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CHAPTER 1 sinned.
1 The words of Nehemi'ah the 7 We have acted very cor-
son of Hacali'ah. Now it hap- ruptly against thee, and have
pened in the month of Chislev, not kept the commandments,
in the twentieth year, as I was the statutes, and the ordi-
in Susa the capital, nances which thou didst com-
2 that Hana'ni, one of my mand thy servant Moses.
brethren, came with certain 8 Remember the word which
men out of Judah; and I asked thou didst command thy ser-
them concerning the Jews that vant Moses, saying, `If you
survived, who had escaped are unfaithful, I will scatter
exile, and concerning you among the peoples;
Jerusalem. 9 but if you return to me and
3 And they said to me, "The keep my commandments and
survivors there in the province do them, though your dis-
who escaped exile are in great persed be under the farthest
trouble and shame; the wall of skies, I will gather them
Jerusalem is broken down, and thence and bring them to the
its gates are destroyed by place which I have chosen, to
fire." make my name dwell there.'
4 When I heard these words I 10 They are thy servants and
sat down and wept, and thy people, whom thou hast
mourned for days; and I con- redeemed by thy great power
tinued fasting and praying be- and by thy strong hand.
fore the God of heaven. 11 O Lord, let thy ear be at-
5 And I said, "O LORD God of tentive to the prayer of thy
heaven, the great and terrible servant, and to the prayer of
God who keeps covenant and thy servants who delight to
steadfast love with those who fear thy name; and give suc-
love him and keep his com- cess to thy servant today, and
mandments; grant him mercy in the sight
6 let thy ear be attentive, of this man." Now I was cup-
and thy eyes open, to hear bearer to the king.
the prayer of thy servant
which I now pray before thee CHAPTER 2
day and night for the people 1 In the month of Nisan, in
of Israel thy servants, con- the twentieth year of King Ar-
fessing the sins of the people ta-xerx'es, when wine was be-
of Israel, which we have fore him, I took up the wine
sinned against thee. Yea, I and and gave it to the king. Now I
my father's house have had not been sad in his pres-


ence. what I asked, for the good

2 And the king said to me, hand of my God was upon me.
"Why is your face sad, seeing 9 Then I came to the gover-
you are not sick? This is noth- nors of the province Beyond
ing else but sadness of the the River, and gave them the
heart." Then I was very much king's letters. Now the king
afraid. had sent with me officers of
3 I said to the king, "Let the the army and horsemen.
king live for ever! Why should 10 But when Sanbal'lat the
not my face be sad, when the Hor'onite and Tobi'ah the ser-
city, the place of my fathers' vant, the Ammonite, heard
sepulchres, lies waste, and its this, it displeased them great-
gates have been destroyed by ly that some one had come to
fire?" seek the welfare of the chil-
4 Then the king said to me, dren of Israel.
"For what do you make re- 11 So I came to Jerusalem
quest?" So I prayed to the God and was there three days.
of heaven. 12 Then I arose in the night, I
5 And I said to the king, "If it and a few men with me; and I
pleases the king, and if your told no one what my God had
servant has found favor in put into my heart to do for
your sight, that you send me Jerusalem. There was no beast
to Judah, to the city of my fa- with me but the beast on
thers' sepulchres, that I may which I rode.
rebuild it." 13 I went out by night by the
6 And the king said to me Valley Gate to the Jackal's
(the queen sitting beside Well and to the Dung Gate,
him), "How long will you be and I inspected the walls of
gone, and when will you re- Jerusalem which were broken
turn?" So it pleased the king down and its gates which had
to send me; and I set him a been destroyed by fire.
time. 14 Then I went on to the
7 And I said to the king, "If it Fountain Gate and to the
pleases the king, let letters be King's Pool; but there was no
given me to the governors of place for the beast that was
the province Beyond the Riv- under me to pass.
er, that they may let me pass 15 Then I went up in the
through until I come to Judah; night by the valley and in-
8 and a letter to Asaph, the spected the wall; and I turned
keeper of the king's forest, back and entered by the Val-
that he may give me timber to ley Gate, and so returned.
make beams for the gates of 16 And the officials did not
the fortress of the temple, and know where I had gone or
for the wall of the city, and for what I was doing; and I had
the house which I shall occu- not yet told the Jews, the
py." And the king granted me priests, the nobles, the offi-


cials, and the rest that were 3 And the sons of Hassena'ah
to do the work. built the Fish Gate; they laid
17 Then I said to them, "You its beams and set its doors,
see the trouble we are in, how its bolts, and its bars.
Jerusalem lies in ruins with its 4 And next to them Mer'e-
gates burned. Come, let us moth the son of Uri'ah, son of
build the wall of Jerusalem, Hakkoz repaired. And next to
that we may no longer suffer them Meshul'lam the son of
disgrace." Berechi'ah, son of Meshez'a-
18 And I told them of the bel repaired. And next to them
hand of my God which had Zadok the son of Ba'ana re-
been upon me for good, and paired.
also of the words which the 5 And next to them the
king had spoken to me. And Teko'ites repaired; but their
they said, "Let us rise up and nobles did not put their necks
build." So they strengthened to the work of their Lord.
their hands for the good work. 6 And Joi'ada the son of
19 But when Sanbal'lat the Pase'ah and Meshul'lam the
Hor'onite and Tobi'ah the ser- son of Besodei'ah repaired the
vant, the Ammonite, and Old Gate; they laid its beams
Geshem the Arab heard of it, and set its doors, its bolts,
they derided us and despised and its bars.
us and said, "What is this 7 And next to them repaired
thing that you are doing? Are Melati'ah the Gib'eonite and
you rebelling against the Jadon the Mero'nothite, the
king?" men of Gibeon and of Mizpah,
20 Then I replied to them, who were under the jurisdic-
"The God of heaven will make tion of the governor of the
us prosper, and we his ser- province Beyond the River.
vants will arise and build; but 8 Next to them Uz'ziel the
you have no portion or right son of Harhai'ah, goldsmiths,
or memorial in Jerusalem." repaired. Next to him
Hanani'ah, one of the per-
CHAPTER 3 fumers, repaired; and they re-
1 Then Eli'ashib the high stored Jerusalem as far as the
priest rose up with his Broad Wall.
brethren the priests and they 9 Next to them Rephai'ah the
built the Sheep Gate. They son of Hur, ruler of half the
consecrated it and set its district of Jerusalem, repaired.
doors; they consecrated it as 10 Next to them Jedai'ah the
far as the Tower of the Hun- son of Haru'maph repaired op-
dred, as far as the Tower of posite his house; and next to
Hanan'el. him Hattush the son of
2 And next to him the men of Hashabnei'ah repaired.
Jericho built. And next to them 11 Malchi'jah the son of
Zaccur the son of Imri built. Harim and Hasshub the son of


Pa'hath-mo'ab repaired anoth- trict of Kei'lah;

er section and the Tower of 19 next to him Ezer the son
the Ovens. of Jeshua, ruler of Mizpah, re-
12 Next to him Shallum the paired another section oppo-
son of Hallo'hesh, ruler of half site the ascent to the armory
the district of Jerusalem, re- at the Angle.
paired, he and his daughters. 20 After him Baruch the son
13 Hanun and the inhabitants of Zab'bai repaired another
of Zano'ah repaired the Valley section from the Angle to the
Gate; they rebuilt it and set door of the house of Eli'ashib
its doors, its bolts, and its the high priest.
bars, and repaired a thousand 21 After him Mer'emoth the
cubits of the wall, as far as son of Uri'ah, son of Hakkoz
the Dung Gate. repaired another section from
14 Malchi'jah the son of the door of the house of
Rechab, ruler of the district of Eli'ashib to the end of the
Beth-hacche'rem, repaired the house of Eli'ashib.
Dung Gate; he rebuilt it and 22 After him the priests, the
set its doors, its bolts, and its men of the Plain, repaired.
bars. 23 After them Benjamin and
15 And Shallum the son of Hasshub repaired opposite
Colho'zeh, ruler of the district their house. After them
of Mizpah, repaired the Foun- Azari'ah the son of Ma-asei'ah,
tain Gate; he rebuilt it and son of Anani'ah repaired be-
covered it and set its doors, side his own house.
its bolts, and its bars; and he 24 After him Bin'nui the son
built the wall of the Pool of of Hen'adad repaired another
Shelah of the king's garden, section, from the house of
as far as the stairs that go Azari'ah to the Angle
down from the City of David. 25 and to the corner. Palal
16 After him Nehemi'ah the the son of Uzai repaired oppo-
son of Azbuk, ruler of half the site the Angle and the tower
district of Beth-zur, repaired projecting from the upper
to a point opposite the sepul- house of the king at the court
chres of David, to the artificial of the guard. After him
pool, and to the house of the Pedai'ah the son of Parosh
mighty men. 26 and the temple servants
17 After him the Levites re- living on Ophel repaired to a
paired: Rehum the son of point opposite the Water Gate
Bani; next to him Hashabi'ah, on the east and the projecting
ruler of half the district of tower.
Kei'lah, repaired for his dis- 27 After him the Teko'ites re-
trict. paired another section oppo-
18 After him their brethren site the great projecting tower
repaired: Bav'vai the son of as far as the wall of Ophel.
Hen'adad, ruler of half the dis- 28 Above the Horse Gate the


priests repaired, each one op- fox goes up on it he will break

posite his own house. down their stone wall!
29 After them Zadok the son 4 Hear, O our God, for we are
of Immer repaired opposite his despised; turn back their
own house. After him She- taunt upon their own heads,
mai'ah the son of Shecani'ah, and give them up to be plun-
the keeper of the East Gate, dered in a land where they are
repaired. captives.
30 After him Hanani'ah the 5 Do not cover their guilt,
son of Shelemi'ah and Hanun and let not their sin be blotted
the sixth son of Zalaph re- out from thy sight; for they
paired another section. After have provoked thee to anger
him Meshul'lam the son of before the builders.
Berechi'ah repaired opposite 6 So we built the wall; and all
his chamber. the wall was joined together
31 After him Malchi'jah, one to half its height. For the peo-
of the goldsmiths, repaired as ple had a mind to work.
far as the house of the temple 7 But when Sanbal'lat and To-
servants and of the mer- bi'ah and the Arabs and the
chants, opposite the Muster Ammonites and the Ash'-
Gate, and to the upper cham- dodites heard that the repair-
ber of the corner. ing of the walls of Jerusalem
32 And between the upper was going forward and that
chamber of the corner and the the breaches were beginning
Sheep Gate the goldsmiths to be closed, they were very
and the merchants repaired. angry;
8 and they all plotted togeth-
CHAPTER 4 er to come and fight against
1 Now when Sanbal'lat heard Jerusalem and to cause confu-
that we were building the sion in it.
wall, he was angry and greatly 9 And we prayed to our God,
enraged, and he ridiculed the and set a guard as a protec-
Jews. tion against them day and
2 And he said in the presence night.
of his brethren and of the 10 But Judah said, "The
army of Sama'ria, "What are strength of the burden-bear-
these feeble Jews doing? Will ers is failing, and there is
they restore things? Will they much rubbish; we are not able
sacrifice? Will they finish up in to work on the wall."
a day? Will they revive the 11 And our enemies said,
stones out of the heaps of "They will not know or see till
rubbish, and burned ones at we come into the midst of
that?" them and kill them and stop
3 Tobi'ah the Ammonite was the work."
by him, and he said, "Yes, 12 When the Jews who lived
what they are building — if a by them came they said to us


ten times, "From all the places wall, far from one another.
where they live they will come 20 In the place where you
up against us." hear the sound of the trum-
13 So in the lowest parts of pet, rally to us there. Our God
the space behind the wall, in will fight for us."
open places, I stationed the 21 So we labored at the work,
people according to their fam- and half of them held the
ilies, with their swords, their spears from the break of dawn
spears, and their bows. till the stars came out.
14 And I looked, and arose, 22 I also said to the people at
and said to the nobles and to that time, "Let every man and
the officials and to the rest of his servant pass the night
the people, "Do not be afraid within Jerusalem, that they
of them. Remember the Lord, may be a guard for us by
who is great and terrible, and night and may labor by day."
fight for your brethren, your 23 So neither I nor my
sons, your daughters, your brethren nor my servants nor
wives, and your homes." the men of the guard who fol-
15 When our enemies heard lowed me, none of us took off
that it was known to us and our clothes; each kept his
that God had frustrated their weapon in his hand.
plan, we all returned to the CHAPTER 5
wall, each to his work. 1 Now there arose a great
16 From that day on, half of outcry of the people and of
my servants worked on con- their wives against their Jew-
struction, and half held the ish brethren.
spears, shields, bows, and 2 For there were those who
coats of mail; and the leaders said, "With our sons and our
stood behind all the house of daughters, we are many; let
Judah, us get grain, that we may eat
17 who were building on the and keep alive."
wall. Those who carried bur- 3 There were also those who
dens were laden in such a way said, "We are mortgaging our
that each with one hand la- fields, our vineyards, and our
bored on the work and with houses to get grain because
the other held his weapon. of the famine."
18 And each of the builders 4 And there were those who
had his sword girded at his said, "We have borrowed mon-
side while he built. The man ey for the king's tax upon our
who sounded the trumpet was fields and our vineyards.
beside me. 5 Now our flesh is as the
19 And I said to the nobles flesh of our brethren, our chil-
and to the officials and to the dren are as their children; yet
rest of the people, "The work we are forcing our sons and
is great and widely spread, our daughters to be slaves,
and we are separated on the and some of our daughters


have already been enslaved; them to do as they had

but it is not in our power to promised.
help it, for other men have 13 I also shook out my lap
our fields and our vineyards." and said, "So may God shake
6 I was very angry when I out every man from his house
heard their outcry and these and from his labor who does
words. not perform this promise. So
7 I took counsel with myself, may he be shaken out and
and I brought charges against emptied." And all the assem-
the nobles and the officials. I bly said "Amen" and praised
said to them, "You are exact- the LORD. And the people did
ing interest, each from his as they had promised.
brother." And I held a great 14 Moreover from the time
assembly against them, that I was appointed to be
8 and said to them, "We, as their governor in the land of
far as we are able, have Judah, from the twentieth year
bought back our Jewish to the thirty-second year of
brethren who have been sold Ar-ta-xerx'es the king, twelve
to the nations; but you even years, neither I nor my
sell your brethren that they brethren ate the food al-
may be sold to us!" They were lowance of the governor.
silent, and could not find a 15 The former governors who
word to say. were before me laid heavy
9 So I said, "The thing that burdens upon the people, and
you are doing is not good. took from them food and wine,
Ought you not to walk in the besides forty shekels of silver.
fear of our God to prevent the Even their servants lorded it
taunts of the nations our ene- over the people. But I did not
mies? do so, because of the fear of
10 Moreover I and my God.
brethren and my servants are 16 I also held to the work on
lending them money and this wall, and acquired no
grain. Let us leave off this in- land; and all my servants were
terest. gathered there for the work.
11 Return to them this very 17 Moreover there were at
day their fields, their vine- my table a hundred and fifty
yards, their olive orchards, men, Jews and officials, be-
and their houses, and the hun- sides those who came to us
dredth of money, grain, wine, from the nations which were
and oil which you have been about us.
exacting of them." 18 Now that which was pre-
12 Then they said, "We will pared for one day was one ox
restore these and require and six choice sheep; fowls
nothing from them. We will do likewise were prepared for me,
as you say." And I called the and every ten days skins of
priests, and took an oath of wine in abundance; yet with


all this I did not demand the 7 And you have also set up
food allowance of the gover- prophets to proclaim concern-
nor, because the servitude ing you in Jerusalem, `There is
was heavy upon this people. a king in Judah.' And now it
19 Remember for my good, O will be reported to the king
my God, all that I have done according to these words. So
for this people. now come, and let us take
counsel together."
CHAPTER 6 8 Then I sent to him, saying,
1 Now when it was reported "No such things as you say
to Sanbal'lat and Tobi'ah and have been done, for you are
to Geshem the Arab and to inventing them out of your
the rest of our enemies that I own mind."
had built the wall and that 9 For they all wanted to
there was no breach left in it frighten us, thinking, "Their
(although up to that time I hands will drop from the work,
had not set up the doors in and it will not be done." But
the gates), now, O God, strengthen thou
2 Sanbal'lat and Geshem sent my hands.
to me, saying, "Come and let 10 Now when I went into the
us meet together in one of the house of Shemai'ah the son of
villages in the plain of Ono." Delai'ah, son of Mehet'abel,
But they intended to do me who was shut up, he said, "Let
harm. us meet together in the house
3 And I sent messengers to of God, within the temple, and
them, saying, "I am doing a let us close the doors of the
great work and I cannot come temple; for they are coming to
down. Why should the work kill you, at night they are
stop while I leave it and come coming to kill you."
down to you?" 11 But I said, "Should such a
4 And they sent to me four man as I flee? And what man
times in this way and I an- such as I could go into the
swered them in the same temple and live? I will not go
manner. in."
5 In the same way Sanbal'lat 12 And I understood, and saw
for the fifth time sent his ser- that God had not sent him,
vant to me with an open letter but he had pronounced the
in his hand. prophecy against me because
6 In it was written, "It is re- Tobi'ah and Sanbal'lat had
ported among the nations, hired him.
and Geshem also says it, that 13 For this purpose he was
you and the Jews intend to hired, that I should be afraid
rebel; that is why you are and act in this way and sin,
building the wall; and you and so they could give me an
wish to become their king, ac- evil name, in order to taunt
cording to this report. me.


14 Remember Tobi'ah and faithful and God-fearing man

Sanbal'lat, O my God, accord- than many.
ing to these things that they 3 And I said to them, "Let not
did, and also the prophetess the gates of Jerusalem be
No-adi'ah and the rest of the opened until the sun is hot;
prophets who wanted to make and while they are still stand-
me afraid. ing guard let them shut and
15 So the wall was finished bar the doors. Appoint guards
on the twenty-fifth day of the from among the inhabitants of
month Elul, in fifty-two days. Jerusalem, each to his station
16 And when all our enemies and each opposite his own
heard of it, all the nations house."
round about us were afraid 4 The city was wide and
and fell greatly in their own large, but the people within it
esteem; for they perceived were few and no houses had
that this work had been ac- been built.
complished with the help of 5 Then God put it into my
our God. mind to assemble the nobles
17 Moreover in those days and the officials and the peo-
the nobles of Judah sent many ple to be enrolled by genealo-
letters to Tobi'ah, and To- gy. And I found the book of
bi'ah's letters came to them. the genealogy of those who
18 For many in Judah were came up at the first, and I
bound by oath to him, be- found written in it:
cause he was the son-in-law of 6 These were the people of
Shecani'ah the son of Arah: the province who came up out
and his son Jehoha'nan had of the captivity of those exiles
taken the daughter of whom Nebuchadnez'zar the
Meshul'lam the son of king of Babylon had carried
Berechi'ah as his wife. into exile; they returned to
19 Also they spoke of his Jerusalem and Judah, each to
good deeds in my presence, his town.
and reported my words to him. 7 They came with Zerub'ba-
And Tobi'ah sent letters to bel, Jeshua, Nehemi'ah,
make me afraid. Azari'ah, Raami'ah, Na-
ham'ani, Mor'decai, Bilshan,
CHAPTER 7 Mis'pereth, Bigva'i, Nehum,
1 Now when the wall had Ba'anah. The number of the
been built and I had set up men of the people of Israel:
the doors, and the gatekeep- 8 the sons of Parosh, two
ers, the singers, and the thousand a hundred and sev-
Levites had been appointed, enty-two.
2 I gave my brother Hana'ni 9 The sons of Shephati'ah,
and Hanani'ah the governor of three hundred and seventy-
the castle charge over two.
Jerusalem, for he was a more 10 The sons of Arah, six hun-


dred and fifty-two. forty-three.

11 The sons of Pa'hath- 30 The men of Ramah and
mo'ab, namely the sons of Geba, six hundred and twenty-
Jeshua and Jo'ab, two thou- one.
sand eight hundred and eigh- 31 The men of Michmas, a
teen. hundred and twenty-two.
12 The sons of Elam, a thou- 32 The men of Bethel and Ai,
sand two hundred and fifty- a hundred and twenty-three.
four. 33 The men of the other
13 The sons of Zattu, eight Nebo, fifty-two.
hundred and forty-five. 34 The sons of the other
14 The sons of Zac'cai, seven Elam, a thousand two hundred
hundred and sixty. and fifty-four.
15 The sons of Bin'nui, six 35 The sons of Harim, three
hundred and forty-eight. hundred and twenty.
16 The sons of Be'bai, six 36 The sons of Jericho, three
hundred and twenty-eight. hundred and forty-five.
17 The sons of Azgad, two 37 The sons of Lod, Hadid,
thousand three hundred and and Ono, seven hundred and
twenty-two. twenty-one.
18 The sons of Adoni'kam, six 38 The sons of Sena'ah, three
hundred and sixty-seven. thousand nine hundred and
19 The sons of Bigva'i, two thirty.
thousand and sixty-seven. 39 The priests: the sons of
20 The sons of Adin, six hun- Jedai'ah, namely the house of
dred and fifty-five. Jeshua, nine hundred and sev-
21 The sons of Ater, namely enty-three.
of Hezeki'ah, ninety-eight. 40 The sons of Immer, a
22 The sons of Hashum, three thousand and fifty-two.
hundred and twenty-eight. 41 The sons of Pashhur, a
23 The sons of Be'zai, three thousand two hundred and
hundred and twenty-four. forty-seven.
24 The sons of Hariph, a hun- 42 The sons of Harim, a thou-
dred and twelve. sand and seventeen.
25 The sons of Gibeon, nine- 43 The Levites: the sons of
ty-five. Jeshua, namely of Kad'mi-el of
26 The men of Bethlehem the sons of Ho'devah, seven-
and Neto'phah, a hundred and ty-four.
eighty-eight. 44 The singers: the sons of
27 The men of An'athoth, a Asaph, a hundred and forty-
hundred and twenty-eight. eight.
28 The men of Beth-az'- 45 The gatekeepers: the sons
maveth, forty-two. of Shallum, the sons of Ater,
29 The men of Kir'iath- the sons of Talmon, the sons
je'arim, Chephi'rah, and Be- of Akkub, the sons of Hati'ta,
er'oth, seven hundred and the sons of Sho'bai, a hundred


and thirty-eight. vants were three hundred and

46 The temple servants: the ninety-two.
sons of Ziha, the sons of Ha- 61 The following were those
su'pha, the sons of Tabba'oth, who came up from Tel-me'lah,
47 the sons of Keros, the Tel-har'sha, Cherub, Addon,
sons of Si'a, the sons of and Immer, but they could not
Padon, prove their fathers' houses
48 the sons of Leba'na, the nor their descent, whether
sons of Hag'aba, the sons of they belonged to Israel:
Shalmai, 62 the sons of Delai'ah, the
49 the sons of Hanan, the sons of Tobi'ah, the sons of
sons of Giddel, the sons of Ga- Neko'da, six hundred and
har, forty-two.
50 the sons of Re-ai'ah, the 63 Also, of the priests: the
sons of Rezin, the sons of sons of Hobai'ah, the sons of
Neko'da, Hakkoz, the sons of Barzil'lai
51 the sons of Gazzam, the (who had taken a wife of the
sons of Uzza, the sons of daughters of Barzil'lai the
Pase'ah, Gileadite and was called by
52 the sons of Besai, the their name).
sons of Me-u'nim, the sons of 64 These sought their regis-
Nephush'esim, tration among those enrolled
53 the sons of Bakbuk, the in the genealogies, but it was
sons of Haku'pha, the sons of not found there, so they were
Harhur, excluded from the priesthood
54 the sons of Bazlith, the as unclean;
sons of Mehi'da, the sons of 65 the governor told them
Harsha, that they were not to partake
55 the sons of Barkos, the of the most holy food, until a
sons of Sis'era, the sons of priest with Urim and Thum-
Temah, mim should arise.
56 the sons of Nezi'ah, the 66 The whole assembly to-
sons of Hati'pha. gether was forty-two thousand
57 The sons of Solomon's ser- three hundred and sixty,
vants: the sons of So'tai, the 67 besides their menservants
sons of So'phereth, the sons and maidservants, of whom
of Peri'da, there were seven thousand
58 the sons of Ja'ala, the three hundred and thirty-sev-
sons of Darkon, the sons of en; and they had two hundred
Giddel, and forty-five singers, male
59 the sons of Shephati'ah, and female.
the sons of Hattil, the sons of 68 Their horses were seven
Po'chereth-hazzeba'im, the hundred and thirty-six, their
sons of Amon. mules two hundred and forty-
60 All the temple servants five,
and the sons of Solomon's ser- 69 their camels four hundred


and thirty-five, and their ass- Gate from early morning until
es six thousand seven hun- midday, in the presence of the
dred and twenty. men and the women and those
70 Now some of the heads of who could understand; and
fathers' houses gave to the the ears of all the people were
work. The governor gave to attentive to the book of the
the treasury a thousand darics law.
of gold, fifty basins, five hun- 4 And Ezra the scribe stood
dred and thirty priests' gar- on a wooden pulpit which they
ments. had made for the purpose;
71 And some of the heads of and beside him stood Mat-
fathers' houses gave into the tithi'ah, Shema, Anai'ah,
treasury of the work twenty Uri'ah, Hilki'ah, and Ma-
thousand darics of gold and asei'ah on his right hand; and
two thousand two hundred mi- Pedai'ah, Mish'a-el, Malchi'jah,
nas of silver. Hashum, Hash-bad'danah,
72 And what the rest of the Zechari'ah, and Meshul'lam on
people gave was twenty thou- his left hand.
sand darics of gold, two thou- 5 And Ezra opened the book
sand minas of silver, and six- in the sight of all the people,
ty-seven priests' garments. for he was above all the peo-
73 So the priests, the ple; and when he opened it all
Levites, the gatekeepers, the the people stood.
singers, some of the people, 6 And Ezra blessed the LORD,
the temple servants, and all the great God; and all the
Israel, lived in their towns. people answered, "Amen,
And when the seventh month Amen," lifting up their hands;
had come, the children of Is- and they bowed their heads
rael were in their towns. and worshiped the LORD with
their faces to the ground.
CHAPTER 8 7 Also Jesh'ua, Bani, Shere-
1 And all the people gathered bi'ah, Jamin, Akkub, Shab'-
as one man into the square bethai, Hodi'ah, Ma-asei'ah,
before the Water Gate; and Keli'ta, Azari'ah, Jo'zabad,
they told Ezra the scribe to Hanan, Pelai'ah, the Levites,
bring the book of the law of helped the people to under-
Moses which the LORD had stand the law, while the peo-
given to Israel. ple remained in their places.
2 And Ezra the priest brought 8 And they read from the
the law before the assembly, book, from the law of God,
both men and women and all clearly; and they gave the
who could hear with under- sense, so that the people un-
standing, on the first day of derstood the reading.
the seventh month. 9 And Nehemi'ah, who was
3 And he read from it facing the governor, and Ezra the
the square before the Water priest and scribe, and the


Levites who taught the people and brought them and made
said to all the people, "This booths for themselves, each
day is holy to the LORD your on his roof, and in their courts
God; do not mourn or weep." and in the courts of the house
For all the people wept when of God, and in the square at
they heard the words of the the Water Gate and in the
law. square at the Gate of
10 Then he said to them, "Go E'phraim.
your way, eat the fat and 17 And all the assembly of
drink sweet wine and send those who had returned from
portions to him for whom the captivity made booths and
nothing is prepared; for this dwelt in the booths; for from
day is holy to our Lord; and do the days of Jeshua the son of
not be grieved, for the joy of Nun to that day the people of
the LORD is your strength." Israel had not done so. And
11 So the Levites stilled all there was very great rejoicing.
the people, saying, "Be quiet, 18 And day by day, from the
for this day is holy; do not be first day to the last day, he
grieved." read from the book of the law
12 And all the people went of God. They kept the feast
their way to eat and drink and seven days; and on the eighth
to send portions and to make day there was a solemn as-
great rejoicing, because they sembly, according to the ordi-
had understood the words that nance.
were declared to them.
13 On the second day the CHAPTER 9
heads of fathers' houses of all 1 Now on the twenty-fourth
the people, with the priests day of this month the people
and the Levites, came togeth- of Israel were assembled with
er to Ezra the scribe in order fasting and in sackcloth, and
to study the words of the law. with earth upon their heads.
14 And they found it written 2 And the Israelites separat-
in the law that the LORD had ed themselves from all for-
commanded by Moses that the eigners, and stood and con-
people of Israel should dwell fessed their sins and the iniq-
in booths during the feast of uities of their fathers.
the seventh month, 3 And they stood up in their
15 and that they should pub- place and read from the book
lish and proclaim in all their of the law of the LORD their
towns and in Jerusalem, "Go God for a fourth of the day;
out to the hills and bring for another fourth of it they
branches of olive, wild olive, made confession and wor-
myrtle, palm, and other leafy shiped the LORD their God.
trees to make booths, as it is 4 Upon the stairs of the
written." Levites stood Jeshua, Bani,
16 So the people went out Kad'mi-el, Shebani'ah, Bunni,


Sherebi'ah, Bani, and the people of his land, for

Chena'ni; and they cried with thou knewest that they acted
a loud voice to the LORD their insolently against our fathers;
God. and thou didst get thee a
5 Then the Levites, Jeshua, name, as it is to this day.
Kad'mi-el, Bani, Hashabnei'ah, 11 And thou didst divide the
Sherebi'ah, Hodi'ah, Sheban- sea before them, so that they
i'ah, and Pethahi'ah, said, went through the midst of the
"Stand up and bless the LORD sea on dry land; and thou
your God from everlasting to didst cast their pursuers into
everlasting. Blessed be thy the depths, as a stone into
glorious name which is exalt- mighty waters.
ed above all blessing and 12 By a pillar of cloud thou
praise." didst lead them in the day,
6 And Ezra said: "Thou art and by a pillar of fire in the
the LORD, thou alone; thou night to light for them the way
hast made heaven, the heav- in which they should go.
en of heavens, with all their 13 Thou didst come down
host, the earth and all that is upon Mount Sinai, and speak
on it, the seas and all that is with them from heaven and
in them; and thou preservest give them right ordinances
all of them; and the host of and true laws, good statutes
heaven worships thee. and commandments,
7 Thou art the LORD, the God 14 and thou didst make
who didst choose Abram and known to them thy holy sab-
bring him forth out of Ur of bath and command them com-
the Chalde'ans and give him mandments and statutes and
the name Abraham; a law by Moses thy servant.
8 and thou didst find his 15 Thou didst give them
heart faithful before thee, and bread from heaven for their
didst make with him the hunger and bring forth water
covenant to give to his de- for them from the rock for
scendants the land of the their thirst, and thou didst tell
Canaanite, the Hittite, the them to go in to possess the
Amorite, the Per'izzite, the Je- land which thou hadst sworn
b'usite, and the Gir'gashite; to give them.
and thou hast fulfilled thy 16 "But they and our fathers
promise, for thou art right- acted presumptuously and
eous. stiffened their neck and did
9 "And thou didst see the af- not obey thy commandments;
fliction of our fathers in Egypt 17 they refused to obey, and
and hear their cry at the Red were not mindful of the won-
Sea, ders which thou didst perform
10 and didst perform signs among them; but they stiff-
and wonders against Pharaoh ened their neck and appointed
and all his servants and all a leader to return to their


bondage in Egypt. But thou them the inhabitants of the

art a God ready to forgive, land, the Canaanites, and
gracious and merciful, slow to didst give them into their
anger and abounding in stead- hands, with their kings and
fast love, and didst not for- the peoples of the land, that
sake them. they might do with them as
18 Even when they had made they would.
for themselves a molten calf 25 And they captured forti-
and said, `This is your God fied cities and a rich land, and
who brought you up out of took possession of houses full
Egypt,' and had committed of all good things, cisterns
great blasphemies, hewn out, vineyards, olive or-
19 thou in thy great mercies chards and fruit trees in abun-
didst not forsake them in the dance; so they ate, and were
wilderness; the pillar of cloud filled and became fat, and de-
which led them in the way did lighted themselves in thy
not depart from them by day, great goodness.
nor the pillar of fire by night 26 "Nevertheless they were
which lighted for them the disobedient and rebelled
way by which they should go. against thee and cast thy law
20 Thou gavest thy good behind their back and killed
Spirit to instruct them, and thy prophets, who had warned
didst not withhold thy manna them in order to turn them
from their mouth, and gavest back to thee, and they com-
them water for their thirst. mitted great blasphemies.
21 Forty years didst thou sus- 27 Therefore thou didst give
tain them in the wilderness, them into the hand of their
and they lacked nothing; their enemies, who made them suf-
clothes did not wear out and fer; and in the time of their
their feet did not swell. suffering they cried to thee
22 And thou didst give them and thou didst hear them from
kingdoms and peoples, and heaven; and according to thy
didst allot to them every cor- great mercies thou didst give
ner; so they took possession them saviors who saved them
of the land of Sihon king of from the hand of their ene-
Heshbon and the land of Og mies.
king of Bashan. 28 But after they had rest
23 Thou didst multiply their they did evil again before
descendants as the stars of thee, and thou didst abandon
heaven, and thou didst bring them to the hand of their ene-
them into the land which thou mies, so that they had domin-
hadst told their fathers to en- ion over them; yet when they
ter and possess. turned and cried to thee thou
24 So the descendants went didst hear from heaven, and
in and possessed the land, many times thou didst deliver
and thou didst subdue before them according to thy mer-


cies. them.
29 And thou didst warn them 35 They did not serve thee in
in order to turn them back to their kingdom, and in thy
thy law. Yet they acted pre- great goodness which thou
sumptuously and did not obey gavest them, and in the large
thy commandments, but and rich land which thou didst
sinned against thy ordinances, set before them; and they did
by the observance of which a not turn from their wicked
man shall live, and turned a works.
stubborn shoulder and stiff- 36 Behold, we are slaves this
ened their neck and would not day; in the land that thou
obey. gavest to our fathers to enjoy
30 Many years thou didst its fruit and its good gifts, be-
bear with them, and didst hold, we are slaves.
warn them by thy Spirit 37 And its rich yield goes to
through thy prophets; yet they the kings whom thou hast set
would not give ear. Therefore over us because of our sins;
thou didst give them into the they have power also over our
hand of the peoples of the bodies and over our cattle at
lands. their pleasure, and we are in
31 Nevertheless in thy great great distress."
mercies thou didst not make 38 Because of all this we
an end of them or forsake make a firm covenant and
them; for thou art a gracious write it, and our princes, our
and merciful God. Levites, and our priests set
32 "Now therefore, our God, their seal to it.
the great and mighty and ter-
rible God, who keepest CHAPTER 10
covenant and steadfast love, 1 Those who set their seal
let not all the hardship seem are Nehemi'ah the governor,
little to thee that has come the son of Hacali'ah, Zedek-
upon us, upon our kings, our i'ah,
princes, our priests, our 2 Serai'ah, Azari'ah, Jeremi-
prophets, our fathers, and all ah,
thy people, since the time of 3 Pashhur, Amari'ah, Malchi'-
the kings of Assyria until this jah,
day. 4 Hattush, Shebani'ah, Mal-
33 Yet thou hast been just in luch,
all that has come upon us, for 5 Harim, Mer'emoth,
thou hast dealt faithfully and Obadi'ah,
we have acted wickedly; 6 Daniel, Gin'nethon, Baruch,
34 our kings, our princes, our 7 Meshul'lam, Abi'jah, Mi'-
priests, and our fathers have jamin,
not kept thy law or heeded thy 8 Ma-azi'ah, Bil'gai, She-
commandments and thy warn- mai'ah; these are the priests.
ings which thou didst give 9 And the Levites: Jeshua the


son of Azani'ah, Bin'nui of the Lord and his ordinances and

sons of Hen'adad, Kad'mi-el; his statutes.
10 and their brethren, She- 30 We will not give our
bani'ah, Hodi'ah, Keli'ta, daughters to the peoples of
Pelai'ah, Hanan, the land or take their daugh-
11 Mica, Rehob, Hashabi'ah, ters for our sons;
12 Zaccur, Sherebi'ah, She- 31 and if the peoples of the
bani'ah, land bring in wares or any
13 Hodi'ah, Bani, Beni'nu. grain on the sabbath day to
14 The chiefs of the people: sell, we will not buy from
Parosh, Pa'hath-mo'ab, Elam, them on the sabbath or on a
Zattu, Bani, holy day; and we will forego
15 Bunni, Azgad, Be'bai, the crops of the seventh year
16 Adoni'jah, Bigva'i, Adin, and the exaction of every
17 Ater, Hezeki'ah, Azzur, debt.
18 Hodi'ah, Hashum, Be'zai, 32 We also lay upon our-
19 Hariph, An'athoth, Ne'bai, selves the obligation to
20 Mag'piash, Meshul'lam, charge ourselves yearly with
Hezir, the third part of a shekel for
21 Meshez'abel, Zadok, Jad'- the service of the house of our
du-a, God:
22 Pelati'ah, Hanan, Anai'ah, 33 for the showbread, the
23 Hoshe'a, Hanani'ah, Has- continual cereal offering, the
shub, continual burnt offering, the
24 Hallo'hesh, Pi'lha, Shobek, sabbaths, the new moons, the
25 Rehum, Hashab'nah, Ma- appointed feasts, the holy
asei'ah, things, and the sin offerings
26 Ahi'ah, Hanan, Anan, to make atonement for Israel,
27 Malluch, Harim, Ba'anah. and for all the work of the
28 The rest of the people, the house of our God.
priests, the Levites, the gate- 34 We have likewise cast
keepers, the singers, the tem- lots, the priests, the Levites,
ple servants, and all who have and the people, for the wood
separated themselves from offering, to bring it into the
the peoples of the lands to the house of our God, according
law of God, their wives, their to our fathers' houses, at
sons, their daughters, all who times appointed, year by year,
have knowledge and under- to burn upon the altar of the
standing, LORD our God, as it is written
29 join with their brethren, in the law.
their nobles, and enter into a 35 We obligate ourselves to
curse and an oath to walk in bring the first fruits of our
God's law which was given by ground and the first fruits of
Moses the servant of God, and all fruit of every tree, year by
to observe and do all the com- year, to the house of the
mandments of the LORD our LORD;


36 also to bring to the house the men who willingly offered

of our God, to the priests who to live in Jerusalem.
minister in the house of our 3 These are the chiefs of the
God, the first-born of our sons province who lived in
and of our cattle, as it is writ- Jerusalem; but in the towns of
ten in the law, and the Judah every one lived on his
firstlings of our herds and of property in their towns: Israel,
our flocks; the priests, the Levites, the
37 and to bring the first of temple servants, and the de-
our coarse meal, and our con- scendants of Solomon's ser-
tributions, the fruit of every vants.
tree, the wine and the oil, to 4 And in Jerusalem lived cer-
the priests, to the chambers tain of the sons of Judah and
of the house of our God; and of the sons of Benjamin. Of
to bring to the Levites the the sons of Judah: Athai'ah the
tithes from our ground, for it son of Uzzi'ah, son of Zechar-
is the Levites who collect the i'ah, son of Amari'ah, son of
tithes in all our rural towns. Shephati'ah, son of Mahal'alel,
38 And the priest, the son of of the sons of Perez;
Aaron, shall be with the 5 and Ma-asei'ah the son of
Levites when the Levites re- Baruch, son of Col-ho'zeh, son
ceive the tithes; and the of Hazai'ah, son of Adai'ah,
Levites shall bring up the tithe son of Joi'arib, son of Zechar-
of the tithes to the house of i'ah, son of the Shi'lonite.
our God, to the chambers, to 6 All the sons of Perez who
the storehouse. lived in Jerusalem were four
39 For the people of Israel hundred and sixty-eight
and the sons of Levi shall valiant men.
bring the contribution of 7 And these are the sons of
grain, wine, and oil to the Benjamin: Sallu the son of
chambers, where are the ves- Meshul'lam, son of Jo'ed, son
sels of the sanctuary, and the of Pedai'ah, son of Kolai'ah,
priests that minister, and the son of Ma-asei'ah, son of I'thi-
gatekeepers and the singers. el, son of Jeshai'ah.
We will not neglect the house 8 And after him Gabba'i, Sal-
of our God. la'i, nine hundred and twenty-
CHAPTER 11 9 Jo'el the son of Zichri was
1 Now the leaders of the peo- their overseer; and Judah the
ple lived in Jerusalem; and the son of Hassen'u-ah was sec-
rest of the people cast lots to ond over the city.
bring one out of ten to live in 10 Of the priests: Jedai'ah
Jerusalem the holy city, while the son of Joi'arib, Jachin,
nine tenths remained in the 11 Serai'ah the son of Hilk-
other towns. i'ah, son of Meshul'lam, son of
2 And the people blessed all Zadok, son of Merai'oth, son


of Ahi'tub, ruler of the house 20 And the rest of Israel, and

of God, of the priests and the Levites,
12 and their brethren who did were in all the towns of Judah,
the work of the house, eight every one in his inheritance.
hundred and twenty-two; and 21 But the temple servants
Adai'ah the son of Jero'ham, lived on Ophel; and Ziha and
son of Pelali'ah, son of Amzi, Gishpa were over the temple
son of Zechari'ah, son of Pash- servants.
hur, son of Malchi'jah, 22 The overseer of the
13 and his brethren, heads of Levites in Jerusalem was Uzzi
fathers' houses, two hundred the son of Bani, son of
and forty-two; and Amash'sai, Hashabi'ah, son of Mattani'ah,
the son of Az'arel, son of son of Mica, of the sons of As-
Ah'zai, son of Meshil'lemoth, aph, the singers, over the
son of Immer, work of the house of God.
14 and their brethren, mighty 23 For there was a command
men of valor, a hundred and from the king concerning
twenty-eight; their overseer them, and a settled provision
was Zab'diel the son of for the singers, as every day
Haggedo'lim. required.
15 And of the Levites: She- 24 And Pethahi'ah the son of
mai'ah the son of Hasshub, Meshez'abel, of the sons of
son of Azri'kam, son of Zerah the son of Judah, was at
Hashabi'ah, son of Bunni; the king's hand in all matters
16 and Shab'bethai and Jo'z- concerning the people.
abad, of the chiefs of the 25 And as for the villages,
Levites, who were over the with their fields, some of the
outside work of the house of people of Judah lived in
God; Kir'iath-ar'ba and its villages,
17 and Mattani'ah the son of and in Dibon and its villages,
Mica, son of Zabdi, son of As- and in Jekab'zeel and its vil-
aph, who was the leader to lages,
begin the thanksgiving in 26 and in Jeshua and in Mo-
prayer, and Bakbuki'ah, the la'dah and Beth-pelet,
second among his brethren; 27 in Ha'zar-shu'al, in Beer-
and Abda the son of Sham'- sheba and its villages,
mua, son of Galal, son of Je- 28 in Ziklag, in Meco'nah and
du'thun. its villages,
18 All the Levites in the holy 29 in En-rim'mon, in Zorah,
city were two hundred and in Jarmuth,
eighty-four. 30 Zano'ah, Adullam, and
19 The gatekeepers, Akkub, their villages, Lachish and its
Talmon and their brethren, fields, and Aze'kah and its vil-
who kept watch at the gates, lages. So they encamped from
were a hundred and seventy- Beer-sheba to the valley of
two. Hinnom.


31 The people of Benjamin ther of Jad'du-a.

also lived from Geba onward, 12 And in the days of Joi'akim
at Michmash, Ai'ja, Bethel and were priests, heads of fathers'
its villages, houses: of Serai'ah, Merai'ah;
32 An'athoth, Nob, Anani'ah, of Jeremiah, Hanani'ah;
33 Hazor, Ramah, Git'taim, 13 of Ezra, Meshul'lam; of
34 Hadid, Zebo'im, Nebal'lat, Amari'ah, Jehoha'nan;
35 Lod, and Ono, the valley 14 of Mal'luchi, Jonathan; of
of craftsmen. Shebani'ah, Joseph;
36 And certain divisions of 15 of Harim, Adna; of
the Levites in Judah were Merai'oth, Hel'kai;
joined to Benjamin. 16 of Iddo, Zechari'ah; of
Gin'nethon, Meshul'lam;
CHAPTER 12 17 of Abi'jah, Zichri; of
1 These are the priests and Mini'amin, of Moadi'ah, Pil'tai;
the Levites who came up with 18 of Bilgah, Sham'mu-a; of
Zerub'babel the son of She- Shemai'ah, Jehon'athan;
al'ti-el, and Jeshua: Serai'ah, 19 of Joi'arib, Matte'nai; of
Jeremiah, Ezra, Jedai'ah, Uzzi;
2 Amari'ah, Malluch, Hattush, 20 of Sal'lai, Kal'lai; of Amok,
3 Shecani'ah, Rehum, Mer'e- Eber;
moth, 21 of Hilki'ah, Hashabi'ah; of
4 Iddo, Gin'nethoi, Abi'jah, Jedai'ah, Nethan'el.
5 Mi'jamin, Ma-adi'ah, Bilgah, 22 As for the Levites, in the
6 Shemai'ah, Joi'arib, days of Eli'ashib, Joi'ada, Jo-
Jedai'ah, ha'nan, and Jad'du-a, there
7 Sallu, Amok, Hilki'ah, were recorded the heads of fa-
Jedai'ah. These were the thers' houses; also the priests
chiefs of the priests and of until the reign of Darius the
their brethren in the days of Persian.
Jeshua. 23 The sons of Levi, heads of
8 And the Levites: Jeshua, fathers' houses, were written
Bin'nui, Kad'mi-el, Sherebi'ah, in the Book of the Chronicles
Judah, and Mattani'ah, who until the days of Joha'nan the
with his brethren was in son of Eli'ashib.
charge of the songs of thanks- 24 And the chiefs of the
giving. Levites: Hashabi'ah, Shere-
9 And Bakbuki'ah and Unno bi'ah, and Jeshua the son of
their brethren stood opposite Kad'mi-el, with their brethren
them in the service. over against them, to praise
10 And Jeshua was the father and to give thanks, according
of Joi'akim, Joi'akim the father to the commandment of David
of Eli'ashib, Eli'ashib the fa- the man of God, watch corre-
ther of Joi'ada, sponding to watch.
11 Joi'ada the father of 25 Mattani'ah, Bakbuki'ah,
Jonathan, and Jonathan the fa- Obadi'ah, Meshul'lam, Talmon,


and Akkub were gatekeepers sons with trumpets: Zechar-

standing guard at the store- i'ah the son of Jonathan, son
houses of the gates. of Shemai'ah, son of Mat-
26 These were in the days of tani'ah, son of Micai'ah, son of
Joi'akim the son of Jeshua son Zaccur, son of Asaph;
of Jo'zadak, and in the days of 36 and his kinsmen, She-
Nehemi'ah the governor and mai'ah, Az'arel, Mil'alai,
of Ezra the priest the scribe. Gil'alai, Ma'ai, Nethan'el, Ju-
27 And at the dedication of dah, and Hana'ni, with the
the wall of Jerusalem they musical instruments of David
sought the Levites in all their the man of God; and Ezra the
places, to bring them to scribe went before them.
Jerusalem to celebrate the 37 At the Fountain Gate they
dedication with gladness, with went up straight before them
thanksgivings and with by the stairs of the city of
singing, with cymbals, harps, David, at the ascent of the
and lyres. wall, above the house of
28 And the sons of the David, to the Water Gate on
singers gathered together the east.
from the circuit round 38 The other company of
Jerusalem and from the vil- those who gave thanks went
lages of the Netoph'athites; to the left, and I followed
29 also from Beth-gilgal and them with half of the people,
from the region of Geba and upon the wall, above the Tow-
Az'maveth; for the singers had er of the Ovens, to the Broad
built for themselves villages Wall,
around Jerusalem. 39 and above the Gate of
30 And the priests and the E'phraim, and by the Old
Levites purified themselves; Gate, and by the Fish Gate
and they purified the people and the Tower of Hanan'el and
and the gates and the wall. the Tower of the Hundred, to
31 Then I brought up the the Sheep Gate; and they
princes of Judah upon the came to a halt at the Gate of
wall, and appointed two great the Guard.
companies which gave thanks 40 So both companies of
and went in procession. One those who gave thanks stood
went to the right upon the in the house of God, and I and
wall to the Dung Gate; half of the officials with me;
32 and after them went 41 and the priests Eli'akim,
Hoshai'ah and half of the Ma-asei'ah, Mini'amin, Mi-
princes of Judah, cai'ah, Eli-o-e'nai, Zechari'ah,
33 and Azari'ah, Ezra, and Hanani'ah, with trumpets;
Meshul'lam, 42 and Ma-asei'ah, She-
34 Judah, Benjamin, She- mai'ah, Elea'zar, Uzzi, Jeho-
mai'ah, and Jeremiah, ha'nan, Malchi'jah, Elam, and
35 and certain of the priests' Ezer. And the singers sang


with Jezrahi'ah as their leader. monite or Moabite should ever

43 And they offered great enter the assembly of God;
sacrifices that day and re- 2 for they did not meet the
joiced, for God had made children of Israel with bread
them rejoice with great joy; and water, but hired Balaam
the women and children also against them to curse them —
rejoiced. And the joy of yet our God turned the curse
Jerusalem was heard afar off. into a blessing.
44 On that day men were ap- 3 When the people heard the
pointed over the chambers for law, they separated from Is-
the stores, the contributions, rael all those of foreign de-
the first fruits, and the tithes, scent.
to gather into them the por- 4 Now before this, Eli'ashib
tions required by the law for the priest, who was appointed
the priests and for the Levites over the chambers of the
according to the fields of the house of our God, and who
towns; for Judah rejoiced over was connected with Tobi'ah,
the priests and the Levites 5 prepared for Tobi'ah a large
who ministered. chamber where they had pre-
45 And they performed the viously put the cereal offer-
service of their God and the ing, the frankincense, the ves-
service of purification, as did sels, and the tithes of grain,
the singers and the gatekeep- wine, and oil, which were giv-
ers, according to the com- en by commandment to the
mand of David and his son Levites, singers, and gate-
Solomon. keepers, and the contributions
46 For in the days of David for the priests.
and Asaph of old there was a 6 While this was taking place
chief of the singers, and there I was not in Jerusalem, for in
were songs of praise and the thirty-second year of Ar-
thanksgiving to God. ta-xerx'es king of Babylon I
47 And all Israel in the days went to the king. And after
of Zerub'babel and in the days some time I asked leave of the
of Nehemi'ah gave the daily king
portions for the singers and 7 and came to Jerusalem, and
the gatekeepers; and they set I then discovered the evil that
apart that which was for the Eli'ashib had done for Tobi'ah,
Levites; and the Levites set preparing for him a chamber
apart that which was for the in the courts of the house of
sons of Aaron. God.
8 And I was very angry, and I
CHAPTER 13 threw all the household furni-
1 On that day they read from ture of Tobi'ah out of the
the book of Moses in the hear- chamber.
ing of the people; and in it 9 Then I gave orders and they
was found written that no Am- cleansed the chambers; and I


brought back thither the ves- fish and all kinds of wares and
sels of the house of God, with sold them on the sabbath to
the cereal offering and the the people of Judah, and in
frankincense. Jerusalem.
10 I also found out that the 17 Then I remonstrated with
portions of the Levites had not the nobles of Judah and said
been given to them; so that to them, "What is this evil
the Levites and the singers, thing which you are doing,
who did the work, had fled profaning the sabbath day?
each to his field. 18 Did not your fathers act in
11 So I remonstrated with the this way, and did not our God
officials and said, "Why is the bring all this evil on us and on
house of God forsaken?" And I this city? Yet you bring more
gathered them together and wrath upon Israel by profaning
set them in their stations. the sabbath."
12 Then all Judah brought the 19 When it began to be dark
tithe of the grain, wine, and at the gates of Jerusalem be-
oil into the storehouses. fore the sabbath, I command-
13 And I appointed as trea- ed that the doors should be
surers over the storehouses shut and gave orders that
Shelemi'ah the priest, Zadok they should not be opened un-
the scribe, and Pedai'ah of the til after the sabbath. And I set
Levites, and as their assistant some of my servants over the
Hanan the son of Zaccur, son gates, that no burden might
of Mattani'ah, for they were be brought in on the sabbath
counted faithful; and their day.
duty was to distribute to their 20 Then the merchants and
brethren. sellers of all kinds of wares
14 Remember me, O my God, lodged outside Jerusalem once
concerning this, and wipe not or twice.
out my good deeds that I have 21 But I warned them and
done for the house of my God said to them, "Why do you
and for his service. lodge before the wall? If you
15 In those days I saw in Ju- do so again I will lay hands on
dah men treading wine press- you." From that time on they
es on the sabbath, and bring- did not come on the sabbath.
ing in heaps of grain and load- 22 And I commanded the
ing them on asses; and also Levites that they should purify
wine, grapes, figs, and all themselves and come and
kinds of burdens, which they guard the gates, to keep the
brought into Jerusalem on the sabbath day holy. Remember
sabbath day; and I warned this also in my favor, O my
them on the day when they God, and spare me according
sold food. to the greatness of thy stead-
16 Men of Tyre also, who fast love.
lived in the city, brought in 23 In those days also I saw


the Jews who had married priests and Levites, each in

women of Ashdod, Ammon, his work;
and Moab; 31 and I provided for the
24 and half of their children wood offering, at appointed
spoke the language of Ashdod, times, and for the first fruits.
and they could not speak the Remember me, O my God, for
language of Judah, but the good.
language of each people.
25 And I contended with
them and cursed them and
beat some of them and pulled
out their hair; and I made
them take oath in the name of
God, saying, "You shall not
give your daughters to their
sons, or take their daughters
for your sons or for your-
26 Did not Solomon king of
Israel sin on account of such
women? Among the many na-
tions there was no king like
him, and he was beloved by
his God, and God made him
king over all Israel; neverthe-
less foreign women made
even him to sin.
27 Shall we then listen to you
and do all this great evil and
act treacherously against our
God by marrying foreign wom-
28 And one of the sons of Je-
hoi'ada, the son of Eli'ashib
the high priest, was the son-
in-law of Sanbal'lat the
Hor'onite; therefore I chased
him from me.
29 Remember them, O my
God, because they have de-
filed the priesthood and the
covenant of the priesthood
and the Levites.
30 Thus I cleansed them from
everything foreign, and I es-
tablished the duties of the


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