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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Melissa Class: EP1 Rainbow Week: 7 Dates: 15/12- 21/12

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
For the remainder of the semester we will continuously practice our numbers readin! and countin!" #n class we are currently countin! to twenty" $tudents will %olunteer to come up o the front of the class and count to twenty for e%eryone" &e will be practicin! for our 'hristmas show durin! the ma(ority of circle time"

Christmas Continued
Activity Time

Vocabulary) $anta 'laus 'hristmas present stoc*in! bell star 'hristmas tree ornament slei!h reindeer elf toy snowman candy cane fire place snow cold snowball s*ate ice Sentence structure(s ) Merry 'hristmas+ # li*e/ # don,t li*e &hat colour is the -'hristmas ob(ect./ #t is -red." Song(s : 0in!le bells $nowfla*e $nowfla*e # am the 1appiest 'hristmas 2ree Activities: Paper Plate Christmas Tree: students will paint a paper plate cut in the shape of a tree" 3fter the paint has dried students will decorate it with %arious art and craft supplies" Hand and Foot Print Angel: students will coat their hand and foot in paint and stamp it on a piece of card" 2he foot will be the body of the an!el and the two hand prints will be the win!s" &hen the paint has dried students will draw on a face" The ma!ority o" our week we will be #re#aring "or the Christmas show$

&e will continue to re%iew all letters sounds blended two letter sounds and the 5at, word family" &e will practice 5at, family brea*in! it down into two sections" c and at" 2hen we will blend them to!ether to ma*e the word cat"

%ew (letters&soun's&vocabulary
$tudents are currently learnin! si!ht words as their new %ocabulary" Please see the si!ht words section for the list of words" 2his wee* in our phonics boo* we will focus on be!innin! sounds) ! h and i" $tudents will be !i%en a picture and ha%e to circle the correct letter the picture starts with" For e4ample a picture of a hat and students must circle the h sound as cat starts with h"

Writing (ractice
&e will continue practicin! in our writin! boo*s" &e will practice both upper and lower case letters"

Sight Wor's
$i!ht words are still %ery new to EP1" &e will continue to practice the 5at, word family" &ords include) bat cat fat hat mat rat

(arent )ollow *# & *se"ul Websites & +omework:

you all there" 0ust a reminder to send your child to school on 6ecember 27 th wearin! the colour !reen" 2he son! we will be sin!in! is called 8#,m the 1appiest 'hristmas 2ree"9 :elow is the lin* to the son!" &e will not be doin! the same dance this is to practice sin!in!) http)//www"youtube"com/watch/%;p<'-=*csbc>

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