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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2012 Federal Office Candidates: 1.

Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? 2. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: a) your website b) your campaign literature and mailers c) your social media assets !witter" #acebook" etc.) d) your campaign ad$ertisements %. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general election in Dallas &ounty? '. When elected" how will you recruit" retain" and create a friendly en$ironment for ()*! and ()*!+friendly staff? ,. -ow would support or lead efforts to pass a resolution to support marriage e.uality? /. Would you be willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the ()*! community on a ongoing basis? 0f not" why? 1. Will you ha$e a non+discrimination policy for employment and protection of ()*! residents and protection based on se2ual orientation or gender identity? 0f not" why? 3. -ow would you address the recent trend of state go$ernments adding medically unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women4s health e.g. the re.uirement to re.uire a sonogram prior to the legal termination of a pregnancy)? 5. -ow would you respond as an office holder to countries and regimes that enact laws and policies that specifically target ()*! citi6ens for detention or punishment based on their ()*! identity or the free e2pression of their ()*! identity? 17. -ow would lead or support efforts to craft legislation and8or constitutional amendments pertaining to: a) 9epeal of Defense :f ;arriage <ct D:;<)" or at least sections 1 = 2 b) 9epeal of #ederal ;arriage <mendment c) 0nclusi$e >mployment ?on+Discrimination <ct >?D<)

11. -ow will you combat 9epublican efforts to eliminate or se$erely reduce the programs below that are critical to the well being of many !e2as residents? a) 9yan White #unding b) -ousing @rograms c) Drug and ;edical <ssistance d) #ood <ssistance e) Atility <ssistance f) &ommunity De$elopment *lock )rants 12. -ow would you lead or support efforts to update the formula in Section 2 of the Boting 9ights <ct of 15/, so that pre+clearance re.uirements can once again be enforced in regions of the AS< where a pattern of discrimination and $oter disenfranchisement has continued to be shown to disproportionately affect minorities? 1%. -ow will you lead or support legislation like Bermont Senator *ernie SandersC constitutional amendment that declares corporations are not people? 1'. -ow will you lead or support efforts for comprehensi$e immigration reform" especially pertaining to: a) Aniting <merican #amilies <ct A<#<) legislation b) De$elopment" 9elief and >ducation for <lien ;inors <ct D9><;) legislation 1,. What specific ideas do you ha$e and8or what current legislation would you support to impro$e our national economy and address the wealth disparity in our country?

0" DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2712 elections.



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