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Protecting our homes and our rights Since September 13, 2013, I have been in reflection mode.

After everything that I have lived through in the independentist movement and now the Parti Qubcois decision to hold an election on the backs of believers and against the harmony of living together in Quebec, I had to answer a fundamental question before even thinking about continuing in political life: Am I still an independentist? Today, after many months of inner turmoil, I can finally turn the page. I write these words with a sense of calm. Because we are all Quebeckers, without exception! For years I have based my political action on the idea of equal citizenship. There is only one category of Quebeckers: those who have made Quebec their home. The Quebec identity is built on the participation of citizens in society through education; democratic and community life; associations; the media; business; politics; and especially access to employment. We are all Quebeckers, without exception. For me, this openness and the fight against exclusion are the best tools to ensure social peace and fight against all forms of extremism and fanaticism. Despite some tensions in the independentist movement, this political vision of openness has been promoted and has even prevailed for years. That is why I joined the independentist movement that, in my eyes, was inclusive and allowed all citizens, without exception, to be the founding people of Quebec. The Parti Qubcois brings together the largest number of independentists in Quebec. Its current political desire to exclude conspicuous believers from the public service is indicative of a change in political attitude. In 1977, Ren Lvesque chose to make the Charter of the French Language fully subject to Quebecs Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Todays Parti Qubcois has chosen a different path. It proposes to amend Quebecs Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms to, apparently, bring it in line with its policy of excluding conspicuous believers. Worse, the Parti Qubcois has abandoned the customary practice in the National Assembly, since 1975, of amending Quebecs Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms by consensus. The Parti Qubcois is thus demonstrating that Quebecs Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms is at the mercy of a political party, which, although having won less than 40% of the vote, holds a majority in the National Assembly. Lastly, the Parti Qubcois has launched a debate that is dividing and hurting Quebec families without first having checked the legality of its proposal, even though Quebecs Commission on Human Rights believes that it does not hold water. Who would have thought! The flagship of sovereignty is nothing like it was before. There are still a few independentist leaders who advocate an inclusive vision of the Quebec identity, but they are clearly on the fringe.

Canada: the best defense of our Quebec identity The ease with which Quebecs Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms can be changed, even abolished, has convinced me of the relevance of the Canadian federal system. I have come to the conclusion that my belonging to Canada, including its Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, better protects the Quebec identity of all citizens of Quebec. I am no longer an independentist. Yes, we can! Improving Canada and Quebec in everyones interests is possible In 2010, on its 20th anniversary, the Bloc Qubcois commissioned a survey from Repre Communication. The key finding was that the people of Quebec and the rest of Canadians were opposed on each one of the five Meech Lake conditions. Consequently, it had nothing really to do with Canadian federalism and the only option for Quebec remained separation. However, the Repre Communication survey clearly indicated that 73% of Canadians and 78% of Quebecers still believed it was possible to negotiate an agreement satisfactory to Quebec. I, personally, am puzzled by this finding. Why isnt the party leadership trying to identify which changes would satisfy both Canadians and Quebecers? I have often heard it said that it isnt the BQs role to improve the federation. While this attitude may have the support of the majority of Bloc Qubcois activists, I believe it is one of the main reasons for the BQs defeat in 2011. So you will understand that as long as I am a member of the Parliament of Canada, I will do my best to represent my constituents and contribute to modernizing Canada. It was in this spirit that I introduced, on more than one occasion, a bill on human trafficking. I did not listen to those who told me it was not possible. After several years of perseverance, and with the help and support of many people, I managed to get Bill C-452 passed. Such a task is not easy. It requires discussion, negotiation, compromise, goodwill, time and still more time. Across Canada, we want security and a prosperous future for our children. I am convinced more than ever that we can gradually restore the confidence we need to modernize Canada, in the interest of all Canadians, including Quebeckers, without exception.

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