LabVIEW Design Patterns

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Design Patterns in NI LabVIEW

Developer Days 2009

What is a design pattern (what) Benefits of design patterns (why) Examples of design patterns (how)

The Need for Design Patterns

More One features more feature, .. Small Uhh Ilast think one its Ibig promise! working Add Start aHow few features .. Ithappen? works! no deal did this

In the World of LabVIEW

How to avoid this:

What Is a Design Pattern?

Formal, solution to a problem Widely accepted and well-known Easily recognizable Implementation Independent
Example: The Kitchen Sink

Benefits of Using Design Patterns

Simplify the development process
Developers can easily understand code Do not have to reinvent the wheel Provide preexisting solutions to common problems

Many have been used for years they are tried and true Refer to large development community and resources online

You can needlessly complicate your life if you use an unnecessarily complex design pattern. Do not forget the most common design pattern of all data flow!

Basic Tools
Loops Shift registers Case structures Enumerated constants Event structures

Todays Discussion
As we look at each design pattern, we will discuss
A problem we are trying to solve Background How it works Technical implementation Demonstration Use cases/considerations

Design Patterns
Basic State machine Event-driven user interface Producer/consumer Advanced Object-oriented programming


National Instruments Customer Education

LabVIEW Basics I and II

State Machine
I need to execute a sequence of events, but the order is determined programmatically.

Why Use a State Machine

Easily Extended
Can you add feature [x] to this program?

Oops, I forgot to include a step to do [y]!

Easily Maintained
Thank goodness John used a state machine, we can easily understand whats going on


Static Sequence Dynamic Sequence: Distinct states can operate in a programmatically determined sequence


Vending Machine
Initialize Wait
Change Requested Quarter Deposited Total <50 Nickel Deposited Dime Deposited Total <50 Total <50 No Input


Total 50 Total >50

Total 50

Total 50


Soda costs 50 cents


Total = 50


What is a State Machine in LabVIEW?

Case structure inside of a while loop Each case is a single state Current state has decision-making code that determines next state Use enumerated constants to pass value of next state to shift registers


Defining the State Machine (1/4)

Decide which state to execute Decide which state is next


Defining the State Machine (2/4)

Execute code for a given state

State Code StateCode Code State Code State State Code


Defining the State Machine (3/4)

Transition Logic
Figure out which state is next


Defining the State Machine (4/4)

Transition Logic

State State Code State Code Code


State Machines in LabVIEW

Transition Logic

State State Code State Code Code


State Machine



Use Cases
Almost Always Any program with more than a few steps

You need to make a state diagram LabVIEW Statechart module implements UML statecharts


National Instruments Customer Education

LabVIEW Intermediate I

Event-Driven User Interface

I am polling for user actions, which is slowing my application down, and sometimes I do not detect them!

Procedural-driven programming
Performs a set of instructions in sequence Requires polling to capture events Cannot determine order of multiple events

Event-driven programming
Determines execution at run time Waits for events to occur without consuming CPU Remembers order of multiple events


How It Works
Event structure nested within loop Blocking function until event registered or time-out Events that can be registered:
Notify events are only for interactions with the front panel Dynamic events implement programmatic registration Filter events help you to screen events before they are processed


How It Works
1. Operating system broadcasts system events (mouse click, keyboard) to applications Event structure captures registered events and executes appropriate case Event structure returns information about event to case Event structure enqueues events that occur while it is busy


3. 4.


How It Works: Static Binding

Browse controls Browse events per control Green arrow: notify Red arrow: filter


Event-Driven User Interface



Use Cases
UI: Conserve CPU usage UI: Ensure you never miss an event Drive slave processes

Event structures eliminate determinism Avoid placing two event structures in one loop Remember to read the terminal of a latched Boolean control in its value change event case


National Instruments Customer Education

LabVIEW Intermediate I

I have two processes that need to execute at the same time, and I need to make sure one cannot slow the other down.

How It Works
Master loop tells one or more slave loops when they can run Allows for asynchronous execution of loops Data independence breaks data flow and permits multithreading Decouples processes Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3


Breaking Down the Design Pattern

Data-independent loops = multithreading Master/slave relationship Communication and synchronization between loops


Adding Elements to the Queue

Select the data type the queue will hold

Reference to existing queue in memory

Dequeueing Elements

Dequeue will wait for data or time-out (defaults to -1)







Use cases Handling multiple processes simultaneously Asynchronous operation of loops Considerations Multiple producers one consumer One queue per consumer If order of execution of parallel loop is critical, use occurrences

National Instruments Customer Education

LabVIEW OOP System Design

Object-Oriented Programming
Dynamic Allocation Inherited Functionality Polymoprhism

Object Orientation Classes

A glorified cluster A user-defined data type A type of project library


Object Orientation Objects

An object is a specific instance of a class Object data and methods are defined by the class


Object Orientation Inheritance

Each child class inherits methods and properties from its Printer parent Each child class can also have its own Laser Printer unique methods

Copy Machine

Inkjet Printer


Object Orientation Dynamic Dispatching

Calling VI determines which version of a subVI to use at run time. This prevents unneeded subVIs from being loaded into memory.

Laser Printer



Copy Machine


Object Orientation Creating Classes

Create a class from within a project Add VIs to the class to control methods and properties


Object-Oriented Programming Logging Status Messages to a File



Using Design Patterns

Lets put what we have learned to use.

Using Design Patterns

Problem: Create a responsive user interface We need an application with a responsive user interface that detects user inputs and reacts accordingly. This user interface should not use excessive CPU resources. The actions we need to take are not dependant on each other.

Solution: Event-Based Design Pattern We should use an event-based design pattern because we need to limit the CPU usage while waiting for events. We should not encounter any race conditions because our actions are independent of each other.


Using Design Patterns

Problem: Test and calibration system We need to test several devices on a production line. Based on the results of the test, we may need to calibrate the system using one of two calibration routines, then retest the system. Solution: State Machine Because we do not know which of the calibration routines we need to use, we should use a state machine to dynamically select which of the two states we should enter. Note: We should NOT use the object-oriented programming factory design pattern for this because we only have two calibration routines. Using object-oriented programming would be needlessly complex.

Using Design Patterns

Problem: Data acquisition and data logging We need to acquire data from two external instruments that sample at different rates, filter the data, add the time of the test and the operator who performed the test to the data, and then write it all to a file.

Solution: Producer/consumer We should use the producer/consumer architecture because we have multiple tasks that run at different speeds and cannot afford to be slowed down. Each of the external readings will be in separate producer loops and the data processing and logging will be in the consumer loop.

Using Design Patterns

Problem: Dynamically render a group of 3D objects We need to create a series of 3D objects and display them. These objects will be different from each other but will share some similar properties. The number of each type that we will need to create will not be known until the program runs. Solution: Object-oriented programming We should use object-oriented programming with a factory that produces the proper number of each type of 3D object. Because we do not know how many will be produced beforehand and they all share some similar properties, dynamically creating these objects from an object-oriented programming factory is the most efficient solution.

Object-Oriented Programming 3D Object Field



Example Finder New>>Frameworks>>Design Patterns Training
LabVIEW Intermediate I and II

White paper on LabVIEW Queued State Machine Architecture

How to Develop Your LabVIEW Skills


Fast Track to Skill Development

New User Courses
Begin Here Core Courses LabVIEW LabVIEW Basics II Basics I LabVIEW Intermediate I LabVIEW Intermediate II

Experienced User

Advanced User
LabVIEW Advanced I

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer Exam

Certified LabVIEW Developer Exam

Certified LabVIEW Architect Exam

If you are unsure take the - Quick LabVIEW quiz - Fundamentals exam




Training Membership: The Flexible Option

Ideal for developing your skills with NI products 12 months to attend any NI regional or online courses and take certification exams $4,999 USD for a 12-month membership in the USA


Next Steps
Visit Identify your current expertise level and desired level Register for appropriate courses
$200 USD discount for attending LabVIEW Developer Education Day!


LabVIEW Learning Paths

Advanced Intermediate

LabVIEW Advanced I: Large Application Development

LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming System Design

LabVIEW Intermediate I and II

LabVIEW Real-Time Application Development CompactRIO Fundamentals and LabVIEW FPGA LabVIEW Instrument Control RF Fundamentals and RF Application Development LabVIEW Machine Vision and Image Processing LabVIEW DAQ and Signal Conditioning



LabVIEW Basics I and II

Ways To Learn LabVIEW

In A Classroom Near You
Held at a local hotel or training facility Personal Interaction with Instructor and other Attendees

On-line At Your Desk

Live and Instructor-led No travel and reduced time away from work

At Your Company Office

Tailored course material for your companys needs No travel required

At Your Convenience
Self-paced course kits On-demand training modules located in the Services Resource Center

Training & Certification Membership Program

Unlimited access to all regional and on-line courses for one year Unlimited access to all certification exams for one year Option to retake all courses and exams



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