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The Impact of Boreal Forest Fire on Climate Warming Author(s): J. T. Randerson, H. Liu, M. G. Flanner, S. D. Chambers, Y. Jin, P. G. Hess, G.

Pfister, M. C. Mack, K. K. Treseder, L. R. Welp, F. S. Chapin, J. W. Harden, M. L. Goulden, E. Lyons, J. C. Neff, E. A. G. Schuur and C. S. Zender Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 314, No. 5802 (Nov. 17, 2006), pp. 1130-1132 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: . Accessed: 21/09/2013 17:45
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duringwhich species composition and ecosystem structurereturnedto a prefiremature successional state as defined by an adjacent unburned control stand. The Donnelly Flats crown fireoccurred during 11 Alaska (63?S5'N; to 18 June 1999 in interior J. T. Randerson,7* H. Liu,2M. G. Flanner,' S. D. Chambers,3 Y. ]in,' P. G. Hess,4 -7600 ha (14). The fire and bumed 145044W) W. R. F. S. Harden,8 K. K. L. Welp,6 Chapin,7 G. Pfister,4 M. C. Mack,5 Treseder,' j. was intense (e.g., figs. SI and S2), causing stand M. L.Goulden,' E. Lyons,' J. C. Neff9 E. A. G. Schuur,s C. S. Zenderl mortality of the black sprucewithin the replacing bum perimeter and consuming much of the soil We reportmeasurements and analysis of a boreal forest fire, integrating the effects of greenhouse organic matter above the mineral horizon (15). gases, aerosols, black carbon deposition on snow and sea ice, and postfire changes in surface albedo. The net effect of all agents was to increase radiative forcing during the first year (34 ? 31 Aboveground fuel consumption from overstory and understory vegetation was estimated with a Watts per square meter of burned area), but to decrease radiative forcing when averaged over an 80-year fire cycle (-2.3 ? 2.2 Watts per square meter) because multidecadal increases in surface combinationof harvesting, allometry,and invento rymethods. Postfire soil respiration losses during albedo had a larger impact than fire-emitted greenhouse gases. This result implies that future the first year after fire were estimated with a increases in boreal fire may not accelerate climate warming. combination of chambermeasurements and eddy pyrano covariance measurements.Precision spectral A Understanding thenet effect of theseprocesses rctic and boreal regions are warming rapidly,with multiple consequences for (and their temporaland spatial scales) is important meters (Eppley Laboratory, Inc., Newport, RI) in managing northern forests to mitigate the measured incoming and outgoing shortwave northem ecosystems and global climate radiation above the canopy (and thus surface (1). In boreal ecosystems, future increases in air climate impactsof fossil fuel emissions. Although may lengthen the fire season and changes in boreal forest albedo can have a albedo) during July and August of 1999 within temperature theburnperimeter(7) and then mostly continuously increase the probability of fires, leading some to considerable cooling effect on Northem Hemi from October 1999 through September 2004 at sphere climate (10, 11), these changes areoffset by hypothesize a positive feedbackbetweenwarming, fire activity, carbon loss, and futureclimate change accompanying changes in carbon accumulation both theburn and control. We converted field measurements of carbon (12), so the net effect of land cover change on (2, 3). Although CO2 and other greenhouse gases loss during the fire toCH4 and CO2 fluxes using climatemay be close to neutral at a global scale emitted by fire contribute to climate warming, understanding the net effect of a changing fire when both surfaceenergy balance andCO2 fluxes emission factors (16). Radiative forcing from these regime on climate is challenging because of the are considered (13). Here we applied the concept greenhouse gases was estimated with equations model (17). multiple ways by which fires influenceatmospher of radiative forcing (12) to assess quantitatively derived from a global radiativetransfer In our figures and table,we reportglobal annual the net effect of a boreal forest fire on climate, on ic composition and the land surface.Emissions of the basis of carbon and surface energy budget mean radiative forcing (inW) per m2 of burned aerosols, for example, can lead to eitherwarming area,with radiative forcing defined following the or cooling at a regional scale, depending on factors measurements thatwe made in a fire chronose Panel on Climate Change Third such as aerosol composition and the underlying quence of black spruce (Piceamariana) in interior Intergovemmental albedo of both theEarth's surface and clouds (4). Alaska. We considered two time scales: the year Assessment Report convention as thechange innet radiationat the tropopauseafter stratosphericad immediately after fire and an 80-year period Subsequent deposition of black carbonaerosols on glaciers, snow, sea ice, and theGreenland ice sheet may reduce surface albedo (5), causing both surface al1.0 Fig. 1. Midday atmospheric heating (6) and enhanced surface A bedo within the burn pemelting. Within a burn perimeter, combined rimeter of the Donnelly 0.8 and species compo changes inecosystem structure Flats fire (A) and from the and sensible heat sition after firecause net radiation adjacent black spruce stand fluxes todecline substantially(7,8). These changes 0.6 that served as a control (B). in the local surface energy budget persist for Summeralbedo progressively decades and are probably regionally variable. increasedduring each year Concunrently, accumulation of carbon in organic and exceeded values at the 0.4 soils and vegetation during intermediate succes control site -3 years after cn sional stages offsets the pulse of carbon released fire. Snow a 0.2 events, including during combustion (9). * one in late May of 2000, J : caused spikesthatare visible 1Department of Earth System Science, University of I I O0 0. at both the burn and conCalifornia, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. 2Department of Physics, I I i I I I I I I trol sites. -v 1.0



of Boreal



on Climate Warming

Atmospheric Science, and General Science, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS 39217, USA. 3Australian Nuclear Environmental Science and Technology Organization, Division, Menai, NSW 2234, Australia. 4Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric USA. 5Department of Research, Boulder, CO 80301, Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL32611, USA. 6Environmental Science and Engineering, California In stitute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 7Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA. 8U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. 9Geological Sciences and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:


0.8 0.6

BY2000 Y2001 Y2002 Y2003 - Y2004



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from postfire albedo changes, with this quan justment (18).CH4 was assumed tohave a 10-year (-5 ? 2 W m-2). The combined effect of all tity decreasing from -5 ? 2W m-2 during the atmospheric lifetime. The lifetime of the CO2 forcing agents was 34 ? 31W m-2 during year anomaly from the fire was estimated with a 1 (Table 1). first year to -8 ? 3W m-2 during the period 3 combination of ocean impulse-response functions After the first year, the short-lived effects of to 5 years after fire. Analysis of MODIS sat from the Joos and Siegenthaler ocean carbon ozone, aerosols, and black carbon deposition ellite data from nearby forest stands provided were no longer important, so the net effect of model (19) and a postfire trajectoryof net eco evidence that spring and summer albedo typ ically remains elevated for about three decades system production (NEP) that we constructed the fire on radiative forcing reflected the using mass balance constraints and eddy co balance between the persistence of postfire after fire and that recovery to prefire albedo levels requires -55 years (Fig. 2). variance measurements (figs. S3 and S4).We used changes in surface albedo and the effects from the Column Radiation Model (20) to estimate the remaining greenhouse gases in the atmo We predicted that the greenhouse gas pulse radiative forcing from changes in surface albedo from the Donnelly Flats fire should gradually sphere.During the first 5 years after fire, summer within theDonnelly Flats bum perimeter (figs. S5 albedo progressively increased (Fig. 1), probably decline over a period of 5 decades, owing toCH4 to S8). The persistence of albedo changes in from an increase in grass and shrub cover and oxidation and CO2 uptake by the oceans and regrowing vegetation within the bum perimeter postfire ecosystems was assessed from an analysis partial loss of black carbon that initially coated soil surfaces and dead black spruce boles. This of MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectro (fig. S3D). During this interval, the greenhouse radiometer (MODIS) albedo measurements (21) strengthened the negative radiative forcing gases will contribute to a positive radiativeforcing within bum perimetersof known ages (14) across Alaska. We derived radiativeforcing from Table 1. Radiative forcing associated with the Donnelly Flats fire. interior the fire-inducedozone anomaly using simulations from the National Center for Atmospheric Re Radiative forcing* searchCommunity Atmosphere Model version 3 Forcing agent [W (in burned)-'] (CAM 3) of the 2004 Alaska and Yukon fire Year 1 Years 0 to 80 (mean) complex (22) scaled to the carbon emission levels ? Long-lived greenhouse gases (CH4 and C02) 8 3 1.6 ? 0.8 that we measured for the Donnelly Flats fire. ? ? 0.1 6 4 Ozone 0.1 we estimated from the radiative Similarly, forcing 3? 3 0.0 ? 0.0 direct effect of aerosols and deposition of black Black carbon deposition on snow 5? 4 0.1 ? 0.1 carbonon snow and sea ice by injectingemissions Black carbon deposition on sea ice 17 ? 30 0.2 ? 0.4 from theDonnelly Flats fire intoCAM 3 (23, 24). Aerosols (direct radiativeforcing)t Impactat the surface: -90 W ? 35 mr2 In the Supporting Online Material we provide -5 ? 2 -4.2 ? 2.0 Changes in post-fire surface albedo more informationabout ourmethods for estimat 34 ? 31 -2.3 ? 2.2 ing radiative forcing, as well as an additional set Tota4f of forcing estimates that take into account the *All the radiative forcing estimates reported here represent annual mean values (inW) for the global atmosphere associated with burning of a 1-mi2 area within the perimeter of the Donnelly Flats fire. We report values averaged over year 1 and for the efficacy of the different agents (25). mean of the 0- to 80-year period after fire (and including the fire event). tWe did not estimate indirect effects of aerosols During the fire event, 206 ? 110 g C m 2 on radiative forcing as mediated, for example, by cloud drop sizes or cloud lifetime (4). Although uncertain, indirect aerosol were emitted by combustion from the black effects are thought to contribute to negative radiative forcing (18, 25) and would offset other positive radiative forcing agents tAccounting for the efficacy of the different forcing agents (25), the total effective forcing of the Donnelly sprace overstory, 107 + 74 g C m-2 from the during year 1. Flats fire was 18 ? 42 W m-2 during year 1 and -2.4 ? 2.3 W m-2 during years 0 to 80 (tables S1 and S2). vascularplant understory,and 1246 + 600 g C m-2 from theduff layercomposed of mosses, lichens, roots, partially decomposed plant litter, and Fig. 2. Postfire albedo dur-12 humus. Total fuel consumption for theDonnelly ing (A) spring (ulian Days 0.55 1 Flats fire (1560 ? 610 g C m 2)was similar to 33 to 113) and (B) summer E other estimates for boreal North America, in (ulian Days 145 to 241) 0.50 -8 cluding 1580 g C m-2 formoderately severe fires fromMODIS satellite obser in borealNorth America (26) and 1300 g C m-2 -6 vations extracted from burn 0.45 for themean of Canadian boreal forests (27). In scars of different ages in -4 interiorAlaska (circles and 0.40 cluding additional soil respiration losses of 202 ? 2 . . 53 g C m-2 year-'during the firstyear after fire, solid line, leftaxis).A control cO was constructed from the ............. ....... 0.35 the ecosystem lost a totalof 1760 + 620 g C m2. co Radiative forcing from long-lived greenhouse mean of evergreen conifer 2 vegetation that did not burn 0 0.30 A gases (CH4 and C02) contributed a total of 8 + in last the 55 years (dashedD . . . 3W m-2 during the first year. Deposition of black carbon on snow and sea ice added another dotted line, leftaxis).Annual D radiative forcing as esti- < 0.14 8 + 5W m-2. An increase in troposphericozone mated from towermeasure from fire-emitted tracegases generated a positive 0.13 ments of albedo from burn radiative forcing of 6 ? 4 W m-2. Fire-emitted and controlsitesduring2002 aerosols mixed widely across arctic and boreal 0.12 to 2004 was -8 ? 3 W m-2 regions (fig. S9), decreased net radiation at the [A), triangle,rightaxis].The -----------------------------------------------..-_ surface (-90 + 35W m-2), but did not substan 0.11 longer-term postfire trajectory tially change radiative forcing (17 ? 30 W m-2). of albedo-driven annual radi Changes in surface albedo within the fire perim was assumed to ative forcing 0.10 eter offset positive radiative forcing from the follow the MODIS albedo B other agents. Specifically, the loss of overstory pattern [(A), dashed line, , . . 0.09 _ canopy after fire led to increased snow exposure 10 20 30 40 50 rght axis]. Years with lim0 during spring and fall (fig. S 10), higher albedo ited burned area were exYear since fire (Fig. 1), and a negative annual radiative forcing cluded from the analysis.



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(Fig. 3A). After -60 years, continued uptake by forcing agents, however, leads to a small negative the postfire ecosystem should cause atmospheric radiative forcing at the global scale (Fig. 3C) and C02 to decrease below background levels, calls into question the positive feedback that has subsequent withdrawal of C02 from the ocean, been suggested in pastwork. The cooling from a and a negative radiative forcing.As a resultof this decrease in fire return times is likely to be sub trajectory and concurrent changes in surface stantially larger in the Northern Hemisphere, albedo, the influence of the fire on radiative taking into account the spatial pattern of the forcing depends on the averaging period (Fig. temperature anomalies resulting from the dif 3B). Averaged over years 0 to 80, net radiative ferent foring agents. Specifically, radiativeforcing forcing from the different forcing agents was from greenhouse gases has a widely distributed -2.3 ? 2.2 Wm-2 (Table 1). impact on global temperature (18), whereas the A change in fire return times will have influence of postfire changes in surface albedo consequences for climate forcing (Fig. 3C), based will be concentrated almost entirely in northern on the time-since-fire trajectoriesof the different regions (10, 11, 13, 18). forcing agents estimated from theDonnelly Flats For the boreal biome as a whole, key factors fire, combined with a stand age model (28). If the that are likely to detennine the balance between fire return time decreases [as has been suggested negative and positive radiative forcing associated from futurewarming and drying in continental with fire include burn severity, species estab interiors (29)], loss of carbon will increase lishment in postfire ecosystems, and the duration radiative forcing (Fig. 3C). Accounting for all of winter snow cover. Increasedburn severity, for example, may increase aerosol and greenhouse gas emissions, but it is not clear towhat extent 10 A thismay be canceled by greater loss of canopy '.... Annualmean radiativeforcing and consequently higher albedo val overstory 5. N' ues during winter and spring. Another unre ......... ........... E-0 solved question involves the extent to which fire in Siberian larch forests, which are needle leaf deciduous, has the same influence on post fire surface albedo as reported here for North 50 100 150 American needleleaf evergreen forests.Decreases 0 in spring snow cover (30) may weaken neg 40[ Cumulativeradiativeforcing ative feedbacks associated with postfire in 30 .....-- CO2 &CH. creases in surface albedo documented inNorth 03 &Aerosols E 20 America. --Albedo 3 Future interactions between the land sur Net 10 : face and climate in northern regions may . . . . . . 0 ... . . . . . involve both negative feedbacks within the -10 boreal interior (via mechanisms outlined here) 0 50 100 150 and positive feedbacks involving shrub and StandAge (years) I . I I I I I I I I . . . l] I * forest expansion in arctic tundra ecosystems C 1.5 1.o 3. Multi-stand forcing f (31) and loss of snow cover. Our analysis illustrates how ecosystem processes that gen erate carbon sources and sinks have insep -1.0 ,_ arable consequences for other forcing agents (12, 13, 32, 33). To the extent that the con temporary Northern Hemisphere carbon sink -1 .5 , originates from changes in northern forest -2.0,,,, 60 4q0 80 120 loo cover and age (34), its value from a climate Fire Return Time (years) perspective requires a more nuanced view that encompasses all agents of radiative forcing. 3. (A) Annual radiative forcing from long Fig. Important next steps include reducing uncer livedgreenhouse gases and the postfire trajectory tainties associated with direct and indirect of surfacealbedo. (B)Cumulativeannual radiative aerosol effects and disturbance-linked changes forcing for the different forcing agents averaged in albedo, exploring the combined impacts of over the time since the fire (orequivalently, the age feedbacks of the forcing agents estimated here of the stand). (C)Climate forcing of the different within climate models, and extending this components as a function of the fire return time relabiveto a distributionof stands at steady state approach to assess the radiative forcing asso ciated with land-cover transitions in temperate with a mean fire returnbime of 80 years. (C) was and tropical ecosystems. constructed with postfire trajectories for the in dividual agents measured or predicted for the Donnelly Flats fire [e.g., (A)]and the forest stand age distribution model described in the Supporting OnlineMaterial. For (C),by definition, each forcing agent had a zeromean at steady state (at a mean fire return time of 80 years). References and Notes
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SupportingOnline Material Materials and Methods SOM Text Figs. S1 to S10 Tables S1 and S2 References and Notes 5 July2006; accepted 3 October 2006 10.1126/science.1132075



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