More Than A Story

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More than a Story!


his time its a tradition with many families to read the christmas story the story of Jesuss birth. People get sentimental and begin to reminisce about mon or dad or somebody else reading that story. The problem is that for too many people, its just a story. But there is a significance in the Christ child that baby lying in a manger.

Through that baby, God indentified with us.Jesus, His son, became flesh and come to dwell on earth. He identified with our limitations and frailties by becoming a man Just like us. Because of that, He understands what we deal with and go through in life. Hebrews 4:15 says that He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin . Jesus passed the test! Thats why He could become the Lamb of God that was slain for us. You see, God can take insignificant things the things that man overlooks and make significant. Who would have thought that the baby in a manger would become a man who preached the Good News to the poor, healed the sick, and proclaimed freedom for the

Jesus may have started out as a babe in Bethlehen, but He died on the Cross as the Son of God. He arose from the dead as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He became our substitute. The price we could not pay, He paid for all of us. Thats why He left the glories of Heaven and came to Earth as a babe in a manger. He didnt come for His own gratification or to set up an earthly kingdon. He came to die so that mankind could live. He came to save us from being lost and to destroy the works of devil! Friend, that baby lying in the manger is more than just a story. He is a Picture og God and man reunited. He is Emmanuel God with us our salvation! If you havent made Jesus your Lord, theres no better time to do so than right now. Its easy! Just pray the prayer on Page 17 and accept the free gift that Jesus came to give you.

My vocabulary:

Manger: mangedoura. Dwell: habitar. Frailtes: fragilidades.

Overlooks: subestimar, esnobar.

Pratice! I saw a manger in the magazine. He will to dwell with his family. I know your frailtes. She overlooked me.

The problem is that: o problema que Because of that, Por causa disso Thats why: Esta a razo pela qual Who would have thought that Quem pensaria que...?

Pratice! I want to go with you. The problem is that I dont have Money. She is pregnant. Because of that we will buy a new car. She is pregnant. Thats why we will buy a new car. Who would have thought that a boy would create the Facebook?

go through: passar, vivenciar, usar bastante, praticar, examinar algo em busca de alguma coisa. Deal with: resolver, lidar

Pratice! Im going through too much in this year. You will need to deal with this all by alone.

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