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Dear Candidate, The 2014 election is one event that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)

community has been aiting !or ith much antici"ation# The $tone all %emocrats o! %allas ($%%) ould li&e to extend you an invitation to intervie !or an endorsement !rom our organi'ation starting Thursday, January 2, 2014. (Note: If you did not receive an ! "ord version of the candidate #uestionnaire, you can re#uest one $y sending the candidate na%e and return e%ai& address to t'c&inton(g%ai&.co%) Because o! the cro ded !ield o! candidates this cycle, $tone all %emocrats o! %allas ill be intervie ing candidates in t o batches ( contested "rimary races and uncontested "rimary races) Contested 'ri%ary races ill intervie !unday, January *th, 2014. +ncontested 'ri%ary races 12th, 2014. Thursday, January 2nd, !aturday, January 4th and !aturday, January 11th and !unday, January

ill intervie

$tone all %emocrats o! %allas is one o! the most active %emocratic organi'ations in %allas *ounty, boasting more than +00 "aid members# ,ver t o do'en members are "recinct chairs, members o! the $tate %emocratic -xecutive *ommittee, and ho also serve as election .udges# $tone all %emocrats o! %allas screens candidates regarding their "ositions on issues that are im"ortant to the LGBT *ommunity# /e have enclosed our 0uestionnaire in this envelo"e or email# The $%% ants to identi!y candidates ho believe in e0uality and !airness# 1!ter our endorsement meetings in early 2anuary , e ill "ublici'e our endorsed candidates to our membershi" and the LGBT community via a media cam"aign hich includes) Newspaper Advertisements, Newsletter Articles, Website Posting, Press Releases, Monthly Voter Registration/Education ooths, !pecial Event Mi"ers #eaturing Endorsed $andidates and %et &ut 'he Vote Rallies( 3n the 2004 5residential election 66 "ercent o! LGBT voters cast ballots !or a %emocratic 5resident# This "ast mayoral election LGBT "recincts in ,a& La n and ,a& *li!! neighborhoods out "er!ormed those in all other %allas neighborhoods# /e have "roven to the "rogressive community that e can bring out the vote and ma&e a di!!erence in the election outcome# This is es"ecially true during close elections such as in 2007 and 2010 hen several .udges on by less than + "ercent margins# $tone all has registered nearly 8,000 voters in the last t o election cycles and has success!ully or&ed to educate the community about the im"ortance o! voting in every election and to vote all the ay do n the ballot# 3! you are interested in see&ing our endorsement, '&ease fi&& out the #uestionnaire and return it "ostmar&ed or via email no &ater than onday, Dece%$er 2,rd# 9ou can return a digital co"y o! a signed, com"leted 0uestionnaire via email to t"clinton:gmail#com or

"olitical:stone alldemocratso!dallas#org , or a "a"er co"y via mail to $tone all %emocrats o! %allas, 5, Box 1;2+08, %allas, T< 6821;# N-T.: /e%e%$er to fi&& out the signature 'ortion at the end of the #uestionnaire. =or digital submissions, e recommend signing a "a"er version o! the 0uestionnaire and scanning that document into a #"d! that you can attach to a return email# )continued*

Candidates 0ho co%'&ete the #uestionnaire and return it $y onday, Dece%$er 2,rd are invited to co%e $efore the .ndorse%ent Co%%ittee starting Thursday, January 2nd, 2014.

The Thursday, 2anuary 2nd, and $aturday, 2anuary 4th, intervie s ill ta&e "lace at The >esource *enter, 2601 >eagan $treet, %allas, T< 6821;# Thursday intervie s ill run !rom 7"m to ;"m# $aturday intervie s ill run !rom ;am to 8"m# The $unday, 2anuary 8th intervie s ill ta&e "lace at $ue -llen?s u"stairs gallery, +014 Throc&morton $treet, %allas, T< 6821;# These $unday intervie s ill run !rom ;am to 8"m# The $aturday, 2anuary 11th, intervie s ill ta&e "lace at The >esource *enter, 2601 >eagan $treet, %allas, T< 6821;# $aturday intervie s ill run !rom ;am to 8"m# The $unday, 2anuary 12th, intervie s ill ta&e "lace at $ue -llen?s u"stairs gallery, +014 Throc&morton $treet, %allas, T< 6821;#These $unday intervie s ill run !rom @oon to 8"m# -ach candidate ill have 10 minutes to s"ea& ith our membershi"# -ach candidateAs time slot ill consist o! u" to 2 minutes o! "resentation by the candidate !ollo ed by u" to 4 minutes o! 0uestions and ans ers# The -ndorsement *ommittee ill vote on all races ith candidates see&ing endorsement by the conclusion o! the endorsement screening intervie s, ith endorsement being determined by a sim"le ma.ority# >uno!! voting !or endorsement is "ossible# 3! a sim"le ma.ority cannot be ultimately obtained !or a "articular race, $%% ill not endorse in that race# The -ndorsement *ommittee ill o!!er a slate o! endorsed candidates !or all races see&ing endorsement to the $tone all %allas board !or cursory revie , and then to the general membershi" at the next general meeting !or !ormal rati!ication# The general meeting ith the rati!ication vote ill be on Tuesday, 2anuary 21 st, 2014# !tone0a&& Da&&as 1ice 2resident Tracy C&inton ill schedule candidate slots throughout this "rocess starting Thursday, %ecember 27th# Be may be reached at 'o&itica&(stone0a&&de%ocratsofda&& or at 214340134,45 (te6t or ca&&)# 5lease contact Tracy as soon as "ossible to discuss scheduling con!licts !or the screening ee&ends# $%% ill @,T be conducting intervie s !or endorsement in contested races outside o! the "reviously indicated dates#

3! you are not able attend in "erson, "lease send a re"resentative# ,ur guidelines re0uire that a candidate must) 1ns er the $tone all %emocrats o! %allas ($%%) 0uestionnaire to the best o! their ability and return it# >e0uest the endorsement by signing the bottom o! the returned $tone all %emocrats o! %allas 0uestionnaire# Be "resent (or have a re"resentative "resent) at the endorsement screening meetings to ans er 0uestions !rom the membershi"# 3! a candidate cannot !ul!ill all three re0uirements, then that candidate the $tone all %emocrats o! %allas# ill not be endorsed by

Than7 you for see7ing 'u$&ic office and 0e &oo7 for0ard to hearing fro% you,

Jay Narey

2resident, !tone0a&& De%ocrats of Da&&as 8ay(stone0a&&de%ocratsofda&&

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