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Department of Community Safety

Queensland Corrective Services

Reintegration Suppor t Model

FACT sheet

Offenders for the Transitional Support Service are those not eligible or who have insufficient time to do the Transitions Program, including short sentenced offenders. Offenders are eligible to access the Transitional Support Service if they meet all the following criteria:

>> Information for staff and stakeholders

What is the Transitional Support Service?
The Transitional Support Service is one element of the Queensland Corrective Services Reintegration Support Model. It is an individualised Reintegration Needs Assessment focusing on the provision of appropriate referral/s or support information to assist in the offenders successful community reintegration. The nature of the referral/s and information provided will depend on the individual offenders level of resettlement need and available community resources. Wherever possible, offenders are linked to available services such as Centrelink and Advance2Work and provided with further contact information of useful support agencies they may choose to contact upon release.

Transitional Support Service

They are a sentenced offender, eligible for board ordered parole, have a court ordered parole date, or are due for full-time release within no more than nine (9) months. Have a Risk of Reoffending (RoR) score of below 16. They are willing and able to participate in the service.
Note: Access to elective modules delivered as part of the Transitions Program may be available to participants within the Transitional Support Service. Attendance will depend on factors such as release or parole date, the scheduled Program delivery dates and available spaces in the modules.

What are the key features of the Transitional Support Service?

One-on-one assessment with a Transitions Coordinator Documentation of the offenders reintegration plan Information and/or referral to appropriate reintegration support services Access to Transitions Coordinator support

What about other offenders?

The Transitions Program is available for offenders that do not meet the above criteria. See the Transitions Program factsheet for more information.

Who is eligible for the Transitional Support Service?

Offenders participating in the Transitional Support Service typically have lower levels of risk of reoffending and/or have lower reintegration support needs.

Where will the Transitional Support Service be accessible?

The Transitional Support Service is available at Queensland Corrective Services correctional centres through Transitions Coordinators.


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