread and pottage of lentils, window and saw Isaac
and he ate and drank, and fondling Rebekah his wife.
rose and went his way. Thus 9 So Abim'elech called Isaac,
Esau despised his birthright. and said, "Behold, she is your
wife; how then could you say,
CHAPTER 26 `She is my sister'?" Isaac said
1 Now there was a famine in to him, "Because I thought,
the land, besides the former `Lest I die because of her.'"
famine that was in the days of 10 Abim'elech said, "What is
Abraham. And Isaac went to this you have done to us? One
Gerar, to Abim'elech king of of the people might easily
the Philistines. have lain with your wife, and
2 And the LORD appeared to you would have brought guilt
him, and said, "Do not go upon us."
down to Egypt; dwell in the 11 So Abim'elech warned all
land of which I shall tell you. the people, saying, "Whoever
3 Sojourn in this land, and I touches this man or his wife
will be with you, and will bless shall be put to death."
you; for to you and to your de- 12 And Isaac sowed in that
scendants I will give all these land, and reaped in the same
lands, and I will fulfil the oath year a hundredfold. The LORD
which I swore to Abraham blessed him,
your father. 13 and the man became rich,
4 I will multiply your descen- and gained more and more un-
dants as the stars of heaven, til he became very wealthy.
and will give to your descen- 14 He had possessions of
dants all these lands; and by flocks and herds, and a great
your descendants all the na- household, so that the
tions of the earth shall bless Philistines envied him.
themselves: 15 (Now the Philistines had
5 because Abraham obeyed stopped and filled with earth
my voice and kept my charge, all the wells which his father's
my commandments, my servants had dug in the days
statutes, and my laws." of Abraham his father.)


16 And Abim'elech said to for my servant Abraham's

Isaac, "Go away from us; for sake."
you are much mightier than 25 So he built an altar there
we." and called upon the name of
17 So Isaac departed from the LORD, and pitched his tent
there, and encamped in the there. And there Isaac's ser-
valley of Gerar and dwelt vants dug a well.
there. 26 Then Abim'elech went to
18 And Isaac dug again the him from Gerar with Ahuz'zath
wells of water which had been his adviser and Phicol the
dug in the days of Abraham commander of his army.
his father; for the Philistines 27 Isaac said to them, "Why
had stopped them after the have you come to me, seeing
death of Abraham; and he that you hate me and have
gave them the names which sent me away from you?"
his father had given them. 28 They said, "We see plainly
19 But when Isaac's servants that the LORD is with you; so
dug in the valley and found we say, let there be an oath
there a well of springing wa- between you and us, and let
ter, us make a covenant with you,
20 the herdsmen of Gerar 29 that you will do us no
quarreled with Isaac's herds- harm, just as we have not
men, saying, "The water is touched you and have done to
ours." So he called the name you nothing but good and
of the well Esek, because they have sent you away in peace.
contended with him. You are now the blessed of the
21 Then they dug another LORD."
well, and they quarreled over 30 So he made them a feast,
that also; so he called its and they ate and drank.
name Sitnah. 31 In the morning they rose
22 And he moved from there early and took oath with one
and dug another well, and another; and Isaac set them
over that they did not quarrel; on their way, and they depart-
so he called its name Re- ed from him in peace.
ho'both, saying, "For now the 32 That same day Isaac's ser-
LORD has made room for us, vants came and told him
and we shall be fruitful in the about the well which they had
land." dug, and said to him, "We
23 From there he went up to have found water."
Beer-sheba. 33 He called it Shibah; there-
24 And the LORD appeared to fore the name of the city is
him the same night and said, Beer-sheba to this day.
"I am the God of Abraham 34 When Esau was forty
your father; fear not, for I am years old, he took to wife Ju-
with you and will bless you dith the daughter of Be-e'ri
and multiply your descendants the Hittite, and Bas'emath the


daughter of Elon the Hittite; 11 But Jacob said to Rebekah

35 and they made life bitter his mother, "Behold, my
for Isaac and Rebekah. brother Esau is a hairy man,
and I am a smooth man.
CHAPTER 27 12 Perhaps my father will feel
1 When Isaac was old and his me, and I shall seem to be
eyes were dim so that he mocking him, and bring a
could not see, he called Esau curse upon myself and not a
his older son, and said to him, blessing."
"My son"; and he answered, 13 His mother said to him,
"Here I am." "Upon me be your curse, my
2 He said, "Behold, I am old; I son; only obey my word, and
do not know the day of my go, fetch them to me."
death. 14 So he went and took them
3 Now then, take your and brought them to his moth-
weapons, your quiver and er; and his mother prepared
your bow, and go out to the savory food, such as his father
field, and hunt game for me, loved.
4 and prepare for me savory 15 Then Rebekah took the
food, such as I love, and bring best garments of Esau her old-
it to me that I may eat; that I er son, which were with her in
may bless you before I die." the house, and put them on
5 Now Rebekah was listening Jacob her younger son;
when Isaac spoke to his son 16 and the skins of the kids
Esau. So when Esau went to she put upon his hands and
the field to hunt for game and upon the smooth part of his
bring it, neck;
6 Rebekah said to her son Ja- 17 and she gave the savory
cob, "I heard your father food and the bread, which she
speak to your brother Esau, had prepared, into the hand of
7 `Bring me game, and pre- her son Jacob.
pare for me savory food, that I 18 So he went in to his fa-
may eat it, and bless you be- ther, and said, "My father";
fore the LORD before I die.' and he said, "Here I am; who
8 Now therefore, my son, are you, my son?"
obey my word as I command 19 Jacob said to his father, "I
you. am Esau your first-born. I
9 Go to the flock, and fetch have done as you told me;
me two good kids, that I may now sit up and eat of my
prepare from them savory game, that you may bless
food for your father, such as me."
he loves; 20 But Isaac said to his son,
10 and you shall bring it to "How is it that you have found
your father to eat, so that he it so quickly, my son?" He an-
may bless you before he swered, "Because the LORD
dies." your God granted me suc-


cess." 30 As soon as Isaac had fin-

21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, ished blessing Jacob, when Ja-
"Come near, that I may feel cob had scarcely gone out
you, my son, to know whether from the presence of Isaac his
you are really my son Esau or father, Esau his brother came
not." in from his hunting.
22 So Jacob went near to 31 He also prepared savory
Isaac his father, who felt him food, and brought it to his fa-
and said, "The voice is Jacob's ther. And he said to his father,
voice, but the hands are the "Let my father arise, and eat
hands of Esau." of his son's game, that you
23 And he did not recognize may bless me."
him, because his hands were 32 His father Isaac said to
hairy like his brother Esau's him, "Who are you?" He an-
hands; so he blessed him. swered, "I am your son, your
24 He said, "Are you really first-born, Esau."
my son Esau?" He answered, 33 Then Isaac trembled vio-
"I am." lently, and said, "Who was it
25 Then he said, "Bring it to then that hunted game and
me, that I may eat of my son's brought it to me, and I ate it
game and bless you." So he all before you came, and I
brought it to him, and he ate; have blessed him? — yes, and
and he brought him wine, and he shall be blessed."
he drank. 34 When Esau heard the
26 Then his father Isaac said words of his father, he cried
to him, "Come near and kiss out with an exceedingly great
me, my son." and bitter cry, and said to his
27 So he came near and father, "Bless me, even me
kissed him; and he smelled also, O my father!"
the smell of his garments, and 35 But he said, "Your brother
blessed him, and said, "See, came with guile, and he has
the smell of my son is as the taken away your blessing."
smell of a field which the 36 Esau said, "Is he not right-
LORD has blessed! ly named Jacob? For he has
28 May God give you of the supplanted me these two
dew of heaven, and of the fat- times. He took away my
ness of the earth, and plenty birthright; and behold, now he
of grain and wine. has taken away my blessing."
29 Let peoples serve you, Then he said, "Have you not
and nations bow down to you. reserved a blessing for me?"
Be lord over your brothers, 37 Isaac answered Esau, "Be-
and may your mother's sons hold, I have made him your
bow down to you. Cursed be lord, and all his brothers I
every one who curses you, have given to him for ser-
and blessed be every one who vants, and with grain and wine
blesses you!" I have sustained him. What


then can I do for you, my Isaac, "I am weary of my life

son?" because of the Hittite women.
38 Esau said to his father, If Jacob marries one of the Hit-
"Have you but one blessing, tite women such as these, one
my father? Bless me, even me of the women of the land,
also, O my father." And Esau what good will my life be to
lifted up his voice and wept. me?"
39 Then Isaac his father an-
swered him: "Behold, away CHAPTER 28
from the fatness of the earth 1 Then Isaac called Jacob and
shall your dwelling be, and blessed him, and charged him,
away from the dew of heaven "You shall not marry one of
on high. the Canaanite women.
40 By your sword you shall 2 Arise, go to Paddan-aram to
live, and you shall serve your the house of Bethu'el your
brother; but when you break mother's father; and take as
loose you shall break his yoke wife from there one of the
from your neck." daughters of Laban your
41 Now Esau hated Jacob be- mother's brother.
cause of the blessing with 3 God Almighty bless you and
which his father had blessed make you fruitful and multiply
him, and Esau said to himself, you, that you may become a
"The days of mourning for my company of peoples.
father are approaching; then I 4 May he give the blessing of
will kill my brother Jacob." Abraham to you and to your
42 But the words of Esau her descendants with you, that
older son were told to Re- you may take possession of
bekah; so she sent and called the land of your sojournings
Jacob her younger son, and which God gave to Abraham!"
said to him, "Behold, your 5 Thus Isaac sent Jacob away;
brother Esau comforts himself and he went to Paddan-aram
by planning to kill you. to Laban, the son of Bethu'el
43 Now therefore, my son, the Aramean, the brother of
obey my voice; arise, flee to Rebekah, Jacob's and Esau's
Laban my brother in Haran, mother.
44 and stay with him a while, 6 Now Esau saw that Isaac
until your brother's fury turns had blessed Jacob and sent
away; him away to Paddan-aram to
45 until your brother's anger take a wife from there, and
turns away, and he forgets that as he blessed him he
what you have done to him; charged him, "You shall not
then I will send, and fetch you marry one of the Canaanite
from there. Why should I be women,"
bereft of you both in one 7 and that Jacob had obeyed
day?" his father and his mother and
46 Then Rebekah said to gone to Paddan-aram.


8 So when Esau saw that the which I have spoken to you."

Canaanite women did not 16 Then Jacob awoke from his
please Isaac his father, sleep and said, "Surely the
9 Esau went to Ish'mael and LORD is in this place; and I did
took to wife, besides the not know it."
wives he had, Ma'halath the 17 And he was afraid, and
daughter of Ish'mael Abra- said, "How awesome is this
ham's son, the sister of place! This is none other than
Neba'ioth. the house of God, and this is
10 Jacob left Beer-sheba, and the gate of heaven."
went toward Haran. 18 So Jacob rose early in the
11 And he came to a certain morning, and he took the
place, and stayed there that stone which he had put under
night, because the sun had his head and set it up for a
set. Taking one of the stones pillar and poured oil on the
of the place, he put it under top of it.
his head and lay down in that 19 He called the name of that
place to sleep. place Bethel; but the name of
12 And he dreamed that the city was Luz at the first.
there was a ladder set up on 20 Then Jacob made a vow,
the earth, and the top of it saying, "If God will be with
reached to heaven; and be- me, and will keep me in this
hold, the angels of God were way that I go, and will give me
ascending and descending on bread to eat and clothing to
it! wear,
13 And behold, the LORD 21 so that I come again to
stood above it and said, "I am my father's house in peace,
the LORD, the God of Abraham then the LORD shall be my
your father and the God of God,
Isaac; the land on which you 22 and this stone, which I
lie I will give to you and to have set up for a pillar, shall
your descendants; be God's house; and of all that
14 and your descendants thou givest me I will give the
shall be like the dust of the tenth to thee."
earth, and you shall spread
abroad to the west and to the CHAPTER 29
east and to the north and to 1 Then Jacob went on his
the south; and by you and journey, and came to the land
your descendants shall all the of the people of the east.
families of the earth bless 2 As he looked, he saw a well
themselves. in the field, and lo, three
15 Behold, I am with you and flocks of sheep lying beside it;
will keep you wherever you for out of that well the flocks
go, and will bring you back to were watered. The stone on
this land; for I will not leave the well's mouth was large,
you until I have done that of 3 and when all the flocks


were gathered there, the he was her father's kinsman,

shepherds would roll the stone and that he was Rebekah's
from the mouth of the well, son; and she ran and told her
and water the sheep, and put father.
the stone back in its place 13 When Laban heard the tid-
upon the mouth of the well. ings of Jacob his sister's son,
4 Jacob said to them, "My he ran to meet him, and em-
brothers, where do you come braced him and kissed him,
from?" They said, "We are and brought him to his house.
from Haran." Jacob told Laban all these
5 He said to them, "Do you things,
know Laban the son of 14 and Laban said to him,
Nahor?" They said, "We know "Surely you are my bone and
him." my flesh!" And he stayed with
6 He said to them, "Is it well him a month.
with him?" They said, "It is 15 Then Laban said to Jacob,
well; and see, Rachel his "Because you are my kinsman,
daughter is coming with the should you therefore serve me
sheep!" for nothing? Tell me, what
7 He said, "Behold, it is still shall your wages be?"
high day, it is not time for the 16 Now Laban had two
animals to be gathered to- daughters; the name of the
gether; water the sheep, and older was Leah, and the name
go, pasture them." of the younger was Rachel.
8 But they said, "We cannot 17 Leah's eyes were weak,
until all the flocks are gath- but Rachel was beautiful and
ered together, and the stone lovely.
is rolled from the mouth of the 18 Jacob loved Rachel; and
well; then we water the he said, "I will serve you sev-
sheep." en years for your younger
9 While he was still speaking daughter Rachel."
with them, Rachel came with 19 Laban said, "It is better
her father's sheep; for she that I give her to you than
kept them. that I should give her to any
10 Now when Jacob saw other man; stay with me."
Rachel the daughter of Laban 20 So Jacob served seven
his mother's brother, and the years for Rachel, and they
sheep of Laban his mother's seemed to him but a few days
brother, Jacob went up and because of the love he had for
rolled the stone from the her.
well's mouth, and watered the 21 Then Jacob said to Laban,
flock of Laban his mother's "Give me my wife that I may
brother. go in to her, for my time is
11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel, completed."
and wept aloud. 22 So Laban gathered togeth-
12 And Jacob told Rachel that er all the men of the place,


and made a feast. bore a son, and said, "Be-

23 But in the evening he took cause the LORD has heard
his daughter Leah and brought that I am hated, he has given
her to Jacob; and he went in me this son also"; and she
to her. called his name Simeon.
24 (Laban gave his maid Zil- 34 Again she conceived and
pah to his daughter Leah to be bore a son, and said, "Now
her maid.) this time my husband will be
25 And in the morning, be- joined to me, because I have
hold, it was Leah; and Jacob borne him three sons"; there-
said to Laban, "What is this fore his name was called Levi.
you have done to me? Did I 35 And she conceived again
not serve with you for Rachel? and bore a son, and said,
Why then have you deceived "This time I will praise the
me?" LORD"; therefore she called
26 Laban said, "It is not so his name Judah; then she
done in our country, to give ceased bearing.
the younger before the first-
born. CHAPTER 30
27 Complete the week of this 1 When Rachel saw that she
one, and we will give you the bore Jacob no children, she
other also in return for serving envied her sister; and she said
me another seven years." to Jacob, "Give me children, or
28 Jacob did so, and complet- I shall die!"
ed her week; then Laban gave 2 Jacob's anger was kindled
him his daughter Rachel to against Rachel, and he said,
wife. "Am I in the place of God, who
29 (Laban gave his maid Bil- has withheld from you the
hah to his daughter Rachel to fruit of the womb?"
be her maid.) 3 Then she said, "Here is my
30 So Jacob went in to Rachel maid Bilhah; go in to her, that
also, and he loved Rachel she may bear upon my knees,
more than Leah, and served and even I may have children
Laban for another seven through her."
years. 4 So she gave him her maid
31 When the LORD saw that Bilhah as a wife; and Jacob
Leah was hated, he opened went in to her.
her womb; but Rachel was 5 And Bilhah conceived and
barren. bore Jacob a son.
32 And Leah conceived and 6 Then Rachel said, "God has
bore a son, and she called his judged me, and has also heard
name Reuben; for she said, my voice and given me a son";
"Because the LORD has looked therefore she called his name
upon my affliction; surely now Dan.
my husband will love me." 7 Rachel's maid Bilhah con-
33 She conceived again and ceived again and bore Jacob a


second son. 18 Leah said, "God has given

8 Then Rachel said, "With me my hire because I gave my
mighty wrestlings I have wres- maid to my husband"; so she
tled with my sister, and have called his name Is'sachar.
prevailed"; so she called his 19 And Leah conceived again,
name Naph'tali. and she bore Jacob a sixth
9 When Leah saw that she son.
had ceased bearing children, 20 Then Leah said, "God has
she took her maid Zilpah and endowed me with a good
gave her to Jacob as a wife. dowry; now my husband will
10 Then Leah's maid Zilpah honor me, because I have
bore Jacob a son. borne him six sons"; so she
11 And Leah said, "Good for- called his name Zeb'ulun.
tune!" so she called his name 21 Afterwards she bore a
Gad. daughter, and called her name
12 Leah's maid Zilpah bore Dinah.
Jacob a second son. 22 Then God remembered
13 And Leah said, "Happy am Rachel, and God hearkened to
I! For the women will call me her and opened her womb.
happy"; so she called his 23 She conceived and bore a
name Asher. son, and said, "God has taken
14 In the days of wheat har- away my reproach";
vest Reuben went and found 24 and she called his name
mandrakes in the field, and Joseph, saying, "May the LORD
brought them to his mother add to me another son!"
Leah. Then Rachel said to 25 When Rachel had borne
Leah, "Give me, I pray, some Joseph, Jacob said to Laban,
of your son's mandrakes." "Send me away, that I may go
15 But she said to her, "Is it to my own home and country.
a small matter that you have 26 Give me my wives and my
taken away my husband? children for whom I have
Would you take away my son's served you, and let me go; for
mandrakes also?" Rachel said, you know the service which I
"Then he may lie with you have given you."
tonight for your son's man- 27 But Laban said to him, "If
drakes." you will allow me to say so, I
16 When Jacob came from the have learned by divination
field in the evening, Leah that the LORD has blessed me
went out to meet him, and because of you;
said, "You must come in to 28 name your wages, and I
me; for I have hired you with will give it."
my son's mandrakes." So he 29 Jacob said to him, "You
lay with her that night. yourself know how I have
17 And God hearkened to served you, and how your cat-
Leah, and she conceived and tle have fared with me.
bore Jacob a fifth son. 30 For you had little before I


came, and it has increased 38 He set the rods which he

abundantly; and the LORD has had peeled in front of the
blessed you wherever I flocks in the runnels, that is,
turned. But now when shall I the watering troughs, where
provide for my own household the flocks came to drink. And
also?" since they bred when they
31 He said, "What shall I give came to drink,
you?" Jacob said, "You shall 39 the flocks bred in front of
not give me anything; if you the rods and so the flocks
will do this for me, I will again brought forth striped, speck-
feed your flock and keep it: led, and spotted.
32 let me pass through all 40 And Jacob separated the
your flock today, removing lambs, and set the faces of
from it every speckled and the flocks toward the striped
spotted sheep and every black and all the black in the flock
lamb, and the spotted and of Laban; and he put his own
speckled among the goats; droves apart, and did not put
and such shall be my wages. them with Laban's flock.
33 So my honesty will answer 41 Whenever the stronger of
for me later, when you come the flock were breeding Jacob
to look into my wages with laid the rods in the runnels
you. Every one that is not before the eyes of the flock,
speckled and spotted among that they might breed among
the goats and black among the rods,
the lambs, if found with me, 42 but for the feebler of the
shall be counted stolen." flock he did not lay them
34 Laban said, "Good! Let it there; so the feebler were La-
be as you have said." ban's, and the stronger Ja-
35 But that day Laban re- cob's.
moved the he-goats that were 43 Thus the man grew ex-
striped and spotted, and all ceedingly rich, and had large
the she-goats that were flocks, maidservants and
speckled and spotted, every menservants, and camels and
one that had white on it, and asses.
every lamb that was black,
and put them in charge of his CHAPTER 31
sons; 1 Now Jacob heard that the
36 and he set a distance of sons of Laban were saying,
three days' journey between "Jacob has taken all that was
himself and Jacob; and Jacob our father's; and from what
fed the rest of Laban's flock. was our father's he has gained
37 Then Jacob took fresh rods all this wealth."
of poplar and almond and 2 And Jacob saw that Laban
plane, and peeled white did not regard him with favor
streaks in them, exposing the as before.
white of the rods. 3 Then the LORD said to Ja-


cob, "Return to the land of and return to the land of your

your fathers and to your kin- birth.'"
dred, and I will be with you." 14 Then Rachel and Leah an-
4 So Jacob sent and called swered him, "Is there any por-
Rachel and Leah into the field tion or inheritance left to us in
where his flock was, our father's house?
5 and said to them, "I see 15 Are we not regarded by
that your father does not re- him as foreigners? For he has
gard me with favor as he did sold us, and he has been us-
before. But the God of my fa- ing up the money given for us.
ther has been with me. 16 All the property which God
6 You know that I have served has taken away from our fa-
your father with all my ther belongs to us and to our
strength; children; now then, whatever
7 yet your father has cheated God has said to you, do."
me and changed my wages 17 So Jacob arose, and set
ten times, but God did not his sons and his wives on
permit him to harm me. camels;
8 If he said, `The spotted 18 and he drove away all his
shall be your wages,' then all cattle, all his livestock which
the flock bore spotted; and if he had gained, the cattle in
he said, `The striped shall be his possession which he had
your wages,' then all the flock acquired in Paddan-aram, to
bore striped. go to the land of Canaan to
9 Thus God has taken away his father Isaac.
the cattle of your father, and 19 Laban had gone to shear
given them to me. his sheep, and Rachel stole
10 In the mating season of her father's household gods.
the flock I lifted up my eyes, 20 And Jacob outwitted Laban
and saw in a dream that the the Aramean, in that he did
he-goats which leaped upon not tell him that he intended
the flock were striped, spot- to flee.
ted, and mottled. 21 He fled with all that he
11 Then the angel of God had, and arose and crossed
said to me in the dream, `Ja- the Euphra'tes, and set his
cob,' and I said, `Here I am!' face toward the hill country of
12 And he said, `Lift up your Gilead.
eyes and see, all the goats 22 When it was told Laban on
that leap upon the flock are the third day that Jacob had
striped, spotted, and mottled; fled,
for I have seen all that Laban 23 he took his kinsmen with
is doing to you. him and pursued him for sev-
13 I am the God of Bethel, en days and followed close af-
where you anointed a pillar ter him into the hill country of
and made a vow to me. Now Gilead.
arise, go forth from this land, 24 But God came to Laban


the Aramean in a dream by Now Jacob did not know that

night, and said to him, "Take Rachel had stolen them.
heed that you say not a word 33 So Laban went into Jacob's
to Jacob, either good or bad." tent, and into Leah's tent, and
25 And Laban overtook Jacob. into the tent of the two maid-
Now Jacob had pitched his servants, but he did not find
tent in the hill country, and them. And he went out of
Laban with his kinsmen en- Leah's tent, and entered
camped in the hill country of Rachel's.
Gilead. 34 Now Rachel had taken the
26 And Laban said to Jacob, household gods and put them
"What have you done, that in the camel's saddle, and sat
you have cheated me, and upon them. Laban felt all
carried away my daughters about the tent, but did not
like captives of the sword? find them.
27 Why did you flee secretly, 35 And she said to her father,
and cheat me, and did not tell "Let not my lord be angry that
me, so that I might have sent I cannot rise before you, for
you away with mirth and the way of women is upon
songs, with tambourine and me." So he searched, but did
lyre? not find the household gods.
28 And why did you not per- 36 Then Jacob became angry,
mit me to kiss my sons and and upbraided Laban; Jacob
my daughters farewell? Now said to Laban, "What is my of-
you have done foolishly. fense? What is my sin, that
29 It is in my power to do you you have hotly pursued me?
harm; but the God of your fa- 37 Although you have felt
ther spoke to me last night, through all my goods, what
saying, `Take heed that you have you found of all your
speak to Jacob neither good household goods? Set it here
nor bad.' before my kinsmen and your
30 And now you have gone kinsmen, that they may de-
away because you longed cide between us two.
greatly for your father's 38 These twenty years I have
house, but why did you steal been with you; your ewes and
my gods?" your she-goats have not mis-
31 Jacob answered Laban, carried, and I have not eaten
"Because I was afraid, for I the rams of your flocks.
thought that you would take 39 That which was torn by
your daughters from me by wild beasts I did not bring to
force. you; I bore the loss of it my-
32 Any one with whom you self; of my hand you required
find your gods shall not live. it, whether stolen by day or
In the presence of our kins- stolen by night.
men point out what I have 40 Thus I was; by day the
that is yours, and take it." heat consumed me, and the


cold by night, and my sleep are absent one from the other.
fled from my eyes. 50 If you ill-treat my daugh-
41 These twenty years I have ters, or if you take wives be-
been in your house; I served sides my daughters, although
you fourteen years for your no man is with us, remember,
two daughters, and six years God is witness between you
for your flock, and you have and me."
changed my wages ten times. 51 Then Laban said to Jacob,
42 If the God of my father, "See this heap and the pillar,
the God of Abraham and the which I have set between you
Fear of Isaac, had not been on and me.
my side, surely now you would 52 This heap is a witness,
have sent me away empty- and the pillar is a witness,
handed. God saw my affliction that I will not pass over this
and the labor of my hands, heap to you, and you will not
and rebuked you last night." pass over this heap and this
43 Then Laban answered and pillar to me, for harm.
said to Jacob, "The daughters 53 The God of Abraham and
are my daughters, the chil- the God of Nahor, the God of
dren are my children, the their father, judge between
flocks are my flocks, and all us." So Jacob swore by the
that you see is mine. But what Fear of his father Isaac,
can I do this day to these my 54 and Jacob offered a sacri-
daughters, or to their children fice on the mountain and
whom they have borne? called his kinsmen to eat
44 Come now, let us make a bread; and they ate bread and
covenant, you and I; and let it tarried all night on the moun-
be a witness between you and tain.
me." 55 Early in the morning La-
45 So Jacob took a stone, and ban arose, and kissed his
set it up as a pillar. grandchildren and his daugh-
46 And Jacob said to his kins- ters and blessed them; then
men, "Gather stones," and he departed and returned
they took stones, and made a home.
heap; and they ate there by
the heap. CHAPTER 32
47 Laban called it Je'gar-sa- 1 Jacob went on his way and
hadu'tha: but Jacob called it the angels of God met him;
Galeed. 2 and when Jacob saw them
48 Laban said, "This heap is he said, "This is God's army!"
a witness between you and So he called the name of that
me today." Therefore he place Mahana'im.
named it Galeed, 3 And Jacob sent messengers
49 and the pillar Mizpah, for before him to Esau his brother
he said, "The LORD watch be- in the land of Se'ir, the coun-
tween you and me, when we try of Edom,


4 instructing them, "Thus you 12 But thou didst say, `I will

shall say to my lord Esau: do you good, and make your
Thus says your servant Jacob, descendants as the sand of
`I have sojourned with Laban, the sea, which cannot be num-
and stayed until now; bered for multitude.'"
5 and I have oxen, asses, 13 So he lodged there that
flocks, menservants, and night, and took from what he
maidservants; and I have sent had with him a present for his
to tell my lord, in order that I brother Esau,
may find favor in your sight.'" 14 two hundred she-goats
6 And the messengers re- and twenty he-goats, two hun-
turned to Jacob, saying, "We dred ewes and twenty rams,
came to your brother Esau, 15 thirty milch camels and
and he is coming to meet you, their colts, forty cows and ten
and four hundred men with bulls, twenty she-asses and
him." ten he-asses.
7 Then Jacob was greatly 16 These he delivered into
afraid and distressed; and he the hand of his servants, ev-
divided the people that were ery drove by itself, and said to
with him, and the flocks and his servants, "Pass on before
herds and camels, into two me, and put a space between
companies, drove and drove."
8 thinking, "If Esau comes to 17 He instructed the fore-
the one company and destroys most, "When Esau my brother
it, then the company which is meets you, and asks you, `To
left will escape." whom do you belong? Where
9 And Jacob said, "O God of are you going? And whose are
my father Abraham and God these before you?'
of my father Isaac, O LORD 18 then you shall say, `They
who didst say to me, `Return belong to your servant Jacob;
to your country and to your they are a present sent to my
kindred, and I will do you lord Esau; and moreover he is
good,' behind us.'"
10 I am not worthy of the 19 He likewise instructed the
least of all the steadfast love second and the third and all
and all the faithfulness which who followed the droves, "You
thou hast shown to thy ser- shall say the same thing to
vant, for with only my staff I Esau when you meet him,
crossed this Jordan; and now I 20 and you shall say, `More-
have become two companies. over your servant Jacob is be-
11 Deliver me, I pray thee, hind us.'" For he thought, "I
from the hand of my brother, may appease him with the
from the hand of Esau, for I present that goes before me,
fear him, lest he come and and afterwards I shall see his
slay us all, the mothers with face; perhaps he will accept
the children. me."


21 So the present passed on 32 Therefore to this day the

before him; and he himself Israelites do not eat the sinew
lodged that night in the camp. of the hip which is upon the
22 The same night he arose hollow of the thigh, because
and took his two wives, his he touched the hollow of Ja-
two maids, and his eleven cob's thigh on the sinew of
children, and crossed the ford the hip.
of the Jabbok.
23 He took them and sent CHAPTER 33
them across the stream, and 1 And Jacob lifted up his eyes
likewise everything that he and looked, and behold, Esau
had. was coming, and four hundred
24 And Jacob was left alone; men with him. So he divided
and a man wrestled with him the children among Leah and
until the breaking of the day. Rachel and the two maids.
25 When the man saw that he 2 And he put the maids with
did not prevail against Jacob, their children in front, then
he touched the hollow of his Leah with her children, and
thigh; and Jacob's thigh was Rachel and Joseph last of all.
put out of joint as he wrestled 3 He himself went on before
with him. them, bowing himself to the
26 Then he said, "Let me go, ground seven times, until he
for the day is breaking." But came near to his brother.
Jacob said, "I will not let you 4 But Esau ran to meet him,
go, unless you bless me." and embraced him, and fell on
27 And he said to him, "What his neck and kissed him, and
is your name?" And he said, they wept.
"Jacob." 5 And when Esau raised his
28 Then he said, "Your name eyes and saw the women and
shall no more be called Jacob, children, he said, "Who are
but Israel, for you have striv- these with you?" Jacob said,
en with God and with men, "The children whom God has
and have prevailed." graciously given your ser-
29 Then Jacob asked him, vant."
"Tell me, I pray, your name." 6 Then the maids drew near,
But he said, "Why is it that they and their children, and
you ask my name?" And there bowed down;
he blessed him. 7 Leah likewise and her chil-
30 So Jacob called the name dren drew near and bowed
of the place Peni'el, saying, down; and last Joseph and
"For I have seen God face to Rachel drew near, and they
face, and yet my life is pre- bowed down.
served." 8 Esau said, "What do you
31 The sun rose upon him as mean by all this company
he passed Penu'el, limping be- which I met?" Jacob answered,
cause of his thigh. "To find favor in the sight of


my lord." of the place is called Succoth.

9 But Esau said, "I have 18 And Jacob came safely to
enough, my brother; keep the city of Shechem, which is
what you have for yourself." in the land of Canaan, on his
10 Jacob said, "No, I pray way from Paddan-aram; and
you, if I have found favor in he camped before the city.
your sight, then accept my 19 And from the sons of
present from my hand; for tru- Hamor, Shechem's father, he
ly to see your face is like see- bought for a hundred pieces
ing the face of God, with such of money the piece of land on
favor have you received me. which he had pitched his tent.
11 Accept, I pray you, my gift 20 There he erected an altar
that is brought to you, be- and called it El-El'ohe-Israel.
cause God has dealt gracious-
ly with me, and because I CHAPTER 34
have enough." Thus he urged 1 Now Dinah the daughter of
him, and he took it. Leah, whom she had borne to
12 Then Esau said, "Let us Jacob, went out to visit the
journey on our way, and I will women of the land;
go before you." 2 and when Shechem the son
13 But Jacob said to him, "My of Hamor the Hivite, the
lord knows that the children prince of the land, saw her, he
are frail, and that the flocks seized her and lay with her
and herds giving suck are a and humbled her.
care to me; and if they are 3 And his soul was drawn to
overdriven for one day, all the Dinah the daughter of Jacob;
flocks will die. he loved the maiden and
14 Let my lord pass on before spoke tenderly to her.
his servant, and I will lead on 4 So Shechem spoke to his
slowly, according to the pace father Hamor, saying, "Get me
of the cattle which are before this maiden for my wife."
me and according to the pace 5 Now Jacob heard that he
of the children, until I come to had defiled his daughter Di-
my lord in Se'ir." nah; but his sons were with
15 So Esau said, "Let me his cattle in the field, so Jacob
leave with you some of the held his peace until they
men who are with me." But he came.
said, "What need is there? Let 6 And Hamor the father of
me find favor in the sight of Shechem went out to Jacob to
my lord." speak with him.
16 So Esau returned that day 7 The sons of Jacob came in
on his way to Se'ir. from the field when they
17 But Jacob journeyed to heard of it; and the men were
Succoth, and built himself a indignant and very angry, be-
house, and made booths for cause he had wrought folly in
his cattle; therefore the name Israel by lying with Jacob's


daughter, for such a thing us and be circumcised, then

ought not to be done. we will take our daughter, and
8 But Hamor spoke with we will be gone."
them, saying, "The soul of my 18 Their words pleased
son Shechem longs for your Hamor and Hamor's son
daughter; I pray you, give her Shechem.
to him in marriage. 19 And the young man did
9 Make marriages with us; not delay to do the thing, be-
give your daughters to us, and cause he had delight in Ja-
take our daughters for your- cob's daughter. Now he was
selves. the most honored of all his
10 You shall dwell with us; family.
and the land shall be open to 20 So Hamor and his son
you; dwell and trade in it, and Shechem came to the gate of
get property in it." their city and spoke to the
11 Shechem also said to her men of their city, saying,
father and to her brothers, 21 "These men are friendly
"Let me find favor in your with us; let them dwell in the
eyes, and whatever you say to land and trade in it, for be-
me I will give. hold, the land is large enough
12 Ask of me ever so much for them; let us take their
as marriage present and gift, daughters in marriage, and let
and I will give according as us give them our daughters.
you say to me; only give me 22 Only on this condition will
the maiden to be my wife." the men agree to dwell with
13 The sons of Jacob an- us, to become one people:
swered Shechem and his fa- that every male among us be
ther Hamor deceitfully, be- circumcised as they are cir-
cause he had defiled their sis- cumcised.
ter Dinah. 23 Will not their cattle, their
14 They said to them, "We property and all their beasts
cannot do this thing, to give be ours? Only let us agree
our sister to one who is uncir- with them, and they will dwell
cumcised, for that would be a with us."
disgrace to us. 24 And all who went out of
15 Only on this condition will the gate of his city hearkened
we consent to you: that you to Hamor and his son
will become as we are and ev- Shechem; and every male was
ery male of you be circum- circumcised, all who went out
cised. of the gate of his city.
16 Then we will give our 25 On the third day, when
daughters to you, and we will they were sore, two of the
take your daughters to our- sons of Jacob, Simeon and
selves, and we will dwell with Levi, Dinah's brothers, took
you and become one people. their swords and came upon
17 But if you will not listen to the city unawares, and killed


all the males. to Bethel, that I may make

26 They slew Hamor and his there an altar to the God who
son Shechem with the sword, answered me in the day of my
and took Dinah out of distress and has been with me
Shechem's house, and went wherever I have gone."
away. 4 So they gave to Jacob all
27 And the sons of Jacob the foreign gods that they
came upon the slain, and had, and the rings that were
plundered the city, because in their ears; and Jacob hid
their sister had been defiled; them under the oak which was
28 they took their flocks and near Shechem.
their herds, their asses, and 5 And as they journeyed, a
whatever was in the city and terror from God fell upon the
in the field; cities that were round about
29 all their wealth, all their them, so that they did not
little ones and their wives, all pursue the sons of Jacob.
that was in the houses, they 6 And Jacob came to Luz (that
captured and made their prey. is, Bethel), which is in the
30 Then Jacob said to Simeon land of Canaan, he and all the
and Levi, "You have brought people who were with him,
trouble on me by making me 7 and there he built an altar,
odious to the inhabitants of and called the place El-bethel,
the land, the Canaanites and because there God had re-
the Per'izzites; my numbers vealed himself to him when he
are few, and if they gather fled from his brother.
themselves against me and 8 And Deb'orah, Rebekah's
attack me, I shall be de- nurse, died, and she was
stroyed, both I and my house- buried under an oak below
hold." Bethel; so the name of it was
31 But they said, "Should he called Al'lon-bacuth.
treat our sister as a harlot?" 9 God appeared to Jacob
again, when he came from
CHAPTER 35 Paddan-aram, and blessed
1 God said to Jacob, "Arise, him.
go up to Bethel, and dwell 10 And God said to him, "Your
there; and make there an altar name is Jacob; no longer shall
to the God who appeared to your name be called Jacob,
you when you fled from your but Israel shall be your
brother Esau." name." So his name was
2 So Jacob said to his house- called Israel.
hold and to all who were with 11 And God said to him, "I
him, "Put away the foreign am God Almighty: be fruitful
gods that are among you, and and multiply; a nation and a
purify yourselves, and change company of nations shall
your garments; come from you, and kings
3 then let us arise and go up shall spring from you.


12 The land which I gave to 23 The sons of Leah: Reuben

Abraham and Isaac I will give (Jacob's first-born), Simeon,
to you, and I will give the land Levi, Judah, Is'sachar, and Ze-
to your descendants after b'ulun.
you." 24 The sons of Rachel: Joseph
13 Then God went up from and Benjamin.
him in the place where he had 25 The sons of Bilhah,
spoken with him. Rachel's maid: Dan and Naph'-
14 And Jacob set up a pillar tali.
in the place where he had 26 The sons of Zilpah, Leah's
spoken with him, a pillar of maid: Gad and Asher. These
stone; and he poured out a were the sons of Jacob who
drink offering on it, and were born to him in Paddan-
poured oil on it. aram.
15 So Jacob called the name 27 And Jacob came to his fa-
of the place where God had ther Isaac at Mamre, or
spoken with him, Bethel. Kir'iath-ar'ba (that is,
16 Then they journeyed from Hebron), where Abraham and
Bethel; and when they were Isaac had sojourned.
still some distance from 28 Now the days of Isaac
Ephrath, Rachel travailed, and were a hundred and eighty
she had hard labor. years.
17 And when she was in her 29 And Isaac breathed his
hard labor, the midwife said to last; and he died and was
her, "Fear not; for now you gathered to his people, old
will have another son." and full of days; and his sons
18 And as her soul was de- Esau and Jacob buried him.
parting (for she died), she
called his name Ben-o'ni; but CHAPTER 36
his father called his name 1 These are the descendants
Benjamin. of Esau (that is, Edom).
19 So Rachel died, and she 2 Esau took his wives from
was buried on the way to the Canaanites: Adah the
Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem), daughter of Elon the Hittite,
20 and Jacob set up a pillar Oholiba'mah the daughter of
upon her grave; it is the pillar Anah the son of Zib'eon the
of Rachel's tomb, which is Hivite,
there to this day. 3 and Bas'emath, Ish'mael's
21 Israel journeyed on, and daughter, the sister of
pitched his tent beyond the Neba'ioth.
tower of Eder. 4 And Adah bore to Esau,
22 While Israel dwelt in that El'iphaz; Bas'emath bore
land Reuben went and lay with Reu'el;
Bilhah his father's concubine; 5 and Oholiba'mah bore
and Israel heard of it. Now the Je'ush, Jalam, and Korah.
sons of Jacob were twelve. These are the sons of Esau


who were born to him in the the sons of Esau. The sons of
land of Canaan. El'iphaz the first-born of Esau:
6 Then Esau took his wives, the chiefs Teman, Omar,
his sons, his daughters, and Zepho, Kenaz,
all the members of his house- 16 Korah, Gatam, and
hold, his cattle, all his beasts, Am'alek; these are the chiefs
and all his property which he of El'iphaz in the land of
had acquired in the land of Edom; they are the sons of
Canaan; and he went into a Adah.
land away from his brother Ja- 17 These are the sons of
cob. Reu'el, Esau's son: the chiefs
7 For their possessions were Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and
too great for them to dwell to- Mizzah; these are the chiefs of
gether; the land of their so- Reu'el in the land of Edom;
journings could not support they are the sons of Bas'e-
them because of their cattle. math, Esau's wife.
8 So Esau dwelt in the hill 18 These are the sons of
country of Se'ir; Esau is Edom. Oholiba'mah, Esau's wife: the
9 These are the descendants chiefs Je'ush, Jalam, and Ko-
of Esau the father of the E'- rah; these are the chiefs born
domites in the hill country of of Oholiba'mah the daughter
Se'ir. of Anah, Esau's wife.
10 These are the names of 19 These are the sons of
Esau's sons: El'iphaz the son Esau (that is, Edom), and
of Adah the wife of Esau, these are their chiefs.
Reu'el the son of Bas'emath 20 These are the sons of Se'ir
the wife of Esau. the Horite, the inhabitants of
11 The sons of El'iphaz were the land: Lotan, Shobal,
Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Zib'eon, Anah,
and Kenaz. 21 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan;
12 (Timna was a concubine of these are the chiefs of the
El'iphaz, Esau's son; she bore Horites, the sons of Se'ir in
Am'alek to El'iphaz.) These the land of Edom.
are the sons of Adah, Esau's 22 The sons of Lotan were
wife. Hori and Heman; and Lotan's
13 These are the sons of sister was Timna.
Reu'el: Nahath, Zerah, 23 These are the sons of
Shammah, and Mizzah. These Shobal: Alvan, Man'ahath,
are the sons of Bas'emath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.
Esau's wife. 24 These are the sons of
14 These are the sons of Zib'eon: A'iah and Anah; he is
Oholiba'mah the daughter of the Anah who found the hot
Anah the son of Zib'eon, springs in the wilderness, as
Esau's wife: she bore to Esau he pastured the asses of
Je'ush, Jalam, and Korah. Zib'eon his father.
15 These are the chiefs of 25 These are the children of


Anah: Dishon and Oholiba'mah Achbor died, and Hadar

the daughter of Anah. reigned in his stead, the name
26 These are the sons of Dis- of his city being Pau; his
hon: Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, wife's name was Mehet'abel,
and Cheran. the daughter of Matred,
27 These are the sons of daughter of Me'zahab.
Ezer: Bilhan, Za'avan, and 40 These are the names of
Akan. the chiefs of Esau, according
28 These are the sons of Dis- to their families and their
han: Uz and Aran. dwelling places, by their
29 These are the chiefs of names: the chiefs Timna, Al-
the Horites: the chiefs Lotan, vah, Jetheth,
Shobal, Zib'eon, Anah, 41 Oholiba'mah, Elah, Pinon,
30 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan; 42 Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar,
these are the chiefs of the 43 Mag'diel, and Iram; these
Horites, according to their are the chiefs of Edom (that
clans in the land of Se'ir. is, Esau, the father of Edom),
31 These are the kings who according to their dwelling
reigned in the land of Edom, places in the land of their pos-
before any king reigned over session.
the Israelites.
32 Bela the son of Be'or CHAPTER 37
reigned in Edom, the name of 1 Jacob dwelt in the land of
his city being Din'habah. his father's sojournings, in the
33 Bela died, and Jobab the land of Canaan.
son of Zerah of Bozrah 2 This is the history of the
reigned in his stead. family of Jacob. Joseph, being
34 Jobab died, and Husham of seventeen years old, was
the land of the Te'manites shepherding the flock with his
reigned in his stead. brothers; he was a lad with
35 Husham died, and Hadad the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah,
the son of Bedad, who defeat- his father's wives; and Joseph
ed Mid'ian in the country of brought an ill report of them
Moab, reigned in his stead, to their father.
the name of his city being 3 Now Israel loved Joseph
Avith. more than any other of his
36 Hadad died, and Samlah children, because he was the
of Masre'kah reigned in his son of his old age; and he
stead. made him a long robe with
37 Samlah died, and Shaul of sleeves.
Reho'both on the Euphra'tes 4 But when his brothers saw
reigned in his stead. that their father loved him
38 Shaul died, and Ba'al-ha'- more than all his brothers,
nan the son of Achbor reigned they hated him, and could not
in his stead. speak peaceably to him.
39 Ba'al-ha'nan the son of 5 Now Joseph had a dream,


and when he told it to his now, see if it is well with your

brothers they only hated him brothers, and with the flock;
the more. and bring me word again." So
6 He said to them, "Hear this he sent him from the valley of
dream which I have dreamed: Hebron, and he came to
7 behold, we were binding Shechem.
sheaves in the field, and lo, 15 And a man found him wan-
my sheaf arose and stood up- dering in the fields; and the
right; and behold, your man asked him, "What are you
sheaves gathered round it, seeking?"
and bowed down to my sheaf." 16 "I am seeking my broth-
8 His brothers said to him, ers," he said, "tell me, I pray
"Are you indeed to reign over you, where they are pasturing
us? Or are you indeed to have the flock."
dominion over us?" So they 17 And the man said, "They
hated him yet more for his have gone away, for I heard
dreams and for his words. them say, `Let us go to
9 Then he dreamed another Dothan.'" So Joseph went after
dream, and told it to his his brothers, and found them
brothers, and said, "Behold, I at Dothan.
have dreamed another dream; 18 They saw him afar off, and
and behold, the sun, the before he came near to them
moon, and eleven stars were they conspired against him to
bowing down to me." kill him.
10 But when he told it to his 19 They said to one another,
father and to his brothers, his "Here comes this dreamer.
father rebuked him, and said 20 Come now, let us kill him
to him, "What is this dream and throw him into one of the
that you have dreamed? Shall pits; then we shall say that a
I and your mother and your wild beast has devoured him,
brothers indeed come to bow and we shall see what will be-
ourselves to the ground be- come of his dreams."
fore you?" 21 But when Reuben heard it,
11 And his brothers were he delivered him out of their
jealous of him, but his father hands, saying, "Let us not
kept the saying in mind. take his life."
12 Now his brothers went to 22 And Reuben said to them,
pasture their father's flock "Shed no blood; cast him into
near Shechem. this pit here in the wilderness,
13 And Israel said to Joseph, but lay no hand upon him" —
"Are not your brothers pastur- that he might rescue him out
ing the flock at Shechem? of their hand, to restore him
Come, I will send you to to his father.
them." And he said to him, 23 So when Joseph came to
"Here I am." his brothers, they stripped
14 So he said to him, "Go him of his robe, the long robe


with sleeves that he wore; wild beast has devoured him;

24 and they took him and Joseph is without doubt torn
cast him into a pit. The pit to pieces."
was empty, there was no wa- 34 Then Jacob rent his gar-
ter in it. ments, and put sackcloth upon
25 Then they sat down to his loins, and mourned for his
eat; and looking up they saw a son many days.
caravan of Ish'maelites com- 35 All his sons and all his
ing from Gilead, with their daughters rose up to comfort
camels bearing gum, balm, him; but he refused to be
and myrrh, on their way to comforted, and said, "No, I
carry it down to Egypt. shall go down to Sheol to my
26 Then Judah said to his son, mourning." Thus his fa-
brothers, "What profit is it if ther wept for him.
we slay our brother and con- 36 Meanwhile the Mid'ianites
ceal his blood? had sold him in Egypt to Pot'i-
27 Come, let us sell him to phar, an officer of Pharaoh,
the Ish'maelites, and let not the captain of the guard.
our hand be upon him, for he
is our brother, our own flesh." CHAPTER 38
And his brothers heeded him. 1 It happened at that time
28 Then Mid'ianite traders that Judah went down from his
passed by; and they drew brothers, and turned in to a
Joseph up and lifted him out of certain Adullamite, whose
the pit, and sold him to the name was Hirah.
Ish'maelites for twenty 2 There Judah saw the daugh-
shekels of silver; and they ter of a certain Canaanite
took Joseph to Egypt. whose name was Shua; he
29 When Reuben returned to married her and went in to
the pit and saw that Joseph her,
was not in the pit, he rent his 3 and she conceived and bore
clothes a son, and he called his name
30 and returned to his broth- Er.
ers, and said, "The lad is 4 Again she conceived and
gone; and I, where shall I go?" bore a son, and she called his
31 Then they took Joseph's name Onan.
robe, and killed a goat, and 5 Yet again she bore a son,
dipped the robe in the blood; and she called his name She-
32 and they sent the long lah. She was in Chezib when
robe with sleeves and brought she bore him.
it to their father, and said, 6 And Judah took a wife for Er
"This we have found; see now his first-born, and her name
whether it is your son's robe was Tamar.
or not." 7 But Er, Judah's first-born,
33 And he recognized it, and was wicked in the sight of the
said, "It is my son's robe; a LORD; and the LORD slew him.


8 Then Judah said to Onan, road side, and said, "Come,

"Go in to your brother's wife, let me come in to you," for he
and perform the duty of a did not know that she was his
brother-in-law to her, and daughter-in-law. She said,
raise up offspring for your "What will you give me, that
brother." you may come in to me?"
9 But Onan knew that the off- 17 He answered, "I will send
spring would not be his; so you a kid from the flock." And
when he went in to his broth- she said, "Will you give me a
er's wife he spilled the semen pledge, till you send it?"
on the ground, lest he should 18 He said, "What pledge
give offspring to his brother. shall I give you?" She replied,
10 And what he did was dis- "Your signet and your cord,
pleasing in the sight of the and your staff that is in your
LORD, and he slew him also. hand." So he gave them to
11 Then Judah said to Tamar her, and went in to her, and
his daughter-in-law, "Remain a she conceived by him.
widow in your father's house, 19 Then she arose and went
till Shelah my son grows up" away, and taking off her veil
— for he feared that he would she put on the garments of
die, like his brothers. So her widowhood.
Tamar went and dwelt in her 20 When Judah sent the kid
father's house. by his friend the Adullamite,
12 In course of time the wife to receive the pledge from the
of Judah, Shua's daughter, woman's hand, he could not
died; and when Judah was find her.
comforted, he went up to Tim- 21 And he asked the men of
nah to his sheepshearers, he the place, "Where is the harlot
and his friend Hirah the Adul- who was at Enaim by the way-
lamite. side?" And they said, "No har-
13 And when Tamar was told, lot has been here."
"Your father-in-law is going up 22 So he returned to Judah,
to Timnah to shear his sheep," and said, "I have not found
14 she put off her widow's her; and also the men of the
garments, and put on a veil, place said, `No harlot has
wrapping herself up, and sat been here.'"
at the entrance to Enaim, 23 And Judah replied, "Let
which is on the road to Tim- her keep the things as her
nah; for she saw that Shelah own, lest we be laughed at;
was grown up, and she had you see, I sent this kid, and
not been given to him in mar- you could not find her."
riage. 24 About three months later
15 When Judah saw her, he Judah was told, "Tamar your
thought her to be a harlot, for daughter-in-law has played
she had covered her face. the harlot; and moreover she
16 He went over to her at the is with child by harlotry." And


Judah said, "Bring her out, and of his master the Egyptian,
let her be burned." 3 and his master saw that the
25 As she was being brought LORD was with him, and that
out, she sent word to her fa- the LORD caused all that he
ther-in-law, "By the man to did to prosper in his hands.
whom these belong, I am with 4 So Joseph found favor in his
child." And she said, "Mark, I sight and attended him, and
pray you, whose these are, he made him overseer of his
the signet and the cord and house and put him in charge
the staff." of all that he had.
26 Then Judah acknowledged 5 From the time that he made
them and said, "She is more him overseer in his house and
righteous than I, inasmuch as over all that he had the LORD
I did not give her to my son blessed the Egyptian's house
Shelah." And he did not lie for Joseph's sake; the blessing
with her again. of the LORD was upon all that
27 When the time of her de- he had, in house and field.
livery came, there were twins 6 So he left all that he had in
in her womb. Joseph's charge; and having
28 And when she was in la- him he had no concern for
bor, one put out a hand; and anything but the food which
the midwife took and bound he ate. Now Joseph was hand-
on his hand a scarlet thread, some and good-looking.
saying, "This came out first." 7 And after a time his mas-
29 But as he drew back his ter's wife cast her eyes upon
hand, behold, his brother Joseph, and said, "Lie with
came out; and she said, "What me."
a breach you have made for 8 But he refused and said to
yourself!" Therefore his name his master's wife, "Lo, having
was called Perez. me my master has no concern
30 Afterward his brother about anything in the house,
came out with the scarlet and he has put everything
thread upon his hand; and his that he has in my hand;
name was called Zerah. 9 he is not greater in this
house than I am; nor has he
CHAPTER 39 kept back anything from me
1 Now Joseph was taken down except yourself, because you
to Egypt, and Pot'i-phar, an are his wife; how then can I do
officer of Pharaoh, the captain this great wickedness, and sin
of the guard, an Egyptian, against God?"
bought him from the Ish'- 10 And although she spoke to
maelites who had brought him Joseph day after day, he
down there. would not listen to her, to lie
2 The LORD was with Joseph, with her or to be with her.
and he became a successful 11 But one day, when he
man; and he was in the house went into the house to do his


work and none of the men of prison.

the house was there in the 21 But the LORD was with
house, Joseph and showed him stead-
12 she caught him by his gar- fast love, and gave him favor
ment, saying, "Lie with me." in the sight of the keeper of
But he left his garment in her the prison.
hand, and fled and got out of 22 And the keeper of the
the house. prison committed to Joseph's
13 And when she saw that he care all the prisoners who
had left his garment in her were in the prison; and what-
hand, and had fled out of the ever was done there, he was
house, the doer of it;
14 she called to the men of 23 the keeper of the prison
her household and said to paid no heed to anything that
them, "See, he has brought was in Joseph's care, because
among us a Hebrew to insult the LORD was with him; and
us; he came in to me to lie whatever he did, the LORD
with me, and I cried out with a made it prosper.
loud voice;
15 and when he heard that I CHAPTER 40
lifted up my voice and cried, 1 Some time after this, the
he left his garment with me, butler of the king of Egypt and
and fled and got out of the his baker offended their lord
house." the king of Egypt.
16 Then she laid up his gar- 2 And Pharaoh was angry
ment by her until his master with his two officers, the chief
came home, butler and the chief baker,
17 and she told him the same 3 and he put them in custody
story, saying, "The Hebrew in the house of the captain of
servant, whom you have the guard, in the prison where
brought among us, came in to Joseph was confined.
me to insult me; 4 The captain of the guard
18 but as soon as I lifted up charged Joseph with them,
my voice and cried, he left his and he waited on them; and
garment with me, and fled out they continued for some time
of the house." in custody.
19 When his master heard 5 And one night they both
the words which his wife dreamed — the butler and the
spoke to him, "This is the way baker of the king of Egypt,
your servant treated me," his who were confined in the
anger was kindled. prison — each his own dream,
20 And Joseph's master took and each dream with its own
him and put him into the meaning.
prison, the place where the 6 When Joseph came to them
king's prisoners were con- in the morning and saw them,
fined, and he was there in they were troubled.


7 So he asked Pharaoh's offi- 16 When the chief baker saw

cers who were with him in that the interpretation was fa-
custody in his master's house, vorable, he said to Joseph, "I
"Why are your faces downcast also had a dream: there were
today?" three cake baskets on my
8 They said to him, "We have head,
had dreams, and there is no 17 and in the uppermost bas-
one to interpret them." And ket there were all sorts of
Joseph said to them, "Do not baked food for Pharaoh, but
interpretations belong to God? the birds were eating it out of
Tell them to me, I pray you." the basket on my head."
9 So the chief butler told his 18 And Joseph answered,
dream to Joseph, and said to "This is its interpretation: the
him, "In my dream there was a three baskets are three days;
vine before me, 19 within three days Pharaoh
10 and on the vine there will lift up your head — from
were three branches; as soon you! — and hang you on a
as it budded, its blossoms tree; and the birds will eat the
shot forth, and the clusters flesh from you."
ripened into grapes. 20 On the third day, which
11 Pharaoh's cup was in my was Pharaoh's birthday, he
hand; and I took the grapes made a feast for all his ser-
and pressed them into Pharao- vants, and lifted up the head
h's cup, and placed the cup in of the chief butler and the
Pharaoh's hand." head of the chief baker among
12 Then Joseph said to him, his servants.
"This is its interpretation: the 21 He restored the chief but-
three branches are three ler to his butlership, and he
days; placed the cup in Pharaoh's
13 within three days Pharaoh hand;
will lift up your head and re- 22 but he hanged the chief
store you to your office; and baker, as Joseph had inter-
you shall place Pharaoh's cup preted to them.
in his hand as formerly, when 23 Yet the chief butler did not
you were his butler. remember Joseph, but forgot
14 But remember me, when it him.
is well with you, and do me
the kindness, I pray you, to CHAPTER 41
make mention of me to 1 After two whole years,
Pharaoh, and so get me out of Pharaoh dreamed that he was
this house. standing by the Nile,
15 For I was indeed stolen 2 and behold, there came up
out of the land of the He- out of the Nile seven cows
brews; and here also I have sleek and fat, and they fed in
done nothing that they should the reed grass.
put me into the dungeon." 3 And behold, seven other


cows, gaunt and thin, came up 13 And as he interpreted to

out of the Nile after them, and us, so it came to pass; I was
stood by the other cows on restored to my office, and the
the bank of the Nile. baker was hanged."
4 And the gaunt and thin 14 Then Pharaoh sent and
cows ate up the seven sleek called Joseph, and they
and fat cows. And Pharaoh brought him hastily out of the
awoke. dungeon; and when he had
5 And he fell asleep and shaved himself and changed
dreamed a second time; and his clothes, he came in before
behold, seven ears of grain, Pharaoh.
plump and good, were growing 15 And Pharaoh said to
on one stalk. Joseph, "I have had a dream,
6 And behold, after them and there is no one who can
sprouted seven ears, thin and interpret it; and I have heard
blighted by the east wind. it said of you that when you
7 And the thin ears swal- hear a dream you can inter-
lowed up the seven plump and pret it."
full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, 16 Joseph answered Pharaoh,
and behold, it was a dream. "It is not in me; God will give
8 So in the morning his spirit Pharaoh a favorable answer."
was troubled; and he sent and 17 Then Pharaoh said to
called for all the magicians of Joseph, "Behold, in my dream I
Egypt and all its wise men; was standing on the banks of
and Pharaoh told them his the Nile;
dream, but there was none 18 and seven cows, fat and
who could interpret it to sleek, came up out of the Nile
Pharaoh. and fed in the reed grass;
9 Then the chief butler said 19 and seven other cows
to Pharaoh, "I remember my came up after them, poor and
faults today. very gaunt and thin, such as I
10 When Pharaoh was angry had never seen in all the land
with his servants, and put me of Egypt.
and the chief baker in custody 20 And the thin and gaunt
in the house of the captain of cows ate up the first seven fat
the guard, cows,
11 we dreamed on the same 21 but when they had eaten
night, he and I, each having a them no one would have
dream with its own meaning. known that they had eaten
12 A young Hebrew was there them, for they were still as
with us, a servant of the cap- gaunt as at the beginning.
tain of the guard; and when Then I awoke.
we told him, he interpreted 22 I also saw in my dream
our dreams to us, giving an in- seven ears growing on one
terpretation to each man ac- stalk, full and good;
cording to his dream. 23 and seven ears, withered,


thin, and blighted by the east wise, and set him over the
wind, sprouted after them, land of Egypt.
24 and the thin ears swal- 34 Let Pharaoh proceed to
lowed up the seven good ears. appoint overseers over the
And I told it to the magicians, land, and take the fifth part of
but there was no one who the produce of the land of
could explain it to me." Egypt during the seven plen-
25 Then Joseph said to teous years.
Pharaoh, "The dream of 35 And let them gather all
Pharaoh is one; God has re- the food of these good years
vealed to Pharaoh what he is that are coming, and lay up
about to do. grain under the authority of
26 The seven good cows are Pharaoh for food in the cities,
seven years, and the seven and let them keep it.
good ears are seven years; 36 That food shall be a re-
the dream is one. serve for the land against the
27 The seven lean and gaunt seven years of famine which
cows that came up after them are to befall the land of Egypt,
are seven years, and the sev- so that the land may not per-
en empty ears blighted by the ish through the famine."
east wind are also seven years 37 This proposal seemed
of famine. good to Pharaoh and to all his
28 It is as I told Pharaoh, God servants.
has shown to Pharaoh what he 38 And Pharaoh said to his
is about to do. servants, "Can we find such a
29 There will come seven man as this, in whom is the
years of great plenty through- Spirit of God?"
out all the land of Egypt, 39 So Pharaoh said to Joseph,
30 but after them there will "Since God has shown you all
arise seven years of famine, this, there is none so discreet
and all the plenty will be for- and wise as you are;
gotten in the land of Egypt; 40 you shall be over my
the famine will consume the house, and all my people shall
land, order themselves as you com-
31 and the plenty will be un- mand; only as regards the
known in the land by reason throne will I be greater than
of that famine which will fol- you."
low, for it will be very griev- 41 And Pharaoh said to
ous. Joseph, "Behold, I have set
32 And the doubling of you over all the land of
Pharaoh's dream means that Egypt."
the thing is fixed by God, and 42 Then Pharaoh took his
God will shortly bring it to signet ring from his hand and
pass. put it on Joseph's hand, and
33 Now therefore let Pharaoh arrayed him in garments of
select a man discreet and fine linen, and put a gold


chain about his neck; the first-born Manas'seh,

43 and he made him to ride "For," he said, "God has made
in his second chariot; and me forget all my hardship and
they cried before him, "Bow all my father's house."
the knee!" Thus he set him 52 The name of the second
over all the land of Egypt. he called E'phraim, "For God
44 Moreover Pharaoh said to has made me fruitful in the
Joseph, "I am Pharaoh, and land of my affliction."
without your consent no man 53 The seven years of plenty
shall lift up hand or foot in all that prevailed in the land of
the land of Egypt." Egypt came to an end;
45 And Pharaoh called 54 and the seven years of
Joseph's name Zaph'enath- famine began to come, as
pane'ah; and he gave him in Joseph had said. There was
marriage As'enath, the daugh- famine in all lands; but in all
ter of Poti'phera priest of On. the land of Egypt there was
So Joseph went out over the bread.
land of Egypt. 55 When all the land of Egypt
46 Joseph was thirty years was famished, the people
old when he entered the ser- cried to Pharaoh for bread;
vice of Pharaoh king of Egypt. and Pharaoh said to all the
And Joseph went out from the Egyptians, "Go to Joseph;
presence of Pharaoh, and what he says to you, do."
went through all the land of 56 So when the famine had
Egypt. spread over all the land,
47 During the seven plen- Joseph opened all the store-
teous years the earth brought houses, and sold to the Egyp-
forth abundantly, tians, for the famine was se-
48 and he gathered up all the vere in the land of Egypt.
food of the seven years when 57 Moreover, all the earth
there was plenty in the land of came to Egypt to Joseph to
Egypt, and stored up food in buy grain, because the famine
the cities; he stored up in ev- was severe over all the earth.
ery city the food from the
fields around it. CHAPTER 42
49 And Joseph stored up 1 When Jacob learned that
grain in great abundance, like there was grain in Egypt, he
the sand of the sea, until he said to his sons, "Why do you
ceased to measure it, for it look at one another?"
could not be measured. 2 And he said, "Behold, I
50 Before the year of famine have heard that there is grain
came, Joseph had two sons, in Egypt; go down and buy
whom As'enath, the daughter grain for us there, that we
of Poti'phera priest of On, may live, and not die."
bore to him. 3 So ten of Joseph's brothers
51 Joseph called the name of went down to buy grain in


Egypt. our father, and one is no

4 But Jacob did not send Ben- more."
jamin, Joseph's brother, with 14 But Joseph said to them,
his brothers, for he feared "It is as I said to you, you are
that harm might befall him. spies.
5 Thus the sons of Israel 15 By this you shall be test-
came to buy among the others ed: by the life of Pharaoh, you
who came, for the famine was shall not go from this place
in the land of Canaan. unless your youngest brother
6 Now Joseph was governor comes here.
over the land; he it was who 16 Send one of you, and let
sold to all the people of the him bring your brother, while
land. And Joseph's brothers you remain in prison, that
came, and bowed themselves your words may be tested,
before him with their faces to whether there is truth in you;
the ground. or else, by the life of Pharaoh,
7 Joseph saw his brothers, surely you are spies."
and knew them, but he treat- 17 And he put them all to-
ed them like strangers and gether in prison for three
spoke roughly to them. days.
"Where do you come from?" 18 On the third day Joseph
he said. They said, "From the said to them, "Do this and you
land of Canaan, to buy food." will live, for I fear God:
8 Thus Joseph knew his broth- 19 if you are honest men, let
ers, but they did not know one of your brothers remain
him. confined in your prison, and
9 And Joseph remembered let the rest go and carry grain
the dreams which he had for the famine of your house-
dreamed of them; and he said holds,
to them, "You are spies, you 20 and bring your youngest
have come to see the weak- brother to me; so your words
ness of the land." will be verified, and you shall
10 They said to him, "No, my not die." And they did so.
lord, but to buy food have 21 Then they said to one an-
your servants come. other, "In truth we are guilty
11 We are all sons of one concerning our brother, in
man, we are honest men, your that we saw the distress of his
servants are not spies." soul, when he besought us
12 He said to them, "No, it is and we would not listen;
the weakness of the land that therefore is this distress come
you have come to see." upon us."
13 And they said, "We, your 22 And Reuben answered
servants, are twelve brothers, them, "Did I not tell you not to
the sons of one man in the sin against the lad? But you
land of Canaan; and behold, would not listen. So now there
the youngest is this day with comes a reckoning for his


blood." more, and the youngest is this

23 They did not know that day with our father in the land
Joseph understood them, for of Canaan.'
there was an interpreter be- 33 Then the man, the lord of
tween them. the land, said to us, `By this I
24 Then he turned away from shall know that you are honest
them and wept; and he re- men: leave one of your broth-
turned to them and spoke to ers with me, and take grain
them. And he took Simeon for the famine of your house-
from them and bound him be- holds, and go your way.
fore their eyes. 34 Bring your youngest
25 And Joseph gave orders to brother to me; then I shall
fill their bags with grain, and know that you are not spies
to replace every man's money but honest men, and I will de-
in his sack, and to give them liver to you your brother, and
provisions for the journey. you shall trade in the land.'"
This was done for them. 35 As they emptied their
26 Then they loaded their sacks, behold, every man's
asses with their grain, and de- bundle of money was in his
parted. sack; and when they and their
27 And as one of them father saw their bundles of
opened his sack to give his money, they were dismayed.
ass provender at the lodging 36 And Jacob their father said
place, he saw his money in to them, "You have bereaved
the mouth of his sack; me of my children: Joseph is
28 and he said to his broth- no more, and Simeon is no
ers, "My money has been put more, and now you would take
back; here it is in the mouth Benjamin; all this has come
of my sack!" At this their upon me."
hearts failed them, and they 37 Then Reuben said to his
turned trembling to one an- father, "Slay my two sons if I
other, saying, "What is this do not bring him back to you;
that God has done to us?" put him in my hands, and I
29 When they came to Jacob will bring him back to you."
their father in the land of 38 But he said, "My son shall
Canaan, they told him all that not go down with you, for his
had befallen them, saying, brother is dead, and he only is
30 "The man, the lord of the left. If harm should befall him
land, spoke roughly to us, and on the journey that you are to
took us to be spies of the make, you would bring down
land. my gray hairs with sorrow to
31 But we said to him, `We Sheol."
are honest men, we are not
spies; CHAPTER 43
32 we are twelve brothers, 1 Now the famine was severe
sons of our father; one is no in the land.


2 And when they had eaten twice."

the grain which they had 11 Then their father Israel
brought from Egypt, their fa- said to them, "If it must be so,
ther said to them, "Go again, then do this: take some of the
buy us a little food." choice fruits of the land in
3 But Judah said to him, "The your bags, and carry down to
man solemnly warned us, say- the man a present, a little
ing, `You shall not see my balm and a little honey, gum,
face, unless your brother is myrrh, pistachio nuts, and al-
with you.' monds.
4 If you will send our brother 12 Take double the money
with us, we will go down and with you; carry back with you
buy you food; the money that was returned
5 but if you will not send him, in the mouth of your sacks;
we will not go down, for the perhaps it was an oversight.
man said to us, `You shall not 13 Take also your brother,
see my face, unless your and arise, go again to the
brother is with you.'" man;
6 Israel said, "Why did you 14 may God Almighty grant
treat me so ill as to tell the you mercy before the man,
man that you had another that he may send back your
brother?" other brother and Benjamin. If
7 They replied, "The man I am bereaved of my children,
questioned us carefully about I am bereaved."
ourselves and our kindred, 15 So the men took the
saying, `Is your father still present, and they took double
alive? Have you another the money with them, and
brother?' What we told him Benjamin; and they arose and
was in answer to these ques- went down to Egypt, and
tions; could we in any way stood before Joseph.
know that he would say, 16 When Joseph saw Ben-
`Bring your brother down'?" jamin with them, he said to
8 And Judah said to Israel his the steward of his house,
father, "Send the lad with me, "Bring the men into the house,
and we will arise and go, that and slaughter an animal and
we may live and not die, both make ready, for the men are
we and you and also our little to dine with me at noon."
ones. 17 The man did as Joseph
9 I will be surety for him; of bade him, and brought the
my hand you shall require men to Joseph's house.
him. If I do not bring him back 18 And the men were afraid
to you and set him before you, because they were brought to
then let me bear the blame for Joseph's house, and they said,
ever; "It is because of the money,
10 for if we had not delayed, which was replaced in our
we would now have returned sacks the first time, that we


are brought in, so that he may your father well, the old man
seek occasion against us and of whom you spoke? Is he still
fall upon us, to make slaves of alive?"
us and seize our asses." 28 They said, "Your servant
19 So they went up to the our father is well, he is still
steward of Joseph's house, alive." And they bowed their
and spoke with him at the heads and made obeisance.
door of the house, 29 And he lifted up his eyes,
20 and said, "Oh, my lord, we and saw his brother Benjamin,
came down the first time to his mother's son, and said, "Is
buy food; this your youngest brother, of
21 and when we came to the whom you spoke to me? God
lodging place we opened our be gracious to you, my son!"
sacks, and there was every 30 Then Joseph made haste,
man's money in the mouth of for his heart yearned for his
his sack, our money in full brother, and he sought a place
weight; so we have brought it to weep. And he entered his
again with us, chamber and wept there.
22 and we have brought oth- 31 Then he washed his face
er money down in our hand to and came out; and controlling
buy food. We do not know who himself he said, "Let food be
put our money in our sacks." served."
23 He replied, "Rest assured, 32 They served him by him-
do not be afraid; your God and self, and them by themselves,
the God of your father must and the Egyptians who ate
have put treasure in your with him by themselves, be-
sacks for you; I received your cause the Egyptians might not
money." Then he brought eat bread with the Hebrews,
Simeon out to them. for that is an abomination to
24 And when the man had the Egyptians.
brought the men into Joseph's 33 And they sat before him,
house, and given them water, the first-born according to his
and they had washed their birthright and the youngest
feet, and when he had given according to his youth; and
their asses provender, the men looked at one another
25 they made ready the in amazement.
present for Joseph's coming at 34 Portions were taken to
noon, for they heard that they them from Joseph's table, but
should eat bread there. Benjamin's portion was five
26 When Joseph came home, times as much as any of
they brought into the house to theirs. So they drank and were
him the present which they merry with him.
had with them, and bowed
down to him to the ground. CHAPTER 44
27 And he inquired about 1 Then he commanded the
their welfare, and said, "Is steward of his house, "Fill the


men's sacks with food, as less."

much as they can carry, and 11 Then every man quickly
put each man's money in the lowered his sack to the
mouth of his sack, ground, and every man
2 and put my cup, the silver opened his sack.
cup, in the mouth of the sack 12 And he searched, begin-
of the youngest, with his mon- ning with the eldest and end-
ey for the grain." And he did ing with the youngest; and the
as Joseph told him. cup was found in Benjamin's
3 As soon as the morning was sack.
light, the men were sent away 13 Then they rent their
with their asses. clothes, and every man loaded
4 When they had gone but a his ass, and they returned to
short distance from the city, the city.
Joseph said to his steward, 14 When Judah and his broth-
"Up, follow after the men; and ers came to Joseph's house,
when you overtake them, say he was still there; and they
to them, `Why have you re- fell before him to the ground.
turned evil for good? Why 15 Joseph said to them,
have you stolen my silver "What deed is this that you
cup? have done? Do you not know
5 Is it not from this that my that such a man as I can in-
lord drinks, and by this that deed divine?"
he divines? You have done 16 And Judah said, "What
wrong in so doing.'" shall we say to my lord? What
6 When he overtook them, he shall we speak? Or how can
spoke to them these words. we clear ourselves? God has
7 They said to him, "Why found out the guilt of your
does my lord speak such servants; behold, we are my
words as these? Far be it from lord's slaves, both we and he
your servants that they should also in whose hand the cup
do such a thing! has been found."
8 Behold, the money which 17 But he said, "Far be it
we found in the mouth of our from me that I should do so!
sacks, we brought back to you Only the man in whose hand
from the land of Canaan; how the cup was found shall be my
then should we steal silver or slave; but as for you, go up in
gold from your lord's house? peace to your father."
9 With whomever of your ser- 18 Then Judah went up to him
vants it be found, let him die, and said, "O my lord, let your
and we also will be my lord's servant, I pray you, speak a
slaves." word in my lord's ears, and let
10 He said, "Let it be as you not your anger burn against
say: he with whom it is found your servant; for you are like
shall be my slave, and the Pharaoh himself.
rest of you shall be blame- 19 My lord asked his ser-


vants, saying, `Have you a fa- come to your servant my fa-

ther, or a brother?' ther, and the lad is not with
20 And we said to my lord, us, then, as his life is bound
`We have a father, an old up in the lad's life,
man, and a young brother, the 31 when he sees that the lad
child of his old age; and his is not with us, he will die; and
brother is dead, and he alone your servants will bring down
is left of his mother's children; the gray hairs of your servant
and his father loves him.' our father with sorrow to She-
21 Then you said to your ser- ol.
vants, `Bring him down to me, 32 For your servant became
that I may set my eyes upon surety for the lad to my fa-
him.' ther, saying, `If I do not bring
22 We said to my lord, `The him back to you, then I shall
lad cannot leave his father, bear the blame in the sight of
for if he should leave his fa- my father all my life.'
ther, his father would die.' 33 Now therefore, let your
23 Then you said to your ser- servant, I pray you, remain in-
vants, `Unless your youngest stead of the lad as a slave to
brother comes down with you, my lord; and let the lad go
you shall see my face no back with his brothers.
more.' 34 For how can I go back to
24 When we went back to my father if the lad is not with
your servant my father we me? I fear to see the evil that
told him the words of my lord. would come upon my father."
25 And when our father said,
`Go again, buy us a little CHAPTER 45
food,' 1 Then Joseph could not con-
26 we said, `We cannot go trol himself before all those
down. If our youngest brother who stood by him; and he
goes with us, then we will go cried, "Make every one go out
down; for we cannot see the from me." So no one stayed
man's face unless our with him when Joseph made
youngest brother is with us.' himself known to his brothers.
27 Then your servant my fa- 2 And he wept aloud, so that
ther said to us, `You know that the Egyptians heard it, and
my wife bore me two sons; the household of Pharaoh
28 one left me, and I said, heard it.
Surely he has been torn to 3 And Joseph said to his
pieces; and I have never seen brothers, "I am Joseph; is my
him since. father still alive?" But his
29 If you take this one also brothers could not answer
from me, and harm befalls him, for they were dismayed
him, you will bring down my at his presence.
gray hairs in sorrow to Sheol.' 4 So Joseph said to his broth-
30 Now therefore, when I ers, "Come near to me, I pray


you." And they came near. 13 You must tell my father of

And he said, "I am your broth- all my splendor in Egypt, and
er, Joseph, whom you sold into of all that you have seen.
Egypt. Make haste and bring my fa-
5 And now do not be dis- ther down here."
tressed, or angry with your- 14 Then he fell upon his
selves, because you sold me brother Benjamin's neck and
here; for God sent me before wept; and Benjamin wept
you to preserve life. upon his neck.
6 For the famine has been in 15 And he kissed all his
the land these two years; and brothers and wept upon them;
there are yet five years in and after that his brothers
which there will be neither talked with him.
plowing nor harvest. 16 When the report was
7 And God sent me before heard in Pharaoh's house,
you to preserve for you a rem- "Joseph's brothers have
nant on earth, and to keep come," it pleased Pharaoh and
alive for you many survivors. his servants well.
8 So it was not you who sent 17 And Pharaoh said to
me here, but God; and he has Joseph, "Say to your brothers,
made me a father to Pharaoh, `Do this: load your beasts and
and lord of all his house and go back to the land of Canaan;
ruler over all the land of 18 and take your father and
Egypt. your households, and come to
9 Make haste and go up to me, and I will give you the
my father and say to him, best of the land of Egypt, and
`Thus says your son Joseph, you shall eat the fat of the
God has made me lord of all land.'
Egypt; come down to me, do 19 Command them also, `Do
not tarry; this: take wagons from the
10 you shall dwell in the land land of Egypt for your little
of Goshen, and you shall be ones and for your wives, and
near me, you and your chil- bring your father, and come.
dren and your children's chil- 20 Give no thought to your
dren, and your flocks, your goods, for the best of all the
herds, and all that you have; land of Egypt is yours.'"
11 and there I will provide for 21 The sons of Israel did so;
you, for there are yet five and Joseph gave them wag-
years of famine to come; lest ons, according to the com-
you and your household, and mand of Pharaoh, and gave
all that you have, come to them provisions for the jour-
poverty.' ney.
12 And now your eyes see, 22 To each and all of them he
and the eyes of my brother gave festal garments; but to
Benjamin see, that it is my Benjamin he gave three hun-
mouth that speaks to you. dred shekels of silver and five


festal garments. great nation.

23 To his father he sent as 4 I will go down with you to
follows: ten asses loaded with Egypt, and I will also bring
the good things of Egypt, and you up again; and Joseph's
ten she-asses loaded with hand shall close your eyes."
grain, bread, and provision for 5 Then Jacob set out from
his father on the journey. Beer-sheba; and the sons of
24 Then he sent his brothers Israel carried Jacob their fa-
away, and as they departed, ther, their little ones, and
he said to them, "Do not quar- their wives, in the wagons
rel on the way." which Pharaoh had sent to
25 So they went up out of carry him.
Egypt, and came to the land 6 They also took their cattle
of Canaan to their father Ja- and their goods, which they
cob. had gained in the land of
26 And they told him, "Joseph Canaan, and came into Egypt,
is still alive, and he is ruler Jacob and all his offspring with
over all the land of Egypt." him,
And his heart fainted, for he 7 his sons, and his sons' sons
did not believe them. with him, his daughters, and
27 But when they told him all his sons' daughters; all his
the words of Joseph, which he offspring he brought with him
had said to them, and when into Egypt.
he saw the wagons which 8 Now these are the names of
Joseph had sent to carry him, the descendants of Israel, who
the spirit of their father Jacob came into Egypt, Jacob and
revived; his sons. Reuben, Jacob's first-
28 and Israel said, "It is born,
enough; Joseph my son is still 9 and the sons of Reuben:
alive; I will go and see him be- Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and
fore I die." Carmi.
10 The sons of Simeon: Je-
CHAPTER 46 mu'el, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin,
1 So Israel took his journey Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a
with all that he had, and came Canaanitish woman.
to Beer-sheba, and offered 11 The sons of Levi: Gershon,
sacrifices to the God of his fa- Kohath, and Merar'i.
ther Isaac. 12 The sons of Judah: Er,
2 And God spoke to Israel in Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zer-
visions of the night, and said, ah (but Er and Onan died in
"Jacob, Jacob." And he said, the land of Canaan); and the
"Here am I." sons of Perez were Hezron and
3 Then he said, "I am God, Hamul.
the God of your father; do not 13 The sons of Is'sachar:
be afraid to go down to Egypt; Tola, Puvah, Iob, and Shimron.
for I will there make of you a 14 The sons of Zeb'ulun:


Sered, Elon, and Jah'leel who were his own offspring,

15 (these are the sons of not including Jacob's sons'
Leah, whom she bore to Jacob wives, were sixty-six persons
in Paddan-aram, together with in all;
his daughter Dinah; altogether 27 and the sons of Joseph,
his sons and his daughters who were born to him in
numbered thirty-three). Egypt, were two; all the per-
16 The sons of Gad: Ziph'ion, sons of the house of Jacob,
Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Aro'- that came into Egypt, were
di, and Are'li. seventy.
17 The sons of Asher: Imnah, 28 He sent Judah before him
Ishvah, Ishvi, Beri'ah, with to Joseph, to appear before
Serah their sister. And the him in Goshen; and they came
sons of Beri'ah: Heber and into the land of Goshen.
Mal'chi-el 29 Then Joseph made ready
18 (these are the sons of Zil- his chariot and went up to
pah, whom Laban gave to meet Israel his father in
Leah his daughter; and these Goshen; and he presented
she bore to Jacob — sixteen himself to him, and fell on his
persons). neck, and wept on his neck a
19 The sons of Rachel, Ja- good while.
cob's wife: Joseph and Ben- 30 Israel said to Joseph, "Now
jamin. let me die, since I have seen
20 And to Joseph in the land your face and know that you
of Egypt were born Manas'seh are still alive."
and E'phraim, whom As'enath, 31 Joseph said to his brothers
the daughter of Poti'phera the and to his father's household,
priest of On, bore to him. "I will go up and tell Pharaoh,
21 And the sons of Benjamin: and will say to him, `My broth-
Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, ers and my father's house-
Na'aman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, hold, who were in the land of
Huppim, and Ard Canaan, have come to me;
22 (these are the sons of 32 and the men are shep-
Rachel, who were born to Ja- herds, for they have been
cob — fourteen persons in all). keepers of cattle; and they
23 The sons of Dan: Hushim. have brought their flocks, and
24 The sons of Naph'tali: their herds, and all that they
Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and have.'
Shillem 33 When Pharaoh calls you,
25 (these are the sons of Bil- and says, `What is your occu-
hah, whom Laban gave to pation?'
Rachel his daughter, and 34 you shall say, `Your ser-
these she bore to Jacob — vants have been keepers of
seven persons in all). cattle from our youth even un-
26 All the persons belonging til now, both we and our fa-
to Jacob who came into Egypt, thers,' in order that you may


dwell in the land of Goshen; "How many are the days of

for every shepherd is an the years of your life?"
abomination to the Egyp- 9 And Jacob said to Pharaoh,
tians." "The days of the years of my
sojourning are a hundred and
CHAPTER 47 thirty years; few and evil have
1 So Joseph went in and told been the days of the years of
Pharaoh, "My father and my my life, and they have not at-
brothers, with their flocks and tained to the days of the
herds and all that they pos- years of the life of my fathers
sess, have come from the land in the days of their sojourn-
of Canaan; they are now in ing."
the land of Goshen." 10 And Jacob blessed
2 And from among his broth- Pharaoh, and went out from
ers he took five men and pre- the presence of Pharaoh.
sented them to Pharaoh. 11 Then Joseph settled his fa-
3 Pharaoh said to his broth- ther and his brothers, and
ers, "What is your gave them a possession in the
occupation?" And they said to land of Egypt, in the best of
Pharaoh, "Your servants are the land, in the land of Ram'e-
shepherds, as our fathers ses, as Pharaoh had com-
were." manded.
4 They said to Pharaoh, "We 12 And Joseph provided his
have come to sojourn in the father, his brothers, and all
land; for there is no pasture his father's household with
for your servants' flocks, for food, according to the number
the famine is severe in the of their dependents.
land of Canaan; and now, we 13 Now there was no food in
pray you, let your servants all the land; for the famine
dwell in the land of Goshen." was very severe, so that the
5 Then Pharaoh said to land of Egypt and the land of
Joseph, "Your father and your Canaan languished by reason
brothers have come to you. of the famine.
6 The land of Egypt is before 14 And Joseph gathered up
you; settle your father and all the money that was found
your brothers in the best of in the land of Egypt and in the
the land; let them dwell in the land of Canaan, for the grain
land of Goshen; and if you which they bought; and Joseph
know any able men among brought the money into
them, put them in charge of Pharaoh's house.
my cattle." 15 And when the money was
7 Then Joseph brought in Ja- all spent in the land of Egypt
cob his father, and set him be- and in the land of Canaan, all
fore Pharaoh, and Jacob the Egyptians came to Joseph,
blessed Pharaoh. and said, "Give us food; why
8 And Pharaoh said to Jacob, should we die before your


eyes? For our money is gone." not sell their land.

16 And Joseph answered, 23 Then Joseph said to the
"Give your cattle, and I will people, "Behold, I have this
give you food in exchange for day bought you and your land
your cattle, if your money is for Pharaoh. Now here is seed
gone." for you, and you shall sow the
17 So they brought their cat- land.
tle to Joseph; and Joseph gave 24 And at the harvests you
them food in exchange for the shall give a fifth to Pharaoh,
horses, the flocks, the herds, and four fifths shall be your
and the asses: and he sup- own, as seed for the field and
plied them with food in ex- as food for yourselves and
change for all their cattle that your households, and as food
year. for your little ones."
18 And when that year was 25 And they said, "You have
ended, they came to him the saved our lives; may it please
following year, and said to my lord, we will be slaves to
him, "We will not hide from my Pharaoh."
lord that our money is all 26 So Joseph made it a
spent; and the herds of cattle statute concerning the land of
are my lord's; there is nothing Egypt, and it stands to this
left in the sight of my lord but day, that Pharaoh should have
our bodies and our lands. the fifth; the land of the
19 Why should we die before priests alone did not become
your eyes, both we and our Pharaoh's.
land? Buy us and our land for 27 Thus Israel dwelt in the
food, and we with our land will land of Egypt, in the land of
be slaves to Pharaoh; and give Goshen; and they gained pos-
us seed, that we may live, and sessions in it, and were fruit-
not die, and that the land may ful and multiplied exceedingly.
not be desolate." 28 And Jacob lived in the land
20 So Joseph bought all the of Egypt seventeen years; so
land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the days of Jacob, the years of
all the Egyptians sold their his life, were a hundred and
fields, because the famine forty-seven years.
was severe upon them. The 29 And when the time drew
land became Pharaoh's; near that Israel must die, he
21 and as for the people, he called his son Joseph and said
made slaves of them from one to him, "If now I have found
end of Egypt to the other. favor in your sight, put your
22 Only the land of the hand under my thigh, and
priests he did not buy; for the promise to deal loyally and
priests had a fixed allowance truly with me. Do not bury me
from Pharaoh, and lived on in Egypt,
the allowance which Pharaoh 30 but let me lie with my fa-
gave them; therefore they did thers; carry me out of Egypt


and bury me in their burying Ephrath; and I buried her

place." He answered, "I will do there on the way to Ephrath
as you have said." (that is, Bethlehem)."
31 And he said, "Swear to 8 When Israel saw Joseph's
me"; and he swore to him. sons, he said, "Who are
Then Israel bowed himself these?"
upon the head of his bed. 9 Joseph said to his father,
"They are my sons, whom God
CHAPTER 48 has given me here." And he
1 After this Joseph was told, said, "Bring them to me, I
"Behold, your father is ill"; so pray you, that I may bless
he took with him his two sons, them."
Manas'seh and E'phraim. 10 Now the eyes of Israel
2 And it was told to Jacob, were dim with age, so that he
"Your son Joseph has come to could not see. So Joseph
you"; then Israel summoned brought them near him; and
his strength, and sat up in he kissed them and embraced
bed. them.
3 And Jacob said to Joseph, 11 And Israel said to Joseph,
"God Almighty appeared to me "I had not thought to see your
at Luz in the land of Canaan face; and lo, God has let me
and blessed me, see your children also."
4 and said to me, `Behold, I 12 Then Joseph removed
will make you fruitful, and them from his knees, and he
multiply you, and I will make bowed himself with his face to
of you a company of peoples, the earth.
and will give this land to your 13 And Joseph took them
descendants after you for an both, E'phraim in his right
everlasting possession.' hand toward Israel's left hand,
5 And now your two sons, and Manas'seh in his left hand
who were born to you in the toward Israel's right hand, and
land of Egypt before I came to brought them near him.
you in Egypt, are mine; 14 And Israel stretched out
E'phraim and Manas'seh shall his right hand and laid it upon
be mine, as Reuben and Sime- the head of E'phraim, who was
on are. the younger, and his left hand
6 And the offspring born to upon the head of Manas'seh,
you after them shall be yours; crossing his hands, for Man-
they shall be called by the as'seh was the first-born.
name of their brothers in their 15 And he blessed Joseph,
inheritance. and said, "The God before
7 For when I came from Pad- whom my fathers Abraham
dan, Rachel to my sorrow died and Isaac walked, the God
in the land of Canaan on the who has led me all my life
way, when there was still long to this day,
some distance to go to 16 the angel who has re-


deemed me from all evil, bless 1 Then Jacob called his sons,
the lads; and in them let my and said, "Gather yourselves
name be perpetuated, and the together, that I may tell you
name of my fathers Abraham what shall befall you in days
and Isaac; and let them grow to come.
into a multitude in the midst 2 Assemble and hear, O sons
of the earth." of Jacob, and hearken to Israel
17 When Joseph saw that his your father.
father laid his right hand upon 3 Reuben, you are my first-
the head of E'phraim, it dis- born, my might, and the first
pleased him; and he took his fruits of my strength, pre-emi-
father's hand, to remove it nent in pride and pre-eminent
from E'phraim's head to Man- in power.
as'seh's head. 4 Unstable as water, you
18 And Joseph said to his fa- shall not have pre-eminence
ther, "Not so, my father; for because you went up to your
this one is the first-born; put father's bed; then you defiled
your right hand upon his it — you went up to my couch!
head." 5 Simeon and Levi are broth-
19 But his father refused, ers; weapons of violence are
and said, "I know, my son, I their swords.
know; he also shall become a 6 O my soul, come not into
people, and he also shall be their council; O my spirit, be
great; nevertheless his not joined to their company;
younger brother shall be for in their anger they slay
greater than he, and his de- men, and in their wantonness
scendants shall become a they hamstring oxen.
multitude of nations." 7 Cursed be their anger, for it
20 So he blessed them that is fierce; and their wrath, for
day, saying, "By you Israel will it is cruel! I will divide them in
pronounce blessings, saying, Jacob and scatter them in Is-
`God make you as E'phraim rael.
and as Manas'seh'"; 8 Judah, your brothers shall
21 Then Israel said to Joseph, praise you; your hand shall be
"Behold, I am about to die, on the neck of your enemies;
but God will be with you, and your father's sons shall bow
will bring you again to the down before you.
land of your fathers. 9 Judah is a lion's whelp;
22 Moreover I have given to from the prey, my son, you
you rather than to your broth- have gone up. He stooped
ers one mountain slope which down, he couched as a lion,
I took from the hand of the and as a lioness; who dares
Amorites with my sword and rouse him up?
with my bow." 10 The scepter shall not de-
part from Judah, nor the
CHAPTER 49 ruler's staff from between his


feet, until he comes to whom harassed him sorely;

it belongs; and to him shall be 24 yet his bow remained un-
the obedience of the peoples. moved, his arms were made
11 Binding his foal to the agile by the hands of the
vine and his ass's colt to the Mighty One of Jacob (by the
choice vine, he washes his name of the Shepherd, the
garments in wine and his ves- Rock of Israel),
ture in the blood of grapes; 25 by the God of your father
12 his eyes shall be red with who will help you, by God
wine, and his teeth white with Almighty who will bless you
milk. with blessings of heaven
13 Zeb'ulun shall dwell at the above, blessings of the deep
shore of the sea; he shall be- that couches beneath, bless-
come a haven for ships, and ings of the breasts and of the
his border shall be at Sidon. womb.
14 Is'sachar is a strong ass, 26 The blessings of your fa-
crouching between the sheep- ther are mighty beyond the
folds; blessings of the eternal moun-
15 he saw that a resting tains, the bounties of the ev-
place was good, and that the erlasting hills; may they be on
land was pleasant; so he the head of Joseph, and on the
bowed his shoulder to bear, brow of him who was separate
and became a slave at forced from his brothers.
labor. 27 Benjamin is a ravenous
16 Dan shall judge his people wolf, in the morning devouring
as one of the tribes of Israel. the prey, and at even dividing
17 Dan shall be a serpent in the spoil."
the way, a viper by the path, 28 All these are the twelve
that bites the horse's heels so tribes of Israel; and this is
that his rider falls backward. what their father said to them
18 I wait for thy salvation, O as he blessed them, blessing
LORD. each with the blessing suit-
19 Raiders shall raid Gad, but able to him.
he shall raid at their heels. 29 Then he charged them,
20 Asher's food shall be rich, and said to them, "I am to be
and he shall yield royal dain- gathered to my people; bury
ties. me with my fathers in the
21 Naph'tali is a hind let cave that is in the field of
loose, that bears comely Ephron the Hittite,
fawns. 30 in the cave that is in the
22 Joseph is a fruitful bough, field at Mach-pe'lah, to the
a fruitful bough by a spring; east of Mamre, in the land of
his branches run over the Canaan, which Abraham
wall. bought with the field from
23 The archers fiercely at- Ephron the Hittite to possess
tacked him, shot at him, and as a burying place.


31 There they buried Abra- his father; and with him went
ham and Sarah his wife; there up all the servants of Pharaoh,
they buried Isaac and Rebekah the elders of his household,
his wife; and there I buried and all the elders of the land
Leah — of Egypt,
32 the field and the cave that 8 as well as all the household
is in it were purchased from of Joseph, his brothers, and
the Hittites." his father's household; only
33 When Jacob finished their children, their flocks,
charging his sons, he drew up and their herds were left in
his feet into the bed, and the land of Goshen.
breathed his last, and was 9 And there went up with him
gathered to his people. both chariots and horsemen; it
was a very great company.
CHAPTER 50 10 When they came to the
1 Then Joseph fell on his fa- threshing floor of Atad, which
ther's face, and wept over is beyond the Jordan, they
him, and kissed him. lamented there with a very
2 And Joseph commanded his great and sorrowful lamenta-
servants the physicians to em- tion; and he made a mourning
balm his father. So the physi- for his father seven days.
cians embalmed Israel; 11 When the inhabitants of
3 forty days were required for the land, the Canaanites, saw
it, for so many are required the mourning on the threshing
for embalming. And the Egyp- floor of Atad, they said, "This
tians wept for him seventy is a grievous mourning to the
days. Egyptians." Therefore the
4 And when the days of place was named A'bel-
weeping for him were past, mizraim; it is beyond the Jor-
Joseph spoke to the household dan.
of Pharaoh, saying, "If now I 12 Thus his sons did for him
have found favor in your eyes, as he had commanded them;
speak, I pray you, in the ears 13 for his sons carried him to
of Pharaoh, saying, the land of Canaan, and
5 My father made me swear, buried him in the cave of the
saying, `I am about to die: in field at Mach-pe'lah, to the
my tomb which I hewed out east of Mamre, which Abra-
for myself in the land of ham bought with the field
Canaan, there shall you bury from Ephron the Hittite, to
me.' Now therefore let me go possess as a burying place.
up, I pray you, and bury my 14 After he had buried his fa-
father; then I will return." ther, Joseph returned to Egypt
6 And Pharaoh answered, "Go with his brothers and all who
up, and bury your father, as had gone up with him to bury
he made you swear." his father.
7 So Joseph went up to bury 15 When Joseph's brothers


saw that their father was but God will visit you, and
dead, they said, "It may be bring you up out of this land
that Joseph will hate us and to the land which he swore to
pay us back for all the evil Abraham, to Isaac, and to Ja-
which we did to him." cob."
16 So they sent a message to 25 Then Joseph took an oath
Joseph, saying, "Your father of the sons of Israel, saying,
gave this command before he "God will visit you, and you
died, shall carry up my bones from
17 `Say to Joseph, Forgive, I here."
pray you, the transgression of 26 So Joseph died, being a
your brothers and their sin, hundred and ten years old;
because they did evil to you.' and they embalmed him, and
And now, we pray you, forgive he was put in a coffin in
the transgression of the ser- Egypt.
vants of the God of your fa-
ther." Joseph wept when they
spoke to him.
18 His brothers also came
and fell down before him, and
said, "Behold, we are your ser-
19 But Joseph said to them,
"Fear not, for am I in the place
of God?
20 As for you, you meant evil
against me; but God meant it
for good, to bring it about that
many people should be kept
alive, as they are today.
21 So do not fear; I will pro -
vide for you and your little
ones." Thus he reassured
them and comforted them.
22 So Joseph dwelt in Egypt,
he and his father's house; and
Joseph lived a hundred and
ten years.
23 And Joseph saw E'phraim's
children of the third genera-
tion; the children also of
Machir the son of Manas'seh
were born upon Joseph's
24 And Joseph said to his
brothers, "I am about to die;


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