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Holy Money

Mayumi A. Kanie

We have different problems towards money: debts, budget, insufficient salaries, etc. We face these problems every single day of our life, but we do not need to problem this with all our heart for God will provide. Bro. Miguel Ramirez, our speaker last March 11, 2013, stated that it is our mentality about money on how we see it, and this mentality may come from the history of our clan or family. There are two types of people: 1. Hunters are those who hunts then consume quickly as soon as they get what they receive or get. Let us cite an example: ancient people before hunts for their food, they hunt animals then bring them back home and they consume it quickly so that it wont spoil. Then the cycle repeats itself, they hunt then they bring it back to the village then consume. 2. Ranchers are those who save what they receive or get, they only take a portion and save the rest. An example is that when you receive your salary, you only take a portion of it and put the rest in your savings account or wherever you save them. Another is, when you have the animal, you eat a portion then set aside other live stocks for them to breed. We actually should not be HUNTERS, but rather, we should be RANCHERS. We should save what we have and what we get for future use and for our needs. The question in our mind would be, how? Well, Bro. Miguel Ramirez shared to us about the 7 Jar Strategy. It goes like this: Jar 7. Emancipation Fund we should fill this up with even a small portion of what we have, about 20% or more. This is also called the freedom fund where we put our investments, our longterm investments. Let us cite Proverbs 21:20, There is oil and precious treasure in the wise mans house, things which the fool squanders, we have treasure and precious oil that we should take good care of and should grown in abundance and not consume all of these treasures at once. Jar 6. Emergency Fund we fill this jar up with 3-6 months worth of our salary. This fund can be deposited in a bank so that it can be easily accessible and can be used whenever it is needed. It should also be liquid. Jar 5. Every Day Fund this jar should be filled with a maximum of 70%. If your income increases, your every day fund should be simple, we should live simply. You may be a multimillionaire or a billionaire but make your fund simple, and live simply. In that way, we can help others who are in need maybe financially. Jar 4. Empower Fund about 5-10% of our salary or budget. This fund is for special projects like renovation of the house, repairs, or other empowerment things needed. Jar 3. Enjoyment Fund as human beings, we need to enjoy ourselves too. This fund is to be filled 5% of our salary, but if you still have debts to pay, pay them first. It is sometimes splurged.

These are the things that we want, but are not really a necessary need. And when you reward yourself with enjoyment, you have the motivation to even earn more. Jar 2. Education Fund It takes about 5% of our salary. Do we still need education even after we graduate? The answer to that question is YES. We are all perpetual learners, even after we graduate we still have to learn because learning is a never-ending process. When we learn a lot of things, we can share this knowledge to other people that may be of help to them. When you think you know it all, think again because you dont, seek advice and always be open and be willing to listen because when you want to get rich, get rich first in education. Jar 1. Eternity Fund our number one jar, our safety jar which consists 10% or more. Why do I say safety jar? It is because it never ends, and it is the best investment that we could make. It is never wasted and is always there ready to use. This fund is the tithe, our offering to God. This should be the first to be set aside once the salary is received. This is also your longest-term investment and is the safest investment in the world. God is giving us so much, but He is only asking us a small portion of what we have and we sometimes neglect this, which should not be, but instead we should be thanking him and giving Him whole-heartedly of what blessings we receive each and every single day of our life.

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