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Taking Charge: Tips for SelfAdvocates

Presented by Self Advocates Becoming Empowered

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Taking Charge: Tips for Self-Advocates

If you find it hard to give feedback to your support staff This webinar is for you!
By Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered
Max Barrows, Nicole LeBlanc and Katy Griffith hire and supervise their own staff. The experience can be a rewarding one. Learn how to get your support staff to do what you need them to do. We share tips on how to be your own boss. Learn about hiring and firing staff and being in charge of your services. It is important to be proactive (not just reactive) in managing your staff. Presenters draw from personal experience to provide tips on training, supervising, giving feedback to your team and guide you through challenging situations that you may potentially encounter. This webinar may be helpful for family members who hire and supervise support staff. 2

A toolkit For People With Disabilities: Find, Choose and Keep Direct Support Professionals Self-Directing Supports in North Dakota Oregons - How Do I Hire and Direct Employment Support Providers? Your Life Your Way Self-Directed Supports in Florida A Guide For Self-Directing Services from Georgia %20DIRECTING%20GUIDE%20FOR%20FAMILIES%20Final.pdf

National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services University of Minnesota: Consumer/self-directed services We Have Choices: A free video by Self Advocates of New York State Http:// Connecticut Self-Directed Supports Free Toolkit Self-Directed Services Toolkit New York Kansas Self-Direction Tool Kit

Webinar Agenda:
1. The Basics: Knowing Yourself (What You Want To Do And What You Need Help With) And Advocating For Yourself 2. Communicating With Your Support Worker 3. Role Play Communicating When Things Are NOT Going Well 4. Finding And Hiring Someone To Assist You 5. Role Play How To Communicate What You Need During An Interview 6. Max Barrows Interviews Katie Griffith From Arizona 7. Training And Evaluating

8. You Have Choices

9. Realities And Responsibilities Of Being An Employer 10. The Pros And Cons Of Managing Your Own Services

So You Want To Be In Charge When It Comes To Your Support Staff?

Begin by asking yourself
What do I need?

How do I want someone to

assist me?

Am I going to get along with

the person?

It Is All About Building Relationships!

The Hard Stuff

Communicating while things are NOT going well! Making an I Statement. I feel____________ when you_______________. I need you ______________.

Role Play
You have set the expectation that there will be no cell phone use on your time. Your support worker is texting or talking on the phone all the time. How would this make you feel? Happy Annoyed Frustrated I feel annoyed when youre on the phone all the time. I need you not to do that when you on the clock.


Communicating with your Support Worker

Communicating when things are going well is just as important. You may ask why? Creates a better work environment Show trust It helps your support worker feel they are doing their job well Helps them continue doing things the way YOU want. Helps maintain a good relationship.

Steps To Figure Out What Kind Of Person You Want To Hire

Step 1: Describe your current and past staff.
What do you think they liked about working with you? What do you think they disliked about working with you? What was important to them?

Before You Interview

Step 2: Describe yourself

What is important to you? What do you like to do? What are the good and hard parts about working with you?

Step 3: Identify reasons people have left their job with you
Why have people left their job with you in the past? Is there anything you can change so this will not happen again?

Step 4: Where can you find the people you are looking for? Step 5: Here are some ways to let people know about the job
Spread the word by talking to friends, family members, relatives and co-workers. If you meet someone who seems right for the job, ask them to consider interviewing for it. Post flyers that describe who you are, the type of support needs you have and the kind of person you want to work with you. Write and place articles in local newspapers or bulletins about who you are and what type of support you are looking for.

Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 12

Nicoles Hiring Tips

Think about your favorite staff person What did you like about the person? What was going on in their life? Where did they live? Were they a man or a woman? How old were they? When did they leave and why?

Before You Interview


Maxs Hiring Tips

Be Good with computers Interested in traveling

Before You Interview

Make a list of what you want the person to know and be able to do?

Make of list of your requirements

Be on time Be willing to work extra if my other staff are not available

Be specific, describe what is really important to you

What things do you do everyday? What accommodations work best for you? What really bothers you? What embarrasses you?


More Tools For Recruiting Support Staff

Circle the qualities you are looking for in a person!
Assertive Balanced Calm Caring Committed Common sense Communicative Compassionate Conscientious Consistent Cooperative Creative Decisive Dependable Determined Diplomatic Empathetic Encouraging Enthusiastic Flexible Good sense of humor Honest Insightful Takes initiative Mature Modest Objective Organized Patient Positive Professional Punctual Resourceful Respectful Self-directed Sincere Smart Understanding Visionary ______________ ______________ ______________

Before You Interview

Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 15

Finding and Hiring Support Staff

Describe the Job Interviews Check references Find out what experiences a person has that are directly related to what your needs are Criminal background checks Learn about Non-Discrimination

A Few of Nicoles Interview Questions

1. Tell me about Yourself 2. I see you have experience with working with adults with ASD and you are computer savvy can you tell me more about this? 3. Give me an example of how you handled a person with ASD have a panic attack, energy release, and or exhibiting extreme stress? 4. Do you have experience with dealing with adults who are picky eaters? 5. Are you good at teaching people how to deal with finances? 17

More Sample interview questions

Why do you think you would like this job? Tell me about where you have worked in the past and how long you were there. What was your reason for leaving? Describe a typical day in your most recent job working with people with disabilities. What was your favorite thing to do? What was your least favorite? What goals do you have for your future career? Describe a disagreement or conflict you had at your most recent job. What happened? What did you do to resolve it? Tell me about the most difficult situation you have ever encountered and how you dealt with it. Describe a time when you helped someone you supported advocate for something they really wanted. What was the situation? What did you do and say? What happened? What did you learn? My friend wants to learn how to cook but her mother is afraid she wont be safe in the kitchen. If you worked with my friend, how would you help her learn to cook? What would you say to her mother about her safety concerns?
Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 18

Max Barrows Interviews Katie Griffith From Arizona

1. We have been talking about different ways people manage their services. Do you manage your services or do you have an agency do it?

2. What led you to that decision?

3. Do you have support staff? 4. Do you hire your own staff or does the cooperative give you a list to choose from? 5. How do you supervise your support staff? 6. If your support staff is late all the time, how would you handle it?

7. What advice do you have to communicate with their support staff effectively?


In Most States You Have A Choice

Services managed by an Agency Shared Management of Services Self/Family managed services


Realities And Responsibilities Of Self/Family Managing Your Services

You are not alone! Each state has organizations who can help. For example: Supportive Intermediary Service Organization (SISO) Fiscal (Money) Intermediary Service Organization



Paperwork you need to do:

Emergency facts sheet Guardianship documentation Initial Assessments/evaluations supporting eligibility Annual needs assessments/periodic review Individual Support Agreement (ISA).

Budgets: ISO will help you create a budget every year Keeping track of how much you have and how much youve spent If your budget faces a cut, you have to prioritize your spending.

Why Choose To Self-manage Your Services?

To take charge of their life. You have knowledge and control of your budget. You have control of who is involved in your life. You have control over meetings. Less system paperwork Pay your staff a livable wage

Welcome Your New Support Person And Begin Training

What skills and values does a support person need to help you reach your dreams? What do you need and want the support person to do? Ask the support person to show you or tell you how they would support you. For example, you could ask the support person the following How would you assist me to save up for a trip? How would you help me get a tattoo? What would you do if I wanted your support to go on a date? Build on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that your support person already has Knowledge A support person may know what a catheter is, but maybe needs to learn more about what community inclusion means. Skills A support person may be able to make meals and follow directions, but may need to learn how to clean your room the way you want it done. Attitudes A support person respects your beliefs and choices and supports you to do things that are important to you, even if he or she does not agree with the importance of an activity. How can you best teach the support person to support you the way you want?
Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 25

More Suggestions For Giving Staff Feedback

Giving feedback is a positive way to support the staff person Review how the support person's is doing often, like every month or two. Tell the support person what he or she is doing well. Explain what the support person could do better. Listen to the support person's concerns about the work situation. Ask questions about how the support person can support you better. Be clear about what you expect on the job and how to do it. Provide the right tools so the support person can do the job better. Celebrate the support person's good work. If you need to tell support persons how to do something better, ask yourself the following questions How would you like to hear the feedback you are giving? How will you tell your support person about the things they could do better?
Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 26

EVALUATION: Work Review And Improvement Plan

List the top three things you want your support person to do: How well is the support person supporting your needs and wants? List the tasks or duties that the support person knows and can do best: List the tasks or duties that the support person might be able to improve on: List some ways that the support person has continued to grow List some duties or responsibilities the support person would like to or needs to know more about: Work and professional growth plan. Do this plan together with your support person. Use the information you and your support person have talked about in the support persons performance review to help guide you in creating this plan. Describe 2 or 3 goals to help the support person improve their work and continue to grow professionally. State specific action steps the support person will take to meet their goals: Describe the resources and supports the support person will need to meet their goals. How will you help the support person achieve these goals? How will you and the support person celebrate when the goals are achieved?
Adapted from: A toolkit for people with disabilities looking for quality, caring and committed direct support professionals 27

Website: Information & Referral Call Center: 1-855-828-8476 PowerPoint/Recording: Email Phuong ( ) to request materials!

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