Paige Dickson: Visual Media Portfolio

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Paige Dickson

Visual Media Portfolio

Paige Dickson
703.623.6266 565 Pioneer Rd Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents
Montage Flier Event Ad Basic Imaging Logos Business Card Letterhead Web Page

October 23, 2013 Description: Two images gradually blended together to create a montage. Process: I found two images online for this project. I created a new 8.511 document in Photoshop and placed the background photo first. Next I placed the second photo in the document and added a mask to that layer. Next I adjusted the opacity of the second image to blend the two together using the brush tool. Last I added some type and a diffused glow layer. Objective: Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography. Choosing good quality images. Apply typography principles. Unifying a piece with a consistent theme. Programs/Tools Used: Internet browser, Photoshop Top 3 Things I Learned: 1. How to use a mask in Photohsop 2. How to use the brush tool 3. The uses of black and white foregrounds to mask or reveal different layers. Font #1: Zapfino, decorative Font #2: Bangla MN, Oldstyle Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5 Julie Peterson

October 5, 2013 Top 3 Things Learned: 1. Centering is BAD! Before this class I never realized how unprofessional centering looked. The sad part is that I used to center just about everything because I didnt know very much about alignment. Now that I know a little bit more I have started to notice a lot of publications around campus or the community and the way they were designed. 2. Contrasting Fonts. Who knew that there were all these rules about which fonts are acceptable to put together?! I sure didnt but WOW it totally makes sense. I am glad that I have learned this concept and I hope that I will become even better and more creative with font combinations. 3. Hey Flo! Get it? Flow? Dumb and Dumber reference for those of you without a sense of humor. I came to campus to get some help on this project and the lab assistant told me that his eyes were falling off the page. WHAT?! How can your eyes fall off the page? Well turns out they really can. After playing around with some different ideas we came up with the corner element that highlights the logo and it draws the eye back up to the top of the page. Well would you look at that?! How cool! Objective: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact. Programs used: InDesign Title Font & Category: Poster/Modern Body Font & Category: Avenir/Sans Serif Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5 Julie Peterson

Event Ad
October 12, 2013 Description: This weeks project was creating an event ad. I had fun creating this but thats not to say there werent frustrations! I love Christmas time so much because there are so many opportunities to serve and be an example of Christs love. My event is a three week long effort to collect Christmas presents for children in need in our community. Process: I loved this picture I found in a Better Homes and Garden magazine but I struggled with how I was going to place text on it without it being too difficult to read. I played around with lots of layers! I have the scanned image on here twice. On the first one I just made it blurry and then for the one on top of that I removed the background so that it was just the tree and presents and then made the contrast stronger so it would be bright. With the text boxes I had to put shapes behind them and mess with the color and transparency and layer those as well. So many layers here! Overall I am impressed with myself! I am more than aware this isnt perfect but for a beginner it looks kind of cool! Objective: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word. Top 3 Things Learned: 1. Background removal. Such a cool option! I think I am going to have a lot of fun playing with this in the future. 2. Layering. So useful. I never knew how to use it before and now I do! 3. Fill color. I learned that when selecting a fill color I can select the magnifying glass and then click an area to copy the color. So cool! Programs/Tools Used: Epson scanner and Microsoft Word Publishing Layout Font #1: Oh {Photo} Shoot! Decorative Font #2: Avenir Medium. Sans Serif. Scanned images used: Image from Better Homes and Garden. Original size 8.5 x 11. Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5 Julie Peterson

The Rexburg Chamber of Commerce has set up three Christmas trees at different locations around town. Please bring wrapped presents for children 3-18 to place under a tree. Include age and gender gift is intended for on tag. All presents will be given to the Family Crisis Center and given to families in our community in need.

Locations: Walmart Broulims Spring Hill Suites December 1-18

Basic Imaging
October 19, 2013 Description: Took photos with a Nixon camera practicing different focusing techniques and then edited a picture in Photoshop. Process: I opened a picture I took in Photoshop and cropped it to 6x6. I selected the background and desaturated the color. I then applied the Posterized filter to the picture. Objective: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. 6x6 resolution 150. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image. Document needs to be 8.511 150 resolution. Margins: top 2, sides 1.25 and bottom 3 Top 3 Things Learned: 1. How to use some of the basic functions of Photoshop. 2. How to colorize an image. 3. How to focus a camera. Programs/Tools used: Nixon and Photoshop 66 Cropped/Edited Image Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5 Julie Peterson

November 2, 2013 Description: three logos designed for a hair stylist. Process: these logos were a challenge to create! I used Adobe Illustrator and mostly used the pen and shape tools. For the comb I traced a picture of a comb and that was a challenge but I was happy with the result. Objective: Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image (at least 3 new logos). Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. Use only the tools of Illustrator. (No photos on logo page) Setting up a professional display for the company. Arrange three logos on an 8.5 x 11 vertical page / .5 margins and add the company name in simple type at the top of page. Getting feedback from outside sources. Ask ten people to select their favorite logo. List the results, along with your favorite, in your blog post. Top 3 Things Learned: 1. How to use Adobe Illustrator 2. How to use the pen tool 3. How to use the shapes tool Programs/Tools used: Adobe Illustrator Top Logo-Font Name/Category: Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold/Sans Serif Middle Logo -Font #1 Name/Category: Oriya MN/Sans Seriff Middle Logo-Font #2 Name/Category: Apple Chancery/Script Bottom Logo-Font Name/Category: Oriya MN/Sans Serif Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5 Julie Peterson

Business Card
November 9, 2013 Process: I designed a business card for a DJ company that my husband is looking at starting. The logo I designed is supposed to look like speakers. I created the logo in Adobe InDesign using the circle tool. It was pretty simple but sometimes I think that simple is more effective. How the Logo Represents the Company: The logo is supposed to look like speakers and since this business revolves around sound and music they represent the main focus. Objective: Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. (Dont use photos or live trace in your new logo) Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. (Photos are okay on stationery.) Letterhead: 8.5 x 11 (full-bleed optional, but trim only .125) Business card: 3.5 x 2 (print above center on a vertical page) Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone #; No parentheses/ hyphens. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator Top 3 Things Learned: 1. How to use the shapes tool 2. How to package documents 3. How to design stationary Fonts: Business Card Front: Steiner/Sans Serif Business Card Back: (name) Andale Mono/Serif (body) Myriad Pro/Sans Serif Visual Media COMM 130 Section 5

November 9, 2013 Process: I designed stationery for a DJ company that my husband is looking at starting. The logo I designed is supposed to look like speakers. I created the logo in Adobe InDesign using the circle tool. It was pretty simple but sometimes I think that simple is more effective. How the Logo Represents the Company: The logo is supposed to look like speakers and since this business revolves around sound and music they represent the main focus. Objective: Objective: Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. (Dont use photos or live trace in your new logo) Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. (Photos are okay on stationery.) Letterhead: 8.5 x 11 (full-bleed optional, but trim only .125) Business card: 3.5 x 2 (print above center on a vertical page) Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone #; No parentheses/ hyphens. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator Top 3 Things Learned: 1. How to use the shapes tool 2. How to package documents 3. How to design stationary

Web Page
November 23, 2013 Description: HTML and CSS principles applied to create a webpage. Process: Edited CSS and HTML to create style and text. Applied logo created for other project. Objective: Size (300 500 pixels ) and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. (Design a new logo, or use one from the Logo/Stationery project, to feature on a web page.) Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. (Write a minimum of 200 words to describe the process of creating your logo, including rationale for color choices, appeal to target audience, design skills, and other pertinent information.) Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. (Use TextWrangler (Macintosh) or NotePad++ (Windows)) Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. (Must include all required tags (Doctype (provided), html, head, title, meta charset (provided), & body. As well as tag that links to external style sheet. With in the body include h1, h2, p, ol or ul (with li tags), img, hr, and a (link to blog) tags.) Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. (Customize the Cascading Style Sheet (css) provided in I-Learn to add page formatting that complements the logo design, by changing at least the following: The h1 text color & background color, font colors for the paragraphs & list items, the background color, Font Families and add at least one css comment. Identify hex colors for web design. (Find and use hex colors to match your logo) Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file. Open your HTML page in a web browser, take a screen shot, and place the .png on a 8.5 x 11 page and print in color. Keep . 5 inch margins on top and sides, with bottom margin at least .5 inch. Make sure your print is setup on a portrait style page. Make sure it is a quality print with ledgible text. See the sample projects on this page as examples (contains 3 files: .css file; linked logo .png; .html file of web page.)

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