Technical Communication Theory

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PCTI Question Bank

(1-MARKS uestions! Q: 1The most effective way of communication a) Written b) Verbal c) Both of above d) None of the above ns:Q: !Barriers of written communication can be a) "an#ua#e b) $%&ressions c) Verbal d) None of the above ns:Q: 'What do you thin( is necessary to &erform a s&ecific )ob in desired manner* a) dvice b) dministration c) +ana#ement d) ll of the above ns:Q: ,-The different (inds of listin# are asa) -isseminative b) $valuation c) $m&hatic d) ll ns:-Q:.-The full form of the abbreviation /$0 is 1a) /hief $lectricity 0fficer 1b) /hief $%ecutive 0fficer 1c) /ommon $%ecutive 0fficer 1d) /hief $%ecutive 0fficial ns: B Q: 2- #enda is also called as 3333333333333333 1a) Thou#ht of the day 1b) Tas( of the day 1c) 0rders of the day 1d) Terms of the day ns / Q: 4-3333333333333333 is an announcement sheet that is sent to s&ecific #rou& of &eo&le* a) Notice b) +emo c) /ircular d) "etter ns: / Q: 5-The thou#ht 6 feelin#s conveyed can be a) 7 Ve8 -Ve b) -Ve8 indirect c) 7 Ve8 indirect d) 7 Ve8 direct ns:Q: 9-$ye contact is very im&ortant in a) :ace to face communication b) Verbal c) Written d) ;ndirect ns:-

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Q: 1>-?ooms selected for meetin# should be a) Well ventilated8 @uite ade@uate li#htin#* b) =&aciou*s c) ny* d) +ana#erAs room* ns:Q: 11-Before startin# any activity it becomes necessary to sto& 6 thin( about* a) The ob)ective b) The alternatives c) /ost involved d) ll ns:-Q: 1!=ometimes stress can bea) <ositive &romoter b) +otivator c) Ve &romoters d) Both a and b ns:-Q:1'- 33333333333333333 is the most basic ty&e of listenin# a) b) c) d) /om&rehension* -iscriminative * $valuative* -ialo#ic ns: B Q: 15Q: 1.-*333333333333333333 describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal* a* &rosody b*vocalics c*ha&tics d*&ara lan#ua#e ns: Q: 12- Bearin# disorder or illness etc fall in to the cate#ory of a) <hysiolo#ical b) <hysical c) +entally d) None ns:Q: 14- -ifferent ty&es of barriers that can come in the way of effective communication are* a) <hysical b) /ultural c) +echanical d) ll ns:-;n a life s&an of 4! years8 how much the avera#e time is s&ent on wor(in#* a) 0ne fifth b) 0ne third c) Balf d) None ns:Q: 19-;t is very useful in collectin# dues from customers* a) Business letters b) Verbal c) <ersonal letters d) None ns:We touch the future C we teach D

Q: 1,- $lements of communication would include: a) /hannel b) +essa#e c) =ender d) ll ns:--


Q: !>E/ommunicationF is an e%chan#e of facts8 ideas8 o&inions8 and emotions by two or more &ersons* ;t is @uoted by* a) Newman 6 =ummers b) nderson c) Bellows d) None ns:Q: !1- =uccessful &eo&le reveal the value of a) +oney b) Time c) Gnowled#e d) ;nformation ns:Q: !!- What are &rinci&le of effective communication* a) /larity of ob)ective b) =election of media c) :eedbac( d) ll ns:-Q: !'- ob)ective of the letter can be (nown in one #lance by readin# the a) Body of letter b) Beadin# c) =ub)ect d) Both a and b ns:-/ Q: !,- n or#aniHation can function as a 3333333333333333 only by communicatin# effectively with the environment* a) Irou& b) =ystem c) /hannel d) team ns: B Q: !.- The most visible &art of faceto-face communication is* a) Body lan#ua#e b) "an#ua#e c) Iestures d) <ositive ns:Q: !2- This is very im&ortant in the business worlda) Bandsha(e b) &&earance c) Iesture d) $ye-contact ns:Q: !4- ;f the eye contact is brief or we ta(e our eyes off the &erson soon8 it indicates a) Nervousness 6 embarrassment b) $%as&eration c) Boredom or frustration d) None ns:Q: !5head bent low de&endin# u&on situation would meana) Iesture of shame b) +odesty8 <oliteness8 diffidence c) Both a and b d) -isa&&roval ns:-/

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Q:!9 0ne of the methods of buildin# 7 ve relations with others are as(in# for a) dvice b) Time c) :avor d) Both a and b ns:-Q: '>- /ommunication is a &rocess of which ty&e a) 0ne way b) Two-way c) ;rreversible d) ll ns:-Q: '1- Which statement a&&lies to a E+essa#eFJ a) The messa#e received by the communication b) The messa#e sent by the communication c) The re&ly sent by the communication d) The re&ly received ns:-/ Q: '!dvanta#e of readin# &resentation is a) $ye contact is not maintained with audience b) ccuracy is maintained c) ?emove hesitation d) Iood #esture is maintained ns:-B Q: ''-*33333333333333333333 is the full form of the abbreviation TQ+* a* team @uality mana#ement b* total @uality mana#ement c* total @uality mana#er We touch the future C we teach D Q: '.d* total @uality mana#ement ns: Q: ',- ;t is normally written below the com&limentary close in a letter* a) =i#nature b) =alutation c) =ub)ect d) -ate ns:+emo is-

a) &resentation for considerin# somethin# b) -irect written messa#e8 which must be remembered* c) le#al document d) document that is circulated* ns:Q: '2- ;f a &erson to&s his feet foot it would mean* a) ;m&atience b) Kncontrolled c) ;n hurry d) n#ry ns:Q: '4- The mast valuable asset of a com&any is a) +oney b) +aterial c) <eo&le d) ll ns:-/


Q: '5- 3333333333 you left8 the atmos&here in the office has not been as nice* a) Before b) fter c) =ince d) When ns:-/ Q: '9- The )ob is badly &aid33333333 ;Am loo(in# for another one* a) But b) =o c) nd d) Before ns:-B Q: ,>- 33333333 he was the best@ualified candidate8 he didnAt #et the )ob* a) lthou#h b) s c) But d) When ns:Q: ,1- -ialo#ic listenin# is also (nown as a) $valuatin# b) Thera&eutic c) ?elational d) &&reciative ns:-/ Q: ,!- The +=-office has &resentation software calleda) <ower &oint b) Word c) $%cel d) ccess ns:Q: ,'- ;n the country the &eo&le 333333333 friendly a) ;s b) re c) Bas been d) Were ns:-B Q: ,,- ;t is common to move from the countryside to find33333 a) Lob b) Lobs c) )ob d) The )ob ns:-/ Q: ,.- There are 333333 de#ree of com&arisons a) ! b) ' c) , d) , ns:-B Q:,2ll calls should be answered with in 33333333 rin#s a) ! b) , c) ' d) ny ns:-/ Q: ,4- -ifferent ty&es of letters used for &rintin# are calleda) :ont b) /olors c) =lides d) li#nment ns:-

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Q:,5- The &rimary #oal of communication is to 333333333333333333333 a) to create barriers b) to create noise c) to effect a chan#e d) none of them ns: / Q:,9-The 3333333333333333 of the correct channel de&ends on the situation under which the communication ta(es &lace a) /hance b) /hoice c) /han#e d) channel ns: B Q:.>- messa#e can be misinter&reted because of 333333333333333333 a) b) c) d) Bans ?eceiver Barriers sender ns: / Q: .'- Wor(in# away from home ma(e it easier to focus on your )ob 1TM:) ns:-T Q: .,- =ometimes one has to #ive u& what is merely #ood in order to do what is best8 1TM:) ns:-T Q: ..- $m&hatic listin# is most &racticed by mana#ers*1TM :) ns:-: Q: .2- Bouse )ournals are a ty&e of oral communication*1TM:) ns:-: Q: .4- :eedbac( is immediate is Business or#aniHation*1TM:) ns:-T Q: .5- Vision is inborn-1TM:) ns:-: Q: .9- +ana#ers communication the vision of the com&any to his team males* 1TM:) ns:-T Q: 2>- While writin# memos the writer needs to be concerned about the sensitivity of the wordin#s*1TM:) ns:-: Q: 21- The sim&lest &ro&osal resembles memo-random*1TM:) ns:-T Q: 2!- The formality re@uirement of &ro&osals are always the some-1TM:) ns:-: Q: 2'- +ana#ement can function smoothly without communication 1TM:) ns:-:

(1-"a#ks! TRUE-$ALSE% Q: .1ll mana#ers of the or#aniHation should be involved in the meetin# irres&ective of whether they contribute to the meetin# or not 1TM:)

ns:-: Q: .!- Ioals &romote enthusiasm in an or#aniHation 1TM:) ns:-T

We touch the future C we teach D


Q: 2,- =uccess is achieved by men and woman of caution -1TM:) ns:-: Q: 2.- We can not understand the intention of the author while readin# any #iven te%t 1TM:) ns:-T Q: 22 - +emo can not be structure in email system-1TM:) ns:-: Q: 24- The whole conce&t of achievin# success be#ins with how you thin( 1TM:) ns:-T Q: 25ns:-T Q: 29- Business communication is always #oal oriented*1TM:) ns:-T Q: 4>- There will be confusion 6 discomfort if s&eech 6 #estures are &ro&erly co-coordinated-1TM:) ns:-: Q: 41- Written communication is !way &rocess 1TM:) ns:-T Q: 4!- <eo&le belon#in# to different cultures send of the same ty&e of si#nals1TM:) ns:-: Q: 4'- ;n face to face settin# &eo&le are simultantaneously senders 6 receivers of info*1TM:) ns:-T Q: ,?e&ort &lays an im&ortant role as a vehicle of communication* 1TM:) Q: 4,- <oor eyes limit your deeds 1TM:) ns:-: Q: 4.- ?e#ular disci&lines are tas(s that we com&lete daily 1TM:) ns:-T $i&& In t'e (anks% Q: 1- $very mana#er in a modern system tries to maintain 333333333 relations with 33333 * Q: !The words and 33333333 that a communication chose to deliver a massa#e can ta(e tremendous diff on how the messa#e is 33333333* Q: '3333333333 lan#ua#e com&lements verbal communication* (ey to conduct a successful meetin# is to 33333333 it thorou#hly* The minutes hel& to hold &artici&ants to their 333333333 6 turn their &romise 3333333* 333333333 is doin# yesterdayAs wor( today* 0ne of the barriers to communication are called3333333 The &attern of business letter is called3333333 $%am&les of environmental stress is 333333333

Q: .-

Q: 2Q: 4-

Q: 5* Q:9-

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Q: 1>Whatever of fell dee& within ourselves is immediately reflected in the 3333* 3333333 is vital for mana#ers to ta(e decisions* Ioals (ee& our 3333333 strai#ht* Q: !'- /ommunications has come from "atin word333333333 * Q: !,- ;t is said that ;ndians are #ood &lanners but bad 333333* Q: !.letters* Q: !2Q: 1'33333333333 are the #reatest time wasters for $%ecutives* Q: 1,- When &eo&le donAt (now whether to believe what they are hearin# or what they 33333333* Q: 1.The conce&t of achievin# success be#ins with 33333333 mental attitude* Q: 12- =ome &eo&le tend to &lay with their loc( of hair or &en when they are 333333* Q: 14- -urin# ne#otiation one needs to control 333333333* Q: 15heart* 3333333333 is the inde% of +emorandums are 33333333 ll dreams have a 33333 *

Q: 11Q: 1!-

Q: !4- 3333333333 should be seen as a milea#e ma(es on the road to success* Q: !5- The #reatest advanta#e of oral communication is 33333 res&onse* Q: !9- 3333333 means lin(in# words or &hrases to#ether so that the whole te%t is clear 6 readable* Q: '>- The first ste& of note ta(in# is 3333333*

Q: 19- The #reater the #esture the louder the 33333333* Q: !>- +any s&ea(ers write 6 learn entire s&eeches in 3333333 ty&e of &resentation* Q: !1- 33333 is the most remembered element in formin# an im&ression of someone* Q: !!- The best way in a 7ve relationshi& is to admit where you are 333333333

Ans)e#s o* $i&& U+s% Q1* (Business, individuals) Q!* (Channel, received) Q'* (Body) Q,* (Plan) Q.* (Responsibility, Action) Q2* (Procrastination) Q4* (Noise) Q5* (Layout) Q9* (Humility) Q1>* (Face) Q11* ( n!ormation) Q1!* (Priorities) Q1'* ( nterruptions) Q1,* (Body lan"ua"e) Q1.* (#$e) Q12* (Nervous) Q14* (%motions) Q15* (Face)

We touch the future C we teach D


Q19* (&peech) Q!>* ('emori(e) Q!1* (%ye contact) Q!!* ()ron") Q!'* (Cummins) Q!,* (%*ecuters) Q!.* ( nternals) Q!2* (Cost) Q!4* (Failures) Q!5* ( mmediate) Q!9* (Cohesions) Q'>* ( denti!y +ey points in the

which will mention the 3333333333333333 a#ainst the staff concerned and as( for a written e%&lanation a* notice8 information b* memo8 &raise c* show cause notice8 alle#ations d* letter8 &unishment ns: / Q'* Knclarified assum&tions in an communication can lead to 333333333333333333and 3333333333333333 a) &remature evaluation8 &oor listenin# b) information overload8 selective &erce&tion c) lac( of &lannin#8 &hysical barriers d) confusions8 misunderstandin# ns: Q,* resume needs conce&tualiHation of your 3333333333333333 and 33333333333 all into one document* a) ob)ectivesN e%&eriences b) &ro)ectsN s(ills c) accom&lishmentsN e%&eriences d) s(illsN aims ns: / Q.* &ress story is 333333333333333333 news story8 written in 33333333333 &erson that see(s to demonstrate to an editor or re&orter the newsworthiness of a &articular &erson8 event8 service or &roduct* 1a) falseN first 1b) &seudoN third

(,-MARKS uestions!
Q1*We communicate orally in two ways: 3333333333333333 and 33333333333333 a) tele&honic conversationN non verbal communication b) verbal communicationN face- toface communication c) face-to- face communicationN tele&honic conversation d) verbal communicationN non verbal communication ns: / Q!* ;f a staff in an or#aniHation is sus&ected of ma)or misconduct8 the or#aniHation may issue a 3333333333

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1 c) realN second 1d) ori#inalN third ns: B Q2* /om&lete the followin# sentences 11) Oou can turn off the television* ; 3333333333333 1watch) it* 1!) ; saw =ari(a yesterday* =he33333333333333333 1drive) her new car* 1a) am watchin#8 was drivin# 1b) have watched8 drove 1c) am not watchin#8 was drivin# 1d) watch8 drive ns: / Q4* 333333333333 describes all forms of human333333333333333 that are not verbal a) ha& tics8 conversation b) <ara lan#ua#e8 communication c) &rosody8 connection d) #estures8 communication ns: B P Q5* 333333333333333 refers to different and numerous ste&s in the 33333333333333* a) receiverAs attitude8 medium b) transmission )ourney8 messa#e c) channel8 &rocess of communication d) semantic distortion8 messa#e ns: / Q9*;n 33333333333333 listenin#8 the listener has a &ur&ose of not only em&athiHin# with the 333333333333333 but also to use this dee& connection in order to hel& the s&ea(er understand8 chan#e or develo& in some way* a) dialo#ic8 leaner b) em&athetic8 reader c) a&&reciate8 listener d) thera&eutic8 s&ea(er ns: Q1>* The most crucial &art of the 3333333333333333 &rocess is thin(in# or convertin# to 33333333333333 what one hears* a) readin#N understandin# b) s&ea(in#N meanin# c) hearin#N inter&retin# d) listenin#N meanin# ns: Q11*:ind out errors: $ither the mana#er or their subordinates failed in his duty* a* either- neither8 or- nor b* their- his8 his- their c* failed- fails8 subordinatessubordinate d* the- a8 in- for ns:B Q1!* s a means of communication8 e-mails have features of immediacy of both3333333333333333 and33333333333333333* a* readin#8 receivin# b* writin#8 sendin# c* callin#8 receivin# d* receivin#8 sendin# ns: Q1'*unclarified assum&tions in a communication can lead to333333333333333 and3333333333333333* a* &remature evaluation8 &oor listenin# b* lac( of &lannin#8 &hysical barriers c* information overload8 selective &erce&tion

We touch the future C we teach D


d* confusion8 misunderstandin# ns: Q1,*the most crucial &art of the 333333333333333333 &rocess is thin(in# or convertin# to333333333333333 what one hears* a* readin#8 understandin# b* s&ea(in#8 meanin# c* hearin#8 inter&retin# d* listenin#8 meanin# ns: Q1.*lan#ua#e of a memo should be 3333333333333333 and 333333333333333333 to understand* a* indirect8 &ersonal b* direct8 concise c* lucid8 easy d* concise8 difficult ns: / Q12*in letter writin#8 33333333333333333 indicates to the reader of the letter what the 33333333333333333333 is about* a* salutation8 letter b* sub)ect8 notice c* body8 memo d* sub)ect8 letter ns: Q14*while usin# overhead &ro)ectors8 you can reveal information line by usin# an 33333333333333 sheet to over the3333333333333* a* o&a@ue8 fli& chart b* translucent8 trans&arency c trans&arent8 slide d* o&a@ue8 trans&arency ns: Q15*333333333333333 is sent to s&ecific #rou& of &eo&le whereas 33333333333333333 may be meant for #eneral &ublic* a* notice8 memo b* memo8 circular c* notice8 circular d* circular8 notice ns: Q19*the &roblem with &roof readin# is that you will have to be #ood at 333333333333333 and 33333333333333* a* s&ellin#8 &unctuation b* &ronunciation8 s&ellin# c* &unctuation8 &ronunciation d* <ara &hrasin#8 s&ellin# ns: Q!>*The semantic mar(ers used to e%&ress time relationshi& are: a* ne%t8 after b* after8 conse@uently c* hence8 to summariHe d* while8 because ns:

(--MARKS uestions!
Q: 1+atch the followin# =et1- Written /ommunication !- Business letter '- 0utward number ,- ;nward address .- Bead address =et-B a- "e#al evidence b- None direct communication c- ?eceivers address

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d- =ender address e- :urther reference ns* 1-b8 !-a8 '-e8 ,-c8 .-d* Q!**com&lete the followin# statements with a&&ro&riate con)unctions: 1* 333333333333333333 he wor(ed hard8 he failed* !*; cannot lift the bo% 33333333333333333 it is very heavy* '*The current status re&ort has been attachQ8 33333333333333333 ; have hi#hli#hted the im&ortant fi#ures* ,*3333333333333333333 we have no money8 we cannot buy it* 1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) ns: althou#h8 because8 and8 since since 8and8 althou#h8 because8 because8 since8 and8 althou#h and8 althou#h8 since8 because '*The minutes of the meetin# should contain the &oint of view of the minute ta(er ,*Oou can use tables and charts in a memo* 1a) false8 true8 true8 false 1b)true8 false8 false8 true R false8 true8 true8 true 1d)false8 false8 false ns: B Q. What is the full form of :0B: 1a)fire on board 1b)free on broad Rfree on board 1d)free of board ns: / Q2* +atch the followin# body lan#ua#e #estures with their meanin#s: =et11) rollin# oneAs eyes 1!) noddin# 1') crossin# of arms 1,) sha(in# of le#s =et-B 1a) lac( of confidence 1b) e%as&eration 1 c) confirmation 1d) defensive a*1- d8 !- c8'- b8 ,- a b*1-c8!-a8'-d8,-b c*1-b8!-c8'-d8,-a d*1-a8!-b8'-c8,-d ns: / Q4* 0ne of the #reat tools that is used to handle the com&lainin# customers is the techni@ue of B" =T* The acronym stands for: 1a)believe8 listen8 a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 treat 1b)believe8 listen 8 a&olo#iHe8 su##est 8 than(

Q'* Which one of the followin# is correct: &rocess of communicationJ a) encodin#8 receiver8 messa#e8 res&onse8 feedbac(8 sender b) sender8 encodin#8 messa#e8 decodin#8 receiver8 res&onse8 feedbac( c) sender8 res&onse encodin#8 messa#e8 decodin#8 receiver8 feedbac( d) sender8 decodin#8 messa#e8 encodin#8 receiver8 res&onse8 feedbac( ns: B Q,*say whether true or false: 1* use sim&le lan#ua#e without clichQs while writin# a memo* !*+inutes are submitted by the name of the ty&ist who has ty&ed the minutes*

We touch the future C we teach D


1 c) believe8 listen8 a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 than( 1d)believe8 list 8 a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 than( ns: / Q5* Which of the followin# statements are trueJ 1* in oral communication8 there is a &ossibility of immediate res&onse* !* f one wants to have an effective communication8 one should be e#oistic* '* 0ral communication always saves time* ,* Never leave a caller on hold* 1a) false8 true8 true8 falseP 1b)true8 false8 false8 true 1 c) true8 true8 false8 false 1d) false8 false 8 true8 false ns: B Q9* Which one of them are ty&es of listenin#: 1*com&rehension listenin# !*critical listenin# '*evaluative listenin# ,*intensive listenin# 1a)18!8' 1b)!8 '8 , R '8 ,8 1 1d),8 !8 1 ns: Q1>* =Q'? Techni@ue of readin# stands for: a) =urvey8 Question8 read8 recall8 review* b) survey8 @uotient8 read8 review8 recall c) =urvey8 @uestion8 relief8 recall8 read d) =urvey8 @uestion8 recall8 review8 read ns:

Q11* The semantic mar(ers used to indicate illustration and e%am&les are : 11) first and foremost 1!) for e%am&le 1') letAs ta(e for e%am&le 1,) for instance a) b) c) d) ns: B 18!8' !8'8, '8,81 ,818!

Q1! <ic( out the statements that are true: 11) by usin# a dissolve unit and two slide &ro)ectors it is &ossible to create a transition fade in and out effect* 1!) udience considers slides as more &rofessional* 1') =lides are more effective in a well lit room* 1,) ;t is &ossible to modify slides or their se@uence durin# &resentation* 1a) false8 true8 true8 true 1b) true8 true8 false8 true 1c) true8 false8 true8 true 1d) true8 true8 true8 true ns: B Q1'* 11) 1!) 1') 1,) 1.) match the followin#: transmitter encodin# decodin# receiver feedbac(

1a) the &rocess of conversion of a messa#e into a format which the receiver can understand* 1b) the &erson1s) who transmits the messa#e

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R the &erson 1s) receivin# the messa#e 1d) re&ly that confirms whether the information sent has been understood or not 1e) the &rocess of inter&retation of the received messa#e* 1a) 1- b8 !- a8 '- e8 ,-c8 .- d 1b) 1- a8 !- b8 '- c 8 ,- d 8 .- e 1c) 1- e8 !- c8 '- b8 ,-a8 .- d 1d) 1- c8 !- d8 '- a8 ,- b8 .- e ns: Q1,* Which of the followin# statements are trueJ 11) ;n oral communication8 there is a &ossibility of immediate res&onse* 1!) ;f one wants to have an effective communication8 one should be e#oistic* 1') 0ral communication always saves time* 1,) Never leave a caller on hold* 1a) false8 true8 true8 falseP 1b) true8 false8 false8 true 1c) true8 true8 false8 false 1d) false8 false 8 true8 false ns: B Q1.* The semantic mar(ers used to indicate the develo&ment of ideas or to list the idas are: 11) &rimarily8 1!) secondly8 1') finally8 1,) conse@uently 1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) ns: 18 !8 ' 18!8, !8'8, 18'8,

Q12* <ic( out the statements that are true: 11) When a customer calls you to com&laint about the service offered by you8 you should tell him to call some other time* 1!) When a customer brin#s a com&laint8 you should listen to the &roblem and show that you believe in what he says* 1') sincere a&olo#y will usually diffuse a lot of frustration that the customer has* 1,) Noddin# of the head and re&eatin# the same words of the s&ea(ers is a strate#y to be used while &racticin# &assive learnin#* 1a) true8 true8 true8 true 1b) false8 false8 false8 true 1c) false8 true8 true8 false8 1d) true8 true8 false8 false ns: / Q14* /om&lete the followin# sentences with a&&ro&riate con)unctions: The current status re&ort has been attached8 333333333333333 ; have hi#hli#hted there im&ortant fi#ures* ; cannot lift the bo%33333333333333 it is very heavy 333333 we have no money 8 we cannot buy it 3333333333 he wor(ed hard8 he failed* a) and8 because8 since8 althou#h b) althou#h8 because8 and8 since c) since8 and8 because8 althou#h d) and8 althou#h8 since8 because ns: Q15* =ay whether true or false: 11) the minutes of the meetin# should contain the &oint of view of the minute ta(er* 1!) Kse sim&le lan#ua#e without clichQs while a memo*

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1') Oou can use tables and charts in a memoM* 1,) +inutes are submitted by the name of the ty&ist who has ty&ed the minutes* 1a) false8 true8 true8 false 1b) true8 false8 false8 false 1c) false8 true8 true8 true 1d) false8 false8 false8 true ns: Q19* +atch the followin# &roof readin# symbols with their meanin#s: 11) S 1a) be#in new &ara#ra&h 1!) T use a &eriod here 1') U insert somethin# 1,) V s&ace needed here a) 1-a8 !-b8 '-c8 ,-d* b) 1-c8 !-a8 '-d8 ,-b c) 1-d8 !- c8 '-a8 ,-b d) 1-b8 !-d8 '-c8 ,-a ns: B Q!>* +atch the followin# &roof readin# symbols with their meanin#s: 11) W W 1a) be#in new &ara#ra&h 1!) X 1b) &roblem in &arallel form 1') T 1c ) trans&ose elements 1,) N0 T 1d) no &ara#ra&h 1a) 1-b8 !-a8'-d8,-c 1b) R 1d) a 1a) true8 true8 true8 true 1b) true8 false8 true8 false Rfalse8 true8 false8 true 1d) false8 true8 true8 false ns: Q!!* =ome of the visual aids that can ma(e your &resentation interestin# are: 1*overhead &ro)ector !*real ob)ects '*video and film ,*&ointer and mar(er 1a) !8'8, 1b) 18'8, R18!8' 1d) 18!8, ns: / Q!'* Which one of them is a ty&e of readin#J 1*e%tensive readin#8 !*evaluative readin# '*scannin# ,*intensive readin# 1a) 18!8' 1b) 18'8, 1b) 1-a8 !-b8'-c8,-d R1-d8 !-c8'-b8,-a 1d) 1-b8 !-c8 '-a8,-d ns: / Q!1* Which of the followin# statements is true about <ower &oint slides: 1*all the slides must be &art of a sim&le <ower<oint file as it saves time* !*Kse fonts that will #et distorted while &rocessin#* '*Gee& ima#es away from the ed#es of a slide as they may #et cro&&ed while mountin# the slide* ,*;f you are &re&arin# for a '. mm ima#e the <ower<oint slides must not be formatted for '. mm*

</ Trainin# ;nstitute "td*8 n ;=0-9>>1 /ertified 0r#anisation


R!8'8,8 1d) 18!8, ns: B Q!,* +atch the followin# body lan#ua#e #estures with their meanin#: 11) hands clas&ed behind the head 1a) stress 1!) crossin# of arms 1b) su&eriority 1') sha(in# of le#s R self confidence 1,) hands behind the bac( 1d) defensive 1a) 1-b8 !- d8 '- a8 ,- c 1b) 1-a8 !-b8 '-c8 ,-d 1c) 1-c8 !-a8 '- b8 ,- d 1d) 1- b8 !-c8 '-d8 ,-a ns: Q!. Which one of the followin# is correct: &rocess of communication 1a) sender8 decodin#8 receiver8 messa#e8 res&onse8 encodin#8 feedbac( 1b) sender8 encodin#8 messa#e8 decodin#8 receiver8 res&onse8 feedbac( 1c) sender8 res&onse8 messa#e8 encodin#8 decodin#8 receiver8 feedbac( 1d) sender8 encodin#8 messa#e8 res&onse8 decodin#8 receiver8 feedbac( ns: Q!2* +atch the @uestions with the answers: 1* -id you &ut the mil( in the frid#eJ eatin# by the time ; #ot there* !* -id u have a #ood dinner at =heelaAs weddin#J '* Why did you not #o to the movie with vinashJ ,* Why did mrita dro& out of the classJ 1a) No8 they had already finished 1b) =he realiHed that she had already read all the boo(s* R No8 my mother had already &ut it in before ; came home 1d) because ; had already seen it* ns: 1-/8!- 8'--8,-B Q!4* =Q'? Techni@ue of readin# stands for: 1a) =urvey8 Question8 read8 recall8 review* 1b) =urvey8 @uotient8 read8 review8 recall 1c) =urvey8 @uestion8 relief8 recall8 read 1d) =urvey8 @uestion8 recall8 review8 read ns Q!5* Which one of them is a ty&e of listenin#: 11) /om&rehension listenin# 1!) /ritical listenin# 1') $valuative listenin# 1,) ;ntensive listenin# 1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) ns: 18!8' !8 '8 , '8 ,8 1 ,8 !8 1

Q!9* =ome of the visual aids that can ma(e your &resentation interestin# are: 11) '. mm slides 1!) &ointer 1') 0verhead &ro)ector 1,) ?eal ob)ects

We touch the future C we teach D


1a) 18 !8 ' 1b) !8 '8 , 1c) 18 '8 , 1d) 18 !8 , ns: / Q'>* Which of the followin# statements is true about <ower &oint slides: 11) all the slides must be &art of a sim&le <ower<oint file as it saves time* 1!) Kse fonts that will #et distorted while &rocessin#* 1') Gee& ima#es away from the ed#es of a slide as they may #et cro&&ed while mountin# the slide* 1,) ;f you are &re&arin# for a '. mm ima#e the <ower<oint slides must not be formatted for '. mm* 1a) true8 true8 true8 true 1b) true8 false8 true8 false 1c) false8 true8 false8 true 1d) false8 true8 true8 false ns: B Q'1* While communication with the 33333333333333833333333333333 &hrases and 33333333333333 have to be used in their 333333333333333 conte%ts* 1a) customers8 &olite8 e%&ressions8 a&&ro&riate 1b) relatives8 harsh8 #estures8 ina&&ro&riate 1c) subordinates8 im&olite8 im&ressions8 true 1d) audience8 rude8 dialo#ues8 actual ns: Q'!* /hoose the correct order of ste&s8 when one is ma(in# a &resentation outside oneAs or#aniHation: 1a) -escri&tions of methods and results8 audience @uestions session8 introduction8 conclusions8 su##estions and a summary8 #ivin# the audience the bac(#round 1b) Iivin# the audience the bac(#round8 introduction8 descri&tion of methods and result8 conclusions8 su##estions and a summary8 audience @uestions session 1c) udience @uestions session8 introduction8 descri&tion of methods and result8 #ivin# the audience the bac(#round8 conclusion8 su##estions and harmony 1d) ;ntroduction8 audience @uestions session8 descri&tion of methods and results8 #ivin# the audience the bac(#round8 conclusions8 su##estions and a summary ns: B Q''* ;n com&rehension listenin#8 to com&rehend the33333333333333333338 one re@uires a le%icon of3333333333333333 and all rules of 33333333333 and 33333333333333 by which one can understand what others are sayin#* 1a) words8 synta%8 meanin#8 #rammar 1b) Irammar8 synta%8 words8 meanin#s 1c) word8 meanin#8 synta%8 #rammar 1d) meanin#8 words8 #rammar8 synta%* ns: Q', /oncentration re@uires 3333333333333333333and 333333333333338 &racticin#3333333

</ Trainin# ;nstitute "td*8 n ;=0-9>>1 /ertified 0r#anisation


listin# hel&s to 3333333333333333concentration but there are other elements that contribute to your ability to concentrate on what someone is sayin# a) &ractice8 active8 develo&8 unwillin#ness b) unwillin#ness8 &ractice8 &assive8 develo& d) willin#ness8 &ractice8 active8 develo& e) unwillin#ness8 develo&8 active8 &ractice ns: / Q'.* While listenin# it is im&ortant to the ri#ht environment because it will hel& the33333333333 focus on what he is 33333333333 and avoids 3333333333333* 1a) chance8 reader8 readin# 8 distribution 1b) choice8 s&ea(er8 s&ea(in#8 disturbance 1c) choose8 listener8 listenin#8 distraction 1d) chan#e8 writer8 writin#8 discrimination ns: / Q'2* 0ne of the #reat tools that is used to handle the com&lainin# customers is the techni@ue of B" =T* The acronym stands for: 1a) believe8 listen8 a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 than( 1b) believe8 list a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 than( 1c) believe8 listen8 a&olo#iHe8 su##est8 than( 1d) believe8 listen8 a&olo#iHe8 satisfy8 treat ns: Q'4* ;n letter writin#8 conclusion is also (nown as 33333333333333333 you should always end the 33333333333333333 letter with a 33333333333333333 or333333333333333 note* com&limentary close8 8 Bsiness8 firm &ositive su&&lementary8 formal8 strict8 ne#ative solution8 informal8 &olite8 &ositive8 enclosure8 &ersonal8 im&olite8 ne#ative ns: Q'5* Which one of the followin# is the correct structure of the )ob a&&lication: 1a) address8 date8 body8 sub)ect8 si#nature8 enclosure8 1b) address of the a&&licant8 date8 salutation8 sub)ect8 body8 si#nature8 enclosure Raddress8 salutation8 date8 body8 sub)ect8 enclosure8 si#nature 1d) address8 date8 sub)ect8 body8 salutation8 enclosure8 si#nature ns: B Q'9* While com&osin# a 33333333333333333 messa#e8 only (ey words and 333333333333333 are used* :unction words such as 33333333333333 and33333333333333 should not be included* 1a) tele&honic8 structures8 con)unctions8 &re&ositions 1b) face- to- face8 si#ns8 articles8 nouns 1c) formal8 symbols8 nouns8 &ronouns 1d) tele#ra&hic8 &hrases8 articles8 &re&osition* ns: -

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Q,>* <ic( out the statements that are true: 1*while listenin#8 it is im&ortant to ma(e the s&ea(er feel that you care about what he or she is sayin#* !*<racticin# active listenin# hel&s to develo& concentration* '*/oncentration re@uires willin#ness and &ractice* ,*While listenin# to a s&ea(er you can involve yourself in multitas(* 1a) !8'8, 1b) 18'8, R18!8' 1d) 18!8, ns: /

</ Trainin# ;nstitute "td*8 n ;=0-9>>1 /ertified 0r#anisation

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