Mask Character Notes 12-18-13

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Name Direction Rotation Rotation Rotation Rotatio 1 2 3 n4 Guide /Host

Notes- Rot. #1

Notes - Rot#2 Alexis - you will rotate with RAY, and therefore will not be in the Amusement park for rotation #2. Your rotation #2 is in the talent show. You, RAY, and GRACE are the first characters to present in the talent show. GRACE will get up and introduce you both as art students of hers. YOU AND RAY WILL NEED TO DESIGN A VIDEO GAME SCENE ON A PIECE OF ROLLED UP CHART PAPER THAT ONE OF YOU CARRIES WITH YOU AND BRINGS INTO THE TALENT SHOW FROM THE EARLIER ROTATIONS. YOU WILL BOTH EXPLAIN THE WORLD YOU ARE CREATING TO THE CROWD. THIS IS YOUR TALENT.

Notes - Rot#3

Notes - Rot#4




Alexis - while in therapy, you get antsy and leave early, excusing yourself to all the other guests. You enter the amusement park where you have prearranged to meet your friend from high school, RAY. When you see him, the two of you think it's funny that your art teacher, GRACE is there on a blind date. You spy on her but keep your distance. You should ride the subway together.

Alexis- Your third rotation is the talent show, meaning YOU STAY IN THIS SPACE for two rotations. For the third rotation, you become a judge, along with GEORGE, who was leading the therapy session. You two know each other from the Wonder Community Center, where you have been before to group therapy. GEORGE will host the audience, you will call each number up to the stage.

Alexis - for your final rotation, you are on the subway. You will dance with an audience member back to the Papp.


Talent Show




Allison - you perform 4th in the talent show. Remember notes from earlier, turn upstage to slide your dress off your shoulder while you shimmy/sway. When LUCY runs to block you, step down off the stage and pelvic thrust to the right, then fast left when she tries to shimmy to cover up. Afterwards, return to the stage and ask LUCA "But I thought you wanted some..." The innocence of your character's face/mixed with this movement is hilarious, When you leave this rotation, stop and reminisce about your late husband John at the wishing tree. Take a moment to linger there, after everone has moved on. Once you are ready to move on, this reminiscing has affected your mood. When you enter the subway station stay at the end of the platform, and sing your song, "Sorry", as you are thinking about him. FRANZ will watch, but from a distance, and you are not paying him attention at this point. Proceed to the subway before the last stop.




Subway, see last note. Get on by last stop, on your way to therapy.

In therapy - you are quite trepidatious, as you are newly on your own. However, you've been in therapy circles many times in your previous home (institution), so you are quite comfortable with them, and see them as a new way to make friends. You would likely clam up when asked anything about John or why you are there. Better to say something indirect, such as that you are sorry, and leave it at that. Audience will already know from the program what you were charged with. When it comes time for FRANZ to share, he will ask you out. You are free to reject or accept his offer, although she may think that it is inappropriate to be hit on in a therapy circle and tell him so.

In the amusement park, you read palms. This is the first job you've had since your release. You take this job very seriously. You believe you have a gift of being able to read people, so this is a natural fit.

Talent Show





In the talent show you are 3rd to perform. Originally, you were going to read an excerpt from your new book you are working on. You should carry a notebook, where you have handwritten notes (perhaps you were writing on the train). However, when you get up in front of the audience, you change your mind. Instead, you will tell them you were GOING to read from your new novel, but you have been followed by MARK all day. Confront him about why he thinks it is his right, simply because he is a man to stare at you uninvited. That he has no idea how hard it is to be a woman in the world, and that his behavior is disrespectful to you, your boyfriend who you love, and any woman who simply wants to go about her business without Once you have left the talent show, you wait for LUCA's text at the wishing tree. When you hear from him, you rush to the amusement park, where you meet him. You tell each other about your day, then ride the last roller coaster ride (the second one n your rotation). He proposes, you say yes. When you get off the ride, you immediately begin to waltz back to the Papp, as the music is cued to begin just as you say yes.

Ana Lucia


Ana Lucia - you are a very open person, as you have already written a memoir detailing your father's substance abuse. Therapy circle would be something that you have been to before and believe in as a way to stay grounded. You may want to share that you are in a healthy relationship with LUCA.

On the subway, be sure to not be on the same car as Luca. When you stop by the wishing tree, you are thinking of him. While on the subway, you may notice that you are being watched by Mark.

Talent Show


Subway (X)



Angela - you are scouting locations for your wedding, and thinking of having a carnival theme. You may want to interview both EARNEST and ELEANOR who work at the park, as potential people to hire for a reception once you return from your Caribbean wedding. You are feeling lighthearted and enjoy your day. In the therapy session, it is your choice if you want to reveal any of your On the subway, you feelings or fears are an observer of about the next step human nature. You you are taking. may look at the old Maybe here you talk men on the train, and about your hopes for wonder if your this relationship, husband will resemble what you would want them as he gets older. to do the same or differently from your character's parent's marriage.




You are a host in the talent show auditions. AUBREY should host the audience and introduce the two of you as colleagues at your law firm. The proceeds from the talent show will fund your firms pro bono work. You will call the numbers of the auditioners.

Talent Show






ANGIE, CLAY and DEBBIE met each other in a face book activist group. Today, you are meeting in a NYC subway station in an effort to uplift the spirits of the subway drivers, see video om/watch?v=i9jIsxQN z0M

Your character has been an observer in many of the scenes. If you feel you would You, CLAY and speak in therapy you You are attending the DEBBIE will all meet can, otherwise, you talent show auditions up in the amusement can set the tone for as moral support to park. See if your trio the audience in this your new friend can engage Frank and scene through your DEBBIE, who will be Betsy (who are observation and reading the working the ice cream focus. PLEASE ASK Desiderata. and palm reading YOUR HOST WHERE respectively) THE PET ADOPTION IS AND AT DEBBIE'S ENCOURAGEMENT, ADOPT A KITTEN.

Talent Show





Anna - Your character has a lot on her mind with the recent passing of her family. However, she is determined to be engaged with the world and survive it all. For this reason, you are more likely than others to interact with audience members, in terms of asking them what stop is coming up, if this is an express train, or does it stop at 28th, etc. You are going to assist your Uncle WILL with his therapy circle, which is keeping both of your grounded. Once at therapy, you and WILL greet each other happily, as family. You may decide to co-host this session with him, helping people with t'ai chi moves as he instructs. If you share in therapy, try not to reveal directly or too on-the-nose what recently happened, as it is still too raw. Rather, talk in more vague terms, focusing on your feelings or specifics such as what it's like when you first wake up and realize this all happened, it's not just a dream.



At the amusement park, you are determined to have a good time. You used to come to this amusement park with your family every year, so you are here in their honor. It is difficult being there alone, but you are determined to do it.

You are co-hosting the talent show with WILL. He should introduce you both to the audience, you will call out the numbers of the auditioners.

Talent Show





AUBREY - You may leave the subway early, as you are a host in the next location. Your character is a bit nervous about running the talent show fundraiser, but you want to get everything right for your company, as work is something that grounds you. You will stop at the wishing tree before entering the talent show space. In the therapy circle, it is up to you how much you want to disclose, although the audience will know that you are: Aubrey, 57, a widower. Works at a law firm. Staying on a friend's couch. Dreams of Ghana. Aubrey is multilayered and subtle. Let the audience try to unravel her.

Aubrey Clockwise


You are co-hosting with ANGELA, whom you will introduce to the audience along with your law firm's name and pro-bono work. Then she will call each auditioner up to the stage by number. You and she will thank each person (but do not offer feedback).

As you are in a transitional stage right now, your character would definitely want to get her palms read and learn what the future holds. You may get up the nerve to ride the roller coaster.

Talent Show





You remember a talent show once at the center. You don't mind performing, as you love to sing. When you get up to sing "A Little Help From my Friends", you don't know CHARLIE is in the audience (and he doesn't know you're there either) As soon as you sing the first verse, he will shout out BERTHA! and you are VERY HAPPY to see him (although he can't hug you because audience members are in the way). Instead you will sing the rest of the song as a duet, asking the audience to join you in a sing-along. I will type out exactly how this should be sung. You are the fifth performer to perform in the talent show.



You somehow got separated from the other inpatients on what was supposed to be a day trip. Your panic should mount as you go from environment to environment in search of CHARLIE, or anyone who looks familiar, but you can't find anyone. The longer you are away from familiarity (or medication), the more panicked you become, however, you do like roller coasters.

You are very familiar with therapy circles and feel right at home there, so much so that you likely will go into the center and fall asleep, as this is a safe place. You may also be very interested in the animals at the pet adoption center, as you are capable of communicating with them.

You've never been on a subway. It may be difficult for you to learn this whole new thing. How the doors work, the seats, the direction, the windows, the voices coming from overhead. You're not sure what this thing is at all. Is it a living room that rocks? Where is the tv or snacks?

Talent Show





You will be the last guide to get your group from the Papp and lead them from the red doors (facing Chestnut) into the subway. You may or Guid may not choose to e, H3 interact with your group at any time (whatever is right for your character). As you exit each scene, please say "time to go" aloud, this can be to yourself Birdy, we have not been able to officially meet, and I have not really observed you yet fully. See me in January for personalized notes and we will make sure you are woven into each scene.



You are the fifth character to perform in the talent show., where you perform nothing. Please stop at the wishing tree on your way to the amusement park and write a word or message on a hanging card.

You will have a book of answers as well as tarot deck to work (Pending Ms. with at the medium's McCloskey's notes on station at the observing this scene) amusement park. You can use them in your readings.

Talent Show


Talent Show









You and BERTHA, somehow got separated from your group at the institution (on an outing). You very much want to find her, as you are worried how she will do out on her own in the big city. Remember notes from before: select a particular melody you are air guitaring to; make sure you wear a covering shirt or tank top under your construction vest; turn in about five circles trying to get it on, and then sit down (whether or not ou are successful). You are the 5th auditioner to perform in the talent show. You will want to leave the subway early so that you can discover/sing your duet with Bertha. Stay on for no more than one stop. When you enter the talent show, do so quietly, you don't see Berth, As a construction You are very at home and she doesn't see worker, Charlie is in therapy circle, as you (yet). When her fascinated with the you and Bertha are number is called to mechanics of things. used to this in your the stage, wait until Make sure you home. This is a place she has sung her first investigate how well to make new friends. line and then call everything is put Bertha likes to sleep out, "BERTHA!?" You together - the chairs, in the center of it, as can not run to her roller coasters, ice do you. because there are cream machine, etc. audience members in the way. Simply sing along with her from your seat and encourage the audience to sing along. I will forward you what this calland-response lyrics should look like.

Talent Show


Charlie Clockwise (CM)




Charlie Clockwise (EM)


Charlie, as you are living in Pittsburgh, and end leading a therapy circle in NYC, it is likely you are here as a visiting art teacher/community advocate. You are checking out the sights and sounds of your neighboring city before returning home.

You would be observing the talent show to see if it is a viable fund-raising event for your own community center back in Pittsburgh.

*Charlie and BETSY should have an interaction, either in the amusement park or in therapy. Ms McC said there was a good confrontation that developed in the therapy circle, if so, then perhaps they would meet there, not in amusement. Therefore, Charlie should instead spend time talking with audience getting a feel for New york, and/or Frank at the the ice cream stand

See notes on amusement park, waiting to hear from Ms. McC's feedback on this scene. You are hosting this scene, so you have the responsibility of managing both characters and audience in this scene. At the end, you should waltz with the appropriate character or audience member.

Talent Show





You would answer questions if prompted, but do not feel compelled to reveal anything. Your school sent you here, and although you're cooperating, you think it's bullsh*t (although you'd be polite enough to Will). It is up to you how you handle LUCIEN, but you probably don't know why a middle-aged man with a bear is staring at you in therapy circle. You are reading the excerpt from "The Desiderata" (you will be the 6th auditioner). You will need to create for yourself what this excerpt means to you. You don't have to memorize it, unless you feel your character would have it memorized. Try to connect with each line, understand and give meaning to each line. Make it your



You, ANGIE, and DEBBIE met each other in a facebook activist group. Today, you are meeting in a NYC subway station in an effot to uplift the spirits of the subway drivers, see video om/watch?v=i9jIsxQN z0M

You, ANGIE and DEBBIE will meet up in the amusement park and enjoy everything there as a trio of new friends.

You are the 2nd auditioner to perform (whatever it is that you do with your lighter). The audience may not respond well; however LUCIEN is VERY SUPPORTIVE, and will clap wildly. By now, you have had a pretty good day with your new friends.

Talent Show






You, ANGIE, and CLAY met each other in a facebook activist group. Today, you are meeting in a NYC subway station in an effot to uplift the spirits of the subway drivers, see video om/watch?v=i9jIsxQN z0M

You see your new friend Angie at the therapy circle. As You, ANGIE and CLAY you are familiar with will meet up in the rescue animals, ask amusement park and your host (Charlie) enjoy everything about the pet there as a trio of new adoption, and, at friends. your encouragement, ANGIE will adopt a kitten.

Talent Show





Eleanor Counter


Eleanor, here you are reading palms/tarot/book of answers, etc. It is up to you to decide if you You are the 2nd can truthfully tell auditioner to perform fortunes, or if you are (your flexibility). conning people. If it is the latter, you must still do so convincingly.

You are taking the subway to your therapy circle. Eleanor is trying to get her life together and build positive things: her job, participating in the talent show, going to group therapy. You are cooperative, but still keep things to yourself.

In therapy, you should reveal/conceal whatever you feel is natural, but let the audience try to figure Eleanor out, do not give all your secrets away.

Talent Show






You are a guide. You will be the third guide to get your group. You will have to decide on your motivation as to who and why the group Guid that you are bringing e, H1 to the amusement park. You will serve ice cream and interact with the guests at the park, a job you do just to socialize and stay active in your retirement.

You are reading the excerpt from "The Desiderata" (you will You saw a flyer for be the 6th pet adoptions and are auditioner). You will at the therapy circle You ride the subway need to create for to inquire about peacefully but may yourself what this those. However, if need to ask help just excerpt means to pushed, Earnest to confirm what you. You don't have might reveal some station is what at each to memorize it, things here and stop. You want to unless you feel your there, but try to play make sure your new character would have your cards closer to kitten is at peace. it memorized. Try to the chest, so that the connect with each audience does not line, understand and have all the answers. give meaning to each line. Make it your own.

Talent Show





You are attending your first therapy circle (begrudgingly). You will need to motivate why you are going, and who talked you into it (perhaps it is a condition to be able to see your son). While on the subway, you are nervous, you don't know exactly where you're going, having never been there. You may need to look on your directions. You have agreed to help a family member who owns the At therapy, although amusement park to very awkward, you man the ice cream would try to stand. It is unlikely participate, for your that this is your usual overall goal of being job, although you may there. Feel free to enjoy the take your time if socialization, despite asked a question. yourself. The truth is, Frank would not allow it has been lonely in himself to be rushed, upstate all by although he may say yourself. If someone very little (and feel is kind to you, you are it's a lot). not opposed to returning their kindness. You must motivate and decide what you are going to contribute to the talent show. You are the first auditioner to perform. It has, no doubt been a long time since Frank has spoken in front of a crowd of people. Maybe he has a hidden talent, or maybe he just wants to share a story. You will know what feels right.



Talent Show






Franz, remember your notes for this section: you are the 2nd person to audition in your talent show. You should not let them know anything other than "I would like to re-enact a scene from my childhood", and then re-enact your scene, as specifically as you did before, using the entire space. Afterwards, leave the stage and take a seat with no further information. When ALLISON performs, you will jump to your feel and shout in encouragement. You decide to follow her to her next location, as she interests you. When she stops at the wishing tree, you should move along to the subway, not wanting to arouse suspicion. Wait on the platform, and watch for her at a distance.




When you get to the therapy circle, which you have come to only to follow ALLISON, DO NOT On the subway share your story platform, watch about the walrus. It ALLISON sing at a is best if you keep distance, telling that story a mystery, others to be quiet if otherwise the joke will they are a nuisance. become overdone. Follow her on the You are watching subway, but again, Allison, and interested keeping your cool. in her. If prompted to Now is not the right share in group, you time to approach, may use this however, you do try opportunity to ask her to impress her with out, not recognizing your comedy routine, that a therapy circle is which you like to try an awkward place for out on the wubway to romance. If she turns get a feel of what you down, feel free to jokes work best. ask another woman out (even from the audience) to save face. Franz would not let it show that he is hurt by rejection.

You should try to coax an audience member on a date to the amusement park. Tell them you have discount tickets and will win them a prize, or some other motivation. You are not bothered by ALLISON when you see her there, as you are trying to romance your new girlfriend (if you are successful).

Talent Show





At the amusement park, you see your old friend JACK. The two of you reminisce about the days when you would all doubledate (your wives knew each other). You very much enjoy each other's company and support each other. You may You are finding some remember an old really nice layers to song you all used to George. Just try to like to dance to. You stick with them, with should leave this his ability to hear and environment early, as listen and make you ned plenty of others comfortable. time to travel to your Feel free to stay on next gig, which you your feet during are hosting. Perhaps therapy circle to keep you and Jack get in a it active. fight, which bothers you terribly as he's a good friend. But maybe he remembers something wrong, and he's convinced that you're wrong. If so, you would storm off and head towards the talent show, where you must hold it together.

George Counter

H1, H3

On the subway, much to your surprise, you see At the talent show, JACK. If you have you are hosting the fought before, this event with Alexis. would be a chance to You will introduce the make up and make two of you and thank amends. You may everyone for coming, talk about dancing as the proceeds will again, as JACK ends help benefit the this scene by offering Wonder Community his hand to Center. Let ALEXIS Madalynne to dance call the numbers of the waltz. You will each auditioner. dance with an audience member back to the Papp.

Talent Show





You are on a blind date with WILL, who you have only seen a picture of from You don't know much about each other, and may or may not like each other, but you are both single now, and trying to rebuild your lives, so you figure you'll give it a chance; however, your backup plan is you are entering your two most talented students: RAY and ALEXIS in a talent show later this Once you leave the talent show, you will linger at the wishing tree for awhile. You will introduce Contemplate your day your students, who and your date and you are proud of, RAY new life you are trying and ALEXIS as the to build. Try to write first auditioners to I have to receive yourself a note of perform at the talent notes from Ms. McC encouragement. You show. You will go up to direct this further. will join the subway with them and then late, where you are step aside and let surprised to see WILL them explain their going in the opposite artwork. direction. You should get off at a different stop to him, on your way to therapy.

Talent Show







Hannah, as you know, you are filming all of the scenes to create a slice-of-life documentary. Here is a video clip to study to give you an idea of they type of in-depth answers you can get if you ask the right questions. You will serve as the eyes and ears of each group you step into, allowing the audience to learn about whatever character you are interviewing. Try to get to everyone,, especially the quieter characters in each scene (and you will be revealed in the way you interact with them). At the end of the production, your film will be the actual documentation of the show. om/watch?v=o0oHlX8 Kmxk

Hannah Clockwise

You will need to ask permission of the host WILL and members of this group if it is okay if they are filmed. Tell them at the very beginning that if they don't want to be filmed, you will just keep the camera on their feet to protect their privacy, as this is a private session.

Try to capture small, subtle gestures on this subway trip. Realize that the audience will take their cue and focus their attention on whatever you focus on. You should interview people while the train is going, just like in the video clip.

Make sure that the host, WILL introduces you that you will be filming the auditions when he introduces himself and co-host.

Talent Show





At the amusement park, you see your old friend GEORGE. You are serving ice cream, as a means to socialize in your retirement. The two of you reminisce about the days when you would all doubledate (your wives knew each other). You very much enjoy each other's company and support each other. You may remember an old song you all used to like to dance to. After catching up, perhaps you and George get in a fight, which bothers you terribly as he's a good friend. But maybe he remembers something wrong, and he's convinced that you're wrong. If he storms off, you can't follow him, as you must man your post at the ice cream stand.



Talent Amuse Therap Subwa H2 Show ment y y

Jack, you are the first to audition in the talent show. Please refer to the previous notes from this scene,a nd be sure to keep in mind Jack's center as your physical characterization of Jack is very strong. It is likely that you are auditioning in a help to raise money for the community center, which you know our friend George works at; and possibly to get over your feeling of loneliness from Ellie's absence.

In therapy, you are bothered by your recent fight with George. The whole thing has made you feel dark and cynical about life. You can reveal or conceal whatever you want, but we should see a marked shift in mood. You will had to pull yourself out of this to complete your character arc.

By the time you get to the subway, you are surprised to see GEORGE. This gives you time to make amends, which you do. At the last of the three sound cues, you will offer your hand to MADALYNNE and beging waltzing with her, after which everyone else will follow.


You are likely at therapy circle (begrudgingly) because you want to change your situation between your parents, and figure that change will only come if you take action. However, you're not too keen on disclosing information about yourself. At a key time, I do want you to stand up, however, do not say "This is bullsh*t", as this reads that you're simply against George, versus the process. Instead, without any further explanation, once your frustration has simply become unbearable, stand on top of a chair and shout "I AM IN PAIN." I want you to repeat this six times. Slowly. We should be able to hear you from almost anywhere in the space. Let everyone simply take this in. When you're done, sit down, and say nothing more. You can leave early or late to go to the subway,

Johnny Clockwise

You are the last (6th) person to audition for the talent show. You are reading the excerpt from "The Desiderata" (you will You are not likely to be the 6th engage with anyone auditioner). You will on the subway unless need to create for they are messing with yourself what this you. However, excerpt means to you. Johnny is under the You don't have to impression he is memorize it, unless being messed with you feel your quite often. character would have it memorized. Try to connect with each line, understand and give meaning to each line. Make it your own.

Your character has gone on full journey, from his pain in the beginning to reading the Desiderata. In this final scene, Johnny should let himself simply have fun, a true release. He has been in pain for a long, long time, and deserves to be a kid again.

Talent Show





Once you enter this environment, text ANA LUCIA, as you are anxious to see her. When she finally arrives, you want every moment leading up to the important one to be perfect. Perhaps you get your fortunes read. You buy her ice cream. You are completely attentive to her. When you and she board the roller coaster (first car), you will SHOUT, "ANA LUCIA WILL YOU MARRY ME?" to be heard anywhere in the space. Her answer "YES" will begin as the roller coaster goes backwards and the music surges. Once you are off the roller coaster, offer your hand and waltz back to the Papp.



H1, H3

You are hosting in the talent show. You will call the numbers of which persons are auditioning, managing the audience as well and the time. You will stay in this environment until you are relieved by the next host. You will stop at the wishing tree and try to text Ana Luci, to no avail.

You have been hired (as a teacher) to lead a community therapy/yoga group. Your gentle and approachable manner Once on the subway, makes you the perfect you do not see ANA person to navigate LUCIA, as you both this group. To open are on separate cars. them up, you will be You may move from the first to share, this environment share your plans to early to get to your propose to Ana Lucia, next spot, as you are on the roller coaster. hosting the therapy Tell them a little session. about her, and how you have know her since you were children. Allow yourself to take stage here.

Talent Show**


Subway (X)



You are very supportive of Clay's You are only at this audition. You will therapy session to make your move You are on your way You are waiting on a size CLAY up, and here (if you haven't to another location call from your bosses determine if/how he already). You are where eyou know Clay about the new recruit. should be hoping to impress will later show up. Once you receive it, approached. You will CLAY with your You choose not to with his description, try your best to not audition on how to follow him at this you will make your reveal anything to fight a worthy time, instead texting move. You will win a anyone who is not opponent (using the back your impression bear here, and important to you, and bear). It will likely before boarding the HANNAH will attempt must remain discreet, be more comic if you train. You may use (unsuccessfully) to despite the fact that use the bear as an the bear to keep interview you. you are holding an opponent, rather others at bay. enormous stuffed than force any animal. violence on the bear (which may look oddly sadistic). You are riding the train to your therapy session. You have been overwhelmed in school and are worried because you are failing your classes and have worked so hard to get into this premed program. The train delays and announcements make you very anxious and pace, unable to sit still in your seat. Once in the therapy session, although you will try to participate, you are a bundle of nerves. You have a lot to take on. When ERNEST goes to get a kitten, you should follow him and make conversation. You know you could never get a kitten (you are already busy enough), but you are touched by the kitten and the old man.



Talent Show




Lucy (RG)


Your spirits have been lifted by meeting Ernest. You decide to treat yourself to an experience you haven't had since you were a child. You allow yourself to just be a kid again, eating ice cream, riding the rides, etc. You may even make conversation with audience who are friendly.

You decide to watch the talent shows as a way to continue taking time for yourself. You are considering maybe, just maybe, switching majors (?) Trying the arts (?) You go to the talent show to see if your appetite for performance is still strong.

Talent Show





You are hosting the talent show. You will be the 1st guide to get your group (as you have the longest to travel from the Papp). Remember your notes from before. Do not give away to the audience that they are auditioning yet, just ask if this is your next group. Graciously Guid thank everyone for e, H1 helping to aussport your father's charitable foundation through these auditions. Then let LUCA take over by calling out contestants numbers. You will jump up to block ALLISON's risqu performance. You will leave after the Desiderata is read, as you are a guide, and must get to the next

Lucy (EP)


Once at the amusement park, you are quite nervous about how your father will receive the news of how you ran the talent show. You are waiting for his phone call the entire time you're there. You pace. You decide not to have ice cream (your diet). You have your future read. You are too nervous to ride the ride (you get in line, but chicken out). Eventually he doesn't call. You get nervous and decide to go to therapy to calm your nerves.

In therapy, you can reveal or conceal as much as you want. Lucy is always aware that her father may have someone watching her, so she speaks ina somewhat guarded way. She may ask people if they know who her father is, just to test their reaction. She acts with dignity and her head held high, no matter what.

At the end of the session, you check your phone, he still hasn't called. From the subway platform, you panic and call him. You leave a message, saying that you tried your best and you hope it was good enough. You have to ride the train now, but you will see him soon. You get on the train, and try to keep your chin up.

Talent Show





You are reading the excerpt from "The Desiderata" (you will be the 6th auditioner). You will need to create for yourself what this excerpt means to you. You don't have to memorize it, unless you feel your character would have it memorized. Try to connect with each line, understand and give meaning to each line. Make it your Madalynne is taking a day for herself, trying new things. Every place she goes today is somewhere she has never been. It is a day for adventure! She is not afraid to spend time with herself, and considers each new adventure something she may write about. She is a people-watcher and takes this time to really soak people in. On the train she sees JACK and GEORGE, who she may or may not remember from the amusement park. She likely finds these sweet old men charming. At the end of the tried, when the train stalls, JACK will offer his hand to her to waltz, and they will initiate the dance out of the space and back to the Papp.

Madaly Clockwise n

In therapy, Madalynne is willing to share, although she is very discreet and dignified, and not likely to cause any scene. Again, she considers this a great space to study other characters, all whom may appear in future novels.

Talent Show





You have no idea where ANA LUCIA is going, but you're game to go into the You will be the second talent show to follow guide to to get your her. If she stops by group to join the the wishing tree, you therapy circle, already After therapy you hang back, as you are in session. You have check your cell to see relatively smooth. likely been asked by if Ashley has called. You are pleased when GEORGE to bring the She hasn't. This she is called to stage, Guid next group in, but you angers you, so you as you wouldn't mind e are more concerned follow Ana Lucia seeing her put on a with getting this thing instead. Who knows, little show. You are over with so that you maybe this could be a not expecting what and Ashley can try to fun little dalliance, she says at all. When talk things through. nothing serious. she calls you out, as You can't help but hard as it is, you notice ANA LUCIA, decide to take it. The who's pretty cute. truth is, you want Ashley back, and if that means you have to change, you are willing to change.



After the talent show, stop by the wishing tree and make a wish for yourself. Your character has made a pretty big character arc from the beginning to now. Take yourself out and enjoy your time at the amusement park. Although the confrontation with Ana Lucia was embarrassing, you feel like a new man, and are ready!

Talent Show





You have a part-time job at the amusement park telling fortunes while you are hoping You are at the to apprentice at a community center to fashion house. adopt a kitten. At the Truthfully, you have a right time, ask the good intuitive sense host, george where and can read people, the pet adoption is although you're not and pick out just the sure if that makes right one. you psychic or not. You have to bring "Whiskers" to work, as you don't have time to stop home.

Marlena Counter


Your favorite place to people-watch is the You saw a flyer at the subway. You will community center for take out your the talent show and sketchbook and draw thought you might a shoe here - a hat check it out. You're there, anything that always keen to peoplecatches your fancy. watch to get new Marlena is always inspiration for observant and sketches. actively engaged with the world.

Talent Show






Max will have his headphones in and be bopping his head silently on the subway, practicing for his beatbox audition. At this point, it should NOT BE CLEAR that he is a beatboxer, just a lover of music.

At the talent show, Max is the 3rd to perform. He very quickly (he's an expert) sets up his rig, which is simply a keyboard and mic (ala the video) and performs ** you will lip-synch to the youtube clip, we'll have it rigged, I will get you a keyboard.

You will have to motivate what Max's Max is the same age reasons are for trying as CLAY, ANGIE and therapy. He's a DEBBIE, who all met pretty easy-going on a facebook activist guy, but perhaps group and are at the he's just feeling a amusement park. It's lack of motivation, possible that he and wants to get knows one of them more focused, or to and pals around with learn t'ai chi. Either them, after all, he's way, his balanced not opposed to nature should temper meeting new girls. the more high-strung characters.

Talent Show





You are at the amusement park to meet ALEXIS, as the two of you are entering a talent show with your co-design of a video-game space. You think it is hilarious to discover that your art teacher GRACE is here on a first date. You spy on her, but you and ALEXIS keep your distance too, as who wants to see their teacher in the throes of romance?



At the talent show, you and ALEXIS are introduced by GRACE, and you then proceed to explain our great, amazing video game world in your adorkable way.

That was cool, it is likely you will win the talent show. You stop by the wishing tree. You enjoy the subway ride and enjoy people watching. What is up with the guy with the bear?

You must motivate why Ray would go to therapy. He is a pretty easy-going guy, like MAX (maybe they're friends)? And thought it would be fun to try? In any event, here you are.

Talent Show




Suzann Counter e

She decides to try something even more Suzanne starts at radical than therapy. therapy. She is having Maybe what she a hard time adjusting needs is just a little to the city, as she has fun? She has her not found secured fortune told, and employment and is forces herself to try worried she can not to be spontaneous, sustain herself with even introducing temporary gigs. herself to new Therapy is her first people. She tells step to try to meet them she is an editor new people and get and hopes to work in grounded. publishing - maybe this is a good place to network.

She rides the subway home. It has been a She is still trying to long day. Before the push herself to try subway, she stops at new things, but is the wishing tree. She very surprised to be has been so focused called to audition. onher career all day, You will have to that she has not decide, on-the-fly thought about her what to do, as desire to meet Suzanne did not someone, a partner. prepare for this, and But now that night is is the first to audition. falling, she thinks about this on her commute home.

Talent Show





Thomas is the 5th person to audition. You can read the Thomas rides the lyrics off the page or subway and prepares memorize them. This himself for the is a well-known song, upcoming talent and despite its lyrics show. He decides to is known for its go for it, as it is imagery (is not totally out of religious). It is a character, and he beloved song and wants to shake things should be sung up a bit. accapella. It is perfectly fine if Thomas is shy and new to singing.

Thomas Clockwise

Thomas is at the therapy session as a first step in trying to come out and make new friends who are supportive.

Thomas is somewhat proud of himself after the talent show. He decides to treat himself to a simple, fun day at the amusement park. After passing the wishing tree, he treats himself to an ice cream and roller coaster ride.

Talent Show







WILL is surprised to see GRACE again on He has agreed to the train. They meet his niece at the exchange community center pleasantries, it's up to WILL meets GRACE and co-host the t'ai you if you want to ask for a blind date from chi/therapy her on a second date. He's not session.His life has You should leave the sure what to think of gotten a little out of subway early as you her, but he's willing to control with the nail need to get to the give it a shot, as he polish, and she just next environment knows his life has to lost his her parents early as a host. You move on. (his former sister-in- will stop by the law), so he's here to wishing tree and think help about your wife. You're still not over her.

In the talent show, you host and introduce yourself and your niece. ANNA will call constestants to the stage according to their number.

Talent Show





* leaves early, goes to next environ ment ** stays late (X) must avoid other mask

Amusement #1 Amusement #2
Angela Alexis* Bertha Birdy Ernest (ice cream)Charlie (CM) Eleanor (palms) George Grace Jack (ice cream) Hannah Lucy (EP) Lucien Madalynne Ray Marlena (palms) Will Suzanne Notes: Hannah will be filming. Lucien will win a bear and receive a phone call from his boss. Will and Grace will meet on a blind date. Ray will meet his friend Alexis and prepare for the talent show. Grace is their teacher.

Amusement #3
Angie Anna Aubrey Charlie (EM) Betsy (palms) Clay Debbie Frank (ice cream) Lucy (RG) Max

Amusement #4
Allison (palms) Ana Lucia Franz (ice cream) Johhny Luca Mark Thomas

Notes: Jack and George are old friends and talk at the ice cream stand. Jack confides to George how much he misses Ellie. They sing "A Kiss is Still a Kiss"

Notes: Ana Lucia and Luca will meet up for the first time on their day's journey in this environment. He has something to tell her, which he will do on the 3rd roller coaster ride before it starts going backards.

Subway #1
Angie Anna Aubrey Betsy Charlie (EM) Clay Debbie Frank Lucy (RG) Max

Subway #2
Ana Lucia Johhny Mark Thomas Allison Franz Luca

Subway #3
Angela Bertha Ernest Eleanor Grace Hannah Lucien Ray Will

Subway #4
Alexis Birdy Charlie* (CM) George Jack Lucy (EP) Madalynne Marlena Suzanne


Talent Show #1 Talent Show #2 Talent Show #3 Talent Show #4

Allison Charlie (CM) Franz Jack Luca Lucy (EP) Madalynne Alexis Angela Angie Aubrey Betsy Charlie (EM) Debbie Eleanor Grace Max Ray Alexis Ana Lucia Birdy George Johhny Mark Marlena Suzanne Thomas Anna Bertha Charlie (CM) Clay Ernest Frank Hannah Lucien Lucy Will

Notes: Luca and Lucy are hosting. Proceeds go to Lucy's father's charity. Everyone will perform in this order (1) Jack, (2) Franz (3) audience (4) Allison (5) Charlie (6) Madalynne Desiderata

Notes: Angela and Aubrey are hosting. They are co-workers at a law firm, proceeds to benefit their pro bono work. The following will perform: (1) Grace, Ray and Alexis (painting), (2) Eleanor (flexibility), (3) Max (beatbox), (4) audience, (5) Betsy (nothing), (6) Debbie - Desiderata

Notes: Anna and Will are hosting. Anna is Notes: Alexis and Will's niece. They are George are hosting to raising money to raise money for the purchase a car for a Wonder Community family in need. The Center. The following following are are performing: (1) performing: (1) Suzanne (2) Birdy (3) Frank, (2) Clay - his Ana Lucia lighter (3) Lucien - self(confrontation with defense with the bear Mark) (4) audience (4) audience (5) (5) Thomas Bertha/Charlie duet (Hallelujah) (6) (6) Ernest Johhny - Desiderata Desiderata

Therapy #1
Alexis Ana Lucia Birdy George Johnny Marlena Mark Suzanne Thomas

Therapy #2
Anna Bertha Clay Ernest Frank Hannah** Lucien ** Lucy(RG) Will

Therapy #3
Allison Charlie (CM) Franz Jack Luca Lucy (EP) Madalynne

Therapy #4
Angie Angela Aubrey Betsy Charlie (EM) Debbie Eleanor Grace Max Ray

Notes: Led by Will, who will introduce Anna as his niece. Ernest gets a kitten

Notes: Led by George, Marlena gets a kitten

Notes: Led by Luca. Jack gets a kitten

Notes: Led by Charlie. Betsy gets a kitten

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