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Coach Jackson will choose at least two players for his team

from those who tryout on Saturday. How many players will

Coach Jackson choose?

(1) Coach Jackson could choose exactly 20

different teams.

(2) At least two players at the tryout will

not be chosen.

Ans C

What is the chance that Martha wins the first 5 rounds and loses the sixth?

(1) The chance that Martha wins the first 4 rounds and loses the

fifth is .

(2) The chance that Martha wins the first 6 rounds and loses the

seventh is .
Ans E

Every time Brad goes surfing his probability of suffering a shark bite is p. How many
times can Brad go surfing before his probability being bitten at least once is more
than 90% ?

(1) p=

(2) Brad’s probability of suffering his first shark bite on his second

time surfing is .

Ans A
A bookshelf has an equal number of books in the following genres: history,
biography, novel and anthology. One-half of each genre on the bookshelf is red,
one-third of each genre on the bookshelf is blue, and one-sixth of each genre on the
bookshelf is brown. If a book is randomly chosen from the shelf, what is the
difference between the probability that the book is not a red history book and the
probability that it is a blue or brown novel?
A single particle is accelerated through a magnetic field which
causes it to take on either a clockwise or counterclockwise spin. If
the particle takes on a clockwise spin it is called left-handed. If it
takes on a counterclockwise spin, it is called right-handed. An
experiment calls for 5 particles to be accelerated through the field,
one at a time. If the probability of a particle taking on a clockwise

spin is and taking on a counterclockwise spin is , then what is

the probability that more particles will be right-handed than left-
Rosalie tosses a coin a number of times and counts the total number of times the coin
lands tail-side up. How many times does she toss the coin?

(1) The chance that the coin lands tail-side up exactly once is
between 0.1 and 0.2.

(2) The chance that the coin lands head side up exactly once is the
same as the chance that the coin lands tail-side up exactly once.

Ans A

If the probability that Valerie gets to work on time is higher when she takes the train
than when she drives, is the probability that Valerie gets to work on time when she
bicycles greater than 0.5 ?

(1) The probability that Valerie gets to work on time when she
bicycles is more than half the probability that she gets to work
on time when she drives.

(2) The probability that Valerie gets to work on time when she
bicycles is two-thirds the probability that she gets to work on
time when she takes the train.

Ans E

A string of lights is strung with red, blue, and yellow

bulbs in a ratio of two to five to three, respectively. If 6
bulbs are lit in a random sequence, what is the probability
that no color is lit more than twice?

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