The Environment and The People: Alone To Our Animalistic Instincts. However, The Way Things Are Going, We Are

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STS 40 BAPS IV Mth 2:30-4:00 The Environment and the People A Review on the Documentary: The P anet !

arth The "ocumentary oo#e" into the "ire con"ition$ o% o% the human race& The eco$y$tem encom'a$$e$ ) ivin*+ an" a(iotic )non ivin*+ com'onent$ %oun" anima $, %un*i an" human$ re ate to one another ener*y& the environment in the han"$ the re ation$hi' o% the (iotic within the (io$'here& P ant$, in the continuou$ tran$%er o%

The %oo" trian* e $how$ the accumu atin* "ecrea$e o% tran$%er o% ener*y %rom the ' ant$, to an anima to another ar*er anima & -$ua y, the human$ $tay on to' o% thi$ %oo" trian* e where the on y 'ro(a( e or*ani$m that wi con$ume 'eo' e, e.ce't on $eriou$ y rare ca$e$ o% anima attac#$, are the "ecom'o$er$& Thi$ mani%e$t$ the eve o% contro human$ have over nature& In thi$ con$umeri$t wor ", economic ea"er$ $caven*e %or re$ource-rich area$ o% the wor " %or %urther harne$$in* o% raw materia $& The 're$ence o% o"" itt e or*ani$m$ an" (i* one$ are (oth mani%e$tation$ o% the hea th an" e%%iciency o% the wor#in*$ within the eco$y$tem& To wit, the 're$ence o% $na#e$ i$ "ictate" (y the 're$ence o% %ro*$, which in turn i$ 'ro(a( y "irect y in% uence" (y the 're$ence o% 'e$t$& Thi$ i$ a re$u t o% the o'timum con"ition o% that $'eci%ic oca e& The a(ru't, a(norma a($ence o% $'ecie$ i$ a re$u t, however, o% the imme"iate "etrimenta con"ition$ o% the environment& In thi$ wor ", the on y 'ro(a( e cau$e o% the a(norma chan*e$ in the environment i$ (rou*ht a(out (y the economica y-motivate" con$um'tion 'attern$ o% the human (ein*$& Per$ona y, I have a way$ (e ieve" that human (ein*$ $hou " (e $tewar"$ an" $tewar"e$$e$ o% /ature& 0e are *iven with %acu tie$ that "o not e.i$t in other or*ani$m$& 1uman$ have the a(i ity o% contro over them$e ve$, we have the ca'a(i ity to ' an out the thin*$ that we "o& -n i#e anima $, we are not $u(2ect alone to our anima i$tic in$tinct$& 1owever, the way thin*$ are *oin*, we are $u(2ecte" to $eemin* y anima i$tic in$tinct$ "evoi" o% our a(i ity to ' an an" contro 3 we have o$t the 'ro$'ect$ o% (ecomin* $tewar"$ an" $tewar"e$$ o% /ature& I "on4t thin# we have o$t our a(i ity to ' an out an" contro & 5n the contrary, I (e ieve that human$ have "eve o'e" thi$ a(i ity to more u$e%u eve $& 1owever, what we o$t or what ha$ chan*e" a ot i$ our conce'tion o% a 'riority that i$ $u$taina( e an" %uture- oo#in*& More than anythin* e $e, we are more concerne" with what we *ain an" o$t out on what we can lose. 0e have in2ecte" a ot o% irre*u aritie$ in thi$ wor " that we have 'o$e" a ot o% a(norma chan*e$& The (e$t or mo$t common' e i$ 6 imate 6han*e& There i$ a "e(ate i% c imate chan*e i$ un'recente" or an e%%ect o% human activitie$& I% it i$ un'recente", meanin*, human$ an" other or*ani$m$ wi %ace it with or without 'ro( ematic har$h environmenta a(u$e& 0e are at a "i$a"vanta*e& 1owever, thi$ "oe$ not mean we have nothin* to contri(ute to

e.acer(ate an"7or ha$ten the "etrimenta chan*e$ in the wor "& I% it a 'ro"uct o% human activitie$, then we #now who there i$ to ( ame& My 'oint, whether or not the "etrimenta environmenta chan*e$ are un'recente", we #now %or a %act that human$ are in a 'o$ition to not e.acer(ate an" ha$ten the 'ro( em$& 0e are in a 'o$ition, a$ $tewar"$ an" $tewar"e$$e$, to ma#e $ure that we contri(ute more to the (etterment o% nature than to it$ "etriment&

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