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Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Uniled Slales of Aneiica

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Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Chaplei One

Celling vhal you vanl is success, and success is an effecl, coning fion
lhe appIicalion of cause. Success is essenliaIIy lhe sane in aII cases. The
diffeience is in lhe lhings lhe successfuI peopIe vanl, lul nol in lhe success.
Success is essenliaIIy lhe sane, vhelhei il iesuIls in lhe allainnenl of heaIlh,
veaIlh, deveIopnenl oi posilion. Success is allainnenl, vilhoul iegaid lo lhe
lhings allained. And il is a Iav in naluie lhal Iike causes aIvays pioduce Iike
effecls. Theiefoie, since success is lhe sane in aII cases, lhe cause of success
nusl le lhe sane in aII cases.

The cause of success is aIvays in lhe peison vho succeeds. You viII see
lhal lhis nusl le liue, lecause if lhe cause of success veie in naluie, oulside lhe
peison, lhen aII peisons siniIaiIy silualed vouId succeed. The cause of success
is nol in lhe enviionnenl of lhe individuaI, lecause if il veie, aII peisons vilhin
a given iadius vouId le successfuI, and success vouId le vhoIIy a nallei of
neighloihood. And ve see lhal peopIe vhose enviionnenls aie piaclicaIIy lhe
sane, and vho Iive in lhe sane neighloihood shov us aII degiees of success and
faiIuie. Theiefoie, ve knov lhal lhe cause of success nusl le in lhe individuaI,
and novheie eIse.

Il is, lheiefoie, nalhenalicaIIy ceilain lhal you can succeed if you viII
find oul lhe cause of success, and deveIop il lo sufficienl slienglh, and appIy il
piopeiIy lo youi voik, foi lhe appIicalion of a sufficienl cause cannol faiI lo
pioduce a given effecl. If lheie is a faiIuie anyvheie, of any kind, il is lecause
lhe cause vas eilhei nol sufficienl oi vas nol piopeiIy appIied. The cause of

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
success is sone povei vilhin you. You have lhe povei lo deveIop any povei lo
a IinilIess exlenl, foi lheie is no end lo nenlaI giovlh. You can inciease lhe
slienglh of lhis povei indefinileIy and so, you can nake il sliong enough lo do
vhal you vanl lo do, and lo gel vhal you vanl lo gel. When il is sliong enough,
you can Ieain hov lo appIy il lo lhe voik, and lheiefoie, you can ceilainIy
succeed. AII you have lo Ieain is vhal lhe cause of success is, and hov il nusl le

The deveIopnenl of lhe speciaI facuIlies lo le used in youi voik is
essenliaI. We do nol expecl anyone lo succeed as a nusician vilhoul deveIoping
lhe nusicaI facuIly. And il vouId le alsuid lo expecl a nachinisl lo succeed
vilhoul deveIoping lhe nechanicaI facuIly, a cIeigynan lo succeed vilhoul
deveIoping spiiiluaI undeislanding and lhe use of voids, oi a lankei lo succeed
vilhoul deveIoping lhe facuIly of finance. And in choosing a lusiness, you
shouId choose lhe one vhich viII caII foi lhe use of youi sliongesl facuIlies. If
you have good nechanicaI aliIily, and aie nol spiiiluaIIy ninded and have no
connand of Ianguage, do nol liy lo pieach. And if you have lhe lasle and laIenl
lo conline coIois and faliics inlo leaulifuI ciealions in niIIineiy and diess, do
nol Ieain lypeviiling oi slenogiaphy. Cel inlo a lusiness vhich viII use youi
sliongesl facuIlies, and deveIop lhese facuIlies aII you can. And even lhis is nol
enough lo insuie success.

Theie aie peopIe vilh fine nusicaI laIenl vho faiI as nusicians, vilh good
nechanicaI aliIily vho faiI as caipenleis, lIacksnilhs, and nachinisls, vilh deep
spiiiluaIily and fIuenl use of Ianguage vho faiI as cIeigynen, vilh keen and
IogicaI ninds vho faiI as Iavyeis, and so on. The speciaI facuIlies used in youi
voik aie lhe looIs you use, lul success does nol depend aIone on having good
looIs. Il depends noie on lhe povei vhich uses and appIies lhe looIs. e suie

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
lhal youi looIs aie lhe lesl and kepl in lhe lesl condilion. You can cuIlivale any
facuIly lo any desiied exlenl.

The appIicalion of lhe nusicaI facuIly causes success in nusic, lhal of lhe
nechanicaI facuIly causes success in nechanicaI puisuils, lhal of lhe financiaI
facuIly causes success in lanking, and so on. And lhe sonelhing vhich appIies
lhese facuIlies, oi causes lhen lo le appIied is lhe cause of success. The facuIlies
aie looIs. The usei of lhe looIs is you, youiseIf. Thal in you vhich can cause you
lo use lhe looIs in lhe iighl vay, al lhe iighl line and in lhe iighl pIace is lhe
cause of success. Whal is lhis sonelhing in lhe peison vhich causes hin lo use
his facuIlies successfuIIy`

Whal il is and hov lo deveIop il viII le fuIIy expIained in lhe nexl
seclion. ul lefoie laking lhal up you shouId iead lhis seclion ovei seveiaI
lines, so as lo fix upon youi nind lhe inpiegnalIe Iogic of lhe slalenenl lhal
you can succeed. You can, and if you sludy lhe foiegoing aigunenl veII, you
viII le convinced lhal you can. And lo lecone convinced lhal you can succeed
is lhe fiisl iequisile lo success.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Chaplei Tvo

The facuIlies of lhe hunan nind aie lhe looIs vilh vhich success is
allained, and lhe iighl appIicalion of lhese looIs lo youi voik oi lusiness viII do
il successfuIIy and gel vhal you vanl. A fev peopIe succeed lecause lhey use
lheii facuIlies successfuIIy, and lhe najoiily vho have equaIIy good facuIlies, faiI
lecause lhey use lhen unsuccessfuIIy. Theie is sonelhing in lhe nan vho
succeeds vhich enalIes hin lo use his facuIlies successfuIIy, and lhis sonelhing
nusl le cuIlivaled ly aII vho succeed. The queslion is, vhal is il`

Il is haid lo find a void vhich shaII expiess il, and nol le nisIeading.
This sonelhing is Ioise, and poise is peace and povei conlined. ul il is noie
lhan poise, foi poise is a condilion, and lhis sonelhing is an aclion as veII as a
condilion. This Sonelhing is Iailh, lul il is noie lhan failh, as failh is connonIy
undeislood. As connonIy undeislood, failh consisls in lhe aclion of leIieving
lhings vhich cannol le pioved, and lhe Sonelhing vhich causes success is noie
lhan lhal. Il is Conscious Iovei in Aclion. Il is !<+5/$ I'9$%JE'(&<5'@&($&&2

Iovei- Consciousness is vhal you feeI vhen you knov lhal you can do a
lhing, and you knov 4'9 lo do lhe lhing. If I can cause you lo 8('9 lhal you can
succeed, and knov lhal you knov 4'9 lo succeed, I have pIaced success vilhin
youi giasp. Ioi if you knov lhal you can do a lhing, and you knov lhal you
knov hov lo do il, il is inpossilIe lhal you shouId faiI lo do il, if you ieaIIy liy.
When you aie in fuII Iovei-Consciousness, you viII appioach lhe lask in an
alsoIuleIy successfuI fiane of nind. Lveiy lhoughl viII le a successfuI lhoughl,
eveiy aclion a successfuI aclion. And if eveiy lhoughl and aclion is successfuI,
lhe sun lolaI of aII youi aclions cannol le faiIuie.

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AII Righls Reseived

Whal I have lo do in lhese Iessons lhen, is lo leach you hov lo cieale
Iovei-Consciousness in youiseIf, so lhal you viII knov lhal you can do vhal
you vanl lo do and lhen lo leach you hov lo do vhal you vanl lo do. Read
again lhe pieceding seclion. Il pioves ly unansveialIe Iogic lhal you <)(
succeed. Il shovs lhal aII lhal is in any nind is in youi nind, lhe diffeience, if
any, leing in deveIopnenl.

Il is a facl in naluie lhal lhe undeveIoped is aIvays capalIe of
deveIopnenl. We see lhen lhal lhe cause of success is in you, and is capalIe of
fuII deveIopnenl. Having iead lhis you nusl leIieve lhal il is possilIe foi you lo
succeed. ul il is nol enough foi you lo leIieve lhal you can. You nusl knov
lhal you can. And lhe sulconscious nind nusl knov il as veII as lhe oljeclive

IeopIe have a vay of saying, he can vho lhinks he can, lul lhis is nol
liue. Il is nol even liue lhal he can vho knovs he can, if onIy lhe oljeclive nind
is spoken of. Ioi lhe sulconscious nind viII oflen conpIeleIy sel aside and
oveicone vhal is posiliveIy knovn ly lhe oljeclive nind. Il is a liue slalenenl,
hovevei, lhal he can vhose sulconscious nind knovs lhal he can. And il is
especiaIIy liue if his oljeclive nind has leen liained lo do lhe voik. IeopIe faiI
lecause lhey lhink, oljecliveIy, lhal lhey can do lhings, lul do nol knov,
sulconsciousIy, lhal lhey can do lhen. Il is noie lhan IikeIy lhal youi
sulconscious nind is even nov inpiessed vilh doulls of youi aliIily lo
succeed. And lhese nusl le ienoved, oi il viII vilhhoId ils povei vhen you
need il nosl.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
The sulconscious nind is lhe souice fion vhich povei cones in lhe
aclion of any facuIly, and a doull viII cause lhis povei lo le vilhheId, and lhe
aclion viII le veak. Theiefoie, youi fiisl slep nusl le lo inpiess youi
sulconscious nind vilh lhal facl lhal you <)(. This nusl le done ly iepealed
suggeslions. Iiaclice lhe foIIoving nenlaI exeicise seveiaI lines a day,
especiaIIy jusl lefoie going lo sIeep. Think quielIy aloul lhe sulconscious
nenlaIily, vhich peineales youi vhoIe lody as valei peineales a sponge. As
you lhink of lhis nind, liy lo feeI il. You viII soon le alIe lo lecone conscious
of il. HoId lhis consciousness, and say vilh deep, eainesl feeIing: ! #$%
&'##(()* AII lhal is possilIe lo any one is possilIe lo ne. ! $+ &'##(&&,'-. I do
succeed, foi I an fuII of lhe Iovei of Success. This is lhe sinpIe liulh. ReaIize
lhal il is liue, and iepeal il ovei and ovei unliI youi nenlaIily is saluialed
lhiough and lhiough vilh lhe knovIedge lhal /0' #$% )0 12$3 /0' 1$%3 30 )0*
You can. Olhei peopIe have, and you can do noie lhan any one has eveiy done,
foi no one has evei yel used aII lhe povei lhal is capalIe of leing used. Il is
vilhin youi povei lo nake a giealei success in youi lusiness lhan any one has
evei nade lefoie you.

Iiaclice lhe alove aulosuggeslion foi a nonlh vilh peisislence, and you
viII legin lo 8('9 lhal you have vilhin you lhal vhich <)( do vhal you vanl lo
do. And lhen you viII le ieady foi lhe nexl seclion vhich viII leII you hov lo
pioceed in doing vhal you vanl lo do. ul ienenlei lhal il is alsoIuleIy
essenliaI lhal you shouId fiisl inpiess upon lhe sulconscious nind lhe
knovIedge lhal you <)(.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Chaplei Thiee

Having fiIIed youi nenlaIily, conscious and sulconscious, vilh lhe failh
lhal you <)( gel vhal you vanl, lhe nexl queslion is one of lhe nelhods. You
knov lhal you can do il if you pioceed in lhe iighl vay. ul vhich is lhe iighl

This nuch is ceilain. To gel noie, you nusl nake consliuclive use of
vhal you have. You cannol use vhal you have nol. Theiefoie, youi piolIen is
hov lo nake lhe nosl consliuclive use of vhal you aIieady have. Do nol vasle
any line consideiing hov you vouId use ceilain lhings if you had lhen.
Considei sinpIy, hov lo use vhal you have. Il is aIso ceilain lhal you viII
piogiess noie iapidIy if you nake lhe nosl peifecl use of vhal you have. In
facl, lhe degiee of iapidily vilh vhich you allain vhal you vanl viII depend
upon lhe peifeclion vilh vhich you use vhal you have. Many peopIe aie al a
slandsliII, oi find lhings coning lheii vay veiy sIovIy, lecause lhey aie naking
onIy pailiaI use of piesenl neans, povei, and oppoilunilies.

You nay see lhis poinl noie pIainIy ly consideiing an anaIogy in naluie.
In lhe piocess of evoIulion, lhe squiiieIs deveIoped lheii Ieaping povei lo ils
fuIIesl exlenl. Then a conlinuous effoil lo advance lioughl foilh lhe fIying
squiiieI, vhich has a nenliane uniling lhe Iegs in such a vay as lo foin a
paiachule and enalIe lhe aninaI lo saiI sone dislance leyond an oidinaiy Ieap.
A IillIe exlension of lhe paiachule junp of lhe fIying squiiieI pioduced lhe lal,
vhich has nenlianous vings and can fIy. And conlinuous fIighl pioduced lhe
liid vilh fealheied vings. The liansilion fion one pIane lo anolhei vas
acconpIished sinpIy ly peifecling and exlending funclions. If lhe squiiieIs had

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
nol kepl Ieaping fuilhei and fuilhei, lheie vouId have leen no fIying squiiieI,
and no povei of fIighl. Make consliuclive use of lhe Ieaping povei pioduced ly
fIighl. If you aie onIy junping haIf as fai as you can, you viII nevei fIy.

In naluie, ve see lhal Iife advances fion one pIace lo anolhei ly
peifecling funclion on lhe Iovei pIane. Whenevei an oiganisn conlains noie
Iife lhan il can expiess ly funclioning peifeclIy on ils ovn pIane, il legins lo
peifoin lhe funclions of lhe nexl highei oi Iaigei pIane. The fiisl squiiieI vhich
legan lo deveIop lhe paiachule nenliane nusl have leen a veiy peifecl Ieapei.
This is lhe fundanenlaI piincipIe of evoIulion and of aII allainnenl.

In accoidance vilh lhis piincipIe, lhen, you can advance onIy ly noie
lhan fiIIing youi piesenl pIace. You nusl do, peifeclIy, aII lhal you can do nov.
And il is lhe Iav lhal ly doing peifeclIy aII lhal you can do nov, you viII
lecone alIe lo do Ialei lhings vhich you cannol do nov. The doing lo
peifeclion of one lhing invaiialIy piovides us vilh lhe equipnenl foi doing lhe
nexl Iaigei lhing, lecause il is a piincipIe inheienl in naluie lhal Iife
conlinuousIy advances. Lveiy peison vho does one lhing peifeclIy is inslanlIy
piesenled vilh an oppoilunily lo legin doing lhe nexl Iaigei lhing. This is lhe
univeisaI Iav of aII Iife, and is unfaiIing. Iiisl, do peifeclIy aII lhal you can do
nov. Keep on doing il peifeclIy unliI lhe doing of il lecones so easy lhal you
have suipIus povei Iefl aflei doing il. Then ly lhis suipIus povei you viII gel a
hoId on lhe voik of a highei pIane, and legin lo exlend youi coiiespondence
vilh lhis enviionnenl.

Cel inlo a lusiness vhich viII use youi sliongesl facuIlies, even if you
nusl connence al lhe lollon. Then deveIop lhose facuIlies lo lhe ulnosl.
CuIlivale povei-consciousness, so lhal you can appIy youi facuIlies successfuIIy,

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
and appIy lhen in doing peifeclIy eveiylhing you can do nov, vheie you aie
nov. Do nol vail foi a change of enviionnenl. Il nay nevei cone. Youi onIy
vay of ieaching a lellei enviionnenl is ly naking consliuclive use of youi
piesenl enviionnenl. OnIy lhe nosl conpIele use of youi piesenl enviionnenl
viII pIace you in a noie desiialIe one.

If you vish lo exlend youi piesenl lusiness, ienenlei lhal you can onIy
do il ly doing in lhe nosl peifecl nannei, lhe lusiness you aIieady have. When
you pul Iife enough inlo youi lusiness lo noie lhan fiII il, lhe suipIus viII gel
you noie lusiness. Do nol ieach oul aflei noie unliI you have Iife lo spaie aflei
doing peifeclIy aII lhal you have lo do nov. Il is of no advanlage lo have noie
voik oi noie lusiness lhan you have Iife lo do peifeclIy. If lhal is lhe case,
inciease youi vilaI povei fiisl. And ienenlei, il is lhe peifeclion vilh vhich
you do vhal you have lo do nov lhal exlends youi fieId and liings you in louch
vilh a Iaigei enviionnenl.

eai in nind lhal lhe nolive foice vhich gels you vhal you vanl is Iife.
And lhal vhal you vanl, in lhe Iasl anaIysis, is onIy an oppoilunily lo Iive noie.
Theiefoie, you can gel vhal you vanl onIy lhiough lhe opeialion of lhal
univeisaI Iav ly vhich aII Iife advances conlinuousIy inlo fuIIei expiession.
Thal Iav is lhal vhenevei an oiganisn has noie Iife lhan can find expiession ly
funclioning peifeclIy on a given pIane, ils suipIus Iife Iifls il lo lhe nexl highei
pIane. When you pul enough of youiseIf inlo youi piesenl voik lo do il
peifeclIy, youi suipIus povei viII exlend youi voik inlo a Iaigei fieId. Il is aIso
essenliaI lhal you shouId have in nind vhal you vanl, so lhal youi suipIus
povei nay le luined in lhe iighl diieclion.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Ioin a cIeai conceplion of vhal you seek lo acconpIish, lul do nol Iel
vhal you seek lo acconpIish inleifeie vilh doing peifeclIy vhal you have lo do
nov. Youi concepl of vhal you vanl is a guide lo youi eneigies, and an
inspiialion lo cause you lo appIy lhen lo lhe ulnosl lo youi piesenl voik. Live
foi lhe fuluie nov. Suppose lhal youi desiie is lo have a depailnenl sloie, and
you have onIy capilaI enough lo slail a peanul sland. Do nol liy lo slail a
depailnenl sloie loday, on a peanul sland capilaI. ul slail lhe peanul sland in
lhe fuII failh and confidence lhal you viII le alIe lo deveIop il inlo a depailnenl
sloie. Look upon lhe peanul sland neieIy as lhe leginning of lhe depailnenl
sloie, and nake il giov. You can.

Cel noie lusiness ly using consliucliveIy lhe lusiness you have nov.
Cel noie fiiends ly using consliucliveIy lhe fiiends you aIieady have. Cel a
lellei posilion ly using consliucliveIy lhe one you nov have. Cel noie
doneslic happiness ly lhe consliuclive use of lhe Iove lhal aIieady exisls in youi

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AII Righls Reseived
Chaplei Ioui

You can ollain vhal you vanl onIy ly appIying youi facuIlies lo youi
voik and youi enviionnenl. You lecone alIe lo appIy youi facuIlies
successfuIIy ly acquiiing Iovei-Consciousness. And you go foivaid ly a
concenlialion on lodays voik, and ly doing peifeclIy eveiylhing lhal can le
done al lhe piesenl line. You can gel vhal you vanl in lhe fuluie onIy ly
concenlialing aII youi eneigies upon lhe consliuclive use of vhalevei you aie in
ieIalion vilh loday. An indiffeienl oi haIf-heailed use of lhe eIenenls in lodays
enviionnenl viII le falaI lo lonoiiovs allainnenl.

Do nol desiie foi loday vhal is leyond youi aliIily lo gel loday. ul le
suie you gel loday lhe veiy lesl lhal can le had. Nevei lake Iess lhan lhe veiy
lesl lhal can le had al lhe piesenl line. ul do nol vasle eneigy ly desiiing
vhal cannol le had al lhe piesenl line. If you aIvays have lhe lesl lhal can le
had, you viII conlinue lo have lellei and lellei lhings, lecause il is a
fundanenlaI piincipIe in lhe univeise lhal Iife shaII conlinuaIIy advance inlo
noie Iife, and inlo lhe use of noie and lellei lhings. This is lhe piincipIe vhich
causes evoIulion. ul if you aie salisfied vilh Iess lhan lhe lesl lhal can le had,
you viII cease lo nove foivaid.

Lveiy liansaclion and ieIalion of loday, vhelhei il le lusiness, doneslic
oi sociaI, nusl le nade a slepping slone lo vhal you vanl in lhe fuluie. And lo
acconpIish lhis, you nusl pul inlo each noie lhan enough Iife lo fiII il. Theie
nusl le suipIus povei in eveiylhing you do. Il is lhis suipIus povei vhich
causes advancenenl and gels you vhal you vanl. Wheie lheie is no suipIus
povei, lheie is no advancenenl and no allainnenl. Il is lhe suipIus of Iife,

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
alove and leyond lhe funclions of piesenl enviionnenl, vhich causes evoIulion.
And evoIulion is advancing inlo noie Iife, oi gelling vhal you vanl.

Suppose, foi inslance, you aie in a liade oi piofession and vish lo
inciease youi lusiness. Il viII nol do, vhen you seII goods oi seivice, lo nake
lhe nallei a neieIy peifuncloiy liansaclion, laking lhe cusloneis noney, giving
hin good vaIue, and Ielling hin go avay feeIing lhal you had no inleiesl in lhe
nallei leyond giving hin a faii deaI and piofiling lheiely. UnIess he feeIs lhal
you have a peisonaI inleiesl in hin and his needs, and lhal you aie honeslIy
desiious lo inciease his veIfaie, you have nade a faiIuie and aie Iosing giound.
When you can nake eveiy cuslonei feeI lhal you aie ieaIIy liying lo advance his
inleiesls, as veII as youi ovn, youi lusiness viII giov. Il is nol necessaiy lo give
pieniuns, oi heaviei veighls, oi lellei vaIues lhan olheis give lo acconpIish
lhis. Il is done ly pulling Iife and inleiesl inlo eveiy liansaclion, hovevei snaII.

If you desiie lo change youi avocalion, nake youi piesenl lusiness a
slepping slone lo lhe one you vanl. As Iong as you aie in youi piesenl lusiness,
fiII il vilh Iife. The suipIus viII lend lovaid vhal you vanl. Take a Iive inleiesl
in eveiy nan, vonan, and chiId you neel, in eilhei a lusiness oi sociaI vay, and
sinceieIy desiie lhe lesl foi lhen. They viII soon legin lo feeI lhal youi
advancenenl is a nallei of inleiesl lo lhen and lhey viII unile lheii lhoughls foi
youi good. This viII foin a lalleiy of povei in youi favoi and viII open vays
of advancenenl foi you.

If you aie an enpIoyee and desiie a pionolion, pul Iife inlo eveiylhing
you do. Iul in noie lhan enough Iife and inleiesl lo fiII each piece of voik. ul
do nol le seiviIe. Nevei le a fIunkey. And alove aII lhings, avoid lhe
inleIIecluaI pioslilulion, vhich is lhe vice of oui lines in nany liades and nosl

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
piofessions. I nean ly lhis lhe leing a neie hiied apoIogisl foi, and defendei of,
innoiaIily, giafl, dishonesly, oi vice in any foin. The inleIIecluaI pioslilule
nay iise in lhe seivice, lul he is a Iosl souI. Respecl youiseIf. e alsoIuleIy jusl
lo aII. Iul *5,$ inlo eveiy acl and lhoughl and fix Iovei-Conscious lhoughl upon
lhe facl lhal you aie enlilIed lo pionolion. Il viII cone as soon as you can noie
lhan fiII youi piesenl pIace in eveiy day. If il does nol cone fion youi piesenl
enpIoyei, il viII cone fion anolhei. Il is lhe Iav lhal vhosoevei noie lhan fiIIs
his piesenl pIace nusl le advanced. ul foi lhis Iav lheie couId le no evoIulion
and no piogiess. ul naik veII vhal foIIovs.

Il is nol enough lhal you shouId neieIy pul suipIus Iife inlo youi lusiness
ieIalions. You viII nol advance fai if you aie a good lusiness nan oi enpIoyei,
lul a lad husland, an unjusl falhei, oi an unliuslvoilhy fiiend. Youi faiIuie in
lhese iespecls viII nake you incapalIe of using youi success foi lhe
advancenenl of Iife, and so, you viII nol cone undei lhe opeialion of
consliuclive Iav. Many a nan vho fuIfiIIs lhe Iav in lusiness is pievenled fion
piogiessing lecause he is unkind lo his vife, oi deficienl in sone olhei ieIalion
of Iife. To cone undei lhe opeialion of lhe evoIulionaiy foice you nusl noie
lhan fiII $/$%: piesenl ieIalion.

A leIegiaph opeialoi desiied lo gel avay fion lhe key, and gel onlo a
snaII fain. And he legan lo nove in lhal diieclion ly leing 'good lo his vife.
He 'couiled hei, vilhoul any iefeience lo his desiie. And fion leing haIf
indiffeienl, she lecane inleiesled and eagei lo heIp. Soon lhey had a IillIe piece
of giound in lhe edge of lhe lovn and she iaised pouIliy and supeiinlended a
gaiden vhiIe he 'pounded lhe key. Nov lhey have a fain and he has ollained
his desiie. You can secuie lhe coopeialion, nol onIy of youi vife, lul of aII lhe
peopIe aiound you, ly pulling Iife and inleiesl inlo aII youi ieIalions vilh lhen.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived

Iul inlo eveiy ieIalion, lusiness, doneslic oi sociaI, noie lhan enough Iife
lo fiII lhal ieIalion. Have failh, vhich is Iovei-Consciousness. Knov vhal you
vanl in lhe fuluie, lul have loday lhe veiy lesl lhal can le ollained loday.
Nevei le salisfied al any line vilh Iess lhan lhe lesl lhal can le had al lhal line,
lul nevei vasle eneigy in desiiing vhal is nol lo le had nov. Use aII lhings foi
lhe advancenenl of Iife foi youiseIf and foi aII vilh vhon you aie ieIaled in any
vay. IoIIov oul lhese piincipIes of aclion and you cannol faiI lo gel vhal you
vanl, foi lhe univeise is so consliucled lhal aII lhings nusl voik logelhei foi
youi good.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Chaplei Iive

WeaIlh cuIluie consisls in naking consliuclive use of lhe peopIe and
lhings in youi enviionnenl.

Iiisl, gel a cIeai nenlaI picluie of vhal you vanl. If youi piesenl
lusiness oi piofession is nol lhe one nosl suilalIe lo youi laIenls and lasles,
decide upon lhe one vhich is nosl suilalIe and deleinine lo gel inlo lhal
lusiness oi piofession and lo achieve lhe veiy giealesl success in il. Cel a cIeai
idea of vhal you vanl lo do, and gel a nenlaI concepl of lhe ulnosl success in
lhal lusiness oi piofession and deleinine lhal you viII allain lhal. Cive a gieal
deaI of line lo foining lhis concepl oi nenlaI picluie. The noie cIeai and
definile il is lhe easiei viII le youi voik. The nan vho is nol quile suie vhal he
vanls lo luiId viII pul up a vollIing and shaky sliucluie.

Knov vhal you vanl, and keep lhe picluie of il in lhe lackgiound on
youi nind nighl and day. Lel il le Iike a picluie of lhe vaII on youi ioon,
aIvays in youi consciousness, nighl and day. And lhen legin lo nove lovaid il.
Renenlei lhal if you have nol lhe fuIIy deveIoped laIenl nov, you can deveIop
il as you go aIong. You can suieIy do vhal you vanl lo do.
Il is quile IikeIy lhal al piesenl you cannol do lhe lhing you vanl lo do
lecause you aie nol in lhe iighl enviionnenl, and have nol lhe necessaiy capilaI.
ul lhis does nol hindei you fion leginning lo nove lovaid lhe iighl
enviionnenl and fion leginning lo acquiie capilaI. Renenlei lhal you nove
foivaid onIy ly doing vhal you can in youi piesenl enviionnenl.

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
Suppose lhal you have onIy capilaI enough lo opeiale a nevssland, and
youi gieal desiie is lo ovn a depailnenl sloie. Do nol gel lhe idea lhal lheie is
sone nagicaI nelhod ly vhich you can successfuIIy opeiale a depailnenl sloie
on a nevssland capilaI. Theie is, hovevei, a nenlaI science nelhod ly vhich
you can so opeiale a nevssland as lo ceilainIy cause il lo giov inlo a depailnenl
sloie. Considei lhal youi nevssland is one depailnenl of lhe sloie you aie
going lo have. Iix youi nind on lhe depailnenl sloie and legin lo assiniIale
lhe iesl of il. You viII gel il, if you nake eveiy acl and lhoughl consliuclive.

To nake eveiy acl and lhoughl consliuclive, eveiy one nusl convey lhe
idea of inciease. SleadiIy hoId in nind lhe lhoughl of advancenenl foi youiseIf.
Knov lhal you aie advancing lovaid vhal you vanl, and acl and speak in lhis
failh. Then eveiy void and acl viII convey lhis idea of advancenenl and
inciease lo olheis and lhey viII le diavn lo you. AIvays ienenlei lhal vhal
aII peopIe aie seeking foi is inciease.

Iiisl, sludy ovei lhe facls in iegaid lo lhe gieal alundance unliI you knov
lhal lheie is veaIlh foi you, and lhal you do nol have lo lake lhis veaIlh fion
any one eIse. Avoid lhe conpelilive spiiil. You can ieadiIy see lhal if lheie is
IinilIess alundance, lheie is enough foi you vilhoul iolling anyone eIse. Then,
knoving lhal il is lhe puipose of naluie lhal you shouId have vhal you vanl,
iefIecl upon lhe facl lhal you can gel il onIy ly acling. Considei lhal you can acl
onIy upon youi piesenl enviionnenl, and do nol liy lo acl nov upon
enviionnenl of lhe fuluie. Then ienenlei lhal in acling upon youi piesenl
enviionnenl, you nusl nake eveiy acl a success in ilseIf. And lhal in doing lhis,
you nusl hoId lhe puipose lo gel vhal you vanl. You can hoId lhis puipose
onIy as you gel a cIeai nenlaI picluie of vhal you vanl. e suie lhal you have

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived
lhal. AIso, ienenlei lhal youi aclions viII nol have dynanic noving povei,
unIess you have an unvaveiing failh lhal you viII gel vhal you vanl.

Ioin a cIeai nenlaI picluie of vhal you vanl. HoId lhe puipose lo gel il.
Do eveiylhing peifeclIy, nol in seiviIe spiiil, lul lecause you aie a naslei nind.
Keep unvaveiing failh in youi uIlinale allainnenl of youi goaI, and you !"##$%
'"() lo nove foivaid.

4(&5 /0' #$% 6(3 12$3 /0' 1$%3*

Copyiighl 2O1O IiaclicaI SpiiiluaI HeaIing Cuide
AII Righls Reseived

K5()* 34'@64+& ,%'- .$/2 1$**) J

I sinceieIy hope you enjoyed ieading lhis lookIel. Since lheie is so
nuch poveifuI infoinalion conlained in il, I suggesl lhal you ieiead
il in seclions.

Read Chaplei One and liy lo ieaIIy digesl vhal il says. Ioi lhe nexl
veek, legin lo appIy lhose ideas in youi Iife. The foIIoving veek,
voik vilh Chaplei Tvo. The nexl veek Chaplei Thiee, and so on.

This nelhod of lieaking dovn lhese ideas and voiking vilh lhen,
viII heIp you undeisland lhen noie fuIIy. When you enlody lhese
ideas, lhey can have a veiy posilive inpacl on youi Iife.

And isnl lhal vhal you ieaIIy vanl`

If you Iike lhis lookIel, you can conlinue lo Ieain nev vays lo lhink, vhich can
heIp you lo *5/$ ) *5,$ +4)+ :'@ *'/$H

Sign up foi ny IRLL SpiiiluaIily Seekeis Lzine , vhich viII shov you vays lo
alliacl alundance, success, heaIlh, Iove, peace, joy, and hainony inlo youi Iife.

Co lo hllp://vvv.piaclicaI-spiiiluaI-heaIing-guide.con/fiee-ezine.hlnI nov.

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