Manager Facilities Islamabad

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R"#e Pr"$%#e

A. JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title Directorate or Region &ocation of $ost Re$orts to Manager Facilities Islamabad Pakistan !out" #sia Islamabad #rea Director Islamabad Job Reference Number De$artment Pa' Band Duration of ,ob B6P-4 Business !u$$ort !er%ices 6- P(R)*+ +++ Permanent contract of em$lo'ment

PURPOSE OF JOB To ensure effecti%e management of facilities and o%erall safet' and securit' of t"e Britis" -ouncil .ffice in Islamabad including su$$ort to an' off site Britis" -ouncil Pro,ect .ffices and Residences of /( a$$ointed staff in t"e cit' 0nsure smoot" da' to da' o$eration and organi1ation of t"e Islamabad office facilities are fit for $ur$ose 2ell maintained and secure 3 safe To $ro%ide $rotocol facilities for all Britis" -ouncil .ffices in Pakistan CONTEXT AND ENVIRONMENT Team Structure T"is $osition is $art of a larger team of Business !u$$ort !er%ices4 T"is $osition 2ill be re$orting to t"e #rea Director and ma' re5uire su$er%ision of securit' staff at off-site Britis" -ouncil $ro,ect offices in Pakistan4 T"e $ost "older 2ill also be re5uired to 2ork on a dail' basis 2it" t"e #dmin .fficer4 ACCOUNTABILITIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND MAIN DUTIES Deal 2it" customers 6bot" internal staff and e7ternal ser%ice $ro%iders8 communicate asserti%el'9$ersuasi%el' to coordinate com$le7 acti%ities Manage office acti%ities suc" as trans$ort management managing office e%ents as determined b' t"e #rea Director Inter$ret s$ecific Britis" -ouncil $rocedures to undertake delegated tasks ensuring com$liance to defined standards suc" as 0FT 60n%ironment Frame2ork8 and :ealt" 3 !afet' ;ork collaborati%el' as $art of a 2ider Business !u$$ort !er%ices to $ro%ide su$$ort for e%ent arrangement %endor management administration $remises maintenance and $rotocol Produce $eriodic management information to su$$ort Director Business !u$$ort !er%ices using a$$ro$riate $rocedures and tec"ni5ues to anal'se data related to Islamabad Manage %isas and $rotocol formalities related to sta' of /( a$$ointed staff in Pakistan and locall' a$$ointed staff 2"ere re5uired De%elo$ relations"i$s and contacts 2it" stake"olders suc" as foreign embassies international and Pakistani <o%ernment ministries Pro%ide guidance and resol%e $roblems related to facilities securit' and $rotocol encountered b' colleagues on an on going basis 0nsure safet' and securit' of Britis" -ouncil staff and customers in e%ent of an unto2ard incident ;ork inde$endentl' make decisions and $rioritise based on conflicting information and demands Pro%ide timel' and rele%ant securit' alerts guidelines and recommendations as and 2"en re5uired based on securit' situation in Islamabad KEY RELATIONS IPS T"e $ost "older 2ill need to de%elo$ successful relations"i$s 2it"= Programmes o$erational and $ro,ect teams on a dail' basis >endors embassies foreign missions rele%ant Pakistani ministries and Britis" :ig" -ommission 9F-. OT ER IMPORTANT FEATURES OR RE!UIREMENTS OF T E JOB .ccasionall' 2orking on unsocial "ours and 2eekends ma' be re5uired 6Please s$ecif' an' $ass$ort9%isa and9or nationalit' re5uirement4 Rig"t to 2ork in Pakistan
) of ?

Please indicate if an' securit' or legal c"ecks are re5uired for t"is role4 B. PERSON SPECIFICATION E&&e't%a# Be*a+%"ur& a&&e&&e, ,ur%') %'ter+%e- &ta)e "$ recru%tme't .r"ce&& -onnecting ;it" .t"ers @
More demanding level

&ocal $olice %erification


A&&e&&me't &ta)e

Being #ccountable@
More demanding level

Please see The Behaviours Dictionary for behaviour definitions and levels

;orking Toget"er @
Essential level

Be*a+%"ur& '"t a&&e&&e, ,ur%') recru%tme't .r"ce&& -reating !"ared Pur$oseEssential level

T"e $osition "older 2ill be re5uired to demonstrate all si7 be"a%iours on t"e ,ob4 T"ese 2ill be assessed during 'ear end $erformance e%aluations4 Be"a%iours to be assessed during t"e inter%ie2 stage of recruitment are mentioned4

!"a$ing t"e Future @

Essential level

Making it :a$$en @
More demanding level

-ommunication skills
Excellent written and s oken communication skills both in English and !rdu "#$%

-om$uter skills 6&)8 S/%##& a', K'"-#e,)e

See The Generic Skills Dictionary for details

Pro,ect 3 -ontract Management

Ot*er S/%##&0 !trong 3 $ro%en #nal'tical and -ritical T"inking !kills !trong Time Management !kills !"ort listing Test and Inter%ie2

Managing &isk "#$% Monitoring' Evaluation and &e orting "#$%

Marketing 3 -ustomer !er%ices

&es onding to customer needs" #$%'ce

.ne 'ear rele%ant e7$erience

Prior e7$erience in management of safet' and securit' of an international organi1ation &a2 enforcement e7$erience 07$erience in an #dministrati%e or .ffice management role

!"ort listing and9or Inter%ie2


)4 'ears of education

Masters degree or a rele%ant $rofessional 5ualification

!"ort listing and9or inter%ie2

* of ?

!ubmitted b'

Recruitment Team


Ma' *+)?

? of ?

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