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At first, though taking a few number of students,

<ia/irpara Hafizia Madrasha was started, afterwards, a large

number of students were gathered. Due to increasing the
number of students, in 1964, by the help of nearby people,
li.imboo made house was built for directing the activities of the
Madrasha. At first, there was only "Hifz' section in the
Madrasha. First teacher (Hafiz Shaeb) was late Hafiz Mawlana
Sliomir Uddin shaheb Raybani, who was paid taka 157- as
••alary. After Hafiz Shomir Uddin, in 1996, Hafiz Abdul Karim
look the responsibility of the teacher of the Madrasha. in taka
.'()/- per month as salary. Moulovi Israb Ali (Sorispur) was
assistant teacher. Hafiz Abdul Korim had been serving for 36
Establishment of Madrasha years and retired in 2002.

In every age, learned persons and education admiring At first only Hifz section was opened. Afterwards, in
people established educational institutions for making the l ( >7 ( ) 'Ebtedayee' and finally 'Dakhil' class were opened. At
nation and the society educated sacrificing their own interest present the Madrasha is titled as "Gazirpara Hafizia Dhakil
and wealth. If we fall our sight in the activities of the life of Madrasha". One of the persons of our village named Gazi
Hazi Mohammed Mohshin, we observe that he, in that time, \ h d u l I lannan served as a teacher on free of salary.
donated his property of 45 thousand taka for the development of
the society and the nation without any interest. Abdul Hai (Ana Miah), Gazi Abdul Haque (Dudu Miah)
mid late Shah Kolondor Ali contributed to listing that Madrasha
In 1963 Moulovi Irfan Ali, teacher of 'Syed Kutub Jalal in M.P.O (monthly payment order). Apart this, Gazi Abdul
primary school1, used to deliver his speech after 'Ashor Prayer'. ll.u|iie (Dudu Miah), Alhaj Abdus Subhan, Syed Anower Ali,
After completing his speech, he, often, would tell- 'the place is • I Ansar Ali (Nior Miah), Hazi Chand Miah. Kazi Motin
very beautiful' - 'if there built religious institution, it would be Mnkladir, Gazi Abdul Karim (Bala Miah) specially contributed
very good'. In that 'Tafsir MahfiF, Moulvi Abdul Haque Toyab in ihe development of the Madrasha donating land and large
Kamali (R.), Alhaj Kari Syed Umor Ali used to be present. M I u u n i t of money. At present, the Madrasha has two two-storied
They began to start discussion among them about how a I m i l d i i m and a tin-shed building. Here it is noted that hrst 90
Madrasha might be setup. Later on, the villagers were involved led pucca building was built by the financial donation or Alhaj
in that discussion and a decision of the establishment of Hafizia Mil I iimnar Ali and Gazi Abdul Haque (Dudu Miah). 2nd floor
Madrasha was taken. In building the Madrasha, the villagers • • I ''"' building was built by the found of British expatriates.
who took initiative steps were Syed Ahmed Ali, Gazi Abdul
Rashid, Gazi Azizur Rahman, Alhaj Mubarak Ali, Ga/.i
Kholilur Rahman, Mohammed Abdul Wohab, Shah Md.
Kolondor Ali, Gazi Abdul Khalique, Hazi Abdus Subhan.

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