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WORK When the force interacts with the object so that it was experiencing displacement then the force is said to be doing work on the object. Then, what is the work? whether the same with the understanding of work in e er!da! terms? "n e er!da! life, work terms can be interpreted as all works or human acti ities to achie e certain goals. #or example to achie e the goals of a person doing work in the form of knowledge and learning acti ities. Then how is the sense of work in ph!sics? Then, when we push the wall with a certain force, it turns out these walls remain stationar!. "f the force we use to push the chair, turned the chair mo e. "n e er!da! terms we sa! that the work we do to push the wall and to push the chair is the same, because the force we use the same amount, regardless of the object remains stationar! or mo ing. "s this the same as the sense of work in ph!sics? "n ph!sics, the work alwa!s in ol es force and displacement. Works will onl! happen if the forces acting on an object produces the displacement on the object. $o, e en though the objects are er! large work force, but if things do not experience displacement, means there is no work on the thing. Work related to a change. %s we know, the force can produce change. "f the force acts on objects at rest, the object could change its position. &eanwhile, when the force acts on a mo ing object, the object can change speed. To mo e a larger mass greater works are needed. $imilarl!, to mo e objects at greater distances, as well as greater works are needed. The work done b! force # remains the same as the dot product between force and displacement s mathematicall!, W ' # . s ' # s cos ( )))))))*+,+with W' work *joules' .# ' force */$ ' displacement *m( ' angle between # and s *degrees or radians0et1s look at the ideo of this simulation, ma! be better understood 2la!3

+.+. $pecial circumstances regarding the work We can express the four special circumstances regarding the work done b! a force, the! are a. #orce in the direction of displacement *( ' 4 56ecouse cos 4 5' +, so W ' #s

#igure +.+ The work done b! the force direction of the displacement b. #orce perpendicular to the displacement *( ' 74 56ecouse cos 74 5 ' 4, so W ' 4

#igure +.8 The work done b! a force perpendicular to the direction of displacement. c. #orce opposite direction to the displacement *( ' +94 56ecause ( cos +94 5' ,+, so W ',#s

#igure +.: Work done b! force in the opposite direction to the direction of displacement. d. ;isplacement e<ual to =ero or remain stationar! object *s ' 4-

#igure +.> Work done b! force without causing displacement. +.8. Work of $e eral #orces a. ?ach force works at different displacement Work is a scalar <uantit!, then the work done b! se eral different forces on the displacement can be calculated as the algebraic sum of the works made b! each indi idual force.

@onsider the example of the work done b! some of the following forcesA

#igure +.B Work done b! se eral different forces on the displacement.

W ' W+ C W8 C W: ' #+s+ cos 45 C #8s8 cos +945 C #:s: cos 745 ' #+s+ C *,#8s8- C 4 ' #+s+ D #8s8 b. ?ach force works at same displacement Total work done b! se eral forces acting simultaneousl! can be calculated as the product of the resultant force components are in line with the displacement and the magnitude of displacement.

@onsider the work done b! the following forcesA

#igure +.E The work done b! some force at the same displacement. +.:. ;etermining the amount of work from Fraph #,s The work done b! the force during the displacement the same as the area bounded b! the graphs and axis s. The work alue is positi e if the area is abo e the axis s, while the work alue is negati e if the area under the axis s. @onsider the example of the graph between force and displacement following.

#igure +.G Fraph #,s showing amount of work is done b! force during the displacement occurs. The work done e<uals the area trape=ium *"- minus the area of the triangle *""-.

+.>. Work @onducted b! #orce Weight @onsider a mass m is released from a height h abo e the earth1s surface. Object will fall because of the influence of gra it!. The amount of work done b! gra it! isA Wgra ' #gra x h ' m . g . h )))))))))))*+,>This work is positi e because the direction of the force and displacement are both down. /ow !ou see cases where the object is raised off the ground slowl! to a height of h. Here the direction of displacement *upward- opposite to the direction of gra it! *downwards- so that its negati e W ' D *mgh-. When objects mo e in a hori=ontal force of gra it! does not do work because of the direction perpendicular to the displacement direction of the force *remember the discussion at the front-.

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