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Simple Present

[VERB] + s/es in third person Examples: You speak English. Do you speak English? You do not speak English.

Complete ist o! "imple #resent $orms

USE 1 Repeated Actions

%se the "imple #resent to express the idea that an a&tion is repeated or usual. 'he a&tion &an (e a ha(it) a ho((y) a daily e*ent) a s&heduled e*ent or something that o!ten happens. +t &an also (e something a person o!ten !orgets or usually does not do. Examples:

+ play tennis. "he does not play tennis. Does he play tennis? 'he train leaves e*ery morning at , -.. 'he train does not leave at / -.. 0hen does the train usually leave? "he al1ays forgets her purse. 2e ne*er forgets his 1allet. E*ery t1el*e months) the Earth circles the "un. Does the "un circle the Earth?

USE 2 Facts or


'he "imple #resent &an also indi&ate the spea3er (elie*es that a !a&t 1as true (e!ore) is true no1) and 1ill (e true in the !uture. +t is not important i! the spea3er is &orre&t a(out the !a&t. +t is also used to ma3e generali4ations a(out people or things. Examples:

Cats like mil3. Birds do not like mil3. Do pigs like mil3? Cali!ornia is in -meri&a. Cali!ornia is not in the %nited 5ingdom. 0indo1s are made o! glass. 0indo1s are not made o! 1ood. 6e1 Yor3 is a small &ity. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT THAT THIS FACT IS UNTRUE.

USE " Sc#ed$led Events in t#e %ear F$t$re

"pea3ers o&&asionally use "imple #resent to tal3 a(out s&heduled e*ents in the near !uture. 'his is most &ommonly done 1hen tal3ing a(out pu(li& transportation) (ut it &an (e used 1ith other s&heduled e*ents as 1ell. Examples:

'he train leaves tonight at 7 #.. 'he (us does not arrive at 88 -.) it arrives at 88 #.. 0hen do 1e &oard the plane? 'he party starts at , o9&lo&3. 0hen does &lass &egin tomorro1?

USE ' %o( )%on*+ontin$o$s ,er&s-

"pea3ers sometimes use the "imple #resent to express the idea that an a&tion is happening or is not happening no1. 'his &an only (e done 1ith 6on:Continuous Ver(sand &ertain .ixed Ver(s. Examples:

+ am here no1. "he is not here no1. 2e needs help right no1. 2e does not need help no1. 2e #as his passport in his hand. Do you #ave your passport 1ith you?

'he examples (elo1 sho1 the pla&ement !or grammar ad*er(s su&h as: al1ays) only) ne*er) e*er) still) ;ust) et&. Examples: You only spea3 English. <o you only spea3 English?

A+01,E 2 PASS1,E
Examples: =n&e a 1ee3) 'om cleans the &ar. ACTIVE =n&e a 1ee3) the &ar is cleaned (y 'om. PASSIVE

Present +ontin$o$s
[am/is/are + present parti&iple] Examples: You are (atc#ing 'V. Are you (atc#ing 'V? You are not (atc#ing 'V. Complete ist o! #resent Continuous $orms

USE 1 %o(

%se the #resent Continuous 1ith 6ormal Ver(s to express the idea that something is happening no1) at this *ery moment. +t &an also (e used to sho1 that something is not happening no1. Examples:

You are learning English no1. You are not s(imming no1. Are you sleeping? + am sitting. + am not standing. 1s he sitting or standing? 'hey are reading their (oo3s. 'hey are not (atc#ing tele*ision. 0hat are you doing? 0hy aren3t you doing your home1or3?

USE 2 /onger Actions in Progress %o(

+n English) >no1> &an mean: this se&ond) today) this month) this year) this &entury) and so on. "ometimes) 1e use the #resent Continuous to say that 1e are in the pro&ess o! doing a longer a&tion 1hi&h is in progress? ho1e*er) 1e might not (e doing it at this exa&t se&ond. Examples: @-ll o! these senten&es &an (e said 1hile eating dinner in a restaurant.A

+ am st$dying to (e&ome a do&tor. + am not st$dying to (e&ome a dentist. + am reading the (oo3 Tom Sawyer. + am not reading any (oo3s right no1. Are you (orking on any spe&ial pro;e&ts at 1or3?

Aren3t you teac#ing at the uni*ersity no1?

USE " %ear F$t$re

"ometimes) spea3ers use the #resent Continuous to indi&ate that something 1ill or 1ill not happen in the near !uture. Examples: + am meeting some !riends a!ter 1or3. + am not going to the party tonight. 1s he visiting his parents next 1ee3end? 1sn3t he coming 1ith us tonight?

USE ' Repetition and 1rritation (it# 4Al(ays4

'he #resent Continuous 1ith 1ords su&h as >al1ays> or >&onstantly> expresses the idea that something irritating or sho&3ing o!ten happens. 6oti&e that the meaning is li3e "imple #resent) (ut 1ith negati*e emotion. Remem(er to put the 1ords >al1ays> or >&onstantly> (et1een >(e> and >*er(+ing.> Examples: "he is al(ays coming to &lass late. 2e is constantly talking. + 1ish he 1ould shut up. + don9t li3e them (e&ause they are al(ays complaining.

REMEM.ER %on*+ontin$o$s ,er&s2 Mi5ed ,er&s

+t is important to remem(er that 6on:Continuous Ver(s &annot (e used in any &ontinuous tenses. -lso) &ertain non:&ontinuous meanings !or .ixed Ver(s &annot (e used in &ontinuous tenses. +nstead o! using #resent Continuous 1ith these *er(s) you must use "imple #resent. Examples:

"he is loving this &ho&olate i&e &ream. Not Correct

"he loves this &ho&olate i&e &ream. Correct

'he examples (elo1 sho1 the pla&ement !or grammar ad*er(s su&h as: al1ays) only) ne*er) e*er) still) ;ust) et&. Examples: You are still 1at&hing 'V. -re you still 1at&hing 'V?

A+01,E 2 PASS1,E
Examples: Right no1) 'om is (riting the letter. ACTIVE Right no1) the letter is &eing (ritten (y 'om. PASSIVE

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