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Current Approc e! "n Or#$n"%$t"on$& $n' Occup$t"on$& He$&t P!(c o&o#(


STUDENT: Gu&er Co'rut$ Ye$r o) !tu'(: II

T"*"!o$r$ +,-.

On Pay Equity Day, Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men

Today, April 9th, is celebrated as Pay Equity Day as it marks the number of extra days into !"# that the a$era%e &oman must &ork in order to earn as much as the a$era%e man earned in !" ' (aysayers ar%ue that &omen earn less than men because of the )choices* they make in their li$es + choosin% to &ork in less lucrati$e careers, to &ork less hours, and to take more time out of the paid labor force to stay home &ith children or care for elderly relati$es' ,ut there is a preponderance of e$idence indicatin% that somethin% more complicated is happenin% than -ust &omen $oluntarily self.selectin% into lo&er payin% careers' /omen on a$era%e make only 00 cents to e$ery dollar earned by men' 1ome of that &a%e %ap is the result of &omen bein% more likely to &ork in certain industries or occupations, but about 2! percent of the difference in mens and &omens &a%es cannot be explained by any measurable factor' And the &a%e %ap is e$en hi%her for &omen of color, pointin% to social factors that %o far beyond the choices that &omen make' The truth is, the choices &omen 3and men4 make do not occur in a $acuum' The fastest %ro&in% sectors of the economy are female dominated, but they are also -obs &ith lo& &a%es and lar%e %ender &a%e %aps' These are the occupations that are addin% the most ne& -obs, so one can hardly blame &omen for takin% them + especially as our economy continues to slo&ly reco$er' And &hile it is true that some &omen choose to take time out of the &orkforce to care for children or other relati$es, the preexistin% &a%e %ap is often the reason they do so' 5n a married couple it often makes the most economic sense for the parent &ith the lo&er salary to be the one to take time off, and if a &omans &a%es barely 3or do not4 co$er the extremely hi%h costs of childcare it make not make economic sense for her to keep &orkin%' ,ut takin% time a&ay from &ork lo&ers &a%es in the lon% run and helps some employers -ustify discriminatin% a%ainst &omen &orkers in terms of pay and promotions, contributin% to the $icious cycle that is the %ender &a%e %ap' 6nfortunately, re%ardless of &hat some &ould like the public to belie$e, the %ender &a%e %ap is real and has si%nificant impacts on &omens li$es in both the short and the lon% term' E$en &omen &ho )do e$erythin% ri%ht* still feel the impact in the end' /hile the &a%e %ap is not as lar%e as it once &as, pro%ress has stalled in recent years' 7e%islation like the Paycheck 8airness Act, &hich &ould protect &orkers &ho discuss their salaries and impose %reater sanctions a%ainst employers &ho discriminate, and policies to pro$ide paid family and medical lea$e and expand access to preschool and childcare &ould %o a lon% &ay to help rectify this inequity'

I. Critical Re ie!

Soc"et( $! cre$te' $ /or&' / ere *$n0! / o )ro* t e 1e#"nn"n# $!!u*e' t e ro&e o) po/er $re o1&"#$te' to 1e t e *one( *$2er!3 $n' /o*$n ou!e o&'3 c&e$n"n# $n' c$r"n# )or t e c "&'ren It ! ou&' 1e no re$!on )or t $t /o*$n $re p$"' &e!! t $n *$n ") /o*$n $re e4u$&&( !2"&&e' $! *$n5 M$n $re 2no/n $! t e( o)ten 2eep! t e"r c$reer $! t e"r pr"or"t( !$cr")"c"n# !pen'"n# t"*e /"t t e"r 2"'!3 / "&e /o*$n con!"'ere' $! t e pr"*$r( p$rent3 !een $! !en!"t"6e3 c$r"n# $n' *ore re!pon!"1&e /"t c "&'ren $n' 1ec$u!e o) t e *ot er ro&e /ou&' !$cr")"ce c$reer )or c "&'ren3 $n' not 1e e4u$& "n6o&6e' $! *$n "n t e"r 7o15

II. Di""erences #et!een $trate%ies o" Pre enti e O&timi'ation and $trate%ies o" Im&ro ement O&timi'ation

One o) t e !tr$te#( $ct"on to pre6ent t e "!!ue t $t /o*en $re p$"' &e!! "! t e Paycheck 8airness Act, t e "*pro6e*ent con!"!t "n pro6"'"n# 8paid family and medical lea$e, expand access to preschool and childcare* to rect")( t e "ne4u"t(5
Women should not be paid less than they're worth, pay rewards should be based on performance to a uniform the scale. To improve the idea of the payment using a performance scale woman should underline more their quality of work. Also woman should negotiate their salary as equal as man desire for a specific position. To improve their negotiation skills women should underline more their school background and their skills, because usually woman having equal school background with man are paid less.



http !!!economy!2"#$!"%!"&!#'$&2'#!on(equal(pay(day( why(women(are(paid(less(than(men!)mobile*nc

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