American President Facts

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American President

Abraham Lincoln (18091865)

Facts at a Glance Term 16th President of the United States (18611865) Born February 12, 1809, ardin (no! "arue) #ounty, $entu%&y Nickname ' onest (be)* '+,,inois -ai,.S/,itter) Religion 0o for1a, affi,iation Marriage 0o2e1ber 3, 1832, to 4ary 5odd (18181882) Children -obert 5odd (18361926), 7d!ard 8a&er (18361850), 9i,,ia1 9a,,a%e (18501862), 5ho1as '5ad) (185618:1) Career "a!yer Political Party 9hi;* -e/ub,i%an Writings Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (8 2o,s., 195655), ed. by -oy P. 8as,er Died (/ri, 15, 1865, 9ashin;ton, <.#. Buried =a& -id;e #e1etery, S/rin;fie,d, +,,inois

A Life in Brief 9hen (braha1 "in%o,n !as e,e%ted President in 1860, se2en s,a2e states ,eft the Union to for1 the #onfederate States of (1eri%a, and four 1ore >oined !hen hosti,ities be;an bet!een the 0orth and South. ( b,oody %i2i, !ar then en;u,fed the nation as "in%o,n 2o!ed to /reser2e the Union, enfor%e the ,a!s of the United States, and end the se%ession. 4ore ?

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan 4ar%h 3, 1865
Essays on Abraham Lincoln and His Administration
Abraham Lincoln A Life in Brief Life Before the Presidency Campaigns and Elections Domestic Affairs Foreign Affairs Death of the President Family Life The American Franchise Impact and Legacy Key Events

First Lady Mary Lincoln Vice President anni!al amlin "#$%#&#$%'( Andre) *ohnson "#$%'( Secretary of State +illiam , -e)ard "#$%#&#$%'( Secretary of War -imon Cameron "#$%#&#$%.( Ed)in M, -tanton "#$%.&#$%'( Postmaster General Montgomery Blair "#$%#&#$%/( +illiam Dennison "#$%/&#$%'( Secretary of the Interior

Cale! B, -mith "#$%#&#$%0( *ohn P, 1sher "#$%0&#$%'( *ames arlan "#$%'( Secretary of the Treasury -almon P, Chase "#$%#&#$%/( +illiam P, Fessenden "#$%/&#$%'( 2gh McC2lloch "#$%'&#$%'( Attorney General Ed)ard Bates "#$%#&#$%/( *ames -peed "#$%/&#$%'( Secretary of the Na y 3ideon +elles "#$%#&#$%'( !onsultin" Editor# Michael B2rlingame Professor B2rlingame is the May B2c4ley -ado)s4i 5#6 Professor Emerit2s of istory at Connectic2t College, is )ritings incl2de7 Abraham Lincoln: A Life "The *ohns op4ins 1niversity Press8 .99$( With Lincoln in the White House: Letters, Memoranda And Other Writings Of John G. Nicolay, !"#$ !"%"-o2thern Illinois 1niversity Press8 .99%( Lincoln Obser&ed: 'i&il War (is)atches of Noah *roo+s"The *ohns op4ins 1niversity Press8 #66$( ,nside Lincoln-s White House: .he 'om)lete 'i&il War (iary of John Hay "-o2thern Illinois 1niversity Press8 #66:( .he ,nner World of Abraham Lincoln "1niversity of Illinois Press8 #66/(

Presidential S$eeches
*elo/ are selections from the Miller 'enter-s Abraham Lincoln s)eech collection. *2ne #%8 #$'$;<A o2se Divided= -peech Fe!r2ary .:8 #$%9;Cooper 1nion Address >ovem!er #68 #$%0;3ettys!2rg Address March /8 #$%';-econd Ina2g2ral Address

Scholarshi$ and S$ea%ers

.he Miller 'enter of 0ublic Affairs is a national non)artisan center to research, reflect, and re)ort on American go&ernment, /ith s)ecial attention to the central role and history of the )residency. *elo/ is a selection of Miller 'enter resources on Abraham Lincoln. +atch Professor +illiam Lee Miller5s .99/ presentation at the Miller Center on Lincoln as +ar President,

President A!raham Lincoln led the 1nion as Commander in Chief d2ring the Civil +ar, Learn more a!o2t the Miller Center5s >ational +ar Po)ers Commission, Learn more a!o2t the Center5s >ational Commission on Presidential Disa!ility and the .'th Amendment and its relationship to Lincoln,

Scri$$s Library &eference &esources

*elo/ are lin+s to reference resources )re)ared by the Miller 'enter-s 1cri))s Library, designed to hel) students and scholars conduct their research 2uic+ly. Information on A!raham Lincoln5s Private and P2!lic Papers The Miller Center is committed to presenting the most acc2rate information on o2r American Presidents, Please ma4e a gift to the Miller Center Fo2ndationtoday, ?o2r gift )ill ens2re free access to American President for tho2sands of st2dents8 teachers and individ2als )ho )ish to learn more a!o2t the leaders )hose contri!2tions shaped o2r great co2ntry, Presidential -peeches Academic Programs @ P2!lic Programs Policy Programs Presidential Bi!liographies @ Presidential Papers

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