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Andrew John Stevenson Curriculum Vitae

Residence Date of Birth Education Liverpool City Centre 18 March 1985 September 1996 July 2003 Sacre !eart Catholic !i"h School# Cro$by % Level$& 'hy$ical ( ucation# )eo"raphy# *u$ine$$ Stu ie$# + )eneral Stu ie$ %S Level$& 'hy$ical ( ucation# )eo"raphy# *u$ine$$ Stu ie$# ,e$i"n + -echnolo"y + )eneral Stu ie$ )CS($& 10 5 .*/$# 5 .C/$ Certi0icate in Li0e + 'en$ion$ C11# C12# C13# C12 C15 re3uire 0or Certi0icate in 1inancial 'lannin"4 501# 502# 6503 bein" $at in January 20137 502 + 506 re3uire 0or ,iploma in 5e"ulate 1inancial 'lannin"8 to be complete by %pril 20134 System S ills Micro$o0t 9or # Micro$o0t (:cel# Micro$o0t 'o;erpoint# %velo 61$t7 So0t;are# %viva 9rap# Stan ar Li0e 9rap# S<an ia an Sele$tia $o0t;are# =+M 'en$ion 'lanner# =+M >nve$tment 'ro0iler# ,i$tribution -echnolo"y ,ynamic 'lanner# Capita Synaptic 5e$earch# %velo (:;eb# -ru$tnet + ma?ority o0 provi er$/ online $y$tem$4

Professional Qualifications

Em!loyment "istory #e$ruary %&'& to date P(S #inancial Consultin) *td Para!lanner @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1ir$t point o0 contact 0or client$ re"ar in" technical 3uerie$4 'reparin" paper;or<A ocument$ in preparation 0or client meetin"$4 Maintainin" client 0ile$ en$urin" all ocumentation i$ $canne to the i"ital 0ile an all re"ulatory ocument$ an hi$torical valuation$ are pre$ent in the compliance Bhar CcopyD 0ile4 1un re$earch each 3uarter to create 10 '9S ri$< port0olio$4 % Choc 0un re$earch ;hen re3uire 0or be$po<e port0olio$4 )atherin" in0ormation on client port0olio hol in"$ valuation$Aillu$tration$Achar"e$ etc4 Mar<et re$earch to 0in $uitable pro uct$ 0or client$4 %$$e$$in" client$/ %ttitu e to 5i$< u$in" p$ychometric 3ue$tionnaire$4 'reparin" client recommen ation$ 0or ne; bu$ine$$Atran$0er$ 0or inve$tment$# li0e an pen$ion$4 'reparin" re"ular client revie;$ on inve$tment$# li0e an pen$ion$4 Mana"in" revie; $y$tem to en$ure re"ular revie;$ prepare epen ent on client $ervice level cho$en4 5e"ular atten ance o0 client meetin"$ ;ith minute$ ta<en a$ nece$$ary4 Maintenance o0 client relation$hip$# both in ivi ual$ an companie$ 'rovi$ion o0 "eneric in0ormation an a vi$e to client$4 'roce$$in" recommen ation$ i4e4 application 0orm$# rebalancin"# 0un $;itchin"# $hare ealin"# $urren er$# a vi$er char"e implementation etc4

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

-echnical $upport to a vi$er$ on inve$tment$# pen$ion$ 6inclu in" "roup $cheme$7# li0e cover an e$tate plannin" %tten ance o0 in u$try pre$entation$ an $eminar$4 'rovi e $upport an in0ormal trainin" to 1inancial % mini$trator$4 %tten ance o0 meetin"$ a$ part o0 Binve$tment committeeD to a$$i$t in eci$ion$ on inve$tment proce$$e$# 0un $election an trouble $hootin"4 %tten ance o0 meetin"$ ;ith pro uct provi er$ re"ar in" ne; pro uct$ an $ervice$ an in0ormation on proce$$e$4 (n$urin" > am upCtoC ate ;ith all '9S proce ure$ an complaint han lin" proce$$e$ alon" ;ith all re"ulatory re3uirement$ e4"4 -reatin" Cu$tomer$ 1airly an ,ata 'rotection4 Mana"in" 1inancial % vi$er/$ iary an boo<in" appointment$ etc4 (n$urin" the 1inancial % vi$er/$ time i$ char"e to the client correctly u$in" the %velo 61$t7 So0t;are B-ime Char"eD4 5e$olution o0 inve$tment ba$e problem$ an 3uerie$ 0rom both client$ an collea"ue$4 Liai$on ;ith client$ re"ar in" their current port0olio$ an per0ormance4 Maintenance o0 client per$onal ata an valuation on %velo 61$t7 So0t;are4 ,i$tribute mar<etin" to client$ via both email an po$t4 Maintainin" my <no;le "e o0 the in u$try throu"h both re"ular rea in" o0 article$ o0 intere$t 0rom $uch $ource$ a$ Money Mar<etin" alon" ;ith $tu yin" 0or an completin" my 0inancial 3uali0ication$4 My aim i$ to become both Chartere an a B1ello;D ;ith C>>4 'ro uction o0 Mana"ement >n0ormation relatin" to& C %$$et$ En er % vice C >ncome an commi$$ion $tream$ C % vi$er per0ormance C 'er0ormance 0oreca$tin" C ,i$crete %nnual 'er0ormance C C',

+cto$er %&&, Au)ust %&&- .Redundancy/ 0ichael 0ott #inancial Services *td .firm li1uidated/ #inancial Administrator2Para!lanner @ See above $tartin" 0rom % mini$trator role in 2005 to 0ull 'araplannin" role by 2009# $imilar to that currently carrie out ;ith '9S 1inancial Con$ultin" Lt 4 A!ril %&&3 +cto$er %&&, 0cDonalds Restaurants *td .Cros$y 4 Bootle Restaurants #ranchised/ 5itchen Staff6 !romoted to Area 0ana)er7 Shift 0ana)er then Assistant Store 0ana)er 3 promotions over 2 years to Assistant Store Manager. I will detail the specifics of this role below: =pen an clo$in" $hi0t$ ;ithout $upervi$ion an 0ollo;in" company $ecurity# hy"iene an $a0ety proce ure$4 'lannin" the $hi0t u$in" the appropriate preC$hi0tA$hi0t chan"eover chec<li$t$4 (:ecutin" the $hi0t plan4 Monitorin" ra; an 0ini$he pro uct 3uality be0ore an throu"hout the $hi0t4 (n$urin" e3uipment i$ clean# $a0e an in "oo ;or<in" or er4 Maintainin" critical $tan ar $ 0or hol in" time$# $ervice $pee an 3uality# ra; an 0ini$he pro uct 3uality# cleanline$$ an $anitation4 (n$urin" all 0oo $a0ety proce ure$ are applie 4 Supervi$in" elivery o0 ra; an ry pro uct$4 1ollo;in" up on the completion o0 planne maintenance ta$<$4 Completin" aily ba$ic e3uipment chec<$ an ma<in" nece$$ary time an temperature a ?u$tment$4 Collectin" in0ormation an complete$ appropriate inci entAacci ent report recor $4 Communicatin" re"ularly ;ith cu$tomer$ to obtain 0ee bac< on FS+C4 (00ectively mana"in" cu$tomer complaint$ an inci ent$4

E$in" 0re3uent travel path$ to maintain a;arene$$ o0 all area$ o0 the re$taurant throu"hout the $hi0t4 CoCor inatin" people# pro uct an re$ource$ e00ectively4 'o$itionin" $ta00 e00ectively an allocate$ brea<$# $econ ary re$pon$ibilitie$ an toC o li$t$ to each area o0 the re$taurant4 Communicatin" e00ectively ;ith an over$eein" all other mana"er$ an $ta004 Lea in" by e:ample in all area$ throu"hout the $hi0t4 -rainin" ne; employee$4 'rovi in" onC"oin" coachin" an corrective 0ee bac< to e:perience $ta00# 0loor mana"er$ an $hi0t mana"er$4 E$in" a combination o0 irective an participative lea er$hip $tyle$ to achieve e$ire re$ult$4 Motivatin" employee$ by un er$tan in" their nee $4 *uil in" team $pirit to improve per0ormance an pro uctivity4 1ollo;in" all appropriate !5 policie$# employment la;$# $ecurity an $a0ety proce ure$ %pplyin" ob$ervation# problem $olvin" an eci$ionCma<in" $<ill$ to mana"e the $hi0t e00ectively4 (00ectively ele"atin" an 0ollo;in" up to u$e people re$ource$ e00iciently4 're$entin" a pro0e$$ional ima"e to cu$tomer$ an employee$4 Controllin" labour# ;a$te# ca$h an yiel $4 =ptimi$in" impact o0 $ale$ buil in" promotion$ urin" the $hi0t4 Completin" aily paper;or<# inclu in" inventorie$# !5a- entrie$# ca$h $heet$# ra;er count$ an epo$it$4 =r erin" 0oo # paper an operatin" $upplie$4 5eportin" irectly to the Store Mana"er an ta<in" on their utie$ in their ab$ence4 Carryin" out i$ciplinary proce ure$# ;here nece$$ary4

Decem$er %&&' #e$ruary %&&3 *ittlewoods !lc Data Entry Cler 'reparin" $ource ata 0or computer entry by compilin" an $ortin" in0ormation8 e$tabli$hin" entry prioritie$4 'roce$$in" cu$tomer an account $ource ocument$ by revie;in" ata 0or e0iciencie$8 re$olvin" i$crepancie$ by u$in" $tan ar proce ure$ an returnin" incomplete ocument$ to the team lea er 0or re$olution4 (nterin" cu$tomer an account ata by inputtin" alphabetic an numeric in0ormation on <eyboar Maintainin" ata entry re3uirement$ by 0ollo;in" ata pro"ram techni3ue$ an proce ure$4 Geri0yin" entere cu$tomer an account ata by revie;in"# correctin"# eletin"# or reenterin" ata8 combinin" ata 0rom both $y$tem$ ;hen account in0ormation i$ incomplete8 pur"in" 0ile$ to eliminate uplication o0 ata4 -e$tin" cu$tomer an account $y$tem chan"e$ an up"ra e$ by inputtin" ne; ata8 revie;in" output4 Securin" in0ormation by completin" ata ba$e bac<up$4 Maintainin" operation$ by 0ollo;in" policie$ an proce ure$8 reportin" nee e chan"e$4 Maintainin" cu$tomer con0i ence an protect$ operation$ by <eepin" in0ormation con0i ential4 Contributin" to team e00ort by accompli$hin" relate re$ult$ a$ nee e .

References .!lease do not issue unless 8o$ offered and acce!ted/ Mr %n re; 5obert$on Mana"in" ,irector '9S 1inancial Con$ultin" Lt Colonial Chamber$ 3C11 -emple Street Liverpool L2 55! Mr Carl !ey 6e:C1inancial% vi$er# Michael Mott 1S Lt 7 >n epen ent >nve$tment % vi$er LS 9ealth Mana"ement 1H )eor"e St St !elen$ Mer$ey$i e 9%10 1,* Mr Chri$topher =l 0iel %$$ociate ,irector '9S 1inancial Con$ultin" Lt Colonial Chamber$ 3C11 -emple Street Liverpool L2 55! Mr Shaun !eron 6e:CStore Mana"er# Mc,onal $ *ootle7 Senior Mana"er !ay$ 5ecruitment Secon 1loor# Sil<hou$e Court HC1H -ithebarn Street Liverpool L2 2LI

Contact Details %n re; Steven$on 1lat 29# 31 Cornhill Liverpool L1 8,L (mail& an y$tevo11Jhotmail4co4u< Mobile& 0HH02682222 Additional 9nformation !avin" $pent ei"ht year$ buil in" my <no;le "e o0 the >nve$tment an 9ealth Mana"ement in u$try throu"h both e:perience an 3uali0ication$# > am con0i ent that > coul utili$e the$e attribute$ to the be$t o0 my ability ;ithin any relevant or a$$ociate po$ition4 My <no;le "e o0 the >nve$tment >n u$try $peci0ically i$ e:tremely e:ten$ive ;ith my time $pent in the in u$try allo;in" me to e:pan my <no;le "e o0 0inancial pro uct$ an "ain an invaluable in$i"ht into ho; the $ervice$ provi e in thi$ in u$try overlap ;ith other 0inancial $ervice$4 9ithin my previou$ an current role$# my e:ten$ive ;hole o0 mar<et <no;le "e an e:po$ure# couple ;ith my communication $<ill$# >- an "eneral bu$ine$$ an 0inance <no;le "e ;ere utili$e to their ma:imum level in variou$ capacitie$# mo$t recently to "enerate ne; bu$ine$$ an 0un $ un er mana"ement4 ,ue to the nature an $cope o0 the$e po$ition$ > ;a$ able to prove that > coul a apt very ea$ily an 3uic<ly to many i00erent $cenario$# an al$o eal ;ith in ivi ual$ at all level$ ;ith the appropriate tact an iplomacy at all time$4 -hi$ al$o provi e me ;ith the opportunity to reco"ni$e the importance o0 relation$hip buil in" an maintenance ;ithin any bu$ine$$ an con$e3uently con$i er thi$ to be o0 the utmo$t importance4

Exa m CF1 CF2 CF3 CF4

Expect ed Date -

Exa m Poin ts 15 20 10 10

Running Total of points 15 35 45 55

Exam Comple te? Y Y Y Y

Qualification Received

Qualifica tion Complet e?

Certificate in Financial Planning CF5 Jul-14 15 70 N Diploma in Financial Planning Certificate in "ife an# Pen$ion$

N - Once all RO Exams compl ete

R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R &

Jan-14 %ar-14 'pr-14

20 20 10 10 30

!0 110 120 130 1&0


Regulate# Diploma in Financial Planning Certificate in Paraplanning Certificate# in %ortgage '#)ice Certificate# in *+uit, Relea$e Certificate in Di$cretionar, -n)e$tment %anagement$ Certificate in (ecuritie$ '#)ice an# Dealing





















'F3 'F4

Jun-15 'ug-15

30 30

315 345






N '#)ance# Diploma in Financial Planning C0artere# Financial Planner PF( Fello1$0ip *liga.ilit, N






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