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Interdisciplinary Course: How to Produce, Perform, and Record

This course will incorporate the school’s theme “Explorations and Inventions” by looking first at
ourselves in an introspective light and then moving outwards exploring expression and art: writing,
performing, and producing. The course will begin with an oral history project, move forward into
interviewing of family and school neighborhood, focusing upon the people that make up our new
community. We will then begin to look and study different genres of performance: writing & journalism,
spoken word, music, poetry, acting, production & marketing, finally culminating in a showcase produced
by our students for the enjoyment of friends, family, and the general public.

Daily Expectations:

-Participate in class assignments and activities.

- Participate in class projects

-Work to the best of your ability in class

- Respectfully engage in field trips, guest speakers, and workshops.

Grading Policy:


80-89%= B

70-79%= C

60-69%= D

0-59%= F

Grading Requirements:

Attendance/ Participation: 20%

Assignments: 20%

Unit Projects: 20%

Final Project: 40%

Week/Day Monday- Thursday
8/31- 9/3 Introduction to class, course rules, & team building.
9/7-9/10 No school Monday: Labor Day. Daily assignments/ notes, & Oral History Project. Who are
You? Introspective at ourselves.
9/14-9/17 No school Monday: Professional Development. Daily assignments/ notes. Continue Oral
History Project, concentrate upon family or mentor. What is their life story?
9/21-9/24 Daily assignments/ notes. Interview local neighborhood leaders and business leaders,
upload oral history project to pod cast or radio form.
9/28-10/1 Daily assignments/ notes. Wells History, Mid-town market area.

10/5-10/8 No school Monday: Professional Development. Daily assignments/ notes. Look at

production and marketing end of producing shows, albums, large scale productions.
10/12- No class Thursday: Half Day. Daily assignments/ notes. Spoken Views Unit: how to write &
10/15 perform poetry. Workshop with Emic.
10/19- Daily assignments/ notes. Continue Spoken Views Unit.
10/26- Daily assignments/ notes. Begin acting and producing unit.

11/2-11/5 Daily assignments/ notes. Continue acting unit. Workshop with outside guest.
11/9- No school Wednesday: Veterans Day. Daily assignments/ notes. Writing and journalism
11/12 unit.
11/16- Daily assignments/ notes. Writing and journalism unit continued. Workshop with local
11/19 writer & reporter.
11/23- No school Thursday: Thanksgiving
11/30- Daily assignments/ notes. Music Unit: the work & cost of production.
12/7- Daily assignments/ notes. Music Unit: marketing & advertising.
12/14- Daily assignments/ notes. Music Unit: how to craft lyrics & rhymes. Workshop with local
12/17 emcee.
1/4- 1/7 Daily assignments/ notes. Students choose form and develop their routine, monologue,
song, poem, or writing.
1/11-1/14 Daily assignments/ notes. Students continue to work on their routine.
1/18- No school Monday: MLK Day. No class Thursday: half day. Portfolio work, course
1/21 evaluations, and performance. Final projects due.

Schedule subject to change by instructor

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