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Department of Community Safety

Queensland Corrective Services

Reintegration Suppor t Model

FACT sheet

Who are the ORSS providers?
ORSS is funded by Queensland Corrective Services. ORSS providers are contracted non-government organisations experienced in delivering effective services to offenders. ORSS providers make linkages to government and non-government organisations who can provide long-term support to released offenders.

>> Information for staff and stakeholders

What is ORSS?
The Offender Reintegration Support Service (ORSS) is a key component of the Queensland Corrective Services Reintegration Support Model. ORSS aims to link eligible offenders with the help they need to get out and stay out. Following release from custody, offenders face a range of challenges when resettling into the community. Research confirms that assisting prisoners to resolve these issues can reduce the risk of reoffending (recidivism) and enhance their chances of successful reintegration.

Offender Reintegration Support Service

How is the service delivered?

Following a referral from a correctional centres Transitions Coordinator, the ORSS worker will meet with the offender in custody up to nine months before release. The ORSS providers act as a brokerage service, linking offenders to longer-term support networks across a range of areas such as housing, education and employment, alcohol and drug addiction management, health, financial counselling and family support. Some of the work ORSS can undertake includes:-

Key features of ORSS

ORSS operates on a throughcare model, offering continuity of support from custody into the community, including the critical transition period at the point of release from custody. ORSS operates on a strengths-based, empowerment model. It aims to provide offenders with the support they need to live independently in the community and pursue a crime-free life. ORSS operates on an offender-centred and needs basis. It involves a collaborative approach between the offender, the correctional centres Transitions Coordinator, the ORSS worker and the Probation and Parole Officer (if applicable), who work together to assist the offender to achieve their resettlement goals. ORSS is based on best-practice international research and targets dynamic risk factors associated with resettlement issues. These include accessing secure and stable housing, managing addiction, readjusting to family and parenting relationships, addressing health issues and managing money.

day of release support, assistance to attend initial Probation and Parole appointments, support to apply for Centrelink benefits, helping to find appropriate accommodation options accessing a range of services in the community.
ORSS can provide support to offenders to address their identified reintegration needs and goals for up to six months post release.


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>> Information for staff and stakeholders (continued)

How is ORSS accessed?
Offenders must first participate in either the Transitions Program or Transitional Support Services. Once this is complete the Transitions Coordinator will identify offenders eligible to access ORSS and will refer them to the ORSS worker. Priority is given to offenders who have significant reintegration needs (including being homeless or at risk of homelessness on release) and/or are assessed as being at a high risk of reoffending. Referral to ORSS can only occur through the Transitions Coordinator.

North Queensland

Lotus Glen Townsville Capricornia Maryborough Woodford Brisbane Brisbane Womens Darling Downs Helana Jones Numinbah Palen Creek Southern Queensland Wolston

Service Provider
Career Employment Australia Anglicare Queensland Mission Australia

Phone Contact
4051 0714 4723 9055 4922 2766 0417 024 993

Central Queensland Wide Bay/Sunshine Coast

South East Queensland/ Gold Coast

Mission Australia

0417 024 993

Department of Community Safety

Queensland Corrective Services

Offender Support Model

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