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1 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Review Process ................................................................................................................ 2 3 Details of Findings ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1 Quality Module .................................................................................................................. 3 3.1.1 Master Data ............................................................................................................. 3 Material Master .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Inspection Plan .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Master Inspection Characteristic ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Inspection Method ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Catalog ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Selected Set .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Inspection Points ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1.2 Incoming Inspection ................................................................................................. 3 3.1.3 In process Inspection ............................................................................................... 4 3.1.4 Final Inspection ........................................................................................................ 4


The System Review Service provides the SAP customer with an independent and objective review of business processes, application configuration, and current productive SAP implementations. It assesses the functional areas and it identifies the associated risk areas. This service provides business application expertise to highlight improvement areas in the current implementation. The Solution Review Service focuses on the functional application. All reviews are conducted by experienced SAP consultants and follow a co nsistent approach. As a result, some of the benefits of the review are:

To ensure optimum use of SAP (configuration of processes) Early identification of potential risk factors Increases efficiency and effectiveness of SAP solution To ensure smooth productive operation

This Solution Review Report includes a summary of findings and details of findings, identifies the areas of potential risk, and notes the recommendations of the Solution Review Service. The present document includes the following sections:

Executive Summary Summary of Findings Details of Findings

As listed, each section offers an examination of the material in greater detail.

System Study Review Report QM

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Executive Summary

This report contains the findings of the Solution Review of the SAP ERP implementation at ACME covering following sub-modules of SAP quality module : 1. Master Data Material Master Inspection Plan Master Inspection Characteristic Inspection Method Catalog Selected Set Inspection Points 2. In coming inspection 3. In process inspection 4. Final Inspection


Review Process

This solution review was to check if the system configurations of all SAP Modules meet business requirement/processes. This Solution Review included study of Business Blueprint Documents and interviews with:

Senior Management Business Process Owners End Users

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Quality Module

The review findings are summarized under the following areas : 1 Master Data Material Master Inspection Plan Master Inspection Characteristic Inspection Method Catalog Selected Set Inspection Points 2 In coming inspection 3 In process inspection 4 Final Inspection


Master Data

Requirement in brief: Maintain following master data Material Master Inspection Plan Master Inspection Characteristic Inspection Method Catalog Selected Set Inspection Points Whether covered in BBP Yes Whether the solution is realized in the system as per BBP : Yes Observation on solution realized: NA

Recommendation on proposed solution : NA

2.3.2 Incoming Inspection

Requirement in brief:

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Maintain following master data Quality inspection at vendor site. Whether covered in BBP: Yes Whether the solution is realized in the system as per blueprint: No Observation on solution realized: NA

Recommendation on proposed solution : Source inspection will be done at vendor site. This process can be mapped in system. QM and MM configuration will be done in standard sap. Certificate issued from vendor will be uploading through DMS.

2.3.3 In process Inspection

Requirement in brief Root cause analysis at every level of inspection.

Whether covered in BBP Yes Whether the solution is realized in the system as per BBP : Yes Observation on solution realized: Customizing setting is missing in control key of routing (PP master data).

Recommendation on proposed solution : Standard customization. Master inspection characteristics will be required in routing for in process inspection.

2.3.4 Final Inspection

Requirement in brief :

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After GR of finished goods inspection should be performed on material.

Whether covered in BBP Yes Whether the solution is realized in the system as per BBP : Yes Observation on solution realized: NA

Recommendation on proposed solution : NA

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