A Brief Herbal Guide For Dr. Namgyal Tenzin For The Traditional Tibetan Medicine Course

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Herbs (mostly) from TJ Tsarong's Handbook of Traditional Tibetan Drugs

A comparative analysis of some actions, uses in various traditions George M. Carter

A Brief Herbal Guide for Dr. Namgyal Tenzin for the T AD!T!"NA# T!B$TAN %$D!&!N$ &"' ($
held in Dharamsala) !ndia (e*tember +,-./) .00+
Do1ument for 2ubli1 'se3Distribution4 Not for esale 2lease ma5e donations to the Tibetan &hildren's 6illage

Herbs from the Handbook of Traditional Tibetan Drugs

A comparative analysis, George M. Carter; eptember !""# Notes and 5ey to abbre7iations8 $ote #% !n the Tibetan 9ormulations 1olumn) the :uses: are based on use ;ithin the 1onte<t of a 9" %'#A. Where an herb was never listed as the first ingredient in any formula, those where it was listed second or third in the formula were considered. This is predicated on the assumption that ingredients are listed in order of importance which may be somewhat misleading. Thus, the "use" of the herb in Tibetan medicine really derives from the context of the whole formula. Where possible, information from Dharmapada (denoted Thangka indicates a brief description of the individual herb. !ee relevant footnotes. $ote !% The actions and uses listed for each herb are discussed in greater detail in the relevant materia medicas (see "eferences list at end . The efficacy in treating disease or the physiological action (e.g., astringent is not evaluated here. #omparisons with pharmaceutical drug treatments cannot be inferred. "isk$benefit$cost analyses are needed% This can help to identify options where pharmaceutical drug therapy is not immediately available or where the toxicities of such therapy may outweigh the benefits in comparison to the herbal alternative. $ote &% These are only notes. &ll errors are the responsibility of the author (who would be delighted to hear from people with comments, corrections' gmc()ix.netcom.com . $otes of CA'T()$% *lease note that this information is not provided to suggest self+diagnosis or self+treatment. Some of these herbs may have serious toxicities. &ppropriate, professional diagnosis is critically important. ,f herbs are indicated, they must be used in the proper dosage, for the proper length of time and often in the right combination to correct underlying imbalances to which we are all prone. Each tradition has its own methods for diagnosis which impacts the treatment program. ,n addition, this information does not obviate the need for addressing diet, exercise, and, to the extent one practices such interventions, appropriate spiritual practices and$or meditation to facilitate healing. -ven with all of this, the simple fact is we are each mortal and must face our own eventual death. .e present% -mbracing good intentions, loving kindness and true compassion go a long way to healing many of the more profound ills of the heart+mind+ spirit with which we must all struggle. N(' /o species for this genus listed in reference volume. NG8 /o genus$species listed. !nt' ,nternally. $<t' -xternally. (<8 symptoms Thang5a) Hsu) Huang) Nad5arni) Tsarong ' see references section at end of table.

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