A Title Should Be The Fewest Possible Words That Accurately Describe The Content of The Paper

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol.x, No.x, September 201x, pp.

xx~xx ISSN: 2088-8708


A Title Should Be the Fewest Possi le !ords That Accuratel" #escri e the Content of the Paper (Center$ Bold$ %&pt)
First Author'$ Second Author''$ Third Author' (%( pt)
* Departement of Ele tr! al an" #omp$ter En%!neer!n%, Nat!onal #&$n% #&en% 'n!(er)!t* +, pt** Departement of Ele tr! al En%!neer!n%, .&ma" Da&lan 'n!(er)!t* +, pt-

Article Info Article history: 1e e!(e" 2$n 12t&, 201x 1e(!)e" .$% 20t&, 201x . epte" .$% 23t&, 201x Keyword: 8!r)t 6e*4or" Se on" 6e*4or" 0&!r" 6e*4or" 8o$rt& 6e*4or" 8!ft& 6e*4or" Corresponding Author:

ABST)ACT +10 /0. 4ell-prepare" ab)tra t enable) t&e rea"er to !"ent!f* t&e ba)! ontent of a "o $ment 5$! 6l* an" a $ratel*, to "eterm!ne !t) rele(an e to t&e!r !ntere)t), an" t&$) to "e !"e 4&et&er to rea" t&e "o $ment !n !t) ent!ret*. 0&e .b)tra t )&o$l" be !nformat!(e an" ompletel* )elf-explanator*, pro(!"e a lear )tatement of t&e problem, t&e propo)e" approa & or )ol$t!on, an" po!nt o$t ma7or f!n"!n%) an" on l$)!on). 0&e .b)tra t )&o$l" be 100 to 200 4or") !n len%t&. 0&e ab)tra t )&o$l" be 4r!tten !n t&e pa)t ten)e. Stan"ar" nomen lat$re )&o$l" be $)e" an" abbre(!at!on) )&o$l" be a(o!"e". No l!terat$re )&o$l" be !te". 0&e 6e*4or" l!)t pro(!"e) t&e opport$n!t* to a"" 6e*4or"), $)e" b* t&e !n"ex!n% an" ab)tra t!n% )er(! e), !n a""!t!on to t&o)e alrea"* pre)ent !n t&e t!tle. 2$"! !o$) $)e of 6e*4or") ma* !n rea)e t&e ea)e 4!t& 4&! & !ntere)te" part!e) an lo ate o$r art! le +, pt-. Copyright 201x Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.

0&!r" .$t&or, Departement of Ele tr! al an" #omp$ter En%!neer!n%, Nat!onal #&$n% #&en% 'n!(er)!t*, 138 'n!(er)!t* 1oa", 9!n&)!$n% 0o4n)&!p, #&!a*! #o$nt* 32102, 0a!4an, 1:#. Ema!l: l)ntl; $.e"$.t4


I+T),#-CTI,+ (%( PT) 0&e ma!n text format on)!)t) of a flat left-r!%&t ol$mn) on .< paper +5$arto-. 0&e mar%!n text from t&e left an" top are 2.= m, r!%&t an" bottom are 2 m. 0&e man$) r!pt !) 4r!tten !n 9! ro)oft >or", )!n%le )pa e, 0!me Ne4 1oman 10pt an" max!m$m 12 pa%e), 4&! & an be "o4nloa"e" at t&e 4eb)!te: &ttp:??444.!ae)7o$rnal. om?onl!ne?!n"ex.p&p?I2E#E . t!tle of art! le )&o$l" be t&e fe4e)t po))!ble 4or") t&at a $ratel* "e) r!be t&e ontent of t&e paper. :m!t all 4a)te 4or") )$ & a) @ A study of ...@, @Investigations of ...@, @Implementation of ...A, @ !servations on ...@, @Effect of.....@, BAnalysis of "A, BDe)!%n ofCA et . In"ex!n% an" ab)tra t!n% )er(! e) "epen" on t&e a $ra * of t&e t!tle, extra t!n% from !t 6e*4or") $)ef$l !n ro))-referen !n% an" omp$ter )ear &!n%. .n !mproperl* t!tle" paper ma* ne(er rea & t&e a$"!en e for 4&! & !t 4a) !nten"e", )o be )pe !f! . 0&e Intro"$ t!on )&o$l" pro(!"e a lear ba 6%ro$n", a lear )tatement of t&e problem, t&e rele(ant l!terat$re on t&e )$b7e t, t&e propo)e" approa & or )ol$t!on, an" t&e ne4 (al$e of re)ear & 4&! & !t !) !nno(at!on. It )&o$l" be $n"er)tan"able to ollea%$e) from a broa" ran%e of ) !ent!f! "!) !pl!ne). :r%an!Dat!on an" !tat!on of t&e b!bl!o%rap&* are ma"e !n Van o$(er )t*le !n )!%n E1F, E2F an" )o on. 0&e term) !n fore!%n lan%$a%e) are 4r!tten !tal! +!tal! -. 0&e text )&o$l" be "!(!"e" !nto )e t!on), ea & 4!t& a )eparate &ea"!n% an" n$mbere" on)e $t!(el*. 0&e )e t!on?)$b)e t!on &ea"!n%) )&o$l" be t*pe" on a )eparate l!ne, e.%., %* Introduction E3F. .$t&or) are )$%%e)te" to pre)ent t&e!r art! le) !n t&e )e t!on )tr$ t$re: Introduction . the comprehensi/e theoretical asis and0or the Proposed 1ethod0Algorithm . )esearch 1ethod . )esults and #iscussion 2 Conclusion. G!terat$re re(!e4 t&at &a) been "one a$t&or $)e" !n t&e &apter @Intro"$ t!on@ to expla!n t&e "!fferen e of t&e man$) r!pt 4!t& ot&er paper), t&at !t !) !nno(at!(e, !t are $)e" !n t&e &apter @1e)ear & Journal homepage# http#$$iaes%ournal.com$online$index.php$I&ECE

32 ISSN: 2088-8708 9et&o"@ to "e) r!be t&e )tep of re)ear & an" $)e" !n t&e &apter @1e)$lt) an" D!) $))!on@ to )$pport t&e anal*)!) of t&e re)$lt) E2F. If t&e man$) r!pt 4a) 4r!tten reall* &a(e &!%& or!%!nal!t*, 4&! & propo)e" a ne4 met&o" or al%or!t&m, t&e a""!t!onal &apter after t&e @Intro"$ t!on@ &apter an" before t&e @1e)ear & 9et&o"@ &apter an be a""e" to expla!n br!efl* t&e t&eor* an"?or t&e propo)e" met&o"?al%or!t&m E<F. 3* )ESEA)C4 1ET4,# (%( PT) Expla!n!n% re)ear & &ronolo%! al, !n l$"!n% re)ear & "e)!%n, re)ear & pro e"$re +!n t&e form of al%or!t&m), /)e$"o o"e or ot&er-, &o4 to te)t an" "ata a 5$!)!t!on E1F-E3F. 0&e "e) r!pt!on of t&e o$r)e of re)ear & )&o$l" be )$pporte" referen e), )o t&e explanat!on an be a epte" ) !ent!f! all* E2F, E<F. 0able) an" 8!%$re) are pre)ente" enter, a) )&o4n belo4 an" !te" !n t&e man$) r!pt. 0able 1. 0&e /erforman e of ...
Var!able x * D Spee" +rpm10 1= 20 /o4er +6>8.3 12.< 1=.3

8!%$re 1. Effe t) of )ele t!n% "!fferent )4!t &!n% $n"er "*nam! 5*


)ES-6TS A+# A+A67SIS (%( PT) In t&!) )e t!on, !t !) expla!ne" t&e re)$lt) of re)ear & an" at t&e )ame t!me !) %!(en t&e ompre&en)!(e "!) $))!on. 1e)$lt) an be pre)ente" !n f!%$re), %rap&), table) an" ot&er) t&at ma6e t&e rea"er $n"er)tan" ea)!l* E2F, E=F. 0&e "!) $))!on an be ma"e !n )e(eral )$b- &apter). 5*%* Su section % xx 5*3* Su section 3 ** 8* C,+C6-SI,+ (%( PT) /ro(!"e a )tatement t&at 4&at !) expe te", a) )tate" !n t&e @Intro"$ t!on@ &apter an $lt!matel* re)$lt !n @1e)$lt) an" D!) $))!on@ &apter, )o t&ere !) ompat!b!l!t*. 9oreo(er, !t an al)o be a""e" t&e pro)pe t of t&e "e(elopment of re)ear & re)$lt) an" appl! at!on pro)pe t) of f$rt&er )t$"!e) !nto t&e next +ba)e" on re)$lt an" "!) $))!on-. AC9+,!6E#:E1E+TS (%( PT) Hx xxx )EFE)E+CES (%( PT) I2E#E Vol. x, No. x, September 201x : xx I xx


ISSN: 2088-8708


0&e ma!n referen e) are !nternat!onal 7o$rnal) an" pro ee"!n%). .ll referen e) )&o$l" be to t&e mo)t pert!nent an" $p-to"ate )o$r e). 1eferen e) are 4r!tten !n Van o$(er )t*le. /lea)e $)e a on)!)tent format for referen e) I )ee example) belo4 +, pt-: E1F H. S. G!' et al., @.nal*)!) an" S!mpl!f! at!on of 0&ree-D!men)!onal Spa e Ve tor />9 for 0&ree-/&a)e 8o$r-Ge% In(erter),@ IEEE (ransactions on Industrial Electronics' (ol. =8, pp. <=0-<3<, 8eb 2011. E2F 1. .r$lmoD&!*al an" J. Ka)6aran, @Implementat!on of a 8$DD* /I #ontroller for Spee" #ontrol of In"$ t!on 9otor) ')!n% 8/L.,@ &ournal of )o*er Electronics' (ol. 10, pp. 3=-71, 2010. E3F D. M&an%' et al., @#ommon 9o"e #!r $lat!n% #$rrent #ontrol of Interlea(e" 0&ree-/&a)e 04o-Ge(el Volta%eSo$r e #on(erter) 4!t& D!) ont!n$o$) Spa e-Ve tor 9o"$lat!on,@ 200+ IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition' ,ols 1-.' pp. 3,03-3,12, 200,. E<F M. N!n&a!' et al., @. No(el SV/>9 9o"$lat!on S &eme,@ !n Applied )o*er Electronics Conference and Exposition' 200+. A)EC 200+. (*enty-/ourth Annual IEEE, 200,, pp. 128-131.

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(itle of manuscript is short and clear' implies research results 0/irst Author1

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