40Gbps Soluton Eliminates The Dilemma

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Optisphere 40-Gbps Solution Eliminates The Dilemma

Introduction and Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction 40-Gbps Solution Drives Down Transport Costs Transporting 40-Gbps Client Signals Overcoming the Barriers to 40-Gbps Transport orward !rror-Correction ast" Simple 40-Gbps #etwor$ Design The %lug-and-%la& 'oute to (dditional Capacit& The Complete )ulti-*aul Solution

(s both corporate and residential customers adopt more and more Internet-based applications" the& naturall& are as$ing their service providers to deliver more and more bandwidth-intensive services+ I, service providers are to protect their margins" mar$et share and long-term pro,itabilit&" the& obviousl& must ensure the& have su,,icient networ$ capacit& to $eep pace with the growing demand+ (t the same time" however" competitive pressures are ,orcing them to see$ out more cost-e,,ective wa&s to continue delivering that additional capacit&+ -hen it comes to increasing networ$ capacit&" service providers basicall& have two choices. either the& can build bigger networ$s" or the& can loo$ ,or wa&s to s/uee0e more capacit& ,rom their e1isting ,iber in,rastructures+ The ,irst option involves parallel overbuilds o, the transport networ$+ or e1ample" as service providers e1haust the capacit& o, their e1isting D-D) plat,orms" the non-scalable architecture o, man& such s&stems ,orces them to invest in a second plat,orm+ To obtain twice the capacit& o, the current plat,orm" service providers have to invest in twice the ,iber and associated e/uipment" a deplo&ment scenario that a,,ects multiple networ$ sites and signi,icantl& slows down operations+ To ma$e matters worse" this scenario re/uires service providers not onl& to invest in additional ,iber and e/uipment but also to spend mone& and time in moving tra,,ic onto the parallel s&stems+ Because capacit& demand--both current and ,orecasted--varies signi,icantl& ,rom one route to another" it is e1tremel& di,,icult to build a solid business case ,or what ma& prove to be an investment in too much capacit&+ Too" given the capital constraints o, the current econom&" the parallel overbuild is 2ust not a realistic strateg& ,or most service providers+

( pre,erable approach is to minimi0e the re/uired investment in capacit& b& deplo&ing technologies that ma$e more e,,icient use o, the e1isting ,iber networ$" on a route-b&-route basis" In other words" service providers want con,igurable optical-networ$ing solutions that can s/uee0e the ma1imum capacit& ,rom installed ,iber when and where tra,,ic volumes actuall& re/uire it and without the e1pensive disruption caused b& ,or$li,t upgrades across the networ$+ The ideal solution is a single D-D) plat,orm that can scale to a higher bit rate per wavelength" as well as a higher wavelength count+ B& supporting" on an as-needed basis" higher-bit-rate channels" such a solution e,,ectivel& reduces the per-bit cost o, transport" ma1imi0es return on in,rastructure investment" eliminates a lot o, management headaches and doesn3t disrupt da&-to-da& operations+

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