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THINGS TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR 2014! YOUR REVELATION HAS COME - ITS TIME TO ACT! Apostle Axel Sippach Father God because of the revelation of Christ that you spoke into our time-space continuum of the universe and planet earth at the beginning; And because of your plan to sum up all things in Christ, as You work out everything to conform to the purpose of Your will in Christ; And because You have chosen me in Christ to be included in the mystery of this plan before the creation of time; So may the spirit of wisdom and revelation be given me for the eyes of my heart and understanding to be illuminated with the revelation of the riches of this glorious inheritance in Christ I have received; And because Im Your workmanship Your creative masterpiece in Christ Jesus created to do good works which You prepared in advance; I will now arise and shine because of this glorious revelation. I will get up shake myself, be stirred up be set on fire stand up and decree that I will be established in the revelation of this mystery in Christ that was once hidden, but is now revealed to me; And to the degree that I arise, Your glory will arise upon me, and shine through me, and the darkness will not comprehend the light, and must flee; The result will be nations coming to the light of this revelation, and kings to the bright shining rays and beams of glorious radiant light emanating from me like the sun rising at dawn as I manifest the glories of my son-ship calling in Christ; Thank You Father for the incomparable riches of Your grace and kindness You

have expressed to me in Christ; Thank You Father that I will know Your love that is beyond all knowledge, and that I will be filled to the measure of the fullness of God and live a life worthy of this high calling to son-ship; Thank You Father that You are able to do immeasurably more than all I can ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work in me; Thank You Father, that You said if I ask anything according to Your will, I can have confidence to know that You hear me, and grant me my requests for all Your promises are Yes and Amen in Christ! So with Your revelation and corresponding faith in my heart Father, in Jesus Name, I now ask for..and I decree.....................Amen! So let it be done for me! References: taken from Scripture in Genesis 1:3; Isaiah 60:1-3; John 1:5; Ephesians 1:3-20, 2:10, 3:8-11; 2 Corinthians 1:20, 4:6; Romans 8:18,19, 16:25 arise in Hebrew is quwm and can mean get up, stir up, shake yourself, rise up, stand up, be established, decree shine comes from urim and can mean illumination, set on fire light comes from owr can also mean also revelation, illumin ation

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