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A strong, vigorous, growing, new-world power,

bounded by three oceans, and resting on a base line of
tiiree thousand miles (U. S. border) on the south, and
stretching away into the unbounded regions of the
North, such is Canada, with her every province bidding
f ,ir to rival or to outdo an old-world empire, not only
in extent of territory, but in all that makes for material
prosperity, comfort and contentment.
Natural Resources.
Canada, yet i-n her infancy, with her clear skies and
invigorating climate, is rich in agricultural resources,
in fisheries, in timber, in minerals, and in manufactures,
water and water power, with ample room for expansion
and growth in every enterprise. The comparatively
little—though much—that has already been done, fully
justifies her lofty hopes and ambitions for the future,
and assures success to her people and the peoples that
are flocking to her shores.
Legal Holidays in Canada.
Sundays, New Year's Day, The F.piphany, Good
Friday, The Ascension, All Saint's Day, Conception
Day, Easter Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Christmas
Day, the birthday for day fixed by proclamation for
celebration of birthday) of reigning sovereign, Vic-
toria Day, Dominion Day, Labor Day (first Monday
in September), and any day appointed by the procla-
mation for a general fast or thanksgiving,
Festivals and Anniversaries in Canada, 1913
JANUARY.—New Year's Day; Wednesday.
FEBRUARY.—'Ash Wednesday, 5th.; Quadrogesima,
1st. Sunday in Lent, Feb. 9th,
MARCH.—St. David's Day, 1st.; Palm Sunday, 16th.;
St. Patrick's Day, 17th.; Good Friday, 21st.; Easter
Sunday, 23rd.; Lady Day, 25th.
APRIL.—St. George's Day, 23rd.
MAY.—Ascention Day, Holy Thursday, 1st.; Pent-
ecost, Whit Sunday, 'llth.; Trinity Sunday, 18th.;
Victoria Day, 24th.
JUNE.—Birth of King George V., (1865) 3rd.; Mid-
Summer Day, 24th.
JULY.—Dominion Day, 1st.
SEPTEMBER.—Labor Day, 1st.; Michaelmas Pay,
NOVEMBER.—St. Andrew's Day, 30th.
DECEMBER.—Christmas Day, 25th, (Thursday).
A strong, vigorous, growing, new-world power,
bounded by three oceans, and resting on a base line oi
t.iree thousand miles (U. S. border) on the south, and
stretching away into the unbounded regions of the
North, such is Canada, with her every province bidding
f <ir to rival or to outdo an old-world empire, not only
in extent of territory, but in all that makes for material
prosperity, comfort and contentment.
Natural Resources.
Canada, yet in her infancy, with her clear skies and
invigorating climate, is rich in agricultural resources,
in fisheries, in timber, in minerals, and in manufactures,
water and water power, with ample room for expansion
and growth in every enterprise. The comparatively
little—though much—that has already been done, fully
justifies her lofty hopes and ambitions for the future,
and assures success to her people and the peoples that
are flocking to her shores.
Legal Holidays in Canada.
Sundays, New Year's Day, The Epiphany, Good
Friday, The Ascension, All Saint's Day, Conception
Day, Easter Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Christmas
Day, the birthday for day fixed by proclamation for
celebration of birthd?y) of reigning sovereign, Vic-
toria Day, Dominion Day, Labor Day (first Monday
in September), and any day appointed by the procla-
mation for a general fast or thanksgiving,
Festivals and Anniversaries in Canada, 1913
JANUARY.—New Year's Day; Wednesday.
FEBRUARY.—Ash Wednesday, 5th.; Quadrogesima,
1st. Sunday in Lent, Feb. 9th.
MARCH.—St. David's Day, 1st.; Palm Sunday, 16th.;
St. Patrick's Day, 17th.; Good Friday, 21st.; Easter
Sunday, 23rd.; Lady Day, 25th.
APRIL.—St. George's Day, 23rd.
MAY,—Ascention Day, Holy Thursday, 1st.; Pent-
ecost, Whit Sunday, llth.; Trinity Sunday, 18th.;
Victoria Day, 24th.
JUNE.—Birth of King George V., (1865) 3rd.; Mid-
Summer Day, 24th.
JULY.—Dominion Day, 1st.
SEPTEMBER.—Labor Day, 1st.; Michaelmas Day,
NOVEMBER.—St. Andrew's Day, 30th.
DECEMBER.—Christmas Day, 25th, (Thursday),

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