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Diagnostic Test: Name: 1.- Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets.

Use Present Simple (I study) or Continuous ( I am studying). a) Daniel . (not browse) the web right now. He .. (read) a magazine now. b) What you .. (think) about the French teacher? c) Elsa and Tom never (chat) on Mondays and Thursdays. d)Abraham (want) to play tennis this afternoon with his friend Patrick. 2.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of past for of THERE IS/ARE a) .. a long queue at the bank an hour ago, but there arent any people now. b) . some butter in the fridge this morning. Who ate it? c) .. many children at the park because its Sunday morning. d) . a big box on my desk. I think its a present from my classmates. 3. Write questions with "do" and "does": Example: Children like sweets. Do children like sweets? 1. Babies drink a lot of milk.____________________________ ? 2. My friend often helps me. ____________________________? 3. The girls take dancing lessons. ____________________________? 4. The stars shine every night. ____________________________? 4.- Write questions with the words below. Use Past Simple tense Example: How/Maria/clean/her room/?: How did Maria clean her room? a) How/Columbus/travel/ to the New World/? b) How long /Alice/ spend/ in Canada/? c) Why/ your grandfather/ go/ the supermarket/yesterday/? 5.- Complete the sentences with the Comparative (high= higher) or Superlative (high = highest) form of the adjectives in brackets. a) Water is . (healthy) than Coke. b) Surfing is . (dangerous) than walking. 6. Type the correct form of the verb in each blank below, use Past Simple Tense c) The Great Pyramid of Giza is . (famous) pyramid. d) Eating vegetables is .. (good) than eating fast food.

Diagnostic Test: Name: 6. Type the correct form of the verb in each blank below, use Past Simple Tense Example: a)(go) Yesterday I went to the movies. b) (make) 2. My sister _________ a birthday cake for me last week. c) (ride) 3. Steve _________ his bicycle to school yesterday. d) (drive) 4. My friends _________ to Los Angeles two weeks ago. e) (take) 5. Elizabeth _________ some flowers to her mother last Saturday. f) (break) 6. Kevin _________ his leg while he was playing football. g) (have) 7. Last week my aunt _________ a baby. h) (do) 8. When we cleaned the yard, we _________ a lot of work. i) (drink) 9. The child _________ some milk last night. j) (buy) 10. My teacher _________ some new books last month. 7. Complete with one of the following: What - When - Where - Why - Who - How: . 1) ................ are my keys? 2) ................ is the problem? 3) ................ is your favourite singer? 4) ................ is your birthday? 5) ................ old are you? I'm ten years old. 6) ................ is your telephone number? 7) ................ are you from? 8) ................ is your best friend? 9) ................ is your e-mail? 10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks. 12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad. 13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez. 8. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. Example:It stopped raining for a while, but now it is raining again (it/stop) 1. The town where I live is very different now. _____________ a lot. (it I change) 2. I studied German at schoo l , but ____________________ most of it now. (I I forget) 3. The police _________________ three people, but later they let them go. (arrest) 4. What do you think of my English? Do you think ____________? (it I improve) 9. Fill in all the gaps with "can" or "could". Example: I ____ ______ buy a car last year (buy): I couldnt buy a car last year. 1. Bob ______ ________ , but he doesn't have a car. (drive) 2. When she was in school she _____ _________farther than anyone else. (jump) 3. I ______ ________ Bill. (not / understand) 4. He ______ ________ football well when he was a kid. (play) 5. I ______ ________ this exercise yesterday. (not / do)

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