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Transcript of CSR - TATA Group of Companies, a case study

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility & TATA Group of Companies "In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stake holder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence." - Jamshedji Tata. A Case Study C ! - "hat and #hy$ Corporate ocial !esponsibility %ivin& back to the society you take from. The Case The T'T' (mpire Institutionali)in& C ! at T'T' The *i& +lus ,or T'T' T'T' - The (thics ystem '#ards 'nd !eco&nition The ,uture of C ! at T'T' (nhances the reputation of the company and stren&thens its brand. elf !e&ulated initiative by the corporate sector. It describes the initiatives of T'T' %roup-s C !. *est +ractices - !oles of the various T'T' ventures under C !. The future of C !. The *i& +lus for T'T' - ' uccess story of C !. The vision of .r Jamshedji Tata. /ne of the bi&&est con&lomerates of India. 0ation-s lar&est private employer - .ore than 12 companies, and 322,222 employees. 1-456 of net profit used for various social causes. T'T' teel 7-86 profit tax on C !. upports 8 ocial "elfare /r&anisation 9 :Cs; :ealth Care +rojects (conomic (mpo#erment 'ssistance to %overnment. T'T' .otors +ollution control

!estorin& ecolo&ical balance (mployment &eneration (conomic Capital :uman Capital 0atural Capital T'T' Chemicals <td. -'void, !educe, !euse!ural =evelopment +ro&ramme in /khamandal and *abrala ,irst Impact Camp - .ithapur 94>13; "orld-s first hospital on #heels - The <ife<ine (xpress T'T' Tea !I :TI "elfare Centre, .unnar 5 +rojects under !I :TI ? The ='!( 'thulya 'ranya The ='!( tra#berry initiative TC - T'T' Consultancy ervices +artnerin& aakshar *harath !uns an 'dult <iteracy +ro&ramme T'T' !elief Committee =isaster mana&ement !elief measures !ehalbilitation pro&rmammes /ther leaders in T'T'-s C ! TI C/ T(<C/ TIT'0 T@. TCCI T'T' 'rchery 'cademy The best part of C ! at T'T' is that it is a le&acy started by .r Jamshedji Tata. It is his vision that drives the business ethics of one of IndiaAs bi&&est con&lomerates. "hy their ethics played a role in buildin& their brand$ The belief in &ivin& people a livelihood, instead of money. Ja&o !e IndiaB - ' classic example of T'T'-s strate&y. T'T' teel ba&&ed C0*C 'siaAs presti&ious Corporate ocial !esponsibility '#ard for the companyAs outstandin& C ! model.

The T'T' &roup #as a#arded the Carne&ie .edal of +hilanthropy in 3228 in reco&nition of its lon& history of philanthropic activities. The %olden +eacock '#ard 93225; #as ba&&ed by T'T' .otors for its excellent contribution to#ards social and sustainable development. TI C/ #as a#arded The (ner&y !esearch Institute 9T(!I; a#ard for its #ork under C ! 93223-2C;. %oin& %lobal - The first step at Indonesia. Corporate icon, .r !atan Tata-s successor is Cyrus .istry. "ork to do and ideas to implement - .istry-s tasks ahead. "hy T'T' made it bi&$ -Sindhuja Guda, Ruchika Kapoor Group - S!

Tata teel Corporate Citi)enship

By - Onkar Vaidya

*ack&round of the Company

The Tata Steel Group has always believed that mutual benefit of countries, corporations and communities is the most effective route to growth. Tata Steel has not limited its operations and businesses within India but has built an imposing presence around the globe as well. With the acquisition of Corus in !!" leading to commencement of Tata Steel#s $uropean operations, the Company today is the tenth largest steel producer in the world with employee strength of above %&,!!! across five continents. The Company has always had significant impact on the economic development in India and now see's to strengthen its position of pre(eminence in international domain by continuing to lead by e)ample of responsibility and trust. Tata Steel#s overseas ventures and investments in global companies have helped the Company create a manufacturing and mar'eting networ' in $urope, South $ast *sia and the +acific(rim countries.

:istory and Company-s definition of C !

Tata Steel, for the last &!! years has been committed to the social upliftment and development of the state of ,har'hand. It has been wor'ing towards improving the quality of life of the communities it operates in. Social development and welfare of communities of ,har'hand has been internali-ed by the Company since its inception and has been followed since then, ma'ing Tata Steel a leader in the area of social commitment.The wealth generated by ,amsed.i Tata and his sons in half a century of industrial pioneering formed but a minute fraction of the amount by which they enriched the nation. The whole of that wealth is held in trust for the people and used e)clusively for their benefit. The cycle is thus complete/ what came from the people has gone bac' to the people many times over. 0or ,amsed.i Tata, the progress of enterprise, welfare of people and the health of the enterprise were ine)tricably lin'ed. Wealth and the generation of wealth have never 1been ends in themselves, but a means to an end, for the increased prosperity of India,1 The Times of India said in &2& of the Tatas. Successive generations of Tata Group leaders have always held the belief that no success in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the interest of the nation and is achieved by fair and honest means. Conscious that the tas' of social progress, especially in a country as diverse as India, cannot be underta'en by the Government alone, , 3 4 Tata the Chairman of the Tata Group from &25% to &22&,

believed that, 1to create good wor'ing conditions, to pay the best wages to its employees and provide decent housing to its employees are not enough for the industry, the aim of an industry should be to discharge its overall social responsibilities to the community and the society at large, where industry is located.1 Guided by this mandate, Tata Steel has for decades used its s'ills and resources, to the e)tent it can reasonably afford, to give bac' to the community a fair share of the product of its efforts. It was the first to establish labour welfare practices, even before these were made statutory laws across the world. In &2& it invited Sidney and 6eatrice Webb, the 0ounders of the 7ondon School of $conomics, to prepare a 8emorandum of 9ealth for the Steel City. The Company also instituted an eight(hour wor'day in &2& , free medical aid in &2&:, a Welfare 4epartment in &2&", leave with pay, Wor'ers +rovident 0und and Wor'men#s Compensation in &2 ! and 8aternity 6enefit for ladies in &2 %. With the understanding that the hunger for employment can never be satisfied despite its best efforts, the Company too' an enlightened decision to address the needs of those who migrated to its vicinity in search for employment. It first stimulated entrepreneurship and economic development in the Steel City and then reached out to the rural poor, empowering them with the means to create better livelihoods within their own villages. *t the same time, Tata Steel also fulfilled their basic need for health care, food security, education and income generation through the development of rural infrastructure, empowerment and community outreach programmes.

C ! +olicy
Tata Steel#s Corporate Social 3esponsibility +olicy is rooted in the belief that the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of the people. It ta'es into account every single person in its sphere of development and ensures that its socio(economic initiatives touch the lives of all sta'eholders in a positive way. Therefore, in and around the operational areas of Tata Steel, whether it is a functioning facility or a pro.ect in the implementation stage, the emphasis is on all(round growth. This encompasses initiatives in income generation, education, healthcare, water, electricity and all other basic services. The Tata Steel CS3 policy encompasses initiatives to conserve, sustain and renew the environment, to encourage sustainable socio(economic development of the community and to improve the quality of life of the people living in the areas in which it operates. In all their programmes, the organisations see' to engage the ultimate beneficiaries of an initiative right from the conceptualisation and planning stage to the implementation, with the company playing the role of a catalyst eliciting positive change. The attempt is to get the people to act out of their own convictions, and support them in their efforts to build a better future.

C ! Initiatives
#7ifeline $)press in not one of the regular trains which are run for normal passengers. ,eevan 3e'ha $)press is another name which is used by people for this train. This train is governed by the Impact India 0oundation. This train is a running hospital in the simplest words. The 9ealth 8inistry of India and the Indian 3ailways .oined their hands for introducing this train. 9owever, the funds for introducing this train were given by Impact ;<. &= ,uly, &22& is the date when this train was flagged off for the first time. This train is serving a large number of poor regions of the country. >ver so many years, this train has benefited around ? 7a'h people. In the last si)teen years, this train has completed around ninety three pro.ects for the health welfare of those people who are struggling for their good health in the remotest regions of India. *t present, trains are operated under the 7ifeline $)press. >ther countries li'e China and 6angladesh have ta'en a lesson from this Train and introduced similar trains.

The mission of this train is to reach the disabled people who do not have access to medical facilities in the rural areas of India. >n the spot advanced medical diagnosis and surgical treatments are offered to the people who need them. *part from this, the 7ifeline $)press also tries to encourage the local people to help the people in need. It tries to ma'e the people aware. 0or this, it see's the support of local authorities present in the villages of India. In a way, this train is also educating people to help themselves in the remotest parts of India. It is a truth that even today there are a lot of villages in India which do not have adequate medical facilities. 8any villages do not have a single hospital. This train is doing a very great wor' for the poor people of the rural areas of India. * large number of medical services li'e >rthopedic@ surgical treatment for restoration of movement of parts in handicapped people, surgery for correcting the cleft palate etc.are offered by this train. $)tending better healthcare facilities to the people living in the rural and inaccessible remote areas, T*T* Steel hosted the 7ifeline $)press, the world#s first hospital on wheels for the si)th time in >disha at the ,a.pur 3oad railway station from 4ecember &?th !&! to ,anuary &:th !&&. The 7ifeline $)press is a .oint collaboration between the Impact India 0oundation, the 3a.iv Gandhi 0oundation and the Indian 3ailways. +eople living in the farthest corner of ,a.pur district, parts of 6hadra' and <endrapara districts benefited from this initiative. +rior to this, T*T* Steel has already hosted the train in five locations of >disha Gopalpur, 6amanipal, ,a.pur 3oad, 8eramundali and ,oda. The 7ifeline $)press is equipped with a modern operation theatre, which offers diagnostic, medical and surgical treatment for prevention and curative interventions for the handicapped. Through the initiative, polio and orthopedic defects of people would be treated through surgery and provision of calipersA eye testing and restoration of eyesight through cataract operations and providing intra ocular lenses would be doneA restoration of hearing through surgery and supply of hearing aids, correction of clefts through surgery, counseling and referral services and arrangements for follow up of the patient#s progress with local authorities would be made. T*T* Steel is the only corporate house in the country to sponsor the 7ifeline $)press for the highest number of times across the States of 6ihar, ,har'hand, >disha, West 6engal, and Chhattisgarh. Till date, through this train, T*T* Steel has reached out to more than =",%!! persons offering medical treatment. The company#s entire range of healthcare services has been reaching out annually to ?!!,!!! people in the interior villages of >disha through five hospitals and mobile health clinics.

'ids '#areness +ro&rams

>n the occasion of World *I4S 4ay, T*T* Steel 7td flagged off an initiative of *wareness on *ids campaign. It is a two day campaign to cover a host of prominent colleges and locations all across <ol'ata. This included St Bavier#s College, +residency College, 6ethune College, Calcutta ;niversity, ,adavpur ;niversity, <ol'ata *irport, City Centre, 0orum to name a few. The awareness programs, involved children and community members to be the agents of mass awareness for preventing the spread of deadly 9IC@*I4S virus. Carious programs were underta'en across Tata Steel#s operational areas of <alinganagar D>rissaE, 7ohandiguda DChhattisgarhE, and West 6o'aroD,har'handE,Su'inda D>rissaE. The activities include hosting rallies, nu''ad nata's, qui--es, distributing pamphlets, condoms, blood donation camps, stage show , signature campaigns etc. In addition, ac'nowledging the importance of contributions made by truc'er#s community, the T*T* Steel 3ural 4evelopment Society in collaboration with Transport Corporation of India 0oundation ,har'hand State *ids Control Society and Fational *ids Control Society organi-ed a nationwide Truc'er#s ;tsav. +ro.ect <avach which is an endeavor to arrest the spread of *I4S amongst the truc'ers community was part of this ;tsav at ,amshedpur#s Transportnagar. It is an informal infotainment event, which acts as catalyst for communicating behavior change messages to si-able groups in a fun, peer supportive conte)t.In ,haria, TS34S collaborated with 8other Teresa 9igh School, ,orapo'or to organi-e a rally of senior students .8ore than &,!!! people gathered for the cause at the T*T* Steel Gopalpur unit at >rissa The program included Signature Campaign Stalls, 0ol' shows on 9IC@*I4S and 9igh School rally. T*T* Steel is always recogni-ed for contributing towards the global effort in fighting against 9IC@*I4S and it is one of the first corporate houses to have separate 9IC@*I4S wor'place policy and has bagged many national G international awards in this field. The programs underta'en by T*T* Steel on the World *I4S 4ay are addition to the various activities underta'en by T*T* Steel. Since early &22!#s T*T* Steel has been instrumental in spreading awareness and address the concerns of 9IC@*I4S, by reaching across to every corner of the country though various programs. >n an ongoing basis T*T* Steel has been running Targeted Intervention pro.ects, establishing Community Care Centre for +eople 7iving with 9IC@*I4S and promoting 9IC testing through Integrated Counseling G Testing Centre were few of the ongoing initiatives of T*T* Steel 3ural 4evelopment Society.


Greenfection1 is the resolve to 1infect1 the whole of India with the will to change towards a greener future. Tata Steel has tied up with the World Wildlife 0ederation, Star Fews, 8TC, Fational Geographic and 3adio 8irchi 2%.5 08 to wor' on several programmes under this initiative. The Company is using social media and blog sites to attract participation from young people and films on the environment will also be screened. The 1+lant a Sapling1 and 1Clic' a Sapling1 programmes have been launched. Today, the environment is on the brin' of irreversible damage. 6efore the impact becomes critical, we have to act. * world without biodiversity has a very blea' future. 8illions of people and millions of species all share the same planet, and only together can we en.oy a safer and more prosperous future. Ta'ing a cue from this, Tata Steel has been investing in environmental sustainability and has played a vital role in boosting the biodiversity of the areas where it operates. 7et us reconnect with nature and put in efforts to earn a reputation as a green pioneer and develop a new vision for biodiversity. Tata Steel aspires to be the global steel industry benchmar' in Calue Creation and Corporate Citi-enship. Its commitment towards environmental issues associated with steel production processes is reflected in its Cision !& statement. >ne of the goals of the company is to reduce C> emissions to less than &." tonnes per liquid tonne of steel Dt@tlsE by !& .

>n this World $nvironment 4ay on ,une :, Tata Steel has launched the G3$$F0$CTI>F campaign. Tata Steel believes that actions by a group of people or organi-ations won#t be enough. It needs to spread e)ponentially, li'e something infectious. G3$$F0$CTI>F is the consciousness and resolve to impact the environment in a positive way. That is what the company wants to spread, from person to person, from cities to villages and vice versa, till the whole nation is infected with the will to ma'e a change, to create a greener, happier future. Tata Steel has tied up with WW0 DWorld Wildlife 0ederationE ( to reach out to the school children through the nature clubs in schools across &! cities in India and conduct a tree planting campaign.

Prizes and Recognitions 3ecognition from World Steel *ssociation to Tata Steel for demonstrating e)cellence in safety and health programmes in !!2. The Biamen Safe Wor' +lace $nterprise *ward to FatSteel.

Fational Safety *wards to the West 6o'aro and ,haria divisions, and Su'inda Chromite mines. The CS3 7eadership *ward !!2 to Tata Steel at the >rissa State Safety *wards. The $)cellence in 8anufacture *ward to Siam Construction Steel Company for Huality, $nvironment and Safety 8anagement from the 4epartment of +rimary Industries and 8ines,8inistry of Industry.

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