John A. Keel - Anomaly #7 Supplement - Fall 1971 (Pages 97-100)

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/ 7 | INTERIM NEWSLETTER - SUPPLEMENT TO #7 - FALL 1971 ste moniey o ape, He tought ives Joe th ted ts CAUSES HEART ATTACK hea and Toke thn F P jumped off its perch on the sec- H ‘ond floor railing onto the ground Witnesses See ‘Wolfman’ 3 {outer anes R : in L “The tan ld me te per son tanta te ‘ten ai Unning Loose In Lawton iy ry tram te are on al money would ie test pldNTON CaP) — avion po: ‘was wearing only pants which sein or aera ecco “aS tI had outgrown the pants, y different witnesses: one o! i] He described it as having a hor- s pants which were far too small Z sie ser fea tac ry done a a aa teat ct te wait The sightings began Friday Dee" in a fire, and it had hair oh rate as he oy. EMD Ba ey ace ope night im seperate parts of west Pott, ftom passersby in west Hs Bit Manvon ow Sveing sp Fem minutes ter, a goup ‘Myvsia Childs; 35. suffered a D&ERtIN Wearing a mask and of Ft, Sil soldiers at a grocers feart atiack Saturday night att. Se™bling, an ape. Witnesses store three blocks from the last Jeena ine eeatana’t, IC sait'the cieature was:ruming sighting reported being seared front yard on its hands and feet, 49%" the street, dodging cars, by something resembling the trying to drink water out of an Hiding behind bushes and then other descriptions Eng cin wats ou of 2 Sunnng“azaln ole atfter Then on Sturay wt. Cis ip pumerade fh ond po Tu Ea sai sai the eesti snd Saeed Raid. * Tt was 20 minutes later, Ezell the heart attack. . Williams said Childs describ- ‘St. that a man five blocks: yfaj, Clarence Hill, command- ett create AEC he tat ing repre er ings ona ‘h : Other witnesses said it appear- ed the creature was wearing a lot of hair all over his face, Seeing the creature alerted Lawton’ patrolmen Mon and dressed in an indescribable “He told me he saw the thing day night to watch for the wolf- manner.” ‘when he opened the window cur. man. “It's watehful waiting,” Childs then suffered the heart t2in about 11:15 p.m. Hle thouget Hill Said today attack. Willian~ said, and was. 1 Wa- all a practical joke be- Police tried to get fontprints released Sunifay mgood condi cause the subject was perched of the creature bat said. the tion from a Lawton hospital. on the railtig. It Tooked like ground was too had a Hl Re tnipigy sear aay KNOWALY 1s published at irregular intervals and distributed free by SPECIALIZED RESEARCH, Box 751, Murray Hill Station, 10016. Publication of ANOMALY #7 will be delayed until the Fall of New York, N.Y. 1971. If you have not already done so, please send a stamped, self- addressed 9x12 mantla envelope for your covy of #7. It will consist of 24-32 vages and can not be mailed in smaller enweloves. A large number disappear en route so be sure to include your zip code and do not use air mail stamvs. Covies of #5 are still available. All other back tssues are out of stock. periodicals, Please do not send money. ve do not sell any books or Editor! John A. Keel NEW BOOKS OF SPECIAL INTEREST. INVISIBLE RESIDENTS by Ivan T. Sanderson; World, N.Y., 19705 248 pages; $7+50; indexed. A superb examination of the Bermuda "Eriangle" mystery, summarising many documented cases and offering some interesting new theories. Hust reading for every Fortean. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS OF MAN'S UNKNOWN HISTORY by Robert Charroux; Berkley Medallion Books, N.¥., 1970; paperback; 191 pages; .95. Stuff and nonsense in the manner of MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS and CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. Often fascinating. PROGRAMMING AND METAPROGRANMING IN THE HUMAN BIOCOMPUTER by Dr. John C, Lilly: Portola Institube, available from the WHOLE EARTH CATALOG, 558 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park, Cal. 94025; paperback: 110 pages; $1.50. Dr. Lilly is world famous for his experiments in communicating with dolphins. This pioneering study explores ways for controlling and vrogramming the human mind. Every student of the contactte phenomenon should read this one. THE AQUARIAN REVELATIONS by Brad Steiger; Dell, N.Y., 1971; paper- pack; 158 pages; .75. A fine study of UFO contactees and the apocalyptic messages they receive. A book that is relevent on many levels. A rare and objective contactee study. MINDS THROUGH SPACE AND TIME by Brad Steiger and Loring G. Williams; ‘Award Books, N.Y., 19715 of hypnotic regression and out-of. paperback; 151 pages; body experiences (QBE) carefully +756 Case histories and expertly examined in light of new developments in psychical research. HE SLEW THE DREAMER by Wm. Bradford Huie; Delacorte Press, N.Y., 1970; 212 pages; $5.95. The full story of James Earl Ray. Huie explains why, after careful investigation, he con- cluded that Ray was the murderer of Martin Luther King. Ray, inoidently, mixed with UFO buffs on the West Coast. THE NATIONAL OBSERVER For many generations B.B. (Before Berkeley), undergraduates reacted to campus stress in ways that became part ‘of the American college tradition, They cheered the school teams, they played poker by the hour, they got drunk on Sat- urday night, and—most important of all— they engaged in practical jokes, Such pranks aren’t relevant today, but ther ‘vay ,Weren’t relevant yesterday either. ‘hey’ merely served as respites from the academic grind. For sheer inventiveness and resource fulness, it would be difficult to find pract!- cai Jokes of greater merit than those pro- duced by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early 1950s. ‘These included such familiar pranks 3 taking a car apart and reassembling it on top of a building or in a student's room Occasionally an immense weather balloon would be inflated—with water—in some- body's room, May 24, 1971 Many memorable practical jokes were worked successfully by a group cf MIT scholars who rode about in a vintage black limousine. On a trip from New York to Boston, the five occupants of the limousine wore gas masks. When the car pulled up to a toll booth, the driver opened his win- dow slightly and stuck out a cane to the end of which was fastened a lump of chew- ing gum holding the coin. Im a variation, the driver would extend ‘an artificial arm’ and the toll taker would >be left holding the coin—and the arm. ‘There is a bus stop at Mattapan Circle in Boston where, during rush hour, many people queue up: One day the commuters were joined by a young man dressed com- pletely in black who stood reading a news- paper a slight distance from the queue. Suddenly a black limousine pulled up and a rear window was rolled down, Out of the window came a long length of stove pipe aimed at the man in the black. As the be- wildered commuters watched, a large cloud of white, chemical smoke exploded ut of the pipe. The man in black. grabbed his throat and dropped to the sidewalk. ‘The doors of the lmousine opened and two young men, also in black and wearing gas masks, emerged to pick up the victim and carry ‘him to the car. ‘The limousine then sped away. ‘The MIT pranksters thought this one up to see if people were civically conscious enough to call the police. But alas nobody wanted to get involved. it was only after the charade was acted out a sixth time that a witness called the cops. Such little games are pretty much a part of the past now. Contemporary colle- glans are far too wrapped up in matters of moment, They take everything serious! jese days, including themselves, and it t possible to tender them prais~ hiding our pity — Gov't Hides Facts To Head Off Panic by ED MONK Human beings are ply pawns in the games of alien minds that control our every move. Our whole life and the com- plete existence of this universe is at the whim of these creatures that hold fantastic mental powers over us. So says Fred Hoyle, the famed British astrophysi- cist and author. ‘They are __every- where,” he said in a spe- cial press conference held in London, “in the sky, on the sea and on the earth. They have been here since the beginning of time and control nearly everything we do!” Hoyle told the press confer- ence that a large part of the scientific establishment is convinced that another intel- ligence exists on this planet. “Tt is not an intelligence from another planet. It is ac- tually from another universe. It entered our universe at the very beginning and has been controlling all that has hap- pened since.” Hoyle explained the many reasons why the majority of people had no idea of this. “Panic is the major rea~ son that no general an- nouncement “was ever made," he said. “But there have been some books out on the theory. “But the books have really only circulated in s entifie circles and academic markets, The theory and arguments around it are much too technical for non- nea Hovie, where these powersil minds originally came from 's much like ours and yet on 3 totelly different plane. “It is probably three-di- mensional like ours and may even have a fourth and fifth dimension which breaks the time and space barriers that restrict us. “But their laws of chemi try and physics are no doubt completely different from ours because they are a much more advanced type of intelligence. “They seem to be totally free of any physical restri tions, such as bodies. They are like pure thought and can be anywhere at any time they please." Hoyle pointed out that this intelligence probably controlled our complete evo- lution and continues to con- trol our minds. All of what man has built and become, was done because of the tinkering of these intelligent forces. “And the weirdest thing about it,” said Hoyle, ‘tis that at times they actually appear in physical forms. “In this way they have been responsible for almost all of the legends in different coun- tries which are scoffed at to- day. They also had a hand in the different things which were discovered in only some parts of the world and not others. Astrophysicist Hoyle, who is known throughout the world as one of the best, could not give concrete details about the intelligence “They are so different from what we know.” he said “that to try and describe them in language that every one would understand would be impossible.” Hoyle said that teams of philosophers and_ linguists (language specialists) had described them fairly well, but only in technical terms Mathematicians also have had success in drawing a ver. bal picture of the creatures, but only in numbers, Hoyle then explained that they had the power to ap- pear anywhere as anything. XENOPHOBIA “They take any shape or form. They can appear as a tiger in one place or a per- son in another. They can appear as a gas or a cloud or anything that can be seen by the human eye and even some forms that cannot be seen by the naked eye."” Hoyle said that the most recent documented invide of their appearance was sea. “Dozens of ships were fc lowing something on the sonar. It was. traveling 250 knots and 20,000 fe deep. There is nothing « earth that can go that fa and that deep.” ‘The biggest problem abo informing the public, sa Hoyle, is with the gover ment. “The only reason I call this press conference is th ho government in the wor would release this inform tion. ‘hey fear panic among ¢ people. They think that if t people know that some intel gent force is controlling the they will no longer listen the governments, “For these reasons, all i formation has been suppress and hidden.” Hoyle said that he didr expect many people to b lieve everything he said the press conference. “Most people. . . well, n most... many people 'w think that this is a hai brained theory and ju laugh it off. Others will worried and check with 5 lice or governments. “Naturally the gover ment will deny everything “TUL most scientists we notified weeks ago a agreed that it would be good thing to at least get t story out and let the pubi chew on it. “A little at a time, mo facts will be released uni everyone has access to all the information which now only in the hands scientists and governme: officials.” NATIONAL + 1971.) (ae printed from the BULLETIN, May 10

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