Community Lesson Grade 1

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What Does it Mean to be a Member of a Community?

(Grade 1)
Purpose: This lesson introduces the definition of community, and challenges students to explore the characteristics of their own community and the importance of giving to the community. Focus Question(s): What does it mean to be a member of a community? Time: one 45 minute class. Objectives: The learner will:

define community and neighborhood. respond to an example of a community in literature. recognize that communities form when people work together for a common purpose. list places that help or give service in the community.


A pail of water onstruction paper and scissors Humphrey the Lost Whale: A True Story! by Wendy "okuda (see Bibliographical References below)

Teacher Preparation: A migrating humpback whale mistakenly entered the #an $rancisco %ay in &'(5. "he whale swam sixty)four miles up a freshwater river before being led back to the sea by a group of concerned citizens. Instructional Procedure(s): Anticipatory Set: Show the pail of water to the class As! stu"ents what coul" fit in the pail As! the stu"ents if a fish coul" fit in the pail #f so$ how big a fish coul" this pail hol"% What happens when you put a big fish in this

little pail% (#t will "ie because there is not enough room or water for the fish to sur&i&e ) *ntroduce the story entitled+ Humphrey the Lost Whale: A True Story! by Wendy "okuda. "ell the students to imagine that the pail is a freshwater river. "ell them a synopsis of the story+ *n this true story! a whale named ,umphrey swam into the #an $rancisco %ay of the -acific .cean! and then swam into a freshwater river. "he whale could not survive in the confined freshwater! nor could it turn around in the river to get back to the ocean. A community of people came together to help get the whale back into the -acific .cean. Write the words neighborhood and community on the chalkboard. /et the students define the terms in their own words. 0ake sure they include that a neighborhoo" is a place where people li&e$ wor! an" play and a community is a place that has many "ifferent neighborhoo"s. 1ead the story aloud to the children. After the story! talk about how the people came together for a common purpose. "hey formed a community of people who cared about helping this whale2people from the neighborhoods! scientists and whale watchers! people with many different talents. "hey worked together and grew to care for each other! too. 1edefine a community as+ a group of people who come together for a common purpose. They "o not nee" to li&e near each other. hallenge the students to think of other communities of people who work together for a common purpose 3families$ classes$ faith organi'ations$ sports teams$ hunger(awareness groups$ en&ironmental organi'ations$ animal(rights groups$ etc 4. "ell the students that a person can be a member of many different communities at the same time. Ask them to name the communities to which they belong.

onclude that people often help each other in a community or work together for the common good of the community. hallenge students to think of ways they could help their community 3class$ school$ neighborhoo"4 in preparation for the service pro5ect. /ist these on a chart. Options !ross !urriculum "#tensions: 6ach student traces one hand onto construction paper using a pencil. .n each finger of the traced hand! the students write or draw a way they can help a community to which they belong. #ome examples include playing with a lonely classmate on the playground! cleaning up the classroom! volunteering to help in the school lunchroom! cleaning up trash in their neighborhood! reading to a younger sibling! etc. "hey may refer to the ideas already listed on the chart. ,ave students use scissors to cut out their construction paper hand. ,ave students share their finished products. ,ang the hands up on the bulletin board in a circle 3with fingers pointing out4. Write 7!ommunity8 in the center of the circle.

$e%lection: (access site to view additional documents) 1eflection plays a very important role in promoting student learning. "he following suggested activities are ways to help students reflect on their learning after they have participated in a service event. hoose one or more of the activities most appropriate to the service event and your students. &ibliographical $e%erences: The Animal Rescue Site+ lick daily to help animals http+99www.theanimalrescuesite.com9cgi) bin9Web.b5ects9 ":#ites.woa9 ;(49wa9goto#ite?dest#ite<Animal1escue#ite=origin< thstab=wosid<x;(>>>?@4>>s5A>>o4= revision ode<.BC",#CA1#C"abD Bovember ;4! ;>>A )efen"ers of Wil"life Adoption -age+ Ehttp+99www.defenders.org9adopt9D Bovember ;4! ;>>A "okuda! Wendy. Humphrey the Lost Whale: A True Story. #cott $oresman! &'';. *#%B+ >('A4FA4F'

#ource+ http+99learningtogive.org9lessons9unit;F&9lesson&.html /esson developed by -amela 0c*ntoshG :etroit -ublic #chools! Woodward 6lementary #chool

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