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Department of Community Safety

Queensland Corrective Services

Reintegration Suppor t Model

FACT sheet

the need for realistic expectations, planning, and identification of personal goals regarding release; normalising fears and anxieties about release; facilitating an understanding of available services in the community; and assisting where possible to link participants to direct access to support services.
The Transitions Program comprises core (compulsory) and elective modules (participation based on identified needs). An individualised Reintegration Needs Assessment guides attendance at elective modules to address specific needs and reintegration issues. These modules are:

>> Information for staff and stakeholders

What is the Transitions Program
International research identifies that prisoners generally face a range of barriers to successful reintegration following release from custody. The immediate postrelease period has been identified as a high-risk period for recidivism, homelessness, drug overdose and suicide. For many offenders, a return to crime becomes the quick fix solution to obstacles and difficulties, particularly in relation to establishing safe and affordable accommodation, living independently and being financially responsible for themselves and dependents. The Transitions Program is one element of the Queensland Corrective Services Reintegration Support Model providing transitional support and assistance to offenders according to their level of need and/or risk. The Transitions Program targets offenders assessed as having a higher risk of reoffending and/or significant reintegration needs. The program aims to support offenders to plan for a smooth reintegration to the community to address their practical resettlement needs therefore reducing the risk of reoffending and improving their quality of life.

Transitions Program

What are the key features of the Transitions Program?

The core modules of the program focus on issues such as:

Money Matters (managing your finances and budgeting) Centrelink/Child Support Agency/Medicare and Getting ID Reconnecting Relationships Education, training and employment Housing Breaking Habits (dealing with addictions) Probation and Parole Healthy Bodies (physical health) Healthy Minds (mental health) Positive Parenting
The elective modules are co-facilitated by community based agencies and government departments who can share specialist knowledge and expertise in relevant reintegration areas. Access to these organisations in the program helps participants to establish linkages integral to successful reintegration.

enhancing individual self-esteem, motivation and commitment to change; identifying participants existing personal strengths; supports and skills that can aid the process of resettlement;


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>> Information for staff and stakeholders (continued)

The diverse needs of Indigenous and female offenders are specifically addressed in the program through facilitator notes, suggested learning activities and program delivery resources. Participants develop an individualised Reintegration Plan detailing self-identified goals and actions to support successful community resettlement.

What about other offenders?

The Transitional Support Service is available for offenders that do not meet the above criteria. See the Transitional Support Service factsheet for more information.

How long is the Transitions Program?

The Transitions Program will typically run over a six week period. The Transitions Program is made up of five, two hour core modules. An additional ten elective modules (minimum two hours duration each) are available to participants based on their reintegration needs. Each week a two hour support session is provided for participants as an opportunity to consolidate program gains and seek individual assistance in developing their personal Reintegration Plan.

Where is the Transitions Program delivered?

The Transitions Program is available at Queensland Corrective Services correctional centres.

Who should do the Transitions Program?

Offenders will be considered eligible for participation in the Transitions Program if they meet the following criteria:

They are a sentenced offender, eligible for board ordered parole, have a court ordered parole date, or are due for full-time release within no more than nine (9) months; and Have been assessed as 16 or over on the Risk of Reoffending (RoR) tool; and/or Have a sexual offence in their current episode; and/or Are classified as a Serious Violent Offender; and/or Have significant reintegration needs (for example self reporting that they will be homeless upon release, have limited or nil community supports, have experienced repeat periods of incarceration, have served a significant term of imprisonment and/or have identified cultural or gender needs relating to reintegration). And: They are willing and able to undertake the program.
Note: Participants will be eligible for either participation in the full Transitions Program or access to the Transitional Support Service. They will not be eligible for both.

Department of Community Safety

Queensland Corrective Services

Re in te g r a t i o n S u p p o r t M o d e l

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