Love Story of Engineers

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The  love story of Engineers | Apurva Akash 

What is love ? This question may remain for a long time with the boys,
but in most cases they try to find the answer only after entering the college.
This is the story of 4 such boys who have come to the college with the aim to
achieve new heights in the career. These four boys are Ankur Kulhar,
Darshan Salgia, Lalit Bachani and Apurva Akash.
People always have some resolution for the future. It is said well that
the entry to the success is through million ways, the only thing needed is the
planning. So these four also came to college with commitment planning and
aims. Lets see how much of that they achieve.

Darshan- Some day I would be the topper of my branch.

Apurva Akash- Some day I would make my parents feel proud of


Ankur Kulhar- Some day I would become the best Computer


Lalit Bachani- Some day I would be the most famous person here.

Ankur Kulhar is a fundoo guy. He likes to have the fun filled life with
laughter and shakes every time. Darshan is a good guy with discipline and is
too practical. Lalit is like a guy who lands on earth for a very less time, good
and emotional at heart but considers others as just small beings. Apurva
Akash, the man of principles and ethics, sometimes too quiet and sometimes
too talkative. None of them know each other; they have come to the hostel
and would be meeting each other just due to conditions. Anyways tomorrow is
the first day of the college life, all were extremely excited.
The first day at the college was gone in the introduction part. The
people were divided into sections. Ankur and Apurva were in the same
sections while Lalit and Darshan were in different ones. The day might not
been a very different one, but the evening was completely different. So, the
crux is….the real college life begins at the end of college time, in the hostel.
No mom and dad, no restrictions, complete freedom for the first time in the life
and moreover living with so many people of the same age….it was more than
just fantastic.
Talks used to be different among different clusters which formed at the
first day itself. This depends upon the discussion of the meritorious or the
notorious past, successes and the failures. Some people who have been
given the clear instructions from the home to make friends only with the
people who are more intelligent than them, searched for intelligent people.
Some people tried and joined the notorious sections like them. Some just left
themselves alone in their room with the FM radio. However there are always
some people who stand aside and observe each and every cluster of different
people and analyse them as if God has given them special identity. Four of
those special creations of God were doing the same thing for which they
came on earth……needless to say but they were Ankur, Lalit, Darshan and
Apurva Akash. This went on four for 3-4 days and by some or other means, all
four liked each other and became friends. Soon that friendship developed into
a strong and good friendship. And very soon all types of gossips started at
Lalit’s room. However, the analysis of all the things that people are doing
remained the biggest business. But, one day the topic drifted a bit and this
gossip just laid the foundation of this marathon story without hinting even one
of them.

Lalit- Yaar today an amazing coincidence happened !

Darshan- What happened yaar !

Lalit- You won’t believe yaar!

Apurva- You just tell yaar, and then we would see.

Lalit- Yaar, as you know that today the sections were reshuffled.

Ankur- So what!

Lalit- There was a girl; I fell in love with her the first day at first sight. I
just prayed to God that this girl should be in my section only.

Ankur- Ohho, look he gives information about the whole of the world
but didn’t discuss his own love story. We have not even started thinking of the
girls and he is already praying for them….greatt!

Lalit- yaar, what is wrong in that. I can clearly say that I want a
girlfriend and that too no other than Sweeti.

Apurva- Ohho, you even know the name Sweeti aha !!

Lalit- Hey, you can use bhabhi for her, actually in the shuffling today
she is transferred to our section. She is too beautiful yaar.

Sweeti was really beautiful. Darshan used to describe her as the

actress in a Hindi movie on the Villain’s side. Darshan curbed his heartbeats
when Lalit took Sweeti’s name as even Darshan saw her on the first day and
liked her too much. Anyways this was not the only case; it seemed as if every
boy in the college was on a girl hunt. The talks used to start at Girls and even
end at girls only. As I told, there was cluster formation among the people on
the basis of the characters. However within 1 month time that clusters started
to reframe. The reason was not the conflicts but the pairing of the boys and
the girls. Some friends broke off because many people in the same group
liked the same girl, but she became the friend of one. Then naturally that
introduces the envy among the others. Some people backed off the circle
because now they don’t have any time to share with their friends as they have
to utilise the HUM TUM plan of reliance with their new Sweethearts. Time
passed on and our heroes spent all time in the research of who is connected
to whom. This whole day talks about the girls were corrupting the minds of all
four. It is said that some wishes are not desire driven but only surroundings
driven. A desire for a girlfriend started to grow in all of them. While Lalit was
trying his best to impress Sweeti, by the time Ankur and Darshan were
preparing the list of the beautiful girls in the college. At the same time Apurva
was trying to come out of the feeling that girls and boys in same class or
institute have only one relation i.e. the sister brother relation.
But there is a threshold point for everything and finally that day came.
Today nothing is going on as usual. Everybody is having his own silent room,
no desires to chat and discuss. The time of refreshment came and went,
nobody came out. Somebody is lying on the bed and listening to the Radio,
other is trying to meaninglessly count the rotation of the fan on a full speed.
Somebody was looking out of the window towards the sky while the other is
just trying to sleep through the evening but is unable to do so for the last 4
hours. What happened to them, all of them lying in their room, very silent and
with the lights turned off! Finally when the stomach cried all of them went for
the dinner. All were lifting the spoons as if the have been given the dumbbells
in hand. They were chewing slowly like cows. After the long dinner and very
less eating all of them went for the routine night walk. All four sometimes used
to climb up the locality water tank in the course of the walk. Although initially
Apurva, Darshan and Lalit were reluctant but Ankur managed to take them up.
That tank was very high and some intelligent person has said that the height
in the night is directly proportional to the emotions. So at that height the
emotions of all four busted out.

Ankur- Do you know, why have I brought you all up here !

Lalit- We generally come up here. Anyways is there something


Ankur- Yaar, your brother has fallen into love !!

Lalit- Congrats yaar, so why didn’t you came up to my room.

Ankur- Yaar, I was absolutely alone, just thinking of her. Her sweet
voice, her song, her innocence. She is superb.

Lalit – Do she know !!

Ankur- No yaar, even I have seen her the first time. She is in your
section buddy. Jyoti ! She was singing beautifully in the antrakshari game with
her friends.

Lalit- Hey buddy, even it’s a great day for me. I have been trying from
the first day to impress Sweeti. Today finally the ice melted and she talked to
me. We chatted for around half an hour, all alone. I asked her for her number
and u know she gave it.

Ankur- Then what’s the problem buddy, you even have the phone
number of the girl, girls don’t easily give the number. This means she believes
you. Even then you are not looking so happy.

Lalit- yaar I have been trying her number since afternoon, sometimes
she is busy and the other times she is not picking it up.
Ankur- You are thinking too much hero. Hey, have you noticed for the
last 10 minutes only we two are talking what happened to these two guys.
Darshan where are u yaar, are u still in those seven fairies.

Darshan- Are yaar, today Suzain broke into my heart yaar. Her simple
looks, her silence her smoothness, I have surrendered.

Ankur – Ohho, congrats yaar, so finally you decided on her. She was
topping your fairy list since the beginning.

Darshan- What congrats yaar, she was looking so beautiful today, now
I am not able to remove her form my thoughts.

Lalit- Its the beginning that’s why yaar. You would soon get
accustomed. And what with Apurva. Why are you so quiet, tell that even our
Hanuman bhakt has fallen into love.

Apurva- Ya yaar, you guessed it right. I am in love. Her sweetness, her

dimples, her dressing, her style, her spects, her voice…….She is just

Darshan- Don’t talk in adjectives yaar, tell the name, we all know all
the girls and then we would analyse her qualities.

Apurva- Parul.

Ankur- Parul….!!! How is it possible yaar. How can a girl got unseen by
our eyes. In which section she is.

Apurva- In our section only yaar.

Ankur- What….impossible ! Parul, in our section. Are friends, he has

gone mad in love. There is no parul who reads in our class.

Apurva- She don’t read, she TEACHES, I am talking about Maám

Parul, our mechanical teacher.

Ankur, Darshan, Lalit- WHAT !!!

Apurva- What happened yaar, she is just 4 years older to us. And even
Sachins wife is older to him.

All of them were quiet. So this discussion proves the saying that LOVE
IS BLIND. And if not always then atleast Apurva’s Love is blind. Anyways all
of them congratulated each other in such a way as they have topped in the
class. They were happy as if the girls were just waiting for them and they have
finalised their choices. Somebody has said very well-
The discussion ended there but the commitment was made within to
conquer the love. Every body was doing his best to get what they wanted.
However courage to speak out yourself to a girl doesn’t come easily…..infact
it generally doesn’t come. If Ankur was just managing best to watch his love
then Darshan was too busy just in observation. Their days were passed in
trying to have a look at their girls as they were in different sections. The most
important topic per evening on the so called Bhabhi used to be the number of
boys to whom she talks and who among those boys is the POTENTIAL
DANGER. The case of Apurva Akash was different, he used to meet his girl
one hour everyday. The extra things he used to do were- shifting his place
from the last to the first bench, going to ask the problems in the staff room.
Reading more mechanical engineering books to impress her. He always was
a disciplined boy, but he became over disciplined in the due course of his
love. If assignment is given then it was Apurva who used to be the first to
submit it. In exams he used to study only one subject. He used to just pass in
7 and topped in the 8th, surely there were only 8 subjects and 8th one is the
Mechanical. Lalit Bachani got a break through and soon his long mobile
phone sessions started. Now the evening meeting people were reduced to
just 3. I never knew how can they talk so long on the phone but they talked.
Anyways its rightly said that Efforts Never Fail. Soon the sowings
started to fruit. Ankur used to bunk classes to synchronise with Jyoti’s free
lectures, so that he can sit in the canteen and watch her with her group. One
day when he was doing the same thing, suddenly Jyoti came to him…..

Jyoti- Hi…..i just wanna say that…..i like you !!!

Ankur kept quiet, he was stunned. No sound from him. Even he was
not breathing. Jyoti stood there, waiting for his reply. Finally Ankur spoke.

Ankur- Really!!

As soon as he uttered that word, Jyoti ran away to her group.

Everybody was laughing like monsters and devils. Ankur realised that it was
just a joke which was a part of the game- Truth and Dare. Jyoti was asked to
say those words to the person coming in the canteen at that instant. Maybe
that was fate. Ankur was sleepless for the next two nights. Maybe he was
regretting his stunned REALLY reaction to Jyoti. Anyways the message also
travelled to Jyoti. The message REALLY would be helpful or not…this only
time could tell.
The other side Lalit was looking as a sure shot winner in the race of
love. His talking time was increasing day by day and so was his mobile bill.
Due to his exponentially rising bill amounts, his parents decided to give him a
post paid connection whose bill comes directly to home address. But it is said
there path from one way or another. Lalit started to show more expenses to
his parents on the books and stationary and used them all in purchasing a
new connection in a HUM-TUM plan. Also he arranged some money in the
name of the treatment for the disease which never caught him. The treatment
money went into the gift for his beautiful girlfriend. Needless to say that it was
a soft toy as every boy gives his girlfriend, a soft toy only. It was a great scene
to watch his happiness in the evening when Sweeti called up and said-“I liked
it very much”. However whole of the evening all the other three were amazed
that why has Sweeti not invited her new friend to the party. Even Lalit was not
on a call. But he was missing her a lot for sure. Might be he was feeling a bit
neglected. But Sweeti told him that she has to spend time with her family, so
naturally he can’t be there. Still he was not able to console himself. He never
slept that night.
Apurva Akash had already impressed his lady. His academics and
dedication were superb. But one incident gave him more recognition. It was a
free period and Ma’am Parul was a substitute teacher there. She was just a
pass out and was teaching for first year so naturally very friendly. Jokes were
flying all around. Suddenly that light session caught fire.

Maám Parul- Ankit is also very sincere student.

Divya- Maám he only looks like that. You know yesterday he was
saying that if Maám weren’t our teacher then I would have made her my

It was a stone on Apurva’s emotions made from glass. And he reacted


Apurva- Mind your words Divya!

Ankit- Why are you shouting?

Apurva- You should understand my words …why am I shouting. If not

then let the class get over, I would make you understand.

Maám Payal made both the boys sit down. Later in the afternoon she
called him the cabin.

Maám Parul- Why were u so angry today?

Apurva- I don’t know!

Maám Parul- I know….because u like me very much.

Apurva was listening carefully with his small eyes going wider and

Maám Parul- I know u respect me a lot as a teacher. However, it

doesn’t matter to me what others speak. I just want my favourite student to be
behaving well.

Apurva- But Maám…..

Maám Parul- Nothing….take it easy! Have a good time.

It was Apurva’s turn to be sleepless this night. Now when every body is
not sleeping then can our fourth hero sleep? Maybe not! Like Ankur even
Darshan used to go to canteen to see his dream fairy no. 1. One day she was
sitting alone with her book in the canteen. This was a rare moment as Girls
generally don’t go anywhere without a group. Darshan that day collected all
his might to talk to her. He had something to start about. Although he had not
discussed this with the other 3 friends in the fear of the leg pulling but he has
been seeing Suzain for the last 2 years as she was preparing for IIT from the
same coaching institute. And more importantly live in the front of the house
where Darshan lived on rent. So, he started….

Darshan- Hi!

Suzain- Ya…..Hello!!

Darshan- Do u know me?

Suzain- Ya…. I have seen u in Kota I think.

Darshan- Absolutely right….you have sharp memory. I was just

thinking that I know this girl when I saw u today. You only remember. So how
is the life!

Suzain- Interesting!! What about you.

Darshan- Just like that….no friends till now. People are very selfish
here. Anyways can we have ice-cream.

Suzain- No….actually I have just finished the cold drink.

Darshan- Are…you have to take the ice cream.

They enjoyed the ice cream and then Suzain left. He was the happiest
person in the world today. However he was not able to discuss his
conversation with the friends as that would have given him a beating on his
views about the friends. And no doubt that even he didn’t sleep that night.
Days passed in discussions and suggestions among all the four
friends. That one day was enough for all of them to get relaxed. Now they
were trying for the next opportunities. However Lalit was still on phone. The
annual fest was about to come and all of them had great hopes with that.
Surely that could have been the platform to rise above the rest.
Darshan came to the help of Apurva Akash. He gave him the list of
events in which Maám Parul was coordinating. Apurva made no mistake and
became the student coordinator in two of them. Now he can spend 5 full days
with her, helping her. And he did so. Worked very well and made the event
much successful. Surely the impression went even deeper. Ankur was busy in
taking the photos of his sweetheart while she was singing on the stage. He
took almost 100 photos in the 5 minutes of her song. Darshan tried his best to
spend some time with Suzain but she was always with her big group.
Whereas Lalit always used to call his girlfriend even in the college time to
know in which event she is participating and what is she doing. They two
always preferred to be on a call in spite of being in the same section and good
friends. But this preference was of Sweeti only and Lalit was supposed to
follow her choice. Anyways they all tried to make the most of the annual week
but what happened on the last cultural evening can be the conclusion of
Pravah- the annual week.
Ankur clicked more snaps of his girl again when she sung and more
importantly she noticed him. Apurva wanted to have a photo of his Maám in
Saree which was not her regular dress as she used to wear suits in daily
routine. But to his misfortune he was always looking back, opposite to the
stage……and she never came that evening. Darshan was jolted when he saw
Suzain coming to the cultural evening, in a car. And the person who was
driving that car was her soul mate and friend, Mr Monu. Darshan backed
off…I mean he was pushed BACK. Even more serious thing happened with
Lalit. He wanted to have a picture of him with Sweeti. She was looking great
in her Black Saree. Even Lalit specially got his suit stitched for this purpose
only. And she refused. She said- It might become an issue”. However, Lalit
was more disappointed to see her giving poses with the whole class during
dinner. Again it was a night without sleep for all of them! So we can conclude
that Love at least gives habit of sleeping late….and in some cases, no sleep
at all. I think if we could have set aside the sleep for our examinations…..we
would have been somewhere else.
Soon the first year came to an end. 3 of them wanted to make their last
try of the session. Surely Darshan was not about to try anything …..he was
just swapping his list of dream fairies to try for another one. Tomorrow is the
last working day and surely some big movements are expected. Lets see
what is happening an evening prior to that Final day.
Darshan was free. So he was the one who was suggesting everybody.
Lalit was not happy as somebody from his class had informed him that Sweeti
had invited 10 people from their section to her B’day party an 6 of them were
boys. Lalit was just thinking that what made her tell a lie that she had to spent
that evening with her parents and why she didn’t invited him. However, Ankur
and Apurva were planning well for the show tomorrow.

Ankur- No yaar… seems I can’t do it.

Darshan- You can of course do it yaar….she even notices you. Now if

you give her photos, she would definitely be happy, and who knows she is
already in love with you. You know na, girls don’t let themselves
photographed so easily.

Ankur- But, I am not confident yaar….ok I will try tomorrow.

Darshan- It’s your wish yaar, tomorrow would be the last chance for
this year.

Apurva- And suggest me yaar…..actually I want to sing a song for

Maám. I just want to sing a song which suits the condition of the last day and
serves my emotion exhibition as well.
Darshan- Decide carefully yaar….she has a good impression of yours
so nothing would go wrong. But the song should be great one, as well suit
your heavy throat.

After too much effort, finally they decided and rehearsed for the song
till 2 AM and finally Apurva Akash was ready with the song. All four reached
the college. The strength on the last day was less as expected, and no
teaching sessions as well as the courses were finished beforehand. So
teachers were just coming and sharing the experiences. Ankur said a simple
Hi to Jyoti in the corridor and handed her the CD of the pictures. In return she
Replied with a very sweet THANK YOU. Her smile was not a normal one and
it seems that one of our hero has got the heroine. On the other hand Lalit did
something which he would be regretting for a long time. In the interval time he
asked Sweeti to remain in the class for a few moments. Initially she was
reluctant….but she stopped, now there were only 2 persons in the class.

Lalit- What do you think of yourself. What do you want from me. Why
are you doing this to me.

Sweeti- What have I done. I don’t want anything from you. And don’t
shout like this on me, understand.

Lalit- I thought you as my true friend, I always believed you. You said I
am the only boy in the college to whom you chat on phone, You cant go out
with me because you never go out with boys, and you were enjoying your
party with the boyfriends.

Sweeti- I would do …what I wanna do. Its not your concern. I

considered you as friend, don’t try to be the husband OK. And never ever try
to speak with me now.

She went out, Lalit stood in the class. Many people were enjoying this
maniac and this worsened the condition. But the only thing which comes out
with this love story is that IF GUYS ARE NOT ALWAYS TRUE THEN GIRLS
WOULD DEFINITELY NOT BE ALWAYS TRUE. Anyways Lalit was shattered
today. Any boy would not be able to believe the girl if he hears his story. It
seems that that girl just wanted a person to talk for long times on a phone, or
in other view we can think that Lalit was expecting too much from that girl.
Sweeti even made it clear once that she don’t believe in love and all, but Lalit
never gave up, he loves her truly. Anyways who was wrong and who was
right, they better know. What I know is that there is a break up.
Now comes the period of Mech. Engg. Maám Parul was there, she
discussed her engg. days with the class and asked about the students
experience in the college. Apurva was trying to say that Maám I have a song
to say goodbye to your classes but say Hi to you. Finally she said -“OK best of
luck for your exams”. And she stood up and moved a bit. Suddenly our hero
stood up.

Apurva- Maám I wanna dedicate this song to you and my class.

Parul- Oh ….great go ahead.

And then there was that song suiting particularly to that condition. She
was very happy. She said- “Apurva, I wanna meet u, can u come to my
cabin”. The class was dispersed Apurva followed her. He was puzzled, might
be some private talks and all. He was excited.

Maám Parul- This is for you Apurva.

Apurva was amazed. She has gifted him with a big chocolate. Dairy
Milk !! Some thoughts floated instantly—DARSHAN ONE DAY TOLD THAT
She added,- “ You have been my favourite student, I have never seen such
an innocent and cute guy like you.”
Apurva was waiting for some extravaganza. He was amazed that he has
finally made his teacher fall in love with him. How many people in this world
have done that !
She opened her purse and took out a card. Now Apurva was convinced that
he has done it. But he just wanted to be innocent in her eyes and so asked- “
What is this card for Ma’am? “
She handed over that card to him and said- “ Its my marriage card, you have
to come at any cost, OK. I am leaving the college, study well, I wanna see my
BROTHER on top”

Apurva- Ma’am at least don’t say me BROTHER.

Ma’am Parul was a bit shocked.

Ma’am Parul- What happened ?

Apurva suddenly realized what he had said and tried to make up.

Apurva- I meant to say that, You can use DEAR BROTHER na.

Ma’am Parul- Oh cute boy, anyways don’t be sad, I would always with you in
your heart.

So the last day in the first year ended in a dramatic note. Apurva and
Lalit were extremely sad in the evening, while Ankur was a jumping jack that
day. Darshan had not done anything today but he had finalized after much
consideration, the second fairy from his list. She was Anisha from IT. Finally
exams came and went. The last day in the hostel before the annual 1 month
holidays, all four decided to go to that water tank again.

Lalit- Yaar this love and all are nothing, nobody cares for us.

Apurva- No yaar, it is not like that. The thing is very simple- JO HUME
Darshan- Ya, this statement is true yaar. Anyways life goes on, we should not
stop. There is famous saying- BUS AND TRAIN AND GIRL….ONE GOES

Ankur- No Darshan, I think there is only one girl for us and she never goes if

Apurva- What I believe is that, love is only the first time; the other time is just
sacrifice. I won’t be able to love again. It’s all over.

Lalit- Yes yaar, the love is only the first and the last. I can’t love anybody

Darshan- There is an old saying—LOVE IS ALWAYS FIRST, WHETHER IT

more years of Engineering; lets see how many firsts we all make!

Nobody took that dialogue seriously; they had just got their hearts
broken. Anyways all went home the next day. And returned to have new
sessions ahead.
But this time the desire to have the girlfriend even increased. This was
so because the pairs were increasing day by day. The first thing which used
to motivate them was that, even the worst of the worst looking guys were
always chatting on the phone. Moreover Darshan had already forecasted the
scarcity of the uncommitted girls after the next 2 months because the urge to
pair up was not just among them, but it was universal. However, what
happened with Lalit had just reduced one Love chaser from the group. Ankur
had his aim very near. So only Darshan and Apurva were remained. Ankur
started to get more chances as in the second year Jyoti and Ankur got into the
same section. Chats increased, emotions shared, tiffins shared. Soon the pair
was flying high without bothering about the world. I don’t know how just the
photographs created such a strong bridge between the two people. Anyways,
Ankur got what he wanted. This was a true love scene unlike Lalit where love
was from one side only. Anyways Lalit started feeling too lonely now. He
again started to try to communicate with Sweeti. However she never picked
up his call. He used to courier her gifts and chocolates every fortnight but no
replies came. But I don’t know why that girl used to accept those gifts. Maybe
she had something for Lalit. Anyways on Ankur’s success, Lalit even started
trying harder but the result was the same.
While Ankur and Lalit were on the track at the same time Darshan and
Apurva were just finding the track. Darshan who was trying for Anisha had a
breakthrough when he offered her a coffee, and she accepted. This was the
second date for Darshan with the second girl. At the other end, Apurva who
was a big one love and one woman Man again fell into love. This time it was a
Computer Science Engg., Nidhisha. Don’t know why but Apurva loved only
the girls who can never return him Love. Nidhisha was a smart, beautiful,
sensible, ideological girl and the most importantly she also wore spects. This
girl talked to very less boys, and love and all were never in his dictionary.
Anyways, all of them started the session on good notes. While Ankur had
started meeting Jyoti in Cinema halls and shopping malls, then Darshan’s
Orkut friend request was also accepted by Anisha. Apurva used to take
revolutions of Nidhisha and always used to try to get noticed. However, girls
always notice in a way that you cant notice. Lalit got a major breakthrough
when on the chocolate day she accepted the chocolate given by Lalit in the
college through her friend. Soon even the calls started and got pace. Ankur
was really doing well and was completely out of the seekers picture. Some
days in a week he used to narrate them his fantasies otherwise his evenings
used to be on some malls only. Someday the three used to get the
information of Ankur and Jyoti dance and the other day their intimate talks.
The case of Lalit was very peculiar, here Lalit in some way or other used to
propose her and she always used to decline, but never stopped talking. What
was making Lalit try even after all the declinations and what was driving that
girl to carry on even after knowing that Lalit loves her, are out of the scope of
this story. The initial take off of Darshan date landed in the desert soon. The
girl fell in love with Ankit, her classmate, leaving behind Darshan. Its true that
IT people have all the time to chat and make friends in their easy semesters.
And Darshan was also very angry with God on the fact that firstly all beautiful
girls from his list were in IT and Computers and secondly, he had only two
girls in his section which were more like boys. Anyways Apurva was a
dreamer. He used to get happy on just the glimpse of Nidhisha. The girl
sometimes noticed a pair of eyes always at her like a geostationary satellite
but never reacted. If she was very decent then Apurva was also known as
one of the most decent boys in the college. However, among girls it was
known that Apurva don’t like talking to girls. There might be a change in view
if some girls are reading this story.
Days were passing by and everyday some thing or other used to come
up. I never even thought that these things would happen in real life. Anyways
Lalit realising the Flip Flop nature of Sweeti tried to go the other way round.
Such ways might be dangerous but if the are followed carefully then they may
lead to the destination. The way am talking about goes through the family.
Lalit managed to talk to her sister and started impressing her. There were
long online sessions and the path seemed easy. He even had chats with her
father and mother and even added their names in the phone as Daddy and
Didi for her Dad and sister respectively. This shows how emotional he was for
Sweeti. Looking at Lalit’s ways you can easily judge that he looked at Sweeti
as his to be wife always.
Apurva was in a different dilemma; he wanted to talk but was not able
to make it. The main reason was the icon status of both of them in the college.
If two very known people of different sections will talk, then there would
definitely be some fire crackers. And Apurva never wanted the people to talk
about that girl. Anyways, he was always staring at her. Darshan one day told
him the strange fact that- If you continue to look at the girl and then suddenly
start neglecting her, then she would definitely observe you. Apurva used that
tool and he got really the result which he wanted. She observed him, so
Darshan was true and even he came to know that the girl knows about his
On the other hand Ankur and Jyoti started to roam on Ankur’s bike
everyday. The couple was sitting in the Central Park in the evening with
hands in hands.
Jyoti- You know, yesterday I saw you in my dreams.

Ankur- Great, what you saw dear !

Jyoti- I saw our marriage.

Ankur- So, you consider me that responsible ! I am so glad, I just wanna say
that….I Love You !

Jyoti- I know that dear, I love you too !

However, somebody has wisely said that FIRE IN THE FOREST AND
happened with them also. The conditions might have been better but
sometimes love suppresses our senses. But to their misfortune, Jyoti’s cousin
arrived there. He saw them and immediately reacted- Jyoti, just come home
with me.

Jyoti- I am with my friend, you go ahead with your friends, I would come after

Abhay- I think you are not listening to me, just come back.

Jyoti- Don’t try to order me, just go away.

He returned with anger and told everything to her parents. And since
then Her going out in the evenings got banned. But both of them knew that
this would be a temporary phase.

And finally some real good luck was waiting for our hero, Darshan. This
incident happened when all of them for the campus drive in Alwar. While all of
them were waiting for the result of the aptitude test, then this group went into
the canteen to have some snacks. However suddenly Ankur Kulhar who has
his eyes always in all directions observed a pair of eyes staring at their table.
After analysing them properly, Ankur took Apurva, Darshan and Lalit out of
the canteen to verify whether he was right or not. Yes, those eyes were
constantly observing Darshan. Ankur told that to him- Oye yaar, now girls are
looking at you, your bachelor days are over it seems.

Darshan- Are you Mad yaar, why would she look at me.

Lalit- Yaar, why cant a girl look at a boy. Don’t they have hearts. Girls also
look at boys but in a hidden manner.

Darshan- And how do you know that.

Ankur- Because generally people are attracted towards opposite sex only,
understand. Now don’t waste time, its rare that a girl would wait for the boy to
talk. Look at her she is roaming around this place only. Go and make most of
Darshan also realised that such opportunities come very rarely. And finally he
took steps forward.


Seema- Hi, how are you!

Darshan- I think you know me from Resonance am I right!

Seema- Ya, You are right. So hows the life going on!

Darshan- Its fine yaar, maybe we can talk while eating, can we go.

And here comes another date for Darshan. This was his third starting,
but all other 3 were just thinking that it might end in the same way as the other
2 starts had gone. Anyways the thing to notice was not the development but
the place of development. They were there, waiting for the result and what
they were doing shows the DESPERATION. Anyways they returned the same
night from Alwar, as they all had failed in the Aptitude test. On the return, they
never talked about what was the test about, but they talked something else.

Apurva- So, she volunteered. This means the simple thing, JAB BHAGWAN
DETA HAI TO CHAPPAR PHAAD KE DETA HAI. She is in love with you; the
topper of IET Alwar is in love with you!

Darshan- Are yaar, just now it has started, don’t come to the conclusions so
early. The distance between us won’t let the process speed us.

Lalit- Anyways, Ankur what about that accident with Father in- Law! Is the
situation improving or not.

Ankur- Not yet yaar, anyways I am too impressed with your way of entering
the heart of the family and One day I would made her brother and father
feel that I am the best person for their girl.

Apurva- Great commitment yaar ! Even I pledge today, One day when I
would get the Job, the same day I would go in front of Nidhisha and
would propose her.

Darshan- One day you would see me in a picture with my girlfriend

hands in hands.

Lalit- And my aim, One day I would make Sweeti realise that Love is there
in the world, and for her, its in me and only me !

The SOME DAY aims are history now, the more important are the ONE
DAY aims now. But like the Some day aims, it is not certain that they would
get the success in fulfilling the ONE DAY AIMS.
However, they started working very hard from that day onwards. It
seemed that they all would not stop until they get their ultimate award. The
Darshan who was now considered as the luckiest guy as the girl had
approached her was going unstoppable. This time he was the initiator and the
relation grew from Orkut to messaging and to calls. However Darshan had
one condition , that if he calls one time then the other time the girl should call.
And the girl was also happy in this even. Darshan was proving that we should
love the person who loves us only that make better relation.
On the contrary, Lalit who was mostly the one sided caller was more
and more committed. He was always the one consoling her on her failure in
the campus placements, in spite of the fact that even he has not been
selected and is very depressed. He always used to chat with her in the exams
to motivate her and relieve her form the tensions, but when he needed her,
she was busy in her studies. Anyways, his relation with her married Sister was
improving. So he was sure that one day she would understand his feelings.
Apurva Akash was away from any thought process now. He was
working on his placement. He was serious as well as sincere now. And why
not, Nidhisha had already got placed.
But, there happened two very important incidences which shook the
foundations of the two key players from the love team. Naturally, Ankur was
the first to be bowled. On his trial to make relations, inspired with Lalit, Ankur
went to Jyoti’s house to wish her father HAPPY BIRTHDAY. While he was
expecting the warm treatment as e touched the feet of Jyoti’s father, but
something else happened.

Jyoti – Dad, this is Ankur.

Dad – Oh, so you are that roadside Romeo. How dare you come to my
house. Stop watching the movies kid, if you are again seen here then the
consequences would be worst.

Jyoti went in her room.

Ankur – Uncle at least listen to me once.

Dad- Get lost from here, otherwise I would call police.

Ankur returned from there, very depressed and lost. He felt that this
might be the end of the story but, Jyoti called her and said – Ankur I can’t live
without you. This consoled Ankur and he didn’t lost ht hopes. Now lets see
what happens to family relations of Mr. Lalit. Lalit’s story had always been
controversial. What happens to him cant predicted ever, however one thing is
for sure, whenever he feels that he is settled then he is blown away. Another
such blow was taken by him, but this time the person on the blowing side was
not Sweeti. Lalit who was exceedingly wishing Sweeti’s sister on every
occasion and always used to chat with her on the internet didn’t ever realise
that he is going so far. One day, when she was not in a good mood, Lalit
unknowingly called her on phone just to chat.

Lalit- How are you, Didi!

Sister- I am fine, anything important?

Lalit- No, I just called you to chat, nothing else.

Sister- What do you actually want me to do, I mean what favour you
want. Speak up, why are you trying to butter, Sweeti’s Sister.

Lalit- I am not buttering you, am just trying to……

Sister- I know what you are trying to do, just remember one thing, first
never call me again and stop chasing Sweeti.

Lalit was shocked to the core, but here also like Ankur; he was
consoled by the girl. So he was relieved a bit but that shock was even bigger
than what Ankur received, because Lalit never expected this from the person,
he everyday talked with. Anyways, the exams came and went by, after seven
days of holiday; the 2008 batch would be having the final semester and also
the final chance to prosper the relations. But, there were no holidays for
Apurva Akash, who was to appear in the Campus drive, just after the exams.
So, everybody returned to home except Apurva Akash. He was very alone in
the hostel. Anyways all went absolutely right and he got placed one by one in
three leading companies. Now, he had the status, the strength in mind to
propose a girl, but how….what she would feel, everything was running
through his mind. And why not, he was alone, nobody to share his success.
So, he started typing the email, the first ever love letter of his life. Here comes
that original Email-

hello ma'am,

Congratulations on ur each and every success and best of luck for ur

future. I don’t think that u know me, but i know u well. We have met just twice
in these 3 and a half years. First, when u withdrew from exhibition volunteer
team in first year, there i was the Coordinator. Second, when I found ur
Notebook lying on ground under table, and i came to give it to u, u didn't even
said thanx.
Anyways, what I wish to say through this Email is that, please let me
mail u thrice. And then if u wish , u may send me a simple NO through mail
and i promise, I wont approach again ever.
i wish nothing else, but want to become ur Email friend, so that you can
know me better. I know ur nature, and let me clear that, i am different. I am
considered as a very well behaved , disciplined and intellectual boy. But if u
say no, then its NO....absolutely no problems in that. I just wished to
communicate with the most sincere and beautiful girl, whom i have admired
for the last 3 years.
i wanted to talk with u since the first year. But then i thought that , i
would talk to u when i TOP the class. However, i have not been able to TOP
the class till now, rather i always stand third in my section.
Then u got placed, and i decided that i would talk to u when I'll get
placed too. And now when i am placed, i approached you.
Sometimes I don't understand the complexities of human interaction. I
want to interact with u and u won't want to do the same. I don't know what u
would have thought about me if you would have seen me staring at you.
The fact is, I even don't know that u are receiving this mail or not. But
this mail, means a lot to me.
A great movie…SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, spoke……HOPE is the
most beautiful and the most realistic word. So I HOPE, for a reply.

As this could be the last one, I would like to say that…..watching u for 4
almost 4 years was a great experience. U are a good person, in my
analysis…a bit selfish and mean, but that's the way, u need to choose in this
selfish and rouge world.

I wish u all luck and success……I don't know what to say…and why
would u listen to me….but…..can u please, at least acknowledge, by email.
That u have received it. And even it wont matter if you don’t reply. I know , u
wont reply…..and keeping my words, I wont mail again too.

Sorry if I disturbed u…..!

I dint meant to irritate u ! and believe me, would never repeat, if u wish !

Have a great time !

-Apurva Akash

So, in the final semester, Apurva was the first one to start. By Emailing,
the only satisfaction he got wast that he now is happy that he at least told her
what he feels, and would never regret that I NEVER TRIED !
Ankur and Lalit were the leaders from the beginning of the college, but
it was Darshan who was taking the strides in the last semester. There was
definitely some attraction of Seema towards Darshan, otherwise its rare that a
girl looks at the boy so intentionally. She was a good girl and was the topper
in her college and was also placed in a good company, so Darshan needed
nothing else. Darshan however wanted to know early that whether the girl
likes him in that manner or not. He asked such confusing questions many
times to her, but the answer used to be even more confusing. He interrogated
with the help of his friend, whether Seema had any boyfriends, and the
answer was very satisfactory i.e. NO. So, Darshan knew that he has got a
great opportunity. And he started messaging her some soft and touchy
messages. The reply used to be of the similar types and hence it was sure
After that Dad incident, Jyoti had consoled Ankur; however their
communication almost came to a halt. The problem was not that she can’t
meet him in the evenings, but the thing which was hurting Ankur was that she
started avoiding him even in the college. Her sudden quietness was pinching
Ankur and the more important thing was that she was not explaining any thing
to Ankur, with whom she spent the best of her time. Ankur tried her best and
one day he got the reply.

Jyoti- Ankur, we should forget each and every thing, and should never talk,
that would be the better thing for both of us.

Ankur- I am not asking you to continue with me, but I want to ask why you are
doing this.

Jyoti- I don’t know, but this is our last talk, I hope you understand.

She left, Ankur stood there. He had lost everything in a fraction of

second. Loss was not important, the more important thing was that the faith
which was broken.
If in Ankur’s case there was a faith which was given and snatched
away then in Lalit’s case it was the Myth which was continuing like always.
Even after The Sister’s bash, Lalit had no strains in the relation with Sweeti. I
don’t know how this is possible, but the girl was still with Lalit. Lalit never
lacked the commitment, her even slightest hint towards a wish foe anything,
used to result in a courier reaching her home. Whether it is chocolates or the
soft toys or the movies DVDs, Lalit always did his job without a lag. However,
the thing which Apurva, Ankur and Darshan always noted was that there was
never a return either emotionally or materialistically. She was always on the
accepting side, whether it was Lalit’s Birthday or he is sad, she never came
up to him. What can we call this commitment of Lalit? She never even me t
her in the college as if the two never even knew each other. Her comments on
this were that she didn’t want to exhibit their relation. But that girl was never
hesitating in talking to any of the boys. Anyways Lalit never complained and
he also used to do Pujas and Vrats for her. The strangest experience of all of
the team was the KARVACHAUTH Vrats which he used to keep for Sweeti.
She was going to get her joining in Bangalore and always used to say- I know
Lalit, you would be the only one who would come to that far in Bangalore to
know my well being.
And Lalit used to get happy on this trust of the girl on him. Lalit was
sure that Sweeti would understand his love at least after they move from the
college after the final semester. Because then there would be nobody
between them, no college friends and no circles. However, he was shocked to
hear something one day when he called her.

Lalit- When did you return from Vaishno Devi?

Sweeti- Just three days ago!

Lalit- What!! You know how eagerly I was waiting for you at least you
should have informed me about your return.

Sweeti – Yaar, actually I was not able to communicate because I was

busy on the phone for the last two days.

Lalit- And what were you doing on phone.

Sweeti – I just wanted to tell you that I have got a crush on a boy, while
we were returning from Vaishno Devi; he was sitting opposite to our berth. We
got into good friendship and we have been talking for the last couple of days.

Lalit- And me!! Sweeti is it fair to me. Is it so that you can get attracted
to anybody but not me. Am I bad?

Sweeti- You are not bad, but I have never seen you in that way Lalit,
take care we will talk; later, my new friend’s call is on wait. Bye.

And she disconnected the phone, now Lalit should not have had any
doubts. On the other hand Apurva was checking his mailbox everyday in hope
to get some reply. And finally he got one. Here it is-

Hi Apurva,

I know you. I have seen you and have heard about u. I know that you are a
good, intellectual and a sincere boy, but it’s the fact that the people look at the
world, as they are. But that is not always true. I am a conservative person in
terms of friendship and have very less friends. I take time to make friends and
understand them. I hope you won’t mind this, I have my own ideologies. So,
thanks for the wishes and I wish you too for your bright career. Have a great
Take Care

So, finally all speculations were over. The love of 3 years ended in a
span of 2 minutes, anyways Apurva was not sad, he always knew that it was
a one sided attraction. So, in the final days of the final semester, three heroes
are out of the frame now. Lets see if the fourth one is successful or not.
Darshan was always getting the positive response, so he wanted to
only get assured of the thing that the girl loves him. Darshan was waiting for
the right moment and he got it. Seema was to come to Jaipur to take her
GATE exams. She contacted Darshan and told her the plan and she also
added that she would like to meet her. Darshan was excited, he was again
having a date but that was not the most important thing. The most important
thing was that again a girl initiated about the meeting. Darshan was ready on
the evening with his bike, very neat and shining. He always had a dream to
take a girl on a ride. He reached there before time and both of them had a
great time at Mc Donald’s Restaurant and then went to some good places.
That was the best date Darshan ever had. He returned in the evening, the
next day they took exam and she returned to Alwar. Darshan was very excited
and in that excitement he called her to say what he wanted to say on the
phone – Seema, I like you very much, do you also feel the same thing!

Seema- Darshan, I like you too, but are you asking about something other
than friendship!

Darshan- Of course, don’t you feel that we are above that.

Seema- Sorry Darshan but I never meant to give you that impression, If you
felt like that because of my behaviour, I am sorry. I just consider you as a
good friend.

Darshan was not able to understand that what made her speak this,
she was completely initiative in everything even then she is declining it. He
was practical enough to take that rejection, but he didn’t expect this way. All
were feeling that they have been robbed. Finally they took the exams and got
ready to say good bye to the college which was their home for the last four
years. They were thinking where those four years went in a moment, I feel,
those years went in search of the so called Love. Lost was lost and these
friends decided to again climb the tank for the one last time. Maybe they
would talk about friendship among them, or something other than love this
time at least.
But no, still the same thing-

Apurva- So friends, finally we are going to leave tomorrow. I don’t know

whether we have achieved something or not, but it was a great time.

Darshan- Yaar, we got everything, Rank, Prizes, Jobs but the thing which we
lacked is the girl friend. I think we tried a lot! I don’t know what lacked in us!

Ankur- It is better than my state yaar, I got it and I never came to know, why I
lost it. The promises we made, the 3 years we spent together…..Did she ever
loved me, I don’t know. Maybe I don’t know what actually the love is.

Lalit- Yeah, really we don’t know about love. We never fell in love that was
attraction. But, even I knew this always still I don’t know what made me to
continue. Now, to think about it with someone else is taking away my breathe.

Apurva- We never fell in love, this is not correct. We fell in love but that was
immature love. Immature love says I LOVE U BECAUSE I NEED YOU while
the mature love says I NEED YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. Love is where we
want it to be, it is there, wrapped between the moments of life. We just have
to stop for a moment and capture it.

Darshan- Lets go home forgetting everything, with cheers for our friendship!

That emotional meeting ended, and everybody returned. Apurva was to

join the company in 15 days. Darshan was supposed to wait for the joining
dates. Ankur was going to join the college for higher studies within 7 days and
Lalit was searching for the job and hence had planned the trip to Bangalore.
So everybody was busy in something or another. But still whenever they had
time, they used t o think about the face they watched for all these years.
The story seems to get finished by now, but one has very well said-
unexpected…..PICTURE abhi baaki hai mere dost!
Darshan returned to his hometown, Pratapgarh. He was almost free till
the joining date comes, so he planned to join the JAVA course. But, the thing
doesn’t end here. The thing which was a stunner was the person whom he
met the first in the classroom. She was Seema. She came there to learn
JAVA as well and was in Pratapgarh to be with her cousins in the holiday
time. Darshan however was not too excited and the first few days went off
only in small Hi ad Byes. Seema was feeling a bit of neglecting from
Darshan’s side. And why not, Darshan had understood the peculiar thing
LOVE. Seema tried many times to talk to Darshan, means talk to him what
they used to talk, but Darshan was more matured now. He knew very well that
Seema only started the things and this time too she is trying to do the same
thing. And one day, the patience of Seema broke up and she proposed to
Darshan with three universal words- I LOVE YOU.
Ankur was about to leave in three days. He wanted to meet all of his
friends and then leave. In the morning was leaving his home, then he realised
that some one is calling his name. He looked back at the building; the voice
was coming from the floor above his house. He saw that, Manini was calling
him. He stopped and she came down.

Manini- Hi…..i heard from Aunty that you are going to Pune this Sunday.

Ankur- Ya, sorry forgot to tell you.

Manini- No problems, at least meet me before you leave.

Ankur- Definitely yaar, we have been neighbours for the last 10 years. I am
just going to a friend, and come back in two hours.

Manini- You are replying very calmly today, where are your pranks. It seems
that you are not very fine.

Ankur- No yaar, I have changed a bit….anyways see you soon.

Manini was a good computer engineer and was Ankur’s neighbour and
was his friend for a long time. However, she never came to know when she
got attracted to Ankur. Ankur used to meet her whenever he used to come to
home on holidays. But he never realised the affection in Manini’s eyes, this
might be because he was always too committed towards Jyoti to see love in
somebody else’s eyes. Anyways, he left…..but like it always happens, his
friend circle to meet became a chain and he returned only at 8 PM in the
night. He never realised that somebody has been waiting for his two hours to
get complete…..for the last 12 hours. However, while parking his bike he saw
a girl looking at him from the window. But, it was late now, late even when
they had good family terms. Ankur felt very sorry and went to home. The next
morning the first thing he did was to get ready to meet Manini. He went to her

Ankur- Sorry, I was not able to return on time.

Manini- You have come today, even this has been good for me.

Ankur- So, what’s the plan, how was your Engineering!

Manini- I am joining IBM next month.

Ankur- Great! And what’s more.

Manini- Ankur, I know that you have a girlfriend from your college, how is she.

Ankur- Hey, how you that. Anyways, let’s forget it, we have broken up.

Manini- Oh, Am sorry. Anyways, please don’t mistake me Ankur. I don’t want
any acceptation or favours but I just wanted to tell you the thing from my
heart. I like you since I have come here. You never noticed and neither had I
wished you to note. I am saying this not because you have broken up but
because I just wanted to say. I don’t expect anything but saying this to you
has relieved me from the weight which was on my heart. I wish that you again
make it up with your girlfriend so that you can again be that smiling and
naughty Ankur.
Ankur was listening quietly. Maybe he understood the pleasure of
looking at the person who loves you rather than looking at the person whom
you love. He just said- Tomorrow is my last day here in Jaipur, I am going for
a movie, would you like to come with me!
And she simply said- Ya!
Lalit was on the other hand packing for the trip to Bangalore. The day
he was about to leave, he received a call. It was Sweeti on line.

Sweeti- Hi Lalit! When are you coming to Bangalore?

Lalit- I am leaving today, how are you, how is your job in Bangalore.

Sweeti- My job is fine. Was just missing you, so I called to know when you are
coming. I wanted to meet you.

Lalit- I am coming there, I always wanted to meet. Ypu only declined it every
time. Let me ask, are we going to meet alone or your new friend would be with

Sweeti- Does it matter?

Lalit- Of course!

Sweeti- No, he is also in Bangalore, but we would be meeting alone. First you
come here and then we would plan.

Lalit was too happy, he thought that Sweeti has finally realised that his
love. He was going to Bangalore with great hopes. Actually, Sweeti had
broken up with Sumit, the guy who met her in the train. She was feeling very
lonely and then she realised the commitment and the care which Lalit always
had for her. She realised the true love. Lalit was happy but not expecting that
much of the transformation in Sweeti. The next 48 hours of the journey to
Bangalore would be difficult for him to pass.
And finally the date of joining was coming closer for Apurva. But, 3
days before the joining date, he was supposed to attend the marriage
reception of his sister’s friend Jaipur. So, he went to Jaipur and stayed with
his sister. The function was grand; Apurva and his sister went on a bike which
Apurva borrowed from his friend. The place was far off. The party was grand
and everybody was enjoying. Veenu, his sister was introducing him to
everybody. But the shock came when she introduced him to the Groom’s
sister, Nidhisha. Party was going on but now Apurva was unintentionally
motivated towards looking at the group in which Nidhisha was standing. This
however was not at all a new thing, but the difference was that even, Nidhisha
was looking at him continuously. After a long period of watching, finally
Nidhisha moved forward to ask the well being of her GUEST.

Nidhisha- Have you taken something to eat?

Apurva- No, I am not hungry.

Nidhisha- Where is your sister!

Apurva- She has gone to meet other friends, somewhere here only.

Nidhisha- So, what’s going on these days?

Apurva- Nothing much, just going to join within 3 days, leaving tomorrow for

Nidhisha- The things you wrote in The Email, were they all true!

Apurva- Forget it Nidhisha. Ya those were true, and I loved you a lot. But, its

Nidhisha- I have always seen you as a sincere and very good boy. I don’t
know how but even I have started liking you. Do you hav ethe same feelings
for me still.

Apurva- I hope this is no joke or dream.

Nidhisha- No, it is not. Can we talk more?

Veenu- So, Apurva lets go. Its already too late, we have to cross the whole
mountain roads.

Some things were there to talk, some relation was about to build but,
time doesn’t stop for anybody. Tomorrow he would leave for Chennai and
today….its over. He went to the Parking, Nidhisha and some of Veenu’s
friends followed them to say the Goodnight ! But, it seemed that there was
something in stores for Apurva Akash. He discovered that the tyres of the bike
were punctured. Here, came the twist. Everybody discussed with Veenu, but
she was clear that we cant stay here only because her brother Apurva was to
go to Chennai, the next morning. Nidhisha here volunteered- No problems,
Apurva can just give the address where the bike has to be taken and I could
go in car with the driver to drop them to their place.

Nidhisha’s mom initially was reluctant but agreed finally as Veenu was
her good friend and she also told her that her friend Apurva is going to
Chennai the next morning. So, they sat into the car and the driver took off.

Darshan was confused, on these unexpected words from Seema. He

only told her that he needs some time. And he returned, he thought for the
whole of the night. I think this power to first think and then reply came only
due the things he faced in the Engineering. Seema had been always a flip
flop. She never knew whether she likes Darshan or not. Maybe her proposal
was only due to the neglecting which she was facing. All these thoughts were
going through his mind. The next morning she was waiting for him in the
class. They decided that they would reach the coaching institute, a bit before
time, to discuss this very sensitive issue. Darshan went and explored her
smile. She was too happy to see him.

The other place Ankur took Manini to a movie, JAANE TU YA JAANE

NA. Manini was too happy, her wish was completing. She always wished that
but never demanded that. Ankur had discovered that beauty in her relational
expectation. Ankur however was amazed to find an uninvited guest i.e. even
Jyoti came to the same movie. They had an eye to eye contact but Ankur
never approached. He had understood well that what they fell in and
experienced was nothing more than two side attraction. So he ignored him.
There is a thing about the GIRLS, if you notice them, they won’t like it or may
even like it. But, if you ignore them, then they definitely won’t like it. So, Jyoti
took a step forward to make her presence felt. She approached the pair in the

Jyoti- How are you Ankur?

Ankur- Am fine, meet my friend Manini.

Manini- Hi Jyoti, how are you?

Jyoti- Am fine buddy, would you feel if we talk in corner, I mean, me and
Ankur. Please don’t mind.

Manini- No it’s perfectly fine, go ahead.

Lalit had reached Bangalore. He had Sweeti’s address. He wanted to

go to her as soon as possible, but he didn’t contact, as he wanted to surprise
her. He spent a lot of time in preparing that evening. On the other hand
Sweeti was at her home and was busy dealing with Sumit. They had broken
up, but the reason was not told to Lalit as well as Sumit. Sumit was there, like
a person who has won the battle but lost the faith.
Sumit- At least you can tell me Sweeti, what have I done wrong?

Sweeti- I am sorry dear, you have not done anything wrong, it was my
mistake. I never knew that I am in love with Lalit, I realised only after I started
finding him in you. I am sorry.

Sumit- I liked you very much Sweeti, and I am happy in your happiness. Any
time in life if you need me, I would be there for you. Atleast we are good
friends, may you get happy with Lalit. OK, atleast we can shake hands for our

By the time Sumit was about to leave as a loser, Lalit just arrived there.
He never knew this completely that he is a declared winner of love by Sweeti
herself. With a big box of chocolates he came to her door.

All three people were sitting on the backseat of the car. Nidhisha was
frank enough today.

Nidhisha- Veenu, do you know that your brother sent me some sort of
proposing mail.

Veenu- What?

Nidhisha- Hey, don’t get angry, I am not complaining, I just wanna say that I
like him.

Apurva- Hey….what are you saying?

Nidhisha- Ya Apurva, I am saying to you…………..

Suddenly there was a cracking sound and everything faded. Apurva

was experiencing some immense pain, he was not able to see anything
properly. There was a serious car crash. He managed to get out of the car,
stumbling. The driver was dead; Nidhisha and Veenu were bleeding hardly.
He screamed at top of his voice for help. But, nobody was there on that idle
road for kilometres. But, two kilometres ahead there was a hospital which he
had noticed while they were coming to the marriage. He searched for the
phone but due to the roll of the car, he was not able to find phone of himself
and Nidhisha’s and Veenu’s phones were crashed. Now he had no choice,
Nidhisha and Veenu, both were able to see, but were in almost unconscious
condition. If he has to carry anybody then, he has to run for almost 20 minutes
with that other person’s weight. From there he can return in an Ambulance.
He has to choose one person, both were critical. It is said that the first 20
minutes for the victim after the accident are very crucial, if saved in that then
saved otherwise the chances are fewer. He knew that, but who to choose was
the question. One was his love, and one his sister…..and both critically
bleeding. He had no time to think and he never really thought anything and
just picked Veenu on his shoulder and started running as fast as he could
have. He himself was hurt badly but he was running, his breathes started to
leave his lungs but he stopped only at the hospital. Veenu was rushed to ICU
and the ambulance took off to the accident place. Apurva was also in that
Ambulance. They reached and put her up into that Ambulance, her eyes were
still open and the pain was reflecting clearly. Apurva also noticed a question
there, deep inside those subconscious eyes- WHY YOU DIDN’T CHOSE ME
FIRST? Apurva was just praying for both of them and finally he also collapsed
in the hospital to injuries and the exhausted body. All of them were in ICU.

Seema- So Darshan, your smile has said everything. Can we go to some

restaurant today?

Darshan- I have something to say Seema. We can’t carry on more. What I

had for You was just the infatuation. But that infatuation ended when you told
me in the final Semester that we are just friends and I really am thankful to
you for that. I have understood that love can never be found, it searches you
itself. Even if we carry on like this, we can’t marry, that day we have to end
our relation. We are from different castes and my family would never accept
this. For a person whom I have been with for just one and a half years, I can’t
neglect my parents who have been with me for the last 21 years. I am sorry if
you are hurt but I would like you to come out of it, we may be friends if you
wish and nothing else.

Seema didn’t speak anything. Darshan was also quiet. And they never
spoke there after. The ego of a beautiful girl was hurt. Darshan never
searched for a girlfriend thereon and has completed his JAVA course. Seema
has returned to her home and said GOODBYE at their last class together.

In Bangalore, Lalit was amazed to see the door half open. He peeped
into to find the other shock. Sumit and Sweeti were laughing and chatting. His
belief was again hammered, he never complained on any flip flop of Sweeti,
but this time it was a great changeover. But, do he know the truth, No, he
never knew that Sweeti is just waiting for him. Somebody has said well-
FOR MADS. IF Darshan had turned wise then, Lalit fell prey to the Doubt. He
was fed up with what Sweeti had been doing for the last 4 years, he never
even asked, he just kept the box of sweets on the door and returned. He was
crying inside the heart . He never understood and Sweeti never knew
what had happened. Lalit never picked up the phone calls she made and
finally she gave up. Lalit got placed in an MNC and got the posting in Delhi.
Before coming back from Delhi, he went to her place but she had already left
that place 15 days ago. He still thinks of her sometimes but is relieved as he
believes that she was a traitor.
Ankur was stunned at Jyoti’s possessiveness.

Ankur- Why can’t we talk here only, Manini is my fiend and if you have to say
something then you can say.

Jyoti- I want to say something about our love, now can we talk.
Ankur- Ya, you carryon. Still I don’t feel anything which requires any privacy
from Manini.

Jyoti- OK, I understood, you have got a new girl now. So, you don’t need me.

Ankur- I never NEEDED you Jyoti, I only LOVED you. Today your love is not
speaking. You are just jealous. I have moved up from this. I tortured myself in
remembering you. I have come to know that love is the respect and not the
possession. Anyways you won’t understand, because you don’t know how to
love. Take care, may we never meet again.

Ankur turned back. Manini was shocked. Jyoti stood there for minutes.
Ankur and Manini enjoyed the movie and returned back. Ankur has joined the
college and has asked Manini to wait for him till he completes his 2 years
course and get a job. Manini is waiting for him. It seems they would directly go
for a marriage. There is a commitment but no boundations, really they are the
real learners of the love.
Apurva was the first one to get senses back. He immediately went to
the other room and was relieved to find his sister all right. Then he went to
Nidhisha’s room, but she was not there. He searched her everywhere. Finally
he found a friend of hers in the hospital.

Apurva- Hey, where is Nidhisha?

Neha- She is dead. Doctors couldn’t save her. You were just 10 minutes short
to bring her.

Apurva was silent. He had his love in his arms but only to loose her. He
returned to Veenu’s room.

Veenu- I am sorry Apu, you should have brought Nidhisha first….i am sorry.

Apurva- I would always cry for what I lost but never regret my decision. You
are my second love my sister, only after parents. You are too precious. Get
well soon. And you know….Some times even after loosing someone, we give
priority to love and not the person. Every love is not meeting, sometimes even
separation is a love.

Apurva was not crying as he said but just remembered the last words which
Nidhisha spoke. Her half-closed eyes. He would never be able to forgive
himself for what happened to Nidhisha but……

The story has ended. What is love actually? Some day….One

day……everyday they had some dreams to fulfil. But THAT DAY, when the
dream was about to realise, then why did all of them backed off. Were they
not in love or did they understood what is love. Or they simply didn’t know
when THAT DAY passed through them, changing their lives forever. Even
they don’t know the answer to this question.

Some Day….. we would achieve greatness..!

One day……..we would achieve our love….!

THAT DAY….we discovered the truth of ourselves..!!

So do you love some body ……..??? Might be you may come to know
only……….THAT DAY…..!!

Dedicated to all my friends, who have always supported me!

– Apurva Akash.

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