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somnolence:lethargic:drowsy Wellision concept on collective securityimpregnable conquest burgeoning middle class Secularism: Dispelling Misconceptions Moon Sighting or Moon

Fighting: Muslims at loggerheads every year Evolution: An Idiot s guide to evolution Integration: The way forward endow and bestow Undaunted n, he often got engrossed in projects which were theoretically interesting but egomaniacal , and at worst is speculative, almost completely devoid of verifiable data. but only had a rudimentary knowledge of the Manhattan Project.[22] indelible image of past sedulous consistency:deligience:hard working somnambulism which has dominatd the political discourse in pakistan he was treatd with disdain From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, he was berated this avenue is politically clogged(impedient) overshadow my glory sonambuli Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, extreme self-involvement, and lack of empathy for others. Individuals with this disorder are usually arrogantly self-assured and confident. because of the risk of offending sexual,culrtural and religious sensibilities foreboding for the progress, prosperity, integrity, and solidarity of the countr y. endearing=affecting affection and love ardous and extraordinary efforts infatuated with=short-lived passion and all this under the garb of Islam. pedantic=fault finding=concerned with minor details=no need of nit-picking The miseries are the grounds of pleasures to waig their tails We are caught up in a spiral of economic whirlwind due to lack of insight and inertia to move forward in development of our dorman t sectors of water and power inadvertently proud sturdy upright petrified of the mullah while the priest live in oppulent palaces sanctity of the electroal process studded with matchless jewls blazenly flout his priniples which he bequeath us for this nacent country rescind hallucinations soliciting donations is just a part of the task ith english transliteration texts here paid obeisance at the holy Sikh shrine, a giant for jusitice and down-to-earth human inspiration lauding mandela's legacy,outpouring of emotion sedition and democracy declaring heretic. serve as serf they ate out golden plates and drank from silver goblets. disease and pestilence

poor grovelled nature abhors discord and doesn't allow vacum. the longer we delay the inevitable,the greater will be our suffering. human salavation, whose benefit lies in keeping the populace ignorant. endless toil and disease were fate of the poor/abject poverty expunge=obliterate or remove completey,blot out China has said it does not envisage working more on any such project . It remains unclear whether the cash-strapped government will be successful in doing so. groping=searching with hand in dark It is possible that it will soon have outlived its usefulness Douse:drench with liquid Varsity:sports group presenting university Audacious:impudent,lacking respect paedophile affable and sociable people theatre of vulgarity thought provoking theatre It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vag ue, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. citizens are way beyond the submissive tendencies.Now they are well infromed,mor e assertive and articulative set up six additional plants to ramp this up to 40,000 megawatts The result was that instead of spewing hatred towards his former tormentor national assesmbly session has been prorogue. but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat an d death. internecine war portent=a sign orwarning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happe n It is also worthwhile to note that compatriots influencing curriculum to blackmailing individuals and perpetrating hooliganism to harboring Al-Quaida terrorists played havoc with this country. enmeshed =entangled childhood indoctrination ''I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, swathes of people pilaf to sift potential candidates I am here to convey our thanks for your condidacy. we regret to inform you that your recent appication has been unsuccessful. chauvinism cater=entail NEWSPAPER VOCABULARY(LEXICANS) ''I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, 1)VIGILANT(surviliance) 2)TROD although she never reciprocated his feeling 4)EVASIVE i endorse his viewpoint articulated great criticism CONJECTURE=SPECULATIVES ENDING(PERSONAL OPINION) 5)JUNCTURE OF TIME(CRITICAL TIME) benchingmark heuristics monologue=long and tedious speech or conversation

symbiotic look legal fraternity should enact comprehensive and concreate legislation obscurist theories desseminating misconceptions children are prone to the scourge of polio target killings vague state is governed like private fiefdom corruption,neptoism and cryonism continue unabated. vengeful act wreaking my brain vultures v slander,racist(irrational=bigot=prejudiced opionions and intolerant of other opi nions) part of the elite. screw up hack let me down. we have hit a jackpot bent upon screwing me. ever since u caught me here. he has given u more bucks smack him /rip his lips under my heel. gobble up money plot something illicit or harmful=intrigue dumped alive. what a good forsken place. keep a tight vigil. With a mix of luck, guile, compromise, concessions and even confrontation, Yousu f Raza Gilani would expect to pull off another historical feat of surviving his full constitutional term i vigilant and vibrant accountability jubilant swamped litigate wrangling scrutiny exorbitant rampage frayed fragile breach the previlege: the law has been breached. pre-dawn delusionally paranoid perspective. In stillness, we inherently perceive time's ephemeral, evanescent, preconceived, and limited nature... radicalized each day by religious zealous and seminaries. interfaith,cordial behaviour, female foetus found dumped flaunting=disply ostentatiously centenarian vast majority of the something subservient=obedient=servile=obsequious fallacy complacent=uncritically statisfied onself sprain.mistress.cheat on me. liberalism.disposition=inclination well! thanks for the compliment.

fraternity=syndicate,hearld. homage acknowledgement of feudal aligience. rhetoric= abound=exist abadges=truth unfathomable=not fully understand/explored extolling=praise/admire enthusiastically fever pitch=the state of extreme excitement. swiss letter will amount to treason escape from taliban captivity. the acclaimed hindu writer sip from a broken teacup: sip and twig gives a blow-by-blow account of the consortium(group of companies)sss vaguly worded clarification/backout of this project outlay maintaince defiant stance on the swiss letter issue stated in plain words betray ppp(party) off the record message of the felicitate to esteemed taliban leader. act of retaliation=reprisal deplore=strong disapproval. cleft=divide the sea afflict=suffer anyone absurd=illogical xenophobia dispensation outlaw=fugitive from the law abandoning practices bigot=a person having prejudice views and intolerance of the opinions of others a case that has stumped the police The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist. if you are stump by a question,you won't find its solution a stump of candle(left useless behind) dystopia epic feat=accomplishment myth=archive fiction synopsis metaphor sagas connotation=meanings/ideas hidden in word murmuring zeal=enthusiam anguish noise diving=fall manuverur chattal insanity reep wishper conscience annoy creed pledge=endeavor chrismatic maintaining defeying stance by the prime minister

unleashed a wave of protest at president stance the news had a sobbering effect. ineptitude in managing natural resources upholding the tradition of responsibility. plight/pleaded I came from holidays and rejuvenated(better)plans to rejuvenated inner of the ci ty. with a subtle and eloquent speech over Caesar's corpse dissident oration=formal speech at cermonial occassionl mob Regicide negotiate a settlement The two are reconciled silver trumpet muffled in silks horrendous=unpleasent bolster obstinate punishment inflicted=vegeance harvest his cornucopia of organs come out who the fuck crack bitch? take yours hand off me. which explores Taliban recruitment strategies, their effect on the youth and the ir methods to radicalize the country s young and often dejected populace eminisce intercede=intervene commence(the paper will commence in two minutes)\ A consummation or inflection point during a 5-6 year meditation on the following vision: "I was drowning in the midst of the pounding rapids near the source of the the Buddha engaged enlightenment by the bodhi tree..." skill and flair=natural ability Failure is the foundation of success; success is the lurking place of failure proscribe opposite of prescribe ressainace=revitalization contraception prevalance rate(cpr) hovers fly(hovers around 30pc) witchcraft consorting with the devil cosort with(habitually associated with) cosort with/to(agree in harmony to) incantation=magic words invoke =call on diety or supernatural force invocation of evil spirit. unrepentant person damnation utter ruin(complete ruin) lucifer=devil consigned=deliver consigned to god for ablution ur body u will spare me u promise but soon their marriage crumbles due to clash in personal and Ajay Malhotra untangle his complicated life involving his daughter and estranged wife but a strike from the employees in the company leads the board of directors to oust her and elect a new Chairman -

who is none other than Ajay Malhotra. Pooja ( Ayesha Jhulka) confides that she loves a fellow collegian, Yogi Joshi (Kam blindfold "pattering your life around others opinion is nothing more than slavery" aphorisms intrigued sceptical franks adn dupe euphemism escalaor infringe=break a law ECL=exist control list scam trumpeting spark scene of jublition cheered and clap to royal escort. abduracy foreign excursion conferred Phd to researchers mutilating bedriddle people virtual exploring the world venture out power outages uphold the responsibilty uphold the tradition to safeguard Pakistan sovernigty and territorial integrity hang outs bigwigs covering the world hardist terrain at high altitude is unformidible task. pitched battle geo-fence technology our grief is turned anger and anger turned resolution. disrobe=undress=wardrobe dont give us elequent promises and elusive dream. endorse=adorn he is peeking at woman through holes Palatable:pleasant to taste Bitter:pungent smell volition Beesting:the first milk produce by the cow after birth Shambles:butcher house Carnage,pogrom,massacre Gait:manner of walking Convene:convoke:congregate:muster: round up Platitude:insincere remark Humdrum:tiresome, wearisome.banal(commom place,tediously) Abysmal:extremely bad Gore:hit of the bull with his horns Matador:bullfighter Rucksack:a bag with two shoulder straps. You might choke on the bone(difficulty in breathing) Standing ovation:applause Fortitude:courage :bravery Alleviation:pain or difficulty Ploy:chall Hallucinate: go astray in thought, distraught Supper:enening meal Vivid imagination:vivid image building words Thuggee:

never ending duress and discrimination my battle to resist against its suppression will rage on. Honorarium:nominal payment for professional services Sodality :Fraternity: a male student society in the college Dwell:to live dmits the principal of plurality Dwell on/upon: think,speak or write something Squire: gentle man or cheif landowner Guild: craftsman or marchants in the medieval i lived with them amicably. avows to abandon its attempts to impose foreign culture upon my peopl Equivocate: use ambiguous or evasive(ignore or avoid) language Frivolous: not having any series purpose,care free Trifle with: treat without seriousness or respect Prevaricate: to speak Lore: a body of tradition and knowledge on a subject(farming lore) Vague: indefinite character or imprecise in thought Gorge on(verb): eat a large amount greedily Gorge: Steep ,ravine Chasm,abyss, canyon: deep fissure,difference b/w people viewpoint Penitent: showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong Illumination: understanding or enlightenment Rash : some thing done without careful consideration Meticulous: careful and precise I imagne it appealed to his meticulous nature Geology is the study of pressure and time Savage: fierce:vicious: cruel Pillage: rob with violence Moor: uncultivated land especially hilly areas Tract: a large area of land Heath: uncultivated land typically of acid sandy soil Fen: frequently flooded area of land or marshy places Desolate(bleak):dreary:dismal(gloom or depression) Fury : extreme anger Quell:bring an end to something Pacify: quell the anger Placate: calm,pacify,appease(agree to some one demand) Fortify Stratagem: Devious:underhand tactice Trash: waste material You have shirk your chores We shoulds catch up some time Penitent: sorry Uncanny:bizarre: strange or mysterious Weird: very strange Baptize: to give a specific name to a baby Pagan: own religious belief other than world main religion Truce: agreement to stop fighting Wit: capacity of inventive thought Lenient: merciful or tolerant The sack: dismissal from employment Savage:violent,cruel Barn Ruse Rage Faggot Vigilante blazenly flout his principles:undermine his lesson Parable

Dismount Rein: the power to direct and control , strap attached to one end of the horse bit , straps used to reinstrain the child Succinctly: clearly expressed Turf:territory Abide:accept Despise: repugnance:contempt:disjust Splendid:impressive Snigger:laugh in the scornful manner Baked:some thing come to an end Rail:fence:barrier Heap: A large amount of Lair,den,hiding place Envy Vouch Wit: capacity of inventive thought I vow to put an end to injustice painstakingly paid my fee running administration is government's pre-rogative. mendicent forthright i should have thrashed him for his perversity i will stab you with this rod i will barge inside despicable and rotten medieval wa outspoken justice and righteouness how you stoop to this low? alms lure=temptation Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China purge them of our world or organization stop raving about(incoherrent talks) jovial hampering the progress of the country rolling with laughter i will take him to task bait to lure the fish you seems to haven taken mickey out of us politicians. self-immolate a gesture of reverence heart-wrenching heart-throbing and nerves wrecking heart-tending cess=taxation rough up hey were beheaded and burnt, lunged at by suicide bombers and ambushed with rock ets raven political leverage(politically influenced someone) this attempt was botched by the us aimed at deepening the thinking that chances of viability of autonomous pashtoon community was not possible. vernacular they are pandering to the right wing extremists spur economic developement more affluent countries budget is even more excruciating in third world countries

to spur economic development extensive debates were spurred the debate however lack objectivity and no relevance to the ground realities budget: An anodyne view budget making is the most ardous undertaking even in the effluent and developed countries can't revoke your suspension order. nortgaged abcesses surmount tantamount amputate raison de etre de jure de facto grapple with prevailing spate of terrorism elegant opulence the opulence of the family affluence practacle and prgamatic or elegent solution(smartly devised) his deathby was met by a cacophony of calls for justice efficacy shrieking evaded bastion aftermath slammed slum slamdunk dcok dejure it can be achieved through prudent policies and pragmatic approaches and by avoi ding the skirmishes notion irony tax and fine leviation it may well be grotesque(a grotesque image or figure) formidable commendalbe insurmountable surmount grapple with prevailing spate of fundamentalism and terrorism anecodote window banged(rattling sound) dwelling, lerying fathom of life and death groped justled, the old man left for the ethernal abode predecease menace grimmer picture of futre pathetic and clumsy skirmishes unpremediated sobriety no frenzied beating of war drum devout muslim

his hightest stature rather than nourishing a sense of loss nd repentance=remorseful this piece of writing underscore the importance of ship chandler pastures cauldrons gravels apaling milieu ecschew concocted inculcated my sublime vision his frail body conditions(unheathly extradition invoke a law revoke or repeal law try to drive a wedge between a mohajirs and sindhis PPP "out of malice" repeal the law dregs of a society cease your prattle. insolent penny page rogue life supporting processes(absorption of CO2) shrewd cold wheather hawkish foreign policy(a person who adovocates agressive or warlike foreign pol icy. thereupon(shortly after) the basic objective was to apprise the ECP shahimulk aS CSP officer elucidate that how much css exam is intricate shhimulk outshine others and handle every situation with aplomb(self-confidence or assurance) Kudos to all artists? who has got such sense of humor in such tense state . ascetic person(server self-prinicple don't toss about the hunger iovial there was a tremor a flood cannibals where she reared sich a cruel men who used to cleave The peneacea for muslism world love is tested on penance and man is tested on his bravery recalcitrant=stubborn=pertinent=obstinance amenable=easily controlled oxymoron the experience dented her confidence(having adverse affects) most of it done well within the ambit of the law. But then the law was often spe cifically moulded to allow Strategic Digest is a monthly compendium ummaries culled from various published hat will stifle initiative and growth in America, Self-Hypnosis will help you to Realize Your Unlimited Potentia IKI offers attractive salary package and fringe benefits /facilities. unison brunt of explosion stagger or lurch violently(reel something off) tattered or dilapidated infrastructure bluff=decive=hoax=decietful=

amiable amicable m to live with them peacefully and amicabally. we are yet to start conscription damsel(young unmarried woman) he is trying to dovetail to generals reclusive unequivocal He is an outspoken opponent of vulgarity and obscenity in stage dramas moeed is the absolute worst anchor in the world. all his shows are like cock-fig hts with no one being able to get a substantial word in.above that he thinks he is a? superb intellectual. in the whole program the only decent point was made b y klasra when he said politics in pak (and all over the world) has lost its conn exion to ideology.these post ideological popular figures like obama and now imra n are bound to failure. chide

Salams Dear Gen PashaI am a great admirer of yours that is why i opted to make u friend s on face book u did a great job while in our ISI but what u accomplishments was despised by th e scum bags and cowards and thugs and crooks and they just did not like your presence a vee bit but as an o fficer and a gentleman u did what was ought to have been done thats a quality of an officer & a gentle man that u proved to be for an officer never buckles under any pressure or else he remaim a civvie you remembered our oath our oath of allegiance that we as young men took on the drill square & bravo u stuc k with it no matter what the outcome or cost please dont lie back but come back roaring and take on the bloody scum bags May our ALLAH our Rab ul Alameen be with you and all brave band of brothers like yo u FI AMAN ALLAH

sumptous office rug priggish(self-rightourly moralistic and superior) pull the rug out from under(abruptly expose or widthdraw support from) ambivalent grutting sound guttural guttural consonant(k,j) now gentlemen keep on their toes anaphoric and cataphoric rancour gulping sound The drone war will continue unabated hows the skewed morality

It is high time we must wake up and decide as to how long we are prepared to all ow the prevailing spate of terrorism, bigotry, unchecked and innumerable murders of the Muslims by Taliban in the name of their peculiar brand of religion. We must call a spad e a spade To do a conspicuous work, A man must be assiduous, indefatigable and preseverant. The promotion of inquisitive, tolerant and honest intellectual minds with abilit y to comprehend and critically analyze the increasingly globalized world with respect for all of its diversities. It is generally recognized that people can accomplish more by sharing their skil ls and resources than by working alone. act was tantamount to humiliation of a senior professor at the hands of bureauc rat and they would not allow it. He said Dr Shafiqur Rahman was a senior and respectable professor of the University of Peshawar and they would accord warmest welcome to him on rejo ining the university admonitory sermon self-eulogizing and self-congratulatory a horde of half-literate and half employed who kill each other on the slightest of pretext a synergized civilization had they not been pertuated a state of uncertinity,foreign direct investment wou ld not have evaporated. rupterous plause you are at the fat end of the sticks before unversalization of the right to offend leadto de democrization of choas and atomization of the state and society selective conferring of civil rights athoritative adminsistrations but no body can doubt his political cumen and wisdom they were abuse in pretext to their religious,sectarain ethnical,langusitic antecedents for striking quid pro du revoke,evoke,provoke,invoke,ad hoc his survival instincts are really commendable no amount of sermonizing or head unwinging even it has so watonly detroyed elicit he violates explicitly constittuion elicit retaliation extreme conditions elicit extreme response carving out new provinces was constant debate in political discourse instinct/cognition self-eulogizing adiective and self congratulatoy epithets liberal sophistry beneath sophisticated exterior rather than being vain and self destruntionary preoccupied differences

I answered by nodding my head in affirmation. circumcise solid pace of economic expansion uncertain geo-political conditions and in the backdrop of inhospitabile enviornm ent accentuate is the antynom of attenuate abominable :causing morale revulsion(loathe/hatred) muddle up something muddle through shrewd=-astute shrug=apthetic shroud forestall tariff=hotel or resturant charges We are all sinners. The bible affirms this. God cannot accept sin. Islamic teaching asks that your good deeds outweight your bad deeds in order to avoid hell, but this still leaves muslims with no knowledge of whether they are destined fo r heaven or hell. Furthermore, it leaves muslims who have previously sinned with no hope for star ting a new life of purity, as their previous sins may still be too great to ever allow them entry into Hea ven. There is still hope for my muslim brothers -- that hope is salvation through Jesus Christ who died FOR YOU, so that you cou ld KNOW your destiny and live a life of freedom and joy. Pick up a bible today, and see for yourself who God really is. God bles s. NEWSPAPER VOCABULARY(LEXICANS) 1)VIGILANT(surviliance) 2)TROD 3)WOES 4)EVASIVE CONJECTURE=SPECULATIVES ENDING(PERSONAL OPINION) 5)JUNCTURE OF TIME(CRITICAL TIME) benchingmark heuristics some vague words pervert wreaking my brain vultures slander,racist(irrational=bigot=prejudiced opionions and intolerant of other opi nions) part of the elite. screw up hack let me down. we have hit a jackpot bent upon screwing me. ever since u caught me here. he has given u more bucks smack him /rip his lips under my heel. gobble up money dumped alive.

what a good forsken place. keep a tight vigil. With a mix of luck, guile, compromise, concessions and even confrontation, Yousu f Raza Gilani would expect to pull off another historical feat of surviving his full constitutional term i vigilant jubilant swamped litigate wrangling scrutiny exorbitant rampage frayed fragile breach the previlege pre-dawn delusionally paranoid perspective. In stillness, we inherently perceive time's ephemeral, evanescent, preconceived, and limited nature... radicalized each day by religious zealous and seminaries. interfaith,cordial behaviour, female foetus found dumped flaunting=disply ostentatiously centenarian vast majority of the something subservient=obedient=servile=obsequious fallacy complacent=uncritically statisfied onself sprain.mistress.cheat on me. liberalism.disposition=inclination well! thanks for the compliment. fraternity=syndicate,hearld. homage acknowledgement of feudal aligience. rhetoric= abound=exist abadges=truth unfathomable=not fully understand/explored extolling=praise/admire enthusiastically fever pitch=the state of extreme excitement. swiss letter will amount to treason escape from taliban captivity. the acclaimed hindu writer sip from a broken teacup: sip and twig gives a blow-by-blow account of the consortium(group of companies)sss vaguly worded clarification/backout of this project outlay maintaince defiant stance on the swiss letter issue stated in plain words betray ppp(party) off the record message of the felicitate to esteemed taliban leader. act of retaliation=reprisal deplore=strong disapproval. cleft=divide the sea afflict=suffer anyone absurd=illogical xenophobia

dispensation outlaw=fugitive from the law abandoning practices bigot=a person having prejudice views and intolerance of the opinions of others a case that has stumped the police The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist. if you are stump by a question,you won't find its solution a stump of candle(left useless behind) dystopia epic feat=accomplishment myth=archive fiction synopsis metaphor sagas connotation=meanings/ideas hidden in word murmuring zeal=enthusiam anguish noise diving=fall manuverur chattal insanity reep fiedality=chastity=absurdity=obscenity wishper conscience annoy creed pledge=endeavor chrismatic maintaining defeying stance by the prime minister unleashed a wave of protest at president stance the news had a sobbering effect. ineptitude in managing natural resources upholding the tradition of responsibility. plight/pleaded I came from holidays and rejuvenated(better)plans to rejuvenated inner of the ci ty. with a subtle and eloquent speech over Caesar's corpse dissident oration=formal speech at cermonial occassionl mob acrimonious dispute narcissistic personality syndrome. Regicide negotiate a settlement The two are reconciled silver trumpet muffled in silks horrendous=unpleasent bolster obstinate punishment inflicted=vegeance harvest his cornucopia of organs come out who the fuck crack bitch? take yours hand off me. which explores Taliban recruitment strategies, their effect on the youth and the ir methods to radicalize the country s

young and often dejected populace eminisce intercede=intervene commence(the paper will commence in two minutes)\ A consummation or inflection point during a 5-6 year meditation on the following vision: "I was drowning in the midst of the pounding rapids near the source of the the Buddha engaged enlightenment by the bodhi tree..." skill and flair=natural ability Failure is the foundation of success; success is the lurking place of failure proscribe opposite of prescribe ressainace=revitalization contraception prevalance rate(cpr) hovers fly(hovers around 30pc) witchcraft consorting with the devil cosort with(habitually associated with) cosort with/to(agree in harmony to) incantation=magic words invoke =call on diety or supernatural force invocation of evil spirit. unrepentant person damnation utter ruin(complete ruin) lucifer=devil consigned=deliver consigned to god for ablution ur body u will spare me u promise but soon their marriage crumbles due to clash in personal and Ajay Malhotra untangle his complicated life involving his daughter and estranged wife but a strike from the employees in the company leads the board of directors to oust her and elect a new Chairman who is none other than Ajay Malhotra. Pooja ( Ayesha Jhulka) confides that she loves a fellow collegian, Yogi Joshi (Kam blindfold "pattering your life around others opinion is nothing more than slavery" aphorisms intrigued sceptical franks adn dupe euphemism escalaor infringe=break a law ECL=exist control list scam trumpeting spark scene of jublition cheered and clap to royal escort. abduracy foreign excursion conferred Phd to researchers mutilating bedriddle people virtual exploring the world venture out power outages uphold the responsibilty

uphold the tradition to safeguard Pakistan sovernigty and territorial integrity hang outs bigwigs covering the world hardist terrain at high altitude is unformidible task. pitched battle geo-fence technology our grief is turned anger and anger turned resolution. disrobe=undress=wardrobe life imbued with courage, dedication and compassion embellishes horrendously an act of divine providance gloating bloating sleight hand rescind=revoke=cancel to invoke in them sense of values opprobrious=express scorn or rebuke or scepticism moent given the region is perrenial flash point de facto border mala fide intentions hinted at the likelihood disenfranchised of their right to vte. clown quagmire=predicament that fomate Tribal raiding into British-ruled territory was a constant problem for the Brit ish,[1] eliciting frequent punitive expeditions between for a paltry sum a vile bag of filth the pain must have been excruciating incarceration by excessive hyperboles fledgling fragile frenging frail state is both flawed and untenable wagging their tails, sorely felt amongst the youth and has indelibly altered pakistani politics predicament My thoughts / suggestions on the current predicament of Pakhtun Natitonal Politi cs electoral trout or else all efforts may God forbid be put to waste sleight of hand(manual dexterity,cojuring tricks you screw up my tricks knowing others means you are wise but knowing urself means you are englightened but i withered and grew old insanity and obsucre serve in gail life doesn't always work out according to our plan by exonerating Pakistan's most corrupt politican to search in the circumscribe of my english is nebulous and hazzy or vague no other logic of this photo, other than hate mongering A habit is a pattern of behavior that's repeated, and the person usually isn't e ven aware of it. Although teens/ kids may be blissfully unaware of a habit,don't be surprised. H abits tend to occur in clusters. Kindly use your words wisely,else it would haunt you later. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way

ahead of everyone who isn t trying. esoteric:intended for or understood by only a small number of people with a spec ialized knowledge or interst. lucid language,expository headings and succint study-materials expounding selfassesement test explicitly delineated hopes and aspirations strong resolve,viable plans,practical,pragmatic and tangible approach stark contrast to excruciating power outages sued for (woo) allure trample each other to death. lurch from one crises into another in connivance with officers of post office. due to intermittent interventions virulent and scurrilous abysmal conditions libellous headlines waive off his fee fee defaulters in surprise turnaround may be momentorilly knocked off our feet simmering to unleash more malacious propaganda for his unwavering and bold stance on drones strikes out of political fray faltering speech it has been written esoterically. eulogizing erudite flickering resolute quivering not quivering(shivering,trembling) speaking or moving hesitently desecrate or profane treated with irreverence or blasphemous(profane) a desecrated treatement ennui:listlessness and dissatifaction arising from boredom. rejuvenate:characteristics of younger landscape enervate:drain of energy ensue(verb) occurs in consequence of something painstaking efforts carve something out polymath to be exact disseminate(spread) ephemeral=transient appeasement stisfied=satiate "A doughty and honorable opponent... a man of principle and saintliness... a red oubtable organizer of tribal warfare.... snippet=small extract=excerpt keep your weapons in holster you seems to have early retirement plans i will press charges myself your friend left you in very precarious situations without the benefit of the intellect. simmering,groaning,moaning devious means you cheated sanctum

sanctify jounreying silk-seeking expedition grovel(Act obseqiously,crouch,crawl abjectly i cannot obey ur depraved into obeying your depraved pouting expression pouting her lips and cinching her breasts to seduce me you insolent cur slag someone with my arrogance i hummbly seek your forgivness into intruding your domain i swear on my words as shahimulk to ( to vows) you possess a rare degree of physical appeal appearances are decieving monster lurking inside he took something mine of great sentimental value inside every hero there lurks a potential for monsters clamouring=confused noise tool clanging engine faltering(engine missing snapping his finger in the snip of his finger honks blaring how many houses have your foreclosed this year mortgage rescind self-immolate a gesture of reverence heart-wrenching heart-throbing and nerves wrecking heart-tending cess=taxation rough up hey were beheaded and burnt, lunged at by suicide bombers and ambushed with rock ets raven nortgaged abcesses surmount tantamount amputate raison de etre de jure de facto grapple elegant opulence the opulence of the family affluence practacle and prgamatic or elegent solution(smartly devised) his deathby was met by a cacophony of calls for justice efficacy shrieking evaded bastion aftermath slammed slum slamdunk dcok droom_part_2 dejure pragmatism notion irony out of the crooket timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made it may well be grotesque(a grotesque image or figure) formidable commendalbe insurmountable surmount grapple anecodote window banged(rattling sound) dwelling, lerying fathom of life and death groped justled, the old man left for the ethernal abode predecease menace grimmer picture of futre pathetic and clumsy skirmishes unpremediated sobriety no frenzied beating of war drum devout muslim his hightest stature rather than nourishing a sense of loss nd repentance=remorseful this piece of writing underscore the importance of ship chandler pastures cauldrons gravels apaling milieu ecschew concocted my sublime vision his frail body conditions(unheathly extradition invoke a law revoke or repeal law try to drive a wedge between a mohajirs and sindhis PPP "out of malice" repeal the law dregs of a society cease your prattle. insolent penny page rogue life supporting processes(absorption of CO2) shrewd cold wheather hawkish foreign policy(a person who adovocates agressive or warlike foreign pol icy. thereupon(shortly after) the basic objective was to apprise the ECP shahimulk aS CSP officer elucidate that how much css exam is intricate shhimulk outshine others and handle every situation with aplomb(self-confidence

or assurance) Kudos to all artists? who has got such sense of humor in such tense state . ascetic person(server self-prinicple don't toss about the hunger iovial there was a tremor a flood cannibals where she reared sich a cruel men who used to cleave love is tested on penance and man is tested on his bravery recalcitrant=stubborn=pertinent=obstinance amenable=easily controlled oxymoron the experience dented her confidence(having adverse affects) most of it done well within the ambit of the law. But then the law was often spe cifically moulded to allow Strategic Digest is a monthly compendium ummaries culled from various published hat will stifle initiative and growth in America, Self-Hypnosis will help you to Realize Your Unlimited Potentia IKI offers attractive salary package and fringe benefits /facilities. unison brunt of explosion stagger or lurch violently(reel something off) tattered or dilapidated infrastructure bluff=decive=hoax amiable amicable m we are yet to start conscription damsel(young unmarried woman) he is trying to dovetail to generals reclusive unequivocal He is an outspoken opponent of vulgarity and obscenity in stage dramas moeed is the absolute worst anchor in the world. all his shows are like cock-fig hts with no one being able to get a substantial word in.above that he thinks he is a? superb intellectual. in the whole program the only decent point was made b y klasra when he said politics in pak (and all over the world) has lost its conn exion to ideology.these post ideological popular figures like obama and now imra n are bound to failure. chide

Salams Dear Gen PashaI am a great admirer of yours that is why i opted to make u friend s on face book u did a great job while in our ISI but what u accomplishments was despised by th e scum bags and cowards and thugs and crooks and they just did not like your presence a vee bit but as an o fficer and a gentleman

u did what was ought to have been done thats a quality of an officer & a gentle man that u proved to be for an officer never buckles under any pressure or else he remaim a civvie you remembered our oath our oath of allegiance that we as young men took on the drill square & bravo u stuc k with it no matter what the outcome or cost please dont lie back but come back roaring and take on the bloody scum bags May our ALLAH our Rab ul Alameen be with you and all brave band of brothers like yo u FI AMAN ALLAH

sumptous office rug priggish(self-rightourly moralistic and superior) pull the rug out from under(abruptly expose or widthdraw support from) ambivalent grutting sound guttural guttural consonant(k,j) now gentlemen keep on their toes anaphoric and cataphoric rancour gulping sound The drone war will continue unabated hows the skewed morality It is high time we must wake up and decide as to how long we are prepared to all ow the prevailing spate of terrorism, bigotry, unchecked and innumerable murders of the Muslims by Taliban in the name of their peculiar brand of religion. We must call a spad e a spade To do a conspicuous work, A man must be assiduous, indefatigable and preseverant. The promotion of inquisitive, tolerant and honest intellectual minds with abilit y to comprehend and critically analyze the increasingly globalized world with respect for all of its diversities. It is generally recognized that people can accomplish more by sharing their skil ls and resources than by working alone. act was tantamount to humiliation of a senior professor at the hands of bureauc rat and they would not allow it. He said Dr Shafiqur Rahman was a senior and respectable professor of the University of Peshawar and they would accord warmest welcome to him on rejo ining the university admonitory sermon self-eulogizing and self-congratulatory a horde of half-literate and half employed who kill each other on the slightest of pretext a synergized civilization had they not been pertuated a state of uncertinity,foreign direct investment wou ld not have evaporated. rupterous plause

you are at the fat end of the sticks before unversalization of the right to offend leadto de democrization of choas and atomization of the state and society selective conferring of civil rights athoritative adminsistrations but no body can doubt his political cumen and wisdom they were abuse in pretext to their religious,sectarain ethnical,langusitic antecedents for striking quid pro du his survival instincts are really commendable no amount of sermonizing or head unwinging even it has so watonly detroyed elicit extreme conditions elicit extreme response carving out new provinces was constant debate in political discourse instinct/cognition self-eulogizing adiective and self congratulatoy epithets liberal sophistry beneath sophisticated exterior rather than being vain and self destruntionary preoccupied differences I answered by nodding my head in affirmation. circumcise solid pace of economic expansion uncertain geo-political conditions and in the backdrop of inhospitabile enviornm ent accentuate is the antynom of attenuate abominable :causing morale revulsion(loathe/hatred) muddle up something muddle through shrewd=-astute shrug=apthetic shroud forestall tariff=hotel or resturant charges We are all sinners. The bible affirms this. God cannot accept sin. Islamic teaching asks that your good deeds outweight your bad deeds in order to avoid hell, but this still leaves muslims with no knowledge of whether they are destined fo r heaven or hell. Furthermore, it leaves muslims who have previously sinned with no hope for star ting a new life of purity, as their previous sins may still be too great to ever allow them entry into Hea ven. There is still hope for my muslim brothers -- that hope is salvation through Jesus Christ who died FOR YOU, so that you cou ld KNOW your destiny and live a life of freedom and joy. Pick up a bible today, and see for yourself who God really is. God bles s. NEWSPAPER VOCABULARY(LEXICANS)

1)VIGILANT(surviliance) 2)TROD 3)WOES 4)EVASIVE CONJECTURE=SPECULATIVES ENDING(PERSONAL OPINION) 5)JUNCTURE OF TIME(CRITICAL TIME) benchingmark heuristics vague wreaking my brain vultures slander,racist(irrational=bigot=prejudiced opionions and intolerant of other opi nions) part of the elite. screw up hack let me down. we have hit a jackpot bent upon screwing me. ever since u caught me here. he has given u more bucks smack him /rip his lips under my heel. gobble up money dumped alive. what a good forsken place. keep a tight vigil. With a mix of luck, guile, compromise, concessions and even confrontation, Yousu of surviving his f Raza Gilani would expect to pull off another historical feat full constitutional term i vigilant jubilant swamped litigate mounting problems wrangling scrutiny exorbitant rampage frayed fragile breach the previlege pre-dawn delusionally paranoid perspective. In stillness, we inherently perceive time's ephemeral, evanescent, preconceived, and limited nature... radicalized each day by religious zealous and seminaries. interfaith,cordial behaviour, female foetus found dumped flaunting=disply ostentatiously centenarian vast majority of the something subservient=obedient=servile=obsequious fallacy complacent=uncritically statisfied onself sprain.mistress.cheat on me. liberalism.disposition=inclination well! thanks for the compliment. fraternity=syndicate,hearld.

homage acknowledgement of feudal aligience. rhetoric= abound=exist abadges=truth unfathomable=not fully understand/explored extolling=praise/admire enthusiastically fever pitch=the state of extreme excitement. swiss letter will amount to treason escape from taliban captivity. the acclaimed hindu writer sip from a broken teacup: sip and twig gives a blow-by-blow account of the consortium(group of companies)sss vaguly worded clarification/backout of this project outlay maintaince defiant stance on the swiss letter issue stated in plain words betray ppp(party) off the record message of the felicitate to esteemed taliban leader. act of retaliation=reprisal deplore=strong disapproval. cleft=divide the sea afflict=suffer anyone absurd=illogical xenophobia dispensation outlaw=fugitive from the law abandoning practices bigot=a person having prejudice views and intolerance of the opinions of others a case that has stumped the police The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist. if you are stump by a question,you won't find its solution a stump of candle(left useless behind) dystopia epic feat=accomplishment myth=archive fiction synopsis metaphor sagas connotation=meanings/ideas hidden in word murmuring zeal=enthusiam anguish noise diving=fall manuverur chattal insanity reep wishper conscience annoy creed pledge=endeavor chrismatic maintaining defeying stance by the prime minister unleashed a wave of protest at president stance

the news had a sobbering effect. ineptitude in managing natural resources upholding the tradition of responsibility. plight/pleaded I came from holidays and rejuvenated(better)plans to rejuvenated inner of the ci ty. with a subtle and eloquent speech over Caesar's corpse dissident oration=formal speech at cermonial occassionl mob Regicide negotiate a settlement The two are reconciled silver trumpet muffled in silks horrendous=unpleasent bolster obstinate punishment inflicted=vegeance harvest his cornucopia of organs come out who the fuck crack bitch? take yours hand off me. which explores Taliban recruitment strategies, their effect on the youth and the ir methods to radicalize the country s young and often dejected populace eminisce intercede=intervene commence(the paper will commence in two minutes)\ A consummation or inflection point during a 5-6 year meditation on the following vision: "I was drowning in the midst of the pounding rapids near the source of the the Buddha engaged enlightenment by the bodhi tree..." skill and flair=natural ability Failure is the foundation of success; success is the lurking place of failure proscribe opposite of prescribe ressainace=revitalization contraception prevalance rate(cpr) hovers fly(hovers around 30pc) witchcraft consorting with the devil cosort with(habitually associated with) cosort with/to(agree in harmony to) incantation=magic words invoke =call on diety or supernatural force invocation of evil spirit. unrepentant person damnation utter ruin(complete ruin) lucifer=devil consigned=deliver consigned to god for ablution ur body u will spare me u promise but soon their marriage crumbles due to clash in personal and Ajay Malhotra untangle his complicated life involving his daughter and estranged wife but a strike from the employees in the company leads the board of directors to oust her and elect a new Chairman who is none other than Ajay Malhotra. Pooja ( Ayesha Jhulka)

confides that she loves a fellow collegian, Yogi Joshi (Kam blindfold "pattering your life around others opinion is nothing more than slavery" aphorisms intrigued sceptical franks adn dupe euphemism escalaor infringe=break a law ECL=exist control list scam trumpeting spark scene of jublition cheered and clap to royal escort. abduracy foreign excursion conferred Phd to researchers mutilating bedriddle people virtual exploring the world venture out power outages uphold the responsibilty uphold the tradition to safeguard Pakistan sovernigty and territorial integrity hang outs bigwigs covering the world hardist terrain at high altitude is unformidible task. pitched battle geo-fence technology our grief is turned anger and anger turned resolution. disrobe=undress=wardrobe syrian news media gloatingly called"historic american retreat". somebody has tipped them off. thy are onto us. abs his father leveraged their home to pay for his college conveyence of the title of property becomes void the consolatory letter was repudiated(rejected) vanquish=defeated shriek for help Contradictory words united together (1) Clearly Misunderstood (2) Exact Estimate (3) Small Crowd (4) Act Naturally muffled grunting (5) Found Missing (6) Fully Empty (7) Pretty Ugly (8) Seriously Funny (9) Only Choice (10) Original Copies (11) Happily Married prepostrous your affinity to those savages muttering chattering chuckling

moaning embellishes horrendously gloating bloating sleight moent shriek for help his sentence was commuted disbanded at the end of the war. turned into mangled lumps of metal A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experien ce. mumbling growling screeching grunting yearning yelling snarling screaming queeks curator unscrupulous wheel screeching groan epitomizing its cherished objectives snorting ludricous flinching inflinching vicious ecstatically happy=elated i felt elated to revoke suspension onslaught groping for something or lice(groping for lice) adeptness and ineptness President Zardari accords assent to the Finance Bill 2013 we are bunch of lunatics she receives a standing ovation and pushed the country to the abyss of social and political destruction. grunting ih ave no redemption for the past elephant trumpeting clouds rumbling horn blaring spun your last web tends to cloud his judgement i would like to procure services sputtering an coughing\ i stage my capture. i have been sloging around ,fighting this ravenous beasts sighing incantation whooping stammering siren whoops clamouring peeking,i was just peeking adoration

terorrism discourse sniffs(to smell smothing) chukles sighs insect chirping bottle clinking his sentence was commuted disbanded at the end of the war. turned into mangled lumps of metal A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experien ce. mumbling growling screeching grunting yearning yelling snarling screaming curator unscrupulous wheel screeching groan epitomizing its cherished objectives snorting ludricous flinching inflinching vicious ecstatically happy=elated i felt elated to revoke suspension onslaught groping for something or lice(groping for lice) adeptness and ineptness President Zardari accords assent to the Finance Bill 2013 we are bunch of lunatics she receives a standing ovation and pushed the country to the abyss of social and political destruction. turd excrement obnoxious or contemptible person it is your killing instinct that must be harnessed. thievery in the world turned into mangled lumps of metal A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experien ce. mumbling growling screeching grunting yearning yelling snarling screaming curator unscrupulous wheel screeching groan epitomizing its cherished objectives

snorting ludricous flinching inflinching vicious ecstatically happy=elated i felt elated to revoke suspension onslaught groping for something or lice(groping for lice) adeptness and ineptness President Zardari accords assent to the Finance Bill 2013 we are bunch of lunatics she receives a standing ovation and pushed the country to the abyss of social and political destruction. to undermine court order inter alia locus standi article 5, article 61, article 184(3), article 213 and 218, to declare it void ab initio whipping pulic sentiments out creating qualms in its wake rough political landscape pakistan penal code(PPc) apex court takes lenient view of the petitioner tirade to invoke jurisdiction of the court to invoke article 63(1) of the constitution research persuits under-utitlization of already installed capacity FDI(foreign direct investment) iconoclast ante mortem carnival city pluralistic society tachy,dollop crumdegeon,supreme court grill qadri's on dual nationality blemishes and scars on face, crumble,scrumble,sccumb,scramble,prelude,eluded,itinerary=nomadic=gypsy,preclude reverberated plaint=accusation or lamentation does that negate the merits of his arguments qadri certainly became a political catalyst of some substances by seizing the op portunity to raise some crucial questions lingering questions one has the greatest respect for their lordships but the irony is that those dis qualified by the supreme court despite the SC fretting(be constantly or visibly anxiousor gradually wear way by rubbing or gnawing=nibbling) and fuming ad nauseam. crease noun a line or ridge produced on paper or cloth by folding, pressing, or crushing. a w rinkle or furrow in the skin, especially of the face. creases have to be ironed out(to settle difficulty) they are intelocked in a cynical race intellectual stagnation after intellectual blockage is an epoch in race to outdo each other

to deal with iron hand to show strong hand in demonstrating that they deserve autonomy hyoid bone was intact strangulate filitbuster: pronlonged speaking or other action which obstructs progress in a l egislatitiv asemblywhile technically contraveing ithe required procecdure grapple with prevailling spate of terrorism embellishes horrendously gloating bloating sleight moent shriek for help Contradictory words united together (1) Clearly Misunderstood (2) Exact Estimate (3) Small Crowd (4) Act Naturally (5) Found Missing (6) Fully Empty (7) Pretty Ugly (8) Seriously Funny (9) Only Choice (10) Original Copies (11) Happily Married his sentence was commuted disbanded at the end of the war. turned into mangled lumps of metal A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experien ce. mumbling growling screeching grunting yearning yelling snarling screaming curator unscrupulous wheel screeching groan epitomizing its cherished objectives snorting ludricous flinching inflinching vicious ecstatically happy=elated i felt elated to revoke suspension onslaught groping for something or lice(groping for lice) adeptness and ineptness President Zardari accords assent to the Finance Bill 2013 we are bunch of lunatics she receives a standing ovation and pushed the country to the abyss of social and political destruction. excavation conceit=complacent

vivid image building words overrun=outshadow Misogynist Shriek Strangle cornerstone=building block pun=word of same sound and different meaning. quivering = going to some social gathering pierce=a shrill voice pierced the air repercussions = an indirect result of an event or action jingoism=extreme patriotism spiraling inflation you must also creat your own identity and carve a niche of your own. It is irrevocable The congress agreed unequivocally on this terms of agreements. Budge over(make a room for someone) These dogs will pounce on you Rustle up meal for me He was strong, brave, deliberative, full of resolve, acumen, and eloquence drank and was a reprobat s said to have delivered an hour-long sermon extempore in Arabic expounding the meaning and philosophy of sacrifice throw one self on ground as sign of reverence=prostration apostasy=the abandonment or renunication of religious beleive. So blunt about its aims and adamant about its use of violence to achieve those a ims So timidly and feckless PTI s policy of appeasement and militants irrepressible appetite for conflict Something is underway cognitive dissonace moral decadence irony=sarcasm procrastination:delay(he oftenly replied with sarcasm for employ procrastination ) obliterated:wip out acquiesce:accept or consent to something without peotest dilatory tactics:slow to act beckons:make a gesture to encourage reckon on

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