B1 DL1 E1: Name: - Class

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ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ ____________________ Class:

B1 DL1 E1 Able to do any of the following: (d) Sing in groups Sing song in group. The Finger Family Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Mummy Finger, Mummy Finger, Where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Chec ed by: ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve

ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ ____________________ Class:

B2 DT1 E1 Able to spelll correctly! Label t e pi!tures !orre!tl".

Chec ed by: ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve

ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ ____________________ Class:

B3 DB1 E1 Able to recogni"e# read and match pictures with phrases and sentences!
A! $ead and match the pictures to the correct phrases!

a fat mouse

a red blouse

a beautiful house

a yellow sunflower

Chec ed by: ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve

ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ ____________________ Class:

B3 DB1 E1 %! Able to recogni"e# read and match pictures with phrases and sentences!

Rea# an# $at!

t e pi!tures to t e !orre!t senten!es.

)nci Ali is a ind man! &he baby is cute! 'y brother is ten years old and my sister is twelve years old! 'a 'inah is an old lady! *ydia studies in S'+ ,utra(aya! %rother li es to play football! 'y grandmother and grandfather live in &an(ung 'alim! ,uan Salina li es to ba e ca e!

Chec ed by: ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve

ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ ____________________ Class:

B% DB2 E1 Complete sentences using the correct con(unction!

Rea# an# un#erline t e !orre!t ans&ers &it or 'or.

' and, but(

-! $avi (or# and ) *ila are my best friend! .! /e li es to eat ca es (and# but) disli es to eat ice0cream! 1! 2s this a cat (or# but) a tiger? 3! Sarina (and# but) 'arina are twins! 4! 5o you want coffee(and# or) tea? 6! Sheila wants to go to the library (or# but) her brother wants to go to the boo shop! 7! &he man bought a loaf of bread (or# and) three pac ets of noodles! 8! 9ould you li e the blue blouse ( and# or ) the green blouse ?

:! )nci 'at is wealthy ( and# but) he is not generous!

ENGLISH YEAR 3 Chec ed by: ____________________ Name: _____________________________________ ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve Class:

B) DL2 E1 Able to as and answer simple 9h0;uestions!

Instru!tion *upils get in pairs. Ea! pair &ill be gi+en t&o pi!tures. T e" nee# to !on#u!t a s ort inter+ie& about t e pi!ture b" as,ing - ./uestions.

*I0T1RE 1

*I0T1RE 2


What is ypur mothers name? How o ! is your mother? What !oes your mother i"e to eat?

SAMPLE ANSWE#S My mothers name is Pn Sa mah$ My mother is %& years o !$ She i"es to eat 'hi'"en ri'e$ ENGLISH YEAR 3 Name: _____________________________________ Chec ed by: ____________________ ____________________ Class: Not achieve Achieve/

B2 DT1 E1 Able to create simple te<t! 9rite simple sentences!

father 0 strong

&his is my father! /e is strong!

mother 0 hardwor ing

Salina 0 happy

brother 0 cute

=amal 0 ind

Chec ed by: ____________________

Achieve/ Not achieve

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