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Three Wonders of the Ancient World

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The ancient Greeks traveled around the Mediterranean Sea. They made a list of 7 wonders that everybody should see. One of these wonders was the Lighthouse of Ale andria. The Lighthouse of Ale andria was built on the island of !haros to mark the "ort of the city Ale andria. #onstruction began in $%& '#. (hen it was finished) the lighthouse was over *++ meters tall. ,n fact) e "ect for the Great !yramids at Gi-a) it was the tallest manmade structure of the ancient world. ,t was also one of the best.made structures of the ancient world/ ,t survived winter storms) war) and even earth0uakes for over *7 centuries. 1m"ires came and went but the lighthouse still stood guiding seafarers in the Mediterranean. ,n the end) the many earth0uakes began to take their toll. 'y the *+th century cracks were showing in the base of the lighthouse. ,n the *2th century) the lighthouse was destroyed by some "owerful earth0uakes. 3inally) in *2%+ A4) a sultan built a fort on the "lace where the lighthouse once stood. Some of the blocks from the

The Colossus at Rhodes

The ancient Greeks traveled around the Mediterranean Sea. They made a list of 7 wonders that everybody should see. One of these wonders was the #olossus on the island of 5hodes in the Mediterranean. The #olossus at 5hodes was a giant statue of the sun god 6elios. The statue was 77 meters high. #onstruction began in $8$ '#. ,t was built to celebrate a victory over an invading army. The statue was made from bron-e) iron) stone and marble. Much of the bron-e and iron needed for the statue came from the wea"ons and e0ui"ment of the invading soldiers) who left their wea"ons when they retreated. The statue didn9t survive for long however. ,n $$: '#) an earth0uake destroyed much of 5hodes and broke the statue at the knees. The "eo"le of 5hodes were going to rebuild the statue) but the Oracle said that if they rebuilt the statue) the city would have great misfortune. The statue was never rebuilt and lay on the ground for %++ years until Arab invaders sold the metal from

Lighthouse were used to make the fort.

the statue in :&2 A4.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Colossus at Rhodes

;*< (hat wonder of the world does the article talk about= ;$< (here was the Lighthouse built= ;7< (hen did construction begin= ;2< 6ow tall was the lighthouse= ;&< (hen it was built) was it the tallest manmade structure in the world= ;:< (hat did the Lighthouse survive=

;*< (hat wonder of the world does the article talk about= ;$< (here is the #olossus= ;7< (hat was the #olossus= ;2< 6ow high was the #olossus= ;&< (hen did construction begin= ;:< (hy was it built= ;7< (hat was it made from=

;7< 6ow survive=




Lighthouse ;%< (here did much of the bron-e and iron come from= ;8< (hen was the statue destroyed=

;%< (hat came and went= ;8< ,n the end) what destroyed the Lighthouse= ;*+< (hen did cracks start a""earing at the base= ;**< (hen was it finally destroyed= ;*$< (hat ha""ened in *2%+ A4= ;*7< (hat were the blocks from the lighthouse used for= ;*7< 6ow long did the statue lay on the ground= ;*2< (hat ha""ened to the statue in :&2=

;*+< 6ow was it destroyed= ;**< (here did the statue break= ;*$< (hy wasn9t the statue rebuilt=

The Pyramids at Giza

The ancient Greeks traveled around the Mediterranean Sea. They made a list of 7 wonders that everybody should see. One of these wonders was the Great !yramid at Gi-a in 1gy"t. The Great !yramid at Gi-a was built as the tomb of the "haraoh >hufu. #onstruction was finished around $&:+ '#. ,t was built using $.7 million stone blocks. (hen it was com"leted) the "yramid was about *2+ meters high. ,t was the highest manmade structure in the world and remained the highest manmade structure for 7%++ years. There is some debate over who built the "yramid. An ancient Greek named 6erodotus wrote that the "yramids were built by *++)+++ slaves using great machines. 6owever) when 6erodotus wrote about the "yramids) the "yramids were already $7++ years old. Modern archeologists think that only $+.7+)+++ "eo"le were needed and that they were "robably not slaves) but were ?ust "eo"le who lived in the area. Of all the (onders of the Ancient (orld) only the "yramid of Gi-a is still standing.

The Pyramids of Giza

;*< (hat wonder of the world does the article mention= ;$< (hy was the "yramid built= ;7< (ho was it built for= ;2< (hen was construction finished= ;&< 6ow many blocks were used to make the "yramid= ;:< 6ow tall was it= ;7< 3or how long did it remain the highest manmade structure in the world= ;%< (hat debate is there about the "yramids= ;8< (ho did 6erodotus say built the "yramids= ;*+< (hy is 6erodotus not a reliable source= ;**< (ho do modern archeologists think built the "yramids= ;*$< 6ow many (onders of the Ancient (orld are still standing=


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