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Submitted By M !d D"#i$! P%DM &'(&)(* I+T+S %!",i"b"d

UNDER T-E %UIDANCE OF AND SUPERVISION OF I#du$t.y Me#t . Mr.Tarun Vohra Sr.Manager-Channel sales F"/u0ty Me#t . Prof. Dushyant tyagi

I would like to express gratitude and respect for all the guidance and assistance gi en and !ade a aila"le. This pro#ect has in ol ed a lot of effort and research$ which would not ha e "een possi"le without the help of !any people. I would like to express !y deep gratitude towards !y industry !entor Mr. Tarun Vohra$ senior !anager%s Channle Sales & !y 'aculty !entor Prof.Dushyant tyagi$ for gi ing !e this opportunity to explore !y potential and undertake this pro#ect. It really helped to put the theoretical knowledge to practical use and it also ga e !e a !uch deeper understanding of the actual operations of the international si! card industry. I would like to take this opportunity to thank !y Industry !entor Tarun Vohra & !y 'aculty !entor Prof.Dushyant tyagi !y tea! !e!"ers Mr. (a#ee pro#ect possi"le. chaudhry and Mrs.Sweeta singh Deo whose i!!ense help$ guidance$ support$ and direction !ade this

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mohd Danish$ P)DM *+,-+-+,-./ "atch a student of Institute of Technology & Science$ Mohan 0agar )ha1ia"ad has undertaken The pro#ect on B."#d P.e3e.e#/e "#d C m4etiti5e A#"0y$i$ 3 M"t.i6 C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim C".d i# I#te.#"ti #"0 Sim C".d$ I#du$t.y2. The sur ey$ data collection & analysis work for preparing the pro#ect has "een carried out "y the student in partial fulfil!ent of the re3uire!ent for the award of P)DM$ under !y guidance & super ision. I a! satisfied with work of MO-D DANIS-.


P. 3+ Du$!y"#t Ty"8i A$$i$t"#t P. 3e$$ . I+T+S9 %!",i"b"d


I here"y declare that the Pro#ect conducted at M"t.i6 Ce00u0". :I#te.#"ti #"0; Se.5i/e$ P5t Ltd+ 4nder the guidance of P. 3+ Du$!y"#t Ty"8i "#d M.+ T".u# V !." Su"!itted in partial fulfill!ent of the re3uire!ents for the degree of POST %RADUATION DIPLOMA IN MANA%EMENT TO INSTITUTE OF TEC-NOLO%Y AND SCIENCE9 %-A<IABAD

Is !y original work and the sa!e has not "een su"!itted for the award of any other degree5diplo!a5fellowship or other si!ilar titles or pri1es.

P0"/e7 %!",i"b"d D"te7

M !d D"#i$! P%DM:&'(&)&'(*;




(. 6xecuti e Su!!ary 777777777.7777777777777777,8 -Introduction7777777777777777777777777777.,9 -Co!pany Profile77777777777777777777777777..,9 -Matrix (edesign77777777777777777777777777...-: -Industry Profile777777777777777777777777777.+; -S<=T >nalysis777777777777777777777777777+9 -Co!petitors7777777777777777777777777777..;-Churn Manage!ent7777777777777777777777777...;. &. ="#ecti e of the Pro#ect 7...777777777777777777777.;:

=. (e iew of the ?iterature777777777777777777777777;@ -Arand I!age7777777777777777777777777777.., - Consu!er Aeha ior7777777777777777777777777... 5

- Custo!er (elationship Manage!ent777777777777777777...B - Strategies for 'uture )rowth777777777777777777777....8 *. (esearch Methodology777777777777777777777777.B, >. Data >nalysis & Interpretation777777777777777777777..B. ?. Suggestions777777777777777777777777777778+ @+ Conclusion 777777777777777777777777777778. A+ ?i!itations 777777777777777777777777777778B B. Ai"liography7777777777777777777777777777..8: ('. ="ser ation "ase 3uestions77777777777777777777777777777.



The !ain o"#ecti e of the pro#ect was to find out the satisfaction le el of existing custo!ers and understanding the co!petiti e en iron!ent and suggesting further strategies to i!pro e and sustain the !arket share of Matrix Country Specific Si! card. 'eatures affecting the "uying "eha ior of the custo!ers and churn !anage!ent were also studied. >fter co!pletion of this pro#ect I found that in spite of the fact that Matrix is the !arket leader a!ong the country specific si! cards "ut still it has to workout new strategies in order to co!pete with clay and uniconnect who is the !a#or co!petitor in the pri ate sector and other players in the industry. Maxi!u! no of !o"ile users are in the age group of +B-8,$ which are !ostly student going a"road for studies$ ser ice class and "usiness !en who go a"road either for leisure trip or for "usiness purpose. Till date Matrix is only pro iding the post paid ser ices only. 7

Prepaid is other option with !atrix$ there is a testing going out in the !arket for sa!e$ it !ight also co!e with a great deal. Matrix Country Specific Si! card has a strong "rand i!age in the International Si! cards !arket$ e5e# M"t.i6 i$ t!e bi88e$t / m4"#y i# t!e C .0d i# t!i$ bu$i#e$$ "ut still it needs regular inno ations and differentiation to "e i!ple!ented to ha e a co!petiti e edge a"o e the other potential players in the industry. >fter co!pleting the sur ey I arri ed at a conclusion that there is an extensi e co!petition happening these days in International si! cards Industry

C!"4te. )( I#t. du/ti #


C m4"#yD$ 4. 3i0e


%ROUP7 M"t.i6 C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d


MANA%IN% DIRECTOR7 M.+ %"8"# Du88"0




C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d$ B0"/EBe..y Se.5i/e$ D"t" C".d$ F .e6

Matrix Country Specific Si! card co!es to you as world%s "iggest pri ate integrated country specific si! Cards Co!pany. Matrix pro ides a range of teleco! ser ices$ which include Country Specific Si! cards$ Aoltons Data Cards and 'orex. >part fro! "eing the largest co!pany in world in this "usiness$ it is also the first co!pany to start the concept of country specific si! cards in world. Matrix is the leading country specific si! cards co!pany$ with a footprint in pan India

T be 80 b"00y "dmi.ed 3 . / u#t.y $4e/i3i/ $im /".d$ $e.5i/e$ t!"t de0i8!t /u$t me.$+ <e will !eet glo"al standards for teleco! ser ices that delight custo!ers throughC D Custo!er Ser ice 'ocus D 6!powered 6!ployees D Inno ati e Ser ices D Cost 6fficiency Se.5i/e$ M"t.i6 C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d$ Matrix Postpaid$ the (eady Country Specific Si! card Card fro! Matrix co!es to you fro! Matrix Country Specific Si! card$ IndiaEs leading Country specific Si! Card Co!pany. )oing !o"ile with Matrix Postpaid is a new way of life. <ith a host of great features$ also si!ple to use$ Matrix !akes e erything that you drea!t and "elie ed$ possi"le.



M"t.i6 P $t4"id Matrix welco!es you to a i"rant world of unli!ited opportunities. More exciting$ inno ati e yet si!ple new ways to co!!unicate$ #ust when you want to$ not #ust through words "ut ideas$ e!otions and feelings. To gi e you the unli!ited freedo! to reach out to your special people in your special way when e er you are tra elling a"road M"t.i6 B0"/E Be..y Se.5i/e$ Matrix Alack Aerry ser ice allows you to use your !ails when e er you are tra elling a"road at #ust -5-,th of the cost in co!parison to International (oa!ing.

M"t.i6 D"t" C".d

4sing laptops e en while tra elling a"road is a essential need of e ery "usiness these days$ so Matrix pro ide plug and play Data cards for laptops so that !ails can "e accessed any where is a cheaper !ode and safe !anner.

M"t.i6 F .e6 C".d$ "#d Cu..e#/y

Tra elling a"road with lots of cash and tra elers che3ue is an old idea$ now people prefer to carry forex cards which are easy to use and re!o es the hassle of carrying cash.

M"t.i6 BRAND



M"t.i6 F Vi$u"0 Ide#tity 'or a "rand to "e successful$ it !ust "uild enduring relationships with its different audiences. Integral to this relationship is the isual i!age of the "rand the consu!er carries in his5her !ind. The Matrix "rand i!age is created through the consistent application of a carefully de eloped isual identity$ which helps Matrix distinguish itself in a cluttered !arket. Matrix isual identity helps create instant "rand recall and strengthens the relationships that its audiences ha e with it.

The Matrix isual identity has different ele!ents that work together to create a strong and consistent identity for the "rand.

T!e M"t.i6 L 8

The Matrix logo is a strong$ conte!porary and confident sy!"ol for a "rand that is always ahead of the rest. It is a specially drawn word !ark.

VISION7 G>s we spread wings to expand our capa"ilities and explore new hori1ons$ the funda!ental focus re!ains unchangedC seek out the "est technology in the world and put it at the ser ice of our ulti!ate userC our custo!er.F

Matrix Country Specific Si! card International Ser ices ?i!ited was incorporated on @th 0o $ -@@B for pro!oting in est!ents in Country specific si! card ser ices as in country specific Si!s. Its su"sidiaries operate teleco! ser ices across India. Matrix is IndiaEs leading pri ate sector pro ider of Country Specific Si! cards "ased on a strong custo!er



"ase consisting of approxi!ately +,G Custo!ers e ery !onth and the no. are increasing day "y day.

Bu$i#e$$ St."te8y MatrixE $t."te8i/ bHe/ti5e is Ht /"4it"0i,e # t!e 8. Ct! 44 .tu#itie$ t!"t t!e C m4"#y be0ie5e$ ".e "5"i0"b0e i# t!e 2 .0d m".Eet "#d / #$ 0id"te it$ 4 $iti # t be t!e 0e"di#8 i#te8."ted / u#t.y $4e/i3i/ $im /".d 4. 5ide. i# Eey m".Eet$ i# I#di"9 Cit! " 3 /u$ # 4. 5idi#8 $u/! $e.5i/e$+ The Co!pany has de eloped the following strategies to achie e its strategic o"#ecti eC I 'ocus on !axi!i1ing re enues and !arginsJ Capture !axi!u! re enue potential with !ini!u! geographical

co erageJ =ffer !ultiple Country specific si! card ser ices to pro ide custo!ers

with a Fone-stop shopF solutionJ Position itself to tap data trans!ission opportunities and offer ad anced

!o"ile data ser icesJ 'ocus on satisfying and retaining custo!ers "y ensuring high le el of

custo!er satisfactionJ ?e erage strengths of its strategic and financial partnersJ and 14


6!phasi1e on hu!an resource de elop!ent to achie e operational


M bi0e St."te8y

Capture !axi!u! Country specific si! card re enue potential with !ini!u! geographical co erage to !axi!i1e its re enues and !argins.

Auild high 3uality !o"ile networks "y deploying state-of-the-art technology to offer superior ser ices.

4se the experience it has gained fro! operating its existing !o"ile networks to de elop and operate other !o"ile networks in India and to share the expertise across all of its existing and new circles.

>ttract and retain high re enue generating custo!ers "y pro iding co!petiti e tariffs$ offering high 3uality custo!er support$ proacti e retention progra!s.

Pro ide afforda"le tariff plans to suit each seg!ent of the !arket with a iew to expand the reach$ there"y increasing the !o"ile custo!er "ase rapidly

MEDIA STRATE%Y The !edia planning is done "y in house marketing department head by Karan Sharma. The target audience is the Male5'e!ale who tra el a"road$ > who look entertain!ent$ news & infor!ation in the electronic !edia in channels like 0DTV$ >>KT>G$ and ST>( P?4S etc.



Since they are all "usy with their daily routine life$ during weekdays they watch tele ision only during e enings$ thus the ad was shown for! -@,, hrs to ,,,,hrs during weekdays in -+-+, spots5day & since during the weekends they rely on the sa!e !edia for entertain!ent the ad is shown a higher nu!"er of ti!es *i.e./ ;,-., spots during the whole day.

This ad was !ade in Lindi5 6nglish !ix "ecause of our target audience which is understood "y all and thus it was shown !ainly on tele ision as tele ision had the !axi!u! reach *i.e./ all o er India and also electronic !edia created a greater i!pact in the !inds of the consu!er.

The pri!ary !edia used for this ca!paign was tele ision so that e eryone would get to see the ad & this would create an i!pact in his !ind. ?ater in the secondary !edia hoardings & print !edia was used so that there was an i!!ediate "rand recall of Matrix.

TESTIN% F EVALUATION Aoth the co!pany *Matrix/ & the !edia tea! conducted sur eys to check the Top of The Mind >wareness *T=M>/ whose results showed that Matrix had a high T=M>.

The sales of Matrix also went up "y a s!all percentage after the ad ca!paign was launched. B."#d $t."te8ie$ To understand the "rand strategy$ let%s first look at the "rand "uilding exercise associated with Matrix M a "rand that had to "e repositioned recently to address new needs in the !arket. 16


<hen the "rand was launched -B years ago$ Country Specific Si! card telephony wasn%t a !ass !arket "y any !eans. 'or the a erage consu!er$ owning a Country Specific Si! card phone was expensi e as tariff rates *at (s 9 a !inute/ as well as instru!ent prices were steep M so!eti!es as !uch as "uying a second-hand car. Matrix could ha e addressed the custo!er "y rationally explaining to hi! the econo!ic ad antage of using a country specific si! card. Aut Mr. )agan Duggal says that such a strategy would not ha e worked for the si!ple reason that the alue fro! using the phone at the ti!e was not co!!ensurate with the cost. HInstead of the alue-proposition !odel$ we decided to address the sensory "enefit it ga e to the custo!er as the !ain selling tack. The idea was to "eco!e a "adge alue "rand$2 he explains. So the Matrix Hleadership series2 ca!paign was launched showing successful !en with their laptops$ in their deluxe cars$ in hotels a"road using the Matrix !o"ile phone. In si!ple ter!s$ it !eant Matrix was positioned as an inspirational "rand that was !eant for leaders$ for custo!ers who stood out in a crowd. Did it workN (epeated sur eys following the launch showed that there were three core "enefits that were clearly associated with the "rand M leadership$ dyna!is! and perfor!ance. These were alua"le 3ualities$ "ut they only took Matrix far enough to esta"lish its presence in the !arket. >s tariffs started dropping$ it "eca!e necessary for Matrix to appeal to a wider audience. >nd the arious "rand-tracking exercises showed that despite all these good things$ there was no e!otional di!ension to the "rand M it was percei ed as cold$ distant and efficient. Ay +,,,$ Matrix and his tea! reali1ed that in a "usiness in which custo!er relationships were the core this could "e a !a#or weakness. The reason with tariffs identical to co!petitor Clay and roughly the sa!e le el of ser ice and sche!es$ it had now "eco!e i!portant for Matrix to Hhu!ani1e2 Matrix and use that relationship as a !a#or differentiation.



The "rand had "eco!e so!ething like ?ufthansa M cold and efficient. <hat they needed was to "eco!e Singapore >irlines$ efficient "ut also hu!an. > change in tack was i!portant "ecause this was a ti!e when the Country Specific Si! !arket was changing. The leadership series was okay when you were wooing the crO!e de la crO!e of society. =nce you reached the! you had to expand the !arket so there was need to address to new custo!ers. Ay that ti!e$ Matrix was already the leading Country Specific Si! card su"scri"er in Delhi with a "ase of ;, G5Month *it now has B, G5Month custo!ers/. >nd with tariffs "eco!ing !ore afforda"le M as co!panies started cutting prices M it was ti!e to expand the !arket. Low could Matrix le erage this leadership position down the alue chainN Sur eys showed that the concept of leadership in the custo!er%s !inds was also changing. ?eadership did not !ean directing su"ordinates to execute orders "ut to work along with a tea! to achie e co!!on o"#ecti es M it was$ again$ a relationship ga!e that needed to "e reflected in the Matrix "rand. >lso$ a sur ey showed that B, per cent of the new custo!ers choose Matrix "rand !ostly through word-of-!outh endorse!ents fro! friends$ fa!ily or colleagues. Thus$ existing custo!ers were an i!portant tool for !arket expansion and Matrix now focused on "uilding closer relationships with the!. That is precisely what the "rand tried to achie e through its new positioning under the Matrix HMAKES SENSE "rand ca!paign. This set of ca!paigns portrayed !o"ile users surrounded "y caring fa!ily !e!"ers. Says MatrixC HThe new ca!paign and positioning was designed to highlight the relationship angle and !ake the "rand softer and !ore sensiti e.2 >s it looks to expand its Country Specific Si! card ser ices nationwide Mto eight new circles apart fro! the se en in which it already operates M Matrix is now reali1ing that there are new co!pulsions to rework the Matrix "rand$ and a new exercise is "eing launched to this effect. (ight now$ the co!pany is unwilling to discuss the new positioning in detail. Aut "roadly$ the focus is on positioning Matrix as a power "rand 18


with nu!erous regional su"-"rands reflecting custo!er needs in arious parts of the country.


O0d L 8 NeC L 8 The new logo for Matrix ser ice was designed after an extensi e "rand audit across different cities. This s!art$ conte!porary for! was in response to the o erall "rand strategy of creating a younger$ friendlier "rand persona. The group%s !arketing effort has "een reinforced with the relaunch of the Matrix "rand logo$ with a new slicker$ international and younger look. 4nder the new "rand strategy$ Matrix will now "eco!e the power "rand and su" "rands like Tango *for <>P ser ices/$ Poutopia *for the youth/ will "e withdrawn. The idea was to rework the "rand so that it is rele ant to a larger seg!ent of the population as we are now expanding into the s!aller cities and towns. The new "rand look will "e supported "y an o er (s :, crore ad ertising "udget.



TAR%ET AUDIENCE PROFILE The target audience for this ad ca!paign was the M"0e of the JP 0i$!ed S /ietyD *i.e./ the SEC) A who was "etween the age groups of (A) ?> ye".$. This was done so "ecause in Indian fa!ilies$ in ter!s of choosing a Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro ider$ it%s the Male !e!"er who is the head of the fa!ily acts as the Decider F Influencer+ The target audiences were all o er India as Matrix is a ser ice that is "eing used "y consu!ers all o er India. The target audiences are people who would choose a country specific card not only to co!!unicate "ut also enhance their social status "y using the "rand. They also look for additional "enefits fro! the "rand The "enefits the target audience would get for! the "rand Matrix would "e a co!"ination of C o Emotional enefit) The consu!er could express his inner !ost feelings. o Social enefit) Matrix was "eing percei ed as an International "rand$ it would satisfy his estee! needs. T!e t".8et "udie#/e$D i#5 05eme#t Cit! t!e 4. du/t i$ 5e.y !I"!$ as co!!unication is one of the !ost i!portant aspects in e ery consu!er%s life as it helps hi! + stay connected to his near & dear ones & also carry on his daily life "oth professionally & personally. Thus while choosing any such Country Specific Si! card ser ice while he is tra elling a"road$ he would do a co!plete analysis & research to find out which ser ice pro ider would satisfy his needs & !ay "e gi e e en !ore. >s we are talking of the intelligent consu!er who would understand the gra ity of the ad ca!paign$ he%s a person who consults !ostly the electronic !edia like Tele ision for news$ infor!ation & entertain!ent. Le prefers to watch 0DTV$ ST>( P?4S & si!ilar channels that would satisfy his taste of interests & thus as



a result is dependent on these channels for his needs to "e satisfied. Thus as a result his in ol e!ent with this !edia & channels is ery high. CREATIVE BRIEF The target audience in this ad ca!paign is the Male !e!"er of the S6C- >. who is intellectual$ intelligent & has the rationality to understand the gra ity of the ad ca!paign.

Since the o"#ecti e was to enhance the "rand i!age of Matrix$ it was necessary to !ake the consu!er change his perception a"out the "rand which re3uired a strong !oti ation. This could "e done only "y connecting with the consu!er e!otionally & India "eing a country of e!otions$ it "eca!e necessary & easy to reach out to the consu!er & place our "rands in their !inds in a positi e way.

Matrix as a "rand had to enhance its i!age$ thus it had + gi e so!ething !ore$ if not literally then e!otionally. Thus ca!e the concept of QMakes Sense%$ which !eant express your inner!ost feelings through Matrix & they also expected their consu!ers to do the sa!e.

=nce the consu!er has seen the ad ca!paign$ it should create a deep i!pact in the !inds of the consu!er$ so that if asked a"out any ser ice pro ider Matrix should "e the "rand that should in the consu!ers T=M> *Top of the !ind >wareness/. >fter this ad ca!paign the consu!er would ha e a higher "onding with the "rand and see it as a niche product.

Since the situations shown in the ad ca!paign are si!ilar to what e ery consu!er can relate to$ the consu!er after ha ing seen the ad ca!paign should "e con inced that its only Matrix which is a ser ice pro ider that ena"les hi! to con ey all that he wants to and along with that express his inner!ost feelings which at ti!es are not possi"le "y the 21



The consu!er should get a feeling of happiness & also "elongingness towards the "rand. Le is now a"le to reach out and express those feelings & e!otions which he always wanted "ut wasn%t a"le to.

>ll nor!al consu!ers can co!!unicate with words$ "ut a deaf & du!" person can%t do so. Aut in this ad ca!paign they ha e showed a deaf & du!" child who is still trying to express his feelings to his teacher "y actions and this is what e en Matrix is trying to co!!unicate out to its consu!ers *i.e./ express your inner !ost feelings.

T -E SCENE IN DEL-I UPTON NO2K+ 0ew Delhi$ as an upco!ing co!!ercial !etropolitan city is witnessing at Present a tug-of-war for !arket share in the Country specific Si! Card !arket which is currently ho ering near the ;, G5!onth figure !ark. This !arket is growing at an extre!ely fast pace and so is the co!petition "etween the two !ain Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro iders ) M"t.i6 "#d C0"y. Matrix$ "eing the first to enter the !arket in Delhi has "een the leader "ut the present trend in the growth rate shows that Clay !ight gi e it a run for its share of the precious pie.



HAs #e spread #ings to e$pand our capabilities and e$plore ne# hori%ons& the fundamental focus remains unchanged' seek out the best technology in the #orld and put it at the ser(ice of our ultimate user' our customer.F C 5e."8e 3 M"t.i6 Matrix Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro ides ser ices in a"out B8 Countries with country specific card and a"out ;- countries with a )lo"al Card. It "oost that the co erage is uninterrupted and co ers the widest area. Clay who !ore or less co ers the sa!e area will gi e Matrix a toss in the future when its partner 4niconnect which is planning to consolidate all its Indian operation and gi e its custo!ers a wider reaches in ter! of auto roa!. Player who pro ides a "etter ser ice in this respect will ha e an edge in the future as we can see the way people and "usiness is !o ing out of Delhi. INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS %0 b"0 Se.5i/e$ I#t. du/ti #7

Making its foray into the international !arket$ Matrix is the first Indian co!pany to get a license to pro ide Country specific Si! card ser ices outside India$ currently Matrix has its presence in Thailand$ Singapore$ Shrilanka$ Aangladesh and 4.G and trying to de elop the expertise to pro ide such ser ices o erseas. >s we spread our wings further$ Matrix )lo"al would explore opportunities in other countries around the world+ M"t.i6D$ A// m40i$!me#t$ The largest pri ate sector integrated Country specific si! card ser ices group in India in ter!s of the nu!"er of custo!ers. + Pro en track record of !anaging growth - "oth organic as well as "y way of ac3uisitions. ; 'irst and largest pri ate Country specific si! card ser ices co!pany offering Cellular$ Alack "erry$ Data Card and 'orex. 23


. B

'irst pri ate Country specific si! Card Co!pany to Alack "erry ser ices also. 'irst off the "lock to launch Data card ser ices for laptops.

Management Structure
The group has "een structured to create functional and operational speciali1ation with a linear ision of "usiness lines and functional areas. The Co!pany is headed "y Chair!an and )roup Managing Director- )agan Duggal who is assisted "y one Koint Managing Directors- Tan!ay (ai Chaudhary. The Co!pany also has two Presidents- President 6ast India >"ro (eh!an$ this responsi"ility includes 6ntire 6ast India and (est of India )aura Suri The Presidents report to the )roup Chair!an and Managing Director. The head of units and SA4s report to the respecti e "usinessEs President. >n apex tea! of Corporate Directors has "een constituted. The corporate directors ha e super isory and strategic responsi"ilities for functional areas across "usiness lines. The directors o ersee functional areas including Ausiness De elop!ent$ Lu!an (esources$ Marketing$ Corporate Co!!unication$ IT & Technology$ 'inance$ ?egal$ Corporate >ffairs$ Corporate Strategy & Planning and Super isory Director cu! Chief Mentor !o"ility. The organi1ation structure is designed to ensure that identical "usinesses are run along si!ilar lines and "est resources in any functional field$ "e tapped to ser e the "est interests of the entire group. The structure also defines the role of the Lead of the units who are totally e!powered to !anage their respecti e co!panies and are fully responsi"le for "usiness operations to 24


"uild world-class organi1ations with a high degree of custo!er focus.

I#du$t.y 4. 3i0e

Country specific si! card is one of the pri!e support ser ices needed for rapid growth and !oderni1ation of arious sectors of the econo!y. It has "eco!e especially i!portant in recent years "ecause of enor!ous growth of Infor!ation Technology *IT/ and its significant i!pact on the rest of the econo!y. India is percei ed to ha e a special co!parati e ad antage in IT and in IT-ena"led ser ices. Lowe er$ sustaining this ad antage depends critically on high 3uality teleco!!unication infrastructure. Geeping this in iew$ the focus of policy is ision of world class teleco!!unication facilities at reasona"le rates. >lthough the teleco! network has grown rapidly in recent years$ its growth needs to "e accelerated further in the Tenth Plan. The teleco! sector in India has "een witnessing a continuous process of refor!s since -@@-. <ith the opening of international long distance ser ices and internet telephony



fro! >pril$ +,,+$ the process of li"erali1ation and opening up the sector for co!petition is co!plete. Con ergence of ser ices is a !a#or new e!erging area and the teleco! sector will ha e to address this in the Tenth Plan. The !a#or refor!s carried out in the te,leco! sector so far are gi en "elowC-

Re3 .m$ i# t!e Te0e/ m Se/t . + Teleco! e3uip!ent !anufacturing was co!pletely deregulated in -@@-. Value added ser ices$ including Country Specific Si! card phone ser ices$ were thrown open to pri ate sector in -@@+. ; The 0ational Teleco! Policy *0TP/ allowing pri ate sector participation in "asic ser ices was announced in -@@.. >n independent regulatory authority called$ Teleco! (egulatory >uthority of India *T(>I/$ was set up in -@@:. . > new policy for Internet Ser ice Pro iders *ISPs/ was announced in -@@9$ opening the area to pri ate sector pro iders. The policy was pro!otional in nature. ISPs ha e "een allowed to set up International Internet )ateways "oth satellite and landing stations for Su"!arine Ca"le syste!s. B > new policy called 0ew Teleco! Policy *0TP/$ -@@@ was announced replacing the -@@. policy. 8 Migration fro! the regi!e of fixed license fee to a new regi!e of re enue share was per!itted in >ugust$ -@@@. : The regulatory !echanis! has "een further strengthened through the T(>I *>!end!ent/ >ct$ +,,,. The >ct pro ides for esta"lish!ent of a separate dispute settle!ent !echanis! called Teleco! Dispute Settle!ent and >ppellate Tri"unal. 9 0ational ?ong Distance Ser ice was opened for co!petition in >ugust$ +,,,.



Corporatisation of Depart!ent of teleco!!unicationEs operational network into a pu"lic co!pany called Aharat Sanchar 0iga! ?td. fro! -st =cto"er$ +,,,.

-, Videsh Sanchar 0iga! ?td. *VS0?/ and LT? li!ited ha e "een disin ested. -- The Co!!unication Con ergence Aill +,,- was introduced in ?ok Sa"ha and has "een referred to the Standing Co!!ittee of Parlia!ent. -+ 'ourth Country Specific Si! card =perator$ one each in . !etros and thirteen circles ha e "een per!itted. -; 4nrestricted entry in "asic ser ices allowed along with use of wireless in local loop *<??/ access technology. -. Two categories of infrastructure pro iders ha e "een allowed to pro ide end to end "andwidth and dark fi"er$ right of way$ towers$ duct space etc. -B International ?ong Distance *I?D/ Ser ices ha e "een opened for co!petition since -st >pril$ +,,+. -8 Internet Telephony has also "een opened up since -st >pril$ +,,+. -: )uidelines for uni ersal ser ice o"ligation announced on March +:$ +,,+.

NeC Te0e/ m P 0i/y The 0ew Teleco! Policy *0TP/ announced in -@@@ !odified the 0TP$ -@@. to take into account the far-reaching technological de elop!ent taking place in the teleco! sector glo"ally and to i!ple!ent the )o ern!entEs resol e to !ake India a glo"al IT superpower. 0TP$ -@@@ also seeks to sol e pro"le!s arising out of the i!ple!entation of 0TP$ -@@.. The o"#ecti e of the 0TP -@@@ is toC + Make a aila"le afforda"le and effecti e co!!unications for the citi1ens. Stri e to pro ide a "alance "etween the pro ision of uni ersal ser ice to all unco ered areas$ including the rural areas and the pro ision of high-le el ser ices



capa"le of !eeting the needs of the countryEs econo!y. ; 6ncourage the de elop!ent of teleco!!unication facilities in re!ote$ hilly and tri"al areas of the country. . Create a !odern and efficient Country specific si! card infrastructure taking into account the con ergence of IT$ !edia$ teleco! and consu!er electronics and there"y propel India into "eco!ing an IT superpower. B Con ert Pu"lic Call =ffices *PC=s/$ where er #ustified$ into Pu"lic Teleinfo centers offering !ulti!edia ser ices like Integrated Ser ice Digital 0etwork *ISD0/ ser ices$ re!ote data"ase access$ go ern!ent and co!!unity infor!ation syste!s etc. 8 Transfor! in a ti!e "ound !anner$ the Country specific si! card sector to a greater co!petiti e en iron!ent in "oth ur"an and rural areas pro iding e3ual opportunities and le el playing field for all players. : Strengthen research and de elop!ent *( & D/ efforts in the country and pro ide an i!petus to "uild world-class !anufacturing capa"ilities. 9 @ >chie e efficiency and transparency in spectru! !anage!ent. Protect the defense and security interests of the country.

6na"le Indian teleco! co!panies to "eco!e truly glo"al players COUNTRY SPECIFIC SIM CARD INDUSTRY PROFILE The C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d phone i#du$t.y is one of I#di"%s rapidly growing industries. Since the I#du$t.y ca!e into "eing in the !id -@@,s$ its a erage per annu! growth rate has "een a pheno!enal +,, percent. Ay the end of +,,+$ the Indian C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d phone I#du$t.y had o er -, !illion su"scri"ers. The i#du$t.y has undergone a nu!"er of Changes o er the years. The 0ational Teleco! Policy -@@@ was an i!portant ?and!ark in the de elop!ent of the C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d i#du$t.y in I#di"J the tariff (ationali1ation and policy regulation introduced in the Policy helped the i#du$t.y )row at the pace it did. In +,,;$ Teleco! (egulatory >uthority of I#di"



*T(>I/ >nnounced regulation of interconnects user charges to resol e conflicts "etween C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d operators and network pro ider.

M"H . 40"ye.$7) Matrix Cellular$ Clay$ 4niconnect$ (oa! - and Rnet connect. The !igration to re enue sharing agree!ent has infused fresh "lood in the Country Specific Si! card industry. The sector has "een "ustling with acti ity since the !igration and has taken se eral strides with consolidation in the industry and a rapid growth in su"scri"er "ase. The su"scri"er "ase registered an i!pressi e growth of -;-S fro! >ug @@ to 0o +,,,. %."4! (7 C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d Sub$/.ibe.$ :m#; 3 . t!e 5".i u$ /i./0e$

S u./e7 I#di" I#3 0i#e+/ m The growth rate in !etros has "een slowing down while increasing in > Class circles. In



!etros the trend is towards increasing usage as against increasing penetration. Pre-paid cards ha e helped the Country Specific Si! card operators i!pro e their penetration. Pre-paid cards are also "eing picked up "y people "ecause of the no-hassle and "udget control "enefit attached to it. The industry is likely to !aintain the present rate of growth "acked "y !ore afforda"le rates for the ser ices$ low tele-density and increasing acceptance of the ser ice as a necessity as against luxury.

St.e#8t!$7 ) -. Matrix has strong "rand na!e recognition and a reputation for offering high 3uality ser ice to its custo!ers that is core strength to influence large prospect custo!ers. +. 'ocus on Country specific si! card to ena"le the co!pany to "etter anticipate industry trends and capitali1e on new Country specific si! card related "usiness opportunities. ;. >n effecti e Tuality Manage!ent tea! with ision and pro en execution skills. .. )ood network co erage "ut still not !uch satisfactory in glo"al si! cards. B. 6xcellent custo!er care ser ice. >d ertise!ent is good though lacks creati ity like Clay does which is !ore effecting in influencing the prospect custo!ers. Matrix "elie es in ad ertising through "rand a!"assadors like Sharukh and GG( etc. who are high profile personalities$ e en use of personalities like >.(.(ah!an and others in ad ertising is a good approach to reach and influence a large custo!er "ase. 9. Matrix has a ast "undle of alue added ser ice for Data on handheld$ AA ?+ Ad5e.ti$eme#t7 )



ser ices$ data card ser ices @. Matrix%s dealers and retailers are scattered to a large geographical area so in ter!s of a aila"ility it is one of the "est. ('+ M"t.i6D$ Out$ u./i#87 ) Matrix Cellular ha e outsourced "oth IT and 0etwork operations and #ust handle a few things that are !arketing$ sales and distri"ution. The co!pany not only sa es current operational cost$ it also dra!atically reduces its capex re3uire!ents as it expands its network o er the next couple of years. >"o e all$ "y handling o er these tasks lock$ stock$ and "arrel to so!eone else$ it free1e up !uch senior !anage!ent "and width to focus on really i!portant things like strategy and long ter! growth. -+. The co!pany%s strong relationships with international strategic and financial in estors such as SingTel$ >T&T$ T Mo"ile$ =+ etc (=+ MATRIXD$ Fi.$t7 ) Matrix Country Specific Si! card has launched its !o"ile ser ice$ M"t.i69 i# J"mmu "#d 1"$!mi.9 "eco!ing the first private service provider to do so. 'irst to launch country specific si! card ser ices outside !etro cities. 'irst to in est into -, G si! cards fro! e ery country. 'irst category QA% operator in India to cross ;$,,$,,, custo!er !ark. 'irst to launch Internet and )P(S to Country Specific Si! card !essaging in its circles. 'irst to start offshore distri"ution of prepaid cards in Middle 6ast to cater for huge keralite population in )ulf. 'irst to launch full prepaid country specific si! cards.

O44 .tu#ity7 ) -. Still a large no of potential and prospect custo!ers are un-captured. +. E#te. Vi."0 M".Eeti#8 i.e. !arketing "y the use of non-!ass !edia tools of co!!unication-SMS$ Internet$ 6-Mail in the word of !outh to get people talking



a"out it. Matrix has good "usiness opportunity to tap up such co!panies$ which are indulging in such !arketing strategy. T!.e"t$7 ) -. Te6tu"0 -"."$$me#tC unsolicited SMSes and calls are "esieging Cell phone users. They are tired of !o"ile spanning along with unsolicited text SMSes$ contest calls$ ad erts for ring tones$ dating ideas and fil!i chakkar pro!otions etc. The pri(acy of cell phone users is in danger. +. % 5e.#me#t Ru0e$ "#d Re8u0"ti #$7 )o ern!ent inter entions and teleco! regulators in the country pose a great threat in the independent operations of the Country Specific Si! card operators though they are essential to "reak any kind of !onopoly in the industry. ;. =ther Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro ider especially Clay and 4niconnect e!phasi1e !ore on push strategy whereas Matrix is still dealing with pull strategy. > perfect "lend of "oth is re3uired. So Matrix should pro ide dealers and distri"utor !ore perks and incenti es. .. The pri ate co!pany that is offering the strongest challenge to Matrix%s do!inance is the Indian "ased Clay and 4.G "ased 4niconnect$ the fir! operates Country Specific Si! card circles in Mu!"ai$ Delhi and Golkata. Clay is ranked +nd to none on transparency, organizational ethics, social responsiveness service quality and customer satisfaction. It is also at no + on ten other para!eters. *SourceC A< +.$ sept.+,,8/. So Clay is the !ost potential co!petitor in the industry and posses a great threat to Matrix.




T!e m $t 4 te#ti"0 / m4etit . i# t!e i#du$t.y.

Clay is "rought to you "y Clay Teleco!$ one of the world%s leading Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro iders. <e are known for our inno ati e approach and world class technology. =ur goal is to pro ide you superior products and ser ices$ anyti!e and anywhere. =ur alues are stated si!ply. To "e fair and transparent in what we do and how we do it. To pro ide you 3uality ser ices with !ore custo!er friendly practices. To !ake your co!!unications experience si!ple$ pleasura"le and fun. <here you donEt si!ply get technology - "ut technology that is rele ant. <here solutions are not #ust pro!ised in the future - "ut deli ered in the present.



D!i.ub!"i Amb"#iL$ d.e"m F<e will le erage our strengths in executing co!plex glo"al-scale pro#ects to !ake leading edge infor!ation and co!!unication ser ices afforda"le "y all indi idual consu!ers and "usinesses in India. <e will offer unparalleled alue to create custo!er delight and enhance "usiness producti ity. <e will also generate alue for our capa"ilities "eyond Indian "orders while ena"ling !illions of IndiaEs knowledge workers to deli er their ser ices glo"allyF. (eliance Passport is the outco!e of the late isionary Dhiru"hai >!"aniEs *-@;+-+,,+/ drea! to herald a digital re olution in India "y "ringing afforda"le !eans of infor!ation and co!!unication for the people who are tra elling a"road. FMake the calling card a aila"le to people at an afforda"le cost$ they will o erco!e the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of !o"ilityF$ Dhiru"hai >!"ani charted out the !ission for (eliance Infoco!! in late -@@@ and then in +,,B it ca!e with (eliance Passport. Le saw in the potential of infor!ation and co!!unication technology an once-in-a-lifeti!e opportunity for India to leapfrog o er its historical legacy of "ackwardness and underde elop!ent.

V"0ue Added Se.5i/e$ "#d C m4etiti5e Ad5"#t"8e Today in this co!petiti e industry the fight is not a"out talk or price only$ it%s a"out who! offers the !ost alue added ser ices. In this "attleground$ the two !ost aggressi e players are Clay and (eliance Passport. 34


Clay already has a "unch of inno ations to its credit. Matrix was the first co!pany in world who ca!e with an idea of Country Specific Si! cards and the first co!pany which !ade its user to use internet ser ices at -5-,th of the cost while they are tra elling a"road. T!e V"0ue 4. 4 $iti #7 C! D$ 33e.i#8 C!"tM O4e."t .$ Out8 i# 8 P6S P6S I#/ mi# 8 P6S P6S Di.e/t C"00 t I#di" P6S P6S BB Se.5i/e$ P6S P6S A4T I0 S=M6 C=40T (I6S 0= 0= D"t" C".d Se.5i/e$ P6S P6S A4T I0 V6(P '6< C=40T (I6S. 0= 0= F .e6 Re/ei5eNSe# C".d$ F d SMS Cu..e#/y P6S 0= P6S P6S

M"t.i6 C0"y

U#i/ ##e/ t Re0i"#/e P"$$4 .t

P6S 0=

P6S P6S A4T 4SI0) S=M6 =TL6( ?>0D?I0 6 P6S P6S

P6S 0=

0= 0=

P6S 0=

R "m ( L /"0 P.e4"id C".d$+


0= P6S

0= 0=

0= 0=

0= P6S




C!u.# M"#"8eme#t

O5e.5ieC7 In the co!!unication industry$ a custo!er canceling or reducing usage of co!!unication ser ice$ is ter!ed as churn. Custo!ers are at a li"erty to choose a!ong the se eral ser ice pro ider and the chances of their changing loyalties are high. (easons can ary. They !ay switch to a different ser ice pro ider due to a little price$ 3uality of ser ice$ 3uality of custo!er care$ e3uip!ent and technology$ "illing issues or si!ply !ore effecti e !arketing ca!paigns. The percentage of custo!ers who churns in a particular ti!e period defines the churn rate. C!u.# i# I#di"7 (eports straight that Indian Country Specific Si! card operators face the highest churn rates as co!pared to their counter parts in >sia Pacific countries with the exception of Long Gong. >s per data released "y research fir!s )artner$ the !onthly churn rate that Indian operators grapple with ranges fro! ;.BS to 8S. That !eans a"out ;.BS to 8S wireless custo!ers !o e fro! one operator to another e ery !onth. It is o"ser ed fro! the report that half the !erchandi1e fro! the custo!er "ase churns annually in India. The high churn rates can "e explained fro! the fact that !arket is relati ely !ore co!petiti e in India. Low to !anage ChurnJ The pro"le! identified$ now the Country Specific Si! card operators are left to check ways out to keep the custo!ers "ound to the!. To do so$ he needs to keep a ta" on the custo!er consu!ing ha"its. Lere$ they are confronted with the difficulty in deter!ining the profile of su"scri"ers that 36


left the co!pany and the reason why they left the co!pany. It is therefore !ore difficult to predict which custo!ers are likely to lea e and !ore difficult to predict the de ice cost effecti e incenti es that will persuade likely churners to stay. Do!ain experts$ the !arketing gurus in their lingo$ would suggest the teleco! co!panies Hto ha e good data in a data ware house$ a !ethodology to !anage the process of identifying custo!ers or contracts and profile the! according to risk categories and analytical !odel "ased on historical "eha ior to predict the procli ity to churn$ and a !eans of acting on the output of the !odel to pre ent the churn fro! actually taking place2 C-URN STRATE%Y7 ) Matrix has so !any inno ati e ideas and !atchless ser ices to !ake sure the custo!er will en#oy nothing less than a word of ad antages. -. Matrix has recently presented lackberry& the #orlds most po#erful instant E)Mail mobile with in"uilt features of synchroni1ed instant 6-Mail$ attach!ent iewing$ ad anced security$ integrated phone and we"-"rowser and synchroni1ed desktop calendar etc.

+. 3 . bu$i#e$$ 4e.$ #"0$ I SMS directory$ field force auto!ation$ ehicle tracking$ co erage in -.,, towns$ sea!less international roa!ing$ !o"ile office$ corporate e-!ail etc.

;. Matrix has t!e be$t 5"0ue "dded $e.5i/e in the country.

-Ad5"#/e .e#t"0 40"# If a user tra els fre3uently to a country he !ay take a per!anent no fro!



Matrix for (s @@@ >nnual rental only. -<e. / $t SIM Matrix pro ides si!card on rent so no si! charges are taken fro! custo!ers. -I#/ mi#8 Matrix pro ides country specific cards for a"out ;@ countries where inco!ing is free. --"$$e0 P"yme#t $y$tem <hile a user is carrying Matrix his no are !ostly post paid so the "illing can "e easily done fro! their credit card$ so they need not to worry a"out "ill pay!ent while tra elling a"road. -D"t" C".d$ 3 . 0"4t 4$ Matrix is one of the only co!panies which also pro ides country specific data cards so that people tra elling for "usiness purpose can stay connected to their !ails e en while tra elling a"road any where any ti!e. M"t.i6 F .e6 Se.5i/e$ >ny person tra elling a"road needs forex as a !andate$ so Matrix now also pro ides forex ser ices in ter!s of cash as well as 'orex cards.



C!"4te. I & ObHe/ti5e 3 t!e 4. He/t



PROJECT OBJECTIVE".y ObHe/ti5e To know the position of Matrix Country Specific Si! card "y analy1ing custo!er satisfaction and co!petiti e !arket within the International Si! card industry.

Se/ #d".y ObHe/ti5e$ -. To find and list the factor that affect "uying decisions. +. To know the preference of potential and prospect custo!er for different features offered "y International Si! cards pro iding co!panies to for!ulate effecti e churn strategy. ;. To find the awareness of Matrix Country Specific Si! card as a "rand and Matrix other products in Delhi. .. To find the reasons for their willing ness or non-willingness of Matrix user to switch to other "rand. B. To analy1e the effecti eness of arious printed ads of Matrix as well to analy1e pu"lic relation i!age.



C!"4te. ) = Re5ieC 3 Lite."tu.e



Arand i!age is the current iew of the custo!ers a"out a "rand. It can "e defined as a uni3ue "undle of associations within the !inds of target custo!ers. It signifies what the "rand presently stands for. It i$ " $et 3 be0ie3$ !e0d "b ut " $4e/i3i/ b."#d . In short$ it is nothing "ut the consu!ers perception a"out the product. It is the !anner in which a specific "rand is positioned in the !arket. Arand i!age con eys e!otional alue and not #ust a !ental i!age. Arand i!age is nothing "ut an organi1ations character. It is an accu!ulation of contact and o"ser ation "y people external to an organi1ation. It should highlight an organi1ation%s !ission and ision to all. The !ain ele!ents of positi e "rand i!age are- uni3ue logo reflecting organi1ation%s i!age$ slogan descri"ing organi1ation%s "usiness in "rief and "rand identifier supporting the key alues. Arand i!age is the o erall i!pression in consu!ers% !ind that is for!ed fro! all sources. Consu!ers de elop arious associations with the "rand. Aased on these associations$ they for! "rand i!age. >n i!age is for!ed a"out the "rand on the "asis of su"#ecti e perceptions of associations "undle that the consu!ers ha e a"out the "rand. The idea "ehind "rand i!age is that the consu!er is not purchasing #ust the product5ser ice "ut also the i!age associated with that product5ser ice. Arand i!ages should "e positi e$ uni3ue and instant. Arand i!ages can "e strengthened using "rand co!!unications like ad ertising$ packaging$ word of !outh pu"licity$ other pro!otional tools$ etc.



Aran d i!age de elops and con eys the product%s character in a uni3ue !anner different fro! its co!petitor%s i!age. The "rand i!age consists of arious associations in consu!er%s !ind - attri"utes$ "enefits and attri"utes. Arand attri"utes are the functional and !ental connections with the "rand that the custo!ers ha e. They can "e specific or conceptual. Aenefits are the rationale for the purchase decision. There are three types of "enefitsC 'unctional "enefits - what do you do "etter *than others/$e!otional "enefits - how do you !ake !e feel "etter *than others/$ and rational "enefits5support - why do I "elie e you*!ore than others/. Arand attri"utes are consu!ers o erall assess!ent of a "rand. +8 Arand i!age has not to "e created$ "ut is auto!atically for!ed. The "rand i!age includes productsE appeal$ ease of use$ functionality$ fa!e$ and o erall alue. Arand i!age is actually "rand content. <hen the consu!ers purchase the product$ they are also purchasing its i!age. Arand i!age is the o"#ecti e and !ental feed"ack of the consu!ers when they purchase a product. Positi e "rand i!age is exceeding the custo!er%s expectations. Positi e "rand i!age enhances the goodwill and "rand organi1ation. T $um u49 B."#d im"8e i$ t!e /u$t me.D$ #et e6t."/t 3. m t!e b."#d+ alue of an


F . I$$ue 3 JN ObHe/ti # Ce.ti3i/"teD :NOC; 3 . $"0eN.e#t 3 I#te.#"ti #"0 R "mi#8 SIM C".d$N%0 b"0 C"00i#8 C".d$
Q0o ="#ection CertificateE *0=C/ shall "e issued "y Depart!ent of Teleco!!unications*DoT/ in regard to sale5rent of International (oa!ing SIM cards5 )lo"al Calling Card in India with the following ter!s and conditionsC



Te.m$ "#d C #diti #$ 3 NOC

*i/ The cards "eing offered to Indian Custo!ers will "e for use only outside India.

Lowe er$ if it is essential to acti ate the card for !aking test calls5e!ergent calls "efore the departure of custo!er and 5or after the arri al of the custo!er$ the sa!e shall "e per!itted for forty eight *.9/ hours only prior to departure fro! India and twenty four *+./ hours after arri al in India. *ii/ Such test calls5e!ergent calls !ade fro! India through these calling cards shall "e international roa!ing calls. *iii/ 'or esta"lishing the authenticity of the custo!ers *photo identity and address proof etc/$ proper erification of users of such cards shall "e carried out "efore selling 5renting such cards. Copy of the passport of the custo!er indicating alid isa shall also "e o"tained. *i / Co!plete details of such glo"al cards *including the period/ along with full particulars$ including address of the person to who! the international roa!ing cards has "een sold5rented$ shall "e pro ided to the designated security agencies periodically on !onthly "asis. * / >ll types of clearances fro! any agency like (AI5 custo!s etc. will "e duly taken "y the Co!pany. * i/ The traffic originated in other country for ter!ination in India will "e routed through the alid I?D licensees5 alid I?D gateways. * ii/ The Co!pany$ selling5renting such SIM5Calling cards$ shall ensure that the ti!e li!it of acti ation of such cards in India$ as !entioned in Para *i/ a"o e$ is adhered to$ failing which the Co!pany shall "e lia"le to pay a fine of (s.B,,5- *(s. 'i e Lundred only/ per hour for each SIM5Calling cards for e ery extra hour of acti ation. * iii/ The 0=C shall "e issued initially for a period of one year and shall "e renewed on the re3uest of the Co!pany.



Team performance and control process in sales organizations Ay (a#gopal$ > (a#gopal$ >ccording to (a#gopal and (a#gopal the "alance "etween tea! designing and tea! coordination in perfor!ing sales and !anagerial control strategies are nor!ally "ased on salespeopleE outco!es. It !ay "e appropriate for the !anagers to consider re iew of tea! designs for i!pro ing the sales unit effecti eness. Lowe er$ there is no apparent negati e i!pact of relati ely high le els of control "eha ior in co!"ination with tea! coordination and leadership attri"utes. <ork en iron!ent is largely go erned "y tea! coordination effects for the salespeople. Sales tea! "uilding process has a large effect on sales organi1ation effecti eness "oth directly and indirectly through its relationship with salespeopleEs "eha ioral perfor!ance. Collecting and processing territory and account infor!ation are !a#or aspects of a salespersonEs task and to a large extent salespeopleEs effecti eness depends on the a!ount and 3uality of the !arket infor!ation a aila"le to the!. The study re iews existing theoretical and !anage!ent issues pertaining to tea! sales practices and deter!ines !a#or aria"les that affect the tea! perfor!ance in selected industries. The results of the study are consistent with the findings of pre ious studies referred in the paper. Lowe er$ this paper atte!pts to contri"ute significantly to the existing studies as there is paucity of literature on this su"#ect particularly in reference to ?atin >!erica.



C #$ume. be!"5i u. is the study of when$ why$ how$ and where people do or do not "uy a product. It "lends ele!ents fro! psychology$ sociology$ social anthropology and econo!ics. It atte!pts to understand the "uyer decision !aking process$ "oth indi idually and in groups. It studies characteristics of indi idual consu!ers such as de!ographics and "eha ioral aria"les in an atte!pt to understand peopleEs wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consu!er fro! groups such as fa!ily$ friends$ reference groups$ and society in general. Custo!er "eha iour study is "ased on consu!er "uying "eha iour$ with the custo!er playing the three distinct roles of user$ payer and "uyer. (esearch has shown that consu!er "eha ior is difficult to predict$ e en for experts in the field. (elationship !arketing is an influential asset for custo!er "eha iour analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-disco ery of the true !eaning of !arketing through the re-affir!ation of the i!portance of the custo!er or "uyer. > greater i!portance is also placed on consu!er retention$ custo!er relationship !anage!ent$ personalisation$ custo!isation and one-toone !arketing. Social functions can "e categori1ed into social choice and welfare functions.



CUSTOMER RELATIONS-IP MANA%EMENT Cu$t me. .e0"ti #$!i4 m"#"8eme#t is a "roadly recogni1ed$ widely-i!ple!ented strategy for !anaging and nurturing a co!pany%s interactions with clients and sales prospects. It in ol es using technology to organi1e$ auto!ate$ and synchroni1e "usiness processesMprincipally sales acti ities$ "ut also those for !arketing$ custo!er ser ice$ and technical support. The o erall goals are to find$ attract$ and win new clients$ nurture and retain those the co!pany already has$ entice for!er clients "ack into the fold$ and reduce the costs of !arketing and client ser ice. =nce si!ply a la"el for a category of software tools$ today$ it generally denotes a co!pany-wide "usiness strategy e!"racing all client-facing depart!ents and e en "eyond. <hen an i!ple!entation is effecti e$ people$ processes$ and technology work in synergy to increase profita"ility$ and reduce operational costs

Be#e3it$ 7

Strea!lined sales and !arketing processes >dded cross-selling and up-selling opportunities I!pro ed ser ice$ loyalty$ and retention Ligher sales producti ity Increased call center efficiency Ligher close rates Aetter profiling and targeting (educed expenses Increased !arket share Ligher o erall profita"ility Marginal costing 47



T".8et m".Eet$

Stude#t$ t."5e00i#8 "b. "d 3 . Studie$+ This seg!ent has not yet "een tapped "y any of the Country Specific Si! card ser ice pro iders. Since these would "e first ti!e users and the price will "e a !a#or factor. Matrix will ha e to !odel its price structure to acco!!odate this seg!ent of custo!ers. Prepaid SIM card !ay thus "e a good strategy to start off with. Lei$u.e t."5e0+ >lready Matrix%s "rand is synony!ous with fun. Matrix will ha e to lay greater e!phasis on this a seg!ent of consu!ers "ecause with greater disposa"le inco!e !ore and !ore people tra el a"road as a tourist. C .4 ."te T."5e0 This seg!ent has not yet "een tapped ery well. Matrix can thus concentrate on this seg!ent "y introducing sche!es ai!ed at corporate. This can "e done "y pro iding the! specific alue added ser ices. O44 #e#tL$ $!".e7 Ay aggressi ely !arketing their products and taking ad antage of the fact that as !entioned "efore Clay and 4niconnect is facing pro"le!s with its technical !anpower at the ser ices le el. Sooner or later this is "ound to result in dissatisfaction of their clients. Matrix can a"sor" these users Increased co!petition fro! the third and fourth player



>irtel and Vodafone are planning to enter the Country Specific Si! card ser ices !arket in a "ig way. Matrix will ha e to pay off their attack "y 0ew tariff plans. More alue added ser ices. Aetter network 3uality. Intensification of !arketing and ad ertising effort ai!ed at highlighting the

strengths of the "rand and their continuous a"ility to pro ide good 3uality ser ice. I#/.e"$e i# 5i$ibi0ity "#d / 5e."8e

Matrix will ha e to go in for further i!age enhance!ent of the Matrix "rand with a care and fa!ily !essage and the !agic "rand with e!phasis on targeting the youth. >lso$ their retail outlets and franchises will ha e to "e increased further "y B,S. This is infact a strategy that Matrix is i!ple!enting and the results will show soon. Such reach and isi"ility once attained will ha e to "e co!ple!ented with excellent people%s ser ices that Matrix is known for. =nce achie ed this le el of ser ices will "e hard new or esta"lished player to !atch. In the long run this could "e the ital factor$ which keeps Matrix 0o. - in the industry. T!e 3i.$t / me "d5"#t"8e

Value added ser ices are the nor! of the day. The ser ice pro iders can gain a long ter! ad antage "y consistently introducing new incenti es in alue added ser ices or tariff structures. 6 ery ti!e a new sche!e is launched it pro ides te!porary edge to the ser ice pro ider o er its counterpart. This te!porary ad antage is in ter!s of the new clients it ac3uires who ha e "een attracted "y the offer. Lowe er after so!e ti!e this ad antage is neutrali1ed "y the other player offering so!ething si!ilar. Thus it i!portant to inno ate "efore the co!petition ti!e and again so that one can !ake the short ter! ad antage cu!ulati ely long ter! and help increase H!ind share2 as well as !arket share.



C .4 ."te /0ie#te0e

Since this a target !arket "y itself its !arketing !ethodology itself would "e different. Most organi1ations prefer to take ser ices for their e!ployees in groups. Lence$ this order "eco!es ery "ig for the ser ice pro ider. Personali1ed selling would "e the order of the day for these users. The presence in the arious "usiness and corporate circles would also enhance M>T(IU%s% "rand i!age. Special incenti es can "e gi en to these e!ployees for !aintaining their loyalty to the Matrix "rand. T!e M"t.i6 ) M"t.i6 "d5"#t"8e

Matrix could lure !ore custo!ers "y introducing sche!es in which calls fro! one Matrix user to another would "e possi"le at a reduced tariff. This would encourage a group of users who need to co!!unicate fre3uently to opt for this ser ice only. >lso it would help in pro!oting "ondage "etween the users and thus further pro!ote loyalty. NeC i## 5"ti5e 4"/E"8e$

Matrix has to co!e up with new inno ati e packages like the C>?? L=M6 sche!e offered "y Clay. Such sche!es launched at regular inter als will help in !aintaining custo!er loyalty and also attract new custo!ers. Di$/ u#ted 4. du/t$

The co!pany has to offer !ore discount sche!es like reducing the acti ation charges or reducing the security fees. This will pro ide the co!pany a co!petiti e edge. Lowe er this !ay lead to a price war. Lence the trade offs of indulging in this exercise !ust "e considered. Re8u0". 3.eebee$

Matrix can offer at regular inter als and especially at festi als sche!es like free airti!e to its users$ free coupons for shopping$ free entry to shows etc. this would keep the custo!ers interested in the "rand and ensure that they re!ain loyal to the "rand.



The other co!petitor will also "e indulging in the sa!e hence the effecti eness of these would depend on the ti!ing of these offers.

S4e/i"0 33e.$

Matrix !ay offer special incenti es and rewards to the fre3uent and regular users "y offering the! free !aintenance checks. 'ree or !ini!al cost up gradation to a category of users who use the ser ice o er a specified li!it of airti!e. M .e 3 t!e e)3"/t .

The future "elongs to the net. The players who will "e a"le to integrate the net in their operations will lead the !arket. This would !ean ad ertising o er the net$ allowing an interface of the net with the Country Specific Si! card ser ice. Matrix is already on the right track as far as this is concerned. They ha e introduced the concept of "eing a"le to send !essages to the user like a pager !essage. This can "e done fro! the Matrix site. Fi#"00y9 t $e00 Ce00K+ K++"#d .em"i# i# 4 $iti #K++

KKKKNUMERO UNO To retain its position of the 0o. - player in the !arket Matrix has to not only i!ple!ent the strategies !entioned "ut also ti!e their !o es perfectly.



=nly high le el (&D co!ple!ented with sound technical ser ices can pro ide the "ack"one for the aggressi e !arketing that we ha e suggested for Matrix.

C!"4te. I * Re$e"./! Met! d 0 8y



The task of data collection "y the Ob$e.5"ti # met! d "#d 4e.$ #"0 i#te.5ieC$ "ecause the !axi!u! client of !atrix is "elonging to ery high society so they ha e no ti!e to fill-up the i collected this data "ased on personal o"ser ation. I found the The pri!ary data are those$ which are collected a fresh and for the first ti!e and thus happen to "e original in character. The secondary data are those which ha e already "een collected "y so!eone else and which ha e already "een passed through the statistical process. The !ethods of collecting pri!ary data are to "e originally collected$ while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection work is !erely that of co!pilation.

COLLECTION OF PRIMARY DATA <e collected pri!ary data during the course of doing experi!ents in an experi!ental research. <e can o"tain pri!ary data either through o"ser ation or through direct co!!unication with respondents$ or through personal inter iews.

COLLECTION OF SECONDARY DATA Secondary data !eans data that are already a aila"le i.e. they refer to the data which ha e already "een collected and analy1ed "y so!eone else. It !ay either "e pu"lished data are a aila"le are a aila"le inC Various pu"lications Aooks$ !aga1ines & statistics



SAMPLE SI<E S>MP?6 SIR6 '=( C4ST=M6(%S 066DS >0D S>TIS'>CTI=0 ?6V6? >0D DS>5(6T>I?6(SC -,,

TOOLS USED IN SURVEY The arious tools used in conducting the sur eys are as followsC ="ser ation !ethod Personal inter iews ( OBSERVATION MET-OD

="ser ation !ethod in the !ost co!!only used !ethod in a sur ey. ="ser ation "eco!es a scientific tool and the !ethod of data collection for the researcher$ when it ser es a for!ulated research purposes syste!atically planned and recorded and is su"#ected to checks and controls on alidity and relia"ility$ under the o"ser ation without asking fro! the respondent. & INTERVIE2 MET-OD

The inter iew !ethod of collecting data in ol es presentation of oral er"al sti!uli and reply in ter! of oral er"al responses. Personal inter iew !ethods in a face-to face contact to the other person or persons. This !ethod is particularly suita"le for intensi e in estigations.



PROCEDURE OF RESEARC-. To conduct the research the target population was the people who go a"road. +. Target geographic area was Delhi sa!ple si1e was B, for custo!er satisfaction & DS> feed"ack respecti ely. ;. To this sa!ple a 3uestionnaire was gi en$ the 3uestionnaire was co!"ination of "oth open ended and close-ended 3uestion. .. So!e DS> were also inter iewed to know a"out the arious products and !arket scenario of Matrix. B. 'inally the collected data was analy1ed and co!puted to arri e at the conclusion and reco!!endation gi en.



C!"4te. I > D"t" "#"0y$i$ A#d"ti #



%."4! (7)

S"m40e t"Ee# i# t!e Su.5ey / #t"i#$ (''P .e$4 #de#t$ Cit! C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d U$"8e+ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

%."4! &7)



Type of Connections

27% Post Paid Pre Paid 73%

M $t0y /u$t me. 0iEe t 8 Cit! 4 $t 4"id $e.5i/e+ +.

%."4! =7) Mode of Payments 5 20 49 Card Cheque Cash Others


%e#e."0 m de 3 P"yme#t i$ C.edit C".d9 ! Ce5e. C8eQue i$ t!e t!e. u4/ mi#8 me"#$+

%."4! *7)



Present Service Provider

11% 10% 13%

10% 36%


Matrix Clay U i!o e!t "oa# 1 "elia !e Calli $ !ard Other

M"t.i6 ! 0d$ m .e t!"# O#e T!i.d 3 t!e C u#t.y S4e/i3i/ Sim /".d M".Eet S!".e i# De0!i+ %."4! >7) . Do you feel that call rate on international roaming in matrix is less than others:

M"6imum /u$t me. "8.eeD$ m"t.i6 4. 5ide 0e$$ . "mi#8 /!".8e$ t!"# t!e.$ + %."4! ?7) D y u t!i#E t!"t 3 .e6 F I#$u."#/e $e.5i/e$ 33e.ed by m"t.i6 i$ bette.7



A// .di#8 my b$e.5"ti # F 4e.$ #"0 i#te.5ieC$ Ce 3i#d m $t 3 /u$t me. ".e $"ti$3ied Cit! M"t.i6D$ 3 .e6 F i#$u."#/e $e.5i/e$+

%."4! @7)

Preference while taking first time Connection

16% 8%


15% 8% 25%

Matrix Clay U i!o e!t "oa# 1 "elia !e Calli $ Card Others

M"t.i6 i$ t!e m $t 4.e3e..ed b."#d ! Ce5e. C0"y "#d U#i/ ##e/t ".e 4 te#ti"0 C m4etit .$ i# t!e m".Eet+ M"t.i6 i$ t!e m $t 4.e3e..ed b."#d ! Ce5e. C0"y "#d U#i/ ##e/t ".e 4 te#ti"0 C m4etit .$ i# t!e m".Eet+



%."4! A7)

Satisfaction Level for Various Operators

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
M at rix C la y i! o

%o "e ! a lia ls ! i# e C !a C rd s O th er s

e! t

&issatis'ied Partially (atis'ied )ully (atis'ied

M"t.i6 !"$ m .e t!"# ?'P $"ti$3ied Cu$t me.$9 ! Ce5e. C0"y "#d U#i/ ##e/t "0$ !"5e m .e t!"# O#e t!i.d 3 t!ei. $"ti$3ied /u$t me.$+ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %."4! B7)

Matri !mage

*uality +rust %atest te!h ,alue 'or #o ey Po-ularity "elia.le

M"t.i6 i$ E# C# b"$i/"00y 3 . -i8! Ru"0ity9 T.u$t "#d Re0i"b0e Se.5i/e$+ M"t.i6 i$ E# C# b"$i/"00y 3 . -i8! Ru"0ity9 T.u$t "#d Re0i"b0e Se.5i/e$+



%."4! ('7) Customers Perception a$out Matri 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Poor /0era$e 4ood 5x!elle t /0aila.ility /uth1 2 tera!tio Custo#er (er0i!e 3ith sales Care Ce ter -erso

" of #espondents

Parameters M"t.i6 !"$ e6/e00e#t A5"i0"bi0ity Cit! t!e De"0e.$ but 0"/E$ S"0e$ 3 ./e I#te."/ti #+ M"t.i6 !"$ e6/e00e#t A5"i0"bi0ity Cit! t!e De"0e.$ but 0"/E$ S"0e$ 3 ./e I#te."/ti #+ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO M $t 3 t!e /u$t me.D$ 4e./e4ti # ".e e6/e00e#t "#d 5e.y 3eC /u$t me.D$ ".e di$$"ti$3ied Cit! m"t.i6+

%."4! ((7)



#anking as per customer satisfaction O$tained $y Personal !nterviews

"a 6i $ %o! al (i# U Car i!o e!t d "elia !e Others Matrix Clay

Cellular Operators M"t.i6 i$ t!e m $t 4.e3e..ed b."#d C!i/! i$ bee# 8i5e# by /u$t me.$



C!"4te. I ? Su88e$ti # "#d C #/0u$i #




- During training period i felt so!e pro"le! in !atrix head office like$ so!eti!e lack of tea! work$ dissatisfaction of e!ployee & less ad ertise!ent of 'orex ser ices & so!e !atrixs tariffs plan are ery costly like 4S> *In 4S> inco!ing calls is not free/.so i%! gi ing so!e suggestion for re!o ing that types pro"le!sC-

-Matrix should try to counter the <?? "y pro iding lower tariffs to users & co!pany should do proper ad ertise!ent of 'orex.. -Matrix !ust try to increase its post-paid su"scri"er "ase. -Matrix should try to add !ore and !ore countries in its si! cards kitty. -Matrix !ust try to co!e out with some specific plans$ which are attractive for corporate "ecause it is the seg!ent with the highest !o"ile usage. -Main ad antage of <?? is its tariff plan. So )SM ser ice pro iders should try to reduce their tariff if possi"le at least initially. -More proportional sche!es should "e launched to incorporate the perfect blend of push and pull. So Matrix should pro ide dealers and distri"utor !ore perks and incenti es. -6!phasis on !ore effective Public Relation exercise should "e gi en "y sponsoring arious e ents to expand its reach. -Matrix should think seriously regarding the Ethics and JBe0ie3 i# t."#$4".e#/yD para!eters in which it is lagging "ehind since a no. of years. -In the interest of su"scri"ers Matrix should take serious steps regarding the QT6tu"0 -"."$$me#t% in consent with the regulatory "odies.



-Matrix should incorporate further i## 5"ti #$ to outs!art the !ost potential co!petitor that is Clay -Matrix should rectify and u48."de t!e bi00i#8 $y$tem to a oid custo!er dissatisfaction and discretion in regards of erroneous "ills.

-Matrix should think positi ely to tap the co!panies indulging in iral !ar"eting.



>fter analy1ing the findings of the research we can conclude that Matrix with strong "rand recognition is a !arket leader. Matrix Cellular that is the !ost respected co!pany in the teleco! sector is still lagging "ehind Clay on the ground of ethics and "elief in transparency. Pre paid cards are less popular as they are not so consu!er friendly and recharging is a hassle while tra elling a"road. Most of the su"scri"ers on an a erage spend (s ;,,,5trip. >s Matrix the only co!pany ha ing the largest !arket share with Clay and 4niconnect also following the steps of Matrix to increase the custo!er "ase$ Matrix !ust seriously look into the loop holes in its !arketing strategy and tariff plans to increase its su"scri"er "ase in the industry. Matrix should catch on its core strengths and co!petencies like wide network throughout India$ own I?D and a "asket full off alue added ser ices to co!pete with the others potential players in the !arket. Matrix can adopt !arketing strategies like low acti ation fees$ free airti!e and other V>S to attract new custo!ers and also try to retain the existing custo!er "ase through pro iding 3uality ser ice and "etter custo!er care ser ice. >lthough people are aware a"out the tariff plans offered "y <?? ser ice pro iders$ "ut right now they are not in hurry to a oid it. The pu"lic wants to wait and watch their respecti e perfor!ances.



C!"4te. I @ Limit"ti #$



-. The study is restricted to Delhi only. +. The population si1e is ery s!all as co!pare to actual si1e. ;. There can "e errors in sa!pling .. Ti!e constraints were there. B. People !ight gi e their "iased option



The "ooks concerned for the acco!plish!ent of the pro#ect are as followsC



Philip Gotler -;th 6dition HM>(G6TI0) M>0>)6M60T2 Pu"lish "y HP6>(S=02 (a!aswa!i -,th 6dition HM>(G6TI0) M>0>)6M60T2 Pu"lish "y =xford

).C. Aerry%s 'ifth edition H(esearch Methodology2 Pu"lish "y Mc)raw Lill 6ducation.

S<>P0> P(>DL>0 * T>T> Mc)raw-Lill/ M>(G6TI0) M>0>)6M60T A4SI06SS ?I06 - b m7 ADS /"# 8i5e t!e e6t." t!.u$t)S+ D+ N"i

A4SI06SS C The de"ate rages- Shanthi Venkatara!an$ Thursday$ 0o +.$ +,,B I0DI>0 A(>0D '=40D>TI=0 V A(>0D I0D4ST(P$ A(>0DI0).

2eb$ite$ httpC55www.!!5categoryWeditor.aspxN?+XB!! httpC55www.strategy-"! httpC55www.cia.go 5cia5pu"lications5fact"!l httpC55www.retailad isors.net5 httpC55www.i"ef.org5!5 httpC55www.retail"!5!5 M"8",i#e$ SOURCE7 M>T(IU$ >nnual (eport +,----+ *U4d"ted # =($t De/9 &'(&;




Pe.$ #"0 I#3 .m"ti #7 Name of m0s' 1111111111111111111.. Address'111111111111111111111111 2hone'111111111111111.. E)mail'111111111111111.. (+Ty4e 3 Out0et7 *-/Corporate =ffices *+/ >irport *;/Tra el >gents *./>ny other

&+ 2!i/! ty4e 3 $im /".dD$ d y u 0iEe m $t 7 *a/ Prepaid *"/ postpaid =+ M de 3 P"yme#t i$ 7 *-/Cash *+/ Che3ue *;/Credit card *./>ny other

=+ D y u 3ee0 t!"t /"00 ."te # i#te.#"ti #"0 . "mi#8 i# m"t.i6 i$ 0e$$ t!"# t!e.$7 *-/ agree *+/ strongly agree *;/ Disagree *./ strongly disagree *+B"$i/"00y C!i/! 3 t!e 4e."t .$ y u de"0 Cit!M *-/Matrix *+/Clay *;/ 4niconnect *./ (oa! *B/ (eliance *8/ =thers >+- C m"#y time$ i# " ye". d y u 5i$it 3 .ei8# / u#t.y7 *-/ less than -, *+/ less than +, *;/ less than ;, *./ !ore ;,

?+D y u t!i#E t!"t 3 .e6 F I#$u."#/e $e.5i/e$ 33e.ed by m"t.i6 i$ bette.7 *-/ agree *+/ strongly agree *;/ Disagree *./ strongly disagree @. Si#/e ! C 0 #8 y u ".e i# t!i$ bu$i#e$$N 4. 3e$$i #M *-/,--year *+/--;years *;/ ;-Byears *./B or !ore years

A. Si#/e ! C 0 #8 y u ".e de"0i#8 Cit! Matri$M *-/,--year *+/--;years *;/ ;-Byears *./B or !ore years .$te4M

B+ 2!i/! / ##e/ti # d t!e /u$t me.$ 4.e3e. C!e# t!ey / me "t y u. d



*-/ Matrix

*+/ Clay *;/ 4niconnect *./ (oa!

('.Cu$t me.$ Pe./e4ti # "b ut M"t.i6 7 *-/ poor *+/ > erage *;/ good *./ 6xcelent ((+2!"t i$ t!e ."#Ei#8 3 5".i u$ 4e."t .$ i# te.m$ 3 3eCe. / m40"i#t$M *-/ Matrix *+/ Clay *;/ 4niconnect *./ (oa!

I ,alue your Suggestions -hanks




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